l9. Yong. Street N., Richmond Hill “lawnsit'i'warfliï¬ BINGO I Yonge & Bgnson A good supply of Blue Coal on hand - - The best hard coal - BLUE COAL The best coal for your money. ‘ â€" CLEAN -â€" Long lasting â€" Low in ash - More Heat â€" Money Saving 189 CENTRE ST. E. 0f the 7 -piece Dinette Suite, drawn for at our showrooms, Sat, September 26 PHONE TU. 4 . I313 I. D. RAMERaSON Powell Furniture by Mr. J. K. Clarke, Manager, Canadian Bank of Commerce, is â€" MR. ALBERT ORR, 226 Lawrence Ave., Richmond Hill CONGRATULATIONS! ORDER THIS MONTH BEFORE PRICE RAISE TO THE PUBLIC THE lUCKY WINNER is pleased to announce TU. 4-0009 =SHIRT Siam Finalists Other girls who reached the fin- als were Barbara Wood, Ann Watts, Lynda Manuel, Joan Weeks, Crystal Bowyer, Evelyn Gordon, Geraldine Bush, Ann Hodgson, Judy Richardsgn, Mar- tha Stretteberg, Penelope Marin- as, Mary Angus, Veronica Watts, (Continued from page 1) the space on which the shopping centre now stands; her son John; Mr. Whittaker and Douglas Miller Jr. Douglas is a contractor and his company have built the shop- ping centre. Further expansion is planned for the future. Very Difficult Choice It had been planned to reduce the number of contestants to 12 originally and this was made pub- lic when the contest was announ- ced. The judges found it so diffi- cult to accomplish this with such an array of Richmond Hill beauty before them during the prelimin- aries that they finally let 20 girls through to the finals in the hope that the applause of the crowds who attended for the finals might assist them to reach a decision. The judges said afterwards that they hated making any selection at all because all the girls were lovely. And it was a very close thing indeed.___ Allencourt Beauty Contest PHIL. BART! RICHMOND HILL Richmond Hill I‘ {Mfllflï¬lliiiï¬ï¬‚ ‘I’Urnor 4-44" The 'Jewish New Year is ob- served solemnly with prayer, wor- ship and sacred assembly, with turning to God and humbly be- seeching Divine guidance for the year to come. You know, on January 1, people say “Happy New Year," but on Rosh Hashana, Jews say, “L’shona tova" â€" May you be inscribed. in the Book of Life for a good year.†There is an interesting story he- hind'this traditional greeting. The word ‘inscribe' refers to an ancient belief that all our deeds, all our thoughts, all our mistakes, are written down one by one in a great Book of Life; and each year on Rosh Hashana, so the story goes, the Almighty opens this Book of Life and examines the record. He goes over each page, each life, and determines who shall live and who shall die, who shall prosper and who shall suï¬er. CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY Richmond Kill & District Unit Foe Information all Binhmond Hill TU. #122. TU. 4-3463 AV. 5-4825 Thomhlll AV. 5-1603 AV. 5-1743 Maple 247W AV. 5-2‘0‘ Unionva 239 Shelton-Mansel Motors have of- fered to chauffeur and supply a latest model open sports car for a drive round her “kingdom†by the ‘queen and her attendants. Full idetails and the time and route to be followed-appear elsewhere ‘in this issue of “The Liberal." The drive will take place tomor- row, Friday, October 2nd. Town "Grown Up†‘ Following the contest, the ‘queen and her attendants were received by the members of the estate and friends in the Allen- court Estate Offices adjoining the Medical Centre. During these meetings Councillor Haggart re- marked, "After this beauty con- 1test we can consider that Rich- }mond Hill has grown up.†Reeve Perkins agreed and said "Yes, it certainly is something of a mile- stone in the towns progress.†Bar- rister John Rundle added, “I hope that it is, merely the beginning of a great and expanded future for Richmond Hill." Dr. Bernarde who was in attendance throughout the preliminaries and finals of the contest, added that it “had been great fun and hoped the queen would enjoy her year of office.†Members of the estate were ob- viously very happy at the consid- erable success of the contest. At the finals the master of ceremon- ies was Jack Buchanan who is in- stalling on the shopping centre the Seeburg background Music System, Poise 8: Deportment Most people were surpised at the efficient manner in which all the girls presented themselves on the stage during the finals. The secret lies in the training they received from Mrs. Bernice Gib- son, who lives on Demaine Cres- cent. Mrs. Gibson moved to Rich- mond Hill from Vancouver two years ago and is a member of St. Matthews Church. She is moving this week to a new house in Fes- serton Road. Said Mrs. Gibson when she was congratulated on her excellent job of training the girls to present themselves with poise and confidence. “I love it.†Free Square Dance I. G. A. provided an orchestra to~the music of which, square dancing, free of charge. followed the beauty contest and.continued until midnight. ‘ There is no doubt that the con- test cre'ated wide interest and considerable excitement during the finals. Crowds gathered to watch and extra police were re- quired to be on duty on the shop- ping centre to keep crowds back from the judges' table and the .stage which the estate erected for the occasion. Shirley Fournier, Brenda Reid, Diana McCarthy and Betty Over- ton. all of whom were presented with consolation prizes, by IGA. Jewish New Year Richmond Hill's young citizens will be given the opportunity to compete for [our new bicycles, which will be offered as prizes in the Allencourt Bicycle Road-E-O, to be held at the Allencourt Plaza on Sunday, October 18th, at 10.00 am. Two of the bicycles to be given away have been donatedby the Allencourt I. G. A., and two have been presented by local ser- vice clubs. " A special meeting has been held under the direction of Con- stable D. Young, and in atten- dance were representatives of the Richmond Hill Safety Council re- cently formed under the sponsor- ship of the Richmond Hill Jay- cees. The Bicycle Road-E-O will be conducted by the Richmond Hill Police Department, with the assistance of several members of local service clubs. The chief aims of this competi- tion are to teach our youngsters the importance of traffic safety, and to instill in them the im- portant part that correct bicycle driving contributes to this end. Further details regarding entry rules will be published in “The Liberal.†Calli'ng the increased assess- ment “premature†Mr. Stevens contended if the new C. N. R. line goes through Doncaster all the land in the south-west corner of the township will have to be re- assessed. “The assessor can only act on the present, he can’t an- ticipate the future,†interjected Reeve Clark. “Somebody must have directed Mr. Fleming to raise assessments as much as 50%," maintained Mr. Stevens. “I have never issued any instruc- tions to the assessor,†stated Reeve Clark, “and to my know-‘ ledge nor has any other member of council.†“You are going to tax the people out of Doncaster,†retorted Mr. Stevens. There are approximately 350 homes in Don- ca'ster and Mr. Stevens said some people’s taxes have jumped to $250. on a 50 foot lot plus the cost of water and in some cases Prizes Allencourt Bicycle Road-E40 In reply to further questioning Reeve Clark stressed that the provincial assessment act clearly states that council has no jurisdic- tion over the assessor. “If any person is not satisfied with their assessment then they have every right to appeal to the court of re- vision which is a fair independent body. If they are still dissatisfied they can then appeal to a county court judge," remarked Reeve Clark. Deputy-reeve W. Dean reported that the “assessor is concentrating on vacant lots and homes. Few farms have been increased.†"We finished last year with a surplus and I can't see any reason for .increaslng the assessment on 'home owners," contended Mr.. Dean. Citing the case of his own one acre property on Yonge Street in Thornhill, Mr..Dean said the assessment has jumped from $2,000 in 1947 to $8.000 this year. Councillor J. MacNeil - “With last year's surplus I can't see any reason for increasing assessment at this time." Ward III Coun- cillor S. Watson stated. “the ass- essment on my farm, house and son’s house were all raised. The assessment on my son’s brick house has been raised $350. and yet there have been no improve- ments.†“Who employs the assessor?" queried Mr. Picton. “the township does,†replied Mr. Clark. In a urther explanation Mr. Clark said if it can be proven an assessment is not ï¬alr a council can remove the assessor and make a new ap- pointmen-t. lie-Assessment Premature Recent increases in Doncaster assessments brought forth a protest at Monday’s meeting of Markham Township Council. A two member delegation, composed of Messrs. A. E. Picton and A. Stevens waited on the members to query recent increases. Mr. Picton stated his own assess- ment after remaining static for four years had jumped 18 per cent. “Is the increase general throughout the town- ship or just in Doncaster?†asked Mr. Picton‘. In stressing that council has no direct authority over the assessor, Reeve W. L. Clark stated he understood Assessment Com- missioner A- Fleming “had raised land values all over the townshipâ€. “Some lots in Doncaster that were previously assessed at $400 to $500 are now selling for $3,000," stated Reeve Clark. Fillished Year With Surplus Protest Increase In_ Doncaster Assestments Reeve Perry had told Mr. Plunkett two weeks ago that following receipt of a peti- tion to this effect, he would see what action could be tak- en. On Monday night, as the reeve received the names from Mr. Plunkett, he quip- ped, “You. could have called the drugstore direct", the nearest drug store being in Maple apparently. However, Mr. Plunkett smilineg said, "but we could not have call- ed the lumber company dir- ect." Mr. J. B. Plunkett of R. R. 2, Woodbridge, appeared be- fore Vaughan Council last Monday evening with a peti- tion signed by ten fémilies in the Woodbridge area, who do not wish to go on the new Maple dial exchange when the changeover comes on No- vember 1 of this year. Don’t Want New Phone Line ‘iï¬'dï¬'IJï¬ZZL $5.13? $2 75 12 Numbers Called ALL GAMES $10.00 Council is awaiting a full break- down of the current road budget to date. Treasurer Harry Crisp hopes to have a statement ready by next week's meeting. There is some question if either the paving of 8th Avenue and the proposed extension of Henderson Ave. and Elgin St. are included in the by- law from the Department of High- ways. “Taxes are going up because you people in Doncaster got a lot of new improvements,†con- tended Councillor Watson. On suggestion of Councillor MacNeil the assessor will be asked to clarify the matter and let coun- cil know on what classes of pro- perty assessments have been in- creased and also the percentage of increase. Mr. Stevens forecast tk at the Doncaster Ratepayers As- sociation may shortly sponsor a protest meeting against the in- creased assessments. Road Budget Breakdown â€" Council has referred a request from the Thomhill Village Trus- tees that the township charge part of the vlilage improvements to El- gin Street to Water Area No. 1 to the road committee for study. In a letter tabled Monday the trustees referred to the money s ent in 1957 in the widening and mprov- lng of the road. They also sug- gested council do any widening of street necessary for the in- stallation of water along the south side. Solicitor B. Ralph has informed council that the St. George'De- velopment Ltd. plan to appeal to the Ontario Court Appeals the re- cent ruling of the Ontario Muni- cipal Board. The board granted Markham permission to extend its water system up Bayview Avenue to the railway tracks. ‘ a new road WILL A THIRD WORLD WAR DESTROY OUR CIVILIZATION. 24 YONGE STREET S. GOMING SOON! * Free Roses For The Ladies * Free Balloons for the Kiddies FLU) . . WORTHWHILE SAVINGS ON MANY, MANY SALES SPECIALS---PRICED‘ ESPECIALLY LOW TO CELEBRATE OUR GRAND OPENING. PLAN NOW TO VISIT US ON OCTOBER ' s, 9, or 10 AND SAVE! RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE 5215 STARTING TIME-8 P.M. mum 53 NUMBERS CALLED GRAND OPENING RICHMOND HILL Film and Music 7.30 pm. HEAR LAW'I'ON lOWE SUNDAY OCTOBER 4- 7.30 pm. LIONS HALL Toilet Tissue Colored 2 Roll pack Tender Leaf Tea Bags pkg.60’s Tomato Catsup 2|502.btt|s TOMATO OR VEGETABLE â€" SAVE 5c Aylmer Soups 4 10 oz. tins Aylmer Jam Save 9c 2 24oz.lars Tuna Save Ilc 2 7 oz. tins GAINT SIZE TIN Maple Leaf Detergent Save 14: STRAWBERRY 0R RASPBERRY AYLMER â€" SAVE 6c “FREE TEA CUP ATTACHED†BALLET â€" SAVE 4c 29 Yonge St. 5., RICHMOND HILL DR. BALLARD’S â€" Regular, chicken and Liver Dog Food Save 5c 4 IS oz. tins GOLD SEAL FANCY MORLEY'S FOODLAND save on Jrhese AYLM ER HARDWARE PLUS .. OCTOBER 8th, 9th and 10th it? What do our times forecast â€" peace or destruction?.. {if The enigma of Europe’s future. «gk Our Century described 2500 years ago - - - - THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, October 1, 1959 Centre St. E., Richmond Hill Pantrypag‘eant “Treasure Chest†Lucky Draw * Free 7-Up For Everyone l's 79c x. 33: 73c RICHMOND HILL Snow White â€" Large Head Spare Ribs lb. Honduras â€"- Size 96’s California Sunkist - Large 113’ Oranges doz‘ Good Morning ORANGE JUICE . 2 Tins 47c B.E. Ford Hook LIMA BEANS, pkg. 310 BE. Beef, Chicken TURKEY PIES . . . . 2 for 65c Fresh, Meaty Sausage lb Fresh Lean Minced Beef lb. Grapefruit 5for29c Cauliflower Pure Pork Small Link Produce Meats Lecture 8 pm. Parking in Rear. . 35c . 49c - 19c