BEVERAGE room waiter. Apply Queen's Hotel, Bradford, Ont. Salesman with own car. Married 25-40. Salary 82 commission. rea. To care for four \boys, 3-11 EABY SITTER, Langstafl' school ears. Phone AV. 5-2834. c1w15 STEADY GIRL for 5 days a week. to look after one child, and send three to school. PR. 3-5676. clw15 COUPLE, wife as housekeeper, husband otherwise employed. ree accommodation with heat, hydro and water, plus $50.00 monthly to cover board in ex- change for duties. Phone King 3312. c1w15 GIRL wanted for bookkeeping, shorthand and typing. 5 days weekly 9 to 5 pm. Interviewed 5 to 6 pm. Tuesday, October 13. Apply in person, 425 Markham Road. c1w15 LEANING WOMAN one week. Phone AV. 5-2834. CLEANING WOMAN, once a week. Mrs. Burton, TU. 4-2400. c1w15 USED FURNITURE WANTED â€" used furniture. Cash prices paid, Call Frank's Movers and storage. TU. 4-2613, Av. 5- 6101. tfc'I PIANO WANTED Any size of make, pay cash, phone Toronto LE. 4-9419, collect. ï¬c3 MAN WANTED with some ex- erlence in cleaning duties. Day ork. Richmond Hill Commercial Cleaners. TU. 4-3714. c1w15 USED "JUDY" for blocking hats, plain, smooth top, size 22 o} 22% inches. TU. 4-1396. nc2w14 2 large pianos, well known make. and 1 small model, priced accord- ing to condition. Phone Al Pyle, TU. 4-3614. c1w15 lil‘UTOR for Grade 9 French (Bas- C). TU. 4-1662. *1w15 condition wanted. Phone AV. 5- 4673. 0111115 Ladies and gentlemen all nation- allties across Ontario, full or part tlme to sell exclusive product en- oyed by all ages. Small invest- ment plus good credit rating will give top returns. For appointment send your name. address, phone number to Box 1 The Liberal. c1w15 24" OR 30" electric range in good USED outboard motor; 3/10 h.p. Phone TU. 4-1365. clw15 PIANOS for school purposes. Contact School Area oï¬ice. AV. 5-1195. c1w15 PRIVATE tuition by retired lady teacher for new Canadians. Mod- erate fees. AV. 543328. c3w15 YOUNG male public school tea- cher wishes home-cooked evening meal, school-day evenings only. Call TU. 4-4842 Thursday. l"1w15 SUPPLY TEACHER at once. George Bailey Public School, Maple. Apply Principal. Phone Maple 59 or Maple 274 (Resi- dence.) c1w15 HOUSEKEEPER, two children, good home, TU. 4-4957 after 6. clwll week, ï¬ve hours a day. EIginVSt" Thornhill. AV. 5-1397. chl5 Group insurahce & pension. Un- limited earnings. Apply in writ- ing to Box 116 The Liberal. WANTED 49-51 Ford. Meteor or Monarch for parts. Any condition. L ‘ DY to care for young child in mrent’s home. Transportation Jrovlded. Phone Maple 83-r-3, af- ;er 5.00 pm. ’ c3w15 Private. Raw; AV. 5-5000. c1w15 SMART aggressive salesman for established bread routes, local ‘area. Guaranteed salary and com- mission, plus hospitalization. AX- minster 3-3241 after 6 o'clock. AV. 5-2766. c1w15 EXPERIENCED waitress wanted from 11 to 8 pm. Apply Thorn View Restaurant, Thornhill. MAN WANTED To do carpentry work and odd ‘jobs at Thornhill. Can have lsteady job or part time work. For appointment telephone AV. 5- 4285. clw15 EERVICE STATION attendant, rxperienced only, good wages plus :ommission. TU. 4-1502. c1w15 JLEANING WOMAN, two days a IIGH SCHOOL girl, grade 12. or p, for counter work 4 pm. to 7 am. Apply in person, Barth's Eleaners, Richmond Hill. c1wl5 REAL ESTATE SALESMEN We have openings for two career minded, energetic men of neat appearance in our busy, long es- tablished Thornhill office. Exper- ience is not necessary excellent training and the opportunity to earn a better than average in- come. Please call Mr. Carlisle, AV. 5-1176 or evenings, AV, 5- 2742. David McLean Ltd., Real- tors. ‘ clwlZ IELIABLE woman wanted to :elp with housework one day leekly, Thornhill. AV. 5-3118. c1w15 OPENING for one salesman in busy Richmond Hill Realty of- ï¬ce. Call Mr. Shields, TUV 4- 3805. David McLean Ltd., Real- tors_ Richmond Hill. clwl IABY SITTER for four after- ‘oons 2.30 to 7 pm. an_d Satur- _ays 9 to 5 pm. for six months. 'U. 4-1603. c1w15 RETIRED printer wanted part time. Morgan Davis Printing Co. AV. 5-4322. nc2w14 'WOMAN wanted to help with housework one day weekly. Re- liable, references desired. Thorn- hill, phone AV. 5-5374. c3w14 HELP WANTED UNLIMITED EARNINGS PIANOS WANTED CAREER OPPORTUNITY WANTED c2w15 c1w15 day a c1w15 c1w15 CARPENTRY, kitchen cupboards and recreation room. No job too small. Reasonable. BA. 1-3929. two reliable women. Work even- ings. AXminster 3-5985 or AV. 5- 2625. c1w15 SAT., OCT. 17 -â€" Auction sale of household furniture. Television RCA 17", mantel radio, electric washing machine Easy, dishes, china. cooking utensils, carpenter tools, drill press, at Stop 20 Yonge St., ï¬rst house north of Emerald Isle Motel. The property of 0. Brodie. No reserve, terms cash. Sale at 1.30 pm. A. S. Farmer, auctioneer. 'OFFICE CLEANING wanted by SAT.. OCT. 10. â€" Auction sale of household furniture, including frigidaire. range, dishes, glass- ware, chinaware, bedding. an- tiques. kitchen utensils, ornam~ ents, garden tools etc., property of Mrs. Harry Thomson. 121 Yonge St. North, corners of Crosé by and Yonge Sts., Richmond Hill, Out. Sale at 1.30 pm. Terms cash. No reserve. Property sold. Ken & Clarke Prentice, auc- tioneers. c4w12 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17th â€" Auction sale of household goods, combination electric and oil space heater kitchen range, near new, 21 inch Admiral television. near new, furniture, dishes, glassware, pots pans, garden tools, etc., on Albert St., Markham Village, pro- perty of Estate of the late A. R. Henderson. This is a real good lot. Sale at 1.30 pm. Terms Cash. No reserve. Ken & Clarke Prentice- Auctioneers. MOTHER with two preâ€"schoolers will give day care for children. Fenced yard, near Beverley Ac- res School, TU. 4-3847. c2w15 SAT.. OCT. 17 â€" Entire stock of ‘Penny Farthing Antique Shopâ€, at Bell's Corner, Yonge St. at Davis Drive. 'Newmarket, will be auctioned 3% 1.30 pm. sharp. Fred Smith, auctioneer. Terms. Cash. c2w14 AUTOMOBILE painter, experi- enced, ï¬rst class. requires steady employment, AV. 5-2491. c1w15 CAPABLE WOMAN will care for children of any age in her home. Call AV. 5-4837 after 7.30 pm. \ clw15 DAY CARE given to baby or tod- dler. Langstaï¬ area. AV. 5-5379. c1w15 OCTOBER 23 â€" Friday - Auc- tion sale of farm stock. imple- ments - 15 head of Shorthorn Cattle, 80 head of Yorkshire hogs. Ford Ferguson tractor and full line of implements. 1950 Mercury truck, 1A ton pick-up. Approxi- mately 1400 bus. Oats, Hay 8: Straw. At lot 4. con. 5, King Twp.. 1A mile south of Kinghorn. Prop- erty of Roy Hollingshead. No re- serve, farm sold - terms, cash - sale at 1 pm. Jack Walkington Clerk .A. S. Farmer auctioneer - Phone Gormley 5311. RELIABLE person will give day care for several children south- east Richmond Hill Huge recre- ation room. hot lunches provided. TU. 4-7063. c1w15 FALL PLOUGHING, discing and tractor work. TU. 4-3018. c2w15 YOUNG Polish man. ï¬ve months In Canada, wants any kind of work. Has experience in' farm ma- chinery. Call TU. 4-4000 or TU. 4-1737. l*1w15 TYPING done at home. TU. 4- 4243 after 6 pm. *1w15 SECRETARY WITH exceptional experience in stenographic and secretarial work desire position in Richmond Hill -â€" Willowdale area. Box 114. The Liberal. tfc14 GERMAN WOMAN wants ing work. Days. TU. 4.4382 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24th â€" Auction sale of stock from a hab- erdasher's store, such as, modern cash register, men's and boy‘s jackets. Windbreakers, pants, caps, etc., children's snow suits, some ladies wear, display racks, some small hardware, large quantity of articles, mostly wearing apparel. This is a complete forced clean- out. Sale of all new goods. starts at 1.30 pm. at Prentice's Auction Rooms, Franklin House. Markham Village. Terms strictly cash. No reserve. Ken & Clarke Prentice- Auctioneers. SPANISH classes. conversation and coaching, native teacher. AV. 5-2964. c4w15 §ALE REGISTERS DAY CARE given for one or two pre-school children. Reasonable rates. TU. 4-4054. c1w14 DAY CARE for children, any age by reliable mother in BeVerley Acres. TU. 4-4915. c2w14 RETIRED MAN requires part or full time occupation. Good bank- ing and clerical experience] AV. 5-3328. c3w14 SECRETARY stenographer seeks employment in Richmond Hill or district, TU. 4-5317. c2w14 DRESSMAKING, AV. 5-4426 MAN will do painting and paper- hanging. Fast, efficient work. Very low prices, Years of exper- ience. TU. 4-2902. tfc12 EXPERIENCED handy-man to do gardening, carpentry and clean- ing cellars and garages etc.. ev- enings and Saturdays. TU. 4-4137. tfc12 DRESSMAKING Alterations and draperies by e':â€" perienced dressmaker. Reaso 1- able rates. TU. 4-5488 tfcl URGENT Man wishes part time work house- painting. repairs, etc. AV. 5- 5294. tfc51 EXPERIENCED woman willing to look after family in mother’s absence; also baby sitting. TU. 4-3158. tfc23 EMPLOYMENT WANTED clean- c1w15 c5w14 tf015 TU. 4-3211 53 Yonge N. OH. FURNACES CLEANED kitten. AV. 5-1782 monthly, in Richmoxfd Hill'area. TU. 4-5831. 1 c1w15 RESPONSIBLE couple require furnished home, west of Yonge Street, January to May. Box No. 3, “The Liberal.†c1w15 ATTRACIIVE grey and white HOU_S_E wangeq up to $80.00 3_5 BARRE_D ROï¬CK pullets, star- ting to lay. Everétt Phillips. King. PR. 3-5842. c1w15 RICHMOND HILL area. 3 bed- room home wanted for waiting buyer, with $4,000 down. Mr. Carlisle. AV. 5-1176. David Mc- Lean Ltd., Realtors. c1w15 VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES RICHMOND HILL . BRANCH Miss E. Woodbyrne Herridge Electric Richmond Hill Municipal Hall PHONE TU. 4-4101 SERVICED REAL ESTATE WANTED V. O. N. POULTRY FOR SALE WANTED TO RENT FOUND AND c1w15 Chief Engineer, Toronto and York Roads Commission, York County Building. NEWMARKET, Ontario. 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1. 11111111 1111111111111111111111111 t! ““11““ .1 11 11111111111111 . 111111111 1111111111 MINDY ‘l'll .‘11 mum“ummuuuumumuum\mmuuumnuumm\\l11m\mmunuunmm\m\mumumumum“11mmuuunmummummumumuuq; SEA’LED TENDERS, in duplicate and properly marked will be received by the undersigned until 12 noon E. D. S. T. on 4 fbr the supply and delivery of treated sand in stock- piles in the following districts. DISTRICT “A†â€" East of Yonge Street in the Town- ships of Markham and Whitchin'ch. DISTRICT “C†â€" West of Yonge Street in the Town- ships of King and Vaughan. A marked cheque for the sum of $1,000.00 shall accompany each tender. Tender forms, Speciï¬cations and Information to Bidders may be obtained at the office of the Toronto and York Roads Commission, York County Building, Newmarket, Ontario, on and after 12 noon. Wednes- day, October 7th, 1959. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. DISTRICT “B†â€" East of Yonge Street in the Town- ships of East and North Gwillimbury and Georgina. / SIMPSON’S DRY GOODS Special 69c pair - 3 pairs $2.00 Boys’ Tan Chino Slacks, preshrunk, buttoned flaps on back pockets, size. __ 12 to 16 years Ladies’ Tan Cord Car Coats I quilted lined, smartly styl- ed, 14 to 20 Ladies’ Wool Dress Coats, ' assorted styles and shades, ‘ sizes 10 to 20 A. J. RETTIE, P. ENG. 12 Yonge St. S. SIMPSGN’S DRY GOODS WEEK END SPECIAL: Ladies’ 760 TORONTO AND YORK ROADS COMMISSION f. 5â€?! 'AIM U AN INS R (£6) Suite 1, Grd. Floor 31 Yonge St. North Richmond Hill, Ont. gauge 15 denier, ï¬rst quality nylon hose, name. brand, reg. $1.25 Norman Briant keep the good things you've earned in life. And you can’t buy better protection than State Farm. By spending just a few minutes with you, I can show you how inexpensive and convenient complete coverage . . . and peace of mind . . . can be. Give me a call today. TU. 4-2291 TENDERS FOR SAND MONDAY, OCTOBER 19th, 1959 STATE FARM IHEAD OFFICE TORONTO, ONT. FRED A. LUNDY, Chairman 'Of course you want to to protect your car, your home, and your life. to have one man arrange your personal insurance Richmond Hill . $2.29 5 $1195 5:22 95 to $39. 95 INSURANCE COMPANIES Hour, CHML. 9 am. Sunday SUNDAY, OCTOBER 11. 1959 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Worship Service Mrs. Violet Bull bringing the message 7 pm. â€" The Family Gospel Hour Miss Irene McQuillan will sing north of Concord) 10 am. â€"- Sunday School 11.15 am. â€" Worship Service Concord (Schoolhouse) 10 am. â€" Sunday School Oak Ridges. Aubrey Ave. Roy Nigh, Pastor TeL: Gomley 5544 10.30 am. â€" Sunday School 7.30 pan. â€" Evening Service Tues, 8 pm. - Prayer Meeting Thanksgiving Services 9.45 am. â€" Bible School for all! YOU are invited 11 e.m. â€" Morning Worship The Lord’s Table '7 pm. â€" Evening Service Monday at 7 pm. Boys' Club - 8 to 16 years old Tuesday at 8 p.m. Ladies' Fellowship 352 Kerrybrook Drive Wednesday at 8 p.m. Mid-week “Hour of Power" Thursday at 7 pan. Girls' Club - 8 to 13 years old Friday at 8 pm. Youth Fellowship A Friendly Welcome ls Extended To ALL At The young church with the old Message! Corner of Elmwood and Ruggles Rev. Earl S. Bull. Minister Church of the Light and Life with the pastor preaching Wed., 8 pm. â€" Prayer and Bible Study Hour We welcome you to the fellow- ship of this friendly family church that continues the teaching of 01'- iginal Methodism. BR..:{REN IN CHRIST CHURCH Wm. Vanda-Bent. Pastor Tel.: Richmond [-111], TU. 4-3155 Heise Hill (Gormley) 10 am. -- Sunday School 11 am. â€" Worship Service 7.30 pm. â€" Evening Service Wed.. 7.45 pm. - Prayer Meeting Vaughan (3rd (2021., 2 miles (2 miles south of Maple) Pastor: Rev. Harold R. Lindeman, BA. Phone Unionville 381 SUNDAY. OCTOBER 11, 1959 9.30 am. â€" Breaking of Bread 11 um â€" Sunday School and Family Bible Hour Mr. Wilfred McCleve ‘ ~ 7 pm. â€" Evening Gospel Service Mr. Wilfred McCleve Tuesday 8 pm. -â€" Prayer and Bible Ministry Thursday. 8 pm. â€" Young Peop- le's Meeting Sat. â€" Missionary Conference at Greenwood Chapel near Sammon. All day. CARRVILLE UNITED CHURCH 2.30 p.111. â€" Worship Service 7 NO COLLECTION TU. 4-2677 ALL WELCOME Organist: Mrs. E. V. Collier, A.T.C.O. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1959 8 am. â€" Holy Communion 9.30 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer 11 am. â€" Nursery and Junior Congregation (2-5 years) 11 am. -â€" Junior Church (6-11 years) 7 pm. â€" Evening Prayer Cedar Avenue. Richmond Hill SUNDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1959 3 pm. â€" Watchtower Study taken from August 15 Watchtower Magazine. Subject: Fear Jehovah â€" Never Men. EVERY THURSDAY .5 pm. â€" Service Meeting 5 pm â€"â€" Ministry School BICHVALE GOSPEL CHAPEL RICHMOND HILL THE CHURCH OF ST. GABRIEL “ My House Shall Be Called the House 01 Prayer†ST. MATTHEWS UNITED CHURCH Crosby Ave.. Richmond Ell! Rev. William W. Patterson. BA. B.D.. Minister SUNDAY, OCTOBER. 11, 1959 9.30 am. â€"Sunday School 11 am. â€" Thanksgiving Service The Sacrament of Infant Baptism Nursery 8; Kindergarten meet RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. G. Higginson B. A., B. D‘ SUNDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1959 9.45 am. - Sunday School 11 am. â€" Morning Service Richmond Hill Rector: Rev. J. F. O'Neil SUNDAY, OCTOBER. 11, 1959 v TRINITY XX 8 a.m. -â€" Holy Communion 9.30 am. â€" Sunday School 9.30 am. â€" Morning Prayer 11 am. â€"- Morning Prayer. (Broadcast over CJRH - 1300) (Nursery and Jr. Congregation) 7 pm. â€" Evensong RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. N. Hepburn. Minister SUNDAY. OCTOBER 11, 1959 9.45 a.m. â€" Sunday School and Bible Class 11 am. â€" Morning Worship 11 am. - Nursery Department 7 pm. â€" Young People’s Society "Thanksgiving" 7 p m. â€" Evening Service in the chapel Wednesdays 10 am. -â€" Holy Communion COME TO CHURCH AS A FAMILY RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST CHURCH . ‘ 50 Wright St. (Opposite the High School) Pastor: Rev. Robert W. Irvin. B. TIL. B.R.E. Phone: TU. 4-2095 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 11. 1959 RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH Anglican Richmond Hill East Crosby Avenue at Bayview Rev. J. W. Newton-Smith. 407 Lynett Crescent TU. 4-4236 KINGDOM HALL OF JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES ST. MARY'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Oak Ave THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, October 8. 1959 ST. PAUL’S, VAUGHAN TWP. GORMLEY UNITED MISSIONARY CHURCH Rev. C. E. Banking, Minister 8.45 am. â€"- Broadcast CJRB 1300 10 am. -- Sunday School 11 am. â€" Morning Worship 7.30 pm. â€"' Evening Service SUNDAY. OCTOBER 11, 1959 MAPLE 10.15 am. â€" Church School in Rev. B. F. Andrew. Minister THANKSGIVING SUNDAY, OCTOBER 11. 1959 10 am. â€" St. Andrew’s Church 11.30 am. â€" St. Paul’s Church Anniversary :3 mmmumummmmmmmmmmummmummmmummmmmmmlmuw Richmond Hill Thursday 7.30 â€" Choir Practice 7 p.m. â€" Children’s Happy Hour Live Wires CHURCH OF CHRIST Meeting in Concord School House Each Lord’s Day Evening at 7 p.m. Gospel Message Tune in CKEY (580) at 9:15 3.11:. Sunday mornings And Jesus spake unto them, saying. all power Is given unto all departments 11.30 am. â€" Morning Worship HOPE 10.30 am. â€" Morning Worship 11.15 a.m. -- Church School EDGELEY 1.30 pm. â€" Church School 2.30 pm. â€"â€" Worship Service me in heaven and in earth. JAMES l v 21: Wherefore lay apart all ï¬lthiness and superfluity of haughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls. 1iuuuuummnuunuu“uuumuu“mumll1lmmummum1m\lnummmuxununuuuuumnmuulmuum\uuuuuununmmlmmm«nut THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Calvin Chambers. Minister THANKSGIVING SUNDAY OCTOBER 11, 1959 11 am. â€" Prayer of Prayers (2) The Holiness of God The Sacrament of Baptism will be administered Tues, 8 pm. â€" Prayer Fellow- ship at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hook, 254 Rumble Ave., THORNHILL BAPTIST CHURCH Stop 17 Yonge Street Rev. Percy G. Buck. B.A.. 3. Th. 5 Old Orchard Grove. Toronto. 12. Ont. HU. 1-3142 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1959 Thanksgiving Sunday Service at 11 a m “Now thank we all our God With heart, and hands, and voices†HOLY TRINITY THORNHILL SUNDAY, OCTOBER 11. 1959 8 mm. â€" Holy Communion 11 am. â€" Holy Communion Preacher; the Rector 7 pm -- Evening Prayer Preacher, til? _Rev._ D. L. Varey 555 W. Finch (Branson Hospital Campus) SUNDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1959 George M. McLean. Pastor 9.30 a.m. â€" Sabbath School 11 am. â€" Worship Hour Every Saturday morning All welcome THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1959 10 mm. â€" Intermediate Church School 11 am. â€" Church Worship and Church School Wednesday 10 a,m. -â€" Holy Communion MAPLE PASTORAL CHARGE THE UNITED CHURCH O!" CANADA Rev. Harold W. Davies. B.A.. Minister ST. MARK’S ANGLICAN Oak Ridges - Yonge at Elm Grove Moynigg Prayer . . . . . . 9.45 am. H ~'y CBmmu'nion V; Visti Véhn‘dï¬ï¬y Sunday School 9.45 am. Sunday, October 18 Services 11 am. and 7 p.m. Rev. Edward Bragg of Aurora will preach SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST Prepare For Christmas NOW! Use our LAYAWAY PL'AN Small Deposit Secures any article SELECT YOUR GIFTS NOW â€"_â€"â€"â€" Name Brand SPORTS SHIRTS? â€" 20% on: â€" g BayvieW Plaza ST. ANDREWV’S, MAPLE ST. ANDREW’S, MAPLE jPQCIâ€"' oï¬one/ MENS & BOYS SHOPS “Van Heusen & Bluestone†THIS WILL MAKE THE IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT FOR ANY MAN Zrecl 01:.0ne/ SA 0/95 FOR MEN & BOYS The House of Good Value and r Plaza Richmond Hill Telephone: AV. 5-4791 including SUNDAY SERVICES 10 to 10 â€"- Sunday School Attend our Adult Bible C183! 11 â€" Morning Worship The Pastor “The Church God BIesses†5.45 â€"Training Union 7 â€" Evening Service The‘ Pastor “The Church that is looking ahead.†SUNDAY, OCTOBER 11. 1959 11 am. â€" The Service 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School and Bible Class EACH SUNDAY DIAL 1310 CJRH 7 RM. T0 8 RM. "THE ST. CLAIR REVIVAL HOUR" Pastor, Rev. F. Vaughan, B. Th. 1 block east of Yonge, Stop 12A (An evening Church Service for all unable to be in church) 7 pm. â€" Gospel Service Wed. 8 pm. -â€" Prayer and Bible Study Thurs., 1 pm. â€"- Women's Miss- ionary Fellowship Thurs., 8 pm. â€" Evening Ml.- slon Circle 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month Frl., 7 pm. â€" Lamplighter: and Teen Fellowship ST. STEPHEN’S CHURCH Maple The Anglican Church of Canada Rector: Rev. Ramsay Amitage, M.A., DD. 8 am. â€" Holy Communion 11 am. ‘â€" Morning Prayer Holy Communion on 2nd Sunday of month at 11 11 am. -â€" Sun ay School Holy Baptism y appointment Morning Prayer ...... 11 am. Sunday School 10 mm. Bible Class (Intel-med.) 9.45 am. Holy Communion 2nd 8: 4th _ _ _ Sundays Adult Bible Class 7 11 am. â€" Morning Worship 6.30 pm. â€": Prayef Mgetlng EMMANUEL ANGLICAN Church Mackay Drive - Richvalo Rev. Edward Morley TU. 4-3286 Mrs. Jos. E. Howard, Organist 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer and Junior Sunday School 9.30 am. -â€" Young People’s Bible Class andSenlor School Come and worship LANG-STAFF BAPTIST CHURCH Church St.. Langstafl Minister: Rev. B. T. McSpaddel 10 am. â€" Bible School with .. __...__, .- (Sunday School bus from Elgin Mills 9.50 am.) PARISH 0!“ KING (Anglican) HOURS OF SERVICE All Saints' Church - King City 8 am. -â€" Holy Communion 10 am. â€" Morning Prayer 11.10 am -â€" Sunday School ST. CLAIR CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Box 310 â€" Toronto ST. JOHN’S ANGLICAN Yonge at Jefferson Rector: Rev. D. C. H. Michell. LLB. mumumumummmmmnï¬