McCONAGHY SCHOOL ‘I'HE RICHMOND HILL IHURSDAY, 002.15 COMMUNITY SWING Einc TANKS. PUMPED and CLEANEQ l Complete Septic Tank Repair Service Accurate Septic Tank Service EU. 5-1313 ï¬aévltreï¬mm E LoOk ahead... buy new é CANADA CONVECTOR WALL UNITS ï¬n- er not. to heat quickly and got rid of cold spots (Inkedde in «mm: or walls. Ihuc cable: an compklely concealed by "n plaster. ~ COMFORT. . . SAFETY. . . CLEANLNESS FRANK PASSER THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, October 8. 1959 Modern electric heating is just as clean and safe as your electric light, and you can enjoy it in your home new at a special new rate. Dust and soot-free, electric heatingpever leaves ï¬lms or streaks on walls and drapes. Electric heating is flamelessâ€"no fumes or pilot lights to worry about, ‘and no danger of 'ï¬re or of children burning themselves. In addition to being safe, economical and clean, modern electric heating is completely silent . . . and space saving; An electric heating system assures you of complete comfort everywhere in your homeâ€"no hot blasts, cold spots, or uncomfortable drafts. If desired, you may have convenient, individual room temperature control so that you select the degree of warmth you want for living areas, bathrooms and bedrooms. There’s an electric heating sysfém to meet your exact requirements ,1, . and it costs nothing to ï¬nd out how "you can enjoy comfortable, safe, clean electric heating in your home. Get complete information on this modem method of home heating. RADIANT ELECTRIC CABLE ELECTRIC heating gives you all three! 56 YONGE STREET NORTH SAVINGS BONDS at RICHMOND HILL HYDRO = ELECTRIC COMMISSION VIII IAII I’ll“ Loon: INIID P. Dyson, Manager Richmond Hill Branch Willowdale ME. 5-1000 lnslafled along outside wallsâ€"cnds'cold‘hor prohlomn. A glass. metal or ceramic panel radiates sup-like Mb 1am you wighout draft. BASEBOARD ELECTRIC HEATERS RADIANT ELECTRIC PANELS The Annual Harvest Thanksgiv- ing Service was held at St. John’s Anglican Church last Sunday morning when the church was beautifully decorated with sheaves -of grain and baskets of flowers making a fitting background for mounds of fruit and vegetables. Harvest Home Rev. D. C. H. Michell preached an inspiring service and led the congregation ‘ in _ prayers of. T‘~.a?1k§giving for a béuniiful harJ vest. - The flowers on the Altar were in Memory of the late Mr. W. R. TU. 4 e 35" ELGIN MILLS-JEFFERSON NEWS Correspondent: The Evening Branch at the Woman’s Auxiliary or St. John’- Anzllcan Church TU. (-2708 TU. 4.1534 The community extends a bear- ty welcome to the Dick family up- on their returned to their home on Brookside Drive. Capell. Accidents do happen - so we extend our sympathy to Darryl Richards who received a broken collar bone as a result of a bicycle ‘accident Friday evening. Birthday Greetings Thanksgiving is always a wonder- ful time to celebrate anything, es- pecially a birthday. So to the fol- lowing lucky people a great cheer for his day of days, May'you all celebrate many more. To Susan Jones on October 9th. And to Kim Hellings for Saturday, 0c- tober 10. Marnie Troyer and Den- nis Gamble both celebrate the same day, October 12. On Octo- ber 14th four young people share the honours: Brad Rushlow, Hank Gibson, Arthur McCrimmon and Mary Clarke (Don't forget all the candles. everyone!) Mother’s Auxiliary All mothers of Jefferson BroWn, Cubs and Scouts are asked to at- tend the next meeting of Jeffer- son Motlier’s Auxiliary to be held at Jefferson Public School on Tuesday evening, ‘October 20th at 8,30 p.m. Community Club Everyone is asked to partici- pate in making our bazaar a suc- cess. See Coming Events for time and place: v 4 ’ "5 '« w Welcome Home Mr. and Mrs. A. Morrison of Toronto and Miss Doris Leno, Richmond Hill were guests’at the Harvest Se ce at St. Johns on Sunday Mo ning. We hope to see many of our neighbours out next Wednesday eveï¬ing when the Mothers ux- illary holds a special meet! g at the school (See ComiingAEvents) There will be a Girl Guide Troop at Jefferson this year and gneetings will be held Tuesday evenings from 7 - 8.30. Any in- terested girls over 11 years of age may call TU. 4-1290 for infor- mation. The ladies of the community club held their first meeting of the new season at the school on Wednesday evening, Plans were made for the annual bazaar and the making of a quilt. Everyone is urged to come out and help in this daring do. Patches and materials supplied. Mrs. S. Sniveley of St. John's Anglican Church presided at the October meeting of the W. A. Board held' in Toronto in the new Diocesan Centre. - Bishop Wilkinson gave the op- ening prayer and Rev. Dean Riley took the noon day service. Among those attending were: Mrs. G. Kerswill and Mrs. C. R. Wilcox of the afternoon branch of the W. A. Mrs. E. A. Terry represented the evening branch. Happy Event ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Waters’ young son, Robert Graham, Was christened Sunday afternoon at St. John’s Anglican Church by the rector Rev. D. C. H. Mitchell. Regrets H. JO N E S Building Supplies ltd. RICHMOND HILL ' AV. 5-3941 AV. 5-1081 OFFICE MACHINES L. H. SIMS DEALER - TU. 44745 â€" 88 Baker Ava, Richmond mu SALES - SERVICE - RENTALS Special Student Bate: CI]! TU. 4-1745 day or night Your heal typewriter specialisf‘ Typewriters . Adding Machine! All popular make. on hand See Portable models It Wight's Pharmacy 28 Yonu St. S. Your Salt Aqua-Nuggets For Your Water Softener From RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE 190 Markham Rd. TU. 4-? PROUD TO HAVE WORKED ON YOUR SPLENDID NEW STORE You Can Order SAM TOMLINSON PLASTERER Best Wishes To FROM Correspondent: Mrs. F. H. Leaf B. R. 2 Gonnley Phone AXmlnster 3-6188 Neighbourhood Notes Bhttonvllle W. 1. members have been busy people lately. Last week the work committee. with Mrs. Ken Stats as chairman, en- tered a display in. the W. 1. ex- hibits at Markham Fair entitled "The Family Eats Breakfast.†and came first in eIeVen entries. This week the social committee has been hard at work catering for the Lions Club banquet. 250 gmsts were expected at Button- vllle W. 1. Hall on Tuesday even- ing and the total W. I. member- ship helpediserveA the guests. Mr. and Mrs. Strike are new neighbours in the home formerly occupied by Ted and Bernice Gardner. Mr. Strike is on the tefaching staff in Searboro, and hs school is one chosen to be honoured by a visit from the Lord Mayor of Scarboro, Eng- land, when he tours this part of the country shortly. Personel at Master Feeds Farm and friends in the neighbourhood held a presentation and party re- cently for Douglas Sherman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Sherman and his bride-to-be Miss June Lahonen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Lahonen of Willow- dale, whose marriage was solemn- vized in Thornhill United Church on Saturday, September 26. This community offers best wishes for their happiness. Congratulations to Mrs. Lloyd Tennyson (Dorothy Denby) who won 2nd prize for her Maxim knit- ted sports coat at Markham Fair. Of the many fine vegetables shown at Markham Fair, some of the very finest were displayed by Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pralet, Pra- let Gardens. Out of 30 entries they received 18 prizes. with at least 8 firsts that we counted. At the close of the fair we noticed that Mr. Pralet was surrounded by buyers wishing to snap up these fine samples. Y. P. A. Dance .... .... ...... That Record Hop at Victoria Square Hall sponsored by the Young Peoples Ass’n. a while back was a huge success judging by reports. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McGimpsey and Mr. and Mrs. James Rodick drove to the Niagara Peninsula last‘Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. McGimpsey’s son Harry and his family. Sorry to learn that Mrs. Au- brey Stephenson has succumbed to Whooping cough! Euchre Series Begins On Friday evening of this week the annual fall euchre series spnsored by the Buttonviue W. I. will vcommence vat Buttonville H241, 8:00 p.111. A 7 ‘ The boys’ group won first prim for their display, and the girls took many individual prizes: at- mong them Joan Hooper, Eliza- beth Barker. Cora Brodie, and others. Pralet Gardens Win Many Prizes We were sorry to learn that Mrs. Jerry Renwick (Shirley Wal- len) has been 111 in hospital re- cently. We wish her a rapid re- covery. And speaking of Hospitals, Art Storey. who spent the best part of the summer at York County Hospital, Newmarket, is back at school again we are happy to say. Art says so many people remem- bered him with messages and gifts while he was away, and they helped sormuch. Sympathy of the community is extended to Mr. Harold Steffler and his family in the loss of his mother whose death occurred at Elmira on T ursday evening of last week fol wing a lengthy ill- ness. ‘ Games will be played every second Friday evening into De- cember, with nightly prizes and a grand prize for the highest series score. v There were, approximately 100 young people attending, and ev- eryone mixed well amihad a fchor- oughly good time. "R Mr. and Mrs. Milt Sherman are visiting‘in the Owen Sound area this week. Milt was going to at- tend the Fair at Tara where he hadn't bequsince he was a boy. Enthusiasm runs high during these games and a good attend- ance is anticipated. Refreshments are served, and scqre keepers this season will be Mrs; K. Arnott and Mrs. Adam Brown. Junior Farmers Organization Congratulations is due the Un- ionville Junior Farmers and Jun- ior Institute groups for success In their venture at Markham Fair. Pathï¬s for the evenfhg were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wright and Mr._and Mrs. Edgar Fullgr. We Deliver Toronto and Surrounding Districts BUTTONVILLE PHONE TU. 4-1812 AT ALL HOURS RICE’S ' FLOWERS - RICHMOND unit; "Flowers For All Occasion!†TU. 4-1797 El Church News Thanksgiving service will be held in Temperancevllle Church at 9.45 on October 11. Sunday school will follow at 11 am. Gifts of food, clothing. or vegetables for Fred Victor Mission will be placed near the altar Sunday morning. Mrs. Fred Hare and Mrs. D. Chalk presented missionary stor- les to the Sunday school on Octo- ber 4 â€"_- $2.95 was received. October' 21 is thé’ah't'e'Bf the turkey supper held under the auspices of the Temperancevflle W.A. 4-11 Homemaking Club The Temperancevflle Happy Gang will begin the fall project “Dressing Up Home Grown Veg- etables†on Saturday. October 10 at 10 am. at the home of Mrs. Jack Macklin. The W.I. will meet Wednesday, October 14. at 8 pm. at the home of Mrs.. Wm. Mitchell. Roll call will be answered by "a cure for wrinkles". Cpl-rent events will be given by Mrs. S. G. Chalk. The health convenor is Mrs. Mllton Wells. A talk on Nova Scotia will be given by Mrs. D. Chalk. The lunch committee is Mrs. N. Thomâ€" pson, Mrs. W. James and Mrs. Norman Rumble. The District President and Secretary will be present. The lunch eBmmittée lsriMrs Beynon and Mrs. Wilson. Personals Donna Jennings was the guest laEt week end of Jean Lamb of Brantford. The girls became friends while attending the Jun- ior Farmer Camp recently. A number of Temperancevllle young people who are members of the Young People’s Group of the Aurora Baptist Church spent the week end as guests at Rev. Gordon Wright's cottage. On October 15 at 2.30 pm. the WA. and W.M.S. will meet at thihorge of Mrs.___W. Jgnnings. Mrs. Kennedy will conduct the devotional for this thankoï¬ering meeting, at which Mrs. Guard- house will be guest speaker. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Mashinter on the birth of a daughter, October 3. a sister ior three boys. We are vei-y sorry to' hear that Mr. John Umehara is in Newmar- ket Hospital undergoing treat- ment for a blood clot in his leg. His many friends wish him_a sheedy recovery. _ Correspondent: Mrs. Milton Wells. RR. 3 Phone PR. 3-5239 TEMPERANCEVILLE RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE FROM GENERAL CONTRACTORS TU. 4-1483 This store construction job was our biggest to date - - - and like you, we are proud of it. Best Wishes LOWE BROTHERS LTD. RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE ongrafulafiond . . . . a ongraful/aliond . . . . .~ T0 263 SORAURN ST» TORONTO LENNOX 5-3121 0n the occasion of the official opening of the ï¬ne new hardware on Yonge Street, Richmond Hill DECIANTIS-RICE Manufacturers of Fine Paints & Enamels mumnumummmmmmmmnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm immuumnmmlmmmmmmmmmuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmmfl SWWWWIMNWNNWWWW /) n ' on the occasion of the official opening of its Fine New Premises rmmmmmummmmmmmmmmmumml “WNW Your office machine specialist TU. 4-1745 immmnnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmummmmm gmumum11mmlxmmmmmmumnmmmmmmmunmmwmmmmmnmmmmmmmmmmu Otto Pick Agricultural Service Ltd. SEEDS AND FARM SUPPLIES RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE PLUMBING & HEATING 62 CROSBY AVE. RICH Congratulates RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE “RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE†ROGER PROULX Tongrafulationd . . . GEO.‘ & AL. HILL yongrafulatiom . . . To on the grand opening of their new ultra modern store. It has been our pleasure to supply you with your office machine needs for your new FROM I.. H. SIMS TEL: TU. 4-1650 All WELCOME Starting Time 8.15 pm; RICHMOND HILL