The Afternoon Branch of the Women's Auxiliary of St. Mary’s Anglican church held their reg- ular meeting Tuesday. An “Ap~ ron Shower," together with sew- ing, made an interesting after- noon. The study session, which was exceedingly informative, was given by the education secretary, Mrs. R. D. Little, and was apprec- iated by the members. The next meeting of the auxiliary will be held on November 3. Hostesses for the afternoon were Mrs. N. Savage and Mrs. M. C. Fry. The Sugar and Spice Club star- ted its tenth year on October 8, when they met at the home of Mrs. W. Turner. Rumble Avenue. Officers for the coming year are: President. Mrs. L. Wainwright; Secretary. Mrs. A. Blackburn; Treasurer. Mrs. T. Saul. Winners at cards were Mrs, A. Blackburn, Mrs. W. Schurman, Mrs. T. Saul. Hostesses were Mrs. G. Fenwick Ind Mrs. T. Saul. Mrs. F. Israel, children’s lib- rarian at the Richmond Hill Pub- lic Library, will be the guest speaker at the Beverley Acres Home and School meeting to be held at the school tonight, Thurs- dayLat 8.30 pm. _,_, ' All parents and interested friends are invited to attend. and lend support to this most worthy project. ' The Richmond Hill Figure Skat- ing Club are holding a sale at the Atena on‘ Friday, October 23rd, from 2 pm. to 5 pm. when they will be disposing of several hun- dred odd costumes which have been used in previous carnivals and displays. This will be a great opportunity to outfit the children for Hallowe’en and for the ap- proaching party season. so why not visit the area and have a look? ’Mrs. Hebe:- McCague, Mrs. K. Blanchard and Mrs. H. H. Mac- Kay attended the Victoria Square Women's Institute on Tuesday night at the home of Mrs. Reid Brumwell. Mrs. Mac-Kay demon- strated table decorations for Thanksgiving and _Hallowe'en. The many friends of Bob Ross, who is at present in Toronto Wes- tern Hospital. will be pleased to hear that even though he is still unconscious, there is a slight im- grovement in his general condi- on. Miss Janis Butlin'was home tram Macdonald College for Thanksgiving weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Butlin, Roseview Ave. A very pleasant surprise party Was held October 10 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bridges, Richmond Hill, in honour of their father, Mr. Frank Rumble on his 82nd birthday, The evening was spent pining progressive euchre. Those who attended were Mr. and Mrs. Ross Anderson, Harrlsâ€" ton; Mr. an Mrs. Russell Rum- ble, Weston; Mr. and Mrs. Nor~ man Rumble, Oak Ridges; Mr. and Mrs. George Matheson and Mrs. Ethel Woods of Maple; Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lloyd, Willow- dale; Mrs_ Elizabeth Line and Mr. and Mrs. Allan Rumble, Rich- mond Hill. Mr. W. J. Attig, Powassan, and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Howie and family from St. Lambert, Quebec, were visitors last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gil Club- me. Markham. Road. Mr. and Mrs. William McCall- um of Smiths Falls, visited last week with Mrs. Thomas Moore and her daughters at their home on Wright St. , lty Hall The Pattl-Lu Shop will be showing some of its delightful fall fashions at a fashion show being staged next Tuesday. Octo- her 20, at the Maple Commun- Clarke's Pharmacy ‘For Complete Drug Service' INSUUN,DIET and. EXERCISE There was a time when a Diabetic was a "lost cause.†Now however, Medical Science has brought about amazing correction with the use of Insulin, Proper Diet and exercise. Remember when your doctor pre- scribes that we have a complete stock of Insu- Iins and Syringe; Phone TU. 4-1201 Richmond Hill Keele St Editor Margot Crack Youth Sunday and St. Luke’s Day will be observed at St. Ma- ry’s Anglican Church, with a special service for Young People at Evensong at 7 pm. next Sun- day, October 18. Many of the young people will participate in the service and there will be special Fireside Forum in the Parish Hall afterwards. The guest preacher for the occasion is the Rev. John Kerr, B.A., Chaplain of the Ontario Mental Hospital on Queen Street. All young peop- le of the parish are invited. The first reading of Mr. Joseph Rabinowitch's play “The Transplanted" is being held at the Curtain Club meeting. to- night in the basement clubroom of the Church at 8. 15 p. m. Member's friends or prospective new mem- :Jer‘si are cordially invited to at- en . Residents of the Hill may have noticed a familiar face in the C. B. C. Television production of the entrancing Irish comedy “Race for Heaven" on General Motor's Theatre last Sunday ev- ening. It belonged to Mr. Bill Ferguson, Centre St. a well known member of the Curtain Club, who has appeared in many local productions, including the festival play "Clerambard," when he received much praise for his portrayal as the priest. The Women’s League of Health and Beauty is holdings Rummage sale in Wrixon Hall on Saturday, October 17, at 2 pm. The pro- ceeds will go towards sponsoring and equipping two members, who will be selected from the Rich- mond Hill Branch, to go on a demonstration tour of the British Isles, along with twenty other successful members chosen from Toronto and other areas. Mrs. H. G. Robertson and her sister, Miss Evelyn Eppes attend- ed the first programme of the Fall Season of AGE film Society last weekend at the Odeon-Hy- land. Rasputin and the Empress was the featured (2 hr. and 10 min.) film in which the beloved Barrymores naturally “stole the show." The Age Film Society re- views the best of past film trea- sures. Also seen as echoes of the past in bit comedy parts were Jean Harlow, Carol Lombard and the great Will Rogers. Their 35 year old pictures had been re. filmed and were very clear and most realistic - and funnier than anything seen in years - just plain, old-fashioned slapstick. Friends of Mrs. Morley Beyâ€" non. 33 Arnold Street, will be pleased to learn that she retum- ed to her home on Thanksgiving Day and will commence a period of convalescence at home. after having spent the past ten weeks in Private Patients’ Pavilion, To- ronto General Hospital. The Men’s Club of St. Mary's Anglican Chuijch will begin the season with a Corporate Commun- ion and Breakfast at 8.00 am. next Sunday.x0ctober 18th. A cor- dial invitation is extended to all men of the parish to be present. Mr. Charles Bancroft, Yonge St. has just returned from a very enjoyable two week motor trip, visiting friends in Daytona Beach, Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania and New York. Mrs. Fred Mitchell who has been staying with her mother, Mrs. Thomas Moore, Wright St. left this week for her home in Miami, Florida. The Allencourt Ratepayers held their ï¬rst meeting of the 1959/80 Season, at the Walter Scott School Wednesday, October 7. It was election night, and the following Executive were voted into office: President; Mr. G. J. Nicholson, lst Vice President; Mr. J. Har- court. 2nd Vice President; Mr. J. Williamson, Treasurer; Mr. R. Olson, Secretary; Mrs. G. J. Nich- olson, Directors; Dr. V. Zuck, Mr. B. Wilson, Mr. W. T. Cockwell. A Social Committee was formed with Mrs. Thomason as Convener. The Association holds its meet- ings on the first Wednesday of each month and will welcome new members. The Sacrament of Baptism was observed in St. Matthew’s Uni- ted Church on Sunday la‘st. At that time the following children were presented by their parents, and duly recewed by the Minis- ter, the Rev. William W. Patter- son: ‘ Douglas James Barton. son of Mr. and Mrs. David Barton, 272 Axminster Dr. Steven David Ferguson. son of Mr. and Mrs. David Ferguson, 117 Talmage Dr. David Willis Hammond, son of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hammond, 317 S. Pauser Cr. George Path Ward, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Ward, 439 S. Pal- iser Cr. 'a steward of St. Matthew ted Church. Randy David Martin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Martin, 249 North Taylor Mills Drive. Linda Louise McGratlL daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Mc- Grgthh497 Lynett Cr. Kathleen Marie Plume. daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Plume, 270_ McConvey Dr. It is of special interest to note that four of the mothers present- ing children are members of St. Matthew's choir, two of the fa- thers are church elders, one fath- _er is and another father has been Gordon Arthur Edgar Parr. son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Part, 100 Cartier Cr. Mrs. Burnie. convenor of the meeting, introduced the guest speaker, Fire Chief Stong. In a clear and concise manner, Mr. Stong told of some of the ï¬re hazards that may be found in our basements and kitchens. He went on to point out what we could do to eliminate these dangers. In- dustrial plants are inspected be- cause of the'risk to the number of people employed. Mrs. Bur- nie showed some school books, pointing out some of the changes that have taken place in our ed- ucation. Miss Margaret Ireland has just returned from a very enjoyable trip to the British Isles. While in Scotland she returned to the home of her ancestors. the Isle of Mull in Argyll. Her grandfather, James Malloy and his four bro- thers left Scotland more than one hundred years ago to settle in Canada, and their descendants still live in this neighbourhood - Mr. Neil Malloy, Mrs. K. Blanch- ard, Mrs. Jean Murray, Maple and Miss Ireland. There were no Malloys left in Mull for Miss Ire- land to visit. Miss Ireland also cruised Loch Lomond, explored the capital, Ed- inburgh, and toured England and Wales. The regular meeting of the Women’s Institute was held on Thursday with the President Mrs. C. H_ Sanderson presiding. Sev- eral members brought friends, showing a growing interest in the organization. The October business meeting of the Woman’s Federation of St. Matthews United Church was held in the church parlor with Vice - President Mrs. C. Lover- ock in the chair. Mrs. L. Justice and Mrs. R. Wylie gave the de- votional, their subject being “The Parable of the Child.†Guest spea- ker of the evening was Mrs. C. Downs, principal of York Town- ship School for Retarded Child- ren. Mrs. Down’s talk was an in- spiration to all as she told of her experiences in teaching and guid- ing retarded children . . . . S‘he urged that we all do everything in our power to educate the pub- lic in our acceptance of these children and give them every chance to lead a normal life. Af- ter the business session, refresh- ments were served .by Mrs. S. Dennis. Group readings will be held October 20th in the follow- ing homes; Group 1, Mrs. B. Cur- tis, 200 North Taylor Mills Drive, Beverley Acres; Group 2, Mrs. C. King, 447 South Taylor Mills Drive; Group 3, Mrs. B. Knight, 348 Crosby Avenue; Group 4, Mrs. A. McClelland, 51 Rockport Cres- cent; Group 5. Mrs. C. Loverock, 308 Paliser Crescent. At a recent meeting of the Secretaries of East York District it was suggested that each mem- ber should have the Women’s In- stitute hand book and that each branch should provide a suitable case for the secretary's books, A pleasant half hour was pro- vided by the hostesses, Mrs. K, Blanchard, Mrs. D. Lamb, Mrs. G. Irwin, Mrs. A. Eden and Mrs. R. Giles. The Convention which was held for the first time in Canada, was attended by three thousand peo- ple, representing seven provinces, thirty four states and Mexico. The five bailrooms were filled to cap- acity with the many square dance enthusiasts, which created a very colourful picture as they dipped and dived torthe lilting music. Mrs. Janet Mason. Mrs. George De Witt, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Sav- age and Mrs. Ede Butlin attend- ed the 5th Atlantic Square Dance Convention held last Thursday. Friday and Saturday at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto. St.Matthews Plans New Church Bldg. The congregation of St. Mat- thew’s United Church, Crosby Avenue, met on Wednesday even- ing of last week for consideration of plans for a new church build- ing as they were presented by the architects. Pentland and Baker, and the building committee. The proposal as presented by the com- mittee is that the congregation build as the ï¬rst unit of their permanent building a church sanctuary with seating in choir and nave for 350 persons. and with a building budget of $70,000. Considerable discussion followed the presentation of the plans, The meeting was then adjourned, and will resume on Thursday ev- ening of this week to continue consideration and take whatever action may seem desirable. Well, Teen Town fans. you're In for a real blast next Saturday night at the ‘Harvest Moon Hop' at the Lions Hall. To highlight the night you’ll be dancing to the cool beat of Grant Cairns and his ten piece orchestra. As usual there will be terrific prizes and refreshments will be served. Ties ,please boys, and girls dress accordingly. Doors will be open at 8.30 pm. so see you there! Teen Town W. WYATT STOP 21 YONGE HALLOWE'EN PUMPKINS RICHMOND HILL DICKINSON, Walter Everett â€" Suddenly Friday, October 9. 1959. as result of accident, Walter Everett, son of Mrs. and the late Walter ‘E. Dickinson of 16 Edgar Avenue, Richvale. Funeral was held from the Wright and Taylor Funeral Home, Richmond Hill, Tuesday. October 13. Interment Rich- mond Hill Cemetery. (:1le John Mabley, -who passed away October 15th, 1958. Tls well he will suffer no more, In a loved land of the blest, Pain fled as he trod Heaven’s NEWELL, David Eric â€" At St. Joseph’s Hospital, Toronto, on Thursday. October 8. 1959, Da- vid Eric Newell of 624 Ossing- ton Ave., beloved husband of Eva Lynch, and dear father of Larry. Rested at the Ross Craig Funeral Home, 1357 Queen St. W. (near Lansdowne). Service and committal in the chapel on Tuesday at 3 p.m., to the Tor- onto Crematorium. c1w16 HORNE â€" Sacred to the mem- ory of Myrtle Adele Crook. be- loved wife of Joseph L. Horne, mother of Roy and grandmo- ther of Kenny, who entered the higher life October 16, 1957. O Blest Communion! Fellowship Divine! We feebly struggle, They in glory shine; Yet all are one in Thee, For all are Thine: shore. It left him at peace and rest. Lovingly remembered by wife Ha- zel and daughters Joan and Nan- cy. clw16 CUNNINGHAM. Robert Harold â€"â€" At the Toronto Western Hos- pital, on Sunday, October 11. 1959, Robert Harold Cunning- ham, of R. R. 1 Richmond Hill, late of Master Feed Farms, Thomhlll, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cunningham and loving husband of Lizzie Johnson, dear father of Robert and Nancy, in his Glst year. Resting at the Wright and Tay- lor Funeral Home, 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill. Service Wednesday, at 2 o'clock. Inter- ment Hagerman Hill Cemetery. clw16 In memoriams BALL -â€" In loving memory of Michael, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Ball, who passed away October 12, 1956. *1w16 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Atkinson of Willowdale, late of Thomhill, wish to announce the engage- ment of their youngest daughter, Patricia Mary to Mr. Herbert Strang, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Strang, Prince Edward Island. clw16 STECKLEY â€" Lloyd and Ruth MARLEY -â€" In loving memory of Our most heartfelt thanks for your prayers. generous inquiries, wonderful flowers and cards. To know you are remembered is a wonderful feeling and words can‘t express how much all this has meant to us. God bless you all. Kay and Morley Beynon c1w16 MORKIN â€" Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mork'm are happy to announce the birth of a 6 lb. 11 oz. girl, sister for Christine, Maureen, Colleen and Kathleen, October 12. 1959. at York County Hos- pital, Newmarket. clw16 CARD 0F THANKS To Our Many Friends (Engagements “Severed only till He come‘ (nee Kerr) are very happy to announce the arrival of a dau- ghter, Janice Ruth. 6 lbs. 14 025. at York County Hospital, Newmarket. on October 1, 1959_ a sister for Judy Anne. clw16 A special thanks to all the Volunteer workers who assist- ed 35,000 persons to view and enjoy the Art Exhibit and Tea daily at the C. N. E. ' iBeatbs CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY Richmond Hill Unit FACT FOR THE WEEK! 1w16 The installation of the new of- ï¬cers for the 2nd Richmond Hill Ladies’ Auxiliary Group Boy Scouts will be held October 29, at the home of Mrs. J. Cougblln, when the following members, who were elected October lst, will take their offices: President, Mrs. J. Coughlin; Vice-president, Mrs. J. Wilson; Secretary. Mrs. A. Gal- lienne; Treasurer, Mrs. C. Engle- hutt: Convenors â€" Social, Mrs. F. Smith; Sunshine Convenor, Mrs. J. Davis; Sewing, Mrs. J. Ingram and Publicity, Mrs. H. O’Toole. 1960 is the Golden Anniversary of Guiding in Canada. Guides and Brownies across Canada will plant thousands of golden tulips to bloom next spring outside buildings where Guides and Brownies meet. RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE The season’s ï¬rst meeting of the Local Association or Execu- tive Body of the Richmond Hill Guides and Brownies West Dis- trict. was held at the home of the Secretary, Mrs. George Sweeny. last Wednesday eVening. 7 of tlie camping acuvitir of our Guides at Sibbald's Point Camp, last July. Mrs. Hugh Yerex, Disâ€"trict Com- missioner, chaired the meeting agddgave an interesting aceount Auto Service Complete Service To All Makes of Cars WE INVITE YOU TO VISIT OUR NEW STORE AND SHARE IN THE MANY SPECIALS Guide Notes Is your engine short on power â€" long on gas consumption? Bet- ter see us soon! We’re experts on all types of engine work from tune- up to complete overhaul. When Your Engine Needs A Friend We’re It! You are sure of quality merchandise and prompt and courteous service! COOK'S BP CORN BROOM REG. 85c .6 9c Sturdy 5-string house- hold broom Perforated top - - height adjustment - - ï¬nished in bright attractive colors 6.95 ADJUSTABLE IRONING BOARD ELGIN MILLS TU. 4-3151 GRAND OPENING SALE 'couf Now In Our New Modern Store PHONE III. 4- 2101 FINAL WEEK ewd Str‘ong metal side han- dles - - capacity 12 gals. 20†high. 3*??? 2.19 Padded seat REG. $9.95 6.95 v 7 "w PRESENTS CHAUDRON BROWN >DELDI SUEDE WITH BEAVER' CAlF; BRAND NEW LOOK IN SUEDE&CA|.E $14.95 GALVINIZED GARBAGE CAN KITCHEN ‘11 chrome Non slip feet STOOL THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, October 15, 1959 Opposite Loblaws â€Fm DMM MWEW RICHMOND HEIGHTS PLAZA REG. $14.95 Reflector type thermos- tat control - - adjustable for “just right†toast every time. REG 20 Spring steel teeth - - will not damage grass. 89c LAWN RAKE REXDALE TOASTER .59: RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-5341 Gleaming white ï¬nish - . Aluminum inner contain- er. $171.29? 4.69 Caulking “it Gun & Cartridge Drop in cartridge type gun - - positive action, ratchet rod - - uses 81/2†cartridges. Quick & clean to use. Gun & Cartridge complete. 1.29 CLOTHES BASKET Kitchen PLASTIC L'rg Can