of Flint, Mlchigm Member at the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist. in Boston, Massachusetts MONDAY, OCTOBER 26th 8 :15 RM. IN THE CHURCH EDIFICE ll CIATSWOBI‘II DRIVE (South of Lawrence at Yong. SI.) GEO. McMURRICH SONS LIMITED 24 Elizabeth St. N. Richmond Hill Richmond Hill I'Urul' 4.1312 Avoid unnecessary slumps in produc- tion of your laying flock by feeding ' the well proven and that at that time all time- pieces will be set back one hour, to Eastern Standard time. K. W. Tomlin Russell Ly Mayor Clerk PROCLAMATION * STANDARD TIME? Sunday, October 25th -IF YOU LIKE A COMPLETE FEED WHERE N0 SCRATCH IS FED Use Master Complete Layer Krums - HUNDREDS OF LOCAL POULTRYMEN HAVE 'USED MASTER LAYING FEEDS WITH GREAT SUCCESS FOR THE MANY YEARS WE HAVE BEEN IN BUSINESS. - YOU TOO WILL BE SATISFIED With â€" these Top Notch Feeds .-- Our Top Notch Service ATTENTION POULTRYMEN “CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: SOUL'S RESTORATIVE POWER REVEALED" MASTER LAYING PROGRAM IF YOU FEED SCRATCH Use Red Head Krums u The Members of FIFTH CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST TORONTO INVITE YOU TO A Notice is hereby given that Daylight Saving Time will ter- minatelin the Town of Rich- mond Hill at 2 am. FREE LECTURE by GERTRUDE E. VELGUTH, C.S. HERBERT R. BUTT ALL ARE WELCOME Dependable Associated With Service ENTITLED Telephono W. R. DEAN Thornhil] AV. 5-1344 Russell Lynett Clerk 4 Wellington St. E. Toronto Toronto EMpln 2-3456 On Wednesday afternoon P.C. Dukes and Mr. Richardson arriv- ed at the school and with the children conducted a brief cere- mony for the raising of the Elmer Safety F1ag.Now it is up to each and every child to keep that flag flying, for if a child has an ac- cident onits way to and from school, Elmer must come down for 30 days; W.A.-W.M.S. The Gormley Home and Schoo! held its October meeting on Tues- day evening of last week. The theme of the program was "Safe- ty" and was very ably presented by P.C. Donald Dukes of the Magkham Township Police gorge. He gave a short talk on High- way Safety Rules, followed by two safety ï¬lms. The highlight of the evening came with the pre- sentation to the school of the Elmer Safety Flag. Mr. Rlchard- son, senior member of the school board received the flag and spoke to the children, encouraging them to take extreme care on the highways, to respect the police force and assist them to keep the public safe from highway ac- cldents. A delicious lunch was served by grade 1 and 2 mothers with Mrs. Russell Heise in charge. On Wednesday evening of last week the W.M.S. and the W.A. held a joint meeting in the Sun- day School room with a good at- tendance. Mrs. Heber McCague, president of the W.M.S., conduct- ed the worship service on the "Thanksgiving theme" with Mrs. P. McRoberts, Mrs. W. Orr, Mrs. S. Boynton and Mrs. P. Bennett assisting. Mrs. W. Orr introduced the guest speaker, Mrs. Percy Barker of Woodbridge. who gave a very inspiring message and showed coloured slides on the Holy Land. which she and her husband and two friends visited this past summer. Mrs. Frank Brumwell worked the lantern for Mrs. Barker. Mrs. A. Orr. on be- half of the W.A. thanked the speaker, and Mrs. McCague on behalf of the W.M.S. added her word of thanks. Mrs. L. Mumber- son, president of the W.A., had a short business period. The two groups served a delicious lunch at the close. Tyro Home and School VLast Tuesday evening a Tyro group for boys 8 to 11 years was formed in the Victoria Square Sanitary Contractor C. STUNDEN ucmaonn mu. m. ‘42“ Drains Cleaned & Repaired W.G.Sireei 'I'll. 4-2213 TRICYCLES LAY AWAY FOR XMAS NOW 20 In. Wheel $20.95 16 In. Wheel $15.49 13 In. Wheel $12.35 10 In. Wheel $7.49 Kiddie Cars $4.95 D011 Carriages ' Wagons - - '- 26 Inch $7.98 32 Inch . . . . . . $10.98 36 Inch . . . . . . $12.30 OVER 2,000 TOYS TO CHOOSE FROM. THE BIGGEST SELECTION IN RICHMOND HILL. for your place of buslnesu. truck lettering. sale signs. oï¬ice door lettering. FAST SERVICE Septic Tanks Pumped comsroxnnm MES. W. SAND“, MH- Rum Telephone Gonnley “2| VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS HALLOWE'EN PUMPKINS STOP 21 YONGE W. WYATT Prop‘ from $4.7 9 $20.95 $15.49 $12.35 $7.49 Sunday School room. Mr. Arthur Storey is the leader, assisted by Mr. Roger Kedwell. The meetings will be held every Tue‘sday even- ing in the Victoria Square Sun- day School room. Leaders’ Rally A The third Leaders‘ Rally for the Explorer and Mission Band leaders of the York Presbytery was held on Saturday in the Vic- toria Square Sunday School room. with Mrs. Wm. Turner. Explorer Secretary of York Presbyterlal, presiding. Registration was con- ducted by Mrs. F. McRoberts and Mrs. S. Boynton. Mrs. H. Mc- Cague was in charge of the de- votional period. Mrs. A. Gard- house was in charge of the litera- ture display. A project demon- stration was given by Mrs. Percy Bennett. A Sing Along with the Explorers and Mission Bands was conducted by Mrs. Allan Orr. Group conference with group handicrafts and project hints was conducted by Mrs. S. J. Mathers of the Dominion Board. Greet- ings were brought by Mrs. W. Hodgson. lst vice-president of York Presbytery W.M.S. The Stouï¬ville Explorer leaders took charge of the offering and dedi- cation. Mrs. Floyd Perkins is the Mission Band Secretary of the York Presbyterial. C.G.I.T. - Explorer Fall Festival Saturday afternoon the C.G.I.T. and Explorers of Victoria Square charge held a very successful Fall Festival in the Victoria Square Community Hall. There were ta- bles of home baking, sewing, plants, candy, handicrafts and Christmas decorations. Afternoon tea was served. Mrs. Stewart Rumble. retiring leader of the C.G.I.T. was pre- sented with a pen by members of the group. Mrs. W. Rodtck, presi- dent of the Brown's Corners W. M.S.; Mrs. Lee of Headford; Mrs. H. McCague. president of the Victoria Square W.M.S.; and Mrs. L. Mumberson, secretary for C. G.I.T. of York Presbyterial, all expressed their thanks to Mrs. Rumble for the work she had done with the girls. Church News Mrs. Rutherford of Locust Hill, was a visitor at the Sunday School in the interest of the Markham Township Sunday School Assoc. She told the children a story. Sunday, October 25, is the an- nual anniversary services of Vic- toria Square United Church. At 11 am. the Rev. Clayton Searle. M.A., B,D., Associate Secretary of the M a; M Department of our church will be the guest speaker. Special music will be given 'by the Victoria Square choir. At 7.30 pm. The Rev. E. G. Knowles, M. A., minister of the United Church at Bolton will be the guest speak- er. Special music by the commun- ity choir from Bolton, under the leadership of Mrs. Wm. Addison. Neighbourhood Notes ‘ Rev. R. B. Harrison, B.A.. of Pefferlaw was in charge of the service at Victoria Square Sun- day morning as Rev. A. F. Bin- nington was conducting the an- niversary service at the Peï¬er- law United Church. AnniVersary Services Birthday greetings to Judy Hart who on October 23 will be 12; to Mrs. P. Willows for October 22; to Murray Mackness who on Octo- ber 25, will be four years old; to Barbara Mackness who on Octo- ber 26 will be 11 years old; to Mark Rumney, who on October 28 will be two years old: Sympathy is extended to Mrs. E. Longfellow and Penny in the sudden passing of Mr. E. Long- fellow. 'Mrs. H. Attwood of Uxbridge is spending a few days with her sister here, Mrs. P.7Wlllrows. .The many friends of Mrs. A. Tatton will be pleased to hear that she was able to return home last week after her recent oper- ation. We hope that she will have a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hewitt and Andrew have returned to their home at Chatham. New Jer- sey, after spending the past week here with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. A. F. Binnington and broth- er Allan. Mr. and Mrs. E. Ladd of Brew- erton, N.Y., Mrs. Melvin Blumer and ï¬ve children of Pennellville, N.Y.. spent the weekâ€"end with Mrs. R. Perkins. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barker and Ross. They also called on other friends in the community. Mr. and Mrs. John Emprlng- ham, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Emprlng- ham and girls called on Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wilson and boys at Et- obicoke on Saturday evening. Mrs. Walter Cook and Florence of Lansing. had Saturday evening dinner with Mr. and M35. Percy Bennett. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Orr had Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Thomas and son at Cooks- town. Mr. and Mrs. John Emprlng- ham called on Mr. and Mrs. John Cameron at Thistletown on Sun- day afternoon. Rev. and Mrs. A; F. Binningtqn had Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weir at Pefferlaw. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mortson and family called on Mr. V. West- brook in Toronto on Sunday af- ternoon. They report that Mr. Westbrook is ï¬ne. Mrs Varden and Mrs. Gordon Hal-die attended the Central Area Training Day for Brownie and Girl Guide Leaders at Bowman- ville on Saturday. A leadership training school for all Sunday school teachers and potential teachers will be held in the Lutheran Church, Un- ionvflle on Monday, October 26; Wednesday. October 28: and Fri- day. October 30, from B to 10 p. m. Excellent leaders have been secured. Mr. Wayne Gunsolous of Belle- ville had Sunday evening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boyn- ton and Donald. 7 ~ Mrs F Heydens and daughters. Corrie and Francienne of Rich- mond Hill had Sunday evening dinner with Mrs. R. Perkins, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barker and Ross. Leadership Trnining School Don’t Iorxet to turn back the clock. Daylight saving and: this weekend! Demonstration Night The community extends hearty birthday greetings to all who celebrate birthday: this coming week. To Linda Diceman on 22nd. To Melody Duncan on the accus- ion of her second birthday, Oc- tober 24th, and to Bryan Ford when he celebrates his 12th birth- day on October 25th. The ladies of the community turned out in a goodly number to attend the plastic demonstration last Wednesday evening at the School. After a very entertaining evening, ladies of the lst Jeffer- son Mother's Auxiliary served tea. ’ Birthday News 7 Wednesday, October 14th was cause for celebration for Brad Rnshlow. The big occasion was his 8th birthday. Gathering some fellow cronies together, a gay par- ty was very heartily enjoyed. The games that were tackled with youthful zest only increased ap- petites whetted by exercise, brisk weather and male fondness for eating home cooked yummies. Community Club The ladies of the community are urged to attend the next meeting of the club to be held on Wednesday, October 28th, at the school. Come prepared with nee- dle, thread, patches and scissors, and please bring your aprons and white elephants (tame or other- wise). ? _ _ _ _ Don’t forget the School Bazaar Big surprises! Marvelous home baking. Tea to be served! For time and place, see Coming Events. Calling All Squares _ u_u_ Bow to your partners. Do-si-do. Promenade all. Calling all square- dancers. The first dance of the fall season is on Friday, October 30th. It is a big night! Goblins, spooks, walking scare-crows. fan cy dress is the order of the ev- ening. The best caller in the country and friendly atmosphere. Everyone welcome. See coming events for time and place. St. John's Church The dedication of the new par- lsh hall of St. John’s Anglican Church at Jefferson will be held at the church on Tuesday evening, October 27th at 8 pm. The Lord Bishop of Toronto. Rt. Rev. E. H. Wilkinson will officiate. Socials Miss Elizabeth Flood spent the ï¬rst week of her holidays visiting her sister. Mrs. R. Burns at St. Hilaire, Quebec, returning home _ on Friday: â€"- -_ _ ,d ___‘ Uu x l nun, . Mr. and Mrs. M. Beynon and Miss Grace Hobbs spent Thanks- giving weekend in Montreal, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Prendergast. A shower was held on Monday night for Miss Betty Jones, whose marriage to Mr. W. P. Sieber is to take place on November '7. Mrs. R. Heider, Oxford Street, was the hostess and many beau- tiful gifts were received by the popular bride-to.be. Last Satur-. day Mrs. A. Merritt and Mrs. Len Rice were hostesses at a surprise party when Betty received some beautiful cups and saucers. Mrs. E. Orr and Mrs. A. Orr recently gave Miss Jones a miscellaneous shower at Mrs. A. Orr's home in Richmond Hill. Mrs. J. Leone‘énd Mrs. R. O'Brien. two of the bride's attendants, entertained at a show- er when the bride-elect received ELGIN MILLS-JEFFERSON NEWS EAR SERVICE VALUE T IN TOWN a: Contains Rust and Corrosion Inhibitors Correspondent: The Evening Branch of the Woman‘s Auxiliary of St. John'n Anglican Church TV. (-2708 T0. 4-1534 91V. 5-4991 IT’S TRUE! Every car which comes into our Service Department be- tween 8 and 9 am. any morning except Saturday, we will for a limited time only install GM Antifreeze at this spectacular price. ANTI -FREEZE ETHYLENE GLYCOL Permanent Type MOTORS LTD: Richmond Hill, Ontario many lovely gifts from the girls in the office. The Monday Niters gathered at the home of Mrs. E. Gamble this week for their ï¬rst euchre party of the season. The winners were Mrs. R. Williams. Mrs. D. Crack- nell, Mrs. F. Powell and Mrs. R. Browne. Many friends and neighbours visited the Arthur Gibson’s home last Thursday afternoon and ev- ening for Miss Margaret Wilt- shire’s trousseau tea. Her mar- riage to Mr. Bill Gibson takes place this Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Kerwin at- tended the lovely wedding of Miss B. Midland to Mr. W. G. Willcocks last Friday at Christ Church, Deer Park, and afterwards the re- ception at the Granite Club. Laymen's Sunday Mr. Morley Beynon, lay reader at St. John’s Anglican Church, will deliver the sermon at the 11 am. service this Sunday. The teachers of the Sunday School held a very pleasant meet- ing in Aurora at the home of Mrs. Ritchie, Superintendent, last Sunday afternoon when “questions and answers" regard- ing teaching procedure were dealt with. Rev. A. E. Baker of Toronto was in charge of the service at Can-ville United Church on Sun- day. 0n ThursJay, Mrs. J. Barton held a quilting for the W.A. and those present were Mrs. E. Bone, Mrs. A. Read, Mrs. H. Ness and Mrs. J. Baker. This quilt will be gr sale at the bazaar on October Belated birthday greetings to Mrs. A. Clement who celebrated her birthday on Friday, October 16. and was entertained at sup- per by Mr. and Mrs. V. DelBrocco and family. 7 . Happy birthday to Sharon Melnic, who will be one year old on October 24; and to Lynda Gray who will be ten years old on October 28. Turkey Dinner At Camille United Church on October 29, the annual turkey dinner will be held at the church hall, and bazaar. See coming ev- ents for further information. Young People- Miss Josephine DelBrocco of Toronto returned home after spending a~week with Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Del Brocco and sons. Be sure and come to Carnville School on Saturday. October 24. to the Hallowe'en dance held by Carrville Young People. Young and old will be made very wel- come. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barton and John Barton and Miss Charlotte Gardiner of Toronto visited on Sunday with Mrs. J. EL Drumm at her home in Toronto. We are sorry to hear Mrs. J. Bushell is on the sick list. Her many friends hope she will soon be feeling ï¬ne again. Correspondent: Mrs. Bert Middleton Telephone Maple 13033 CARRVILLE THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, October 22, 1959 TU. 4-1194 For All Your Hardware & Paint Needs from Free Delivery 28 Industrial Rd. RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE COME TO HILL CITY MOTORS WE HAVE THE EQUIPMENT, SKILLED MECHAN- ICS FOR PROMPT DEPENDABLE REPAIRS T0 u ALL MAKES OF CARS Whether Your Car Needs a OPEN 24 HOURS 30 AUTOMATIC WASHERS 10 HUGE AUTOMATIC DRYERS- 22 Minute Wash 25c 10 Minute Dry . . . . . . . . .w. "m... 10c Dial 'I'Ilrner 4-2101 9 MOVERS 8: [game Hillï¬ityMM RENAULT SALES, SERVICE, AND PARTS MOVING com OPERATED AUTOMATIC EQUIPMENT Industrial Road, Richmond Hill TU. 4-3331 WHITBY COIN-O-WASH 10_6 Brock St. S. BRING THIS AD FOR ONE FREE WASH WILLOWDALE LAUNDRA-MAT For Prompt Courteous Service Call Come and Try Our New 4922 Yonge St., BA. 1-2663 Retail Sale Only qintenance Service uardian 24 YONGE ST. S. Ample Parking PACKING CHECK-UP â€" TUNE-UP - 0R COMPLETE OVERHAUL DAILY SERVICI TORONTO AND ABBA LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING PER. GAL INSTALLED AV. 5-5101 TUrner 4-2613 STORAGE TU. 4-2101