EXHAUST‘ EQUIPMENT FOR ENGLISH AND FOREIGN CARS Buick, Olds, Mercury, Cadillac, Up To '59 Models Also Available For Immediate Installation. 18 THE LIBERAL, Richmond HIE (ELM 0N EXTRA-UH, NEW-BAR flllAllTY MOTH-MASTER NEED A NEW MUFFLER! Drive In to Canadian TIM fa! your m. “My that. When the car i: an "to holst, you an the Indy.â€" you dulda whither yaur ald muffler I: still serviceable and; mlaclng. FOR GREATER SERVICE LIFE "on your new muffler, My Mote-Mast". Ilggar lavhgx, he, a! Canadian Tireâ€"and Inmllallu h PAST, l-A-S-T! Suptrlav daslgn and construc- tion lav batter whmanu, such! oafaty and so quick operation. Caarantnd blow-ant proof. MUFFLERS GIIEVBOLET PONTIAC PLYMOUTH STUDEBAKER GLAMPS, SEE YORK OFFICE EQUIPMENT 16 YONGE STREET N., RICflMOND HILL S‘gm'dy Drlvc-In Service 50% on “new-car" quality (1) SAVE TIME 5?) 55" "9“! QXEEEI. FILING AND STORAGE EQUIPMENT AND CABINETS GDMPABE YOUR SAVINGS! CII, Mala, You and Mod-lâ€" 1949-“ (MM) 1935-56 (MM) mI-u. I-ql. mun, kn. [uh _‘ “CITY PRICES OR LESS" Telephone 'rUmer 4.4231 and Dodge. 1 6-cyl. (non) 1949-!) -.....-..... “54-â€, 541'. (mu!) Champion. 1941-“ (not!) .25 (nos!) 1949-53, (mu!) 25 Yonge St. N. RICHMOND um. TUrner 4-1 196 ontarlo, 'rnursaay, October 22, 1959 'DO-IT- YOURSELF" SALE PRICE 6.86 5.15 Irackeh hr tall pip. Installation (emu, than needed) on Longer Service Life MUFFLER MUFFLER and INSTA LED TAIL PIPE SALE P ICE INSTALLED $8.00 $9.15 $8.00 $9.15 $9.61 $8.00 $9.35 $7.90 Langstafl Home & School Assoc: A large number of parents and teachers attended the October meeting of the Langstaï¬ Home and School Association and re. ceived a warm welcome from Mrs. Neal. the new president. The members of the 59-60 executive were introduced along with the Grade Mothers who represent each room. These women act as a liaison between the teachers and parents. Mis. Evans room had the larg- est parent attendance for the 3“ ‘7 WMUEFLEE SAFETY CHECK $12.10 $13.25 $12.30 $13.50 $13.71 $11.75 $13.45 $11.60 FREE LANGSTAFF NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. M. J. 80! Phone AVenuo 5-2806 junior grades and Mr. Linï¬eld for the senior Mr. Urquhart introduced the members of -the teaching staï¬ and welcomed all newcomers to the area. He also announced that Langstaff and Clarkâ€"Elgin Schools were co-winners of the area ï¬eld day and the trophy they are to share was on display at the meet- ing. Dr. Jackson, Director of the Ontario College of Education. in- troduced the guest speaker of the evening. Miss Florence Stone, who spoke on the history and im- portance of reading. Baptist Church News There was an area teachers meeting on Wednesday, October let. and these meetings will be held on the third Wednesday of each succeeding month. Langstatf Baptist Church an- nounces the coming of their an- niversary services beginning Nov- ember 8 through to November 15. We are fortunate in having Dr. Hugh Homer, pastor of Berea Baptist Church, Detroit. Mich., to mlinster to us. His subjects for the week are as knows: Sunday, November 8 â€" 11 a. m. â€" “The Concession Box"; 7 pm. â€" “Atomic Bomb". November 9, 8 pm. - "Heav- November 10. 8 pm. â€" “Be: liever's’ Judgment." November“ 11, 8 pm. â€"- "The Lordship of Christ". TNermbel: 13, 8 pm. â€" “The Cross". Sunday, November 15. 11 am. â€" “What Can I Lose?"; ’7 pm. â€" "What Think Ye of Christ?" Personals > Noverï¬ber 12, 8 pm. â€" "Pur- gatgry or_ Parggisel’. Mrs. Desjardine, Garden Ave., gave an afternoon tea and sur- prise party on Wednesday of last week in honor of Mrs. Hyett of Garden Ave. Those present were Mrs. White, Mrs. Madeline, Mrs. Bass, Mrs. Waiman. Mrs. Brodie, Mrs. Holt, and Mrs. Edmonds. Mrs. Hyett has sold her home and has moved to Finch Avenue. We all wish Mr. and Mrs. Hyett and Jewel the best of luck in their new home. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. M. Holt, Garden Avenue, over the week end were Mr. and Mrs. Ver- non Connell and family of New- ton-Rabinson; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Connell, Weston; and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Landerkin of Bond Head. ‘ Residents of Langstaff extend a belated but Warm welcome to Mrs. 0. Brodie. Yonge Street. Mr. and Mrs. Brodie were married in mid-September, and we wish them many happy years of life together. School News The Area Volleyball Leagues are underway for the season, and Langstaï¬' Senior Girls have a team entered. They have lost one game to Thornhill and won one game from the Ppwall Rd. team. The picture of last year’s grad- uates should soon be hung in the hall of the school and a welcome is extended to any of the grad- .uates who would like to visit. For complete service and parts â€"new machinery and industrial equipment. Goodyear Tire Service. Give us a call for demonstra- tion and full particulars. Mr. Urquhart would like to ex- tend a special “Thank You" to Dr. Jackson for obtaining the services of Miss Stone, as speak- er at the home and school meet- ing. 3 miles south of Bolton on Hm. 50 R. R. 3 Bolton Phone Bolton 150 Good Usefl Store, Restaur- ant and Kitchen Equipment. FOR SALE Counters, Mirrors, Fluores- cent Lighting, Armour Glass Shelving and Dividers, Wood Shelving, etc. Tully Store Fixtures L. H. SIMS DEALER . â€" TU. 4-1745 -â€" 88 Baker Ave†Richmond mu SALES - SERVICE - RENTALS Special Student Bates Typewriters . Adding Machine! All popular makes on hand See Portable models at Wight’s Pharmacy 2 28 Yonge St. S. or Cd] T17. (-1745 dz: or night 'Your local typewrï¬er speclnlist’ WILLIAMS Service & Supply MASSEY-FERGUSON SALES & SERVICE OFFICE MACHINES 41 Industrial Rd., Richmond Hill TU. 4-7 911 Neighbourhood Notes After the squaw winter of Sun- day’s brief snowflurries we look forward to a beautiful Indian Summer. With most of the fol- iage still on the trees there is still hope for some colour. Last week Muskoka was beautiful be- yond description, but too late for the cavalcade of colour. Art Storey and Andy Woodcock of the Victoria Square circuit Y. P. A. attended a regional con- ference of United Church Young People at North Bay over Thanks- giving weekend.’ Art is also busy with Tyro boys’ work at Victoria Square church and will be assist- ed by Roger Kedwell. It is good to see Mr. Harold Wright around the community a- gain following his recent bout with a virus infection. Another neighbour, Mr. B. K. Wilson is getting back in harness after the heart attack he suffere early in September; and Mr. Wii red Tur- ner who is currently at the Wes- ton Sanatorium was allowed to visit his family here on Friday of last week. Church services on the Victoria Square charge this coming Sun- day will be held at Victoria Square church where the congre- gatlon is celebrating anniversary services at 11:00 am. and 7:30 pm. Daylight saving ends next weekend so church will be held on Standard time. New Business In .Area In the meantime small busines- ses continue to creep in along Don Mills Road. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Pralet and the Pattersons did a flourishing trade in vege- tables this seaSon; Mr. and Mrs. Bryce J acksie and Mr. Ross Stone- house each have Chinchillas for sale; Grover Cast Stone are com- pleting a new building which will enable them to greatly increase their output: and just south of No. 7 highway, Mr. B. K. Wilson has taken on the sales and dis- tribution for Canadian made cam- ping trailers-boat trailers line. The people seem to have made up their minds whether Metro can or not. Buttonville Parent’s and School Club It’s seven months si ce March 23rd when a meeting 0 residents in the south-eastern sector of Markham Township was called to hear a decision on rezoning. At that time action was delayed spec- ifically for three months, until railway and highways plans were finalized â€" but still the township waits. On Wednesday evening of next week parents of children in the Buttonville school area will meet at the school for the first meeting of the new club recently formed. ~ The programme will consist chiefly of a demonstration lesson by Mrs. Helfenstein of the Jun- ior room who will present an ac- tual teaching procedure using a few children from ggodes 1 an‘d The graduates’ dinner which was originally planned for early in November had had to be post- poned because graduation pins are not available until later in the term. Church Service For Junior Far- mers An inspirational talk by Mr. W. M. Cockburn of the Departâ€" ment of Agriculture, and a solo by Mrs. George Hooper were fea- tures of the Unionville Junior Farmers church service held in Brown's Corners United Church on Sunday evening. Mr. Cockburn spoke of the im- portance of young people of the community developing Christian Character â€" including under this heading Understanding, Courtesy. Good Will, Loyalty and Honesty. In commenting on the latter, Mr. Cockburn remarked: “Would that “Honesty'is the best policy†had read “Honesty is the only policy!" Mrs. Hooper was accompanied at the organ by Miss Doroth IIde when she sang “Thanks Be To God," and the presidents of the boys’ and girls’ clubs, Mr. Don Hoshel and Miss Caroline Little conducted the service. Young peo- ple of each organization occupied the choir loft. Flowers at the altar for both Sunday services were in memory of Mr. Harold Cunningham of Brown’s Corners congregation, and Mrs. Steffler, mother of Mr. Harold Steffler, whose death oc- curred recently. ,,,,y _ r - wIk-tnthghlosc'e of the service a fireside was held in the church parlours for those present. Brown’s Corners W. M._s.__ ~“J The first meeting of the ‘autâ€" umn season was held in the church parlours on the first Wed- nesday evening of October with Mrs. Walter Craig presenting an interesting review of the first chapters of the 1959-60 mission study book, “Africa Disturbed.†Mrs. Wm. Rodick, president, was in the chair and music was by Mrs. S. J. English with Mrs. A. W. Miller as soloist. Mrs. John Wilkins, Mrs. James Rodick and Mrs. Ross Hord pres- ented the devotional service, and Mrs. Wm. Rodick and Mrs. A. W. Miller handled business for W.M.S. Harmony gratin; ._._. ‘1...- " .1'1.u. Lou. .-.«._, 9, Business was as follows: Mrs. Douglas Hood and Mrs. W. Craig were appointed to welcome all those who attend church Sunday mornings; Associate members are to be invited specially to the Thankoffering meeting to be held on Novergher 4th at which W “L‘- In- new on uuvcmum x»... .. ....--__ Mrs. Loveys will be speaker (Oc- tober committee in charge); An- nual meeting to be held Nov. 18, (November committee in charge.) Harmony Club Bazaar in Button- CANADIAN CANCER - SOCIETY Richmond mu & Dist?!“ Unit For Intonation call mnhmond ml] TO. #122! TU. 4-3463 AV. 5-4825 1110th AV. 5-1603 AV. 5-1743 Maple 247W AV. 5-2406 Dnlonvfllo 239 CORRESPONDENT: Mn. l'. G. LEA! L a. I Gormley - Phone AXmlnscer 3-6183 BUTTONVILLE NEWS ville Hall on Saturday. November 28. It was announced during the Harmony Club business that mon- ey from quiltsmade by the Hat- mony Club was used to purchase an electric clock for, the Sunday School room at the church. Invitations to Thankoffering meetings at Maple (Oct. 20); Milli- ken. Nogember 8; and Stouffville, October 8, were received by the organization. A Following the meeting refresh- ments" were served by the has- tesses. Mrs. John Wilkins. Mrs. James Rodick. Mrs. Craig and Mrs. Hord. The only “Year- 'round" Tire with NATURAL fl; RUBBER TREAD ҠEel TBAGTIDN Ihis Winter diet QUIET BEIJING nexl Summer Ride Hiway-Byway every day in the year for safer travel whether the roads are glare or hare, snow- !loaded or ankle-deep in mud. The power-grip of natural tree rubber tread give: greater 6-0 and more positive S-T-O-Pl Super-lastic Hiway-Byway is rated top choice for bad weather driving, with the Natural Rubber Tread for all your driving, 12 months in the year. Originally developed as a super-traction snow-mud tire, the engineer: built in longer mileage and removed that last trace of annoying whine you heard from other snow tires. Save safely! ROAD HAZARD INSURED-PLUS 1" ‘ * ‘ A SUPER-LAST“) EXCLUSIVE - Super-Lasfle Passenger tires are Road Hazard Insured against blowvouts, accidents, glass cuts, stone cuts or other normal hazards which make I tire unfit for further service. Customer pays only for ser- vice rendered. 5-year Guarantee â€" I __--- , ---_- NOTE: Add 50¢ to aim FREE “£3230 INSURANCE SUPER-[ASTIC Engineered for Canadian roads, temperatures and driving conditions . . . ‘ --with 50% heavier TYHEX Viscose Bord than “New-car" equipment... V : N . 11 Highway, at Newmarket turning traffic light) g‘lï¬gtigredgted - Cnlfhood Vaccinated - 100% negating Blood Test - Selling on Monday. October 26th at 1.00 pm. EST. . 1 Bull Calf â€" 30 Milking Females â€" 5 Bred Heifers â€" 18 Open Heifers & Calves â€" 5 fresh before sale day â€" 8 due in October, November & December â€" 18 due in Winter and early Spring YORK COUNTY’S HIGHEST PRODUCTION HERD York Manor Farms lead York County in Production with the following average: B.C.A. â€" Milk 133%, Fat 146% â€"â€" Composite 140% Average â€" Milk: 14681; Fat: 592 - 4.03% on 20 cows. This was the highest average in both categories of 20 or ’ more or 20 or less cows milked. For catalogues, write to: Hays Farms Ltd., Sale Managers. Box 490. Oakville, Ontario 25 Yonge St. N. Richmond H IUrner 4-1196 - . THE COMPLETE KENEVELYN DISPERSAL AT YORK MANOR FARM â€" NEWMARKE’I‘, ONTARIO Against defects In work- manship and materials Bargain in Winter Driving Safely! SAVE ON OTHER SIZES . .With Class “A†Trade-in 10.95 600/16 ,5 5-YEAR . GUARANTEI NOTE: Add 50¢ to abovc prices for Installaflon. This winter ride worry-free at the lowest pos sible cost â€" Canadian Tire’s Wholesale Dis count savings remove the price barrier to sal driving. “Snow-Travel†with its dew-biting self-cleaning traction treads of rugged Polyme Cold Rubber and durable Courtaulds Tenasc Cord body will pull you through deep snow. slush and sticky mud. Be safety-set all Winter long with a set of Snow Travel on your rear wheels â€" Priced away below the market. SHOW TRAVEIJ O 5 With Class "A" Trade-in 2 Passenger I :, accidents, rhich make fly for ser- ‘ 13.45 710/15 670 15 50 HEAD 600/16 550/16 070/15 110/15 750/14 700/15 300-820/15 300/14 550/14 Discoun Regular Prlco w" SIZI Lin cm: "A _. , '39.. ""39 550.590/15 2_I.55 15:95 500/15 1 24.55 15.95 550/15 31.55 15.95 671/15 251.5 ms 110/15 20.55 19.95 750/14 25.15 15.95 750/15 _ al_.so _ 25:35 800-820/15 33.55 25.95 800/14 25.55 10.95 350/: mo 21-25 900/14 33.55 15.95 Similar Savings on ï¬beleu In Whitewalll. Add 500 In Installauo 12.95 750/14 L [St 7’ EASY 1‘15 13.95 800/14