Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Oct 1959, p. 3

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Brown and Smith met after work for coffee when Brown said: “What d’ya say we get our wives together and have a big night to- night?” “Great idea,’ “Where’ll we leave ‘em?" We’re only kidding, of course. But we're not joking when we say we have one of the finest cleaning establishments on the continent. Without hesitation, you can de- pend on us for the most reliable care of all your garments and household furnishings. So leave your dry cleaning worries with I90 Yong. 5mm N.. Richmond Hill 28 Yonge St. S. WIGHT'S PHARMACY Richmond Hill Lions Hall OCT. 19, 20, 2|, 22, ,23, 24 You can make $75.00 to $100.00 per week, in your spare time. More if devoting full time. A leading Canadian company, dis- tributing coast to coast name brand product will appoint sin- cere reliable persons to'aervice accounts in this area. Quali- fications required are good references, a minimum of spare time available and a cash investment of $980.00. true for you if you are over eight years and under 15, boy or girl!!!! A FAIRY TALE COME TRUE â€" Yes it could come Give your name, address, age. to The Camera Centre, Richmond Heights Plaza immediately. Watch next week’s Issue of “The Liberal” for full details and m- structions. Winners will be the boy and girl considered by the judges the most personable who present themselves. R I C H M O N D HEIGHTS PLAZA Childrens Contest Parents â€" enter your child now. Monday, Oct. 26th TU. 4-2922 Warehouse Sales 85 Yonge St. N. “Before you buy â€" it will pay you to give us a try!" EASY CREDIT TERMS Douhle Dresser Chest Bed 4’6” POWELL FURNITURE Write immediately for appointment in your area to: C. F. Industries Ltd., 2180 Belgrave Ave., Montreal, P.Q. â€" SPECIAL - 9- Pc. modern BEDROOM SUITE in SERTA SPRING-FILLED MATTRESS SAVE $84.00 ..... ONLY $159.50 YOU CAN OWN THE FINEST ONE MAN BUSINESS V IN YOUR TOWN NO SELLING OR SOLICITING WE WANT A PAGE & A MAID 0F HONOUR for our own Beauty Queen The winning boy and girl will take part in all functions in which Miss Richmond Heights with her attendants participate . . . No entry fee. Winning boy and girl will receive lovely prizes, will go on the “Royal” tour of the district in late model cars provided by Shelton- Mansell Motors. What fun this offers. Enter NOW. Selection Date: October 29th said Smith. rolled-0n Walnut TU. 4-1521 Ribbon Spring 2 Pillows 2 Lamps and Shades PHIL. BART]! :2 Richmond Hill ‘IMIIEIHHIHITWH I’Umot 4-41" I The fourth dinner meeting of the Richmond Hill Junior Cham- ber of Commerce was held on Thursday, October, 15th, at the Summit View Restaurant at 7 ‘o'clock. The chairman for the meeting was 2nd Vice-President, Colin Burgess who extended a welcome to visitor Earlby Thomp- son - President of the N ewmarket Jaycees - and guest speaker Paul Delmer of “The Liberal." in'g SHOP LOCALLY DRIVE, the Jaycees Christmas Auction on ra- dio, the ear draw at $10.00 per ticket, the Safety Council, the Jaycee French Speaking course and the J aycee Radio Programme, Townhall Tonight. Secretary, Bob McClelland read motions passed at the preceeding executive meeting, and announce- ment was made on the forth-com- After the head table had been introduced, Howard Jack intro- duced the speaker, Mr. Paul Del- mer, Mr. Delmer told of his ex- tensive trip through the various countries of the U.S.S.R. and gave a very interesting account of the Russian people, their way of life and the progress that has been made toward a better life for the average citizen. He told of the co-operation he got in making a film of the country and of his plan to show this film in Canada after its run at New York’s Cameo Theatre. The Jaycee audience showed how very interested it had been in the talk by the thoughtful and varied questions asked during the “questions & an- swers” period that followed. Jay- cee Ted Duffy thanked Mr. Del- mer. The dinner meeting ad- journed and the Jaycees went to either the Public Speaking course "or the Business Management course both of which are a regul- .ar feature after the dinner meet- ings which are held every first and third Thursday of every month. Jaycees Sponsor Shop locally Drive Town Council Meeting Richmond Hill To Consider A By Law "For Smoke Control Questions County Planning Bd. Costs Whether or not Markham Township would have to par- ticipate in the cost of any newly organized county-wide planning board was raised by Deputy-reeve W. Deanx at Mondays meeting of Mark- harn Township Council. The question arose with the announcement that the De- partment of Planning and Development will sponsor a community planning work shop to be held October 27 at the county offices. Such a meeting is the prelude to the formation of a county plan- ning board. It is expected the matter will be debated at the Nov- ember session of county coun- “The province tells us we are included in the Metro Planning area and the new board would only result in duplication,” stated Deputy- reeve Dean. Of the total county assessment 50% of it lies in the three southern municipalities, and these municipalities are under the jurisdiction of Memo. The above photo shows the prog- ress in construction of the Richmond Hill Curling Club’s fine new building. View of the rink structure shows the lounge, the photo taken from the north- west side. Club executifres are pleased with the Culling CM 3% in? The petitioners claim that soot from the chimney damages chil- dren's clothes, is tracked into homes damaging furnishings and carpets, cars are covered with a film, roofs are tarnished and win- dows are a grimy mess. Resi- dents of the area it is ‘claimed cannot sit out in their yards be- cause of the prevalence of soot fall-out. The people ask for “long over-due action to end the nui- sance.” In presenting the petition De- puty-reeve Tinker said he had investigated the complaints and was satisfied the soot com-es from the greenhouse and not from the trains. Council members agreed to communicate at once with the Bedford Park Floral Company to see what could be done to elimin- ate the nuisance, and authorized the clerk to have a smoke control bylaw prepared. Councillor Joseph Paterson ask- ed for a report on the progress of road work in the Elmwood and Glen Brae areas. Deputy-reeve Tinker, Works Committee Chair- man stated that there had been some delay in starting the work but that everything had progress- ed very satisfactorily. “The com- pletion of the work this fall de- pends on the weather“ said de- p'uty-reeve Tinker who explained warm weather is needed for the final coats. He gave assurance all roads will receive a prime coat of treatment. He said to try to com- plete the roads if the weather is too cold is just a waste of mon- Mayor Tomlin said the growth of the town has made considera- tion of a smoke control bylaw ne- cessary. Councillor Bradstock said he had~been in touch with Metro authorities and he thought the present situation might be corrected at a relatively small ex- pense. It was suggested expert advice might be sought, but it was decided to first have a talk with the Bedford Park Company. Road Program There were seventy names signed to a petition read to Richmond Hill Town Council Monday night, demanding immediate action to eliminate the soot nuisance in the Bed- ford Park residential area. Petitioners Claim smoke from the Bedford Park Floral Co. smokestack creates a real nuisance and asked remedial action by council. Members expressed the opinion that the contractor is doing a good job. “We have hopes for a one hundred per cent completion of the road this fall" said the De- puty-reeve “but we are depend- ent on the weather." Treatment Plant Councillor Paterson asked when the water treatment plant will be in operation. “That will depend on when the water mains are completed" said the Mayan “That will not be long” he added. Plant Trees Soot Fall Out Grimy Nuisance in Bedford Park Councillor W. J. Bradstock reâ€" ported plans for planting 44 trees on the boulevard on Palmer Av- enue. Council authorized an or- Golden Lion $70.00 $325 14 Numbers Called ]A C K P 0 T Veal-in? Comp/efion rate of buildiong progress, and, all who wish to enjoy the healthful and fascin- ating sport of curling are asked to at- tend the open meeting being held on Tuesday, October 27, in the Richmond Hill High School. Mayor Tomlin and members of council expressed sincere sym- pathy to Councillor Robert Ross and family whose son was serious- ly injured in an accident a few weeks ago. “We sincerely trust he will continue to improve and that his recovery may be complete" said the Mayor. Councillor Ross thanked the members for their good wishes and stated that latest medical reports were very encour- aging. Bob Ross Jr. suffered se- vere injuries when he fell on a construction job at Bracebridge four weeks ago. He has remained in a coma ever since. Permission was granted the Canadian Legion to hold Poppy Fund Tag Day on Saturday Novâ€" ember 7th. ‘ .wwy‘. ,_-_, -n, Reeve Perkins, Chairman of the off-street parking committee was authorized to get a survey of land to be purchased east and west of Yonge Street. Council also authorized a survey of Wood Lane where some improvements are planned. The road will be ditched and the entrance from Mill St. changed to more nearly coincide with Trench Street; At the suggestion of Reeve Perkins council members will donate a trophy for the munici- pal emplqyee’ibowling league. - -â€" ,_ ,L ,_I__.I It was agreed to commence an- nexation proceedings to take into the town the five _acre site of the new Pleasantville school now lo- cated beyond corporation limits. ru- ~---r-v.v -- â€" _- -~~~., _ Councillor W. J. Haggart asked what progress is being made in solving the drainage problem in the Bluegrass Blvd. area. The Mayor read a letter sent by town engineers to the sub-dividers giv- ing two weeks for some remedial action. It was stated that if the sub-divider does not proceed promptly with the work it might be undertaken by the town and charged back to the sub-divid- er. Council took no action on a request from Crowland Twp, ask- ing support for a resolution re- questing the province to pay all cost of relief. der to Alpine Nurseries for 44 trees, silver maple and ash, 8 to 10 ft. in height. The cost will be $200. No Time Payments A builder‘ who asked time to pay the municipal levy of $650. on a new subâ€"division will be told there can be no deferred pay- ments. “It would be a highly dangerous precedent” commented Councillor Haggart. Express Sympathy FOR REAL BARGAINS USE TRY “LIBERAL" CLASSIFIEDS PHONE TU. 4-1105 â€" Photo by Wainwright CHRISTIES BROOKSIDE BREAD ‘ 8. DEMPSTERSâ€"SAVE 16c ‘ TWO LOAVES WITH EVERY $10.00 PURCHASE mm m“ QUAKER OATS Quickorlnstant SAVE 4c 44 oz. pkg. CALIFORNIA EMPEROR GRAPES 2 lbs. 25c "THE LIFE OF CHRIST-Most Touching History Of love & Sacrifice Silver Stream-Fresh daily EGGS GRADE A PULLETS Fresh No. l ONTARIO JUICY RED CLUSTERS 29 Yonge St. 5., RICHMOND HILL MORLEY'S FOODLAND Sunday, October 25th, at 7.30 p.m. Lions Hall Centre Street East, Richmond Hill ALSO: WED” OCT. 28TH, 7.30 PM. â€" The Book of the Apocalypse in This Apocalypsic Era! Film 8: Music 7.30 pm. Admission Free Illustrated Lecture 8 p.111. FINCH MOTORS LTD. YEAR-END CLEARANCE ' I959 ' FORDS EDSEL MONARCH PorkShoulderRoastSIb-29c SEE US TO DAYâ€"FOR THE BEST DEAL 5444 YONGE ST. â€" WILLOWDALE â€" BA.’ 5-1151 â€" - PARTS - SALES â€" A-l SERVICE -SALE- THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, October 1-5. 1959 PLUS Lowest Prices Ever On Guaranteed A-I POTATOES U [:35Avezoc lOIb.baq 10 LB. WITH EVERY $10.00 PURCHASE + A Wonderful Bridge Which Spans the Chasm! + A Message Which Elevates the Spirit! ' al- A Message Which Gives New Courage to Face Life! HEAR lAWI'ON Low: USED CARS NUMBERS CALI-L RegularorChubby SAVEIOc 2pk9529c 24 oz. loaf Parking in Rear. _ Jars .23c 49¢ TH

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