Fall leaves, maple, elm and oak, with long branches of daintily- hued crab apples. mixed with gol- den chrysanthemums that adorn- ed the walls and corridors, plus jardinieres of red and mite roses that graced the tables and stage of Wrixon Hall â€" this artistic setting enhanced the delicious food served to the 300 members of St. Mary’s Anglican Church, who attended the “Congregation- Dinner†on Tuesday evening. The October meeting of the lst Beverley Acres Ladies Auxiliary was held on Monday, October 19, at the Beverley Acres Public School. A new social convenor, Mrs. June Dunlop was elected and Hallowe‘en' parties were planned for the Scouts and Cubs. The next meeting will be a penny auction held at the school at 8.30 pm. on November 16th. All mothers and any new members welcome. The Presbyterian Young Peop- les’ party was held on Saturday evening at the home of Miss Con- nie Link, Richmond St. The par- ty which was held primarily to welcome new members ,to the group, was attended by 28 guests, and after games and dancing. 3 delicious Slipper completed the evening's entertainment. Following the showing of an in- teresting ï¬lm by Mr. Lou Wain- wright â€"- Chairman R. D. Little introduced those at the head tab- le in his usual inimitable humor- ous style. Committeemen A. W. Farwell. W. D. Ross. M. Ashkan- use and G. MacLaren each spoke on various phases of church busi- nes of interest to the congreg- ation members. The Rector, Rev. J. F. O'Neil also spoke impress- ively and thanked all those pres- ent whose organizational skill and effort contributed to the making of this congregational dinner such an enjoyable success. The dinner committee com. prised Chairman Mrs R. D. Little, Mrs. R. A. Bradshaw, Mrs G. Cunninghamâ€"Dunlap, Mrs. W. S. Pocknell. Mrs. H. Stanford. The kind assistance of ladies of the Auxiliary, Church of St Gabriel was also appreciated and ack- nowledged. Mr. and Mrs. George Rice Richmond St.. attended the wed- ding of Miss Mona Wong to Mr. Bill Chong at Knox Presbyterian Church, Toronto, on Saturday. Following the ceremony, a recep- tion was held at the Park Plaza Hotel. Mr. Wong and Mr. 'c'e were former classmates at or- onto University. NORTH YORK â€" Dr. Winifred Bryce. a prominent resident of North'York leaves for far-off In- diva 'and the mission field this week. Rev. D. C. H. Michell, rector of St. John’s and St. Mark’s Angli- can churches, was in Oshawa last week, attending the annual cler- gy conference which was held at St. George's on Tuesday and Wed- nesday. About 200 clergymen at- tended. 'For Complete Drug Service' Clarké's Pharmacy The Allencourt Ratepayers will hold their next meeting on Nov- ember 4, at the Walter Scott School. Guest speakers will be Mayor Tomlin and Councillor J. W. Bradstock. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sander- son, Church St.. returned on Sun- day after spending a week in At- lantic City, attending the “Fed- eration of Paint and Varnish Pro- ductien Clubs". Congratulations to Miss Muriel Higginson, daught r of the Rev: and Mrs. C. G. igzinson, on graduating with a B.Sc.N. from McMaster University./ Hamilton, on Friday, October ‘23. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Jones entertained at a cocktail party prior to attending the “Fall Frolic" at the High School last Friday evening. Phone TU. 4-1201 Richmond Hill It's smart and sensible to visit your Doctor for a Regular Check-up. It “keeps you on the sun- ny side of healthâ€, per- mits early diagnosis and treatment of an illness and it's good “Health Insuranceâ€. When he prescribes, bring your prescription here for ac- curate comgounding.___ Editor The executive of the lst Rich- mond Hill Scout Mother’s Auxil~ iary met Tuesday, October 27th, at the home of Mrs. Lew Sims. Silverwoods are sponsoring a! cooking class in the Presbyterian Church Hall on November 23rd. At their next regular meeting, Mrs. Ruth Banks will give a dem- onstration on how to make a Christmas gift wrapping more decorative. Delicious refreshâ€" ments followed the meeting. The Richmond Hill United Church Junior Bible Class held a most successful party on Satur- day evening to welcome all new members to the class. Patrons in attendance were Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Perkins and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith. Arrangements for the par- ty were made by a committee headed by Sara Gibson and John Clement is the new president for the coming season. Our congratulations to Sylvia Grant, a member of the Curtain Club who scored a‘ great personal success in “The Love for Three Oranges" This satirical opera was included in the recent Toronto Opera Festival. Mrs. Grant sang the role of the glamoroas witch Fata Morgana. She received en- thusiastic critical reviews for her superlative interpretation of the role. A wonderful time was had by the Presbyterian Couples Club when they held a Hallowe'en par- ty at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Imeson, Rockport Cres- cent. Everyone was in costume, and midst orange and black dec- orations, the party achieved an authentic Hallowe’en spirit. Games, a tape recorder and dan- cing provided a lot of fun, after which everyone enjoyed bounti- ful refreshments. An enthusiastic member of the Richmdnd Hill Community Swing‘ (Square Dancing) Club made an incorrect call in last Thursday’s issue of the Liberal. You were invited to dance at the MacKil- lop Public School ahd this invi- tation should have read Lillian McConaghy School. The club sin- cerely regrets any inconvenience caused to square dancers and heartily invite you to join in square dancing on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month at Lillian McConaghy School, Yonge St. in the Hill. at 8.15 p.131. A reception was .held at the home of Mrs. G. Ingram, Palmer Avenue, for \her son Donald and his wife, a native of St. Leu, France, who were married recent- ly in Paris: Many relatives and friends gathered to meet the young bride, and the couple re- ceived many lovely'gifts for their new home. Out of town guests were from Orillia, Barrie, Mines- ing. Georgetown, Burgessviue and Toronto. Donald, who has just received hi§ P. H. D. from Cambridge Uni- versity, is now engaged in resear- ch work at the Ontario Veterinary College at Guelph. The 4th Richmond Hill Scout & Cub Mother's Auxiliary held their first meeting of the fall season on Tuesday, October 20th at the home of their president, Mrs. Margaret Paton. A rundown of the last meeting and general busi. ness was given by the secretary. Mrs. Bernice Edwards. Mrs. Rita Beaumont, past-president. and 50< cial convener of the York Summit District Ladies Auxiliary, saw a very interesting talk on “What York Summit means - and -we are a part of this Auxiliary." The secretary reported that “Apple Day" was a very successful ef- fort, and at the end of the day, the boys were served hot dogs, chocolate, at the home of Mrs. Eunice Bone. Miss Anne Spaull was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Crampton last week, be- .fore leaving for England on Sun- day. Anne. who was seen by' many viewers on CBC TV “Country Calendar" at her parents’ farm in Warren, near.Sndbury, won the 1959' Ontario Dairy Queen Crown at the C.N.E. in Septem~ bei‘ and this trip to England was one of her many prizes. The "Liberal" joins with the community in wishing Mr. Ellis continued good health and many more birthdays to come. Mr. James Ellis enjoys excell- ent health, is still very active in the local Lions Club and an in- terested member of the Horticul- tural Society. Mrs. Neil Malloy and her "quilting-team" have a simply beautiful array of quilts ready for the Richmond Hill Presbyter- iar‘ Church W. A. Annual Ba- zaar which will be held in the church hall at 3 o'clock on Satur- day, November 7th.‘ ; Congratulations to Mr. James Ellis, who celebrated his 87th birthday on Monday; October 26. A family dinner party was given for him at the home of his daugh- ter. and son-in-law, Mr. and 'Mrs. Lauder Glass. Other relatives at- tending were: Mr. and Mrs R. Flett, Mr. and Mrs. W. Simpson and daughters Janie and Nancy from 'Thornhill, ML and Mrs. Brydon Ellis and son Bob. Mr. J. Stallibras underwent an operation at St. Michael’s Hospi- tal on Monday and Is progressing favorably. The Liberal joins with his many friends in wishing him a speedy recovery. All good wishes to Mr. Ray- mond Ingram who left on Wed- nesday for Nassau, where he has accepted an account_ancy position. Margot Crack At a meeting held in the Mas- onic Building, Tuesday evening, October 20. Richmond Hill Chap- ter 302 Order of the Eastern Star was constituted by Reverend William J. Province, Worthy Grand Patron of the Grand Chap- ter of Ontario, Order of the Eas- tern Star. After a short meeting of the Chapter, the Constitution Cere- mony was held. A short recess was called, then the following officers of Richmond Hill Chapter were duly installed: Worthy Matron, Mrs. Alma Hill; Worthy Patron, Mr. Albert Rogers; Associate Matron, Mrs. Hilda Ludlow; As- sociate Patron, Mr. Herbert Lud- low; Secretary, Mrs. Ruth Hip- kiss; Treasurer, Mrs. Patricia Mills; Conductress, Mrs. Phylis Richmond; Associate Conductress, Mrs. Ada Rogers; Chaplain, Mrs. Irene McGauley; Marshal, Mrs. Ruth Charity; Organist, Mrs. Ruth Boore; Star points â€"- Adah, Mrs. Jean Moore; Ruth, Mrs. Iris Pratt; Esther, Mrs. Vivian Ber- ard; Martha, Mrs. Beverly Ander- son; Electa, Mrs. Marjorie Beres- ford; Warder, Mrs. Elizabeth Cur- tis; Sentinel, Mr. William Nicol. The Richmond Hill High School was the scene of the “Fall Frolic" the annual dance sponsored by the lst Richmond Hill Scbut Mo- thers’ Auxiliary. Autumn leaves and vegetables decorated the stage where Dick Walkers 0r- chestra set the pace for an even- ing of enjoyable dancing. A hil- arious time was had during the interval, when the popular Mas- ter of Ceremonies, Mr. Bill Tur- ner, auctioned off all the vege- tables to the highest bidders. Several lucky‘dances with prizes were held, and delicious refresh- ments served during the course of the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Williams are for- mer Richmond Hill residents and thoroughly enjoyed the weekend visiting with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rainey and family, and also av- ailed themselves of the opportun- ity to see several of their old neighbours and friends. Attending “the first birthday )f Lesley Rainey, Rockport Cres- cent, were her great grandmother, Mrs. G. LeHuquet, from Mont- real; her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. K. Williams; and her two aunts, Shem-ill and Gail, all from Ottawa. ‘ . At a Baptismal service held on Sunday morning, October 25, in he Richmond Hill United Church. the following children were re- ceived in baptism: George Jeffery Bowden, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Bowden; Charles Jeffery Frasâ€" er Collard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Barry Collard; Elizabeth Anne Cubitt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Cubitt; Vernon Eric Houghton. son of Mr. and Mrs. Eric L. Houghton; Paul Timothy Michael Miller. son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Miller; David Brian Suter, son of Mr. and rs. Rob- ert D. Suter. ‘ Several Grand Officers were present who tbok part in the Con- stitution and Installation Cere- monies, as well as a number of visitors from out of‘ town Chap- ters. ‘ At the close of the ceremonies. refreshment committee served a very tasty salad plate, ice cream and cookies. This was greatly en- joyed by all. The Church of 'St. Gabriel, Richmond Hill held their ï¬rst Lit- tle Helpers party at the church hall on Thursday, October 22, from 3 to 5 pm. Receiving were Mrs. Price, Past Diocesan Little Helpers secretary and Mrs. H. Coombs, Little Helpers secretary at the Church of St. Gabriel. Mrs. V. Hunter took charge at a table from which story books for little helpers were purchased. Mrs. H. Coombs and her com- mittee of Mrs. B. Debenham, Mrs. J. Plummet and Mrs. A. Browne were immensely gratiï¬ed at the outcome of the ï¬rst party of Lit- tle Helpers held by the Church of St. Gabriel. Mrs. Joyce Plummet recorded e names of the mothers and children on their arrival â€" 65 children and 25 mothers being present. The children were entertained by Mrs. B. Debenham, Mrs. A. Browne, Mrs. V. Haggart and Mrs. J. Taylor, whilst Mrs. J. Newton-Smith addressed the mo- thers regarding the formation of a mothers’ afternoon meeting â€" which suggestion was received with enthusiasm. ' Rev. J. NewtonSmith then con- ducted an impressive service, the children presenting their mite boxes at the chancel steps. Mrs. Price explained some of the ways that the contents of the mite box- es are being used in the workings of the church. From gain decorated tables lighted by white and green tap- ers, refreshments were served by Mrs. J. -Whitman, Mrs. V. Hag- gart, Mrs. H. Smith. Mrs. G. Taylor, Mrs. M. Shaw and Mrs. M. Huntley. "Theatre in Russia," a talk given by Mr. Herbert Whittaker at the Arts and Letters Club last Tuesday was well attended by Curtain Club members. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. E. Redelmeier, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Trott, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rabinowitch, Mrs. M. B. Jackson, Mrs. B. Myers, Mrs. W. Thomson, Mrs. L. Queen, Mrs. S. B. Stew- art and Mr. Carl Weinsheimer. The sympathy of the commun- ity is extended to Mrs. A. Black- burn. on the death of her brother, Mr. C. P. Holmes in Toronto last week. DOUST, James C. â€" At his home, Gormley, Ont., Thursday Oct. 22, 1959. James C. Doust, be- loved husband of the late Mary Matilda Leece, in his 88th year, dear father of Fred, Dorothy; Mrs. Earl Edwards (Florence), loving grandfather of Vera. Rested at the Wright & Tay- lor funeral home, 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill. Service held in Heise Hill Brethren in Christ church, Sunday, at 2 p.:-1. Interment adjoining cemetery. c1w18 â€" Lovineg reinembered by wife Jen. clwl8 HILL, Doris Edna â€"â€" At the Tor- ‘ onto East General Hospital, Tuesday, October, 27, 1959, Doris Edna Wall, beloved wife of Albert E. Hill, 385 ,Centre Street East, Richmond Hill; de dear mother of Richard, Albert and Barbara Jean. Resting at Wright and Taylor Funeral Home, 126 Yonge Street North, Richmond Hill. Service on Fri- day at 1:30 pm. Interment at Maple Cemetery. ' clwls JOHNSTON, Victor Harold John â€" At the Branson Hospital, on Tuesday, October 27, 1959, Victor Harold John Johnston, late of 95 Yongehurst Road, Richvale, beloved husband of Sarah Jane Thompson, dear father of Ernest and Harold. Resting at the Wright & Taylor Funeral Home, 126 Yonge St. north, Richmond Hill. Service on Friday morning at 10 o’- clock. Interment, Park Lawn Cemetery. clwlB KLINCK. Roscoe Franklin â€" Suddenly at Newmarket, Wed- nesday, October 28, 1959, Roscoe Franklin Klinck, beloved hus- band of the late Olive I. Jen- nings’, in his 79th year, dear father of Ellis and Gorrie, Mrs. Lorne Baker (Marion), New- market Mrs. Wilson Boynton (Millicent), Victoria Square; Mrs. Murray Baker (Aura), of Newmarket; Harold, St. Anne's, Quebec; and Mrs. Harry Mc- Intosh (Doreen) Agincourt. Resting at the Wright & Tay- lor Funeral Home, 126 Yonge Street north, Richmond Hill. Service on Friday at 3.30 pm. ‘Interment in Victoria Square Cemetery. clwlo IRELAND, Albert â€" In loving memory of a dear husband, who passed away October 30, 1950. Nothing can ever'take away, The love a heart holds dear, Fond memories linger every day, Remembrance keeps him neari TEESON, Leila May â€" At the Branson Hospital, Willowdale, Sunday, October 25, 1959, Leila May Francis, beloved wife of Joseph E. Teeson of 9 MacKay Dr., Richvale. dear sister of Miss Elizabeth Francis, Mrs. R. W. Scott (Mary), and William. in her 75th year. The funeral was held from the Wright and Taylor’ Funeral Home, 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill. Service on Tuesday at 2 pm. Interment followed in Trinity Churchyard, Thornhill. clwl8 COOPER, Edith Elizabeth - Pass- ed away suddenly on Thursday, October 15, 1959, at the Bran- son" Hospital, Willowdale be- loved wife of Charles A. Coop- er, Maple; dear mother of Mrs. Neil McDonald (Eleanor) To- ronto; Russell Cooper, Mimico; Mrs. Gabriel Kovacs (Phyllis), Maple; dear grandmother of Doreen McDonald, Toronto, Louis Kovacs Jr., Maple. Fun- eral services were held from the Wright and Taylor Funeral Home, Richmond Hill on Sat- urday, October 17, 1959 at 4 pm. Interment was at Maple United Church cemetery. clw18 In memoriams COOK, Clara â€" At St. Michael's hospital, Toronto. Thursday, October 22, 1959, Clara Dough- ty, beloved wife of John H. W. Cook, of 39 Crosby Ave., Rich- mond Hill, dear mother of Nor- man, Richmond Hill, and Clare, Chalk River, in her 75th year. Rested at the Wright and Tay- lor funeral home 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill.‘ Service Monday at 2 pm. Interment Westminster Memorial Park cemetery. clw18 BAKER â€" Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Baker (nee Shirley Jennings) wish to announce the birth of a daughter on October 27, 1959, at Branson Hospital, Willowdale, A sister for Linda, Both mother and daughter do- ing well, I clw18 WOOD‘â€" John and Madeleine (nee Goddard) wish to an- nounce God‘s precious gift of twin sons, David and Blair. 0c- tober 22, 1959. at York County Hospital, Newmarket. Next Sunday evening the Young People of St. Mary's Anglican Church will assist in the servlce of Evensong at 7 pm. The guest preacher for the occasion is the Rev. Keith Gleed who is attached to the parish of St. Mark's Parkdale, Toronto, in charge of young people's work. Mr. Gleed will speak afterwards at the ï¬re- side in the parish hall. All young people of the parish are invited. Maths Mr. Charles \Cooper, Maple, Ontario, and family, wish to con- vey their sincere thanks and ap- preciation to frlends and neigh- bors for floral tributes, sympathy, cards, kindness and help; also to Rev. Davies of Maple United Church, for his consoling words, and the ï¬ne services of the Wright and Taylor funeral home during their recent, bereavement of a loving wife, mother and grandmother. c1w18 CARD 0!" THANKS Cook. We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation for many kindnesses. Love and understanding from relatives and friends and neighbours during th illness and death of our dear mother and grandmother, also many thanks to the nurses in St. Michaels Hospital; also Rev. C. E. Higginson, Stan Pipher, Mrs. Len Holman. Mrs. Chas. White, Mrs. Sid Hunt, Mrs. Clarence Stunden. Norm :and Eleanor Cook Joan and Bruce Mr'. J. Teeson, Richvale wishes to thank, friends,rneighbours and relatives for their many acts of kindne§s during his recent sad bereavement in the loss of ‘ his dear wife. clw18 Mr: R. D. Little was {he winner in the “specimen†classes and Meanwhile, Mr. Douglas Boyd, well known local horticulturist, was doing a very ï¬ne job of judg- ing the show entries. Although the show did not have a large number of entries. in most cases the quality was excellent, especi- ally in the arrangement and cor- sage classes. Some of the other classes suffered because of the shortage of ‘mums’ and frost damage to mernbers' gardens. CARD 0]“ THANKS Mrs. Gurney was presented with a token of appreciation by the members for such an enter- taining evening. The October meeting of the Richmond Hill Horticultural So~ ciety was held October 22nd, in the Lions Community Hall, and was in charge of the President Mr. G. Longworth. The meeting featured the last flower show of Elie year and two very ï¬ne travel ms. Before the ï¬lms were shown, Mr. Longworth voiced his ap- preciation of the garden visits which were held this year and ex- pressed the wish that more people would take advantage of them next year. The Annual Dinner of the Society will be held on No- vember 26th in the Presbyterian Church Hall and members were urged to come and make this a bang-up ending to a very good year. Mr. Peter Whittall (Mr. Fixit) will speak at this happy event. The president also announced that Mr. Jim Pollard, whose hibis- cus are always so much admired, had sent along some seeds for anyone who cared to try his hand atAraising them. Members and friends then set- tled back to enjoy two beautiful travel ï¬lms of Bermuda and the West Indies, presented by Mr. and Mrs. S.. G. Gurney. The colors were magniï¬cent and the scenes were vaiiied enough to offer everyone he type of resort they liked best. If some of the mem- bers are missing from their fav- orite haunts they have probably flown to one of these beautiful places tofget away from it all!" CARD 0F THANKS g 5 BEAVERTON RD. TU. 4-3614 7 g If no answer at TU. 4-3614 during daytime, call TU. 4-1105 ..mmmumumnuluumumlmmnmmmmunmmumuun\mmmmmmnuilmmmmnummmummumm“mumlmmuumunnnmmï¬ R. Hill florticultural Society Hold Final Flower Show Annual Dinner Nov; 26 21 Yonge St. N. Our expert staff will give personalized attentlon to your every need. WE ARE THE OFFICIAL AGENTS FOR BENJAMIN MOORE PAINTS See our wide range of gay wallpapers. Our contract department will gladly give you a Free Estimate on any painting job. PRIDHAM’S PAIN'I' G: WALLPAPER FOR ALL YOUR PAINTING NEEDS BOTH INTERIOR and EXTERIOR NEW SCIENTIFIC METHOD “CHECKED†ELECTRONICALLY CONSULT US Guesswork Is Eliminated AL PYLE RICHMOND HILL THE STROBOSCOPE c1w18 from the Univers: have begun work the Town of New are post-graduates planning. 0n the week end the troop was very active in the 2nd Interhat- ional Jamboree of the Air which was continuous from 8 pm. Fri- day to 7 pm. on Sunday. During this event our boys with the as~ sistance of local amateur radio operators, made over 40 two-way contacts with other Scouts includ- ing a troop in Reading in Eng- land. All others were in Canada and the USA. The aim of Jam- boree of the Air is to give a chance to Scouts to talk to Scouts in other lands. Our headquarters was set up in the Scoutmaster’s basement where two communica- tions receivers were operating continuously, manned by watches from each patrol in two hour shifts. Those not on watch kept busy with such things as pioneer- ing projects in miniature, study- ing for tests and tournaments at hockey, checkers and chess._Pat- rols cooked their meals on gasol- ine stoves and on Sunday morn- ing a Scouts’ Own Service was held as on any other camp. N EWMARKET Arrangement of mums with de- corative foliage for mantelpiece, Mrs. W. A. Wright, Mrs. R. Kers- lake. Mrs. G. Barker. “Flowerless†line arrangement with wood, branches leaves, berries. pods, or cones, Mrs. E. Redelmeier. Mrs. W. A. Wright, Mrs. G. Caldwell. Arrangement of flowers in a cup and saucer, Mrs. G. Barker, Mrs. R. Kerslake, Mrs. G. Caldwell. Thanksgiving dinner composition (for eight) featuring flowers, col- oured leaves' and vegetables, Mrs. W. A. Wright. Hallowe’en child- ren’s supper table of dried flow- ers and foliage (dried by the ex- hibitor) Mrs. R. Kerslake, Mrs. E. Red-elmeier. “Autumn Glory" mass arrangement in autumn tones using an analogeus colour harmony, Mrs. W. A. Wright. Lady’s corsage, Mrs. E. Redel- meier, Mrs. W. A. Wright, Mrs. R. Kerslake. Single or semi-double mum. one variety, 3 sprays. Mrs. W. A. Wright. Button or pompom mums, 3 sprays, R. D. Little, Mrs. Wm. McLeod. Double mums, one or more varieties, 3 sprays, R. D. Little, Mrs. W. A. Wright. Mixed mums, 6 sprays, R. D. Little. Mrs. W. A. Wright was the win- ner in the "arrangement" classes. Of interest too were two Japanese cabbages and a Japanese radish, exhibited by Charles Statham. Mrs. J. Large and Mr. A. Mac- Gregor convened the show. SPECIMEN FLOWERS:â€" cooked their stoves and 01 a Scouts’ 0V 1 the University of : begun work on a 5 Town of Newmarket 5600" TU. 4-2819 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, OctoBer 29, 1959 REPAIRS meals on g 1 Sunday 11 vn Service studying towh students Toronto study of i: - they MARKHAM â€" For consuming ll- quor and for creating a disturb- ance at Markham Fair, Rudolph Betts, John Bies and Martin Hoogstein, paid a total of $190 and costs when they appeared be-. fore Magistrate Hollinrake in court on Monday Six teachers in the local public schools will attend a teachers’ cur- riculum development meeting in Toronto for two days. The board agreed to hire six supply teach- ers for the two days and pay the enrollment fees for the meeting, other expenses will be paid for by thgattending teachers. The board recently asked Town Council to annex the Pleasant- ville school site which is now in Vaughan Township. This would enable the board to have the Richmond Hill Hydro Commis- sion install the necessary elec- trical facilities instead of the Provincial Hydro. It was stated at Thursday night's meeting that the Town Council has approved the annexation and is going ahead with it. The addition and renovation work at McConaghy School is ex- pected to be completed in Novem- ber. The board is ï¬nancing the work with the extra $75,000 re- ceived in provincial grant in 1959. By doing the construction in 1959 grant will be payable by the province in ‘1960 on the com- pleted work. Use School at Election On motion of Trustee Mrs. Margaret Southwell the board agreed to the use of the schools by the town on election day. Town Council To Annex Pleasantville School Site l4 Levendale Rd WWok allay/1e “For Women Who Deserve The Best†«a, AV 5-474] Richmond Heights Plaza With the purchase of your tenth pair of KAYSER stockings you will receive an additional. pair absolutely FREE. Ask for your â€" Conï¬dentially, our Hosiery Club is aimed at making us YOUR stocking store . . . because you can’t go wrong buying brand name, ï¬rst quality nylons and receiving a bonus ipair FREE. STOCKING CLUB CARD today. éuwicé £5 Graduates for 1959 are: Sharon Anderson, Howard Bott, Shirley Brownlee, Dayid Cook. Edward Dennis, Kerry Elliott, Ken Far- rows, Lenore Fleming. Carol For- rest, Ingrid Haessler. Barbara Haldane, Bob Hoernigk, Mlke Ho- ward,’ Ron Hewlett, Roxanne Louw, Ken MaGee. Dorothy Mar- shall, Paul Midgely, Don Moun- sey, Robert Newbold. Janet Pie- lech, Lynda Price, Terry Roger- son, Barbara Taylor and Klaus Mr. C. Williams presented pins and Mr. Wood gave out diplomas to the 26 graduates, after which Michael Howard gave the vali- dictory. Roxanne Louw the grade student with the highest academic standing was presented with a ring by Mr. Hood. Crosby Heights Public School held its flrst graduation exercises at the school on October 16 when Mr. G. McIntyre, Superintendent of Richmond Hill Public Schools spoke on “Great Expectations†as guest speaker for the occasion. 26 Grads At Crosby Hgts. Following a request from Mr. Stewart of Thornhaven School for Retarded Children. Trustee Williams was suggested by the board to act as chairman of the committee for the ï¬nancial cam- paign for Thornhaven School. Followifug the singing M776; Canada’ Principal Gooding wel- comed those in attendance. Overtime caretaklng to be paid for by the town. Tull