Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 Oct 1959, p. 8

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On Tuesday of last week, the members of the Edgeley W.I. pre- sented Mrs. Garnet Keffer with a three piece china tit-bit server and expressed their regret that she is leaving their midst. While Mrs. Keffer stated she had no definite future plans. her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Keffer and family are moving to Schomberg during the first week in November. Thus will come to an end a 54-year occup- ancy of this farm by the Keffer family. Celebrating their birthday during the past week were Char- lie Ash, October 21; Mrs. Homer Whitmore and her son-ln-law, El- don Fierheller on October 22: Sandy Agnew, October 24; David Young, October 25; Bill Ash. Oc- tober 26 and Mrs. Eldon Fierhell- er. October 2. Happy birthday to youAall. Another family soon to move will be Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ash. They have purchased a farm near their son Jim's farm at Rothsay and are planning to move there in the Spring. ' On their regular meeting day, November 5, the members of the Edgeley W.I. will be attending in a group the Central Area W.I. convention in the Royal York Ho- tel, Toronto. This is the second day of the three-day convention. Due to the pressure ’of busi- ness, the Edgeley W.I. president, Mrs. R. J. Darlington invites the members to meet at her home at 2 o'clock on Thursday afternoon. November 12, as several matters arerln needyof being dealt with. The members of the Edgeley W.A. are busy these days' prepar- ing for their annual bazaar on November 7. (See Coming Ev- ents). They expect to feature a fine lot of stuffed toys this year as well as many other things that have made their bazaar such a success in the past. Also congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Agnew who, on Octo- ber 23 celebrated their 22nd wedding anniversary. STUART PAXTON WIRING LINE WORK C. STUNDEN ucmuonm mu. m. c.1245 Social Sanitary Contractor GROWER â€" FLORIST Since 1880 The finest in floral designs and bedding plants. Phone Maple 2 Keele Street Maple, Ont. Drains Cleaned & Repaired Maple, Concord & Edgeley Dis_t_r_icis “AVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAWA A A A A A A A A A Avé 8 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, October 29, 1959 HFfonflt row (leff to right); Bruce Bone, Gioria Diceman, Robin McLean, Judy Hallowell, Gail Bell, Karen Wood, Jo Anne Kenneth, Shown above is the 1959 graduating class of the Maple Public School. The happy graduates enjoyed a lovely banquet at the Maple United Church Hall sponsored by the Community and_S_chool Cl_ub: _ Septic Tanks Pumped Phone TUmer 4-2881 Electrician Edgeley Notes “The Liberal" is always willing to publish interesting items regarding people and event. contributed by ita readera in Maple. Concord a; Edgeley districts. Our representative in Maple I: Mra. Leu Shore. Maple 223W: in Concord. Mrs. Ruth Keller. AV. 5-2375: and in Edzeley md Shemood. Mn. Raymond Stuart. AV. 5-1934. The general concensus seems to be that the parents would ap- preciate a couple of days notice before their son or daughter had t‘leir school pictures taken. No one Invitations were sent to all mo- thers whose children are attend- ing George Bailey Public School for the first time, whether they were just starting in grade 1 or had just moved to Maple -- to attend an afternoon tea in order to meet the executive and their neighbours. The Fall Thaukofieriug meet- ing was held Tuesday, October 20 Knowing how difficult it is sometimes for new members of a community to take the first plunge and attend a meeting or gathering when they feel they :‘don’t know a soul" â€" the execu- utive of the Maple Community and School Club hit upon 3 won- derful idea to make these folk feel a little more a part of this organization. A most pleasant afternoon was spent at the home of Jane Puffer, vice-president, on Saturday, ,Oc- tober 24. The president. Shirley Cleworth, with Jane, greeted the guests and made the introduc- tions (having names pinned on made\ for easier identification). Past presidents Eleanor Hamil- ton and Muriel Weir poured and sandwiches and small cakes were served by members of the execu- tive. The friends and neighbors of Mr. Charles Cooper send their warmest sympathy to him and his daughter Phyllis Kovacs on the death of his wife October 15 at Branson Hospital. United Church W.M.s. Because the hall at the Com- munity Centre is not available, the Maple Lions Club regretfully had to cancel any plans for a Hallowe’en party for the young- sters this year. However, we hope everyone has fun dodging the witches and gob- lins and your “shell out” has- kets get loaded â€" but the tummy aches few. Getting To Know You When the next meeting is held November 4, several new mem- bers will no doubt be attending, because now they feel a part of our community. Chinatown For United Appeal When a Chinese Restaurant in Chinatown presented a nine- course meal in aid of the United Appeal, Rene Maddin, Julie Wis- mer, Marion Holmes, Betty Hod- gson, Bessie Constable. Vi Hat- ton and Lillian Brown last Thursday took in the dinner. Fol- lowing the dinner they enjoyed a Chinese Fashion Show and the Dragon Dance. Guests were then taken on an interesting tour of Chinatown. School Pictures is interested in a picture as a mo- mento if that just happened to be the day junior desperately need- ed a hair cut or sister's curls were not at their prettiest. Also the suggestion was made that the ma- jority would prefer a group pic- ture rather than a single. We all remember reminiscing over school pictures where we would pick out Johnnie and Jane. many years later, and wonder what they were doing now, etc., and the fun we had together during our school years. Just a suggestion â€" Hurry Up And Feel Better That means you Cathy Crook! We think it’s time you got on the recovered list because we just don’t like to hear about you being sick. Sincere, Sympathy Sorry, No Party To Mr. and Mrs. R. Thacker and family, we were sorry to learn of the death of Mrs. Fred Thacker recently in England. Mr. Thacker’s mother had gone to England to visit her sister and had contracted pneumonia. Graduation Class Of Maple Public School Maple Notes The newcomers to Maple will ‘be special guests at a Family Get-Acquainted Supper to be held Sunday, November 15 at 5.30 pm. at Maple United Church. Maple WJ. The Women's Institute held its meeting at the home of Mrs. Law- rence Clarke at Hope. Mrs. J .- Leece was in charge and she had invited her aunt, Mrs. Beatty from Lefroy, to give a demon- stration on aluminum trays, ham- mered brass work, sponge rubber place mats, flowers and corsages. At the close of the meeting, Mrs. Beatty gave a corsage to the lucky draw winner, Mrs. Will Noble. at 2.30 pm. at the church with Mrs. R. A. Bigford presiding. Guests were present from Toron- to, King, Woodbridge, Victoria Square, Brown's Corners, and St. Andrew’s Presbyterian and St. Stephen’s Anglican Churches of Maple. The devotional was given by Mrs. H. Davies, the theme being “Thanksgiving and Sharing”. Mrs. Norn Garriock sang a solo accompanied by Mrs. Roy Ciegg at the organ. Guest speaker was Mrs. Ault, Supply Secretary of the Dominion Board, who gave a very interesting talk on “Supply in Action Across Our Dominion.” At the close of the meeting re- freshments were served with Mrs. H. Davies and Mrs. E. Hemphill pouring tea. ‘Get-Acquainted Supper’ The annual thankofi‘ering meet- ing of St. Andrew's WA. and W. M5. was held in the church on Wednesday evening, October 21. The president, Mrs. Klngsburgh, extended a cordial welcome to the many visitors. Mrs. Berry of Woodbridge, brought greetings from Toronto Presbyterial. A 5010 sung by Mrs. J. C. Cooper, accom- panied by Mrs. E. Wade, was much enjoyed. The speaker was Mrs. B. F. Andrew who told of her life as a missionary in British Guiana and showed slides which told of life in that country. K.V.W. Jr. Banquet Mrs. E. Harris was chosen to attend the three day convention at the Royal York Hotel. The next meeting, November 11, will be held at the home of Mrs. A. Jones, Maple. Bridal Showers Margaret Wilkshire was the re- cipient of many lovely gifts at several showers before her mar- riage. Mrs. Kerwin of Jefferson gave Margaret a linen shower. Mrs. Wilford Gibson of Toronto, sponsored a kitchen shower; and Marilyn Watts was hostess for a personal shower. Friends gave a community shower recently and here the gifts were many and varied, Including a [fainting by Sylvia Hemphill. Serving refreshments, Marion Holmes and May Evans had E11- zabeth Walker, Susan Scott and Jacqueline Holmes to assist. Luclq Traveller Incidentally, Marilyn has been bridesmaid and matron of hon. or for several of her girl friends this year. Arranging for the evening was‘ Mrs. Harry J ackson, Mrs. Gordon Watson, Mrs. Milt Palmer, Carol Reid, Madeline Brown, Betty Weir, Joan Foden, Donna Rob- son, Jean Robson and Mrs. J. Leece. Flo Strachan was again responsible for the appropriate degorating. Janet McCowan flew down to Mexico City to visit with friends and stayed about ten days. She was fascinated with the contrast in dwellings from the palatial homes to the sordid shambles of a home. Although Janet missed some actual school hours, she received an education in travel and the study of other peoples that will stand her in good stead. St. Andrew’s W.A. & W.M.S. Olis Manniner, Jean Gilbert and Ken Warwick. Back row (left to right): Principal McWhirter, Bill Spurgeon, Kenneth Spearing, Norman Taylor, Warren Jackson, Paul Thomson, John Dunofl“, Gary Bell, Gilbert Gareau, Hans Jendrash and Teddy Lightfoote. â€" Photo by Barbour The Junior Girls' Softball Ban- quet was held in Vellore Hall, October 23. Ladies of the com- munity served a turkey dinner, and in the course of the evening the cup was awarded to Vellore. Although the Maple Team, consisting of Beverley Taylor, Sharon Wismer, Judy Maddin, Lynda Rose, Hanne Fymbo, Marâ€" ion and Linda Gilmore, Evelyn Palmer, Mary Maas, Sandra Thacker, Lynda Downey, Diane Nicholson and Carol Saigeon â€"- placed third, they had given their all through the season and had a lot of fun. Julie Wlsmer acted as coach; Marion Holmes, as man- ager and Wally Brown a_s dir- ector. At the close of the dinner, San- dra Thacker presented Mrs. Holmes With a cofiee carafe and the same was presented to Mrs. Wismer by Lynda Rose. At 11.30 3.111. the Rev. C. Robâ€" in Sharpe, B.A., B.D., minister of the Humber Valley United Church in Etobicoke, who for many years was Boy Scout Commissioner for Northern Ontario, was the guest speaker. A short entertainment was giv- en by each team â€" from Maple, Beverley Taylor gave a piano solo. The evening wound up with games and door prizes and danc- ing to records. Au Revoir After three months visiting her son and family, Ray and Else Thompson, Mrs. N. 0. Thompson sailed home to Gillingham, Kent, wih the memories of a wonder- ful visit with grandchildren and the kind hospitality of the Maple folk which was much appreciated. Masonic Ladies’ Night The annual Vaughan Lodge Masonic Ladies’ Night was held October 23 in the Educational Centre of Maple United Church. The W.A. of the church catered to a wonderful turkey dinner. A toast to the ladies was given by Mr. Jim McDonald and many draw prizes were given. Sunday, October 25, marked the 89th anniversary of the founding of the United Church in Maple. Special serviceswere held in the morning and evening. The second meeting of the fall season will be held at the George Bailey Public School, November 4, at 8 pm. The principal Mr. John Outram has agreed to speak on a topical subject, and we hope to have Mrs. Tilt, grade 1 teacher assist in a question and answer period. So all parents who have dozens of questions to ask con- cerning the methods used in teaching are especially invited to attend. The entertainment was excep- tionally well handled by Mr. and Mrs. James Pullen of Toronto. Mr. Fred Hartley sang a variety of numbers, accompanied by Mr. Fred Foster. Visiting in U.S. Mrs. G. W. Bailey spent two weeks in Binghampton, New York visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. Clair Lake. Marjorie Wells flew over last weekend for a visit and returned with her mother. Small world, isn't it!! While on one of the streets in Binghamp- ton, Marjorie met a former resi- dent of Maple. Mrs. Andy Warner who wished to be remembered to her friends. They had moved sev- en years ago from Maple. 89ch Anniversary Mrs. Lorne Bagg of Wood-1 bridge was guest soloist. Music} was also provided by the church .’ choir under the leadership of Mrs. Roy Clegg. French. B.A., B.D., S.T.M., of Klelnburg, accompanied by the Senior and Junior choirs of No- bleton United Church. The 25 voices of the junior choir, en- riched by the voices of five boy sopranos, was a delight to hear. Community 85 School Club In the evening, the visiting minister was the Rev. B. Watson A man who thinks marriage is a 50-50 proposition doesn't under- stand one of two things â€" women or fractions. Wow, What A Week Seems the week just passed has been extra busy for about every- one we talked to â€"â€" all out of proportion to other weeks. So it has been at our house, and now because of a bulging column we would ask you to stand by until next week for the story of the fashion show and the open house at the Bell Telephone Ex- change. High Bowlers High School students want to start 3 Bowling League? â€" Call Barry Farmer, Maple 5. THE BELL TELEPH0N5€@%cOMPANT OE CANADA The new numbers are included in the Newmarket Directory which you re- cently received. They include “ALpine 7” and four figures. Please, use the full number â€" 2 letters and 5 figures â€" on all your calls. After the cut-over, Maple customers will continue calling friends in Thorn- Next Sunday DIAL SERVICE comes to Maple and new “two-letter five- figure” telephone numbers become ef- fective. hill and Richmond'Hill without Long Social Evening and Presentation A social evening honoring Rev. and Mrs. Harold Lindeman. was held on Friday evening, October 23. at Zion Lutheran Church. Sherwood, when 0the congrega- tions of the Sherwood and the Unionville churches gathered to bid goodbye to their pastor who will be leaving their midst soon. With Ewart Stiver as chairman, a delightful program was pres- ented which included a piano solo “Minuet in G" by Carol Kefâ€" fer. a recital of poems by Mrs. Nelson Smith of Unionville and a piano solo “Autumn Leaves" by Keith Boeckner. The Boeckner family presented a skit entitled “Push Button Tuning" and Mrs. Arnold Peters accompanied by Mrs. Arthur Moore at the piano sang “Christopher Robin Saying His Prayers", and “May the Good Lord Bless and Keep You”. Mr. Stiver then called upon each member of the council of the Sherwood and Unlonvllle churches for a brief talk which was followed by a sing-song led by Mrs. Arnold Peters and ac- companied by Mrs. Moore at the piano. Mrs. Lindeman was then pres- ented with a vacuum cleaner from the congregations and Rev. Mr. Lindeman was the recipient of a billfold and a sum pf money. Mr. Lindeman. on behalf of both of them, warmly thanked his friends, not only for the gifts, but for their kindness and co-op- eration they had shown him dur- ing his Astgy in the charge. Mr. Lindeman preached his last sermon here on Sunday. For the next few succeeding Sundays, the vacancy In the pulpit will be fill- ed by a supply pastor. Thankoffering After holding a business meet- ing at the church on Wednesday evening, October 21, the mem- bers of the U.C.L.W. of Zion Lutheran Church, Sherwood pro- ceeded to the Presbyterian Church at Maple in response to their kind invitation to join them, together with the United Churches of Maple and Richmond Hill in a Thankoflering Service. Mrs. B. F. Andrews told of her experiences in British Guiana and with her talk, showed some very interesting slides. Lunch was served by the ladies of the WA. and the W.M.S. at the con- clusion of the program. 2 More Ribbons For Bagg’s Jerseys Bagg’s jersey cattle made a fine showing at the Ameri- can Jersey Cattle Club spon- sored show and sale at Col- umbus, Ohio, last week. when the first prize ribbon was placed on their .bull and the second place ribbon in the Junior Get-of-Sire class went to their herd. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER Ist in MAPLE Sherwood Personals EVERYBODY WILL' BE DIALING AFTER 2:01 AM. The fall meeting of First Con- cord Guide and Brownie Mothers‘ Group Committee was held Oc- tober 21!, at the home of Mrs. Ross MeCIymont, King High Dr. Thirteen mothers attended. and the president, Mrs. Hallawell was in charge of the meeting. The officers fior the coming year were elected. Mrs.,Roy Smith is the new president; Mrs. Gilbert, sec- retary-treasurer: and Mrs. R. McClym ant, social convenor. Mrs. Hallawe'fl announced that she had received .a cheque from the Cub and Seoul Group Committee rep- resenting. half the money earned by the two groups from the sale of tickets for Thornhill Lions Club last spring. Mrs. Hallawell expressed the group's apprecia- tion to these mothers who helped to sell tickets. Guldesqud Brownie-s Present at the meeting was Mrs. Al. Whaley who has kindly consented to take over the Guide Company, with the help of her sister-ln-law, Mrs. Warren Hallie. The mothers’ group is very grateful to these ladies for Offer- ing their services. and shall give them any help they need. The mothers decided to offer assist- ance to all new leaders this year in the purchasing of unifoi‘ms. The next meeting will be held at Mrs. Orr’s in January. Refreshments for the evening were provided by Mrs. Bone and Mrs. Gillespie and they were ser- ved by Mrs. McClymont and Mrs. Gillespie. ' Last Thursday afternoon, the Guides and Brownies planted their golde. i anniversary tulips in the flower ed at the south end of Concord“ School. These tulips are to be a reminder that next year is the fiftieth year of Guid- ing in Canada. The two Concord groups wound like to thank Mr. McWhirter, principal, for allow- ing them the use of the flower bed. The boys of his class pre- Dared the bed for ulantinz and this too was appreciated. While Specializing in Purebred Cattle, Farm Stock, Furniture and Implements We persmnafly handle all sale bills and advertising. Phone Gormley 5311 Gormley, Ont. To call Maple just dial the 2 letters and 5 figures of the ALpine 7 number. To call King just dial the 2 letters and 5 figures of the TEmple 3 number. Attention Thombill customers To call Maple just dial 2 letters and 5 figures of the ALpine 7 number. Attention Richnwnd Hill customers Distance charges â€" free calling with King customers will also be effective starting next Sunday. ALVIN S. FARMEII IORK AND ONTARIO COUNTIES 36 YEARS EXPERIENCE W. C. BARNES, Manager CONCORD SOCIALS Licensed Auctioneer for planting their tulips. however. the girls found several bulbs that had been ovevlooked, so Con- cord‘s “River of Gold" may have a red or white "pebble" here and there. Social Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hendersan. Corbetton, spent the week end with their son and his wife. Mr. and Mrs. Boland Henderson, Keele Street, Concord. Twenty-three teenagers in var- ious disguises showed up last Sat- urday night at Concord School to help celebrate an early Halloween and to open this year's Teen Town. Mrs. Peter Sanders. Hillside Ave., has just returned from Van- couver. where she spent several weeks ‘visitmg’ her husband. Ac- tually, the whole. Sanders family plans to go west as soon as Fran has settled their affairs here. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Willllms were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Orr last Sunday. Teen Town I.D.RAMER and Son To Housewives - - GET YOUR SOFT- WATER SOFTENER AQUA NUGGETS SALT FROM ' A SUPPLY ALWAYS . Phone TU. 4-1313 RICHMOND HILL 189 Centre St. E.

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