Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Nov 1959, p. 11

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Two hundred appeals were heard by Markham Township's five-member Court of Revision from Monday, November 2, to Monday of this week. Members hearing apreall were Mr. C. J. Russell, cha rman; Dr. Fred Mulholland. Mr. Frank Robb. Mr. Archie Little and Mrs. Kathleen James. Markham Township [and Value Up Not Down Says Court Of Revision Most of the appeals were from‘ Ward 1 (Thornhill, Highland Park and Doncaster), the area af- fected to the greatest degree by the proposed bypess of the CNR. Mr. Louis Wax-nice of Thornhill, in placing an appeal. claimed that the increase in assessment on all "cant lands was not justified. He stated all land values in the area hsd drastically dropped after the lnnouncement of the CNR‘s by- pass. Assessment Commissioner Ar- chie Fleming said that instead of land dropping in value in that ares it had risen and quoted tig- ures to prove his statement. Mr. George Dobson of High- Ilnd Park appealed his assess- ment stating ‘the market in hous- on has considerably decreased and when the railway a bum few will Want to live there." ' Three girls from the Highland Park Girl Guides group earned their Hostess Badges at a Hai~ lowe'en Party held at their Tues- duy night meeting. Sharon Deb. ney, Juli-an Dempster and Cheryl Leonard. acted as Hostesses for the entire evening, to forty guides. The costumes were all homemade and very original. Mrs. J. Ferguson and her daugh- ter Joan examined the girls and passed them on their good work. Assessor Fleming contradicted this statement by stating. "In Scarboro and Agincourt subdiv- lslons with valuable homes are being built with their back gar- dens right along the railway tracks. Assessment there is $17 a Church News St. Patricks Anglican Church Womens Auxiliary held a very luccessful bazaar on Saturday. Navember 7th at 2 pm. in the Church Parish Hall on Lillian Street. Delicious homemade bak- ed goods and delicatessen made a hit and many lovely aprons and knitted goods were also good sell- The Thornhill United Church Women's Auxiliary held a huge Bazaar on Saturday afternoon, November 7th in the Church Au- ditorium. This was a tremendous success with extremely good proceds. As in all bazaars, a great deal of effort had been expended in the preparation and the results were pleasantly gratifying. Guide- The Junior choir under the di- rection of Mr. Westlake. of the Henderson Avenue School Staff. was scheduled to sing a few selec- tions at the meeting but due to unavoidable circumstances, was unable to do so at this time. How- ever, we had the pleasure of hear- ing the three winners of the Annual Public Speaking Contest. Veronica Aimone, third, spoke on Education in Peru; Carolyn Win- ter. second, spoke on Education of the Blind; and Suzanne Morse, first, spoke of the Education of Man. These speeches were of ex- cellent calibre. The girl's delivery was quite outstanding. Suzanne Morse represented the school in the Area Public Speaking Com- petition which was held at Charles Howitt Public School on Thurs- day evsning. November 5th, at 8:00 pm. Suzanne did a very good job and came third in this competition. The Thornhill Presbyterian Couples Club will be collecting old newspapers and magazines again op Saturday, November 14th. These are to raise funds for new pews for their new Church. If you have any papers to give. kindly phone AV. 5-3567 or AV. 5-4245. Mary Gage. a senior guide. has been absent from her group while “stating the organization of a Guide group at Powell Road School. Mary will be helping them until Christmas. The Scouts had a dry and sun- ny day on Saturday, November 7th for their collection of papers, bottles and baskets. The Scouts were pleased with their results and thank all those who donated. «.The Highland Park Womens Association will be holding their monthly meeting on Tuesday. November 17th at 8.15 pm. at the home of Mrs. Carla Pregel, 15 Woodward Avenue. All those in- terested in the welfare of the subdivision are urged to come and bring their complaints and suggestions as the case may be. School News The School Fun Fair reports a good profit this year. Around $400.00 was the amount which the affair brought in and I am sure this will be put to good use. Mrs. Gage. President of the Home and School Association thanks all those who participated and help- ed to make it a success. The voluntary contributions in the UNICEF boxes at Hallowe'en were very generous and the com- mittee are pleased and wish to thank everyone for their kind re- sponse. The total amount received has not yet been reported but we expect to have the results by the and of this week. The Henderson Avenue Home and Schol Association held their monthly meeting in the school nu. dltorium on Monday evening. November 9th. The meeting op. cued with the reading of the Home and School Creed. After the minutes were read. the treasur- er gave a report showing a bank balance of over 500.00. HIGHLAND PARK NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. D. R. DABLEY, 84 Highland Park Blvd. â€" AV. 52719 foot," the Assessment Commis- sioner declared. ‘In Markham it is only $10 a foot". Mr. Fleming said he did not think there was a property in Markham Township that was as- sessed for more than 10% of its real value â€"he referred particu- larly to vacant land which has been reassessed upwards for the first adjustment in four or five years J ‘1“- -. Answering complaints regard- ing futuristic drops in land val- ues because of the proposed by- pass, Chairman Russell said, “As- sessment cannot be determined on probabilities". He added as- sessment was derived from pres- end day value: and that all through the Court of Revision were based on present day fig- ures and facts. Mrs. Peggy Robinson introduc- ed the speaker for the evening, Mr. Albert Colucci. Mr. Colucci was born in New York, studied Art in Munich and the Ontario College of Art. He was a catal- oguer at Fort York Museum be- fore attaining his position as cur- ator of the Dalziei Pioneer Mus- eum. Mr. Colucci is an enthusias- tic student of the history of early Ontario. His talk was illustrated with interesting colored slides of displays at the Museum. Two appeals for part-time busi- ness assessment Were deferred for decision. The Court showed, "That wherever a business is op- erated in part of a residence. the business tax assessment is 30 per cent of 50 per cent of the total assessment. In other words, 15 per cent." The Act does not recognize part-time business which has to be assessed according to the As- sessment Act. On Wednesday of last week the ONE appealed on 78 prop- erties claiming ‘excesslve valua- tion for assessment purposes”. The president, M11. Gage re- ceived some child safety posters during the week and pleaded with parents. whose prime responsibil- ity 1t 1;, to be_ sure their childrep kow the safety rules and fol- low them. On a graph shown on these posters. the greatest killer of children is accidents with a percentage of 55. Too much stress cannot be placed on the children, especially preschool ages, on the rules of walking and playing in the streets and crossing roads. Mr. A. Hayes gave a report on the progress of the ice rink. He thanked the six men for their assistance last Saturday in help- ing nail up the old boards around the rink. A motion was passed to spend another $50.00 for new lumber to finish the fence. A smaller rink is planned this year for younger children and those not playing hockey. Mr. Hayes is calling for more volunteers on Saturday, November 14th at 2 pm. to help complete the fence. More help is urgently needed and if you are able to assist, please call Mr. Hayes at AV. 5- 2969. The Dalziel Museum is owned and operated by the Conservation Authority. It was established in 1954 with the valuable assistance of Mrs. Neil who is a very talent- ed and well informed lady about museums. Although the purchas- ing budget for the Museum was onb' $300.00 to begin with. about 95% of the articles Were acquir- ed through kind donations. All articles are from South Central Ontario and were made before 1867. In 1957 there were 7.000 visi- tors, in 1958, 18,000 attended and in 1959 to date the attend- ance has been 32,000. This is very encouraging to the Museum directors and shows that it is ac- ceptable to the public and the community, Mr. Colucci canvasses 600 schools each year and touring appointments are soon filled up. One hundred and ten classes at- tended last year and the children enjoyed the displays and asked very intelligent questions which shows that museums are good vls- ual education. The museum is now working on the restoration of a Pioneer V111. age which will be opened In May. 1960. So far they have a 130 year old barn a two storey log house built in 1816. a smoke house, woodshed and piggery. Mr.’ Leacock thanke‘d "Nu-me- uccl for his interesting disocurse and slide Illustrations. The meeting was adjourned and coffee was enjoyed. There will be a general meet- ing to organize a Home and School Association for the new Clark-Elgin school on Thursday, November 26th in Thornhill Unl- ted Church. Mrs. Kojola. presi- dent of the York Simcoe Council, and Mrs. Toogood, District Or- ganizer of the York Simcoe Coun- cil will be present. All parents who have children who will at. tend the new school are urged to attend this meeting. Thornhill High School gave Barrie High 3 run for their mon- ey on Wednesday afternoon. Nov- ember 4th at Barrie, when Thorn- hill beat Barrie 13 to 1‘ in their football game. Many of the pu. pus returned gleefuly but fit- erally “all wet" from the game. Neighbourhood Notes We offer our sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. H. Pachel of 22 Grand- view Avenue for the recent loss of Mrs. Pachal’s brother, Clar- ence Boescai. Mr. Boescal lived with his sister and was killed in a construction accident by high tension wires. People are like steel â€" when they lose their temper. they’re wot-Men. A THE FOLLOWING MERCHANTS & TRADESMEN ARE THE FIRST GROUP OF LOCAL BUSINESSMEN (FROM THORNHILL TO OAK RIDGES) TO SUPPORT THE RICHMONND HILL JAYCEES’ SHOP LOCALLY DRIVE. OTHER MERCHANTS WISHING TO TAKE PART PLEASE CALL TED DUFFY, TU. 4-2314. A COMPLETE LIST OF MERCHANDISE & SERVICES TO BE AUCTIONED WILL APPEAR IN NEXT WEEK’S ISSUE OF “THE LIBERAL”. PHONE IN YOUR BIDS ON WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 25. CHRISTMAS AUCTION 3N RADIO 10. K & K Bakery, 55 Yonge St. 8.; Richmond Hill 100 Loaves of Bread RETAIL VALUE $22.00 ll. 12. 15. 16. PLEASE WATCH FOR DETAILS & TELEPHONE NUMBER NEXT WEEK l7. 18. 19. 9. Lagerquist Studio, 93 Yonge 5., Richmond Hill One 11” x 14” Living Colour Portrait ‘. Shelton-Manse“ Motors, 75 Yonge 8., Richmond Hill 1 Case Cities Service Motor Oil Everyone in the Richmond Hill Area will receive a list of articles given by local merchants to be auctioned» by the Jaycees over Richmond Hill Radio 1310. To know the latest bidding keep tuned to CJRH 1310 on Wednesday evening from 6:00 pm. Phone in your bids giving your name, address, phone number and the number of the article on which you are bidding. If yours is the top bid you will receive a post card telling you where to pay for and pick up the article or service. All proceeds from the auction will be spent locally in the Community Betterment Committees of TI'IE RICHMQND HILI. JUNIOR €HAMBER 3F COMMERCE CHRISTMAS AUCTION on RADIO CJRH WEDNESDAY EVENING â€" NOVEMBER 25 â€"- 6 pm, Armstrong JeWellers Ltd., 13 Yonge St. S., R. H. 1 Gent's Dress Wrist Watch, Gruen Curvex Gold- filled ‘17 jewel’ with exijansion bracelet RETAIL VALUE $75.00 Ev. Baker, White Rode Ser. Stn., 150 Yonge N. 1 Burns O-Matic Torch, Complete with attachments Mainprize Drug Store. 48 Yonge N., Richmond Hill 1 Ronson Electric ShaVer RETAIL VALUE $21.95 Lotus Restaurant, 76 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill 4 Chinese Dinners (dinner for four) RETAIL VALUE $10.00 Warwick House, 14 Levendhle Rd., Richmond Hill Clothing Voucher RETAIL VALUE $11.50 Mary’s Variety Shop, 90 Yonge N., Richmond Hill Gen eral Merchandise Voucher Western Tire Associate Stores, Richvale 8 ‘Mallard’ Decoys (Black Ducks, Blue Bills) Keith’s Super Service, 125 Yonge, Richmond Hill 1 Complete Brake Job, any car Oak Ridges Driving School, 30 Parker Avenue One Complete Driving Course. From beginning to Award of Licence RETAIL VALUE $50.00 Bostlund Industries Ltd., Maple Grove, 0. Ridges One Pair 18” Mounted Lamp Bases by Lotte Cer- amics - sold locally by Ocean Crafts Al’s Cycle & Sport, 25 Yonge 8., Richmond Hill 1 Tricycle RETAIL VALUE $14.95 Paris Electric, Yonge St., Richmond Hill 1 Spartus Camera Set. completg with flash attach- Our Garage, Elgin Mi"s 1 Case of Oil, Texaco, 24 quarts melit, film, bulbs Otto Pick, Agricultural Service Ltd., R. R. l, 25 lb. Bag Lawn Seed No. 1 Mixture Jefferson Riding School Course of Lessons in English Style Horse Riding Harry’s Children’ Wear, 54 Yonge St” R. Hill Children’s Clothing Voucher RETAIL VALUE $15.00 Charlton Hardware, 11 Yonge 8., Richmond Hill 1 Step-on Waste Can RETAIL VALUE $6.00 1 3-Piece Carving Set RETAIL VALUE $10.00 1 Rigid Ironing Board RETAIL VALUE $15.95 iWPZirVMexi’s or Women’s Slacks, choiée of material RETAIL VALUE $28.00 Oak Ridges Cleaners. Oak Ridges, Ontario Dry Cleaners and Laundry Voucher RETAIL VALUE $10.00 Hugh Kerr Men’s Wear, 379 Fernkigh Circle‘Nt RICHMOND HILL JUNIOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE SPECIAL VALUE $14.95 RETAIL VALUE $15.00 SPECIAL VALUE $30.00 RETAIL VALUE $30.00 RETAIL VALUE $24.00 RETAIL VALUE $10.00 RETAIL VALUE $10.50 RETAIL VALUE $12.00 RETAIL VALUE $60.00 RETAIL VALUE $12.00 RETAIL VALUE $25.00 23. Pollocks, Shoe Store, Bayview Plaza, Richmond Hill 1 Pair Boy’s Samson Skates ‘ 25. 27. 28. 30. Richmond Theatre Grill, Yomre St.. Richmond Hill 1 Steak Dinner for Two . . RETAIL VALUE $6.00 32. 33. 37. 38. 39. 48. Jack’s Honi-Dipt Donuts, 80 Yonge N., R. 41. 46. 45. 47. 49. Town & Country Food Marketers 5 Turkeys, 12 lb. each RETAIL VALUE $30.00 or $5.00 to $6.00 ea. 50. 52. 54. Baker’s Sales & Service, Stow 22A Goodyear Battery, 6 volt RETAIL VALUE $15.00 Perkins’ Farm & Home Equipment, 23 Markham Rd., Richmond Hill One 18” Rotary 2 Cycle Grassmaster Pirri’s Fruit Market, 89 Yonge N.. Richmond Hill 1 Case ‘Sunkiet’ Eating Oranges 1 Case of Black Diamond Grapefruit _ Wm. Neal, Yonge St. 8., Richmond Hill 2 Gals. Chryco ‘Glycol’ Permanent Type_ Anti-freeze Morley’s Foodland, Yonge St., Richmond Hill One Assorted Food Basket Richmond Theatre, Yongg St., Richmond Hill 20 Theatre Passes RETAIL VALUE $13.00 Richmond Bowl, Yonge St., Richmond Hill 1 Pair Bowling Shoes and Ba! 7 Bayview Variety Store, 284 Bayview Plaza Gift Voucher RETAIL VALUE $20.00 Bayview Plaza BA Service 12 Grease'Jobs \ I ’Clarke’s Pharmacy, 49 Yonge St., Richmond Hill Revlon Manicure Set RETAIL VALUE $4.50 Bayview Plaza Pharmacy Brownie Hawkeye Camera; Set Bayview Plaza Hardware 20” Tricycle Summit View Fina Service, Yonge St. Minor Tune-up, Oil Chang; and Lube Job Summit View Restaurant Family Dinner Dynes Jewellers. 73 Yonge St. S. Ladies’ or Gentleman's Wrist Watch Men’s Slaéks $14.95; Meri's Jacket $19.95 x RETAIL VALUE $34.90 Everhright Ltd., 254 Centre St. An Everbright Grill RETA Scott Ferguson. 24 Elizabeth St. S. One No. 88 Airguide Illuminati-ad, Marine Compagg Fabric Fair, 80A Yonge St. 8.. Richmond Hill Gift Voucher RETAIL VOUCHER $500 Frank’s Movers & Storage, 28 Industrial Rd. Marble Top Coffee Table and 2 Matching End Tables (choice of color) RETAIL VALUE $24.00 Fisher’s 5c to $1.00 Store Merchandise Voucher Forum Drive-In Restaurant 1 Family Dinner R] Dan’s Essa Station, Bayview Ave. 12 Lubrication Jobs RETAIL Judy’s Children’s Wear, 36 Levendale Rd. 3 Piece Child’s Coat Set .RETAIL VALUE $23.98 1 Dozen Donufis per week for an Ventire ,vear RETAIL VALUE $20.80 Snider sfiiéco Service sm. 36 Yomze St. N. 38 Gallons of Gas RETAIL VALUE $15.00 fiéhibér beM'eat or other goodé equal to same RETAIL VALUE $20.00 ETNels Gage, Butcher. 274 Bgyview_P_laza iFred-Lionel Men’s Wear, Bayview Plaza Sports Jacket, size to fit bidder ( RETAIL VALUE $29.50 VGoard Esso Service, Richvale Atlas Battery, 6 volt RE' . J. Craigie Men’s & Boys’ Wear, 20 Yonge N. RETAIL VALUE $55.00 RETAIL VALUE $10.00 RETAIL VALUE $10.00 RETAIL VALUE $10.00 RETAIL VALUE $18.00 RETAIL VALUE $21.95 RETAIL VALUE $15.00 RETAIL VALUE $17.50 RETAIL VALUE $7.00 RETAIL VALUE $17.60 RETAIL VALUE $15.00 RETAIL VALUE $37.45 RETAIL VALUE $35.00 RETAIL VALUE $18.00 RETAIL VALUE $8.00 RETAIL VALUE $18.50 RETAIL VALUE $14.00 RETAIL VALUE $25.00 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ont, Thursday, November 12, 1959 11 57. 61. Shield’s Footwear Ltd» 35 Levendale 1 Pair Ladies’ Pumps and Matching Handbag 59. 62. 66. 68. 67. 69. 71. 72. 75. 76‘ 77. 79. 83. 84. Bottrell’s Hardware, Richmond Heights Plaza 28" Disston Hand Saw RETAIL VALUE $10.00 85. 87. Galbraith Jewellers, 40 Levendale. Rich’nd Heights Ladies or Gents’ Wrist Watch Frank’s Shell Garage, Stop 24 Yonge St. 3 Gallons Anti-freeze RETAIL VALUE $10.00 Village Gift Shoppe. 51 Yonge St. 8., Richmond Hill 1 Pair Crystal Boudoir Lamps C & R Plumbing & Heating, 111 Libby Blbd., RH. 17” x 19” White China Basin Only, completely in- stalled RETAIL VALUE $25.00 Richmond Hill TV & Camera, 50 Yonge St. 8., RH. Yashica 44 Reflex Camera and Case 3.5 lens Gabriel’s Texaco Stn., 281 Yonge St. N. 10 Lubrication Jobs RETAIL VALUE $15.00 Don Thurston Men’s Wear Gent’s Sport Coat ] Young’s Service 8th., 140 Yonge St. N. Car Rear View Mirror RETAIL VALUE $5.00 Wimbridge Cleaners, Ston 24A Yonge St. Three $5.00 Cleaning Vouchers Wight’s Pharmacy 21” Bride Doll Wonderland, Bayview Plaza Doll’s Carriage R Allencourt Barber Shop Voucher for Barber Services RETAIL VALUE $5.00 Pridham’s Paint & Wallpaper $10.00 worth of Paint RE Allencourt Fashions by the Gibson Girl Shop Lingerie RETAIL VALUE $10.00 Rose Garden Supplies, Stop 22 Richvale Concrete Bird Bath RETAIL VALUE $11.00 Surf Marine & Sports, Yonte SL. Richvale 1 Pair Water Skis RETAIL VALUE $29.00 Loughlin Lumber & Supply. Yodge St., Richvale 1/1,” Black & Decker Drill RETAIL VALUE $18.95 Sunreme Dry Cleaners 5 Suits Cleaned Pichvale Pharmacy, Riphvale Man’s Wallet and Cosmetic Kit Love’s Lumber. Willowdale Picnic Table. cedar 1 T. Van Wieringen Cut Flowers L. H. Sims, Tynewriter Sales & Rentals. 88 Baker Typewriter Table and Pad RETAIL VALUE $15.00 Town Inn Three $5. Family Dinners RETAIL VALUE $15.00 Taylor Jewellers Jewellery Voucher Jones’ Builders’ Supply, Centre St. E., Rich. Hill Merchandise Voucher RETAIL VALUE $10.00 ABC Bowling ' 5 Saturday afternoons Bowlimz for four neoplq Jones Garden Supply Evergreen Setting Percy & Albert Hi]! Ltd” Canadian Tire Corpora- Brennan’s Television Service, 391 Allencourt Service Voucher for TV Renair Two 6 lb. Chickens tion; 25 Yomze North ‘ One Tyrex Tire 6.70 x 15 RETAIL VALUE $15.95 Gless Meat Market. 32 Yonge Street South 1 Maple Leaf Hame, 14 lbs. RETAIL VALUE $8.54 “The Liberal”, Yonge St., Richmond Hill Space for One Quarter Page Advertisement ‘__..-- -v.-'vâ€" RETAIL VALUE $30.00 SHOP LOCALLY DRIVE RETAIL VALUE $33.95 RETAIL VALUE $15.00 SPONS ORS 0F RETAIL VALUE $30.90 RETAIL VALUE $10.00 RETAIL VALUE $29.50 RETAIL VALUE $13.00 RETAIL VALUE $50.00 RETAIL VALUE $15.00 RETAIL VALUE $15.00 RETAIL VALUE $15.00 RETAIL VALUE $10.00 RETAIL VALUE $47.00 RETAIL VALUE $10.00 RETAIL VALUE $25.00 RETAIL VALUE $25.00 RETAIL VALUE $30.00 RETAIL VALUE $6.00 RETAIL VALUE $6.36

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