Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Nov 1959, p. 15

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Pound Will Be Open These Hours Only, Select your finishes for recreational rooms etc.. from available wood samples. PERSONAL SERVICE FROM A FULLY QUALIFIED STAFF WHO WILL BE GLAD TO ASSIST YOU IN ALL YOUR DECORATING PROBLEMS. Give new life, color and lasting loveliness to your walls, woodwork and floors . . . with PRATT & LAMBERT paints and vanishes Mon. 10-12 a.m., 3-5 p.m.; Tues. 10-12 a.m., 5-7 13.11! Wed. 9-1 p.m. Thurs. 10-12 an. 5.7 p.m Fri. 1-3 p.111. 4-6 p.m. x Sat. 10-12 a.m. 1-3 p.m SUNDAY CLOSEDI filple 621.3“?6fiié's'fif'r1idrfih'il'1 ' Av. 5-1833 FOR PAINTS. WALLPAPERS AND ALL DECOR- ATING SUNDRIES & SUPPLIES THORNHILI. PAINI SUPPLIES. FOR Vaughan, Markham & Richmond Hill TELEPHONE: ALpine 7-1511 FREE ESTIMATES ON HOUSE PAINTING INTERIOR OR EXTERIOR MARKHAM TOWNSHIP MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS IMPOUNDING KENNELS This Information May Be Ascertained by Checking the Voters‘ List Posted Up In Your Post Office or by Telephoning THE TOWNSHIP CLERK’S OFFICE - - - o. Remember the last date for filing appeals at the office of the Township Clerk, Municipal Offices, Buttonville, on or before MONDAY, DECEMBER 7th, 1959 IS YOUR NAME ON THE VOTERS LIST? NOVEMBER 16th Kennels Any Time Between 9 3.111. and 5 p.m. Weekdays (Except Saturdays) To qualify to vote at Municipal Elections, you must be: 21 Years of Age; A British Subject: An Owner or Tenant, or Wife or Husband of an Owner or Tenant; a farmer’s son, farmer’s daugh. ter or farmer‘s sister or wife of a person who is entered or wee entitled to be entered on the assessment roll as 3 farmer’s son. New Seasons Wallpaper Sample Books now available for your inspection. Stop in today and see our complou line 0: Putt .9; Lambert paints and varnishes. Dogs for Sale To Good Homes Operator: R G. Herd H. C. T. Crisp. Clerk, Township of Markham Unionville 40 Gormley 5550 AVenue 5-1103 The second meeting of the L0- cal Association of Girl Guides and Brownies was held Wednes- day evening of last week at the home of Mrs. Gordon Hardie. El- ections were held with Mrs. G. Stacey as chairman; Mrs. L. Miller, secretary; Mrs. F. Don- nelly treasurer; Mrs. J. Lang. badge secretary. Discussion on the final arrangements for the bazaar to be held in Noven‘floer at Melville United Church were made. The Girl Guides are finalizing the badge work in readiness to be enrolled. Equipment has been purchased by the Local Associa- tion for our use in teaching the girls many useful skills in be- coming a better citizen. The Local Association of Girl Guides is holding-a bazaar at the Melville United Church. A good assortment of work is promised for shoppers. Donations of bak- ing, and sewing would be greatly appreciated by the group in charge. The bazaar will help pro- vide necessary equipment and to further the work of the Guides and Brownies. ' Brownies The first euchre of the {all ser- ies was held in the community hall with seven tables of players in attendance. Prize winners were: Miss Olive Glover. Mrs. Roy Glover, Miss Mabel Sander- son, Lloyd Tennyson, Jack Mack- ness and Richard Frisby. Lucky draw for a bushel of apples was won by Mr. Wllf Dean. Local Association of Girl Guides The Brownies held their first birthday party Thursday evening in the Melville United Church Sunday School room, with the new Girl Guide company and the Commissioner. Mrs. M. Currie of Richmond Hill as their guests. The Commissioner presented the Brownies with their first year Service Star. The evening was spent playing games and a camp- fire, after which cake and fruit juice were served. WHERE CAN YOU GET HONEST GUARANTEED TV SERVICE WHERE ALL DEFECTIVE PARTS ARE The Tyro boys held a party in the Sunday school room after their regular meeting Tuesday evening of last week. The par- ents were also present. The Ex. plorer leaders served lunch and presented the Tyros with a don- ation to get them started in their work. Church News RETURNED? At the TV Doctor of course! PR. 3-5954 Oak Ridges Richmond Hill, Aurora OX. 4-0847 TORONTO Rev. A. F. Binnington was in charge of the service on Sunday CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W. SANDLE, Victoria Square Telephone Gonnley 542) VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS “In, . Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Boynton who on No- vember 11 will be celebrating their 15th wedding annivergary. The many friends of Paul Tyn- dall will be pleased to hear that he is progressing favourably in the Sick Childrens Hospital Tot- onto following an accident on Monday of last week when a bot- tle he was playing with exploded in his face. which required an e- mergency operation on his eye It is hoped that his eyesight will not be impaired in any way. Paul hopes to be able to return home from hospital this coming weekâ€" end. A speedy recovery is wished for him. “Sacramental View of Life.” On Sunday, November 15,'at 11:30 am. Mr. Tom Phillips will be in charge of the service. Neighborhood Notes Birthday greetings to Mrs. Lloyd Canning for November.12; to Shirley and Brian Empring- ham who on November 15 will 3e celebrating their third birth- 83'. morning. He gave a very inspir- ing message on the serum}; tyerpe Mr. and Mrs. Bob Meakes and family have moved to their new home in Stoufiville. We WAS-U them qvery success in their new surroundings. The flowers in the church Sun- day morning were in loving mem- ory of Kim Marie Avison, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Avlson who was killed in a motor car accident last week. The funeral service was held from Wright and Taylor's funeral home in Richmond Hill on Saturday morning, with interment in the Victoria Square cemetei'y. Our heartfelt sympathy is ex- tended to this young couple at this time, also a speedy recovery is wished for Mrs. Howard Avison who is seriously Injured and is in the Newmarket Hospital. _ Mrs. Stanley DeFoe' and Mrs. Harvey Collard spent last week with friends in Montreal. Mrs. Marcus Jarvis, Mrs. Carl Walker, Mrs. Garnet Francy, Mrs. Douglas Parsons and Mrs. Reid Brumwell attended the Sr. Women's Institute Convention heldkln the Royal York Hotel last wee . Mrs. R. Perkins Mrs. Jim Bar- ker and Ross spent Wednesday of last week with Mrs. Lorne Per- kins in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Mumberâ€" son, Mr. and Mrs. Treanot Can- ning attended the Warden‘s ban- quet in the King Edward Hotel. Toronto, on Friday evening a; last week. Judy and Terry Hart underwent tonsilectomies in Branson Hospi- tal on Thursday of last week. A speedy recovery is wished for them. 7 Miss Wendy Hart spent the week end with her uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Jarvis. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Boynton, Mrs. R. Perkins and Miss Mabel Sanderson had dinner Thursday of last week with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wilson In Toronto. We are glad to heat that Mrs. A Wright, John St. is on the way to recovery after a bout of pneu- mania. Home and School News The November meeting of the Home and School will take place on Wednesday, November 18, at 8.15 pm. We hope to have a speaker from Markham Township speaking on the nominations for the coming election of School Trustees. So far there is no rep- resentative for the Thornlea Area and we would like to see a candidate nominated on Novem- ber 27. This is very important to the future of this community. School News Thornlea School was very jub- ilant last week when they won the Girls Volleyball Champion; ships. The girls were undefeated after eight games. Mr. Sands pre- sented the Captain, Miss Diana Reid with the cup. Special thanks to Miss Ropac for the untlring efforts with the girls. _ all the hungry people satisfied. Mrs. Farmer was kept busy serv- ing tea assisted by the girls from grade 8 (looking very attractive in their green and white aprons). The rummage room was a papul- ar place and Mrs. Taylor and her assistant did a great job in there. The work of all these people is greatly appreciated. Dancing took place in the evening with Cleve Burton calling for the Square Dancing. thanks are extended to Mr. Burton. who is a busy man 'but he gave willingly of his time both for this occasion and the children's tuition on the preceed- ing evening. Climax of the even- .ing was the draw, lucky ticket holders were:- A__... . . _7, The Fun Fair held at the School last Saturday was a great success. It was encouraging to see so many local residents pres- ent, especially these who don't have children attending the school, it showed a real commun- ity spirit and is appreciated. We would also like to thank Mr. Kin- singer, the teaching staff and Mr. Glassford for their close co-oper- ation it was only this team Work that made a project like this possible. We missed the cheery personality of the Home and School President, Mrs. A. Wright. who is ill but who put in a lot of hard work before the event. The hot dog stand Was certainly a great success and the men in charge did a noble gob keeying nu.» u n v- -. R. Walton . Willowdale - Cofâ€" fee Percolator. Lucy Wright - Cups and Saucers. Rita Reid {Riqhvale o Turkey. Miss Lyndn Harvey represented Thornlea school at the Speaking Contest held at Charles Hewitt School on Thursday Evening. Al- though Lynda wasn‘t the suCCess- ful candidate she did a fine job and we congratulate her on her THORNLEA Correspondent: Mrs. B. Lepkey Phone AV. 5-3489 On Friday. Akela Norma Web. ster invested Steven Janssen and Barry MacKillop into the lst Langstafl’ Cubs. The parents of these boys were present to watch the proceedings. Vernon Walters and David Jellicoe were present- e" with their lst stars. Brian Ev- ery was made a sixer and Michael Paterson was made a seconder. A belated Hallowe'en party was held after the meeting. Sixer Council Several of the 151: Laugstaff Cubs went to the Sixer's Council at Marka on Saturday. Nov- ember 7. Auxiliary Meeting lst. Langstaff Cubs On Wednesday. the 2nd Rich- vale Brownie and Guide Mothers Auxiliary meeting was held at the home of Mrs. F. N. Mabley, on Denham Dr. The guest for the evening was the Area Commis- sioner Mrs. Bigley. who spoke a- bout the permanent Camp In Hal- iburton that the Guides wish to purchase. Congratulgtions Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sackfield, Westwood Lane surprised their two boys Ricky and Robbie with twin sisters Wendy and Elizabeth at the Women's College Hospital on Saturday, November 7. Scout Area Offices Filled At the dinner-dance, held in Aurora, on Friday, October 30 the election of officers for the York Summit District was held. Nor- man Perry, Roosevelt Dr. was elected District President, J. Rice, Vice-President, Doug Toogood. Treasurer and Mrs. E. Madden, Secretary. Birthday Wishes AN IMPORTANT PART OF “A?! FARM’S NATIONWIDE AGENCY NETWORK CLAIM STAY! FAR“ MUTUAL AUYOMOBIII INSURANCI Nancy'v and Harry "Ollie" Nel- comnm In! Olm "mu, m CORRESPONDENTS: MRS. I. I. SPEARS 25 Roosevelt Drive Phon. AV. 3-8110 N Spruce Ave. Check These Facts. NORMAN BRYANT SERVICE 31 Yonte St. North Richmond Hill, Ont. TU. 4-2291 Suite 1, Grd. Floor SM- Fam inwm man than 5,500,000 can in 0.5. and Canada. World’l large». 3m. Farm "filed 1 claim ovary 16 utondt in 1958. Total, 1,903,932 claim. Record claim can: totaled $291,412,039.“ II 195.. Drop In and Sea RICHVALE NEWS MRS. M. B. TAYLOR IIIUIIN‘. In" VIII son celebrated their birthdays on Monday. November 9. Nancy had a dinner party on Sunday to cele- brate her 10th birthday and her guests were Mary Jane Quance. Judy Gordon and Sally Spears. “Ollles” birthday is his second. “Hon Berry” Bauer The hard work of several ladies of the area paid off handsomely on Saturday. November 7, when the Thornhill United Church held its Annual Bazaar. You felt a pre- view of the Christmas spirit as you walked from one gall; dec- orated booth to another. Clever and beautiful ideas were display ed with decorated candles. centre pieces and flowers. The Ban-Eon centre was popular with the boxes so attractivehr wrapped. The men's group out-did them. selves with the cakes they baked. Prizes were given for originality, then the cakes were mctloned ofi. Economist and Sun is advocating that Markham Village Council retain the old post office, which they have just purchased in order to have a parking space, as a police headquarters, with a well- supervised parking area in front. MARKHAM â€" The Markham THI BELL TELEPHONI It’s easy . . . it’s inexpensive gift you can give anyone. When you call ‘ yourffiends MAPLE 9,3 Yonge Street 5., Richmond Hill - TU. 4-2791 Phono AV. 5-4288 remember, they now have DIAL SER- VICE and new “two-letter five-figure” numbers, starting with THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ont, Thursday. November 12, 1959 15 LAGE RQUIST STUDIO “Alpine 1" HALL’S SERVICE STATION LTD. TU. 4 . 436T how? Drop in any time. Purchase one of our Portrait Gift Certificates . . . and give it to the one whose picture you want. Richmond Hill I‘Urner #1312 GEO. McMURRICH SONS LIMITED 24 Elizabeth Si. N. Richmond Hill stop wishing! Now you can have that portrait you always wanted of a loved one. . . a professionally madn portrait you will always treasure. . . . and it's the nicest DOMESTIC FUEL OILS AND BURNER SERVICE HERBERT R. BUTT - "I always wanted a good 9 picture of her” Dependable Associated With COMPANY OF CANADA Service 0. November In, Dial Service came to Maple and new “ALpiue 7” number: became effective. All new number: are included in your Newmarket Directory. Jot them down in your Blue Book. Free calling between Maple and Rich- mond Hill continues. To call Map~ 1e just dial the a letter: and 5 figures of the ALpine 1 number. To call King just dial the 2 letters and 5 figures at the TEmple 8 number. To can Maple just dial 2 letters and 5 figures of the ALme 1 number. Telephone ATTENTION THORNHILL W. G. BARNES. Mum! 4 Wellington St. I. Toronto EM»er 2-3456 Toronto

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