=v-->.:“m 'a NO'I'CE annuummuumummmumnmmuuIl11n1\lnlmmuuu1mm“mummlmumnmmnmummuummmu“mum“mmmmnmnumumun; 51‘ mmm‘mmmmm\1\mm\umm\\mmmmnmumnmmumuumuummnmummm\mm“u“mu“mm1mmul\\mmmmmuuuumï¬ 18 LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ont, Thursday, November 12, 1959 AT THE FIRE HALL, KING CITY FROM 7 T0 8 PM. If more candidates are nominated and remain in nomination than are required to ï¬ll the offices, the election for the members of the Board of Trustees for the said Police Village of King City will be held on Monday, December 7, 1959, from the hour of 10 am. to the hour of 8 pm. of the same day and no longer, at the Masonic Hall, King City. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN Dated at King City, Ont, this 10th day of November, 1959. Public Notice is hereby given that the nomina- tion for candidates for the oï¬'ice of the three Trustees for the Police Village of King City for the year 1960 will be held on Make Sure Your Family has Loads and Loads of Hot Water When They Need It. Investigate our new flat rate water heater rental plan. Now available at the low monthly rental fee of $1.75 (plus cost of power ) ' s22: As sales representative in the Richmond Hill-Aurora area for a large Canadian ï¬nancial company. Starting income is $400 to $500 per month, depending on your qualiï¬cations and experience. Man selected will be between 27 and 40 years of age. having lived in the area for 5 years or lonéer. Must be capable of meet- ing the public and have ï¬rst-class character refer- ences and employment record. Commission arrangement plus company bonus will en- able you to increase your earnings substantially after a three month’s period. Please give full particulars in your letter. Write to- day to Box No. 14 “The Liberalâ€, or phone HU. 9- 1260 for†appointment with Personnel Manager. (on two-month billing basis) FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION PLEASE CALL YOUR LOCAL HYDRO OFFICE AT TU. I . Richmond Hill Hydro - Electric Commission 56 Yonge St. N. 19 Yonge St. N. Residents Of Richmond Hill POLICE VILLAGE OF KING CITY, ONTARIO 600 Watt 800 Watt 1000 Watt RON'S FISH 8. CHIPS NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with Section 9 of the Voters’ Lists Act and that I have posted up at my oï¬ice in Richmond Hill, on the 9th day of Novem- ber, 1959, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said municipality at Municipal Elections and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate "proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law. The last day for appeals is the 23rd day of Nov- ember, 1959. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 23 of November. 1959. Clerk’s Notice of First Posting of Voters’ List 1959 MUNICIPALITY OF' THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL, COUNTY OF YORK PUBLIC NOTICE MUNICIPAL ELECTION Element Size ONE AMBITIOUS MAN DATED at Richmond Hill this 9th day MAN WANTED RUSSELL LYNETT HERBERT E. ROSS, Returning Officer Clerk, Richmond Hill New Rate (Net) Richmond Hill $4.95 $6.05 $7.18 Socials Mrs. D. Goulding was hostess at a birthday celebration last week when the guests of hon- our were Mrs. W. Bell and Mrs. I. Peterson. Others present were Mrs. E. Hall, Mrs. E. Gamble and Mrs. L. Clubine. Mr. and Mrs. J. Darker, Mrs. E. Locke, Mrs. J. Pike and Mrs. A. Locke stayed a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. B. Locke. John McFee recently visited John Salsnek in his new home on Sheppard Avenue. The Salsneks moved from the district just a short time ago. 7 Lyn and David Jack of Isling- ton spent the weekend with their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Waters. 7 iMrs. Forest Snell and her mo- ther Mrs. Healey left on Monday for New Smyrna Beach,j‘lorig‘ua. Welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Ar- thur Irvin who have taken up reside;.ce at Elgin Mi.ls. Mr. Irvin conducts Thornhill Sales and Boarding Stables at Mariday Farm. Mrs. R. Williams was hostess to the Monday Nighters this week when they enjoyed an evening of euchre. The prize winners were: Mrs. E. Gamble, Mrs. R. Williams, Mrs. E. Hall and Mrs. R. Kerwin. lst Jefferson Cubs, Brownies, Scouts and Guides PRE-SCHOOL & ADULT SKATING FIGURE SKATING CLUB SKATING FOR SCHOOL CHILDREN Past Governor for Ontario and Quebec district of Civitan International presents charter to Richmond Hill Club president Ivan Toutlolf as members look on. Left ELGIN MILLS-JEFFERSON NEWS MERCANTILE HOCKEY LEAGUE RICHMOND HILL HOCKEY ASSOCIATION PUBLIC SKATING ’The MotheEé‘WAuxiliary will Every Thursday 10 to 11 am Admission 35c. Every Monday and Thursday 4-5.30 pm. Admission 25c ARENA ATTRACTIONS Tuesday 4-7 pm. Wednesday 3-7 pm. Friday 4-6 p.m. " Saturday 7 am. - 12 noon Every Tuesday evening 8-11 pm. Monday 7-11 p.m. Thursday 7-11 p.m. Friday. 7-11 p.m. Saturday, 12.30-6 p.m Admission: Spectator 10c Adults 50c Students (with student card) Evm-y Saturday evening 8-10 pm. RICHMOND HILL ARENA ASSOCIATION PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER TU. 4 - 2208 35c Children 25c Correspondent: The Evening Branch of the Woman’s Auxiliary of'St. John’s Anglican Church TU. (-2708 TU. 4-1534 lee Time Available TU. 4-1\ss hold a meeting at the school on Tuesday, November 17th when the speaker of the evening will be Mrs. Banks of the Richmond Hill Gift Shop. who will. demonstrate gift wrapping and the tying of bows - very timely with Christ- mas not to far off. Come and bring a friend. There will be a lucky draw, and refreshments. A sixers’ conference was held last Saturday at the Markham United Church and four boys, Ronny Saul, Dennis Gamble, Car- lo Cappy and Cornelius Sommers, attended the meeting. Birthday Greetings Many happy returns of the day to Jeannie Corkin. to Andrea Goulding on the 16th and Chuck- ie Morris on the 17th. Jefferson School Community Club A successful bazaar was held last Saturday at the school. There was home baking, white elephants and aprons, all three tables reporting complete sell- outs. The tea tables did a rushing business also. One of the features of the af- ternoon was the draw for the door prizes. Miss A. Leary drew the names and the lucky win- ners were Mr. Douglas Hillaby, Mrs. C. Knappett and Miss P. Gradeen. On behalf of the Community Club Mrs. S. Leno, wife of the Chairman of the School Board, made a presentation to Mrs. A. Morrison in appreciation of all Mr. and >Mrs. Morrison did for the club while living here. The executive thank everyone who helped to make the bazaar such a success with special men- tion to Mr. C. Hanson for the lovâ€" ely flowers for the tearoom and to‘all the ladies who worked so hard Saturday afternoon. St. John’s Church New§ The Evening Branch- of the Women’s Auxiliary will hold a meeting at the parish hall on this evening, Thursday, November 12th at 8.30 pm. The fall Deanery meeting was held at St. Mary’s Parish Hall in Richmond Hill on Wednesday, November 4th. The Diocesan President, Mrs. S. Snively, said a few words about the United Thank-Offering service to be held the 5th of November at St. James Cathedral. The Rev. E. A. Tomlinson, who has spent 9 years in ‘Etheopia with the Sudan Interior Mission, was the special speaker. He i1- lustrated his talk with slides of his work in Africa, giving a vivid picture of the life of a missionary in that part of the worid. The Evening Branches of the Deanery were hostesses at this meeting. Mrs. C. R. Wilcox. Mrs. S. Snively, Mrs. J. Passmore and Mrs. E. Terry attended from St. John's. The lst Jefferson Cubs Scouts, Brownies and Guides paraded on Sunday to the morning service. In the colour party were Cornel- ius Sommers, Fred Waters. Doug- las Greigrand Cal_'10 QapPY. Don’t forget the bazaar and rummage sale, ,sponsored by the Afternoon W. A., to be held at the parish hall_ next weelg. See There was a splendid turnout at Parents' Night held at the Jef- ferson Public School on Thursday, November 5th. The work display- ed iu all the romms was of a high calibre and most parents expressed satisfaction at the pro- gress being made by their child- Cdmfng Events for time and date School News 1‘6 n Most of the visitors, after com- pleting their tour of the rooms, went to the teachers' room for a cup of tea and cookies, served by Mrs. Stanley Leno. On November 13th the senior room and last year’s graduates will be entertained by the Com- munity Club with a square dance at the school. Civitans Receive Charter to right: Bill Purvis, Tom Pitt, Jack Ashworth, Presi- dent Toutloff, Horace Roberts, Don Walker, Jim Thomp- son, Mr. Evans, Ted Shaw and Bill Coddling. Toastmaster was Past Governor, The Ontario-Quebec District of Civitan International, Harlow Evans. Other duties were carried out by the following: Invocation - Past President Don Glen, The Civitan Club of East Toronto. Welcome to Richmond Hill - Mayor Ken Tomlin. charter night on Friday, October 30, at St. Andrew’s Golf and Country Club, Toronto, with a ï¬ne dinner and dance. Introduction of Guests - Jack Ashworth, Treasurer, The Civitan Club of Richmond Hill. Presentation of the Charter - Jack Scott, Governor, The Ontar- io, Quebec District of Civitan In- ternational. Acceptance of the Charter - Ivan Toutloff, President the Civ- itan Club of Richmond Hill. Initiation of Members - Jack Bassett, Don Mills, George Prin- ce, Past Presidents, the Civitan Club of East Toronto. Installation of Officers and Di- rectors - King Evans, Lt. Gover- nor, Ontario Quebec District. Messages read by, Horace Ro- ‘berts, Secretary, The Civitan Club of Richmond Hill. Presentation to the Richmond Hill Club - Gavel and Bell, and Club Banner, Ted Lewis, Presi- dent the Civitan Club of East Toronto. Introduction of the Speaker - Earl Coleman. Immediate Past Governor. The Ontario, Quebec District. Speaker - Dave Urquhart - Vice President of Civitan Internation- a1. 152 people were in attendance. Among those attending were the following guests: Mayor Ken Tomlin and Mrs. Tomlin, Council- lor Jim Haggart and Mrs. Hag- gart, Police Chief Robbins and Mrs. Robbins, lst Vice President Lions Club - Don and Mrs. Lit- tle, President, Kinsmen Club - George and Mrs. Flagler, Past President, Rotary Club - Bob and Mrs. Johnson; President, Jaycees - Murray and Mrs. McLeod. Officers The following were elected of- ficers of the Civitan ‘Club of Richmond Hill: Sponsoring Club - The Civitan Club of East Toronto. Large Attendance President - Ivan Toutloff, Vice President - Jim Thompson, Sec- retary - Horace Roberts. Treasur- er - Jack Ashworth; Directors - Ted Shaw, Bill Purvis, Don Wal- ker, Tom Pitt, Graydon Parmen- ter. Sgt..at Arms, Bill Doddling. Charter Members: Cameron Andrew, Roy Armstrong, Gord Cattermole. Bill Doddling, Ron Firman, Bill Hamilton, Don Har- court, John Johnson, Arnold Mac- Naughton. Bill Mathieson, Jim Parker, Bill Robertson, Murray Slate. George Schildroth, Les Smith, Frank Sullivan, Lorne Murphy, plus the officers and di- rectors To Housewives - - GET YOUR SOFT- WATER SOFTENER I.D.RAMER and Son A SUPPLY ALWAYS . Phone TU. 4-1313 . RICHMOND BILL 189 Centre St. E. Civitan Charter Night AQUA NUGGETS SALT FROM THE CIVITAN CLUB OF RICHMOND HILL held its Welcome By Mayor Welcome To Richmond Hill A very pleasant evening was enoyed by all present. Readers of "The Liberal" will be glad ti join us in welcoming this addition to the number of Service Clubs in Richmond Hill and in wishing them, one and all, a long and happy association with the town. WE'RE Overloaded With Good Used Cars LOOK :- LOOK -I- LOOK 'I'HEY MUST 60 Every ‘One Bargain Priced -- EASY TERMS â€" *we’re blagï¬ng price§*savg on this sale! As low as 10% down - Cross Country Wagon Automatic Trans. Beautiful car 57 MORRIS Station Wagon Excellent Second Car 59 MONARCH Richelieu 2 Door Fully Powered SAVE $1300 Power Steering and automatic FORD - EDSEL . MONARCH . FALCON Richmond Hill 56 RAMBLER 54 BUICK SEDAN LITTLE 8. SON LTD. $1695 $999 $899 Specializing in Purebred Cattle, Farm Stock, Furniture and Implements We personally handle all sale bills and advertising. Phone Gormley 5311 Gormley, Ont. Our expert staff will give personalized attentlon to your every need. WE ARE THE OFFICIAL AGENTS FOR BENJAMIN MOORE PAINTS See our wide range of gay wallpapers. Our contract department will gladly give you a Free Estimate on any painting job. 21 Yonge St. N. PRIDI-IAM'S PAIN'I' 51 WALLPAPER ALVIN S. FARMER AURORA SAND & GRAVEI. SPECIAL PRICES FOR HOME OWNERS. PIT-RUN GRAVEL, SAND FILL, BRICK AND CONCRETE SAND, ALSO STONE FOR DRIVEWAYS FOR ALL YOUR PAINTING NEEDS BOTH INTERIOR and EXTERIOR CONSULT IIS YORK AND ONTARIO COUNTIES 36 YEARS EXPERIENCE PA. 7 - 9091 EVERY ONE OF THESE CARS PRICED TO SELL 59 Ford Convertible .. . . $3249 59 Meteor Montcalm 4 Dr. $2995 57 Ford Custom 4 Dr. . $1195 56 Plymouth Suburban $699 55 Chevrolet Sedan . . . $649 54 Ford Custom Sedan . . $599 54 Chevrolet Coach . . 9..., $399 balance up to 36 months Licensed Auctioneer Over $4400 new price One owner, outstanding Power equipped, outstanding RICHMOND HILL for PA. 7-5001 TU. 4-2819