Maple Leaf Soap Flakes, gt. Size .. York Blanched Peanuts, 13 oz. tin . .. York Peanut Butter Tumbler Red Rose Orange Pekoe Tea Bags Pkg. of 60 Maple Leaf Liquid Detergent All. OF THE ABOVE FEATURES AVAILABLE AT FRASERVALE FROZEN FANCY 12 IS 02. tins $1 DOG FOODm IGA Dog House LOIN 0' LAMB FRONT 0' LAMB First of the season California Seedless Navels Ripe Red Beauties For The Salad US. No. I GRADE SUNKIST ORANGES Enioy fresh Canadian Lamb! CELLO PKG. Size “3's C 's DOZ. Size 138's DOZ. 19?" Whole untrimmed lamb in the Basket CALIFORNIA LET T U CE We reserve the right to limit quantities. U.S. No. I Tender, Crisp All food prices etfective November 19. 20, 21, with the exception of grocery items which are available while they last §AOEE TOMATO large heads 23: THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, November 19, 1959 CHOICE TOMATOES FANCY SAVE REGULAR or CHUBBY REMEMBER TO SAVE YOUR IGA SAVE 15c KLEENEX TISSUES NEW “ASSEMBLE-IT-YOURSELF" GIANT OXFORD DICTIONAR 5553153" AVAILABLE INTERNATIONAL - UNABRIDGED NogACH |.G.A. Margarine Kraft CheeSe Saico Tuna I.G.A. Chorce Peass Tomato Soupgmli Bulbs Westinghouse |.G.A. Foil Wrap IGA Waxed Paper s; York Stew $3 Cake MIXES SAVE 16c - IGA FANCY APPLE SAUCE JUICE SAVE 17; 16c Solid White Fancy Save 5c Robin Hood White, Choc. or Ginger SAVE 24c Irish or Beef SAVE 16: AYLMER SAVE 25c Deluxe Sliced 25-40-60 Watt SAVE 50c SAVE 24c Bayview and Markham Rd. RICHMOND HILL SAVE lecï¬ 15 oz. tins Aluminum SAVE 16c pkgs. IO 10 oz. tins Thornhill Ontario EACH VCENT'S 7 oz. tins 1 LB. PKGS‘ 100 ft. rolls 8 oz. pkgs. 15 oz. pkgs. 25 ft. rolls 15 oz. tins for