Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 Nov 1959, p. 15

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3E RIGHT MSW YW WRAP Use corrugated cardboard or a stout carton. Use strong wrapping pacer and tie securely Nith strong cord. Print name and address clearly, completely, and correctly and in ink on front of parcel. Put your own name and postal address (including . zone number if applicable) in upper lefthand corner, and also inside parcel. For correct postage, check parcel’s weight at your nearest post office. lddress your mail clearly, completely, correctly Friday, the 27th day of November, 1959, at the hour of 10:00 o’clock in the forenoon, at the Township Municipal Hall at Buttonville, in the Township of Markham, shall be the time and place for the appointment of per- sons to attend at the polling places, and at the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk. TAKE NOTICE that I do hereby certify that the following is a true copy of a ques- tion to be submitted to the electors of the Township of Markham. the vote upon the said question will be taken at the same hours and at the same places as for the Municipal Elections on the 7th day of December, 1959. vide for biennial elections of members of the Council of the Township of Markham? TAKE NOTICE that I do certify that the follow- ing is a true copy of a question to be submitted to the electors of the Town of Richmond Hill: “Are you in favour of a By-law to provide for bi- ennial elections of members of the Council of the Town of Richmond Hill?” upon the said question will be taken at the same hours and at the same places as for the Municipal Elections on the 5th day of December, 1959. the 27th of November, 1959, at the hour of 10:00 o’clock in the Forenoon, at the Municipal Hall in the Town of Richmond Hill, shall be the time and place for the ap- pointment of persons to attend at the polling places, and at the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk. this 2nd day of November, 1959. DATED at the Tawn of Richmond Hill this 2nd day of November, 1359. NOTICE “Are you in favour of a By-law to pro- AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that DATED at the Towmhip of Markham AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the vote AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that Friday, CANADA POST OFFICE Township of Markham H. C. T. CRISP,Clerk, PO-SV-IZI R. LYNETT, Clerk For complete service and parts â€"new machinery and industrial equipment. Goodyear Tire Service. Give us a call for demonstra- tion and full particulars. 8 miles South of Bolton on Hm. so R. R. 3 Bolton Phone Bolton 150 Weddlng bells will ring for leord Stats and Esther Whatten on November 27 in Toronto, and for Dorothy Hood and Don Ree- sor at Brown’s Corners United Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Purves and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Reid who celebrat~ ed wedding anniversaries last week. Miss Elizabeth French, whose birthday was on Monday of this week came in for special at- tention at a pot-luck luncheon the W.I. held at Buttonville Hall. Nov. 12: Evening refreshments served to Milk Produ’cers execu- tive: Nov. 23: Euchre and bridge at 2 pm. in Buttonville Hall in aid of Christmas Gift Cupboard of the Cancer Society; Nov. 24, In Buttonville Hall, from 10 am. to 4 pm, “How to Plan a Meet- ing" discussion led by Mrs. E. Armstrong. All interested persons in the community are urged to attend. Bring a box lunch, tea will be supplied by W.I. mem- bers. Nov. 26: Junior Farmers' Dinner at Buttonville Hall, W.I. to cater; Dec. 2: Markham Fair Board banquet, W.I. to cater. W. James Haggart Mrs. Alick Gardner who made such a hit as a model at the fash- ion show the W1. sponsored re- cently Is suffering because of her labours! She has fallen prey to dermatitis. The Buttonville W.I. ladies have a full calendar for November: Neighbourhood Notes Service & Supply For more information, can your Acadia Agent today! MASSEY-FERGUSON SALES & SERVICE Exclusive “mortgage payment protection with the 849A WILSON AVE. DOWNSVIEW ME. 5-5361 TU. 4-2277 WILLIAMS CORRESPONDENT: Mrs. E. G. LEA! B. R. 2 Gormley â€" Phone :1ther 3~6188 BUTTONVILLE NEWS caifia Mrs. Roscoe Chapin of Union- vflle conducted the devotional service. The soloist was Mrs. W. J. Russell, also of Unionville, who was accompanied at the organ by Mrs. S. J. English. W‘J. Euchre Series Mrs. Loveys spent the summer months in Jamaica on W.M.S. work, and while there she put her colour camera to good use, with a pictorial account of that beautiful island and the life 05 its people. Thefe have been no slaves in Jamaica since 1838. and the protestant church has been active since before that. There were 14 tables of players at Buttonville W.I. Hall for the third game of the present euchre series. Winners were Mrs. Miles, Mrs. P. Smith, Mrs. 0. Denby; Messrs. Bill Lunau, Matt Davie and Ashton Calvert. Mr. Free- man won the lucky draw a chick- en. Refreshments were served. Next game will be November 20. Christmas Gift Cupboard Benefit A dull time of year, you say? You're in the dumps? Take the best cure of all and do something for someone else! The retiring executive secret- ary of the W.M.S. of the United Church of Canada Mrs. Loveys, was' the colourful and interesting guest speaker at the Brown’s .Corners W.M.S. autumn thank- ofi'ering meeting. On Monday afternoon of next week (November 23) the Button- vllIe W.I. is sponsoring a euehre and bridge party. Funds will be used to purchase comforts and cheering gifts to stock the shelves of the Christmas Gift Cupboard of the Canadian Cancer Society in this area. Christmas Bazaar At the Victoria Square District Lions night recently Alick Gard- ner speculated aloud that the lucky draw was fixed â€" Lawson Mumberson picked him up on it and asked Mr. Gardner to draw a number. Mr. Garner drew his own! Thankofferlng Speaker At a pot luck luncheon held in the home of Mrs. A .W. Miller on Tuesday afternoon of last week final plans were made for the Harmony Club Christmas Bazaar which will be held in Buttonville W.I. Hall Saturday afternoon. November 28, commencing at 2 Mrs. Walter Craig was a dele- gate from North York Schools attending the Ontario Associa- tion of Curriculum Development convention in the King Edward Hotel last week. Mrs. George Kelly, Mrs. Russ- ell Boyington, Mrs. James Rod- ick, Mrs. Don Arnott, Mrs. John Donaldson and Mrs. Fred Leaf motored to Orangeville on Fri- day of last week for the annual meeting of the local fall fairs ex- ecutive. Twenty-four were pres- ent from the Markham area. and Mr. Tran, Markham Fair chair- man, was pleased to bring home the cup for high attendance. Mrs. Jean Cook and Mrs. John Wilkins represented Buttonville W.I. at the area convention at the Royal York Hotel. Mrs. Gar- net Francy also was a convention guest and Mrs. Charles Hooper and Mrs. Joe Robinson were am- ong those who attended the lun- cheon held in the Canadian Room on, Thursday. After weeks of study and plan- ning, interested laymen and wo- men of Brown's Corners United Church visited church\members and adherents in this area on Sunday of this week and report much interest shown throughout the community. As an added boost the financial objective of $11,400.00 was exceeded. Buttonvllle School Parents’ Club Sectpr Over The Top As evidenced by the fine at- tendance at last month‘s meeting of the newly formed Buttonville School" Parents’ Club, there Is much interest among local par- ents in school affairs and meth- ods. Following last month’s pro~ gramme in which a grade 1 dem- onstration reading lesson was taught by Mrs. Helfenstein, Mr. H. Atkinson will show teaching procedure with senior grades In the school. Can’t afford to miss this one. Mrs. Morrison Seller of Owen Sound spent some time with her family at the Rodick farm last week, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rodick were pleased to have John home from Pickering College for the weekend. Church on December 26 The men of the neighbourhood have been hunting lately. Of those who have returned we heard that George Hooper's party brought back six, and Mr. Bald- win’s party was also successful. On Saturday afternoon of last week Mrs. W. Wardenier of Am- leigh Heights entertained at a tea at the Four Winds, Steele’s Ave. W., The guest of honour was her mother, Mrs. Millicent Gla‘nan whose 75th birthday it was. Mrs. Gladman was showered with gifts and good wishes from her friends and relatives, many of whom travelled long distances to attend. Several community members are in hospital as present, and we hope they may return home short- ly. Mrs. John Brown underwent surgery at Scarboro General last weekend; Mr. A. Bose whose home is on the old Thompson farm on No. 7 Hwy. is also at Scarboro General following a ser- ious accident which occured while he was at work; Mr. E. Crisp has been in the Toronto East General Hospital for some time now but is progressing well, and Mrs. Rus- sell Burr is at home recuperating from an operation on her foot. Mrs. Maw tells us that the Ex- plorer group of the Victoria Square charge is sponsoring the newly formed Tyro group at Vic- toria Square. So far they have voted more than $8.00 for pur- chase of essential equipment. No doubt TYRO will return the compliment by helping the girls at a later date. 7‘07. G. I T. this week met at the home of Janice Farquharson. The December group of the W. A. is holding a bazaar in Victoria Square Sunday school room on Saturday, November 21, com- mencing at 2 pm. On Wednesday evening. Nov- ember 25, at 8 pm. in the Vic- toria Square Church, a meeting of all women's groups of the charge will be held to consider the proposed new organization for women of the church. The guest speaker will be Mrs. Clayton Searle. All women of the charge are invited to attend this meeting. Men’s Meeting and Rally The su rintendent and teach- ers of the unday School met on Monday evening of last week to make plans for the Christmas ac- tivities of the Sunday School. It was decided to have the annual White Gift service on Sunday, December 6. also that the annual Sunday School Christmas Con- cert will be held on Wednesday evening, December 28. Further particulars at a later date. WA. News The third annual York Pres- bytery men's meeting and rally will take place at Richmond Hill November 25 at 7 p.m., commen- cing with a turkey dinner. Speak- er will be Rev. T. V. Hart, B.A., The Local Association of Girl Guides and Brownies held its ba- zaar on Saturday afternoon of last week in the Melville United Church. and was very successful. There was home baking, sewing, santa's‘baz for the children and milk shakes. Sunday School The November meeting of the Gormley Home and School was held on Monday evening of last week in the senior room of S. S. No. 7 Markham. President Mrs. J. Leltch was in charge of the pro- gram. The guest speaker was Mrs. H. .Dertt of Stoufivllle, who gave an interesting talk on the work of the Stoufl‘ville Nursery School. Refreshments were served by the Grade 3 mothers. after which a discussion period was held. Sr. Women‘s Institute The Senior Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs. Heber McCague. Richmond Hill, for Its November meeting. Mrs. Marcus Jarvis was in charge of the pro- gram. The mot’to was given by Mrs. D. Parsons and Mrs. P. Wil- lows. Miss Mabel Sanderson was the guest speaker and gave the “History of the Sanderson Farm and Surrounding Property.” Miss Sanderson also gave information from her father's diary,” which proved very interesting and in- formative. Mrs. Harry Barber Sr. gave a humorous reading. At the close refreshments were served by the committee in charge. Mrs. Jarvis conducted a contest. ’ Bazaar Home and School CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W. SANDLE. Victoria Squm PRICED FROM $8.95 UP MADE BY JANTZEN TONY DAY CAULFEILD SE ALSO OUR RANGE OF ULKYKNITS, SHETLANDS 6': V NECK PULLOVERS WASHABLE DRESSING GOWNS IN TARTAN'S 8. FANCIES VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS PRICED FROM $12.95 to $14.95 THE IDEAL GIFT FOR “THAT MAN" gfifiLAYAWAY PLAN FOR ALL YOUR SHOPPING NEEDS 36 YONGE STREET soum RICHMOND HILL THURSTON STORES LTD. DON THURS'I'ON HEATHER CREW NECK SWEATERS OPEN WED. ALL DAY FROM NOW Telephone Gormley 5421 7' ' WARM / / WINTER MEN'S 8: BOYS WEAR B.D.. minister of First Unlted.‘ Church Port Credit. Tickets av-’ allable from Percy Bennett and Harold Stefiler. ' Church News ‘ On Sunday, November 22, at 11.30 a.m.. Rev. A. E. Binnington will have charge of the service at Victoria Square. The sermon em- phasis will be for the Young People with two of the boys from the Sunday school assisting in the service. Peter and Karen Baxter enter- tained Sharon, Douglas.» Robyn. Terry and Wally MacDonald. Robert Suzuki and Kyoto Ito to a skating party at Stoufiville ar- ena on Wednesday afternoon of last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Empringâ€" ham Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Clubine, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bennett call- ed on Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Leno at Richmond Hill on Sunday af- ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Leno were celebrating their sixties wedding anniversary. Mrs. H. McCague spent last week with her sister, Mrs. Ivan Slssler of Port Credit, while Mr. Heber McCague was up north deer hunting. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Steckle}? and Stephen of Toronto called on Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Steckley on Sunday evening. Birthday greetings to Miss Minnie Pickering for November 18; to Neil Pickering for Novem- ber 18; to Mrs. Margaret Haig who on November 20 will be cel- ebrating her 83rd birthday: to Mrs. Frank Brumwell for Novem- ber 20. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Nichols who on Nov- ember 24. will be celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary. A speedy recovery is wished for Mrs. Nelson Boynton who is ill in Toronto General Hospital. Friends will be pleased to hear that Mr. Stanley Boynton is able to be up a little each day follow- ing his recent stroke. Mr. Tom Phillips is the student minister until the end of the col- lege term next April. The com- mittee appointed by the board is agreed that this arrangement will be mutually helpful. Neighbourhood Notes We Deliver Toronto and Surrounding District: “Flowers For All Occasions” PHONE TU. 4-1812 AT ALL HOURS RICE’S FLOWERS RICHMOND HILL THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, November 19, 1959 15 â€" IT IS DESIGNED TO BE FED WITH ‘HOME GROWN GRAIN TO CUT DOWN ON YOUR CALF FEED COST -â€" ALSO AVAILABLE NOW â€" â€"- IT ALLOWS YOU TO SHIP ALL YOUR MILK â€" ALL MASTER DAIRY FEEDS ARE TESTED AT NEARBY MASTER FEEDS FARM â€" SEE US TODAY W. R. DEAN 71 Centre Street East LUMBER - LATHS - TRIM - SHINGLES - GYPROC ROOFING MATERIALS AV. 5-1344 AURORA SAND 8. GRAVEI. SPECIAL PRICES FOR HOME OWNERS. PIT-RUN GRAVEL, SAND FILL, BRICK AND CONCRETE SAND, ALSO STONE FOR DRIVEWAYS FOR BIG - STRONG - HEALTHY CALVES FEED “ Master Calf Starter Grower" Sheppard and Gill Lumber Co., Ltd. “Master Milk Replacer " WHICH IS A COMPLETE WHOLE MILK SUBSTITUTE ATTENTION DAIRYMEN PA. 1 - 9091 Builders’ Supplies TILL CHRISTMAS TU. 4-1361 Thornhill

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