COMPREHENSIVE COVERAGE TU. 4-4096 i: No more aching backs and freezing hands, shovel!- ing snow. 7:: Let our men and machines keep your driveway clean the whole winter through ï¬r We are accepting a limited number of contracts for driveway snow removal. {3: Make sure you are one of the lucky ones. 31‘: Driveways 100’ long and under, $35.00 per year. over 100 ft. slightly more. Dup 9n aud See: IAS. GRAINGER NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with Section 9 of the Voters’ Lists Act and that I have posted up at my office in Richmond Hill, on the 9th day of Novem- ber, 1959, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said municipality at Municipal Election and that such list remains there for inspection. INSURANCE 57“" FA RM And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to .have any errors or omissions corrected according to law. The last day for appeals is the 23rd day of Nov- ember, 1959. of November. 1959. No $25 deductible to pay when you have glass breakage or other damage to your on. 5m: FARM MUTUAL at no extra cost! SNOW FOR THE NEXT FIVE MONTHS Driveway Snow Removal By COWELI. PAVING CO. 130 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill TU. 4-1529 TIME TO TRADE (1 Clerk’s Notice of First Posting of Voters’ List 1959 MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL, COUNTY OF YORK ‘l'lle BANK of NOVA SCOTIA NOTICE DATED at Richmond Hill this 9th day borrow at low cost through L1 CALL US NOW! _ FOR YOUR RESERVATION RUSSELL LYNETT STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY Clerk, Richmohd Hill with NORMAN BRIANT Suite 1. Grd. Floor 31 Yonge St. North Richmond Hill, Ont. TU. 4-2291 ’ On November 10, Mr. George Green, teacher at Carrville school held a very nice Armistice Ser- vice with the children. and ex- plained the meaning of the holi- day, and it left the children very much impressed. Mrs. J-ack Barton and Mrs. Bert Middleton had the pleasure of attending a surprise party at the home of Mrs. David' Barton. Bev- erley Acres, Richmond Hill. on Thursday evening when Mrs. Bob Middleton was presented with a lovely pram suit for her wee daughter, Denise, also a box of baby toiletries and a beautiful nylon dress and slip. Mrs. Jas. Ash, of Moorefield, who was vis- iting that week with relatives, '35- slsted Mrs. Barton. Other ladies present were Mrs. Ch-as. Jordan, Doncaster; Mrs. Jack Oliver, Richmond Hill; Mrs. Chas Ash, Edgeley; and Mrs. John Ash. Sr. Concord. Mrs. Percy Ash and Mrs. Dean Wilson were unable to at- tend. Mr. Green has always done such things before any special day, such as Easter or Christmas; explained the reason why, and we are sure all parents thank him for it. Party Mr. and Mrs. Bert Middleton, Gretta and Nancy Middleton and Mrs. Jas. Ash, Robbie and Donna Lyn Ash of Moorefield visited on Wednesday evening at Concord with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Ash and Mrs. John Ash, Sr. Birthdays v Correspondent: Mrs. Bert Middleton Telephone Maple. 13033 Rev. Hugh R. MacDonald, B. A., B. D., Commenced his ministry at Carrville United Church on Sun- day. There was a good size con- gregation on hand to welcome him. School News A very happy birthday is wish- ed Mrs.'R. A. Kirk who has a birthday, November 17; and Miss Evah Sheppard on November 18; and little Bobby Bone who will be 2 years old on November 26. Happy birthday to all on your special day. Also belated anniversary greet- ings to Mr. and Mrs. E. Bone. whose wedding anniversary was last week. Mrs. Jas. Ash and Robbie and Donna Lyn Ash of Moorefield, returned to their home Satur- day following a weeks holiday visiting relatives. Election Day, November 23 This trophy, donated some years ago by Harris Abbatoirs, (now Canada Packers Ltd.) of To- ronto, in memory of the late Ted Don't forget to vote on Mon- day â€" from 12 noon to 8 pm. At the Legion Hall Camille Road. at the Ontario Agricultural and Veterinary Colleges â€" the Ted Wildman Trophy at a banquet at- tended by the members of the 11959 Redmen Championship In- tercollegiate Rugby Team and College Oï¬icials. , Robbie Keith. a senior student In Horticulture at the Ontario Agricultural College, from Tor- onto, was declared the winner of one of the most coveted awards SHIELDS Richmond Heights Plaza 38 Levendale Rd. TU. 4-5341 mm )memrmu/tr CARRVILLE Wilé 30104 On November 12th the touch rugby team played a close game with Thornlea at Thornlea School. Richvale Chapel Ladies Group The Remembrance Day ser- vice held in the school on Novâ€" ember 10th was taken in all its phase's by the Senior class. The November meeting of the Richvale Chapel Ladies’ Group was held at the home of Mrs. Wartman, Desmaine Crescent, last Thursday evening. About twenty- five ladies were pres t to begin new work for the mi sion fields. The speaker was Miss Martha Perez, who also showed slides of her trip to Argentina last summer. Richvale School Little Miss Lawrie Gregg spent the weekend with her family, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gregg and Julie. RIGHTER - HILLS A pretty wedding was quietly solemnized in Richvale Gospel Chapel on Saturday, November 14th 1959 at seven p.m., when Delores Yvonne Hills, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. Angus Hills. Thornhill, bec’ame the bride of Theodore John Righter, Jr,. son of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Righter, Williston Park, Long Island, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Turnbull motored to North Bay last week- end to visit their son and daugh- ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Turnbull. At the close of the wedding service the friends were received; The mother of the bride was wearing royal blue lace over taf- feta with beige hat and gloves and wore a corsage of yellow ’mums.-She was assisted by the mother of the groom wearing a dreSS of ruby red taffeta with off-white hat and matching gloves. She wore a corsage of red and white roses; The winner is seen, left, being presented with the trophy by Wm. Jennings. : Mr. and Mrs. Charles Copeland, of Cookstown, are spending a week with their daughter, Mrs. D. Gregg. Given in marriage by her fa- ther, the bride was beautiful in a waltz-length dress of white silk organza. Her head-dress was a semi-coronet of simulated white feathers from which fell a chapel- length veil of tulle illusion. She carried a nosegay of white chry- santhemums, her only attendant was Miss Florence Hills, sister of the bride, who wore a waltz- length dress of mauve silk or- ganza and matching feathered head-dress. She carried a nosegay of mauve chrysanthemums. Groomsman was Mr. Michael Larou from Bloomington, Long Island. Before the ceremony, the solo- ist, Miss Joan Frolick sang “0 Christ, He is the fountain, The deep sweet well of Love." and during the signing of the regis- ter. “Take our lives and let them be consecrated, Lord, to Thee.’_’ The double-ring ceremony was performed by Mr. Colin Ander- "TIREâ€"{Je‘daivï¬g' music 'was played by Miss Wapda SIElit'l‘l. son Following a wedding trip to the mid-western United States the happy couple will make their ,home on Long Island, N. Y. The presentation was made by Wm. Jennings of Canada Packers Ltd., Toronto. The chairman at the banquet was Tom Shield. of the Ontario Beekeepers Associa- tion, Toronto who was a class- mate of the late Ted Wildman. The wedding breakfast was held at the Summit View Restaur- ant, Jefferson, Ontario. For going away the bride chose a smoky blue wool suit with navy hat and navy accessories. Wildman Is awarded to an out- standing member of the Inter- collegiate Rugby Team who ex- empliï¬es to a high degree the qualities of true sportsmanship. leadership and character. The winner is the son of Bob Keith. “The Ontario Gardener" of radio fame, who lives at 160 Centre St. W., Richmond Hill. Bob Keith Sr. is also a graduate .of the 0.A.C., and was an out- standing player on the College rugby team in his day.‘ Robbie has been a most effec- tive back ï¬eld player with the Redmen during the four years that he has attended the O.A.C.. and has been responsible for much of the success of the team in recent years. One of the most popular students on the campus. he has been an honour student during his course. 25 Roosevelt Dr. AV. 11-3116 Richvale News 7010!: y Webbing Mr. Frank Barker, brother, of Mrs. Wm. Wellman.. with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nixon (Lillian Barker) of Manilla, and their sons, Mark, Jimmie and Grant, had dinner on Saturday with Mrs. William Wellman. Birthday congratulations to Diane and Frank Toyne, twin son and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Toyne who will celebrate their fifteenth birthday on Nov- ember 24. Headford W. A. held its Nov-‘ ember meeting on Tuesday last, with a good attendance. Initial plans Were made on a project to restore the lovely old chairs in the choir loft; and it is hoped to have at least one to show at the next meeting, which will be held on December 8 at the home of Mrs. Hugh Devereil. Guest [for last Tuesday's meet- ing was Mrs. Garnet Francy. a former Headford girl, who showed some lovely slides of Alaska. Buttonville 4-H Homemakers were guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Johnstone. Mr. Jack Newsham of Caperol and lady friend of Toronto visited Mr. and Mrs. Elias Elliott on Thursday. Mrs. Robert Millen of Downs- vlew and Mrs. George Barrett a' ' Larry had dinner on Wed- Headford folk enjoyed very much having Mr. Tom Phillips, who preached on “Love and For- giveness. It was nice too, to have Mr. Deverell back in his accus- tomed place, A Miss Betty‘Gay and Mr. Gra- ham Stewart of Toronto were re- cent guests of Hal and Mrs. Acreman. So glad to know Brenda Well- man is feeling better and able to retugn to ï¬chool. -_ __L..__-.I Charlie Birker ' has returned from his hunting trip, the only one in his party to capture a deer. “werd was received from Mr. and Mrs. Len Bagg from Virginia, en route to St. Petersburg, Flor- ida. Mrs. Joe Fisher' and Mrs. Acre- man were guests of Melvin and Mrs. Wm. Wellman at the Roy- al on Monday of this week. Ar Jr. W. M. S. meeting was held on Monday evening at the home of Mrs. George Barrett. During the evening Mrs. Russell Taylor was presented with a surprise baby shower. SUPPORT THE SHOP lOCAlLY CAMPAIGN SPONSORED BY RICHMOND HILL JAYCEES Mr. and Mrs. Earl Doner and Evelyn of Stouffville had supper on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Doner. - Mr. Peter Mackie had dinner on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Elias Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. Winfred Carver of Sherkston visited Mr. and Mrs. George French on Sunday after- noon and had supper with Mr. 8119 Mrs. Roy Nigh. Sunday rvisitors with Mr. and Mrs. Elias Elliott were Mr. and Mrs. C. Summerfeldt and fam- ily, and Mrs. F. Warwick of Thornhlll for dinner. and Mrs. Ezra McMullen and daughter and friends' of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Baker of Kindersley, Sask., had dinner on Friday night with Mr. and Mrs. Elias Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Climen- hage of Fort Erie had supper on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. P :orge French. Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nigh were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rush and baby of Ridge- way, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Brown and Melodie of Welland, Miss Erma Nigh of Welland, Miss Nettle Weaver of Cheapside, and Miss Nor a Nigh and Messrs. quard an Roy Nigh of Spring- Mrs. Ida Cook retired as rare- taker at the United Missionary Church the end of October after faithfully performing her duties for thirty-seven years, Mrs. Ge'grge Berrett is replacing her. Sympathy is expressed to Mr. ani Mrs. Eric Morby in the pas- sing of their four and a haif month's baby boy John on IMon- day afternoon. vale Mrs. Don Thornhill and girls of South Bend, Indiana are spending this week with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. G. Harmon. Congratulations to Dean Har- ch of Lloyd School who placed second in the Whitch‘urch Town- ship Oratorical contest which was held at Vandorf on Thursday. November 5. The first prize win- ner was an Armltage school stu- dent. Most of the schools in Whit- church were represented at the contest. Correspondent: Mrs. H. Acreman R. R. 2 Gonnley. Ont. Phone 'l‘Urner 4-2238 HEADFORD CORRESPONDENT: was. CHAS. msnn \ Telephone Gonnley 5201 GORMLEY NEWS I.D.RAMER and Son Mrs. Rose Britnei is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Askwight oi Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Askwight spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Britnell. Shirley and Brian (twins) Em- pringham. celebrated their third birthday on November 15. Lieutenant and Mrs. L. R. Creelman, and baby Stephen are spending their embarkation leave with Judy's parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Wilcox, prior to leaving for two years’ service in Germany. Mrs. Abe Sheffer was moved on Saturday tram York County Hospital. Newmarket, to the Sln- cllï¬ir Nursing Home In Stout!- v e. Congratulations to our “Over 80" Club. Mr. George French celebrated his 84th birthday on November 19. A former resident, Mrs. Margaret Halg. now of Stouffvllle, also celebrates this week, Rev. C. N. Good. well known here, had his 90th birth- day on November 19. Mrs. Fred Schwartz of Desboro spent several days with her son- in-Iaw and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Heft. Mr. Noah Wldeman has been In York County Hospital, Newmar- ket for several weeks. Mr. Seth Wideman and Mrs. G. Munro visi- ted hlm there. ‘ To Housewives - - GET YOUR SOFT- WATER SOFTENER Mrs. Harry Jones and boys of To onto had supper on Saturday W! h Mrs. Beulah Jones. In the evening Mrs. H. Jones was pleas- antly surprised when a number of friends dropped In for a birthday shower. Mrs. George Baker spent Tues- day ln Toronto. A SUPPLY ALWAYS . Phone TU. 4-1313 . RICHMOND HILL Mr}. E. J. Swalm of Duntroon spent several days visiting friends and relatives here. nesglay with Mrs. Beulah Jones AQUA NUGGETS SALT FROM ' CAN NOW HAVE â€" OUR â€" TOWER OF POWER FOR FREE SURVEY PHONE RICHMOND HILL TV&CAMERA 50 YONGE ST. S. AV. 5 -3156 â€"FORâ€" SHARPEST PICTURES FREE TV CHECKUP WITH INSTALATION RICHMOND HILL'S OLDEST TV SERVICE COMPANY FOR THELOWEST PRICE] 189 Centre St. E. SIX CHANNELS - WITH - NO RIIS'I' NO NOISE NO UNSIGHTLY WIRES THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, November 19, 1959 GEO. McMURRICH SONS LIMITED 24 Elizabeth St. N. Richmond Hill Richmond Hill TUmer 4-1812 STANDARD EQUIPMENT 0" THE 1960 RENAULT Industrial Road, Richmond Hill WITH HERBERT R. BUTT AEROSTABLE SUSPENSION Dependable Associated With TU. 4-3331 Service Telephone STEADY 4 Wellington St. E. Toronto INSTAUcQ‘ [(IT' iFg 2750 Toronto EMpil'o 2-3458