Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 Nov 1959, p. 22

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SYLVAPLY PLYWOOD. handy panels. tapered hardwood table legs‘ See them at Butler 8: Baird Lumber Ltd. 181 Yonge St. N, TU. 4-1125, AV. 5-3506. “C48 TIME TO PAINT UP See us for Crown Diamond Paint. Painter’s prices. Butler and Baird Lumber Limited, Richmond Hill, TU. 4- 1125. tfc41 TRAILERS. Box and boat trailers for fiale and rent. House traih s for sale. Lowest prices. N Zaiser. Phone Oak Ridges PR. 3-5721_ TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales- Service - Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale In- cluding new and rebuilt standard, portable and electric models. Special rental rates available to students. 88 Baker Ave. Richmond B11! '1‘ GOOD used furniture for sale. Call Frank's Movers and Stor- age. 28 Industrial Rd., TU. 4- 2613. ‘ tfc3 DOB'S SOD A1 freshly cut field or nursery sod supplied and laid if desired. Free estimates. price moderate. TU. 4-2677. tfc51 BRIGHTEN UP that room now. Install a pre-fit window-unit. We have a complete stock of stand- a"' sizes on hand. Butler and Baird Lumber Limited. Richmond Hill, TU. 4-1125. tfc4l SANDRAN congoleum, never used WEDDING Invitations, engraved finest quality. reasonable pricas. Quick service. “The Liberal," Phone TU. 4-1105 Richmond Hill 10 CU. FT. refrigerator: apart- ment size range; washing mach- ine. TU. 4-4297 evenings. c2w20 BABY PICTURES are priceless when taken by The Lagerquist Studio. TU. 4-2791. tfc12 9' x 14'. pastei tile pattein 318. TU. 4-3733. c2w20 COAT, lady's, new. size 40. Very reasonable. TU. 4-2875. c1w21 'WHEELS. Ford, Chev., Dodge, Pontiac and Studebaker. Good for snow tires. $3.00 each. Some tires and tubes. Ray. AV. 5-5000. c1w21 RADIOS 2 custom. 1 universal, $12.00 to $20.00. Ray. AV. 5-5000. c1w21 AERO oil burner, with controls. Boy's skates. size 7. Complete Brownie outfit. TU. 4-1228. c1w21 CHESTERFIELD bed and match- ing chair. walnut telephone chat- ter bench. Like new. TU. 4-1330. c1w21 HAMBUEVCER, free for a coupon from thislpaper. See ad elsewhere in this iséue. *1w21 22 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, quember 19, 1959 9-PIECE dining room suite. ma- hogany: Exceptional value, $250. AV. 5-3674. c1w21 COAT, maroon with white fox collar .size 18-20. TU. 4-3903. GHINA CABINET. gate-leg table THOR automatic ironer. in good condition Best offer. AL. 7-1021. clw21 SINGER portable sewing mach- ine, like new. Phone PA. 7-9395 after 6 pm. clw21 and four chairs. all ii goodicondi- flan. TU. 4-1521. c1w21 SERVIS manual washer, good condition, $35. TU. 4-1828. c1w21 STORM WINDOWS, aluminum or wood, custom-made. Maple Lumber, office and Yard, AL. 7~ 2591. After hours, D. MacPherson. AV. 56246. clw21 BICYCLE: 3-speed, hand brakes. roadster style, excellent condi- tion $22.50. Skates, as new, size 7 men's. used one season. cost $15.00. Will sell for $7.50. Phone TU. 4-3916. c1w21 GIRL’S figure skates, size 6%, $5. Boys skates. size 5.’ $2.50. Student violin outfit, like new. $15. TU. 4-5317 after 6 pm. c1w21 GIRL’S GREEN C.C.M. bicycle, good condition, complete with ballon tires stand, horn, pump. Phone TU. 4-7663. *1w21 CHILD'S RCA Victor record player. Excellent tone. Very com- pact. Phone TU. 4-7663. *1w21 VAUGHAN PLAZA SLICED BREAD 108 24 oz. loaf Christmas Trees wholesale and ‘ retail AV. 5-3933 Es mile west of K Street No. 7 High“ Open 7 days a week till CASH RATES, first insertion 50 per word, min. charge Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged. 5c per word, min. charge . . . . . ‘ FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of COMING EVENTS NOTICE: 5c per word: min. charge CARD 0F THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, BIRTHS Classified advertisements should be in as early In the week possible but not later than noon on Wednesdays. Send ads by mall and enclose payment, or telephone TU. 4-1105 and you will receive invoice. ARTICLES FOR SALE L. H. SIMS per insertion CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES of Keele Highway TU. 4-1745 tfc49 tfc40 c1w21 c1’w21 Aluminum combination doors, top quality $46.95 installed. Basement windows, $12.95 installed. Free estimates. Bob. TU. 4-1919. c4w19 1 PAIR SNOW-TIRES 800 x 15. $15.00; 1 pair car chains to fit 615 x 16 or 670 x 15 wheel, $5.00. 1 Black Seal coat, size 12, good condition. full length with storm cuffs. $25.00. AV. 5-3953 after 8 pm. c1w21 PINE dry sinks, Boston rocl‘ers, cradles. antique china, brass, cop- per. pewter. Rill Brown. TU. 4- 2149. c2w21 SUNBEAM Mixmaster and juicer. good condition. like new, $40.00. Treadle sewing machine, $5.00. AV. 5-3482. c1w21 BALED STRAW. 1/5 ton lots, will deliver, phone TU. 4-2549. *3w19 VAUGHAN PLAZA SLICED BREAD 10¢ 24 oz. loaf Christmas Trees wholesale and retail AV. 5-3933 1A; mile west of Keele ‘ Street No. 7 Highway Open 7 days a week till 10 pm. c1w21 ELECTRIC TRAINS plus extras, hockey pads and gloves, toy printing press, louvred door 84" x 33%". All good condition. TU. 4-4878. c1w21 NO. 1 WHITE HONEY, all size containers 301b. pails 6.00 plus 60c deposit for pail. holesale and retail. Gormley 5293. *Bw14 7 FOOT skis complete with boots, poles and harness, $20; 6 ft. set $15; vacuum cleaner, good con- dition $12: Hamilton Beach mix- er $10. TU. 4-4017 after 6 pm. CRIB, large size, spring filled mattress. good conditionthM. {Addie-car “$2.oo. TU. 4-3746. \ clw21 BARGAINS GALORE at the Children’s Clothing Exchange. Zip-lined coats, sports jackets, coat sets, dresses. TU. 4-4985. OIL SPACE HEATER, 55,000 B. T.U. output. Heats 5-6 rooms. Good condition. Reasonable. AV. 5-2210. c1w21 NEW Long Playing Hi-Fi Rec- ords up to $4.98 value for only $2.98 from the Richmond Gift Shop, Levendale Road (opposite Loblaws), Richmond Hill. TU 4- 5521. c1w21 1 GAS STOVE, 36" wide; 1 Wes- tinghouse refrigerator, 10 cu. ft: one 70 gallon gas water heater. Also coffee urns (5 gals.) AV. 5- 4384. c1w21 2 STACKS OF HAY. Apply J. Baker, St. John’s Hospital,, Cum- mer Avenue or phone AV. 5-2573. c1w21 GIRLS’ SKATES, sizes 10, 13. 2. Singer portable machine. Girl's winter outfit size 5. 174 Taylor Mills. North. *1w21 SPACE HEATER, small. Ken- more; two 5 gallon fuel tanks and stove pipes $25.00; Johnson outboard 5 h. p., 1949 model, com- pletely overhauled. First class condition, $300. AV. 5-1278. CHEV. rebuilt engine, fit 46 to 50 car or truck. Complete with cylinder head. Will install. TU. 4-4832. nc21 BEDROOM SUITE, kitchen din- ette suite; telephone table and chair; floor lamp. AV. 5-5276. “ APPLES Choice quality MacIntoshes, Blenheims, Greenings and others ALUMINUM ALUMINUM 50¢ per 6 qt basket. Topper‘s famous CIDER now av- ailable. Squash - pumpkins - Potatoes TOPPERS - for fruit and'vege- tables. Yonge Street, just north of Richmond Hill. clw21 METRO WRECKING & LUMBER Cedar Ave. Richmond Hill New and Used Lumber and Plumbing Supplies REC. ROOM SPECIALS NEW â€" Fir Plywood 14" G15 4x8 $4.50 Hardboard 4x8 $2.00 Insul Board 4x8 $2.00 Ceiling Squares 12x12. 11c and up 1x2 2c 1x3 3c per lin. ft. PLUMBING SPECIALS NEW â€" Stainless Steel Sink A Grade $12.50 Vanity Basins B Grade $7.50 Complete Toilet and Seat $34.50 Complete Wash Basin $19.00 3" and 4" Soil Pipe and Fittings, Copper Pipe and Fittings LUMBER SPECIALS NEW â€" 2x4's All lengths Sléc and up 1x8 Pine Boards $95.00MBF; 1x12 Pine Boards $105.00 MBF Complete line cg Roofing Mater- ia s. FREE DELIVERY ..AV. 5-3942 OPEN SAT. UNTIL 5 P.M. ARTICLES FOR SALE 1.00 500 750 c1w21 c1w21 c1w21 c1w21 DRY hardwood, beech and maple, cut 16" for fireplace. $14 single cord delivered. Phone TU. 4-4519. ’ *12w15 METAL BED and spring; antique walnut chair; record player (wal- nut cabinet). 3 speed; 6 cu. ft. Frigidaire, good condition. TU. 4- 3482. c1w21 GREY AND BLACK male kitten free to good home. PR. 3-5627. clwgl TROPICAL FISH and supplies. AV. 5-3919. c1w21 2 FLUFFY KITTENS need homes TU. 4-1396. tchO COCKER SPANIEL puppy, nine months, black and white, male. Good with children. Free to good home. TU. 4-2192. c1w21 MANCHESTERS and Toys, pedi- greed. W. H. Glenney. 21 Aubrey Ave., Oak Ridges PRospect 3- 5615. c2w19 GEfiMAN SHEPHERD, 2 years old. AL. 7-0022. c1w20 DACHSHUNDS and Shetland sheep dogs, miniature collies, reasonable. The Wyke Kennels, R. R. 2 Aurora, PR. 3-5302. REGXSTERED baby budgies from talking strain, also breeders. TU. 4-2205. tfc23 DOGS available for good homes. Impounding Kennels, Dufferin Street, Maple. Telephone AL. 7- 1511. th3 90 MILES east of Peterboro, ov- erlooking Big Clear Lake. Fur- nished cottage, sleeps 8, hydro in, fridge, stove, pressure system, 14’ boat, 10 h.p. motor. boathouse. 175’ lake frontage. TU. 4â€"5591 after six. tfc20 PAINTING & DECORATING. Free estimates. Call anytime. TU. 4-3131. c1w21 Commercial and residential. F. Duvall and Sons. AV. 5-2842. Let Me Do Your HOUSEHOLD MENDING very neat, reasonable. Call Hilda AV. 5-4328. c4w19 WELL DRILLING George’s Well Drilling and re- pairing, pumps installed and re- paired. George Adams, Box 192 King City. TE. 3-6321. tfc46 FURS repaired, remodelled, at reasonable prices. Free estimates. TU. 4-4317. c1w21 LIGHT TRUCKING of any kind, evenings and week ends. Phone AV. 5-5237 or AV. 5-3427. c4w21 ALTERATIONS and dressmaking, experienced in all types of work. Mrs. Arseneault, 174 Taylor Mills North. *1w21 EDYTHE’S Dressmaking Shoppe. Ladies’ custom dressmaking and alterations. Mrs. Wanwick, 7 Col- borne Street, Thornhill. AV. 5- 4204. nc4w20 Alterations by licenced and ex- perienced plumber. Telephone AV. 5-3813, ask for Terry. c4w20 MISCELLANEOUS MINOR PLUMBING REPAIRS WILF’S MAINTENANCE Stores and offices cleaned. Storm windows, floors, carpentry, paint- ing. Any odd jobs. PRospect, 3- 5627. c2w20 TRUCKING, weekends and even- ings. Phone Harry, TU. 4-4177.” PETS FOR SALE PAINTING & DECORATING ANYTHING in painting. paper- hanging. Free estimates. A. Rol- linson, R. R. 1 King. Phone TE. 3-6671. tfc19 CALL US for your sand, gravel, fill, top soil and black loam. Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. J. B. DeFerrari, Maple ALplne 7-8876. tfc7 DANCE ORCHESTRA, 3 to 5 pieces, now booking engage- ments for club dances, socials, parties, weddings etc. Apply phone TU. 4-3852 or TU. 46:17. t c18 Small orchestra available for wed- ding receptions, club dances, etc. Call Rom, AV. 5-4201. tfc15 MASONRY CONTRACTOR Stonework. Fireplace. etc. V. Ostergaard. 148 Yonge St. 8.. Richmond Hill, phone TU. 4-5688. . t£c23 Saks - Service - Supplies HERB HILL 296 Hamilton St., Newmarket TW. 5-9544 or ZE 2-2000. ARTICLES FOR SALE COTTAGES FOR SALE Richmond TREE SERVICE Trees are our business P.L. & D. Ins. Free Estimates Phone TU. 4-1221 SAME DAY TV ANTENNA SERVICE TU. 4-4749 ELECTROLUX DANCE BAND c2w20 c1w21 c6w17 tfc19 tfc15 tfcla PROFESSIONAL TREE SERVICE Get your trees done before win- ter Trimmings. Removals. Custom Chain Sawing Covered by PD. TU. 4-4031 UPHOLSTERY Recovering and repairing of any kind of furniture. Experienced on Scandinavian furniture. Free estimates. Reasonable prices. Cal] anytime. TU. 4-4813. tfc52 RICHMOND DELIVERY SERVICE Light pick-up and delivery. TU. 4-1812. tfc3 CHROME kitchen chairs 're fipholstered. 24 TU. 4-4615. ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS COWELL PAVING C0. Residential Commercial All work guaranteed 12 months Terms TU. 4-1070 tfc42 PIANO TUNING 8v REPAIRING S. Hoffman Formerly of Gerard Heintzman. Work guaranteed, Free estimates. Phone Liberal Office. TU. 4-1105; evenings RUssell 2-6516. Toronto. THE FURNITURE SHOPPE â€" We specialize in recovering and remodelling Chesterfield suites. Phone AV. 5-5201. 44 Levendale Rd., Richmond Hill. tfcsz RICHMOND SOD Landscape Contractors Limited Loam. Sod, Evergreens, Shade Trees, Rose Bushes, Rototilling, Lawn Rolling. 81 Yonge St. 5., Richmond Hill, phone AV. 5-1938. tfc43 TRENCHING Water mains, sewers, footings, excavating. SEPTIC TANKS Installed and repaired; Harry Smith, AV. 5-1578_ ROTOVATING and garden maintenance. Call Joe Hampton, TU. 4-2420. tfc41 BLOCK LAYING and concrete work, footings. basement floors, etc. Fred Flood. Richmond Hill. TU. 4-5072. tfc40 MISCELLANEOUS UPHOLSTERING and repairing Apply F. Graham. Lake Road, Oak Ridges. PR. 3-5691. tfc27 SAND AND GRAVEL, crushed stone, loam and fill. E. Charity, Richmond Hill. TU. 4-1701. TV SERVICE Reliable. 240 South Taylor Mills Drive, Beverley Acres. TU. 4- 4347. Stan. Kucharski. tfc35 EXCAVATING 8: GRADING Front end loaders and trucking. Hourly or contract. AV. 55332. tfc48 NORTH YORK SODDING C0. Ltd., rapid delivery of quality loam. Sod delivered and/or laid. Phone BA. 1-9877. *25w48 CONCRETE & GENERAL CONTRACTORS Call E. W. Payne for septic tanks, concrete floors and all types of concrete work around your home. Also home and foundation repairs, alterations and additions. Free estimates. AV. 5-1153. tfc38 Septic tanks, water services. Don- caster Excavating Co. AV. 5-2996. t c52 PRECISION lathe work by ex- perienced workman. Reasonable rates. Guaranteed workmanship. L. Boomhower, 217 Colborne Ave. Phone TU. 4-1262 tfc6 MINOR HOME REPAIRS Alterations and carpentry work by reliable tradesmen. Howard Croutch, AV. 5-1971. tfclB CARPENTER WORK. Alterations and repairs. PR. 345707. Ruben Eahn, Richmond Hill | tfc8 ALTERATIONS and dresssmak- ing done. Customers own mater- ial made up. Mrs. Boultwood, 11 Beaverton Rd. N. TU. 4-2817. BULLDOZING No float charge. $8.50 per hour. Also scraper. Available immed- iately. Carl Herman. PR. 3-if678. c52 CONCRETE - MASONRY CARPENTRY CONTRACTORS Building. alterations and repairs. prompt service. WALKER 8: MITCHELL AV. 5-2526 RUBBER STAMPS, all kinds any size. Quick service. The Liberal Ofiice. Richmond Hill. FURS Repaired, Cleaned, Restyled. Insured cold fur storage. SPECIAL Chesterfield sets recovered â€" 2 piece $69.00. Nylon freize $99. 5 years guarantee. Terms if de- sired. A. Smith. Upholstery, phone AV-5-1682 tic” KEN STIFF FURS LTD. Stop 21A Yonge St. AV. 5-4172 tfcll MOVING a: STORAGE Frank's Moving & Cartage. pack‘ ing and storage. Experienced service anytime. Pickup and de- livery. Good rates. TU. 4-2613. AV. 5-5101. tfc16 LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS GET RESULTS PHONE TU. 4-1105 Free Estimates (Continued) TRENCHING hour service tfc7 tfc13 tfc4l c4w1'7 tfc43 $99. IFOR CHILDREN’S PICTURES E de- ‘ try the friendly Lagerquist .hone Studio. with the know how. TU. tic43 4-2791. ifch ALL KINDS FURNITURE re- pairs, upholstering. cabinet work. wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke. 96 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. tfc31 ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS Lighting - Power - Appliances Oil Burners Serviced. Stanway Electric. AV. 5-4284. ‘ *4w17 Bird. animals head mounting. 124 Main St. Stouffville. Phone 743J. C4w18 A‘ERATING Have your lawn aerated for heal- thier. greener grass. Phone TU. 4-1170. Tom Mashinter, 114 Rose view Ave., Richmond Hill. tic? ROTOVATING Custom rotovating, lawns and gardens. Tom Mashlnter, 114 Roseview Ave., Richmond Hill. TU. 4-1170. tfc7 Free estimates ' guaranteed. EVERGREEN LANDSCAPE & GARDEN CO., LANGSTAFF ‘ AV. 5-3233 tfc3 93 Yonge St. South Richmond Hill TU. DEAD STOCK ( Dead or crippled horses, cattle or hogs. promptly removed. High- est cash prices paid depending on size and condition. Small animals removed free. Phone Uxbridge 541 collect, anytime. tfclo WILL NUTRIA BE YOUR FUTURE? All the signs point to a bright and brilliant market for this lux- ury fur. But success will come only through proper breeding methods, quality foundation stock, plus a program based on sound business methods. We offer all of this to you as a rancher. using our exclusive breeders plan. Pric- es and information on request. Canadian Nutria Ranch, R. R. 1, Richmond Hill, Ontario. -tfc8 GARDEN SUPPLIES I‘loughing. Discing and Grading sand and gravel. rockery stone TU. 4-1538. ctfcz MISCELLANEOUS CHIMNEYS Chimneys built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert workman- ship. Phone Walker and Mit- chell. AV. 5-2526, tfc15 \KiATCHES- and clocks repaired. Quick service. 88 Yonge Street South, RichmJnd Hill. tfc42 WEDDING invitations, printed or engravud_ Finest quality at a reasunable price. The Liberal. phone TU. 4-1105. tf FRANK’S WELL DRILLING Pumps installed and serviced. Frank Gerritz, R. R. 2 Aurora. PA. 7-5272. tfc50 PHOTOS Weddings. portraits. free estim- ates. Phone AL. 7-2491. tfc47 RICHMOND HILL TV SERVICE TV & Radio Service, antenna in- stallations. Car radios. Same day service. AV. 5-3756. tfc44 APPLIANCE SERVICE Refrigerators, Electric ranges, Laundry equipment; RICHMOND HILL TV SERVICE TV 8.: RADIO Service, antenna in- stallations. Car radios. Same day service. 50 Yonge St. S. AV. 5- 3756. tfc44 COMPLETE LANDSCAPE SERVICE & MAINTENANCE SIGNS Truck lettering, letters cut out for factories 01' stores. Store win- dows decorated for Christmas. Call Mr. Schendal. TU. +7483. UPHOLSTERY and rug cleaning in your home by fully experien- ced man. Lowest rates for first class job. Sword, TU, 4-2540. ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS Lighting - Power - Appliances Oil Burners Serviced Stanway Electric ,’ AV. 5â€"4284 c4w21 HAND SMOCKING done to or- der in time for Christmas. Also stuffed animals. TU. 4-1980. POST HOLE DIGGING Custom post hole digging. call Joe Hampton. R. R. 1 Richmond Hill, TU. 4â€"2420. tfc44 WEDDING PHOTOS For VALUE and QUALITY LAGERQUIST STUDIO PAINTING & PAPER HANGING R. E. Dunn. TU. 4-2798. OIL SPACE HEATER & FLOOR FURNACE SERVICE Cleaning, repairs and parts for all makes. Spacer heaters bought and soldâ€"24 hour service. HAROLD VanDYKE. TU. 4-1221 tfch FOR SEWER CHANGEOVER CALL E. W. PAYNE. AV. 5-1153 Richvale Rexall Pharmacy Free All Day Delivery Prescriptions Accurately Dispensed AV. 5-3772 s. 'CLARK, Av. 5-3756 PORTRAITS A SPECIALTY LAGERQUIST STUDIO TU. 4-2791 (Continued) DRUGS satisfaction TU. 4-2791 tfc17 tfc38 c8w21 c1w21 c2w21 tfcl'l tfc12 ROOM TO RENT. Child welcome. Couple. Woman must be avail- able for day care. Reduced rent. [Apply 322 ,Taylor Mills Dr. N. “:00 FLOOR SANDERS. POLISHERS. ELECTRIC TOOLS To rent. Charlton Hardware. TU. 4-1331 Richmond Hill. tfc32 e ROOM HOUSE, Maple ra'vga‘ Lawn cared for; half fuel paid for $115 monthly. Apply Samuel 31:1- to, Skyline Marina. Highway 400 an'l Maple sideroad. tfc52 FLOOR SANDER to rent. Phone AVenue 5-1109. tic28 MODERN store for rent 20' x 100' Oak Ridges Shopping Centre. Yonge St. $115.00 per month. PA. 7-5588. tfc12 BEAUTIFUL two bedroom unfur- nished apartment on the first floor of a triplex, 148 Lucas St. $;.'0.00 monthly. Apply basement apartment. TU. 4-1129 after 5.30 pm. tfc15 MOVIE PROJECTOR Rental. Richmond Hill TV 8: Camera. AV. 5-3756. tfc16 6 ROOMS, office space or living quarters at 53 Yonge Street 8.. above store. Reasonable rent. TU. 4-2922. c1w19 5% ROOM apartment, separate entrance, parking. close to shop- ping and schools. 345 N. Taylor Mills Drive. tfc19 2 STOREY, 6 room house, Steeles and Dufferin, immediate posses- sidn. Apply 46 Burndale Ave., Willowdale. BA. 1-0630. tfc20 A COMFDRTABLE 6 room house, 4 pc. bath, heat, light and water included in rent. TU. 4-2384 af- ter 5 pm. week days. ' c1w21 DON MILLS Road at Victoria Square, 2 bedroom apartment. Private bath. Phone Gormley 5519. *2w20 4 ROOMS, 3-piece bath, garage heat and hydro supplied. Must be seen to be appreciated. Abstain- ers. TU. 4-1768. c1w21 FURNISHED ROOM for business lady or gentleman. TU. 4-2255. c1w21 27 HIGHWAY AT KLEINBURG Completely modern five room, 2- bedroom house plus garage, near school and shopping facilities. Rental $125 monthly includes oil heating, care of grounds and drapes on two picture windows. Must be seen to be appreciated. Phone ATlas 8-0562. c1w21 8 ROOM brick home, 2 kitchens, forced-air oil heated, nicely treed, near N0. 7 and Highway 400. $100 per month. HU. 1-2205. J. D. Ken- zie, Realtor. c1w21 MAIN FLOOR APARTMENT AT YONGE ST. You may have December 2, pos- session of this beautiful modern apartment. Large L-shaped living and dining room area, two large bedrooms, modern kitchen com- plete with electric stove and fridge, 4 pc. fully tiled bath; auto- matic washer and dryer facilities. NATIONAL TRUST Real Estate Department BA. 5-6429 - TU. 4-2963 RICHMOND HILL for rent. Two factories, approximately 4,500 sq. ft., ready for occupancy. Please call Frank Stefl'an, AV. 5-5301. Johnny Longo Real Estate Ltd., Richmond Hill. RICHMOND HILL. 3 bedroom bungalow, garage, on large lot, oil heat, $100.00 monthly. THORNHILL â€"- 6 room modern bungalow garage. 1,6 block to Yonge St. and school, broadloom throughout. $135.00 monthly. Mr. Keffer. AV. 5-1156. H. Keith, Re- altor. FURNISHED housekeeping room, stove, sink, fridge. Suit one or two business people. TU. 4-4347. ifch SMALL HOUSE, vacant, newly decorated, suit couple, conven- iences. Thornhill area near Yonge. AX. 3-7856. c1w21 MAPLE Six rooms and bath, forced air with oil. Immediate possession. AL. 7-1404f c1w21 APARTMENT, bedroom, living room, kitchen and bath, stove and refrigerator supplied. Fred Hare, Temperanceville, PR. 3- 5841. c1w21 2 LARGE ROOMS bath. fridge, 4 ROOMS, unfurnished, kitchen, living room, dining room. bed- room. Quiet couple, abstainers. AV. 5â€"4590. clw21 stove. Near Stop 22 Yonge. AV. 5-4690. c2w21 3 BEDROOM bungalow, oil heat, near Crosby School. shopping, buses. Available now. TU. 4-2272. c1w21 NEW 3 BEDROOM home. 3 piece bath, $80 a mouth water includâ€" ed. PR. 3-5678. c4w21 CHOICE office space, ground floor, Bayview Plaza, very reas- onable. AV. 5-5134. c1w21 2 BEDROOM bungalow, oil heat, $65 a month. Apply 9â€"5 Mr. G. LeDez. Carter Construction. 16th Ave. E. Richvale. AV. 5-2891. 4 ROOM semi-detached house, 4 piece bath, hot and cold water on tap. Heavy duty wiring. North road Lake Wilcox. $60.00 per month. Space heater in house. Contact PA. 7-5537 for mforma- tlon. alw21 TO RENT c1w21 tchO c1w21 c1w21 c2w21 RIDLEY APARTMENTS Richmond Hill’s most modern ap- artments, elevator service. $100. to $120. monthly. 1 or 2 bed- rooms, balconies and garages op- tional. TU. 4-4761, BA. 5-1176. RICHMOND HILL 5 roomed apartment, modern. in new fourplex building. Extra large rooms, on exclusive paved court, plenty of lawns. shade trees. Immediate possession. $115 court.np1en'ty of lawns. shade trees. Immediate possession. $115 - $120.00. AV. 5-3181. tfc18 AVAILABLE December 1, 3- room apartment, bus service. parking, TV outlet, monthly or lease. Apply Apt. ZB, 464 Palmer Ave. TU. 4-3181. ~ tfc19 YONGE ST. Thornhill, desirable, self-contained ground floor bed- sitting room, bathroom and kit- chen $70. plus utilities. Referen- ces. AV. 5â€"1571. tfc19 RICHMOND HILL 2 and 3 BEDROOM apartments. Stove, fridge, washer. dryer, T.V. outlet. New building. Immediate possession. Call Victor Coughlin Real Estate Md. Rental specialist in Richmond Hill. AV. 5-1951. 1 ETURNISHED housekeeping room, sink and cupboards. AV. 5-3881. c2w20 '1 BEDROOM apartment. Phone Fred Hare, PR. 3-5841. tf020 FURNISHED ROOM, all modern conveniences, close to Yonge St. AV. 5â€"4409. c1w21 RICHMOND HILL, 6 room brick bungalow furnished $150.00 per month, unfurnished $100.00 per month. Mr. Cameron, AV. 5-1164 David McLean Ltd. Realtors. 6 ROOM house with all conven- iences on Yonge St. just north of Richmond Hill, $75 a month. Call David Davies, AV. 5-1396. c1w21 fiJ’LLY furnished semi-detached! 3 bedroom bungalow, Richmond Hill area $125.00 monthly. For appointment, call Mr. Schendal. TU. 4-7483. c1w21 LARGE furnished room. privatg RICHMOND HILL - furnished rooms suit two or more, first house east of Clark’s Drug Store at Yonge. *2w21 éhtrance. Parking facilitiés. TU. 4-5269. c1w21 FURNISHED! room, share kitch- en, living room and bathroom. Central. Business people. TU. 4- 2085 after 5. c1w21 PHYSIOTHERAPIST required full or part time Villa private hospital. AV. 5-4931. c4w19 OPENING for one salesman In busy Richmond Hill Realty qf- fice. Call Mr. Shields, W. 4- 3805. David McLean Ltd.I Real- tors. Richmond Hill. c1w20 $1.00 AN HOUR. Cleaning wom- an 3 hours daily. twice weekly. Mornings or afternoons. TU. 4- 1463. c1w21 RELIABLE person to look after two boys (school age) while moth- er works. Free room and board. For further details call TU. 4â€" 4521 after 6 pm. c1w21 WOMAN for drug store in Rich- mond Hill. Experience in selling and knowledge of cosmetics help- ful. No night work. Wight‘s Pharmacy, 28 Yonge Street South. TU. 4-1521. c1w21 AGGRESSIVE salesman for bread route. Salary and commis- sion for the minimum wage of $60, plus insurance benefits. Phone AX. 3-3241 after 6 o’clock AV. 5~2766. c1w21 RELIABLE woman to love and care for small girl and keep house tidy while mother teaches. Hours 8 to 4.30 pm. $100 per month, beginning January. Ph. TU. 4-5339. c1w21 Thornhill I.G.A. EXPERIENCED cashier. HIGH SCHOOL girls to sell Christmas wrap and cards. Large commissions for right girls. Call TU. 4-7483 after 7.30 pm. c1w21 WOMAN for general housework every Monday. AV. 5-1620. REAL ESTATE SALESMEN We have openings for two career minded, energetic men of neat appearance in our busy long es- tablished Thomhill office. Exper- ience is not necessary, excellent training and the opportunity to earn a better than average in- come. Please call Mr. Carlisle, AV. 5-1176 or evenings, AV. 5- 2742. David McLean Ltd., Real; tors. c1w20 USED FURNITURE WANTED â€"- used furniture. Cash prices paid, Call Frank’s Movers and storage. TU. +2613. Av. 5- 5101. tfc7 BOARDING HOME wanted for two children, boy 1 year, girl 3, in or near Maple. Mother work- ing. Box 286 Maple. c2w20 GIRL GUIDE outfit, size 10, in good condition TU. 4-3362._ Any size or make, pay cash, phone Toronto LE. 4-9419. collect. tfc3 HELP WANTED T0 RENT PIANO .VANTED (Continued) WANTED c4w20 tfcl'l c1w21 Apply clw21 2. until Jfifig 50 7 for boarding of c1w21 same. TU. H321. c3w21 c1w21 FOR NEW HOMES in Richmond Hill. call AV. 5-2951. '1 Murphy, Real Estate Broker. c1w19 BAKER ST. YONGE $3.500 down for this nice 5 room brick bungalow with large recrea- tion room with open fire place. Full size dining room. modern kitchen, spacious living room with stone fire place. two bed- rooms with an additional bedroom down stairs. Air condition 011 heating. large lot with private drive and garage. Don‘t miss this wonderful value, full price only $13,500.00 on very easy terms. Please call David Davies Realtor. AV. 5-1396. c1w20 BEAUTIFUL 8 bedroom bunga- low on 7 Rockport Crescent. N. HA. 5% mortgage. $15,200.00 with $2,000.00 down. Terms of balance to be arranged. Immed- iate possession. Phone Grimsby WH. 5-5747. c2w20 GORMLEY Spacious 6 room bungalow, hot water oil heating, newly decorat- ed. landscaped lawns, double gar- age together with one acre of land. For further information call Floyd Ratclifi. R. R. 4 Stoufiville. phone 94808. c1w21 STORE. approximately 600 square feet ideal for Laundromat. TU. 4-1952. clw21 $14,900 â€" $2,700 DOWN, one 6% N.H.A. mortgage. 6 roomed bungalow close â€"â€" to Yonge, huge hostess kitchen. Today‘s best buy. A REAL BARGAIN! The owner of this 6 roomed 1% storey home, situated on a land- scaped lot with 100 ft. frontage on paved road. Must move back to the city immediately and will sell this lovely residence for only $10,900. with terms. ééii’A’v. 5-2951. T. Murphy. Real Estate Broker. c1w21 AURORA See it Buy it! Two storeys, six rooms, good residential area,‘up~ per part rented with good income. Full price $9,800. Terms. OAK RIDGES On King side road, 6 roamed brick bungalow on huge land- scaped lot. 100’ x 400' and new garage. Full price $13,900 with good terms. EARL V. STEWART Real Estate and General Insurance Agent 21 Yonge St. N. Am ONE TON curbside van. new moo tor. Best offer. PR. 3-5119. c2w20 TWO 1958 VOLKSWAGEN vans. Call AV. 5-4384. c1w21 USED CARS AND TRUCKS '47 DODGE. Safe transportation. TU. 4-4366. c1w21 '51 HILLMAN, good running 01“- der. radio, bloch heater. TU. 4- 3983. I"lel 1954 2 DOOR Ford Ranch Wagon $550 or take over payments of $45 monthly. TU. 4-3210. c1w21 $50 OR BEST OFFER ’48 9% ton pickup. good tires, battery, Pres- tone. Running order. AV. 5-1424 after 4 pm. c1w21 '48 CHEV. good running rcorndj- tion. $75 or' best offer: AV. 5- 1468. mm 1954 FORD, very good condition. $595.00. AV. 5-4702. Evenings TU. 4-3485. cle‘I WRECKING '51 FORD and 50 Pontiac, big 8, also ’54 Pick-up. All parts cheap. Ray. AV. 5-5000. c1w21 B. K. W. Sales 8: Service '54 Ford, Coach, radio. '54 Monarch, Sedan. Power equip. ped and radio. ’55 Meteor, Station Wagon. Fully equipped. ’56 Mercury 1/5 ton, economical 8 cylinder. New and used fully win- terized. Gormley 5411. Berta Ser- vice Centre. 1/4, mile north of Vic- toria Square on Don Mills Road. c1w21 1953 PONTIAC in good condition. Will sell reasonable. TU. 4-1372. clel ’55 PONTIAC coach, private, c351: sider trade. Call aftér 6.30. TU. 4-1283. $1000 or best offer. *lw21 1951 CHRYSLER Sedan. in good running order. TU. 4-1628. *1w21 1955 VOLKSWAGEN, pick-up. Apply Western Tire, Stop 22 Yonge St. *1w21 52 VANGUARD, re-sprayed gleaming Black finish. Body just like new, 4 good tires and two snow tires mounted on separate wheels, engine over-hauled, bills available. This car is in excellent shape and doesn’t burn oil. Own- er needs cash for financial in- vestment. $350.00. PR. 3-5684. After 530 pm. c1w21 PONIES FOR SALE. 95 Edgar Avenue, Richvale. *lw21 A NUMBER of young calves for sale. suitable for home freezer. Will butcher and freezer wrap if desired. TU. 4-4321. c2w21 FREE USE of horse and saddle; REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE PA. 7-5076 Aaron c1w21

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