At a meeting of the Finance Committee held October 28 the committee recommended the adoption of “Administration grants in the amount of $500 per lot on residential land.†Council has been hearing a delegation from the Markham District High School regarding bus service â€"â€" and also to ask for council's approval for an addi- tional 7 classrooms, a lab, general workshop and gym at the Mark- ham District High School at a cost of $310,000. Deputyâ€"reeve Dean moved that council ap- prove. seconded by Councillor S. B. Watson. Administration Grants One residential lot on a sub- divided property will be free of administration grant. No admin- istration grant is payable on lots Deputy-reeve Wilf Dean said, “With the development and in- creased school population going on in Markham and Vaughan and Richmond Hill and Woodbridge â€"our high schools are crowded now. Our Markham pupils could ï¬ll a high school like Thornhlll themselves.’ Speaking of creating a township school area the reeve said it was quite a job to get schools areas dissolved. Re- ferring to the new Township School Area for Vaughan Township, Mr. Clark said, “Vaughan saw an opportune time to dissolve the school sections there with the railway coming in â€" for the distribution of assets.†‘ A prediction for the not too distant future? On Monday at the regular session of Markham Town- ship Council, Reeve W. 'L. Clark (commenting on costs for bussing high school students to district high schools), “York Central District High School Board is getting too large -â€" I think we should have our own High School Board in the township.†mrkham High School Needs $310,000 lO-Room Addit'n Markham Council Up Admin. Grant Costs Now $500.00 Per Lot Ricntaait'i“¢i°£‘¥§“ 3'“ Where a parcel of land has an area of up to and including 25 acres, and where such parcel has been created by a land division from a large parcel which took place on or after May 1, 1958, every subsequent dividing of a lot for residential purposes under 10 acres in the area shall be sub- ject to payment of the adminis- tration grant of $500. The Ad- ministration grants for these lots are payable when the Planning Board aproves the deeds. Councillor J. MacNeil asked, “What about the farmer who gives away lots to his sons?" He was told “He has to pay on all but the ï¬rst.†New Twp. Fireball the 1960 Industrial land; commercial and highway commercial land; public institutions and buildings have no grants payable. Chain-than of the Fire Commit- tee S. B. Watson and his com- mittee have recommended that taken by the Township for 5% public purposes. Administration grants are payable at the time of application for building permits. Markham Township Deputy-reeve Dean said. "It has been proven in Richmond Hill there is a need for paid ï¬remen employees. We are going to run into the same thing in the new area. Its going to run into an awful lot of money." The committee further recom- mended the ï¬rehall site be in vicinity of Thornhill. Council acquire a suitable site for a ï¬reball in the Yonge-Bay- view area with a volunteer ï¬re brigade. Reeve Clark said. “Richmond Hill has a tremendous rate of growth â€" but we shouldn’t have trouble in this township getting volunteers. No doubt sometime in the future we will have to in- vestigate these probabilities. The problem grows as the municipal- ity grows. The economics will have to be considered long before we slip into a permanent ï¬re force.†Our Intersections Mr. Ron Forrest, Planning Di- rector for the township reporting on a meeting with ONE officials and engineers stated to council, “The CNR have agreed to re- design intersections on most roads in question. The Kennedy Road crossing is to be raised ‘29 feet, while at German Mills an eight foot down- cut will be made. Leslie St. will cross under the railway and at John St., the rail- way cuts over diagonally with a two-lane road structure at this point. Taking each East-West town- ship road they discussed a change of plans. 0n the 9th the new plan is to make a separation of three levels. CPR, CNR and the town- ship road. . ~ Bayview goes under the rail- way and there is a possibility the new road installation there may have to be lowered, but that is a matter for the County. Plans for Dudley Avenue, which have been under some discussion by ratepayers in the district late- ly. have not been finalized, but will be resolved later. Councillor J.L. Mumberson said he expects there will be a pedestrian walk at Dudley but it is not known as yet whether it will be over or under the railway itself. So far Henderson Avenue is the only road going under the railway a mile and a quarter from Yonge St. Both the reeve and Councillor Mumberson. who attended the meeting with the CNR said, “The CNR was very co-operative in working these problems out." Councillor MacNeil predicted, “There may be more changes before the plans are ï¬nalized.†Co-Ordinating Committee NOVEMBER 25 â€" Wednesday,8 p.m. O.M. MacKillop Home and School Association invite all par- ents to hear Dr. Ralph McCaw, psychologist for the Department of Education, Toronto. Film “Children 10-12†will be shown followed by group discussion, question and answer period under leadership of Dr. McCaw. c1w21 NOVEMBER 26, 27, 28 â€" Don’t miss “Blithe Spirit" presented by the Curtain Club at the Rich- mond Hill High School Auditori- um. Tickets available at Wight’s Pharmacy, Clarke’s Pharmacy and Mainprize Drug Store. c3w20 NOVEMBER 26 â€" Thursday 6.30 pm. Richmond Hill Horticultural Society annual banquet at the Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church Hall. Speaker, Mr; Peter Whittall, “Canada’s Mr. Fixit". Everyone welcome! Tickets $1.75 available from members or from the secretary at 80A Yonge St. S. Phone TU. 4-1064. clw20 Council authorized a payment of $100 re expenses for the co- ordinating committee of Mark- ham-Vaughan-Richmond Hill. Coming Eventsâ€" NOVEMBER 25 â€" Wednesday 8.15 pm. Crosby Heights Home 8: School Association. Everyone welcome. c1w2l NOVEMBER. 25 â€" Wednesday 2.15 pm. Kingcrafts meeting. Speaker: G. Marshall Bartman, Extension Secretary for the Fed- eration of Ontario Naturalists on “The Pageant of Seasons†Art group hostesses. c1w21 NOVEMBER 25 -â€"- Wednesday. Euchre at Laskay Hall sponsored by Women's Institute 8 pm. Ad- mission 50 cents. c1w21 (Continued from page Golden Lion SIIO 18 Numbers Called (Continued from page 1) a1," Mrs. Robertson cited her cov- erage of school board meetings from North York to Oak Ridges for the Liberal and the Globe and Mail the past nine years, and said “I'd like to use this know- ledge acquired for the new school board.†She mentioned her personnel, public relations, and assessment work and said. “I’m the only candidate who seems to have a commercial training and statistical work will be very important in setting up the school board. She pledged her “support to your children and to the fur- thering of their education.†“To the harmony of the teaching staffs.†and promised the tax- payer to serve on a “sound ec- onomic level.†Mrs. Robertson was nominated by two Jefferson 'School Trustees, Mrs. Mary Ter- ry, .housewife, and Mr. Stanley Leno, mechanic. Mr. Hay was educated in To- ronto schools and has a B. A. degree from the University of Toronto. He has served on the Concord School Board for the past three years. He said his “main qualification was simply the realization of the enormous task facing the five man board.†Mr. Hay forsaw Vaughan en- countering the same enormous growth as North York in the next fifteen years. He is vice- principal of Willowd-ale Junior High in North Park. Mr. Henry Norden and Mr. Warren Bone, farmer. of Concord School Board were Mr. Hay’s nominators._ Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E Lovell are seen following their wedding in St. Mary’s Anglican Church, Richmond Hill at which the Rev. J. O’Neil officiated- The bride is the former Ina Marie MacDougal, daughter of the late Dick MacDougal and Mrs. R. Legate- Vaughan Electors Vote Monday $215 STARTING TIME-8 PM. ucxpor 53 NUMBERSCALLED @BREAD It is a real job of organization." Mr. Bailie said he had studied other school areas and had con- tacted the Department of educa- tion. VHe_be1ieved peoplg shoAuld let the board know what they wanted. He said he knew the farmers wanted to “hold the line†and see “every tax dollar wisely spent.†He mentioned the other candi- dates as “these auspicious people with more education, whom I am among." Mr. Morley Kinnee, sup- ervisor, and Mr. R. J. Darlington, farmer, nominated Mr. Bailie. 1.1: the conclusion of the spee- ches Mr. A. L. Snider asked, “Are the teachers running, going to withdraw from the Teachers' Fed- eration? They can’t serve two masters," he contended. 7 Mr. Constable pointed out it was legal under the School Actâ€" for a teacher to serve on a board in which he was not employed. And he cited the presence of a teacher on the T. S. A. No. 1 board. Mr. Ray said there was “no dichotomy of masters in this case. Just getting the best sort of edu- cation in the community.†VAN' KIRK CHIPITS APPLE JUICE LEAN TASTY lOIN GRAPEFRUIT Carnation MILK 2 Ta" ï¬ns 29« EVAPORATED ALLEN’S 29 Yonge St. S., RICHMOND HILL COPACO PURE BACON PORK SAUSAGE lib-29 MORLEY'S FOODLAND _UN DEVON RINDLESS Save 28: 1/2 lb. pkg, WITH PURCHASE or $10.00 on OVER THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, November 19, 1959 PORK CHOPS Pound49c FLORIDA MARSH SEEDLESS DEMPSTER'S or CHRISTIE'S BROOKSIDE Well, I got stuck on that one my- self . . . so I just couldn't re- sist passing it along! But it's no joke to get stuck on a poor dry cleaning job. And I can assure you that will never happen to you when you trust your dry cleaning to us. Every precaution is taken to see that your garments are re- turned to you sparkling clean and soft -â€" as new. I†Yong. 5mm N., Richmond Hill ‘lUmor 4-44 gmlmmxmmmmmum Your local Civitan Club is raising funds for charity by selling special Christmas Cakes on a door to door campaign. ’ Give your order to our member when he calls on you during the next few weeks. He will arrange de- livery any time up to Christmas. Phone Orders and Inquiries :- TU. 4 - 4838 TU. 4 - 2203 & TU. 4 - 4693 CIVI'I'AN Christmas Cakes The cause is good and so are the cakes. Save 8: Size 48': Save 4c 48 oz. tin Is IOror49c 24 oz. loaves PHIL. HAITI Parking in Rear. 6 oz. pkg. 23c 29c ‘umummmmml IUmor 4-44" SAVE 2c SAVE 5c