u.- u.» v...-v- -_,__, Donna Dixon, Linda Millard and Catherine Whalley had pass- ed all their tests and were entitl- ed to “fly up" and were wearing their blue Guide uniforms for the first time. The new Guide Commissioner, Mrs. Alex Knight. questioned the girls about their tests. They pas- sed along an avenue of Brownies and were welcomed through a gateway into a horse-shoe- of Guides. Brown Owl Mrs. Roland Roberts presented wings badges to the three ex-Brownies. Enroll- ed as Guides were Pat Hurley and Susan Herring, bringldg the num- ber up to_18. AL V ,___.:_‘ JOIN GUIDES A “Flying Up" ceremony for three new Guides graduating from Brownies was held last week in‘ the United Chufchflall. . Also taking part in the service were Brown Owl Mrs. Donald Dixon, Tawny Owls Mrs. Lloyd Brown. Mrs. Ralph Church and Mrs. Kenneth Lawson, Patrol Le'hders Shirley Knight and Joan Flucker and Acting Patrol Lead- er Diane Glass. Mothers’ Auxiliary Proprietors: Art & Dot Jennings Cleaners & Dyers OAK RIDGES (Yonge St.) The weather out- side may be frightful or delightful - - you will be prepared for quick changes with our fuel oil service. Phone: PR. 3-5392 Free Pick-Up & Delivery Full Laundry Service ‘fgl'lBâ€"wiâ€"HEthé “flying up" cere- THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Hill City Motors STANDARD EQUIPMENT 0“ THE 1950 RENAULT King City Notes ridixig) Suspepsion. King City, Oak Ridges "The Liberal†is always pleased to publish items of inter- est regarding people and events in the Oak Ridges-Lake I Wilcox and King City districts. Our new: correspondent in King City is Mrs. William J. Houston. telephone TEmple 3-5457; and in Oak Ridges-Lake Wilcox, Mn. Elisabeth Orton, Aubrey Ave†phone PR. 3-5610. Industrial Road, Richmond Hill TU. 4-3331 WITH GO AERDSTABLE SUSPENSION ST EADY Mrs. Knight enrolled Tawny Owl Mrs. Lloyd Brown of the First King Brownie Pack. The half dozen leaders had their smart new navy beret-type hats, which were provided by the Mothers‘ Auxiliary. mony, the Guides’ and Brownies’ Mothers‘ Auxiliary met to discuss having a rummage sale next May. Mrs. George Meadows presided and Retiring Commissioner Mrs. Ewart Patton presented Mrs. Knight with her warrant as Dis- trict Commissioner. Members decided to meet again around February to plan sponsor- ing activities for the girls. Choose Officers President Mrs. Robert Walker was hostess at her William St. home to 20 other members of the Evening Branch W. A. of All Saints' Anglican Church. _ A Christmas party for the Sun- day School was discussed and in preparation for it, members will be wrapping gifts at their Dec- ember meeting. Chosen for the two-year term, Mrs. Walker is entering her se- cond year as president. Others elected to the incoming execu- tive were: Mrs. George Cruick- shank, first vice-president; Mrs. William B. Cook. second vice- president; Mrs. Lionell Facey, secretary; Mrs. George Hately, social convenor; Mrs. Jack Wh-al- ley, Dorcas secretary: and Mrs. Richard Iddison, treasurer. Rev. Canon E. H. Costigan pronounced benediction. Elect Executive Mrs. A. E. Jarvis was elected president, when Mrs. Frank Arm- strong entertained members of the Afternoon Branch W. A. of All Saints’ Anglican Chugch._ Mrsf Harris was named vice- president; Mrs. Armstrong, sec- retary; Mrs. Raymond Burt, treas- urer; Mrs. Tuck, Living Message Secretary; Mrs. Harry Finch, Unl- ted Thank-offering secretary; Mrs. Gordon Wells, educational secretary; and Mrs. Ross Walker, social service convengr. _ Rev. Canon E. H. Costigan paid his first visit to the W. A. gather- lng. Join Scout Groups John Cooke and Bob Clubine are the newest Cubs and invested as Scouts are Don Scott, Ronald Macnaughton, Bill Scott, David Brooks. Gordon Reynolds, Jim Dion and Donald Ailles. Come one, come all n. ‘s. an n.--‘ r. when the public will be welcomed by Mrs. Agar and the W. A. President. Mrs. John Tanner. From 3 to 5 shoppers will have their choice of foods, Christmas gifts and bargains. Mrs. Fred Cur- tis has charge of the table of home baking; Mrs. William Will- oughby, the candy, and Mrs. John Phillips, the sale of quilts, aprons and miscellaneous sewing. Miss Betty Arbuckle Will look after the “touch _and take†booth. vv n n n v u . . v, v- _ _ _ V _ , , Rev. Gordon Agar will official- ly open the annual bazaar of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church W. A. at three pm. this Saturday, Vol» .V _ V? The usually popular tea corner is in charge of Mrs. Fred Ball. Slate Installed A dozen Scout and Cub moth- ers attended the Ladies’ Auxiliary meeting at the home of Mrs. Wil- liam Heaslip, when Mrs. Cecil Cassidy of Oak Ridges installed the coming year‘s executive. Mrs. Robert Ritchie was install- ed president for a second term; Mrs. Donald Laing. vice-president; Mrs. Ralph Hunter, secretary; Mrs. James Flucker, sewing con- venor; Mrs. Donald Dixon. social convenor; Mrs. James Crooks, November 26, 1959 membership convenor; Mrs. wu- llam Donaldson, sunshine con- enor; and Mrs. William Heasllp, puAblicitX: _ .......-_._, . .In a Chinese auction. Mrs. Ho- ward Clegg bought a planting ar- rangement donated by Mr. Eric Elf for $2.79. Final returns from the rummage sale were reported, totalling $131.20. Mrs. Ritchie, Mrs. Laing and Mrs. Heaslip were named dele- gates to the York Summit confer- ence and luncheon to-day at Rich- mond Hill. Next Auxiliary meet- ing will be in January. St. Andrew’s W. M. S. Mrs. B. F. Andrew, wife of Rev. Mr. Andrew of Maple, des- cribed the people of British Gui- ana. where she and her husband were missionaries, at a meeting of St. Andrew's Presbyterian .___.L. J, LAIIULLAI v . v . Mrs. Donald McCailum presli- ed and introduced the speaker. Mrs. Fred Gray and Mrs. Arthur Wellesley sang. Mrs. Fred Curtis led in prayer and moved a vote of thanks to those participating in the program arranged by Mrs. John Phillips. The meeting con- cluded with lunch. Radar Working A Ivuun- - v v. .---.,, As a result of the use of radar fines have been paid at Maple court, reports Constable William Jensen. He has been assured parents of two boys, who broke windows in the pumphouse of No. 2 well, will pay for replacements. Presentation Dance _ â€"- _ ,J- 1 I DBvllvuv-v-u y 7“... Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis O’Hara are honouring them this weekend at a dance and presen- tation in Nobleton Community Hall. The bride is the former Doreen Rutledge of King City. Birthdays _ -1 uu “nun; w _ Birthday parties were part of the social life for the younger set this past week. Mrs. Harold Gilbert gave a party for son John’s sixth birthday. Mrs. Bruce Shipiey entertained small friends of Debbie on the occasion of her fifth birthday. J uyyuunvu uv- ___ V. Mrs. ï¬Ã©rold Millard 'mvited friends of Peter to a celebration marking his sixth birthday. Correspondent: Miss Joan Pelletier Phone Maple 431: The Hi C Fellowship Group of Teston United Church with friends from King and Laskay travelled by bus recently to tour the new United Church House and Woodgreen United Church. “The United Church House†whi- ch is the headquarters building of the United Church is situated on St. Clair Ave.‘ east at the geographic centre of Toronto. The group was conducted through nine floors of beautifully ap- pointed offices and committee rooms. They saw the lovely chapel furnished by many gift contribu- tions among them a gold and _blue dossal curtain behind the altar which was designed and woven by Korean widows. The chapel windows form a mural in stained glass depicting the church and its mission. From here the fifty-six young people and adults went on to Woodgreen United Church, Queen St. East where they were welcomed by the Rev. Ray McCleary and then shown through this modern building which is a realization of ‘a dream brought about by the untiring work and enthusiasm of Rev. McCleary and his congregation. After seeing the chapel of remem- brance with its fifty foot high memorial stained glass window, the group gathered in the church where Rev. Smith described the features of its construction and furnishings. They listened to the lovely pipe organ then went on to see the lounge, the nursery, where the tiny members of the congregation are looked after dur- ing church services. and the Sun- day School rooms, finally meeting in Carrol Hall where they were served lunch by the members of the W. A. of Woodgreen. Both of these modern buildings give evi- dence of the great work of the church of our time. The regular meeting of Teston Women's Association was held Wednesday with Mrs. H. Stephen- son in charge. A thought provok- ing topic was given by Mrs. Martin Jenkinson. She spoke of the growing interest being shown .«v °__..__.° , by women’s groups everywhere in the question of prison reform. Especially concerning conditions existing in woman’s prisons. She told of some of these conditions and what is being done about it. Mrs. W. Maginn conducted a contest which was won by Mrs. Marwood and Mrs. McQuar- rie The Hi C group of Teston have planned a costume party for Friday evening. Nov. 27 when everyone is asked to come dressed as their favourite comic strip or cartoon character. The committee in charge are working to make this party fun, all they need is a good attendance of fun loving ‘comics young or old. How about you? Eight o'clock in the Sunday School room Teston. A number of friends from Tes- ton were entertained at a buffet supper by Mr. and Mrs. Clarence French of Huttonville Sunday, November 15. ‘ A birthdin 'celebration was held last Sunday by the family of Mrs. Albert Ireland of Iestoq gal-{on- our of her eighty first birthday. Among those enjoying a delicious turkey dinner were her three children, three grandchildren and nine great grandchildren. Mr. Sayewell of Gravenhurst was also a guest. We wish to extend our congratulations to Mr. Ireland and wish her man; more happy Teston News W11- “waI-‘h’ Pray, Do" Another historic event in the records of All Saints’ Anglican Church was the laying of the cornerstone of the new church building on Sunday morning by Right Rev. F. H. Wilkinson, Lord Bishop of Toronto. “Platitudesâ€"Lifes ABC's" Bishop To Congregation ..... r ‘77, Following morning service, ab- out 100 people were guided through the partially-built struc- ture by Boy Scouts to assemble around the Keele Street entrance. As the cornerstone bearing the “1959" date was covered with mortar and pushed into place from a small platform, the Bish- op prayed, “Bless what we now do". The congregation stood, watchful and silent as he said, "In the faith of Jesus Christ we lay this cornerstone, in the name of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost. Here let true faith and brotherly love ever remain.†Lay Cornerstone All Saints, King The Lord Bishop commented, “How delighted I am on this oc- casion. I congratulate all 0! you and certainly the present war- dens, who have been most mas- terly and statesmanlike, and the forward-looking and devoted members of the congregationâ€. "What you are doing here will be known throughout the D10- cese’,’ he said, referring to the “encouragement and inspiration†of such an undertaking. Bishop Wilkinson assured his listeners, “You are establishing a tradition, which' I know will bear fruit, and I hope this church will be a great source of comfort, strength. Christian witness and sympathy." He was assisted in the brief ceremony outdoors in balmy, sun- ny weather, by All Saints' new minister, Rev. E. H. Costigan; the Rector's Warden, Mr. Ian Baxter, and Mr. David Stephenson rep- resenting the contractors W. A,“ Stephenson and _Sons. birthdays. Mr. Belford Panke who is with the R. C. A. F. stationed in iFrance has been home for a lshort visit with his mother Mrs. John Downing and family. He ! attended services with them Sun» [day at Teston United Church Earlier, during the Worship Service in Church, the Lord Bishop warmly welcomed Mr. Costigan oï¬icially into the dio- cese. “He will take his place, not only as spiritual leader and pas- tor for this ever-growing com- munity of King, with its future before it, but will also take his part in the life of the diocese.†The Bishop’s sermon was based on the 24th Chapter of St. Mat- thew in which he stressed the 46th verse, “Blessed ls that set. vant, whom his lord when he cometh shall ï¬nd so doing." “One aspect of Christian faith we need, no matter how great the confusion or tragedy, is “God's will shall prevail,†he said, and urged the congregation to "watch, pray and ‘do". "Watching do we look out upon the world with intelligence and knowledge and sympathy and discernment? Is our vision deter- mined by what we read? Do we seek the truth and see what is our responsibility as Christians? The church is here to carry forth the redemptive purpose of God’. the speaker advised. He spoke of a sense of responsibility toward tradition and martyrs who went before. “Watch, and be vigilant", he urged. “All the building that our church is doing, and in doing tangible work we see the intan- gible blessings of stewardship and fellowship". The Bishop contin- ued. “We must realize our res- ponsibillties spiritually in this World Refugee Year. I hope this church will provide more young men for ministry and that you will przw". Mrs. Austin Robinson of Guelph has been visiting in our district for the past week or two. She spent the weekend with Mrs. E. Carson and Mary. Mrs. G. Orr and Mary Carson returned with Mrs. Robinson to Guelph Sunday, where they attended church ser- vices and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Earl McNaughton and fam- We congratulate Carl Diceman on winning two trophies and Be- coming Junior Champion plow- man of King and Vaughan town- ships. The 4-H Club members of Tem- peranceville attended the Kiwan- is luncheon in honour of all the York County 4.3 members at the Royal York last Wednesday. At- tending from here were Mrs. W. Jennings, leader of the girls, Au. drly Herrlma, Patsy Macklln, Joan Hare, Donna Jennings, Glo- ria Alward. Roberta Wilson, Lin- da Chalk, Judith Paxton and El- ;alne Paxton; Garret Herrema, president of the York County Jr. Farmers and Bob Macklln. Mr. and Mrs. Grant McCachen, Ridge Inn, are grandparents ag- ain.A son was born on Sunday to Mr. and Mrs. Bill McCachen. a brother for Cindy and Janet, at Newmarket Hospitalz St. Paul's W.A. held a very successful Christmas bazaar on November 21. It was almost a complete sellout. and this year tea was served in the main body of the church. v. vuv ...._-_,V, The monthly meeting of the Boy Scout and Girl Guide Ladies Auxiliary was held November 19 He said, “Sometimes we ï¬nd we are saying platitudes, but the difficulty is, some people don’t know the platitudes and were never brought up on the simple ABC’s of life.†Emphasizing “Do†he declared, "There is no substitute for doing. No one achieves anything without making an effort. If we are faith- ful as we go forward. we can face humility." Mr. Costigan noted flowers on the altar were a tribute to the late Crawford Wells, a warden of the church for a quarter-century. The choir took part in the service and Mrs. D. Rawlings accompan- ied at the organ. Oak Ridges. Lake Wilcox Socials i? “110% LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLW at the home of Mrs. G. Rowe, Elmgrove Ave. Election and in- stallation of oï¬icers was held and the following is the executive for 1959-60: President, Mrs. C. R. Smith: vice-president, Mrs. A. Akker- man; secretary-treasurer. Mrs. J. Seager; publicity, Mrs. C. W. Moore; sunshine, Mrs. G. Mart; sewing. Mrs. E. Lapelle; member- ship, Mrs. R. Hopkins and Mrs. A. Gibeault. Mrs. C. Cassidy, vice president of the executive board of York Summit District, installed the new officers. Plans were made to hold a Christmas party at the home of Mrs. C. R. Smith. South Lake Road on December 1'7 at 8 pm. All mothers of Scouts. Guides. Cubs and Brownies are cordially invited to attend! On Saturday, December 5 at 8.30 p.m., installation of both Branch 570 and Ladies' Auxiliary executives, Oak Ridges Cdn. Le- gion will be held at the Legion Hall, Aurora, and will be follow- ed by a social evening. Installing team for the evening will be the Newmarket Branch Canadian Le- gion and Mrs. M. Clark. Wood- bridge, Ladies' Auxiliary Zone Commander. On Sunday evening at St. Paul's United Church, Peter John, son of Rev. Gordon Winch and Mrs. Gordon Winch of St. Paul's Church was baptized. Rev. H. L. Morrison grandfather of Peter John performed the baptismal rites. Form'er residents Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Henderson and their sons, Tommy, Barty and Alec were in- volved in a serious car accident Sunday night at Niagara Falls, NY. All are hospitalized. The Henderson; now live at Niagara Falls, Ontario. AURORA â€"- Police plan sponsor- ed dances on Saturday nights for teen-agers. “We have a good bunch of young people in town" said the Chief†but there is defin- ite need to give them something to do." Richmond Hill I‘Umer 4-1312 GEO. McMURRICH'SONS LIMITED 24 Elizabeth St. N. Richmond Hill ' Annual Meeting WEDNESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 2ND, 1959 AT 8 O’CLOCK AT THE SCHOOL FOR THE TRANSACTION OF THE BUSINESS PRESCRIBâ€" ED BY THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS ACT, INCLUDING TIII ELECTION OF A TRUSTEE ALL RATEPAYERS OF THE SECTION ARE URGED TO ATTEND. Dated November 19, 1959. THE RATEPAYERS 0F U.S.S. NO. 1 KING and wnncnuxcn (Oak Ridges Public School) HERBERT R. BUTT Notice is hereby given that the R. Farquharson. Sec-Trgas. U.S.S. No. 1, King & Whitchurch. Dependable Associated With Service Telephone _of.._ 4 Wellington St. E. Toronto Toronto EMpire 2-3456