Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Dec 1959, p. 10

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10 hits. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. December 3, 1959 Concord & M Edgeley Districts % “The Liberal" is always willing to publish interesting items regarding people and events contributed by its readers in Maple, Concord 8: Edgeley districts. in Maple is Mrs. Len Shore. ALpine 7-1150; in Concord. Mrs. Ruth Keller, AV. 5- Share Your Fortune 9 No tes gy in this worthwhile. and much As our time is taken up these" needed callse. lays with our Christmas Shop-I In the meantime, enjoy sharing ping, let us take pause to think. in the true spirit of Christmas. of the less fortunate members in] A P183531“ and Worthwhile 00- our society and throughout the world. The slogan of the Canadian'door of Ade“.ka variety Store ‘55” ‘<:.' ' ‘ t. ' “With your help, the mentally ill' IJSt Thm“ h" ewnmg md bemg .‘vIental Health Association can come back." Let us “follow that through and add a little touch of friendliness and enjoy- r ent to an otherwise surely bleak and seemingly hopeless world of the thousands of patients in our Mental Hospitals. Here's .lOW you can help. Pick out a suit- able gift, gain wrap it (do not use Scotch tape or stickers). and take it to Perry’s Drug Store, (Maple) our contribution depot, BEFORE December 15. There you will receive a special gift tag for your parcel. From there the men- tal Patients Gift Committee will distribute your gift and your satisfaction will be in knowing that you helped to lift the sha- dows, even if only briefly for a fellow man who needed your thoughtfulness at this time. More information may be ob- tained from Mrs. Margaret Mar- tin AL. 7-1384 and at Perry's Drug Store. Once you know of the work being done by the Mental Health Association and their great need for v‘oiunteer workers. you may help still further by giving a lit- tle of your spare time and ener- TURKEY SAT. DEC. AT 1 O’CLOCK _. Shotguns only, heated shelter, light lunches available. Come and bring your friends. Win yourself a Christmas turkey (dressed) $1.00 'per round I SPONSORED BY THE HELD AT SHUR-GAIN FARMS MAPLE, ONTARIO g casion 1 When we looked in via the back very naive about such things), we, couldn‘t help but wonder "things" would be in proper places and under control for the grand opening Friday. But at 1 pm. next day, there it all was, calm, cool and colâ€"l lected, a place for everything and everything'in its place. An am- azing amount of arranging had gone in to the counter displays and probably the first reaction after taking in the pleasing decor and the beautiful flowers from all the commercial establishments in our town offering congratulations and a warm 'welcome, was the uncluttered appearance of the shelves. Here you found a var- ied assortment of merchandise in all departments and set out in such a way to show them off to their, and your, best advantage. Congratulations indeed to the owners, Erie and Winnifred Ad- cock. Incidentally they are there to serve you and to please you and would appreciate your comments and suggestions. Until Christmas, at least, Adcock’s Variety Store ill remain open six days a week, drop in and say hello. The lucky draws will be made late Saturday, i-Wmiwoofi SHOOT 12th 1959 MAPLE LIONS CLUB % 2 HOW'RE THEY . MILKIN‘? MAPLE FEED MILL YOU GET DOLLARS Coums MOST MILK PRODUCR and in Edgeiey and Sherwood. Mrs. Raymond Stuart, AV. 5-1934. Map! afternoon, December 5. The Grey Cup That Got Away How did you make out, did you go to the game and let the crowd help to warm the stands for you, or watch in comfort in front of that square box? Wonderful how so many cheered for the east even though they knew (or so lthey later said) the west would win. Bright and early, well early anyway, Mrs. Bigford and I set how out for the parade. We went dir- ectly to the Hotel headquarters and sure enough got quickly into the spirit of things. Embarrass- llle moment occurred when i met up with a gang from Montreal and I was caught sporting the Ti-cat colours!!! At least-Mrs. Bigford and I held up our end for the east amidst the swarms of western rooters. If those guys and gals in the green and white uniform were from Richmond Hill H. S. we wish they had carried a banner so we would have known. They looked very sharp anyway. Continued Interest Before Jim Harding entered the Air Force, he was Scout Mas- ter for our Boy Scout Troop here in Maple and did much to create a lively interest in Scout- ing amongst the boys. Jim is now stationed in Trenton with the .Air Transport Division and his interest in Scouting has gone up a notch, he now is in charge of 3 Rover Troop at the station. Maple Women's Institute Next meeting of Maple W. I. will be held December 9 at 8 pm. at the home of Mrs. Gordon Wat- son. The committee in charge of the meeting is Mrs. H. Jackson, Mrs. I. McGuirrie and Mrs. E. Wade. You are asked to please remember to bring your parcel to be packed for the Christmas boxes. lst Maple Cubs, A. Pack On November 18, Peter Watt, Paul McMahon and Patrick Plun- kett were invested and Marvin Yate received hs lst star. On November 25, Brian James and Robert Urquhart were invest- ed. and Ricky Calder received his 2nd Star. Perhaps when the seasonal rush has subsided somewhat, mom or pop can sit down with their cub and check the tests he should be working on. The boys are as a rule anxâ€" ious to work and learn but some- times need a little guidance and encouragement. At Least You’ll Be 0. K. for Christmas . So many homes have a junior feeling pretty miserable with the mumps, measles or chicken pox and the seniors are holding their breath waiting for a brother or sister to join the club. We know Sandra Thacker had the measles, Mary Ellis said her Our representative 2375 six year old has chicken pox and after just getting into the swing of things at. school. doesn't like having to miss any. Ronnie Crook has chicken pox too. Any others who are feeling pretty tough about now. keep thinking of old Santa and Christ- mas and before you know it, you'll be all set again. Maple United Church W. A. The November meeting of Ma- ple United Church WA was held on Tuesday evening. November 24 in the church parlor. The nominating committee, Mrs. H. Lightheart and Mrs. L. Palmer brought in a slate of officers for 1960 as follows, Past President, Mrs. D. Jarrett. president, Mrs. N. Payne: lst Vice-president. Mrs. Burli gton, 2nd Vice-president, Mrs. L. Palmer; Secretary, Mrs. Weidman; Ass't secretary. Mrs. D. Jarett; Treasurer, Mrs. H. Lightheart, Pianist, Mrs. R. Clegg; Envelope recorder, Mrs. L. Palmer; Press secretary. Mrs. .\". Woods; Group leaders. Miss May Evans, Mrs. ,Roy Crook, Mrs. K. Tilley. Rev. H. Davies installed the officers. Mrs. Ray Barker showed col- oured slides on Israel. While at- tending a conference in the Holy Land, Mr. and Mrs. Barker tra- velled about the country and took many slides of the Biblical places of interest and slides showing how irrigation provided for growth on what was once barren land. They proved most interest- ing and enjoyable. A report on the bazaar held on Saturday, November let was very encouraging as almost $400.00 was realized. Skating Anyone? Maple has quite a scarcity of skating rinks, but if your child is anxious to skate, give me a call and I'll fill you in about Sunday afternoon skating. Your Liberal Delivered The number is AL. 7-1513. This , is the first time there has been a door to door delivery in Maple for the “Liberal.” Call Michael Weir at above number, he’s the boy that will see you get the paper each and every Thursday, delivered right to your door. It is a service to you and a means of making pocket money for Michael. Edgeley Socials The Edgeley 4-H Homemaking Club held its final meeting of the current class which is “Dres- sing up home grown vegetables” on Saturday, November 21 at the home of Mrs. R. J. Darlington. Miss Wilda Gordon, York County Home Economics, was on hand to assist the girls and to offer sug- gestions for the Achievement Day which will be held in New- market on December 5. The Edge- ley group are preparing an ex- hibit. for that day and miss Helen Spencer will be the com- mentator. - Socials AND CENTS moor or SHUR-GAIN PERFORMANCE WHERE IT MAPLE FEED MILL More milk from every lactation should be your target! To produce that milk at lowest tion of officers will be held and a possible wet -â€" SHUR-GAIN Milk Producer-ll Check these points of management: â€" keep gecurate records â€" properly balance the ration -â€" milk to a schedule â€"â€" feed according to production MAINTAIN MILK PRODUCTION â€" SHUR-GAIN MILK PRODUCER 'Ask The Man Who Feeds Shun-Gain" MAPLE ONT. ' " AL. 7-124I Best wishes and congratula- tions to Mr. and Mrs. John Stuart 011 a on their second wedding anniver- sary December 7. Also many happy returns of the day to Mrs. Charles Ash who will be celebrating her birth- day on December 8. _ Sorry to learn that .MlSS Ella Whitmore is in hospital again and her many friends send their best wishes for a speedy return to health. The Edgeley Farm Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Snider on Monday night, Novem- ber 23, 1959. They listened to the broadcast and a social time followed, playing court whist, this being the Fourth Night. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Avery and Mrs. Sarah Peterman spent. a few days last week v151ting friends in various centers, cal- n Concord News Home and School The executive of Concord Home and School Association held its monthly meeling at the home of Mrs. Fred Orr on Mon- day, November 23. Mr. Knight, prisident, conducted the meet- mg. Mrs. Orr. convenor week‘s bake sale. the proceeds fro to $45.90. ' The next general meeting will be on December 21 at the school and a real “Christmasy' pro- gramme is planned. Guides and Brownies of last reported tl it amounte “‘5 to_ nine counties trlcts of Northern Retires Breeders’ Station, Maple Last Monday. November 30. Mr. G. Wilfred Heifer. retired from the Central Ontario Cattle Breeders’ Association, Maple -â€" Just 15 years since he organized the Maple Cattle Brecders' As- sociation in November. 1944. The artificial breeding station 'on Keele Street in Maple was the first of its kind started in York County. It. has now branched out and four dis- Ontario. When Mr. Kefl'er began organ- izing the first station. five Hol- stein sires were housed in a small building fixed up as a stab- le, on one acre of land. There _ The Guides held a very prof- Were two employees. illd for the ltable candy sale last Monday and fiTSt three years Mr- Keficr was made a total of $8.50. Social president; manager in 1948 he became and remair ed in that Happy birthday this week to office until 1957 when he became Jackie Stoddart, 5 years old on public relations man â€"â€" in which December 3. and Zillah Whitney position he continued until his who will be 11 on December 5. Those on this week's mumps list are Zillah Witney. the Rus- s« ll children. Kathy Burlington, Brian and Robin Taylor and prob- ably a dozen others. Hope they‘re all better soon. Friends of Mrs. Charlie Snider 608 at hope she is feeling better this week. ' Miss Ruth Casgcr, East. Walne Slater, Caledon retirement. Since those early days of the breeders’ station. two barns have been built, office space has been built and then enlarged. and 58 sires have been added to the farm. There are now 63 employ- Maple instead of the or- iginal two. Born on a farm on Dufferin Concord, Street, in Vaughan Township. 11,; By Mrs. R. Keffer While collecting details about the tragic highway accident of last week. which claimed the life of a young man who lived at the Salvation Army House of Concord. we gathered some very worthwhile information about the House of Concord from its head, Captain McCorquodale. He feels that there could possibly be a better understanding of the work done at the House if people 1n the area were better acquaint- ed with its function. Captain Mc- Corquodale issued an open invi- tation to any organizations in the area to hold one of their meet- ings at the House and take a tour of the setâ€"up afterwards. He said the staff would be very pleased to have visitors in this manner and would gladly conduct a tour and provide refreshments after- wards for suclrgroups as Home and School or any of the other Auxilarics and organizations in Concord. Sounds like a wonder- ful way to establish good public relations. Some facts about the House of Concord which readers might like to know are that. contrary to public opinion. it is not a re- form institution. but a residence for boys in their teens who, most- ly through no fault of their own, have nowhere else to live. Some of the boys are from what we would consider well to do and even wealthy homes. which did not. unfortunately. provide as much attention and love as mon- s' G. Wilfred Kefier Put/kc jut/[feel .70 C2” thirty-five boys now in residen . are planning to sponsor a need family at Christmas this ye and Captain McCorquodale hope that by next year the House 0 Concord will be well establishe and able to take on larger pro jects. x“ . . I e GROWER - FLORIST Since 1880 The finest in floral desi and bedding plants. _PHONE ALpine 7-1471 Keele Street Maple, On Rama. OFFICE MACHINES L. H. SIMS DEALER â€"â€" TU. 4-1745 â€" 88 Baker Ave» Richmond SALES - SERVICE - RENT Special Student Rate. Hi Paul McVenIy. Kleinburg, wu- miles north,“ Highway No. 7. 113m and George Tinkerv Douglas Mr. Keffer hved there until 1958 Marshall, Humber Summitt, and whe“ he moved to Maple With his Nedson phinney' Woodbridge, Wife. the former Agnes Patterson visited Mr, John witney on Sat- of Carrville Road. They have two urday Night, sons Bruce, a- farmer and Har- Teen Town old with Keith's Real Estate at Only fourteen members turned Thornhill. and two married dau- out on Saturday night to the Emmi monthly teen town dance. There ASked by “The Liberal' What was a corn roast at Thornhili he planfi to do With his leisure High School which hired away time. Mr. Kefferlsaid he and his some members. This month will wife will certainly travel â€" ‘and ey. any are merely wards of the Children‘s Aid in Toronto, a very overworked and overcrowded agency. Some of the boysattend High School in Thornhili and the others work. None of the boys has ever been involved in any sort of crime having to do with any type of violence or sex crimes, however minor. All the boys who come to live at the House of Concord are thoroughly screened Typewriters . Adding ill-chin.- All popular makes on hand See Portable models It Wight’s Pharmacy 28 Yongo St. S. be the Christmas party so let’s I plan to keep a certain amount by 3 fiVe'membel' PBDCI 0f 0X- hope for a better turnout. of interest in cattle work.’ Maple Variety Store Winnifred Adcock smilineg passes 'customer’ Debbie McConkey her packaged purchase while Eric Adcock looks t the opening of the Adock’s Maple Variety Store on Friday of last week. Residents of the town gave the new store owners a real welcome and merchants of Maple presented Mr. and Mrs. Adcock with many/floral tributes and good wishes for their future success. M aple-Woodbridge 2 Branches ling 0n MT- and Ml'S- George Dun' resenting the Women‘s Institute, can of Dundalk, Mr. and Mrs. Alex McLean and Alex MacDonald of Ceylon and Miss Molly Ferguson and Mr. Jack Ferguson of Priceville. On Friday, November-27, Mr. and Mrs. Avery celebrated their wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Don Bagg moved to their new home on the 6th Concession on Thursday of last week. On Saturday a new fam- ily, we are informed that they are C. W. R. employees, moved in- to the house vacated by Don and his family. It is expected that in two month's time the house will be moved across the highway - adjacent to the one formerly oc- cupied by Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bagg and their children. The annual meeting of the Edgeley Women’s Association Will be held at the home of Mrs. El- don Fierheller on Thursday af- ternoon, December 10. The elec- Christmas Program has been planned under the convenorship of Mrs. Fred Hendry. On December 20, the Sunday School is presenting an evening I of Christmas Carols in the church at 8.00 o'clock. On December 13. the misses Diane and Jane Fierheller and Miss Sheila Hendry will join in the Candlelight Service in Maple United Church, which is being presented by the C. G. I. T. and the Explorers groups. Miss Jane Fierheller and Miss Diane Fier- ‘neller are members of the C. G. I. T. (Jane is their presi-l dent and Miss Sheila Hendry is a member of the Explorers group. 95th Birthday munity of Edgeley in wishing Mrs. Sarah Peterman many happy returns of the day when she cel- ebrates her 95th birthday with Open House on December 9. Mr. and Mrs. Don Bags. Billy and Stephen have moved from Edgeley to their new home Vellore. l SOMETHING WANTED? LIBERAL C'.ASSIFIEDS PHONE TU. 5-110! in, organized a Committee to form a. Mr. and Mrs- Branch of the Canadian Cancer Society in Maple. The various organizations and church groups in the community were asked to send a representa- tive to the initial meeting. Those responding were - the Maple Uni- ted, St. Andrews Presbyterian and St. Stephen’s Anglican chur- ches, of Maple; Maple Women's Institute, Maple Community and School Club; Edgeley United Church, Edgeley Women’s Insti- tute, Sherwood Lutheran Church, Teston United Church, Hope Uni- ted Church. Hope Community and School Club, Vellore Women's Institute and the recently joined Concord Community and School Club. With such a working group the neiyly formed organization he- came an active branch of the Richmond Hill Unit of District Council No. 12. In November 1955 these mem- bers served a turkey dinner for 700 people. with proceeds going towards the Research Fund of the Canadian Cancer Society. Be- cause of the splendid community spirit. effort and support given this project. it was repeated with even greater success in 1956. In 1957 it was decided. that with the expanding community, they would channel their efforts towards house to house campaign- ing. Here again volunteers were most anxious and willing to lend their support and in 1958 and ’59 ‘Maple Branch followed through and reached its quota’s for each annual campaign. . In between these outstanding efforts. the Women's Services are “The Liberal" IOIDS the 00111- at all fir. es' on hand and available 1to assist whenever called upon. If an emergency should arise, the Chairman has but to call the thir- teen member groups and they in turn call for volunteers from their organization and the need is met ‘with an efficient working crew. A supply of dressings are made up and kept in good supply in the event that they are needed. Mrs. Rae Spencer is Chairman of Women's Services of Maple Branâ€" .c'n 541d Mrs. Lil Smart is (20‘ â€"- photo by Tom White I, Unit Canadian Cancer Society In 1955 Mrs. Hilda Miller, repâ€" Chairman for 1959-60. Now On November 18, 1959 the Can- adian Cancer Society Workshop Conference for District Council No. 12 was held at Christ Church, Brampton, Ontario. At this ses- sion after discussion it was moved by Mrs. G. Miller of Maple that Richmond Hill be split into two units, one to contain the bran- ches of Maple and Woodbridge and the other Richmond Hill, Markham, Stouffville and Union- ville. This was seconded by Mrs. L. Henderson of Woodbridge. On November 25, 1959, mem- bers from Maple and Woodbridge met in Woodbridge to elect the officers for the newly formed unit to be called the “Maple - Wood Unit." Mr. F. Wilcox, chair- man of Extensions for the Dis- trict, chaired the election; as follows: President, Mrs. L. G. Henderson (W); Vice-presidents, Mrs. V. H. Minns (W) Mrs. G. W. Miller (M) and Mrs. R. A. Big- ford (M); Secretary, Mrs. R. E. Smart (M) and Treasurer Mrs. H. Heatherington (W). Mrs. Miller brought a message from one of the Cancer Society’s staunchest supporters and past president of Maple Branch from 1955-59, Mr. Wills MacLachlan - “Two strong Branches have join- ed to make one strong unit. There will be great things in the future but always remember the aim of branch, unit or district. that is to alleviate suffering, physical or mental, of anyone, man, woman or child, requiring your services. My very best wishes in your new venture." On January 12, 1960 in Wood- bridge Area at 8.15 pm. the in- augural meeting of the Maple- Wood Unit wil be held. Mr. Maur- ice Grimes, Executive Secretary of Ontario Division will be pres- ent to install the elected officers and get the new unit off to an auspicious start for the year 1960. All members and all those interested in the furthering of Cancer Research are urged to {attend this meeting. “THE LIBERAL." FOR CHRISTMAS $3.50 PER YEAR perts in work of this sort, a psychiatrist, social worker, Sal- vation Army Officers, etc. The DOMESTIC TU. 4 AND YOU PAY AS LITTLE AS $365.00 PLUS INSTALLATION when y Sales 1 I g . AND BURNER SERVICE HALL'S SERVICE STATION LTD. - 436l snow “mom. STORES, FACTORIES, GAS STATION S, PARKING AREAS BY COWELL PAVING CO. RESERVE ONE OF OUR MACHINES NOW FOR THIS WINTER, AND GUARANTEE YOUR SNOW \ REMOVAL WILL BE PROMPTLY LOOKED AFTER THIS WINTER. RATES: , By the Hour, the Job, or the Season CONTACT US NOW â€" IT IS TOO LATE. COWELL PAVING CO. By AMERICAN «Standard WHY WAIT? MODERNIZE NOW! Your home will be more comfortable, more ou modernize with an efficient, automatic heating unit like the oil fired Huronia Winter Air Conditioner shown here. Sturdy in construction, at- tractive in appearance. and economical to operate. '. Free Estimate . . . Immediate InStalIation w. SKERRATT 8. co. Heating AURORA - KING - RICHMOND HILL - PARKVIEW 7-5958 TORONTO - RU. 2-2654 5 YEARS TO PAY! N0 HEAT INTERRUPTION or Cell TD. (-1745 day or night Tour local typewriter special . - FUEL OILS DON’T WAIT UNTIL «an n n-t-xAmmmumnnlxmmmmmnmfin'xnao«anxnmmnnafiu "in": Hull. mm mum Service

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