18 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, On;ario, Thursday. December 3, 1959 Emma“ .I IN \I I“ "' l ‘ WW? I l'lfll"! 'i To the Electors of Markham Twp. I EXTEND SINCERE THANKS FOR THE l\\\\ll\|l\l\l|\\\\\llllll!\llllull : HONOUR 0F AS REEVE FOR 1960. TO ONE AND ALL MYBEST WISHES FOR THE FESTIVE SEASON. l Solicit Your Support Monday, December 7th Vote For MACKAY, But If Not Vote As You like â€" BUT D0 VOTE FOR GOOD ADMINISTRATION & BEST POSSIBLE EDUCATION SYSTEM FOR THE WHOLE AREA DAY , MONDAY, DECEMBER 7th, 1959 POLLING SUBDIVISION (For Councillor Ward 1, 5 Trustees School Area No. l, and 3 Trustees School Area No. 2) Polls Will Open In NOTE: There will be no VOTE this year on the question of the Two Year Term. MACKAY John J. VOTE FOR MACKAY FOR SCHOOL BOARD MARKHAM TOWNSHIP 11 12 13 14A 21 3A 3B ELECTION RE-ELECTION BY ACCLAMATION Mmmmmnmmmmmmmï¬ PLACE Alissa’s Beauty Salon, 6433 Yonge St. Highland Park Residence, E. A. Watts, Doncaster. 72 Glencameron ~ York Farmers' Market, Thornhill York Farmers’ Market, Thornhill Residence, Clarence Thompson, No. 7 Highway, Langs1 Residence, J. Warwick, Hillsview Drive Residence, Stan Leno, Elgin Mills Residence. M. S. Ward, Green Lane Residence, Clarence Thompson, No. 7 Highway, Langstaff Residence, J. Warwick, Hillsview Drive Residence, Stan Leno, Elgin Mills Residence. M. S. Ward, Green Lane Residence, Wm. Rodick, Lot 6, Concession 5 Community Hall, Buttonvillg Veterans’ Hall, Unionville Residence, Miss A. Walker, Lot 6, Concession 7 Premises, Mrs. B. Madsen. Lot 11, Concession 6 Residence, Mr. W. Carson Armstrong, Lot 8, Con 10W L Clark. REEVE From 10:00 am. to 8:00 pm. H. C. T. CRISP, Returning Officer, Township of Markham. Albert Colucci, curator of the Metro Toronto & Region Conser- vation Authority’s Pioneer Mus- eum has been named director of th Edgeley Pioneer Village and the Black Creek Conservation Area by the Authority's Commit- tee. In the new capacity, he will be responsible for the develop- ment, maintenance and operation of the Black Creek conservation area and the Pioneer Village. The area was formerly known as the Dalziel (Dee-e11) conserva- tion area. It now comprises 86 acres, and Is located in North York and Vaughan Townships near Jane and Steeles Ave. Part of the Black Creek runs through the =conservation area. Named Director Pioneer Village of the Victoria Square United Church Wednesday evening of last week. Mrs. H.McCague con- ducted the Devotional and Mrs. Aubrey Stephehson of Buttonville was the soloist, accompanied by Mrs. S. J. English. Speaker was Mrs. Clayton Searle of Toronto. She was introduced by Mrs. A. F. Binnington. Mrs. Searle spoke about the proposed ‘new organiz- ation for the women of the Unit- ed Church of Canada. She said Its aim would be to enlist all the wo- men of the church for the church's total mission, also the values of both the WA. and W. M.S. would be preserved. A question period followed. Mrs. H. Collard extended the courtes- ies, and dainty refresjments were enjoyed by all. White Gift Service Sunday, December 8, the an- nual White Gift service will be held, when the Church and Sun- day School will be combined. There will be no Sunday School, however the children and the teachers are asked to please be present at 11 am. in order that they may be :ready to march up into church for the service at 11.30 a.m.‘Let us make this the best White Gift service ever, as the gifts we bring are for those less fortunate than we are. W.M.S. On Tuesday evening of last week, neighbours and friends ga- thered in the community hall to make a presentation to Mr. and Mrs. John Buchanan who have moved to their new home in Arn- ieigh Heights, Buttonville. The evening was spent playing court whist. After the games, John Mc- Cague on behalf of the commun- ity presented John and Jean with a set of dishes, a mirror, a rose- bud vase, and a meat-carver. John and Jean thanked‘ everyone for the gifts. W.A. & W.M.S. Presentation A representative group of la- dies of the Victoria Square charge met 'in the Sunday School room The Christmas meeting of the W.M.S. will be held on Wednes. day, December 9, at 2:15 pm. at the Manse. All the ladies in the community are invited to attend. Couples Club The Couples Club held its Nov- ember meeting on Friday even- ing of last week at the héme of Mr. and MrsgNorman Johnston. Mrs. Garnet Francy showed her pictures on Mexico. Mrs. Sarah Catherine Peter-‘ man of R. R. 2 Woodbridge is looking forward to something that very few have the oppor- tunity of doing, and that is ob- serving her 95th birthday. Mrs. Peterman is celebrating this wonderful milestone in her life with Open House on December 9 at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Arthur Avery of Lot 9. con- cession 6, Vaughan Township. Her sister, Mrs. Maude Roberts of Toronto and her daughter, Mrs. Wilfred Maginn of R. R. 2 Wood- brldge have been invited to share the honor of pouring tea for Mrs. Peterman’s' friends when they call during the afternoon hours between 2 o'clock and 5 o’clock. A family party is planned for the same evening. Sarah Catherine McGillivx‘ay was born in Purpleville, the daughter of John and Nancy Mc- Gillivray and is a life long and most respected resident of Vaughan Township. She was edu- cated at Purpleville Public School and on December 25, 1888 mar- ried Wesley Peterman, also of Purpleville. They were engaged in farming until her husband's death in 1935 and then lived in Kleinburg with her eldest son, Will, until after his tragic death in a motor car accident two years agot The Couples" Club Children’s Party will be held in the Sunday School room on Friday evening, December 11. Neighbourhood Notes Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Jarvis who on December 5, will be cele- brating their 23rd wedding an- niversary; to Mr. and Mrs. Will- iam Orr who on Decembér 6 will be celebrating their 43rd wedding anpiversaryi Birthday greetings to Mr. Har- vey Collard for December 5. Last Sunday, Miss Mabel San- derson entertained Mr. and Mys. Glen Bolender, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Chadwick and Karen, Mr. and Mrs. Bill ngh and David. to dln- She is the eldest of a family of five children and attributes her great longevity to heredity. This is borne out by the fact that all her brothers and sisters are still living and enjoying good health. Her brother, Mr. Neil McGillivray, 93 and sisters, Mrs. Jessie Squirrell, 87 and Mrs. Maude Roberts, 82 live in Toron- to and her brother, Mr. John McGillivray. 9_1 lives in Maple. "Today's Teenagers Fine" Says Mrs. S. Peterman,95 Her descendants number four children. three of whom are liv- ing, seven grandchildren and ten great-grandchildren. In Septem- ber Mrs. Peterman became the great-grandmother of twin boys, Richard and Brian, born to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Armitage of St. Catherines. This remarkably spry little lady still takes great interest in all the activities going on around her. Although her eyesight is failing and she now reads very little, she manages to keep up- to-date in current events and en- joys watching television and like: to listen to the radio. She has devoted considerable time'to rug making, knitting and sewing but she seems to enjoy most attend- ing the meetings of various women’s organizations. She has served as president of the Teston {ééé they "can "a; was 'wéié In such privileges and opportunities in my day." NEWMARKET â€" There is a three-way fight for Mayor’s chair here. Mayor Belugin is challeng- ed by George Haskett and J. D. Otton. Reeve Jack Luck is op- posed by Alex Hands and there are ten candidates for six council seats. Mrs. Caroline Ion was ac- claimed as depQZy-reeve. Voting will be December 7th. To Celegyate Birthday Dec. CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W. SANDLE, Victoria Sum Telephone Gormley 5421 VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS Early Wednesday morning of last week. an attempt was made to enter Mrs. P. Willows’ store. However, the would-be robbers were unsuccessful in gaining en- trance. Miss Mabel Sanderson had din- ner on Tuesday of last week with Miss Ruth Hoover at Gormley. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hill (Thelma Hart) on the birth of a son. Mr. Frank Barker of Manllia spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barker and Ross. On Tuesday evening of last week the family of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Nichols entertained their parents at the Summit View Res- taurant, the occasion being in honour of their 25th wedding an- niversary. When Mr. and Mrs. Nichols returned home they were surprised to ï¬nd that two lovely lamps and a purse of money had been left for them from the com- munity, also a TV set from the family. Mrs. Alf Smith. Mrs. Herman Mortson, Mrs. S. Boynton, Mrs. H. Collard, Mrs. F. Gee. Mrs. H. McCague, attended a luncheon at the home of Mrs. Lumsden Cum- mings. York Mills, in honour of her mother Mrs. Margaret Me. Cague, on Thursday of last Week. Friends will be pleased to hear that Mr. Frank Donnelly is able tVe home from the hospital fol- lo lng his recent operation. Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. John McCague in the passing of their grandmother, Mrs. Joyce. _ The flowers in 'thex church on Sunday morning were in loving memory of Mrs. Joyce Sr. Please note that the Canadian premiere of the ï¬lm taken by Mr. Paul Delmer on his trip to Russia will be shown in the Richmond Hill Theatre on January 21, 1960, instead of December 23, as was mentioned last week. The new Thornhaven School“ for Retarded Children is open. Open House will be held Monday to Saturday, November 30, to De- cember 12 from 8 to 10 pm. This school is situated at Sussex and Centre Sts.. Richmond Hill. An invitation is extended to every- one to come and bring your friends_ and the children. The many friends of Mr. Stan- ley Boynton will be pleased to hear that he is able to be out again following his recent illness. We hope he continues to improve in health. Sr. Women’s Institute ._- . . -uuuuu-v The Christmas meeting of [the Sr. Womens Institute will be held Tuesday evening, December 8, at 8 pm. at the home of Mrs. Dalton Rumney. The scripture will be taken by Mrs. N. Bell. Mrs. D. Houck will give the Christmas story. A demonstration will be given by Mrs. Herrington. Speeial music will be the singing of Christmas carols. Roll call, a gift for the Childrens Aid. Hos- tesses: Mrs. P. Willows. Mrs. H. Barber and Mrs. S; Boynton. A hearty invitation is extended to all the ladies in the community to attend. Four generations of the Peter- man family of R. R. 2 Wood- bridge, are seen above. On the left is Mrs. Kathleen Lightheart; her son Douglas is held by his great-grandmother, Mrs. Sarah Catherine Peterman who is cele- brating her 95th birthday, Deo- ember 8. and Mrs. Peterman’s daughter; Mrs. Gladys Maginn is on the right. Women’s Association of which she has been a member for nearly sixty years and on October 25, turned the first sod for the new extension of Teston United Church. Mrs. Peterman has not trav- elled very much, the farthest a- way from home being Ottawa. Here she visited friends and‘all places of interest including the Parliament Buildings where she went up into the tower to see the clock. Her attitude toward today's teen-agers is one of confidence and pride. "They are a fine groupâ€- said Mrs. Peterman, and they “should take every advan- tage they can as there were no such privileges and opportunities in my day." Wesley C. Gohn. a former Markham Township Reeve and Warden of the County of York The late Mr. Gohn farmed on concession 3 south of number 7 highway for many years and took an active interest in public af- fairs. He was elected Reeve in 1926 after serving as councillor and deputy-reeve, and in 1931 was Warden of the County of York. Former Reeve 0f Markham Passes in 1931 died Sundanyovember 29, raftgr a lengthy illness. Some eight years ago he sufl’er- ed a stroke and had been in fail- ing health ever since. He was in his 83rd year, The funeral was held from the Dixon Funeral Home, Markham, on Tuesday afternoon and in- terment followed in Buttonvllle cemetery. N r “Wes†Gohn. as he was popu- larly known, will be remembered as a good municipal man. He was well informed and an ‘able de- bater and gave Markham Town- ship outstanding service as l municipal leader. GEORGE WILLIAMS SCHOOL TRUSTEE The By-law re voting on the question of a‘ two year term of» office for members of Council has been repealed. There will therefore be no vote on the question at this year’s election on December 7th, 1959. NOTICE * RE ZONING BY-LAWS OF the CORPORATION of the TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM TAKE NOTICE that an application has been made to The Ontario Muni- cipal Board for approval of By-law 1781 passed by the Council of the Township of Markham on October 5th, 1959, and that the Board has granted an appointment for the Hearing of the application on Tuesday, the 15th day of December, 1959, at the hour of half past nine o’clock in the forenoon, at the Council Chambers Township of Markham in Button- ville, Ontario. The purpose of this By-Iaw is to remOVe any doubts as to the validity of certain restricted area repealing or amending by-laws heretofore passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Markham certiï¬ed copies of which are attached thereto as a schedule (or schedules)* and which have been approved by formal orders of The Ontario Municipal Board to the extent set forth in such orders. Each by-law included in the schedule (or schedules) is in the form which was eventually approved by the formal orders of The Ontario Municipal Board. A copy of the above By-law and schedule (or schedules) thereto is available for inspection at the Clerk’s Ofl’ice during regular business hours. Dated at the Township of Markham, Buttonville, Ontario, this lst day of December, 1959. ELECTION MONDAY DECEMBER ’7 6 YEARS EXPERIENCE AS TRUSTEE German Mills 55. No. 2, Markham “SOLE INTEREST THE BETTERMENT OF OUR SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS†TO Markham Township Municipal Electors MARKHAM TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA NO.'I.‘ NOTICE I VOTE FOR iJOHN HONSBERGER TRUSTEE FOR MARKHAM SCHOOL AREA NO.I Pledged to maintain and improve academic standards VOTE FOR H. C. T. Crisn, CLERK I. C. T. Crisp, Returning Officer