Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Dec 1959, p. 1

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EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT â€" 9.00 pm. - 12.00. Dancing to Max Cameron’s Orchestra. at Canad- ian Legion Hall. Camille Road. Richvale. Sponsored by Rich- mond Ell! Branch 375. Canadian Legion. 75¢ per person. uc36 EVERY SUNDAY & WEDNES- DAY NIGHT until further notice at‘the Lions Hall, Centre St E., Richmond Hill. Evangelist meetâ€" ings. Admission free. Films. muv sic. illustrated lectures. 7.30. p.111. Evarybodv welcome. tfclfi EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT -â€" DancingModern and Oide Tyme. At Maple Community Hall. Music by Art Celsie and his Singing Plainsmen â€" stars of TV and Radio. Admission $1.00. Free parking. _ _ tfc18 DECEMBER 3. 8 pm. -- York Slmcoe Home & School Council, Prince Charles School, Newmark- et. Distinguished education pan~ ellsts. c2w22 DECEMBER 5th, 2.30 pm. -â€" The annual bazaar of St. Mary’s An- glican Church will be held in Wrixon Hall, Saturday, December 5th, at 2.30 pm. Attractions for children. c2w22 :9 vanes eastmf Aurora éust pas; Hwy. No.' 48).:Mr. Marshall Bart:w man of The Federation of Nat- uralists will, give an illustrated address on “Woods. Wild Flowers, and Still Waters." The public is cordially Invited to attend. No admission charge. c1w23 EVERY TUESDAY -â€" Bingo, 8 p.m. at the new Legion Hall, Oak Ridges Shopping Plaza. Cash prizes and Japkpot. tfc19 DECEMBER 5 â€" Saturday 2-5 pm. Come one, come all. Tea, bake sale, bazaar, lucky dip, children’s corner, door prize. Sponsored by the East District Association of the Guides and BrownieE. To be held at St. Gab- riel’s Chuych Hall. All welcome. t t t s c1w23 DECEMBER 9 - pm. at Ballantrae DECEMBER 9 -â€" Wednesdw at 8 o’clock. Crosby Heights Home & School Association invites one 'a’hd all to a Christmas dance and box social. Master of Ceremonies. Bill Eddie of CJRH. c1w23 DECEMBER 9 AND 10 â€"- 7 pm. High School Library Club film programme “The Cranes Are Flying". Russian Drama, and “Private’s Progress". English Comedy. Richmond Theatre. Tick- ets 65 cents from Library Club members or at door. *1w23 DECEMBER 10 - Thu-sky. 8 pm. Lions Community Hall. The Christmas meeting of the Rich- Ii'lond Hill Horticultural Society, “Carols and Candlelight". Every- one most welcome! c1w23 DECEMBER 12th. SATURDAY â€" Turkey Shoot under auspices Lions Club, at Shurâ€"Galn Farms, Maple, at 1 o’clock. Shotguns on- ly, $1.00 per round. c3w22 DECEMBER 11 .â€" Friday 8.30 pm. Jefferson School Commun- ity Club Christmas Party. Euchre and square dancing. Attractive prizes. refreshments. Carol singing Everyone welcome. c2w23 DECEMBER 16 â€"- Wednesday. Carols and Part I and part of Part 2 Handel’s Messiah. York DECEMBER 12 â€" Paper, bask and bottle drive, May Avenue Edgar, Hillsview Drive to Dunc: Road. lst Richvale Scouts a: Cubs. H 01w: FEBRUARY 1-27 â€" Anyone wish- ing advance booking for the Nat- !onal Ballet, contact Mrs. David Carruthers. AV. 5-1269. c1w23 L. Hanson, council 1]: Gibbs, Fra Farquharsp election along wiw Ivan McLaughlin was 95 years old on November 2! 1959 at NIGHT SERVICE Celebrated 95th Birthday Mrs. H. A. Sproule of Gormléy RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, Authorized Ford, Falcon, M; #3 Dealer ~ ‘ FINCH MOTORS lTL,-’;o~s RETAN RGHT â€". ' UM. ELECT Vole “NO” on Two Year Tam Dommg Events W hitch urch Election any happy returns of the Handel’s Messiali. York :5. c1w23 WILLOWDALE TILL 10 RM. W dson is oppo ith former Reeve De Weflnesday, 8 Public School . NIGHT PARTS ‘ed by acclam . voters go to December 7th 1d three coun- ve Cliff Wall- hree DI‘I extend The nomination meeting at the Buttonville W. I. Hall last Friday night was one of the biggest nights of its kind for some years in Markham Twp., with 10 candidates for council nominated; eight candidates for No. 1 Markham Public School Area, five to be elected; and six nominees for trusteeships i'n Schooi Area No. 2, three to be elected. Reeve William L .Clark, who will begin his 30th year on council in 1960, was once again acclaimed to office, as was Deputy-reeve Wilfred R. Dean and Councillors Lawson Mumberson. Ward 2 and Stanley B. Watson, Ward 3: Present councillor of Ward 1, John MacNeil, will seek re-election, December 7th. Nominations listed from 7 to 8 o’clock were as follows: Reeve, Wm. L. Clank, Wilfred R. Dean and Chas H. Hoop er -â€" Mr. Hooper withdrew from the race following the nomination meeting and Mr. Dean said he woiild not op- pose the present reeve, Mr. Clark. ' Deputy-reeve: Wilfred R. Dean, acclaimed. Council 'Ward 1: Frank W. Plaxton, 276 John Street, Thornhill, pension consultant; John E. MacNeil. present councillor of Ward 1, also a resident of Thornhill, an ex- ecutive. Reeve To Be '60 Warden? 30 Years On Twp. Council Acclaim Reeve, Deputy-Reeve, Two Counci||ors - J. MacNeiI To Run _ Ward 3: Stanley B. Watson. present concession 7, farmer; Archie Campbell, man. . ‘ 4 ~ “' ' Bofh Mr. Campbell and Mr. Patterson had not resign- ed from the school Board prior to the nomination meeting so failed to qualify. S. Patterson and D. Rumney withdrew. . Ward ‘2: Stanley R. Patterson, Concession 3, Mark- ham, public accountant; Lawson Mumberson, present coun- cillor of Ward 2, residing in Victoria Square, a retired police officeij; Dalton Rumney, concession 3, farmer . Mr. Hugh McDonald acted as chairman for the nomination meeting and on a motion from the floor by one of the ratepayers it was decided that candidates should each have a five-minute period for speeches. Markham Twp. Naming-lions MR. CLARK said, "It is indeed a pleasure to see such a number out this evening â€" it speaks well for the electorate of the town- ship.” Mr. Clark spoke specifical- ly regarding the large slate of candidates for the two school boards and said that he was glad there was so much interest for, “that is where most of the money goes, for school taxes.” Reporting on the past year, which had been a good one for the township Mr. Clark comment- _ed that the council had finally received approval for five sub- divisions “which have been hang- ing fire for five years. Secondly, we established our own water supply in the south-west corner of the township â€" and another democracy iAxciainn Thornhill "Frfistees by M. I. McLean At ’the nomination meeting held Wednesday. November 25th in the Masonic Hall, Thornhill. the three standing trustees were the only ones nominated and were therefore elected by acclamatiou. Mr. James H. Timmins, barrister, of Yonge Street, who has served for the past two years, was nom- inated by Mr. David McLean, seconded by Mr. A. BMClapham. Mr. A. R. Sumner. salesman, of John Street, the chairman of the board of trustees for the past three years was also nominated by David McLean and seconded by Mr. A. B. Clapham. Mr. Pat- rick McTaggart-Cowan, of Col- borne St., a meteorologist, was nominated by Mr. G. Zinkan and seconded by Mr. David McLean. only a deplorable lack of interest in democratic procedures and the welfare of the village generally but was also‘ in the opinion of this reporter. a grave discourtesy to the fine men who have been spending so much of their time and earnest efiort in the running of the Village affairs. It raises the question Thornhill ds ed as new of the cal W0 deserve no inators and secondâ€" didates was due to Mr. David McLean orr VOLUME LXXXI, NUMBER 23 he system south of Richmond Hill is in progress at the present time. We have a $1 million investment so far." As Chairman of the Finance Committee for York County Council, during 1959, Mr. Clark reported that the settlement of assets and liabilities caused by Bill 80 were now in process of being wound up. Referring to The Home for the Aged at New- market (Mr. Clark is a member of the Home Board), he said that it is expected the new home will be opened next year. Lawson Mumberson Markham Township Councillor representing Ward 11, re-elected by acclamation. Appealing to the ratepayers present, Mr. Clark stated he would like to have the opportun- ity of serving the electors 0! Markham Township in 1960 â€"- and concluded his speech by thanking his nominators and stat- ing “I think I can bring the War- denship back to the Township of Markham”. The 100th warden of the county is to be elected at the January session of County Coun- cil. WILFRED DEAN began his speech by declaring emphatically, “I go on record that I will not be a candidate for the reeveship. This reeve (Mr. Clark) who has served the Township of Markham for so many years should have the honour of bringing the war- denship of the county back to this township in 1960.” . As there were no other nomin- ations for deputy-reeve, Mr. Dean was automatically returned to that ofiice by acclamation. that ofiice by acclamation. Mr. Dean stated that he had had a great deal more experience this year than last year â€"â€" this being his second term of ofiioe as deputy-reeve â€"â€" and he reporteq t the township mill gate pgd ad mill rate was ra very good fin‘ Continued on matelv Ward 3 councillor, 14th Avenue, fore- Page “I feel w 31 health‘ THURSDAY. DECEMBER 3, 1959 " labia bouquet of tiny CL A Two hundred little A finger of light will point to the skies as Richmond Hill marks the [Christmas season. Chosen be- cause it is the highest feature in the town and can be seen .for many miles from all directions, the tall spire of; the U_n'it_ed Santa Coming Church on Yonge Street will be flooddit, the committee in chargeI of Christmas decorations for the Yonge Street Business and Pro- fessional Association announced this week. Expressing the wish t‘ tt similar treatment could have been accorded to‘ other buildings, committee members pointed out that the funds at their disposal would not permit this. They said, however, that it was hoped that this would be a start towards i1- Iumin‘ating other high buildings, with additions being made from year to year. ‘ Christmas trees will for: other of the Yonge Street ‘ ative features. Forty of tin-ted in various colours, v affixed to Hydro poles Biggest thrill 1'0: the young sters, of course, will be the vis- its of Santa Claus to the down~ town shopping area. Complete with bag-pipes. Santa will pay not one visit, but several, com- mencing on Friday, December 11th, when he will parade n’xp and down Yonge Street playing his pipes and, with the help of his attendants, distributing candies to the youngsters. He will return the next day in the afternoon, and on Friday afternoon and Plan Decorations Christmas Season In a surprise move, Markham Township Council repealled the vote on the Two-Year Term at its meeting on Monday night. Councillor Lawson Mumberson asked that the bylaw be repealled before the electors go to the polls in Ward 1 on Monday, December 7 because, “I feel that the vote should be left until it involves the whole township." Markham R'escinds 2 Year Term Vote All members but Councillor John MacNeil. Ward 1, were re- turned to office for 1960 by at clamation; therefore the only area in which votes will be cast are Ward 1 and School Areas 1 and 2. “ Councillor MacNeil said, “I think the people are going to ask why we are sguttling it now.” 7 Richmond Hill and its beautiful little girls are in the news across Canada -â€"- the newsreels to be exact. The finals of the Rose of Richmond Hill contest, spon- sored by Allencourt I.G.A. in conjunctiop with the opening of the Foodliner, was “covered” by a newsreel cameraman, and is now being shown from coast to coast. The News Of The Day wh features the contest, ehtit “Pretty As A Rose," is be shown this week in the Richmc Theatre, Thursday, Friday a Saturday light and Saturday temoon matinee. It should pr: to be an even greater draw card for Richmond Hill than 1 Pretty As A Rage News Reel Feature Richmond Theatre {he flower which Councillor ‘ Mumberson, who “In Essentials Unity ‘1: Barbara Peirce, 5, 1 trees will form an» Yonge Street decqr- , will be the V15- :«rus to the down- atea. Complete Santa will pay the Richmond prox 3e Chris‘tr‘nas music will mark the big week itself. The choir of St. Matthew's Church will sing at different points on Yonge Street on at least one night during the Christmas week. Likely spots are evening and Saturday afternoot of the next week. His final vlsi‘ will be made on Monday Decem ber let. ,. r During hi pay a visit 1 main shoppi it is expecte the Municipal Building, the Post Office steps and the corner 01 Yonge 'and Lorne, so that at down-town sections will be cover‘ ed. .as far as possible. There is a possibility that other choral groups mayube heard also. Stores will compete for special prizas being offered by the com- mittee for the most‘ effective Christmas, windows. First prize is $25. second is $15. and third is $10. The windows will be judged by a special committee bias. Not even members of" me ’committee will know when. judg» ing is taking place as the judges are being asked to make their rounds at any time selected by tlgem between December 11th and 2 th. Stores and offices which, for ' one reason or another, are not in a position to decorate their windows, are being asked to leave lights on during *the Christmas season. , had moved the passing of the by- law for a vote on the question pf a two-year term several weeks ago at a council meeting said, "I moved it in the first place be- cause I thought it would be voted on all over the township.” After Councillor Mumberson moved the bylaw be repealled for this year Councillor Watson sec- onded the motion and it was car- ried unanimously. Councillor Wat- son remarked, “That’s pretty well carrying out the Reeves wishes. he did not wish a vote unless it came from the whole township.” Vâ€"Eéufi'ciiiiorr Mumberson said, “A small part of the township voting on that questior} wo_u1d be_mim.1's,_" thus (tnâ€"sing the year. on Essentials Liberty: in all things Charity.‘ his travels Santa will b to every store in the pilag area of the town rte . issue for this UM. ELECTONS FASTEST GROWING HOME WEEKLY IN ONTARIO

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