mum :1“ If no answer at TU. 4-3614 during daytime, call TU. 4-1105 E 5 BEAVERTON RD. TU. 4-3614 aunummunmnnmnmmmmuun\1mum\m“mmmmumuuumunnuumuumnummmnluI1u1mIIn\nm1nnumummmmnnmmnl 20 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, December 3, 1959 .\ TOWN G: COUNTRY BE SANTA TO THE FAMILY TU. 4-0053 ELGIN MILLS Have Your Home Cleaned by Experts For a limited period only we are giving a FREE TURKEY DINNER, including 12 lb. Turkey; Lyons Imported English Christmas Cake 1% lbs.; Plum Pudding, 15 025.; 2 lbs. Assorted Christmas Candies; Christmas Crackers; Serviettes and Table- cloth â€" with EVERY PURCHASE OF A HOME FREEZER, NOW TO CHRISTMAS. Dun - Well Window Cleaning REPAIRS Do you know that now YOU can buy FOOD at quan- tity and seasonal discounts and save the difference? Buy bulk and save. Did you realize that Town & Country Food Plan will place a beautiful new Food Freezer in your home plus a complete assortment of top quality foods of your choice for as little as $11.00 per week for food and freezer? These are ï¬gures resulting from a survey of our more than 5,000 sat- isï¬ed Ontario customers. Families of ï¬ve or more slightly higher. All foods are handled by us directly and processed in our own food packing plant under Government super- vision. This is the Food Saving Plan that Guarantees Sav- ings. CAN YOU AFFORD TO BE ANOTHER DAY WITH- OUT YOUR OWN HOME FREEZER? Make it a Christmas present for the ivhole family â€" a beautiful freezer for the home and better living at no extra cost from NOW on! Pick up the telephone NOWl Guesswork Is Eliminated NEW SCIENTIFIC METHOD “CHECKED†ELECTRONICALLY YOU can obtain YOUR home freezer TODAY simply by telephoning TOWN & COUNTRY MARKETERS, 210 Markham Road, Richmond Hill, AV. 5-5401. AV. 5-5402 Ind AV. 5-5403, or COME & SEE our wide display. Open daily until 10 p.111. ' WINDOWS - WALLS - FLOORS Supervised experienced courteous workmen. . Reasonable prices. Top quality materials. Guaranteed work. Prompt attention. Building Maintenance 00. 'Are You Busy As Can Be Then Call TU. 4-0053 WITH THE STROBOSCOPE. - AL PYLE - BUY T.B. CHRISTMAS SEALS Free Tuberculin Tests Free Chest X-Rays SAVE LIVES REPAIRS TU. 4-3614 --â€"-rru 7†Many happy returns of the day to David Jones on the 5th, to Garry Bell, Ronnie Costoff, Her- man Alfermann, Terry Hayes and Beverley Locke on the 6th, to Carol Diceman on the 7th, to Angelika Sommers on the 8th and to Jean Anderson on the 10th. St. John’s Church News DI. dun-Ia vuu.v.. .... The Afternoon Branch of the W. A. held their November meet- ing last Thursday morning at the parish hall. The main item of business was to elect offiders for the coming year and the slate is as follows: President, Mrs. C. R. Wilcox, lst Vice President, Mrs. M. Beynon, 2nd Vice President, Mrs. G. Kerswill, Secretary, Mrs. Sambrook, Dorcas Secretary, Mrs. T. Dibb and Treasurer, Mrs. F. Mr. and Mrs. J. Cappy enter- tained at a cocktail party for their son Tony when he celebrat- ed his birthday last week with friends coming from Newmarket, Toronto, Oshawa and Aurora. Mr. and Mrs. A. Anderson who have been living in the Jefferson area for the last few years moved this week to Richmond Hill. We are sorry to lose them but wish them good luck in their new home. Safety Week This is National Dnive Safely Week. Do your part “to observe the Safety Rules. Socials Mrs.“ Carter of San Francisco has been visiting her sister Mrs. Redman, Brookside 7Ro_ad. Correspondent: David Barbour Henderson Ave. Phone AV. 5-5205 Friends and neighbours of Bob Mason of Dudley Ave., were sor- ry to learn of his_sudden attack of acute appendicitis a week ago. He was released from trig hospital Mr. ahd Mrs. C. Jones spent a few days last week igpqrham. Mr. and Mrs. Carson Whalen at- tended the Polish folk ballet at the Maple Leaf Gardens last Fri- day night. Mr. John Anderson and daugh- ters formerly of Brookside Rd. are happily settled in their Jef- ferson home. Happy Birthday Williams. *1.» " nu A ------_ on Friday, November 27, and is recovering very well. Birthday greetings are extend- ed to Mary Perrault of Clarke Ave, who will celebrate her 16th birthday on December 4; and to Jean Simpson, Morgan Ave., who celebrated her 7th birthday on November 28. Doncaster welcomes Mr. and rs. W. Cole, who are now resid- 'ng at 19 Proctor Ave. The Coles are from Don Mills and have one daughter, Dorothy, aged 12. Congratulations are in order for Darlene and Darrell Flew- welling who will celebrate their ï¬rst birthday on December 7. n; .u. u.†..._._ The Doncaster Community La- dies’ Club will hold its Decem- ber meeting at the home of Mrs. Vaxvick, Unionville _on pecemyer ’w'ilâ€"lulvoérin the fbrm of a Christmas party: v A farewell is extended to Mr. and Mrs. N. Thompson‘ Hender- son Ave., who have moved to Richmond Hill. Friehï¬g énd neighbors of Mrs N. Mackenzie, Morgan Ave., are sorry toilearn‘ of_h§1: illness". “‘iï¬Ã©â€™ï¬ï¬w’ï¬â€˜ihe beautiful doll, playgeq and llay‘ette which is now , “,1- 61.-.... r--u on dri§§15§rrét Henderson’s Store, Morgan Ave., will be held Dec- ember 7 by the Ladies_ Qltgb. _ “fljie’nidsrand neighbours of Mr. B. Haley, Clarke Ave., are sorry to hear he is in hospital. WHERE CAN YOU GET HONEST GUARANTEED TV SERVICE WHERE ALL DEFECTIVE PARTS ARE RETURNED? At the TV Doctor of course! PR. 3-5954 Oak Ridges Richmond Hill, Aurora OX. 4-0847 TORONTO ELGIN MILLS-JEFFERSON NEWS DONCASTER A. Lavnée PAINTING DECORATING FREE ESTIMATES CALL ANYTIME. TU. 4-3131 Correspondent: The EvenlngBranch of the Woman’s Auxiliary of St. John’s Angllcan Church TU. 4-2708 TU. 4-1534 During the afternoon the ladies worked on the drapes for the downstairs hall. The Rev. J. Crouch of Bolton and the Rev. D. C. H. Michell exchanged pglpits last Sunday. The Canadian Auxiliary of the British Foreign Bible Society are sponsoring Bible Sunday, Decem- ber 6th ,to be observed through- out the Dominion by all denomin- ations. The Rev. J. Jocz PhD, director of the Nathaniel Insti- tute, the Anglican Church’s mis- sion to the Jews in the Toronto area, will be the preacher at the morning service: V The flowérs on the altar Sunday were the gift of the Jefferson Cubs and Scouts. The sympathy of the congrega- tion is extended to the family of the late Mrs. L. Hughey, a mem- ber of the church for many years, Whose funeral service was held at St, John’s Saturday afternoon. lst Jefferson Cubs Brownies Scouts and Guides Miss Forsy’th, the school nurse, gave the Brownies a very inter- esting talk on first aid last week, telling them about cuts, bandages and slings. The following girls were enrolled into the Brownie Pack, Rhonda Ford, Patricia Wragg, Laurie Thomassen, Linda Duncan, Wendy Gamble Carol Jones and Lorraine Marshall. Plan to attend the Christmas Concert and sale of corsages and Christmas decorations at St. John’s Anglican Church parish hall on Friday, December 4th at 7.30 P. M. sponsored by the Cubs, Brownies, Scouts and Guides. Would any Scout or Cub who has leftflche pack and still has his scarf, please contact eitï¬er Mr. or Mrs. Ensor a-t PR. 3â€"5414. Cubs, Scouts, Guides and Brownies, please bring your white gifts for the Christmas baskets to your last meeting. Jefferson Community Club The school children enjoyed skating at the Richmond Hill Arena one afternoon last week, provided for them by the Com- munity Club. The Community Club Christ- mas party, wil be held at the school on Friday, December 11th. (See Coming Events) There will be square dancing, euchre, at- tractive prizes, refreshments and Christmas carol singingr This will be the last ‘do’ of the season, do plan to attend. There was a small turnout at the Women’s Meeting last week. There will be no meeting in Dec: ember but please remember the last Wednesday in January, the 27th. Bereavement Mrs. Ray Jackson flew Monday night to Nepawa, Manitoba to attend the funeral of her eldest sister Mrs. H. W. Guinn, who died following a stroke last Fri- day. The Community extends deepest sympathy to Mrs. John- son and her family in their great loss. St. John’s Church News The Rev. J. S. Crouch, rector of Bolton Anglican Church will preach at the 11 a.m. service of Sunday morning. WMTHE BoIM HAS TO MEET ITS OBLIGATIONS: CASH: The B of M has cash in its vaults and money on deposit with the Bank of Canada and other banks amounting to ‘. . . . . . . CHEQUES and other items in transit â€" representing the net amount of the moneys moving between branches of the Bank and into the B of M from other banks on account of customers‘ trans- actions.......... CALL lOANS: The B of M has call loans which are fully protected by quickly saleable securities. Theseloansamountto. . . . . . . MORTGAGES and hypothecs insured under the National Housing Act, 1954â€"representing ad- vances to homebuilders . . . . . . INVESTMENTS: The BofM maintains a strong liquid position through investments in high-grade government bonds which have a ready market. Listed on the Bank’s books at amortized value, theyamountto . . . . . . . . QUICKLY AVAILABLE RESOURCES: The resources listed above cover 51.6% of all that the Bank owes to the public. These “quick assets" amount t0........... OTHER ASSETS: These chiefly represent liabilities of customers for commitments made by the Bank on their behalf, covering foreign and domestic tradetransactions . . . . . BANK BUILDINGS: In hamlets, villages, towns and large cities from coast to coast the B of M serves its customers at 800 ofï¬ces. The value of the buildings owned by the Bank, together with fur- niture and equipment, is shown on its books at \OANS: During the year, many millions of dollars have been lent to business and industrial enter- prises for production of every kind â€" to farmers, ï¬shermen, oilmen, miners, lumbermen and ranchers â€" to citizens in all walks of life, and to Provincial and Municipal Governments and School Districts. These loans amount to . . TOTAL RESOURCES WHICH THE BofM HAS TO MEET ITS OBLIGATIONS ..........- The B of M has other investments â€" including a diversiï¬ed list of high-quality short-term issues. These investments are carried at . . . . lst The W.A. and W.M.S. meeting of the Temperanceville United Church was held at the home of Mrs. Ray Jennings. In the treasurer's report $37.50 was received from the Lions Supper held Tuesday, November 17. $308.00 is clear from the tur- key supper. $623.59 on hand. Mrs. F. Wilson. Mrs. F. Boys and Mrs. Milton Wells were ap- pointed to prepare the slate of officers for 1960. The W.M.S. opening theme was read by the president, Mrs. J. Macklin. In October the Thank- offering amounted to $10.55. The holiday bags will be brought into the December meeting which will will be held a week earlier on December 10. Mrs. J. Macklin who attended the executive meet- ing of the W.M.S. Presbytery told of a request that something be done by the government for the re-adjustment of girls who have spent time in jail Next year the allocation of $16,200 for the Presbytery will be raised to $17_500. This extra money will be used for ï¬nances for the retirement of missionaries now on the mission ï¬eld, for mis- sion work and overseas relief. An all day annual meeting will be held January 28 in Stouï¬ville Un- ited Church. A youth rally will be held later perhaps around Easter. The president gave an interest- ing synopsis on a book by Dr. Ross who ï¬rst went to Africa in 1912 and returned in 1958 to prepare material for his book “Africa Disturbedâ€. In that per- iod from no academic education the Africans now have seven un- iversities. Changes have come too rapidly for the people to adjust themselves thus they are disturb- ed emotionally, religiously and educationally. The older people have no education, the youngsters are receiving a formal education. However the missionaries work is appreciated and is helping these disturbed people of Africa. Mrs. A. Beynon, supply secret- ary, read a letter requesting all kinds of new as well as used clothing especially in large sizes. The sacrament of the Lords CORRESPONDENT: MRS. MILTON WELLS. R. B. 3 KING Phone PR. 3-5239 TEMPERANCEVILLE NEWS For information and reservations contact your nearest CN R Agent. x and reservations c N arest CNR Agent. --TD WESTERN CANADA, El 'l'o Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Edmonton, Jasper and Vancouver __ Supper will be observed in Tem- peranceville United Church on December 6th. Missionary Sunday will be ob- served by both junior and senior groups of the Sunday School on December 6. The WA. and W.M.S. will meet Thursday. December 10 at 2.30 pm. at the home of Mrs. John Umehara (one week early). The W.M.S. devotional will be taken by Mrs. Wilkins. The roll call is “A Christmas Carol". Members and all those having “Holiday Bays†are asked to bring them to this Christmas meeting. The W.I. will hold a Christmas party with their husbands as guests at the schoolhouse on De- cember 9 at 8 pm. The roll call is to be answered by the husband as “When and where I met my wife.†There will be an exchange of Christmas gifts and a singspir- ation. Mrs. Nelson Thompson is program convenor with Mrs. C. Henshaw and Mrs. S. Paxton as- sisting. Personals Mrs. Bob Turner has now spent two weeks convalescing out of the hospital after her operation. One week was spent in her own home -- one at her mother’s, Mrs. F. Hare. The children have been staying with their grandpar- ents for a while until Mrs. Turn- er is stronger. Friends sincerely hope Shirley will soon enjoy im- proved health. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Macklin and Cathie were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Les Smith of Blackwater on Sunday. VANDORF â€" Mrs. Margaret Campbell, solicitor, and an alder- man in Toronto, appeared before Whitchurch Township Court of Revision, representing a large number of residents of Wilcox Lake. She stated that she was hoping to prove to the Court that there were many discrepan- cies in the assessment, and if the assessment was proved in error, she would request the Court to declare the assessment null and void. Mr. rand Mrs. Wilbert Jennings had the pleasure of having week end guests from Manitoulin. S 302,015,952 $1.578,355,278 $3,259.693,572 1,353,187,079 680,591,333 205,646,327 197,816,881 227,153,276 192,284,785 47,009,972 53,987,967 WHAT THE B ofM OWE! T0 OTHERS: DEPOSITS: While many business ï¬rms, manufac- turers, merchants, farmers and people in every type of business have substantial deposits with the Bof M, well over half of the money on deposit with the Bank is the personal savings of more than two million private citizens. The total ofalldepositsis . . . . . . . . TOTAL OF WHAT THE BofM OWES ITS DEPOSITORS AND OTHERS............. OTHER LIABILITIES: Miscellaneous items. represent- ing mainly commitments undertaken by the Bank on behalf of customers in their foreign and domestic trade transactions . . . . . WHICH MEANS THAT THE B ofM HAS RESOURCES, OVER AND ABOVE WHAT IT OWES, AMOUNTING TO . . . . . TO PAY ALL IT OWES, THE B ofM HAS TOTAL RESOURCES, AS SHOWN ON THE LEFT SIDE OF THIS STATEMENT, AMOUNT- INGTO............. BANK OF. _M'0NTREAI: M W ?M This ï¬gure of $201,350,731 is made up of money subscribed by the shareholders and, to some extent, of earnings which have from time to time been ploughed back into the business to broaden the Bank’s services and to give added protection for the depositors. FOR THE YEAR ENDED OCTOBER 315m WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK OF lIFB SINCE 1817 Judy's Childrens’ Wear LEVENDALE RD., RICHMOND HEIGHTS PLAZA ALL MARKED PRICES COATS, SNOW SUITS, JEANS, HOUSECOATS, BUNTING BAGS, NIGHTIES. DIAPERS & BAGS â€" EVERYTHING! ' PLUS FREE CHRISTMAS FILM SHOW, FREE HATS, BALLOONS AND CANDIES. PARTY GAMES, LUCKY PRIZES. LOTS OF FUN. Free tickets to children of customers - ï¬rst 350 - now to Christmas for party in Lions Hall, Centre St. East. 2:30-4:30 pm. Thursday, December 24 (This store is a member of the “International Credit Chargeâ€. Shop now â€" pay next year on this plan) DOUBLE CHRISTMAS BONUS THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY ONLY Ask your CN ticket agent about the tremendous saving! on can make under our new Group Economy Travel and ‘All Inclusive†Western travel plans! Also Pay Later Plan available! 10% OFF Me [Jill/It'll]! ;, 1959 S 201,350,731 $2,998,208,008 $3,058,342.84! 3,259,693,572 60,134,833