Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Dec 1959, p. 21

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If you have an old piano â€"â€" not in use â€" why not turn it into cash? TU. 4-3614. AMAZING NEW DISCOVERY ! NEW WAY TO GET RELIEF FROM mMPULSE OF CANADA HU. 7-1441 01' MRS. ESTHER REEVES TU. 4-4103 FREE - 28 PAGE FACT -' FILLED Booklet Tells How Pianos Wanted Phone Today for your Copy. No cost, no obligation TWO LOCATIONS COMMON ARTHRITIS PAINS CARS SLIDE TOO! lomombor lo be exhu careful when driving In wlnlorâ€" CIA 'Avl’o Insurance Owen Sound, Windsor, ' Hamlllon, Guelph, Snrnia, Scull Ste. Marie, Belleville, 0mm In: ‘l'o_ronlo,Alondon, Onawa, SLOW DOWN speed limits were sel for good driving condilions FOLLOW AT 'A SAFE DISTANCE wilh plenly of room In slop KEEP WINDSHIELD CLEAR danger must be seen Io. be avoided TEST BRAKES AT INTERVALS \- gel the feel of Ihe road PUMP BRAKES lemming on brakes locks wheels and causes skids USE GOOD TIRES 0R CHAINS making stops antler on \Ilppery surfaces Christmas UV TREES *2 For Careful Drivers Pod Arthut CU-OPERA TORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATION By Yvonne St. Claire Anybody who has experienced the rigours, worries, and countless handlesps that crop up when mov- ing an entire household from one locality to another, will know how degply sappreciuble an out- stretche han , a kindly look, or a proffered suggestion can be. Such a time is always one of con- fus‘ion, blunders, things forgotten or misiaid .and above all it is a time of weariness, of bewilder- ment and that strange, almost terrifying sense of - Aloneness, that comes at such times, when. the body is tired, and the mind jaggd Ito‘o. , ........ That is when a friendly smile, even from strangers casually en- countered means so much and that is what we found, my sister and I, when we set out from our old home in the Big City, intent on making a new one. not so Very far away, but actually in The Town upon the Hill. Kay and I sold our home in September, and because the ur- chaser was young and ar ent, and “engaged to be married," he wanted to take possession as soon as pessible, in order to prepare it for his bride. So We agreed to hurry out) and of ,course the Estate Agents who en- gineered the Deal promptly sup- ported us, No sooner was our decision reached than they des- cended on us with a sheaf of at~ tractively pictured and still more attractively described dwellings, which they,inferred that “one thing! But it wasn’t as simple as that. Some were too expensive, others too far out of town. others again not feasible, from our point of view anyway. Then as the Agent gathered up his latest batch, a single slip of paper‘ floated out to lie temptineg at my feet. "What's that?" said Kay, “It's a picture of a house that looks just beautiful!" “That,” said the Agent. hope- fully picking it up, “Well, that, ladies, if you really care to con- sider it, is just the place for you; right price, right terms, right ev- erything! And it’s right on The Hill. Would you care to see it?” The Big Decision “Let’s go, Lil,” rapped out Kay, so that is how we came to be motoring, one shiney Autumn morning, in company with two genial Land Office Agents, farth- Newcomer Tells Of Warm Welcome To Friendly Town Glad Hand From Town On The Hill Is Very Much Aggigmgjgggé ’1‘ IF SO you’ll like Hydro’s New Hot Water Service which provides you with a new modernautomatic elec- tric water heaterâ€"and all the hot water you needâ€" forone attractive low monthly payment. There is no installation charge. Maintenance, ser- vicing, and even replace- ment are free. DO YOU [IKE your hot water really Lo; â€"and plenty. of it? * for your laundry, *for your bath, , *for your dishes, =1: for your children a]: for dozens of other things about the home? Our staff will be pleased to tell you all about this all-inclusive HOT WATER SERVICE. ION'TKRIU 63 PUGSLEY AVE Phone TU. 4-1192 AV. 5-3622 RICHMOND HILL RETARDED CHILDREN ilHXDPE er and farther North into the‘ colourful hills that surrounded Canada's Queen City. It was a lovely house. we both saw that. and promptly fell in love with it. And speaking of sociability We had no sooner stepped from the car, and our Agent-Escort was groping {utiler for a missing key, than a bright-faced young woman came out of the neighbouring house, looked keenly in our di- rection. then positively ran to- wards us. "Are you. are you going to buy this house?" she asked. speaking eagerly, and with a charming smile. “We're thinking about it,” I answered shyly I’m afraid. and just then our Agent growled out a volley of self-reproaches for forgetting the key. But her smile brightened, as she said cordially:- “You are Oh I’m so glad. hope you do ..... The Key? Have yOu forgotten it sit? Never mind, I think I can let you in. for I know you can’t decide unless you see inside. You see I did some work for the last owner. and I think I know a trick ..... " She did; and so we all trooped into a plea- sant little dwelling as attractive within as without.“ .. n . .,. AD I u u....vy‘ . "The answer is "Yes." ejaculat- ed Kay. before we had been inside five minutes “Isn't. It Lil?” she added over her shoulder. But I just nodded. for ‘1 was as at- tracted as she. And the young woman beamedz- I’m so glad. for now we’ll be neighbours," she ex- claimed, then;- “I must tell my husband. he'll come and help you ‘moVe in." “Now it's back to your lawyers," exclaimed our gratified Land Agents, as we d‘rove a- way," and then you can start packing!" Kindly Neighbours __ Days that followed were full of bustle, confusion and countless handicaps, yet, when- ever we made flying visits to the home-ofâ€"our choice. during the in- terim period, those days were al- ways lightened by the cordial welcome of that same bright- faced young woman, and her stal- wart husband, whom she prompt- ly brought to us, the next time we arrived there. “We‘re so glad you are coming," said she, and he, “Is there anything you want done before you get here? That fence? You'd like nit mended?" “If you could," I ventured differentially, "You see we have some pet dogs, and we would not like them to wander, or annoy other people." “Of course not; you want them, to stay home!" he nodded gen- ialiy, “All right ladies, the fence will be mended by the time you get here!” And it was. The movers arrived promptly at 8 am. sharp one morning, af- ter we‘- had workedfor days pack- ing up and tying small parcels of books, nick-necks etc., hoping to save time and effort. “Now, ladies, you leave every- thing to me and my pals,” said the Leading-Moving-Man, taking in the situation at a glance, and then purposefully rolling up his Elzeves. So very thankfully we 1 . TTlie Hill The place to which we were bound is a thriving independent town, complete in itself, yet near- er and more easily reached from the heart of the Great City, than many of it’s own suburbs. It is the Town on the Hill a go-ahead community named for a much older and very historic one in Old England. It is a place of rol- ling hills with thickly wooded slopes, of vast skyscapes, where the dawns and sunsets are rich and vivid in colour. and it is a place that, despite the burly-bur- ly of City life, so palpably near, has managed to retain its own SouL It has been called The Hill, and it seemingly specializes in -warm-hearted co-operation and -the frequent employment of the Welcome Mat. The first place Kay and I en- tered was the town’s Municipal Offices, for the good and suffic- ient reason that we had to “sign” for the Hydro and Water, and from the moment we drew near the counter ,and. somewhat tim- idly stated our business, we en- countered instances of the Good Will and friendliness that seems characteristic of the place. “Are you new here?" queried the lady at Information Desk ..... “0h! Good! Then welcome to our town. Have you arranged to have your water-heater connect- ed? Ah no, you wouldn’t think of that right away. Just sign here for your Hydro Power, and I’ll just telephone Mr. J-â€"< and ask him to go right over, and now, the Water Department's right next door, just go in and sign, and they'll hurry things up for pa you I'm sure The Water Department was just as obllglng. and we had scarcely entered our new home when their truck drew up at the door, two sturdy fellows descended carrying those mysterious-seeming instru- ments that evidently can conjure up water for places totally un- suspected by the uninitiated. and one of them looked up, saw me peering out, waved a friendly hand and called...” Quick as we could be, lady! Now you can have your cup of tea Moving in seemed easier than moving out. and when we were alone. and Kay and I were look- ing about for the first thing to set pa straight, there came a tap at the door. There stood the bright-fac- ed young woman, who had greet- ed us from the first. “Come over to our place," she said, “We have Some lunch ready and you must be all fagqu 011}. Then Dad anq Days that followed were busy and eventful. Everywhere we en. countered kindly faces, welcoming smiles and such cheerful remarks 35...." Have you just moved here?"... "Are you getting set- tled now?"..... “Oh. I'm sure you will like it! Now if there is any- thing I can do.....” And these were no mere empty pieasantries or proffers, as we soon discov- ered, people really Were glad to see us and would help us readily. Once we found we needed an- other key for the side door, so We went to the nearest Hardware Store, tendered our key and reâ€" quested a duplicate to be cut. The clerk looked at us keenly, then;- “You are the new folks come to No.... aren't you? So you want another key? Certainly, we’ll fix you up in no time, but there's no charge; that is our gift to you from the Welcome Wagon.” Ky ubusbgfid willncanie over and help you." The Welcome Wagon _ “The--? repeated Kay question- ingly, and our new friend smiled. “Haven't you heard of the Wel- come Wagon? Oh, we have a very energetic one in our Community; they’ll be giving you a call.” Settling .a new home is a full time job, for a period anyway, and though Kay and I basked frequently in the consistent kind- liness of the neighbours, we forâ€" got all about the mysterious Welcome Wagon, until one noon- day some three weeks after our arrival there came a knack at the door, and a smiling lady stood there, a gaily be-rlbb‘oned basket on her arm, and in the drive be- low, a very serviceable-looking Austin. "Good afternoon," she said, speaking our names as familiarly as if she had always known us. I am Mrs. 13-»- your hosteSS of the Welcome Wagon, May I come in?” From Pioneer 'ljimes IV LBUUAVV “.4. ~___ message among the rest, there Were utilities, such as Service Stations, Cleaners, even Medical Centres, giving us, as it were, a friendly hall, and assuring us that they Were standing by if needed, and even the local paper and the local theatre preferred introductory treats, so the univer- sal spirit of good will thrilled us, “Welcome Wagonlf' I said speak- .ing to our friendly visitor, “It is a charming idea, but how comes it? Where did it originate?” “From Pioneer Times,” return- ed she, and have not forgotten." Expressions of Good Will ,,,L_.I ._ nap-w»--v..- __ me “Yes, we have remarked on that," said Kay, “The friendly, generous, common-sense attitude, which we always believed to be an attribute of the true Canadian, but which sometimes seems ob- scured by overcrowding, is very evident here.” Our visitor nodded. "Yes: and suburban committees, such as ours are seeking to keep it so, and indeed to strengthen it. The Welcome Wagon idea, as a means of greeting newcomers, is spring- ing up everywhere. As I said‘, it dates from Pioneer Times, when “home,” often meant just a cov- ered wagon, pulled by a team of horses or oxen. The women of any established camp, used to be on the look-out for any new ar- rivals. They would load up a wagon with all sorts of gifts, and utilities, fresh water, food, medi- cine, clothes, anything they thought that newcomers, especial- ly inexperienced newcomers, would need. And they would hur- ry forth to meet them, calling a cheery greeting as they came. Today, my “Wagon” is my faithful little Austin, the gifts are tokens, useful or attractive from various residents and tradesfolk, but the Spirit of Welcome remains the same. We are glad you have come to live among us, and we hope you will be happy here. Now, if there is anything you need, any 'advice or information that I can give you now. or later, here is my ‘phone number; you have only to call ..... " I Was A Stranger-r Long after our charming visitor had glided away in her up-to-the- minute “Welcome Wagon," Kay and I sat talking, looking over the gifts, pretty and useful in themselves. but priceless because they embodied something more, Something so valuable, so rare. that we spoke of it softly ,and with bated breath. ' “It’s Friendliness, Lil,” said Kay at last, after one of our long, thoughtful pauses.” and those little things that mean so much. The ready smile, the Prof- fered hand. not merely from people we know, somehow one gets to almost expect that, but from folks we never saw before. who never saw us; who only know that we are strange; and lonely, because we have come from a place where We were known, to a place where we are not ..... ” ecfioffi‘gflifii}; irrn_em_ory, “(opng i”h§&°o?iéh heard, bui' which. samehow, now took on new mean- cause the One Who uttered them was Divine ..... " I was a Stranger, and ye took Remember the first promotion you received? The one you work- ed so hard for? If so, you have some idea how five young fellows and two not so young ones felt on Tuesday ev- ening, November 24th. Many were the envious grins and yet warm the grasp as each Cub of the lst Beverley Acres Pack shook hands with his fel- lows from the six as he was leaving. Then with rigid backs and shaking knees they marched up to Scouter Norm Foster and were presented by their respec- tive Akelas, Tom Carney and Alec Smith. Ex-cubs Keith Fallis, Tom David, B111 Grant, Allan Miller, f the Shere Khan Pack and Bruce Johnson of the Kaa Pack were ac- cepted into the ranks of the Scouts and took their places side ‘by side with their new mates. One really notable achieve- ment: Allan Miller were all thir- teen badges it is possible for a Cub to earn. Quite an accom- plishment! ' After the boys had their in- nings, John Turner, Assistant District Commissioner for the York Summit District, Boy Scouts Association was introduced. He requested Jim Dunkley, president of the local Group Committee to bring forward new mem- bers of the Committee: In a moving ceremony Alec Young and Jack Sparling repeated the Scout Promise and were invested into the Scout movement and presented with Group Committee pinis: The Assistant District Commis- sioner spoke briefly to the assem- bly and had special words of praise forficaqterfllj‘oster. 7.... -1.1.. -nn ,... The Ladies Auxiliary, ably rep- resented by Mrs. Enid Amos, Mrs. June Dunlop and Mrs. Mary Der- rick served refreshments to the parents and leaders. I nodded; other words cam_e ANNOUNCING The Patti-Lu Shop 24 YONGE ST. S. will be open 9 am. to 9 pm. From Dec. 9 to Christmas GET RESULTS PHONE TUrner 4-1105 LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS TRY LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS Claride BEAUTIFUL ' AZALEA PLANTS COFFEE TABLES “'A'V'Auxag'az'v‘vflr“ REsGfiecfifo 10% DISCOUNT ARTIMA MARBLE TOP Largest selection of planters, pottery, OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9p.m.'MON._-_l_=R.|.l Law 352% 5600). Me In!" YONGE ST. 1/4 MILE NORTH OF RICHMOND HE One of the longest lasting, most Endean Nurseries Salesman for Farm Machin- ery and Industrial Equip- ment Dealer. Opportunity for high earnings. Salary & commission, car supplied. Experience preferred. Con- tiiwt Box No. 23 “The Liber- a ”. SALESMAN HAULED ANYWHERE, ANYTIME In addressing the Honour Gradu- ates of Thornhill High School at their 5th Annual Commencement held recent- ly, Dr. Helen S. Hogg adviSed, “shun the easy life proclaimed in the TV com- mercials and instead work and produce for the good of the country.” She also expressed the hope that “Canada will become a bi-lingual country and that the imagination of its people could be fired to develop the Canadian Arctic. “the centre of the world, not its edge.” FRESH WATER Trnh“ 9h Sch“ 0° fads”. Thirteen of the graduates are seen Frank Evison ELGIN MILLS TU. 4â€"2728 ,ridfmad THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, December 3, 1959 21 and greenâ€" indoor plants in the district colorful Christmas plants. 6-inch pots. No delivery this item only. REG. PRICE 5.00 SPECIAL FfiR COUNCIL GIFT CERTIFICATES ‘1‘ SOUND FINANCIAL POLICIES ’3‘ MORE PUBLICITY TO APPOINTED BODIES PROTECT YOUR INVESTMENT IN RICHMOND HILL Winnifred and Eric Adcock wish to thank the businessmen and people of Maple for their flowers, patronage and friendly attitude on the occasion of the opening of their new store. STRICT ZONING ENFORCEMENT COMMUTER SERVICE ATTRACT DESIRABLE INDUSTRY Preserve Your Pleasant Town DRIVE - IN RESTAURANT Specializing in SPARE-RIBS, STEAKS AND ADCOCK’S VARIETY STORE BARBECUED CHICKEN WILL REMAIN OPEN CHRISTMAS DAY 9/0911“ THANK YOU above: Front row, seated, left to right: Cynthia Jane Taylor, Margaret Helen Thacker, Marylou Ethel Fugler, Carla- Christa Gelke, Dorothy Lynn Condon, Elizabeth Louise Patterson._ Back row, standing, left to right: Clive William Simpson. Irene Agnes Watters, William Franklin Harvey, Graham Neal Houzé, Brian George Smith, Katharine Anne Elwood, James Leslie Green. fags ., FORUM MAPLE, ONTARIO Kbgéfifi: Marion Whitney Laird. 53. IV. 5 - 5122 LoblaW’s Parking Lot & Dufl’erin at Yonge

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