EXPEWENCED woman willing to 100k after family In mother’s absence also baby sitting. +3158 tic _____.______â€"â€"â€" MAN will do painting and paper- hanging. Fast. eï¬icient work. Very low prices, Years of exper- ience. TU. 4-2902. tfc12 ‘._____â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"i HANDYMAN, painting, general repairs. BAldwin 1-7619. c3w21 DAYCARE given £01 children. Clean home CARPENTRY, kitchen cabinets, recreation rooms. arborite work. Satisfaction guaranteed. TU. 4- 3711. c2w22 WOMAN warits day work or 12.2 cleaning. Got own car. 4-3125. after 5. cl YOUNG man just arrived from B. C. wants employment for 3 months only, good worker. does any @1133. Ron Forrest, 223 Baker . --... my A 419: __________â€"i, EXPERIENCED handy-man to do carpentry and cleaning cellars and garages etc.. evenings and Saturdays. TU. 4-4137. tic23 131': $575836 1â€"1111: 4-4135. *1w23 WT knowledge shorthand, desires full or 1 time work. TU. 4-3263. cl‘ HOUSEWORK 'wanted by the day, Tuesday and. Friday. $7.00 nï¬â€˜lnldn ICHILD cared for while mother \works. TU. 4-2630. c1w23 uuy, Luuuuu; ..-- per day and caFfaIâ€"‘éfwheliable person. TU. 4-2546. c1w23 _____..____i, RAPERIES, dressmaking and al- terations expertly done. Reason- able. TU. 4-5488. tfc23 PRIVATE chauffeur desires work in Richmond Hill vicinity, 40 years experience, with good ref- erlences. TU. 4-5854. c2w23 Jill-Huh!“ ..--_. ‘ expertly-done. â€" Mfrs: J. Shields, 473 Lynett Crescent, Richmond Hill. nc2w23 DRESSMAKiNG_z_md gltggations 4,1)- IDRESSMAKING and alterations .-. .. ‘Ann quuu..-.--___ V .. F33 Garden Avenï¬e, AV. 5-4426. c1w23 OPENING for one salesman In busy Richmond Hill Realty of- ï¬ce. Call Mr. Shields. TU. 4- 3805. David McLean Ltd.. Real- tors. Richmond Hill. c1w20 REAL ESTATE SALESMEN We have openings for two career minded. energetic men of neat appearance in our busy long es- tablished Thornhill office. Exper- ence is not necessary. excellent aining and the opportunity to am a better than average in- come. Please call Mr. Carlisle, AV. 5-1178 or evenings, AV. 5- 2742. David McLean Ltd., Real- ors. c1w20 OYS or girls wanted for delivery f papers. Profits $3 to $8 a week. oronto Globe and Mail, 140 ms St. W. Toronto. EM. 8-7851. *3w22 IngRL or @oman for house work 0 live in. King TE. 3-5241; OFFICE HELP. for Richmond Hill office. answering phone. typ- ng, some light clerical work. pply Box 21 The Liberal. *1w23 ELEPHONE Solicitors to work at home. Guaranteed salary plus onus. Carpet Trading Ltd._ 114 ichmond East, Toronto, EM. 8~ 8106. c2w23 ï¬OUNG man to operate mach- inc and undertake general duties n light manufacturing plant. Phone AV. 5-2238, after 6 pm. c1w23 ABLE bodied young man for gen- eral work in northern fishing camp; year round employment commencing about middle of J an- uary. References. Box 22, The iLib‘eral. Man with ales experience pre- femd. Automobile experience not 11mm :1 we will train [To the man who qualifies we offer. ‘3. THE OPPORTUNITY FOR mama: EARNINGS. Apply in writing or by phone to:- ‘90 MILES east of Peterboro, ov- erlooking Big Clear Lake. Fur- nished cottage, sleeps 3, hydro in, fridge. stove, pressure system, 14‘ boat, 10 h.p. motor. boathouse, 175' lake frontage. TU. 4-5591 after six. tfczo EMPLOYMENT WANTED HELP WANTED .. SALARY PLUS COMMISSION. METRO WRECKING and [UMBER (0. NEW & USED LUMBER PLUMBING SUPPLIES FULL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS. AGGRESSIVE SALESMAN REQUIRED I. 1). Little and Sons Ltd. 10030 St. N. Richmond mu AV. 5-1105 The Sales Manager COTTAGES FOR SALE Eor pre-school ne. TU. 4-1963. adge of or part c1w23 c1w22 c1w23 c1w23 *2W23 of- _____.__â€"â€"7, CAPONS. and fowl. highest prl- eel paid. Don’t sell until contact- lng W. S. Appleton. Oak Ridges Poultry Grading Station. phone PRospect 3-5301. tfc27 THIS IS THE MONTH The government is ï¬nally getting out of the egg market. Now is the time to get set for better prices. For top prices for your eggs ship to Maple Egg Grading Station. PR. 3â€"5282 -.â€" PR. 3-5119. c4w20 SAT., DEC. 12 â€"- Auction sale of house and effects. furniture, etc. The property of the late Mrs. George Thompson, 52 Centre St., Aurora. Sale at 1 pm. sharp. Gordon Phillips, Auctioneer. House to be offered for sale sub- ject to a reserve bid. c2w23 It # Ill It SAT†DEC. 12 â€" Auction sale of 72 acre farm, solid brick house, bank barn and outbuilding. 9 acres of wheat. 7 acres of hay. Running stream hrough proper- ty, 11 head of cattle, 3 horses, full line of horsedrawn implements and large quantity of household furniture. Many antique articles at Lot 13, Can. 7 Pickering Town- ship. The property of John H. Middleton. No reserve. Sale at 12 noon sharp due to short days. Alvin S. Farmer, auctioneer, ‘ALE REGISTERS bhone Gormley 5311 VOTE SAT. DEC. 5th VOTE ECONOMY VOTE MacDIARMID Ceiling Squares 12 x 12 - 10c Hardboard POULTRY! W ANTED 4x8 - $2.00 Figurama Now Available TEMPULSE OF CANADA IS PLEASED T0 ANNOUNCE THE APPOINTMENT OF AS THEIR REPRESENTATIVE IN THIS AREA FOR THE FIGURAMA HOME SLENDERIZING TABLE. Mrs. Hill completed the comprehen- sive Figurama training course to be- come a. fully-qualiï¬ed ï¬gure consul- She will show you step by step how amazing Figurama can help you lose pounds . . . lose inches . . . ï¬nd beauty. Call Mrs. Hill today for a free home demonstration. No obligation of course. IN RICHMOND HILL, AURORA AND WILLOWDALE! Phone TU. 4 -l463 MRS. NED HILL c2w23 ROOM and Board near Yonge, suit two men. AV. 5-1321. ROOM and BOARD ROOM arid Board available. Gentleman preferred. TU. +4987. c1w21 ROOM and Board available in Richvale. AV. 5-2230. c1w22 AVAILABLE for one or two men. with all conveniences. On bus line. Parking. TU. 4-514g17fl ROOM FOR RENT. board option- al, suit one gepfleryan, Con-ven- ient to fific.“ AV. Any sizeâ€"aï¬néke. pay cash, phone Toronto LE. 4-9419, collect. tic3 USED FURNITURE WANTED â€" used furniture. Cash prices paid, Call Frank’s Movers and storage. TU. 4-2613. Av. 5- 5101. tfc? CHILD’S TRICYCLE Large size for six year old. TU. 4-4366. c1w23 CHEST of drawers elitra wifig, Z “6:13; ‘s'éatflcwhva'iré. Reasonable condition for painting. TU. 4-2115. After 7. c1w23 ï¬ECTRIC TRAIN. TU. 4-1059. WASHING machine, in good con- dition. TU. 4-5315 between 6pm. - 8 pm. 1 large furnished room, suitable for one or two. Parking and board if desired. TU. 4-4201._ 2 little girls waht used piano for Christmas. TU. 4-3143. c1w23 FREE USE 6f horse and saddle. until June 30 for boarding of same. TU. 4-4321. c3w21 PULLETS, ï¬ght sussex. 6 months old. Laying well. Tel. AL. 7-§76fl7ï¬. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 14†Fir Plywood PIANO N ANTED WANTED Good One Side 4 x 8 - $4.50 4x7 - $4.00 ’5-4228. c1w23 J onkout. nc23 c1w22 c1w23 cl'w23 c1w23 c1w23 Board A pprozges Motion Richmond Hill Public School Board met last Thursday‘ evening in the MacKillop Public School teachers’ room and one of the ï¬rst considerations of the evening was a letter from the Toronto Building Trades Council regarding labor practices of the board when providing new construction in the school system. The following motion, proposed by Harold Sanderson, was passed: “Wherever possible the contractor shall give preference to mechanics and workmen who are residents of the town of Richmond Hill. Rates of wages, hours, and working conditions of workmen employed on this work shall be in accordance with the union rates of wages, hours and working conditions as set out in building trade work- ing agreements in the town of Richmond Hill.†Employ Town Workmen First 0n R. Hill Public School Building Projects More Portables Needed To pave the way in case new accomodation is necessary immed- iately the board has obtained ap- proval of the provincial Depart- ment of Education to purchase two more portable classrooms. It was decided at Thursday's meet- ing to try to rent or purchase used portables _from agotber school board before purchasing new ones which will probably cost $6,000.00 each. The board al- ready has $40,000.00 invested in portables. - ‘ r "7A__1-_-.! ll yum. u uuuuuu Trustee Sanderson wondered if it wouldn‘t be wise to consider expanding Crosby Ave. School which now has approximately 39 pupils per classroom. With the completion of Pleas- antville School in 1960 and a pos- sibility of expanding Crosby School, Chairman L. D. Clement admitted there was a likelihood of surplus portables in 1961 but said, "We must do this in order to accomodate present pupils.†“If portables won’t be in sur- plus until 1961 then we,had bet- ter get them now,†commented Trustee Mrs. Virginia Sully. On hearing an apartment unit was going up at Centre and Elizabeth Sts. Mrs. Sully asked, “Why are we not going to have the ad- dition to Crosby ready until “Could we justify the addition to Crosby now to the Department of Education?" asked Trustee Jos- eph Rabinpwijcoh: ~ ,3," -p_v.. 1961?" Superintendent Gordon McIn- tyre suggested that the Depart- ment of Education allowed a board to plan for five years in advance. “Could we justify it financially with the high cost of financing?†asked Trustee Rabinowitch. Money Won’t Come Down “ï¬béh? ieiï¬Ã©his money to come down,†said Chairman Cle- ment. ulcuu. Trustee Sanderson interpolated, "I hate to see us sitting with $40.000.00 tied up in pox-tables we aren’t using.†“They will come into use in a couple of years," added Mrs. Sully. “We can’t plan that well to say we won‘t need the portables. We can’t get the Crosby addition soon enough to avoid having por- tables now,†stated chairman cle- ment. - -a - . .74- L- rent or pul Convention vvu . V-.._, ._ The board will pay the expen- ses of the trustees and four staff members who wished to go to the annual meeting of the Ontar- io Educational Research Council at the Royal York Hotel on Dec- ember 4th and 5th. Trustee C. Williams submitted Trustee C. Williams submitted a report on “Schoolhouse Plan- ning and Construction†based on notes from the Public School Trustees’ Association Convention in Port Arthur in October. Trus- tee Williams commented. “We should always encourage our architect to include the artistic aspects. Our town library is a wonderful example of good arch- itecture.†“School board conventions are very helpful as these reports of board members show," comment- ed Chairman Clement. “What has gone on in our sys- Free Estimates Home Alterations Rec. Rooms Tile Floors Laid Girls’ Wool Dress Coats, for trim, quilted lined and teens up to 14x Children’s Nylon and Cot- ton Snow Suits, with fur trimmed zipper hood Men’s Suburban Coats, in Melton, wools, fleeces, cords, asst’d shades Boys’ Wool Suburban Coats, With fur lined zip- oï¬ hood, 10 to 16 years Ladies’ Wool Dress Coats, chamois- interlined, asst’d new styles, 10 to 20 SIMPSUN’S DRY GOODS 'was then decided to try to or purchase used portables. 12 Yonge St: tem over the last years is largely the result of people going to conventions," said Mrs. Sully. Mrs. Southwell Resigns The resignation of Trustee Mrs. Margaret Southwell effective Nov- ember 23rd was read to the board and received. A reply was moved by Trustee |Su11y and Trustee Sanderson accepting Mrs. South- well's resignation and wishing her success in her bid for town coun- cil Mrs. Southwell was elected for a two year school board term last year. Boy Scouts have requested to use the tumbling mats at Beverley Acres School. Before a board de- cision, the Principals will be con- tacted by Superintendent McIn- tyre to ascertain their positions regarding use of school athletic equipment by outside organiza- tions. Handicapped Children Superintendent McIntyre sug- gested the board appoint a com- mittee to give further study to the problem for the education of the physically handicapped child which will be an actual problem iï¬lltlhe future growth of Richmond 1 . Chairman Clement asked the Curriculum Committee (Mrs. Sul- ly, Chairman) to study this sug- gestion and _bring in a‘report. _A__u__ Tenders for general supplies will be opened in the presence of Mrs. D. Street, the secretary- treasurer, and Superintendent McIntyre and they will make re- commendations to the board. De- cember 5th is the last day for tendering and the tenders will be opened December 7th. Adding prestige to the local school system will be the presence of student teachers from Toronto, announced Superintendent McIn- tyre. For observation and prac- tice teaching, these potential tea- chers visit selected schools for a week during their school year. Sight saving books are avail- able from the Department of Edu- cation for these children who find it hard to see, said Superinten- dent McIntyre. Study is also made as to where they should sit in a classroom, he said. Trustee Williams was concern- ed with those who may be hard of hearing and not know it. Trus- tee Rabinowitch wanted to know‘ if slow learners were tested for; eye and hearing defects. i Superintendent McIntyre said Dr. Kerber was to send‘ him in- formation from the Department regarding procedure in these mat- ters. Trustee Sanderson questioned the Safety Patrol operating with- in the schools. Superintendent McIntyre is apparently not entire- ly satisfied with the present sys- tem but made no recommendation Thursday evening. Chairman Clement recalled the safety patrol program was in- tended to have the pupils co-op- erate with the police not take their place. Superintendent Mc- Intyre believed the principals should take over the program, He said, “The duty of the child must bi: limited to a child standing on the sidewalk and stopping the other children, not to stopping the traffic." “The safety patrol will only come into my direc- tion if it does not work," the Sup- ‘A 1--.: uuu u erintende n. :1? acknowledged. ETAINLESS STEEL SINKS A’s $1250 VANITY BASINS B’s Richmond Hill $7.50 $131.95 $24.95 $7.95 $151.95 $17.95 $13.95 $29.95 $39.95 “My House Shall Be Called the House 01 Prayer†RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. G. Higginson, B.A.. B.D. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1959 9.45 pm. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Morning Service The Lord'sisupper 7 pm. â€" Evening Service Young Peoples Fireside Group RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. N. Hepburn. Minister SUNDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1959 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School and Bible Class 11 am. â€" Morning Worship (Sacrament of Baptism) 11 am. â€" Nursery Department 7 pan. â€" Young Peoples Society ST. MATTHEW’S UNITED CHURCH Crosby Ave., Richmond Hill Rev. William W. Patterson, B.A.. B.D.. Minister SUNDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1959 9.30 am. â€"- Sunday School 11 am. â€" Public Worship Nursery and Kindergarten meet. '7 pm. â€"- Evening Service The Christmas Story in Pageant and Music The Young People supported by ‘ the choir. Richmond Hill Rector: Rev. J. F. O’Neil SUNDAY, DECEMBER 6. 1959 ADVENT II Eighty-seventh Anniversary 8 am. â€"â€" Holy Communion 9.30 am. â€"â€" Sunday School 9.30 am. â€" Morning Prayer Preacherz' Rev. W. F. erxon, L. Th. 11 am. -â€" Holy Communion Preacher: The Rector (Nut-Set) and Jr. Congregation) 7 pm. â€"- Conï¬rmation by the Right Rev. F. H. Wilkinson. M.A., D.D., Lord Bishop of Toronto Wednesdays 10 am. â€" Holy Communion COME TO CHURCH AS A FAMILY THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. Hugh Robert VMacDonald, SUNDAY. DECEMBER. 6, 1959 10 am. â€" Intermediate Church School ‘ 11 am. â€" Church Worship and Church School The Men’s Choir will lead in worship. V 7.30 pm. â€"- Y.P.U. KINGDOM HALL OF JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES 166 Cedar Avenue Richmond Hill SUNDAY, DECEMBER 6. 1959 3 pm. â€" Public Lecture “What Can PRAYER Do For You?†by A. Brodie. 4.15 pm. -- Watchtower Study taken from November lst. , Watchtower Magazine â€"- Innocence by Respect for Sacred- ness of Blood EVERY THURSDAY 5 pm. â€" Service Meeting 5 pm. â€" Ministry School N0 COLLECTION 7.4 8.4 TU. 4-2677 RICHMOND HILL THE CHURCH OF ST GABRIEL Anglican Richmond Hill East Crosby Avenue at Bayview Rev. J. W. Newton-Smith 407 Lynett Crescent TU. 4-4236 Organist: Mrs. E. V. Collier, A.T.C.0. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1959 8 am. â€" Holy Communion 9.30 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Holy Communion 11 am. â€" Nursery and Junior Congregation up to 5 years 11 am. â€" Junior Church 6 to 11 years 7 pm. â€" Evening Prayer RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH Corner of Elmwood and Ruggles Rev. Earl S. Bull, Minister Church of the Light and Life Hour, CHML. 9 am. Sunday SUNDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1959 9.45 am. â€"â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€"- Worship Service Mr. A. C. Collins preaching '7 pm. â€" The Family Gospel Hour A message in song by the young people. The Moutoux Evangelistic Team December 7 to 13. Each evening at 8 pm. and special Children's Hour at 4 pm. We welcome you to the fellow- ship of this friendly family church that continues the teaching of Original Methodism. 1x2 - 2c per lin. ft. 1x3 - 3c per lin. ft. 2x4 - 61/2c per lin. ft. RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST CHURCH 50 Wright St. (Opposite the High School) Pater: Rev. Robert W. Irvin. B. TIL. 33.3. Phone: TU. 4-2095 SUNDAY. DECEMBER 6. 1959 9.45 am. â€" Bible School for all! RICHMOND HILL LIONS HALL Centre St. East EVANGELIST MEETINGS with illustrated lectures Every Sunday 8: Wednesday Evenings at 7.30 pm. until further notice. Films and music. Free Admission. " you are invited! 11 3.111. â€" Morning Worship 7 pm. â€"‘-_Eve_ning‘<§ospel Service Monday at 7 pan. Boys’ Club - 8 to 16 years old TUESDAY at 8 p.111. Ladles’ Fellowship - 352 Kerryâ€" brook Dr. Wednesday at 8 pan. Mid-week “Hour of Power†Thursday at 7 pm). Glrls’ Club - 8 to 13 years old A Friendly Welcome Is Extended ‘ To ALL At The young church with the old Message! ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. December 3, 1959 25 ALL WELCOME HOLY TRINITY CHURCH THORNHILL SUNDAY, DECEMBER 6. 1959 2:11! Sunday in Advent 8 mm. â€" Holy Communion Corporate Communion for men 11 am. â€" Holy Communion 7 Preacherf The Rector 7 pm. â€" Evening Prayer Preacher: The Rev. D. L. Varey Wednesday 10.15 am. Holy Communion THORNHILL BAPTIST CHURCH I Stop 17 Yonge Street Rev. Percy G. Buck. B.A.. 3. Th. 5 Old Orchard Grove. Toronto, 12. Out. HU. 1-3142 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1959 Communion Service .. 11 am. Reception of new members DEC. 13 WHITE GIFT SUNDAY A cordial welcome to all THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Calvin Chambers. B.A., BJ). SUNDAY, DECEMBER 6. 1959 CHRXSTIAN BIBLE SUNDAY 11 am. â€"- Sermon The Living Book 7.30 pm. -â€" The Young Adults. Young people ‘16_ye_ars and up are invited. Monday, 6 pm. â€" Young Life Club Bible Supper Hour Wed., 8 pm. â€" Prayer Fellowship at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hook. 254 Rumblg Avenue_ Richmond Hill Thurs., 7.30 pm. â€" Communi- cants' Class Frl., 7 pm. â€" Children: Happy Hour Sat., 9.30 am. â€"- Choir Practice The Minister is in the Vestry each morning Call AV. 5-5391 and Junior Sunday School 9.30 am. â€" Young Peoplé‘s Bible Class and Senior School Come and worship I Church Mackay Drive - klchvalo Rev. Edward Morley TU 4-3286 Mrs. 10:. E. Howard. Organist 11 am. â€" Morning_PraÂ¥er Oak Ave SUNDAY, DECEMBER 0. 1959 9.30 am. -- Breaking of Bread 11 3.111. â€" Sunday School and Family Bible Hour Mr. Colin Anderson 7 pm. â€" Evening Gospel Service 7 pm. Monday - Pioneer Girls 8 pm. Tuesday â€" Prayer and IICHVALI GOSPEL CHAPEL Bible Ministry 8 pm. Thursday â€" Young 7 People’s Meeting December 12, 2.30 pm. â€"- - Kindergarten and 151: Grade Christmas Treat SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST 555 W. Finch (Branson Hospital Campus) George M. McLean. Pastor 9.30 am. -- Sabbath School 11 am. -- Worship Hour Every saturday morning All welcome (Anglican) HOURS OF SERVICE All Saints’ Church - King City 8 am. â€" Holy Communion 10 am. â€" Morning Prayer 11.10 am «- Sunday School Yonge at Jeflerson Rector: Rev. D. C. II. Michell. LLB. Morning Prayer ...... 1! mm Sunday School 10 mm. Bible Class (Intermed.) 9.45 am. Holy Communion 2nd 8: 4th Sundays GORMLEY - UNITED MISSIONARY CHURCH Rev. C. E. Blinking. Minister 8.45 am. â€"r Broadcast cm 1300 10 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. -- Morning Worship 7.30 pm. â€" Evening Service (Sunday School bus from Elgln Mills 9.50 flan.) ST. STEPHEN’S CHURCH Maple The Anglican Church of Canada Rector: Rev. Ramsay Armltaze. 8 am. - Holy Communion 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer Holy Comgnunloq on‘ 2_nAd Sunday of month at 11 11 am. â€" Sunday School Holy Baptism by appointment SUNDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1959 MAPLE 10.15 am. â€" Church School In all departments 11.30 am. â€" Morning Worship HOPE 10.30 am. â€" Morning Worshlp 11.15 am. â€" Church School EDGELEY 1.30 run. â€" Church School 2.30 pm. â€" Worship Service MAPLE PASTORAL CHARGE THE UNITED CHURCH OI‘ CANADA lav. Harold W. Davies. 3A.. Minister ST. PAUL’S. 7th CON. VAUGHAN TWP. Mr. Louis Egan, Chairmln Board Of Managers SUNDAY, DECEMBER 6. 1959 10 am. â€" St. Andrew's Church Sacrament of Baptism 11.30 am. â€"- St. Paul’s Church Subject:- “0 Word of God Incar- nate" Come _To Church EMMANUEL ANGLICAN Mr. Herb Constable, Chairman Board 01' Manager: and ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN 81'. ANDREW’S, MAPLI ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 14-2 Wire with ground 5c per ft. PARISH 0!" KING CABRan UNITED CHURCI 2.30 pm. â€" Worship Sen-Vic. ST. MARK'S ANGLICAN Oak Ridge: - Yonge n Elm Grove Morning Prayer . . . . . . 9.45 mm. H ‘y Communion â€" lst Sunday Sunday School . . . . . . . . 9.45 LII. Church St. Langstnfl Mhlster: Rev. B. T. Mesh-dds. 10 8.1!}. â€" Bible School with Adult Bible Class 11 mm. â€" Morning Worship 6.80 p.111. â€" Pgayer Meeting 7 pm. -â€" Gospel Service Wed. 8 pm. 7 Pgayer and BIhlo Study Thurs.. 1 pm. â€" Women's Misu- Thurs., 8 p.m. â€" Evening Mll- ionary Fellowship :1 :1 Circle 2nd and 4th '1‘ ursday of ea'chr month (2 miles south of Maple) For information call AL. 7-1251 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 0. 1950 11.30 am. â€" The Service , 10 am. â€" Sunday School and Bible Class Pastor. RE; Van-slim. Ii. TI. SUNDAY SERVICES 10 to 10 â€" Bible School 11 - MORNING WORSHIP The Choir. The Pastor 7 â€" Evening Service Sermon, “The Meaning of Bap- tism". Believers will be baptized at this service. Pictures and Fire‘ side to follow. “The Church that is Looking Ahead" 1 block east of Yonge. Ste! 1_2_A “LJIIREN I'N CHRIST CHURCH Wm. Vanda-Bent. Puts! 'l'el.: Richmond Hill. TU. (-81. Hem Hill (Gonnley) 10 am. - Sunday School 11 am. â€" Worship Service 7.30 pm. â€" Evening Servlco Wed.. 7.45 pm. - Prayer Meetlnl Vaughan (3rd Com. 2 miles north of Concord) [0 mm. â€" Sunday School 11.15 mm. -â€" Worship Servlco Concord (Schoolhouse) 10 mm. â€" Sunday School Oak Blazes. Aubrey Ave. Roy ngh. Pastor TeL: Gormley 5544 10.30 am. â€" Sunday School 7.30 pm. â€" Evening Service Tues. 8 p.111. - Prayer Meeflu CHURCH 0? CHRIS“! Meeting In Concord School lion. Each Lord’s Day Evening .9 7 Inn. Gospel Message Tune In CKEY (580) at 9:15 Ln. Sunday mornings And Jesus spake unto them. saying, al_l power is given you ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH me in heaven and hi earth. JAMES 1 v 21.- Wherefore lay apart all ï¬lthlness and superflulty of haughtlness. and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which ls able to save your souls. 93 Yonge St. 8. Richmond mu TU. #2791 AVE-3942 FREE DELIVERY Open Sat. Until 5 pm. Keep Your Family PURIRAITS LAGERQUIST STUDIO Avoid The Christmas mull Make an appointment for someone in your family today! And what a wonderful way to tell your family story to relatives far away! LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH Teeh FeIIOWShip YOUNG