23 THE LIBERAL, Richmond 3111, An Independent Weekly: Established 1878 \â€"â€"â€"â€"J Subscription Rate $3.50 per year; to United States $4.50; 10c single copy Member Audit Bureau of Circulations Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association J. E. SMITH, Editor and Publisher MONA ROBERTSON. Associate Editor "Authorized as second class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa†Saiurday Is Voting Day 01b: liberal Ontario, Thursday. December 3, 195 ,mcuu‘nqfls “The Poor In Spirit†Poverty is something we all fear. Our whole emphasis in Western culture. as well as throughout the world. is to es- cape from the miseries which ac- company want apt! privation. What then does Jesus mean when He says. “Happy are the poor in spirit." Does He want us to give up all worldly wealth becpme poor monks, as Christians did in the dark middle ages. If this_ is what (By Rev. Calvin Chamber!) "gitâ€"'Eliiï¬'stethS of any stoék rkeL he great tragedy is that there many people who think they v in goods, and have need of thing, and do not know that ey are wretched, miserable, or blind and naked." There are any people in the world today e this. They need to discover ' truth expressed by the hymn ter: Nothing in my hand I bring, imply to Thy cross I cling. n doing this, the door of God's gdom would be flung wide n-to them. They would be re- ved not as beggars, but as 1dren returning to a Father's se. They would have the joy wearing a new robe, and ring sonship. The fatted calf would killed and there would be joy d merriment. Poverty of spirit turned into unearned wealth, en life is lived under the rules the King of The Earth. 2 rich, and yet are poverty icken, John speaks of members the Church at Laodecea, as se “who are rich and incl-gas: ichmond Heights Plaza Levendale Rd. TU. 4-5341 ch will endure forever. The gs of this life will decay and i511. but the Word of the Lord ideth forever. The rich man he (who constantly claims the 'mlses of God as his own. In doing he knows true wealth .ich is not subject t_o the clung: Efï¬rélEis “pimmlses of 'God For complete service and parts new machinery and industrial uipment. oodyear Tire Service. ive us a call for demonstra- n and full particulars. bN’T BE DISAPPOINTED st man I know is the man has nothing but money."‘ Christian apostle, Paul had‘ little materially speaking, e is constantly rejoicing in act that he “has all things.“ e poor in spirit are the peo- ho know that of themselves have nothing. They recog- their spiritual poverty. In need they have turned to st. who is the fountain head all spiritual treasures. In ng to Christ, they have en- lnto.an inheritance as sons e Liv'ing God. This is t6 be indeed, be rich in the things of the it should be the chief aim of man. God’s treasures are material, but spiritual. Jesus “where your heart is. there your treasure be also." True 1th has to do with the mat- of the heart. The Christian ealthy'because he possesses treasury of God's word. The lmist exclaims. as he medl- 5 upon the Word of God, re to be desired are they 11 gold, yea much fine gold." the Bible we have the‘ great v .HIELDS WILLIAMS Service & Supply R. 3 Bolton Phone Bohon 150 FOR The Old Country . with your Overseas Travel Service S. G. GURNEY, Agent BOOK NOW MASSEY-FERGUSON SALES & SERVICE This is a theme which runs [ghout the Bible. Our Lord nds us that “a man’s life sts'not in the abundance of things he \possesses.†John Lockerfeller once said. “The flea south of Bolton on Hm. 50 ‘ meantfwe certainly are a way from fulfilling Hi3 de- ‘ually, Jesus talked about the ' in spirit.†within the frame- of the Jewish thought. In .ord’s day the “poor†referr- most exclusively to faithful rers. It referred to the s of this world, but if our is true and well grounded, ‘ave wealth which far ex- the treasurcs of the king's when the poor were [y more faithful to God times of persecution were the rich and prosper- We may! be poor in, 'the Bradford PB. 5-3464 Richmond Hill TU. 4-2152 Facts and Faith PAUL DELMER iYANTZE EPAGODA Bj-Ben-Areendi, we had to remain there for three days while the car was serviced and it was the 20th when we continued our journey, through Setif to Constantine. In Constantine the police insisted that we camp directly opposite the central police station. They laid on water and toilets for us and set an armed guard over our camp,rand when we left we had an armed escort. There-had been ï¬ring every night of our brief stay but during the daylight hours everything was under control, with soldiers and police continuously patrolling the town in armoured trucks. At that time and still today a total of half-a-million French soldiers are tied down in Algeria to contain the nation- alist revolt. We saw the French frequently stopping Arab citi- zens and searching them for arms, home-made bombs, etc. French policewomen would stop Arab women in the streets and would search carefully through their voluminous clothing for hidden weapons. Women and children are equal participants with the men in the revolt. At one town-we visited, a youth had ridden up to a restaurant patronized by French settlers, had propped his bicycle against the entrance and fled. The cycle carried a time bomb which exploded a few moments later to kill 42 of the people in the restaurant. But demonstrating the fact that the hatred of the natives was reserved for the French alone. on this occasion an American who happened to be in the restaurant at the time was advised by another Arab to “get out quickly and don’t stop to ask questions.†The American followed this advice with the result he lived to tell the tale. This further convinced us that the extensive precautions the French were taking on our own behalf were not necessary â€" but there was no persuading them and so we could but surrender to their control. FOLLOWING OUR ADVENTUROUS ARRIVAL AS RELATED IN OUR LAST COLUMN. at the’ Fort of Our police escort took us to Aid Balda, a distance of about 200 miles. Police motorcycle patrols went ahead and came along in our rear. A visiting monarch or ambassador could not have been taken more care of. Please note Wed., Thurs., Dec. 9, 10; last complete show 8.30 pm. At Ain Baida we were handed'over to the care of a military convoy which was travelling towards Tunisia. Unfortunately for me, this convoy was about to leave within half-an-hour of our arrival and I was therefore robbed of any opportunity to relax and rest betWeen journeys. The family fared better because they could sleep in the house trailer while we were on the move. How tiring it was can be imagined when it .is remembered that few of the roads were paved. That the heat was intense and clouds at sand enveloped us as we travelled. While all the time we feared an attack. We felt much less secure with our escort than we would have done in the conï¬dence of the British flag and papers we carried. We felt that if the convoy was attacked, our mere presence with the French would condemn us to a sim- ilar fate. It was a long and dusty journey through desert and moun- tain across a very bare countryside but eventually we arrived at Tebessa, a border fortress where we expected to rest for a time. But on arrival it was discovered that a unit of the French Foreign Legion were leaving within two hours, travelling east. So it was going our way and we further learned that it might (Continued on page 11) YONGE &IOXF0RD STREETS, RICHMOND HILL i , ,, Au“--- _____ SPECIAL DINNER PLATE E I i - - Menu - - : CHICKEN CHOW MEIN SWEET & SOUR RIBS FRIED RICE s 5 o TENDER BEEF WITH . BAK CHOY BY REQUEST Every Monday, Tuesday and AV. 5-4303 Legionaires CHICKEN CHOW MEIN SWEET & SOUR RIBS FRIED RICE TENDER BEEF WITH BAK CHOY V r uncut-cw... -‘ PBWATES PROGRESS} With The 'l IIUIIOUS, SWIM]. COMEDY†IUILIIE DELIGHT!†olvnsev. atrium. ‘- noun-o W ._ “VERYFUHNYHFULI. I†If IIIHSI WHICCIAIAEI'ERS!†LADIES', NIGHT WEDNESDAY -mflflfl. Poi DINE OUT AT THE FAMOUS plus FOR RESERVATION Telephone TUmer 43127172 tr; Rlcbmmcd Please note Monday, Tuesday, December 7, 8, last complete show 8.30 pm. . Show Times 7 and 9 pm. (‘Antinuous from 6 pm. Saturdays and Holidays Saturday Matinee, Dec. 3, 2 pm. Only Disney Cartoon Festival ’ and comedies Thurs., Fri., Sat. - December 3, 4, 5 Wednesday, Thursday, December 9, 10 m“: A NEW KIND OF “MORE†Monday, Tuesday. December 7, 8 FREE PARKING REAR 0F THEATRE (KENNETH MORE that is) He’s found a gun in a baby carriage -â€" and found a beauiiful babe ‘I'AINA £le Now the spies are on his trail . . . so begin: this merry tale! KENNETH MGRE 'I'AINA HG plus