Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Dec 1959, p. 3

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SHIELDS RICHMOND HEIGHTS PLAZA Opposite Loblaws TU. 4-5341 Now, for the first time :- Iruly correct shoe for growing children Endorsed by university medical authorities, nearly two million Guide-Steps are sold each year in the United States and Europe. Now, for the fiist time, they are available in/Canada. Prbduet of 32 yei'u's of scientific research, Hewetson Guide-Steps are the correct shoes for normal, healthy children. Built into every pair of Guide-Step shoes are the precise curves needed to maintaip correct foot balance and weight distributionâ€"standing, walking or running. This is especially important in the 'years when the young foot is developing, forming and growing. GUIDE-STEP Monday, Dec. 1H1 Hm- raw "all? Ask For YOUR FREE COPY of "The Story of Guide-Steps' the answer 0? medical research #0 healthy foot growth Your Authorized Loal GuHé-Stop Dealer 3; For School Days, these Guide- Step Two-Straps with leather SuperSoles are tops in style and comfort. Sizes 8% to 3. Guide-Step Dress Oxfords, with leather SuperSoles for extra wear. Styled to ensure snug ankle fit. Sizer 8V: to 3. Scuff-proof Guide-Step Oxfords with rugged long wearing leather SuperSoles, Sizes 8% to 3. Ml? Tfif fAM/D’ $7.95 $7.95 $7.95 LAWSON MUMBERSON said_ “This year I have had the privi- lege of serving you, the electors, on the water and sanitary com- mittees, and was Chairman of the Police and Roads Committees. We have 160 miles of township roads, and 14 employees to look after our roads. On taking over as chairman”_ he continued, “I was astounded at the amount of mon- ey spent previous to last year on maintaining our roads â€" be- cause they were not hard-topped.” STANLEY WATSON was the Chairman of the Fire Committee in 1959 and on the Property Fin- ance an'd Roads committees. He stated, “We have gone all out on a road program I am proud of". Referring to the four fire areas in the fou' corners of the Town- ship of Ma havar. Watson said each area will have its own fire- call telephone for the expediency of handling fire calls_ this was an innovation of the 1959 committee. Mr. Mumberson then went on to explain that the process of hard-topping was commenced un- der his chairmanship and six miles have already been com- pleted more are to be done next year and he said he hoped that future councils would see that this process was continued. “Six- ty percent of the gravel put on the roads was lost under the old system of ‘maintaining’ rather than hard-topping roads, and it was a waste of money.” Mr. MacNeil stated that along with the reeve, he represents the township on what has been term- ed “Little Metro", the co-ordin- vating committee of Vaughan. Richmond Hill and Markham councils. “We have accomplished very much within the past few months”. Mr. MacNeil told his listeners, “we have worked to- gether, rather than bucking each other.” Mr. MacNeil also served on the Police and Road Commit- tees. Of the police department in the township, he said, “We have a very good police force.” CHARLES HOOPER. At no time in his nomination-speech did Mr. Hooper state he ‘was definitely standing for the reeveship, but he did thank his nominatox‘s for giving him the opportunity of “airng some points of interest he wanted 'to bring before the rate- payers”. Mr. Dean has been a member of the Water. Fire and Cemetery Committees too, in 1959. as ‘well 'as being Chairman of the Educa- tion Committee on County Coun- cil. “Education is becoming a big business." Mr. Dean told the can- didates for the school boards. and he asked them to weigh decisions carefully. referring to the “cash basis’ on which a King Township school has been enlarged, thus cutting down on debenture debts. Mr. Dean thanked his sponsors and the electors for their support. JOHN MacNeil. Seeking a third one year term on council, Mr. MacNeil referred to his work with the Water Committee durâ€" ing 1959 and said, “I am quite satisfied work is progressing quite satisfactorily in Water Area No. (Continued from page 1) the deputy-reeve stated, “and our debentures are being carried at only 6% per cent interest rate.” As Chairman of the Property Committee during 1959, Mr. Dean reported that although the town- ship had purchased Victoria Park in 1959, there is still $15,000. in the park fund â€" and that he hoped for more township parks as the money continues to come in. “In the old days we gave the reeve and the deputy-reeve an hour and a half to report on the township's past year’s program," Acclaim Reeve, Deputy-Reeve £421 $er is not right and that it is up to the township to find ways of get- ting something in the way of schools without paying 7%% in- terest. He concluded by saying, “It is the lack of planning we should be worrying about” i . . his next remarks_ “It’s the failure of the Planning Board”, were al- most drowned out by heavy ap- plause from the ratepayers . . ' “they should plan, not obstruct . . . I would not submit to for- eign (Metro) domination. The roots of annexation are already planted in this township â€"- if our fathers had succumbed to that form of tyranny we would be serfs today. If elected I will de- fend our rights”, he declared emphatically. Continuing his fight against the question to be put to the electors on December 7th. Candidate Pat- terson said, “We have rights handed down to us by our fore- fathers and the two- year term is not one of them . . . they fought for this right. “The greatest asset we have in this township", Mr. Patterson con- tinued, “is our boys and girls. we want them to be good citizens and have suitable education.” He said the high cost of building schools Ward 2 contestant said_ “this is something new for me. I am not in a position to report as council has done. but I would like to say something about what I would like to see done in this township. Regarding the matter of the one- year or twoâ€"year term: “Don’t sell your rights .for a few dollars". (He pointed out that the economy aspect is part of the proposal for a two year term.) “I am going to oppose a two-year term”. Mr. Hooper’s first denounce- ment was not directly concerned with Markham Township affairs. but rather a statement that “I have been told that our County is spending Metro's assets.” He said an interim cheque is all the township is getting out of the setâ€" tling of the assets for the county. Then he directed his next point in question to the assessment of the township, stating. “I don’t think there should be four bases of assessment in the township. I think it is wrong to increase as- sessment because a city man comes out 'and buys a farm. We should invite industry into the township â€" we should encour- age it", he stated. He concluded his remarks by saying. “If I had anything to do with the future councils of this township I would do something about the 355ess- ment." consent to run as Councillor of Ward 1. I am concerned with the few people who turn out for nom- inations or elections, that is one reason why I allow my name to stand tonight.” Mr. Plaxton said he had had considerable experience with municipal councils over the years and he felt he could make some worthwhile contributions. "If I am elected," he predicted. “the ratepayers will say at the end of the term of ofi‘ice, ‘A good job well done'. Trust in God and keep your powder dry", he concluded. STANLEY. R. PATTERSON, a Mr. Hooper said. “Now we give them only five minutes." minee for the ward had left the meeting when his name was call- ed. ARCHIE CAMPBELL made Ed- ucation the only plank in his plat.- form for election by stating, “In order to keep up with the fast pace of the world, we have to keep up with higher education.” He suggested the township make a grant next year to the Univer- sity for its extension program. Rebuttal Replying to criticism, Reeve Clark said, “Regarding the Coun- ty assets, Mr. Hooper’s figure’s are not altogether correct." Mr. Hooper had said the county had ‘used’ the money in their trust and now had to pay it back. Reeve Clark said, “When the County was divided the assets were left in the hands of the continuing county, the remaining had to come from the Municipal Board for distribution of those assets. In 1954 it was decided the divis- ion of assets would be on an 85- 15 per cent basis. There was no order given as to the use of that money so the‘ continuing county loaned the money' to the roads department and received interest on it." Mr. Clark said the Municipal Board order was handed down a month ago for the return of the money and the county council was charged three per cent interest on that money: “So you see: we have used the money to good effect in the meantime.” Assessment in the Tornshin of Markham is, “one of the best plans in the County ofi York", Mr Clark stated. “We have a 50- 50 basis here, between commer- cial-industrial and residential. The township has been striving for a balanced budget and assess- ment for many years.” Mr. Dean then spoke and de- clared that it was far 'better to spend money on schools and good teachers than on other things. Re- n‘arding the assessment he said. As for Education, Mr. Clark said_ “It is the school boards who do the budgetting and they pass their budgets on to the council which raises the money. The school boards have the problem of getting the children educated.” ‘We hire the assessors, but we are not reponsible for what they do. they are all under the County Assessor.” To Mr. Hooper‘s comâ€" plaint about money used by Coun- ty Council. Mr. Dean said, “You may have been on County Coun- cil when this was decided,” and the ratepayers present by their applause and laughter signified Mr. Dean had successfully met any rebuffs on that score. FRANK PLAXTON said, "I DALTON RUMNEY. third no- Golden Lion $60.00 250 STARTING TIME . 8 PM. ‘3 "WIN" “"6" icxpor N U M B E R S CALLED Bidding commenced sharp at 6 p.m., the advertised time, and during the next three hours more than 2,000 bids were received. The organization had been so well rehearsed with trial runs earlier that it went off very smoothly so that winning bids in the various groups were announced within minutes of items closing. Score of Telephones The auction went on the air at 7.30 pm. with a welcome and op- ening remarks from J aycee4 Presi- dent Murray McLeod, followed by instructions from Auction Chairman Ted Duffy. DURING the Radio Auction last week, a total of more than 2,500 telephone calls were received in the operations room. The auction was organized by the Richmond Hill Junior Chamber of Commerce in co-operation with “The Liberal” as a grand finale to the “SHOP LOCALLY” cam- paign. Two Thousand Bids It was soon obvious that the Jaycees had done a good job of work in publicizing the auction because a group of a score of tel- ephones manned by Jaycee mem- bers were ‘ringing continuously. 2500 Phone Calls Successful Auction Jaycee Bob Taylor chalks up another bid during last week’s successful Radio Auction when a total of 2,000 bids was received. That the auction developed a high excitement and interest as well as a lot of fun and enjoyment for a very large number of people was soon in evidence as the num- ber of calls passed the one thou- sand mark and went to record be- fore closing more than two thou sand five hundred. I It was a totally unexpected and colossal response which pleased all concerned, not least the Jay- cees themselves or the mer- chants who Darticlpated. Gallons of Coflee The Civitan Service Club, in a nice gesture also telephoned in an offer of two of their Christ- mas Cakes for auction. This club is selling Christmas Cakes for charitable funds. The Jaycees had with consid- erable foresight set up an inter- ior cofiee bar in the Operations room and gallons of coffee were consumed by the Jaycees as they worked through the hectic even- The auction stimulated so much interest that a number of addi- tional merchants rang up during the actual auctipn requesting to be included making further gifts available. These were announced ove‘r the air and made available. Christmas Cakes ing From the more than 200 local merchants who participated only one defaulted subsequently in providing his gift. A successful bidder paid over his money to the Jaycees, then called on the mer- chant to collect the article only to be told that it had since been sold. The Jaycees thought this a bad show and refunded the mon- ey paid by the bidder. This was the one and only blemish on an otherwise highly successful pro- ject concerning which most mer- chants and others are already looking forward to next year. On that occasion the Jayoees plan to collect articles as donated and to place them on public exhibition $0 the greater édvantage of the merchants. Lucky Draw To Follow The draw for a year’s free wa- ter softening service in which all successful bidders automatically will participate will be held this weekend the result will be an- nounced next week. The Jaycees again wish to thank all merchants and others for the grand co-operation and to the public for participating so enthusiastically that a final total of sixty-five per cent of retail value was received overall with this percentage reaching 100 per cent in some individual eases. New Members Welcome Next meeting of the Jaycees is tonight at Summit View Res- taurant Yonge Street North, and prospective new members to this lively, imaginative and compe- tent organization will be welcome to attend. 29 Yonge St. 5., RICHMOND HILL Corn 8. Fancy Peas 4ISoz-tins59c FLUFFO SHORTENING DONALD DUCK ORANGE JUICE DEMPSTERS or CHRISTIES BROOKSIDE GLOBE CHOKE DESSERT PEARS savesc zzotim39g YELLOW RIPE MAXWELL HOUSE N0. 1 FRESH MUSHROOMS 49c T-BONE and WING INSTANT \COFFEE mm 99: AYLMER FANCY MORLEY’S FOODLAND THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. December 3, 1959 BANANAS 2 25c Diner: “Don’t tell me your troubles. Just bring a menu.” .. Speaking of food . . . even the most dainty diner gets gravy on his tie, or some other food ac- cident occurs. That’s where our expert dry cleaning care comes in, Removing spots is just one of our specialties when you en- trust your dry cleaning to us When it comes to dry cleaning come to us fab guaranteed work- manship. I93 Yong. Sheet N., Richmond Hill ""mllfl" STEAKS TU. 4-2922 WAREHOUSE SALES 85 Yonge St. N. (East side of Yonge - just north of Municipal Bldg.) “Before you buy â€" it will pay you'to give us a try!” EASY CREDIT TERMS Cpmplete lalyn and garden equipment set-up Large, rich territory Valuable, exclusive franchises A real opportunity for the right man! $4,000 down will handle. POWELL FURNITURE CALL STAN TROYER Richmond Hill Prosperous Business FOR SALE HAVE A REAL “Merry Christmas" BREAD 2 Clearance At Very Low Prices Relaxing in one of our chairs. LARGE ASSORTMENT Save 9c 2 I lb. ctns. =SHIRT Siam 48 oz.tins 24oz.l.oaves PHIL. BARTH Parking in Rear. pound TU. 4-4835 33. ‘ Imummmmm 'I'Urnor 4-441 I SAVE 10: SAVE 16c SAVE 7c SAVE 56

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