Home & School ASSOClanon lormed, Clarke-Elgin School Here’s one Home & School As- sociation that intends to be right up front â€" it has been formed before the school has been com- pleted. Last Thursday, November 26th, a group of about 30 parents of children who will be attending the new school, temporarily re- ferred to as the “Clarke-Elgin" School, met in the United Church and elected an executive for their Home 8: ‘School Association. The meeting was opened by Mrs. R. Land, vice-president of North York Home & School Council and Mrs. Wm. Kojala, president of York-Slmcoe Home 8; School Council. The following executive was elected: President. Mr. Alec Brown; Vice-President, Mr. Nels Gage; Recording Secretary, Mrs. W. Mitchell; Treasurer, Mrs. J. L. ther. Executive members: Mrs. Ed Percival, Mrs. R. Boyter, Mr. G..Zlnkan, Mr. W. H. Mitchell. There will be an executive meeting held in December but the first meeting of the new asso- ciation will not be held until January when the new school opens. #___â€"-â€" Thornhill and istrict News JOHN -.S..|MQ_N,§. I v I I I w - v (Since 1936 - Holland - Canada) Thornhill Pharmacy C. E. STONEBURG Chemist 8: Druggist AV. 5-2503 Yonge St. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Max Factor Cosmetic; 1 2:30 p.m. RIDOUT FARM BAYVIEW AVE. Good Painting Prescription Service View-Master PAINTING SPRAYING PAPERING AV. 5-1252 RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL INSTITUTIONAL a School {350(59ij Expert Drug Service OLSON'S TOYS ' COME AND SEE OUR SELECTION OF TOYS Proceeds for Convention Committee Fund THORNHILL LIONS CLUB Vitamins Thomhill North of No. 7 Highway 529 Yonge St., Thornhill Our space is limited but you will ï¬nd good variety. If we haven’t got it, we will get it. Thornhill Notes gunmen: AV. 5-2331 just northvof Fariners’ Market Reels AV. 5-5261 Open Evenings Mr. G. Zinkan addressed the meeting and felt that an atten- dance of ‘only 30 people showed a considerable lack of interest on the part of the parents. Mr Zin- kan introduced to the meeting two gentlemen who are running for the Markham Township Area N9. 1, School Board, Mr. John McKay and Mr. Allan Parker. Mr. McKay, a resident of John Street for the past six years, is a graduate of the University of Toronto and of the University of Western Ontario School of Busi- ness Administration. At the pres- ent time he is the managing di- , c-_A_:A_1,. van. “uâ€, rector of the Shouldice Hospitals Ltd. Mr. McKay is an active work- er in the Thornhill Presbyterian Church and at present serves as its treasurer and as a trustee ' Mr. Allan Parker, the other candidate introduced to the meet- ing lives on Johnson Street and has served on the board of School Area No. 1 Markham-Vaughan for three years, the last two as vice-chairman. Mr. Darker has been chairman of ‘the recreation, health, safety and property com- mittees and for the past two years has been a member of the execu- tive of the York County Elemen- tary School Trustees’ Association. He is also secretary of the Thorn- hlll District Lions Club. Aloha Chapter, 0.E.S. -- '“ mu mun-u “a-.-†h-†. ,At the Community Hall, Wil- 10Wdale, Wednesday, November 25th, Mr. and 7M1§1 E. _'I:9‘bey of (Nun, nu. nonv- Au.-. Oak Bank Blvd., Thornhill, were installed as Worthy Matron and Worthy Patron, Aloha Chapter, O.E.S. Mr. and. Mrs. J. Madill were installed as Associate Wor- thy Matron and Patron. _-“2__ The installations ceremonies were held following the Annual Banquet and were conducted by the following officials: Mr. G. Jones, Mr. 8: Mrs. A. Haines, Mrs. A. Everingham, Mrs. D. Var- ley, Mrs. G. Watts, Mrs. June Pearce of St. Thomas, Mrs. J. Jadkson, Mr. 8: Mrs. K. Arm- J. N. Mulholland, Q.C. Radios 80 Richmond St. West, Toronto Consultation by Appointment Phones: Thornhill AV. 5-3315 Toronto EM 4-2780 JOHN'S T.V. AV. 5-4138 Legal Thursday. December 3, Car Radios HI-FI 'rho Liberal†ls always pleased to publish Items of interest contributed by It- nulen In tho Thornhm are: . .. ., . . Our representative In Thornblll I: Mn. Munroe McLem who may be reached by phoning AV. 5-2331. -. strong. Mrs. C. Andy and Mrs. N. Brown. a . The meeting was entertained by three lovely solos by Mrs. W. DeGuerre' of Markham. Between 250 and 300 members of the East- ern Star were present, many com- ing long distances. some from Niagara Falls, U.S.A. Canadian Mental Health Assn. The York County Branch of the Canadian Mental Health Associa- tion is presently having a drive for Christmas gifts for patients who are, or have been. mentally ill and the Thornhill group is participating in this drive. Both drug stores in the village are actng as collection depots for the gifts and all gifts collected wi n_.._:.-. -â€" go to homes in York County or to the hospital in Aurora. Pamphlets are available at the collection box in the drug stores outlining the purpose of the drive and suggesting suitable gifts. Such things as candy, cigarettes, books, letter paper, cosmetics, hose, underwear would all be ac- ceptable. Such things as crayons, coloured pencils and drawing paper would also be most wel- come. Gift wrapping is optional but tags are available at the depots for the donors to ï¬ll in. All gifts will be inspected and if neces- sary, wrapped, by a committee and will go to various individuals for whom they are felt to be suitable. This, by the way, will not be any impersonal, anoymous type of giving. The members of the Thornhili group devote their time visiting these patients, or one time patients, and entertain them in their homes and because of this have a personal knowledge of just what would be suitable for each one. Here is certainly a worthy cause which many of us will be able to help in this small way. Thornhill United Church Approximately 45 members and friends of the Thornhill United Church Men’s Club met at the Church. Tuesday night, Novem- her 24th and played host to rep- resentatives from the Christian Reform Church (formerly Dutch Reform), Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Thornhill Presbyterian Church and Thornhill Baptist Church. The meeting was one to wel- come Rev. MacDonald to the church and was addressed by Rev. Mr. Higginson of Richmond Hill United Church. Rev. Higginson as a student had preached at Newtonbrook United Church and he discussed the multitude of changes which have taken place in the church and community life ‘of the areas bordering on Yonge ‘Street since that time. Plans were made for the men to pick up 750 Christmas trees at Crown Hill which will be sold at the corner of John and Yonge Sts. Refresh- ments were served by ladies of the WA. At the‘baptisma! services held on Sunday morning. November 29th, a group of eight very well behaved infants were baptized. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ellis of 51 Westwood Lane was baptized Debora-Jean. Robert Ivor, was the name given the son of Mr. and Mrs. I. T. Francies of 40 Highland Park Blvd, while Mr.-and Mrs. R. King of 46 Lloyd- minster Cres. had their son bap- tized William Reginald Rupert. Also baptized were Sandra Lee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Schildroth of 20 Idleswift Drive, Robert Lloyd, son of Mr. and‘ Mrs. F. L. Morton, now of Orillia, Nancy Mae, Thomas John and Franklin Wesley, children of Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Warnica of 556 Paul Street. Next Sunday, December 6th will be celebrated as Layman's Sunday at Thornhil! United Church. Laymen will assist in leading of the worship and the ‘ recently formed men’s choir with 40 members will take the place of the regular choir for the occasion. This choir, led by Choirmaster Mr. Hugh Martin is busy rehears~ ing for a Christmas Cantata, about which more later. The Junior and Intermediate members of the Sunday School are also busy these days, rehearsâ€" ing for a Christmas Pageant to be given on Christmas Sunday afternoon at 4 pm. and directed by Mrs. R. Jones and Mrs. R. Pack. Rev. MacDonald met last Sun- day with the members of the Young People‘s Union who meet every Sunday evening at 7.30 pm. and outlined plans for a greatly expanded teen-age program in the New Year. The program of the group last Sunday was a dis- cussion of the Jewish faith, ably led by Mr. Winston Smith, a member of the group. ‘ Thomhlll Presbyterian Church The Senior Class of the Happy Hours group of the Thornhill Presbyterian Church, including captains, held a social after their meeting in the Church Friday night and enjoyed games and re- freshments. The Happy Hours group is one for children from six to eleven, and the Seniors are the 10 and 171 year olds. On Saturday night. November 29th, about 25 members of the Young Adults club enjoyed a rol- ler skating party at the Mutual St. Arena in Toronto. They re- turned to the home of Miss Myrna Hunt to enjoy a social hour and refreshments. On Sunday, November 29th, the Monthly Congregational Fellow- ship Meeting was held at the church. Worship services were led by Mr. Norman Terry and the scripture lesson was read by Miss Wilhemina Vandermey and Miss Myrna Hunt. The guest speaker was Dr. J. Stanley Glen of Eliza- beth St., Thornhill, the Principal of Knox College, University of Toronto. Dr. Glen told of his trip to South America where he represented the Presbyterian Church in Canada at the World ’Presbyterlan Alliance 151: August. He gave a brief talk on the social, political and religious life of Brazil and showed slides of some of the major South American cities. He also played a beautiful recording of the choir of the First Presbyterian Church in Sao Paulo. Following the meeting re- freshments were served to the 75 people Bresgnt. ,QA‘LL ‘v--.__l..._ ruvrâ€"v r- -, On Monday night, November 23rd, the Fortnighters held a spe- cial Mission night with Mrs. C. H. Chambers as the guest speak- er. Mrs. Chambers discussed the study book “Africa Challenges.†She was dressed in African cos- tume and showed slides of many items of interest from Angola, Portuguese West Africa where she was born Mrs. Chambers spent the ï¬rst 17 years of. her life in Angola where her parents were missionaries for over 30 years and so was well equipped to discuss the country. Holy Trinity Anglican Church At their meeting on Tuesday, December lst, Mrs. David Mc- Lean instructed the girls of the Holy Trinity Girls Auxiliary in dancing as part of their physical education badge. Mrs. J. Robinson discussed a chapter of the girls' study book “As Large as Life,†a vocational guidance book. Tues- day's meeting was a supper meet- ing, and the girls also worked at making home made candies which they will take to shut-ins in the parish while carol singing in December. The monthly meeting of the Holy Trinity Women's Auxiliary was held on Thursday, November 26th. The Annual Reports were read and money voted for the fol- lowing projects: the Bishop’s Emergency Fund, 'the clergy Christmas cheque, the Christmas gift for a missionary, the Junior Auxiliary, social‘ service, the church library and the theologi- cal student’s summer expenses. Honourary president, Mrs. W. Askew; President, Mrs. E. Lean; lst Vice-Pres. Mrs. R. Priestman; 2nd Vice-Pres, Mrs. G. Davie; Secretary, Mrs. H. Iddon; Treas- urer, Mrs. G. Howes; Dorcas, Mrs. F. Jennings; Living Messages. Miss L. Wakeley; United Thank Offering, Mrs. P. Skipper; Ap- pointments. Little Helpers, Mrs. G. Howe; Hostess Convener, Mrs. J. Barry; Strachan Houses, Mrs. L. Tomlinson; Rector’s Represen- tative, Mrs. G. Leacock. Theiollowing membei‘s of the 1960 executive were installed: Refreshments were served at the close of the meeting by hos- tesses Mrs Weavers Mrs. Wright, Mrs. Hill and Mrs. Wishart. The next meeting of the W.A. will be the Annual Christmas Party. This will be held in the Church Hall on Thursday, Decem- ber 10th at 1.30 pm. and it is hoped that all members and others who may be interested will attend and enjoy the carol sing- ing, etc. St. Luke’s Roman Catholic Church The Catholic Women’s League of St. Lukes staged a charming smorgasbord pot-luck supper last Monday, November 23rd and some 60 members and husbands en- joyed the delightful variety of ï¬ne foods contributed â€" casse- roles, meat dishes, meat balls, pies, cakes, salads and fancy des- ert. all arranged under the con- venerhip of Mrs. Wm. Reeve. Among herv several assistants were Mrs. Paul Johnson, Mrs. J. P. Loughran. After the dinner, a brief C.W.L. meeting was held with Mrs. E. J. Surrett in the chair, and the group then saw two ï¬lms, shown by Mr. Norman Neill of the On- tario Hydro, one on the seaway and one on the Royal visit. What makes these pot luck suppers more enjoyable is that there is no admission charge as they are not held for any fund raising purpose, and even more delight- ful, the ladies are given a real rest and help is hired to wash the dishes! Thornhill Public Library Hope yu‘u have taken the op- portunity this past week to no- tice the really ï¬ne display in the Library window. Under the direc- tion of Kay Elliott, the Area Art Director, the children of the vari- ous schools in the Area have con- structed a ï¬ne group of story book friends, using many inter- esting mediums. I saw uckle- berry Finn, Heidi. Sinbad. Freck- les. Laura Secord, Alice in Won- derland, Black Beauty and Little Women. to mention a few. Books on hobbies were illustrated by _samples of hand weaving, cooper tooling and asbestos clay model- ing- To further celebrate Young Canada Book Week, Miss Mc- Laren has had the following new books added to children‘s shelves: The Mysterious School Master, Thinking About Science, Made- line and the Gypsies, Disappear- ance at Lake House, Canal Boy, Insect Builders Tell Me About Christmas Kick-Off, Horse and Pony Book, Drummer Boy for Montcalm. The Questing Heart. As you can guess from the titles. these books are chosen to appeal to various age groups â€"- there should be something to keep everybody happy on these wintry days when a book beside the ï¬re is so attractive. Sanitary Contractor c. STUNDEN 1 ucnmonm mu. 111. «mu; Septic Tanks Pumped Cleaned & Repaired Decline $5,000 Grunt Trustees Plan Community Centre Refuse To Deed Land To Vaughan [By Margaret 1. McLean A committee from the Thorn- hill District Lions Club composed of Mr. Harold Keifer and Mr. Les Markle attended the meeting of the Village Trustees on Thurs- day, November 26th, for the pur- pose of seeking approval for the ereétion of a community centre- skating rink and bowling alley in the Thornhill park. Mr. Markle acted as spokesman ‘ for the committee and stated that they had been looking for a suit- able site for further recreational facilities in the Thornhill area and had come to the conclusion that the park was the best and most logical site. They felt that because of the water facilities available it would be most eco- nomical and because of its cen- tral location would be used by more people. While they had no concrete plans to show the trus- tees, they were planning tenta- tively for a skating rink and pos- sibly a bowling alley. The opera- ltion of other skating rinks in ad- .On Sunday morning, November 22nd, in Holy Trinity Church, Thornhill, a stained glass window depicting our Lord with two disciples on the road to Emmaus, was dedicated to the Glory of God and in memory of Helen Marguerite Blackwell Nelles, wife of Wilfred Cyril Lingham Ball, and family. The text beneath the window reads: “Abide with us, for it is toward evening and the dzy is far spent." r The windéw was the gift of Ball and its dedication most RED & WHITE Market 0/ jami/y 8240 Yonge" St., Thornhill ap- jacent areas has shown that such a rink is seldom self-sustaining, because of the large amounts of ice time allotted to :chool and church hockey teams, skating clubs. etc. They felt that the in- clusion of a bowling alley in the same building would not only provide healthful recreation for a larger number of people but would also probably support the skating rink ï¬nancially. ,The Trustees were all in agree- ment that such an addition to the recreational facilities of the Vil- lage would be entirely welcome to the people of Thornhill and were also in agreement that a site in the park would be eco- nomical and convenient. The only point of dispute was‘ the manner in which it might be arranged. Under the Community Centres Act of the Province of Ontario, projects such as a skating rink or swimming pool, etc. qualify for a Provincial grant of $5,000.00 but it is required that the struc- ture be in the hands of a quali- propriate as both the Nelles and Ball families have been connected with Holy Trinity for many years: Mr. Ball was a warden for 25 years. The day chosen for the dedication was Mrs. Ball’s birth date and the white-mums ‘be- neath the window and at the altar were placed by her grand- children. This window, designed and in- stalled by the Robert McCausland Company of Toronto--who have done all the other windowsâ€" completes the windows in the church. fled. governing body, i.e., in thi's' case. the Township of Vaughan. It was the suggestion of Mr. Mar- kle and Mr. Keffer that the par- cel of land required for the build- ing be deeded by the Trustees (who in whose names the park lands are now vested to the Township of Vaughan for the pur- pose of qualifying for this grant. “Thoroughly objectionable" was the term used by Trustee McTag- gart-Cowan with reference to this suggestion. While he was wholly in support of the building being located in the park and strongly suggested it be con-‘ structed there. Mr. McTaggart- Cowan pointed out that at the time the pool was built the people of the village ï¬rmly refused to deed any part of the park lands to the Township and held to this decision in spite of the loss of the grant at that time. Mr. Mc- Taggart-Cowan felt that this feel- ing was still current in the Vil- lage and would in no circum- stances agree to any deeding of iland to the Township. Trustees ‘Sumner and Timmins both can. curred in this. It was suggested by Mr. Mc- Taggart - Cowan however, that there is a will of the Provincial Department concerned to support such a project and that the act was not meant to exclude but wanted only to ensure that such a project would be in the hands of a responsible authority. “If it is in keeping with the intent of the act and is the ldesire of the ,people, an Order in Council can amend the Act.†stated Trustee McTaggartâ€"Cowan. He pointed out that even if} retention of title to the land by the Village did mean the loss of the $5,000 grant, this could be more than compensated for if the shower and toilet facilities in the pool building could be incorpo- rated in the new structure. Mr. McTaggart-Cowan suggested that rather than jeopardize the whole project, the Committee leave the matter of the grant with the Trus- tees and go ahead and prepare deï¬nite plans for the building. Mr. Markle and Mr. Keffer were quite gratiï¬ed by the sup- port from their project and stated that they envisaged the building built into the side of the hill, on two levels, so that it would cover only land which is really of little value as park land. Before any ï¬nal plans are made, Mr. Markle stated that the com- mittee would be aproaching vari- ous church and other .groups in their community for a cross-sec- tion of opinion as to what would best serve the needs of the com- munity. It had been suggested that a meeting hall be included in the structure (which would also qualify for a further grant of $5,000.00) but that with the two new churches and the High School auditorium, it was ques- tionable whether another hall is required. _ To avoid the possibility of any misunderstanding, it was suggest- ed by Trustee Timmins that the Trustees should incorporate their George J aggs, Proprietor, Wishes to thank the many customers Who made the Grand Opening last week a tremendous success. Our ï¬ne service continues with these 'Preview from 5 to 8 pm. Gordon Sellers, Auctioneer FREE PARKING â€" COFFE 4.4; _ _-- nun-Ann FARMERS MARKET Yonge St. Thornhill FRIDAY, DEC. “III Aucnm MEAT MANAGER’S SPECIAL PURE PORK Sausages 35c lb. only FREE DELIVERY PHONE AV. 5-5171 w; uv-n ~ â€"_â€"v_ ,. RKING â€" COFFEE BAR SALE STARTS 8 RM. SHARP SPECIALS 0F COUNTRY idea in a letter to the Committee and the following draft proposal was outlined and ordered to be sent to the Committee: g 1. The trustees are in favour of the facilities outlined by the committee, skating 'rink. bowling élley and hall to be located on the park property. 2. The Trustees are not in fav- our of deeding a parcel of land to Vaughan Township but will explore other ways of getting funds from the Provincial Gov- ernment. 3. The Trustees would like (3) Plans of the facilities proposed (b) its proposed location in the park and (c) an economic study of the operational aspects of the facilities. to be operated by the Area Recreational Committee or its equivalent and held in trust by the Trustees._ The trustees then proceeded to the formal business of their meet- ing. After the formal reading of the minutes of the last meeting it was noted that the estimates for the paving of John Street were not yet in but that the side- walk on Centre Street had been started. With reference to the road closures. a letter from Markham Township was read stating that the matter had been placed be- fore Council and that a survey had been ordered and after this was prepare the question of the closures would be considered. A letter from Mr. J. D. Hons- berger was read, with respect to the proposal to clear the snow from the footpath across his prop- erty for the use of the school children. He agreed to this pro-- pose] under the following terms:’ 1. The trustees do this as a licensee and the permission could be revoked at any time. ‘2. Pefï¬misslon {0 clear the path should result in no claim for a right of way, easement or encum- brance. “Efï¬e would be Indemniï¬ed for any negligence of the Trustees in connection with this snow re- moval. “The footpath was to be for pedestrians and bicylists only and not for motorists. ' Mr. Honsberger also requested that there be no digging or dump- ing on his property as a result of his permission and asked for a letter accepting his terms. The Trustees then passed a resolution agreeing to Mr. Honsbergers terms and directed that a letter be sent him to this effect: A letter from the Thornhill Horticultural Society was read. thanking the Trustees for their $100.00 grant for improvement of the park area. It was noted that the cheque had already been cashed and the trees planted in the park. “:l‘h‘evmr'neetlng adjourned at 10.30 after plans had been made‘ to hold the next Trustees meeting on December 22nd. FOR REAL BARGAINS USE LIBERAL CLASSIFIED TU. 4.1105