Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Dec 1959, p. 5

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November baptisms at. St. Ma- ry's Anglican Church: Ingar Viv- ienne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Packard: Elizabeth Patricia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D‘. A. Foster; Edward'Ronald Fred. son of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Rayner: Keith Douglas. son of Mr. and Mrs. R. E Stewart: Susan Lynn and Kirk Thomas McCall, child- ren of Mr and Mrs. T. R. Thomp- son. Richmond Hill; Timothy John, son‘ of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Park, Thistletown: and, Myrna Ruth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Masters, Toronto. The Yonge Street store of Do- minion Stores in Richmond Hill closed its doors~ last Saturday. Dominion came here in 1922 and the first manager was W. C. Sav- age, and it was located in the block at Yonge and Arnold Streets. Later it was in the Rob- inson block just south of the Post Office, and in 1928 moved to its present lqcation. Remew. F. Wrixou. for many years Rector of St. Mary’s Angli- can Church, will return next Sunday. December 6th. and preach Anniversary Service at St. Mary’s at 9.30 a.m., and at Em- manuel Church. Richvale, at 11 1.111., where a new Altar Cross will be dedicated in memory of the late Mrs. Wrixon. The Ladies‘ Auxiliary oi' the 3rd Richmond Hill Scout Group plan 'to hold their next regular meeting on the evening of Mon- day, December '8. Members are requested to bring along with them a wrapped gift, not to ex- ceed 5°C, for the auxiliary’s Christmas social. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wagner of Richmond St.. have just returned from a ten day motor trip to New York where they visited with their daughter. Mrs. Doug Allan and family. Mr and Mrs. Stanley attended the dedication Anderson Funeral Home tenham last Sunday. The bazaar and Lea held at flu York Manor. Newmarket Vas Friday, was a great success am over $500 was raised by the aux iliary. “BARBEE” Black Suede Pump with squash heel “KATHY * Black Suede 0 Black Patent SHIELDS Richmond Heights Plaza OPPOSITE LOBLAWS yflM‘W fa? fiff W held at the arket last :uccess and Pipher of the in Tot- Editor Margot (.racx $8.95 Support Your local Lions Club Nll'l' DRIVE, DECEMBER 10"“. The Women’s Institute mem- bers are asked to note that the December meeting will be held in the WI. room in the Municipal Hall on Thursday, December 10 at 2 pm. Theroll call is a wrap- ped and labelled gift for a person at York Manor. This is the Christmas program and a special item will be the demonstration of the making of Christmas flowers by Mrs. John Bayley. Crosby' Heights Home and School Association held its Nov- ember meeting, on Wednesday, Novemb r 25, in' the school audi- torium. he subject of the even. ing was “Mental Health’. Mrs. Grace Jackson was moderator of a panel consisting of a parent} Grace Jackson was moderator of a panel consisting of a parent, Mr.'J. Haggart, Dr. Mysaryk and teacher Mr. Browning, who dis- cussed and answered questions on a film, “The Age of Turmoil" which had been shown Mr. Browning, teacher of health in grades 7 and 8 at Crosby Heights School had some very interesting illustrations made by his pupils which were on display. The even- ing came to a close with a friend- ly coffee break. Seen enjoying the Scottish reels at. the 48th Highlander’s Ball in the Royal York Hotel on Friday evening were Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Crampton, Miss Anne Spaull, Mr. Warwick But-t and Major and Mrs. R. S. lem. all of Richmond Hill. ' Congratulatiom from hte Rich- mond Hill Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society to the new Maple- Wood Unit. .111 four years the branches of "Maple and Wood- bridge have proved so active and have increased in membership to the point where they are now “on their own.” as the Maple-Wood Unit. Good luck. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Leno. Lei- sure Lune, who recently celebrat- ed their ‘Diamond Wedding Anni- versary have been recipients of a beautifully framed certificate marking the occasion. from the Ontario Government. “Pretty as a Rose" the news reel featuring the contest at the‘ opening of Allencourt I. G. A. is being shown at Richmond Theatre this veekend. :- * a: it Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Leno. Lei- sure Lune, who recently celebrat- ed their’Diamond Wedding Anni- Congratulations and best wishâ€" es to Mr. William C. Savage, Cen- tre Street East, who on Novem- ber 26th. celebrated his eightly- sixth birthday. A son of one-time Postmaster Peter G. Savage, he has lived all his life in Richmond Hill. and for many years conduct- ed a store on Yonge Street. TU. 4-5341 TH Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Redelmeier were hosts to the Curtain Club following the final curtain of Blithe Spirit, which was present- ed at the High School for three night last week. A presentation was made to the director, Mr. Stephen Ker Appleby. by Marg- aret Bergin (Madame Arcati) who thanked him on hehalf of the cast, for his untiring work dur- ing the last two months. The fes- tival director, Mr. Richard Bar- rett spoke briefly regarding the “Chalk Garden,” and an initial readingxwas held last night at the home of the President, Cicely Thomson. Mrs. Rhoda White. Becker Road and Mrs. Anne Simmons. Cartier Crescent, local representatives of the Womens League of Health and Beauty, left Malton on Sun- day afternoo with 19 other mem- bers from T onto and Hamilton centres. to participate in a dem- onstration to be given at the Al- bert Hall, London, on Saturday, December 5th. On November 12th, the Sugar and Spice Club met at the home of Mrs. A. Young,-Oak Ridges, with a Splendid turn-out. Mrs. G. Cameron subbed for the presi- dent, Mrs L Wainwright Winners at cards were W. Cartier, M. Blackburn; and G. Cameron. Hostesses of the evening were Mrs R. Cartier and Mrs. W. Tur- ner. On November 26, Mrs. H. Patton of Cartier Crescent open- ed her home to the club with 13 members present. Winners at cards were Mrs. ’11. Blackburn, Mrs. A. Young_ Mrs. E. Lambert. The Christmas» party was discuss- ed and will be held at the home of Mrs“. E. Cartier, December 16. Hostesses“ of the evening were Mrs. E. Lambert and Mrs. R. Patton. - Mr. and Mrs. Louis Reid en- tertained about thirty relatives and friends at a buffet luncheon in their home on Crosby‘Avenue. following the baptism of I their infant twin sons Louis Wesley and Gordon David, on Sunday, Nov- ember 29th. at St. Gabriels Ang1i~ can Parish Hall. The league, which has been in operation in Canada since 1935, has developed rapidly. and many women, both young and old thor- oughly enjoy the weekly classes of exercises to music. The dem- onstration, which is in honour of the 30th anniversary of the lea- gue, will be attended by teams from the British Isles, South Afâ€" rica, Australia and New Zealand. "Ca'rois and Candlelight” will again be the delightful theme of the Christmas meeting of the Richmond Hill Horticultural Soc- iety on December 10th at 8 pm. in the Lions Community Hall. Adding to the enjoyment of this pleasant evening will be the ,“Escorts” a Barber Shop Quat- tette, members of the S. B. E._ B.- S. Q. S. A. who have been sing- ing together for two years and this year competed in the Ontario District Contest. Fred Shou- bridge. Toronto, is fihe lead - Ten- or - Bruce Curtis, Richmond Hill. Baritone - Jim Boyd, Toronto and Bass - Ed. Fertuck, Toronto. The Rev. Wm. Patterson of St. Mat- thews United Church .will deliver the Christmas l'nessage. Prizes for accumulated points, won at. the flower shows will be presented after which refreshments will be served during a social period. .Young and old will enjoy partici- pating in this evening “of carol singingu so come and bring the family and neighbors. ‘ On Nov. 24 St. Mary’s Angliâ€" can Evening W,A. held their an- nual nomination meeting in Wrix- on Hall. The new 1960 executive is as follows: Hon. Pres.. Mrs. J. F. O’Neil; president, Mrs. R. T. Hutchison; lst '.yice-president, Miss Ruth Johnson; 2nd vice- président, Mrs. E. P. Morley; recording secretary. Mrs. J. Goo- dier;' corresponding secretary, Mrs. W. E. N. Mann; treasurer, Mrs. W. A Acton} Dorcas. Mrs. R. J. Piller; education. Mrs. E. P. Morley; social service, Mrs. D. V. McIntyre; Living Message and bulletin, Mrs. W. Bettridge; Ex- tra Cent A Day, Mrs. L. BalliUn- lted Thankofierlng, Mrs. G. Mac- Laren; Refreshment Convener, Mrs. A. S. Armstrong; Auditors, Mrs. R. W. Paris and Miss Rita Saunderson; Rector's nominee. Mrs. J. A. Munroe and Mrs. J. C. Wallace. _Wlth nominations over, Mrs. R. A‘. Baker. bazaar convenor, announced that all groups were ready for the bazaar on Decem- ber 5. The Mens Club, under the leadership of Mr.‘ Herb Mont- gomery have a special attraction for the children. “The Pirates' Den”. Small fry will be able to have fun at games, “Dig for Treasure” and Fish from a Pond, then cool 03 with soft drinks and ice cream. The W.A. members were reminded that gifts for needy children are to be brought to the December 8 meeting. The Canadian Legion. Branch 375. Poppy Day collection, this year reached the record high of $1,248. Mrs. F. B. Titshall. Poppy Chairman, was delighted with the results and wishes to thank all the school children, teachers and general public for their whole- hearted support. also Mr. Ned Hill for entertainment. ’LARGE â€" Peter and Mary Jane (nee Horsefall) are happy to an- nounce the‘birth of a son, John Douglas, November 30, 1959, at qulesley Hosp‘ltal, Toron- to. *1w23 James and Graham. sons of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Allaway. Roseview, left on Friday from Montreal a- board the “Saxonia” for Lon- don, England: Graham, age 13, a pupil at the Lillian M. Mc- Conaghy School, will be staying for six months at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. Newton, Chelsea, while James, after a short/satay with his brother, will be leav- ing to try his luck in Sydney, Australia. Catholic Women's League of St. Marys Parish. The President Mrs. William Henderson welcomed the guests and then introduced Rev. Father McGinn who expressed his pleasure at the well attended ev- ent, and hoped that everyone had a very pleasant evening. Lucky draw winners were Mrs. J. Wil- son, W. Hargreaves, Mrs. L. An- ning, Mrs. M. Stokes and Mrs. L. Bloom. Winners for bridge were - ladies high. Mrs. J. A. Coughlin, Second, Mrs. Con. Ducharme. Men’s high, Mrs. J. A. Coughlin, second, Bob Dunn with consola- tion going to Mr. Parke. Euchre prizes were Ladies high .- Mrs. J. Dewsbury, second, Mrs. Ruth Wright. Men’s high - Keith J. Marie. second, Helen Feather- stone (playing as a man) consola- tion to Theresa Carey. Winner of most lone hands Mrs. Pauline Cot-triss. Door prizes as follows: Mrs. Stoney, Mrs. Beaupre, Mrs. Darling, Mr. Frank Giles, Mr. K. Milne, Mr. E. Watson, Mr. Rupe Andrews, Rev. F. McGinn, Mrs. Helen Boyle, Inez Hayes, Mrs. Edna Poulin, Jean” Garlick, Miss Grace O’Brien and 511 Stef- fen. Convenors for this very suc- cessful event were Mrs. V. McCul- lough, Mrs. John Daley, Mrs. Hel- ‘en Boyle and Mrs. Mat-t Steph- enson. A very successful Turkey draw, Bridge and Euchre was held at Our Lady Help of Christians School, Richmond Hill by tye BELFRY â€"- Ron and Lillian are happy to announce the birth of their daughterhColleen Mar- garet, 9 lbs. 6' ounces. on No- vember 30th, at York County Hospital, Newmarket. Both well. *1w23 Hill â€" Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hill, Upland Ave. (Alverna Smith) ‘ are pleased to announce‘ the arrival of a daughter, Toronto Western Hospital, Saturday November 28th, (Megan).> A Mr. and Mrs. W. Fitton wish to to announce the engagement of their younger daughter Donna Marilyn to John Plowman of Cal- gary, Alberta, the wedding to take place in Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church on Decemâ€" ber 26, 1959. c1w23 Did you fail all your exams? ‘ Are you considering suicide? Well wait till after December the 5th, because Teen Town’s having alreal bash this Saturday nite. Dancing will be to Chums records. and fabulous L. P. prizes will be given away! CEDAR GROVE â€"â€" Gordon Ree- sor stumbled on a cardboard box containing 896 packages of cig- arettes while out huming in the bush. An abandoned stolen car was found parked nearby. O’D’oors oben at 8.30 and admis- sion is 35c with a T. T. card and 50c without. Dress is casual but no jeans please. (Engagements About 43,000 new cases of cancer will be diagnosed in Canada this year. Early diag- nosis and treatment can help save many of them . , . says the Canadian Cancer Society. Teen Town FACT FOR THE WEEK \ CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY Richmond Hill Unit RICHMOND HILL *1w23 ARBON â€" In loving memory of Harry Arbon, who passed away December 6, 1954. Time takes away the edge of grief, . . But memory turns back every leaf. -â€" Lovingly remembered by wife and family. c1w23 DUNCAN â€" In loving memory at a dear husband and father, Edmund, Dufican, who passed away December 6, 1948. Beyond the sunset he has gone, Still loving memories linge; on. COSSEY -â€" In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Douglas Cassey, who passed away December 4, 1954. Looking back with memories. Upon the path you trod, We bless the hours we had with you, r . And leave the rest with God â€" Lovingly remembered by wife Jeannie, daughter Pat and son~in-law Jack. c1w23 FULLER '-â€" In loving memory of a dear Dad and Grandfather who passed away December lst, 1954. We watched you suffer, we heard you sigh, ,, But all we could do was just stand by, When the time came we suffered, too For you never deserved what you went through. God took your hand and we had to part. He eased your pain but broke our hearts. Although we smile and seem care- free, Nobody misses you more than we. In filemuriams â€" Lovin'gly remembered By his wife and family. c1w23 â€"â€" Lovingly remembered by son Carl, daughter-in-Iaw Marie and grandchildren. Also sadly fiissed by a 'dear friend, Ida cQuade. ‘ c1w23 longing, If he only could come home. Friends may think we have for- FULLER -â€" In loving memory of a dear husband David Fuller, who passed away December lst, 1954. When evening shades are falling, And we sit in quiet alone, To our hearts there comes a ache Our smiles hide all the while. â€"â€" Sadly missed by his wife, Sarah. 1 c1w23 mother. who passed away De- cember 1,1951. , In our heart your memory ling- ers, SWeetly tender fond and true, There is not a day dear mother That we do not think of you. â€" AIWays remembered by gotten When at times they see us smile, But‘they little know the heart- HILL â€"- THOMAS -â€" In loving memory of Keith Thomas, who passed away December 8, 1955. So many things have happened, Since you were called away So many things to share with ‘ YOU, Had you been left to stay. But God knew that you were sufi'ering, And the hills were hard to climb, He closed your weary eyelids. And whispered “Peace _be thinei" -â€" AIWays Irene and Fred STEPHENSON â€" In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Alvin Stephenson, who passed away December '7. 1957. A silent thought, a secret tear, Keeps his memory ever dear. Time takes away the edge of grief, But memory turns back every leaf. -â€" Sadly missed and ever re- membered by his wife May and family. c1w23 â€"â€" Eve} remembered by wife Irene and family. *1w23 “Blithe Spirit” was presented to small but apprec~ iative audiences at Richmond Hill High School last week by members of Richmond Hill Curtain Club under the direction of Mr. Stephen Ker Appleby. Shown above In memory of my dear who passed away De- Richmond Hill Curtain Club's “Blithe Spirit" 1\v23 CARD OF THANKS Mrs. D. L. Wood and family wish to thank their many friends and neighbours for all the kind- ness, beautiful flowers and mess- ages of sympathy received dur- ing their recent sad bereavement. c1w23 My sincere thanks to my many friends for their beautiful cards, letters, phone calls and the l'ove- 1y flowers and many other tokens of their kindness to me, but above all thanks for prayers for my recovery and His wonderful love to me. We wish to thank our relatives, friends and neighbours for their many acts of kindness and ex- pressions of sympathy during our recent bereavement. Especially thanking the Rev. Mr. O’Neil and the Rev. Mr. Bruton, also the Kane Funeral Home, Lansing. CARD 0F THANKS CARD OF THANKS .. .. CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY Richmond “in & District out For Information call I Mahmoud Bill Tn. #122, TU. 4-3453 AV. 5-4825 Thornth AV. 5-1803 AV. 5-1743 ALpine 7-2650 ‘For Complete Drug Service’ Clarke's Pharmacy Phone TU. 4-1201 Richmond Hill it's “smart business" to maintain a “health schedule” in your home. Periodic check-ups by your Doctor can cave you and your family much money, time and trouble. So consult your doctor regularly. Should he prescribe, remember that our Prescription Department is at your service . . . with the bent in prescription service. AV. 5-2406 Unlonvillo 239 Mrs. C. H. Snider Ethel Poole and Bob THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. December 3, 1959‘ '3 c1w23 l4 Levendale Rd A new blouse or sweater can be the catalyst in your closet. For a sure-fire way To pep up your skirts and slims, we can . show you a brand new range of shirts and sweaters . . 'all keyed to high style investment at piggy bank prices. 01/011446: in an interesting scene are, left to right, Cicely Thom- son, Duncan Gillard, Margaret Bergin', Margot Crack, Mary Monks, Ron Solloway and Wanda Trott. -â€" Photo by John Thomson ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH Gifts - Baking - Decorations -_ Toys plants - Afternoon Tea Pirates’ Den - Dig For Treasure - Refreshments want to put “For Women Who Deserve The Best’ DECEMBER 5th, 2:30 p.m. Jg, BAZAAR RICHMOND HILL WRIXON HALL AV 5-4741 Richmond Heights Plaza 'aI‘WLCA vicé [a rufl'

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