Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Dec 1959, p. 6

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Mr. Harry Lester, Aurora_ was guest speaker for the Oak Ridges Home and School Association. Mr. Lester's address was an in- spiring and perhaps a searching one as he pointed out that good citizenhip begins in the home by making it a pleasant place fer family relationships. It is a qual- ity not confined to adults or to any one community or country. If practised consistently Citizen- ship is a “good” factor the world over and helps bind all peoples together. Mr. Wm. Schurman. president, chaired the meeting and Mrs. C. R. McLaughlin was Cleaners & Dyers OAK RIDGES (Yonge St.) Prophetors: Art 8: Dot Jennings Plans for a gala Christmas party and buifet dinner were made at the meeting of St. Mark’s Anglican Church Men's Club. Chairman of the program committee, Les Lawrence, outlin- ed a plan for the party and din- ner which will be served by the men as a token of esteem to the ladies of the Women's Associa- tion. who have throughout the year catered to the men's club dinners. Mr. Lawrence said he expects a full turnout of 40 for the party. A lively entertainment prograrn is planned. I 6 THE LIBERAL. Richmond VOTE Free Pick-Up & Delivery Full Laundry Service Phone: PR. 3-5392 .VOTlNG is a duty; but a duty imposed only by one’s conscience. 'Any one of us who is hesitant about exercising his yote in the forthcoming election might well recall the words of Daniel Webster, spoken more than 100 years ago: “God grants liberty only to those who love it, 'and are always readyrto guard and defend it.” In a democratic country, the free citizen’s most pow- erful weapon in defence 'of his liberty is the privilege of voting for the candidate or party of his choice. Remember, when you vote, you are the most powerful person in your country. You hold your own fate, and that of your loved ones, in your own hand. The oil which keeps the f urnace‘clean And gives the utmost heat. ~ FOR DELIVERY TELEPHONE: Burn Liquiflume Oak mg“. Lake Wilcox Socials VOTE DECEMBER 5 This advertisement published in the interest of a worthy community cause by TU. King City, Oak Ridges "The Liberal" is always pleased to publish items est regarding people and events in the Oak kids I Wilcox and King City districts. Our news corres in King City is Mrs. William J. Houston. te TEmple 3-5457; and in Oak Ridges-Lake Wilco Elisabeth Orton. Aubrey Ave” phone PR. 3-5610. Budget terms arranged if so desired Mr. and Mrs. J. Cragg of Mil- ton were week 'end guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. Cragg, North Road. About 160 pupils are taking in- struction in St. John Ambulance work at Oak Ridges public school this year. Instructor is Mr. J. Williams, physical health teacher at the school. The class is in three phases. lst and 2nd and 3rd year and has been a highly successful extra-curricular sub- ject, and the school has been com- mended on.several occasions. The Rev. J. Jocz, Ph. D., will preach at the 9.45 am. service at St. Mark's Anglican Church this Sunday. December 6. St. John’s Church News Guest speaker at the morning service of St. Mark’s Anglican Church this Sunday at 9.45 am. will be the Rev. J. S. Crouch, recâ€" tor of Bolton Anglican Church. u... an... -.... The Ladies Auxiliary b0 Branch 570 Canadian Legion. Oak Ridges are all set for their Christmas ba- zaar. Many beautiful articles and novelties are prepared. Of course Santa Claus will be there in per- son with a favour for every child. The next general meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary will be held at the new headquarters Monday, December 7_ 8 pm. The bazaar will be held Saturday, December 12, at 1 pm. at the same address (formerly Archie‘s Sports and Cycle) in the Oak Ridges Shopâ€" ping Plaza. -RENE .WORRELL - PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD convenot for the evening, which was “Citizenship Night”. Mrs. Joy Harnden, led some of her singing pubils in song and prov- ided the entertainment for the evening. Light refreshments were served by social convenors Mrs. A. Ak erman and Mrs. Myn- ten and hel ers. Ontario, Thursday. December 3, 1959 To help Safeguard and Promote Sound Educational Facilities "The Liberal” is always pleased to publish items of inter- est regarding people and events in the Oak Ridges-Lake Wilcox and King City districts. Our news correspondent in King City in Mrs. William J. Houston. telephone TEmple 3-5457: and in Oak Ridgeleake Wilcox. Mn. Ellubeth Orton. Aubrey Aven phone PR. 3-§610. ing heads of three subdivision ratepayer's Associations.- Trustee Mrs. Mary Scott, one woman spectator and three correspond- ents were the only members of the fair sex present._ 0f seven nominated, the same four who entered last year’s election qualified within 24 hours, resulting in a village elec- tion Monday, December 7, at the Masonic Hall. Voting will be from 10 am. to 8 pm. Candidates Trustees are: Warren McKendry, clerk, nom- inated by Keith Cambden and Robert Walker, is candidate a second time for Trustee. .King City Village nominations night at the Fire Hall was at- tended by 30‘ ratepayers: _i_ngll_1d- Mrs. Mary Scott, housewife, nominated by B. J. Langdon and Mrs. Len Robb, who has com- pleted her first yea; in office. Donald Findlay, lawyer. nom- inated by E. McCoy and Warren McKendry,. who has been Trus- tee 695 years. Ronald Bolton, nominated by Donald Findlay and E. McCoy, who has been Trustee three years. Three others who declined to enter the local bontest were: 7 “Aubrey Gordon, nominated by 1XVIIHam Barker and Henry Gill- am. Jack Walkington, nominated by Donald Hadwen and Aubrey Gor- don. B. J. Langdon. nominated by Wilfred ‘Hare and Donald Had- wen. , As oRoads Commissioner, Mrs: Scott reported, “Roads are in fairly good condition. We do en- deavour to do 'what we can as soon as we can. but, not being in a sition to own any road equip- h‘t, we have to wait until We get ihgalp from Township. “Often equipment may be at the extreme north or west of the Township and it does take time. If you think we are lax in get- ting work done. that may be why. No one is more anxious to co~operate with the people than Trustees. Garbage bitched Four Candidates Seeking Election Village Trustees Oil the subject of culverts re- paired and ditches cleaned, Mrs. Scott noted, “It would be apprec- iated by Trustees if ditches were looked upon as such and not as gagbage disposel‘place‘s." Chairman Mr. Findlay review- ed the financial picture, indicat- ing a slight surplus. He said the village had been in an “excell- ent” condition for debentures on the old basis of assessment and would be “even better" on the new basis. . ' She said sand barrels would be out shortly, “but some used as trash barrels have been badly used and we have to pay for them.” The Commissioner said very little sidewalk work had been done, except for minor repairs. She was certain if Trustees were in the same position, sidewalk improvements on a larger scale would be attempted next year. She asked raiépayers’ co-oper- ation in keeping walks cleared of snow. He pointed out, essential capl- tal outlays had been on a “pay as you go" policy and he con- sidered the same practice could provide for greater works, such as railway crossing changes. “if and when the responsibility is settled.” Mr. Findlay noted the Police Department, of which he had been Commissioner. would re- quire more capacity before many months; sidewalks would need to be reviewed in the new year; and old street lights are being replaced from time to time “as they give up tile ghost." ‘ rfidmsivfiirfiéée’ office ofwened with part-Me staff. "The' $500 _hydro inventory was again postponed. Municipal Services The Chairman stressed King City was an urban village with rapidly expanding urban services. Municipal garbage collection was started in 1958; the library be- came a public one this year; a police department wag inaugurat: Mr. Findlay contended, “One fault of a Police Village is the amount of work falling on Trus- tees." He said in 1958, Trustees spent four working days a week, which 'increased in 1959 until Mr. G. T. Thompson was engaged July 1. The Village Secretary-Manag- er was employed a little over three days a week now, leaving Trustees two ‘days a week with “no sign of it reducing." He concluded, “If what I have said infers I am proud of the efficiency and economy of the rvillage administration, it does not In King City for office of three mean I believe the maximum has been achieved which is possible for a properly constituted urban village. It merely means I believe the maximum is being achieved i.. the face of and in spite of the complicated procedures of oper- ating a highly-urbanized village of nearly 1500 people as a Police Village. Completing three years as Fire and Water Commissioner, Mr. Bolton said the Brigade was working toward a new fire truck. He reported “a _very good record for fires in town this year. There were about 15 outside the villdge, none doing great damage.” He asked residents to keep hydrants cleared of snow for their own safety. i Favors Meters Mr. Bolton said water con- sumption is not above average for flat rate billing but ad- vocated the eventual installation of meters," which would be a large expenditure.” He said the water supply had not been “too good" this year, but with the water table low, more places than King City had suffered a short- age Mr. Bolton said, “I don’t think the village is where it should be and I’m still of the same opinion. If the same Trusteee are return- ed I think you’ll see another en- deavour made to settle status of the village. The three Trustees were unan- imous in praising the work done by the Secretary-Manager they had appointed. “He needed little instruction on anything We asked him to do," said Mr. Bol- ton Two ratepayers took advantage of question periods, Mr. Len Robb questioned the sale of wa- ter to outsiders while the village was in short supply. Mr. Findlay explained to Mr. William Barker the garbage service was not run- ning at a loss because it was paid from the waterworks account, since garbage fees were first de- posited in that account." Mr. Barker thought Mr. Bol- ton’s comparison of water used on a meter system in Weyburn Saskatchewan, did not apply here. Mr. Bolton said, “We all use water,” and suggested meters would cut down water consump- tion and defray expense of “hav- ing to go to another well for some time." Mr. Barker said the village. was "lucky" to have its $30.000 water- works debentures runnlng at 3% and 4% percent. ' Mr. Warren McKendry thanked voters who supported him last year and affirmed, “My aim is and always will be for the better- ment of King thy.”__ Retifnffiigfléfficér Herbert Ross acted as chairman. Winter is a dread- ed" season only _ if your home is cold. Make sure it’s com- fortably heated With our economical fuel oil. "jo&m&c§bfli‘ " , FIIELKIDS. HEATS EACH ‘ HOOK AND W EVERY CORNERâ€" USE ouva on. ./ AND COLD's A 601452 I,- GIVE “THE LIBERAL” FOR CHRISTMAS $3.50 PER YEAR FOR WARMTH Santa Parade King City Business Men’s As- sociation is working with village clubs in preparation for the fourth Santa Claus parade on De. cember 12. Parade Marshal Ralph Loney reports starting point will be Clearvlew Gardens and an effort will be made to shorten the route to William St. The Aurora and District High School Band will be one of those accompanying floats and effort is being made to have drum major- ettes in the procession. Santa is getting ready for his trip to King City by helicopter. Three years ago when the busin- ess men hurriedly organized a parade they prepared 450 bags of treats for the children. This year they are counting on 1,000 young- sters greeting Santa in the park pavilion after the parade. St. Andrew’s Bazaar United Nations Association members 'had Christmas cards and at another booth, yellow-smocked Cancer Society workers distribut- ed miniature calendars. Tables filled \‘avith‘ confections, home- bakingr delicatessen items, plants. white elephants, sewing and knit- ting were well patronized. A baby quilt and one large one found buyers. The Christmas Bazaar held by St. Andrew‘s Presbyterian Church W. A. netted at least $258. accord- ing to treasurer Mrs. Charles Gordon. Rev. Gordon Agar offic- ially opened the annual event and shoppers were welcomed by Mrs. Agar and W. A. 'President Mrs. John Tanner. C. G. I. ‘1‘. girls of the newly- formed St. Andrew's Group sold 13 calenders and assisted with refreshments. Misses Ruth and Mary Agar and Heather Crooks. smartly dressed in neat white middies and black skirts. served tea under instruction of their leader. Mrs. Howard Clegg, and Mrs. Fred Ball was in charge of tea arrangements. Mrs. Tanner told The Liberal she appreciated the support giv- en the bazaar by all the com- munity friends. Speaking to Kingcrafts mem- bers, Mr. G. Marshall Bartman, Extension Secretary for the Fed- eration of Ontario Naturalists, showed colored slides to illus- trate aptly his subject, “Pageant Of The Seasons.” Kingcrafls He said the Naturalists’ func- tion was to preserve a natural King City Notes Yonge St. at Elgin Mills OLDSMOBI LEW'E THAT DON’T APPEAR ON THE BILL! SUPER .8 HOLIDAY WORKED“ TWIN 60V! INSTRUMENT PINE]. Now all Iho instrumenfi are right up Ihero where you can see lhem, quickly, anally. SAFETY-SPEGTIUM SPEEDOMETER Now your speed is colour-v keyed to provide you with a constant safety remlndor. Typical Old: thoughtfulness. AIR-SCOOP BRAKES Built to last longer, keep you safer. Oldsmobile's brakes actually draw in cool air over the drums. Oldsmob'ile’s feature: steal the every way. Extra value, extra luxury, extra all-round,satisfac- tion...they’re all part of the beautiful bargain when you make the exciting move up to Oldsmobile. And they come to you wrapped up in the sleeEest, most BIRRELI. ‘ MOTORS LIMITED “SKI VOUR AUTHORIZED QUALITY OLDBMOBIL! DEALER TODAY! FEATU R E The most satisfying car you can own I heritage for descendents. "The Federation is a cause. non-com- mercial, a cultural group inter- ested in conservation. education and recreation," explained Mr. Bartman. Ontario now has 42 branches. "Though we must live in cities, all of us like to get back to nature as an escape from ten- sion, or for inspiration." said the speaker. Mrs. Flavia Redel- meler operated the slides show- ing different seasons. an ice storm and close-ups of wild flow- ers. A profit of $548 was reported from the October sale of crafts and home-baking. The Garden Group will again be decorating Kingcrafts House for Christmas. New Associate Members Were introduced, Mrs. Guse, Thornhill; Mrs. Watson. Willowdale; Mrs. T. Colbourne. King; Mrs. Coulter ‘and Miss Freda James, Aurora. Mrs. Fred Patterson of Valen- tine Acres joined the Gardening Group, Mrs. Hunter of R. R. 2, King. the ceramics, and Mrs. Browning of Aurora, the Art Group, _ Norfurther general meetings wil be held until January 27. Acclaim Trustees Schomberg Police Village Trus- tees were returned by acciama- tion. Clarence Wood enters his thirteenth term in 1960. serving with Oriole Sloan and Robert D. Hiscocks. Collects Toys King City Lions‘ Club is look- ing for toys to go in Christmas hampers. Good used toys and those requiring a little repair may be left at Leslie Motors or King Gift and Appliances. See Richvale Ornamental Iron Works For Stair & Porch Rails. Grilles & Gratings, Fire Escapes Portable Welding & Repairs CHEVROLET-OLDSMOBILE DEALER Phone AV. 5-4421 ‘ TU. 4-1195 AV. 5-4991 .---------â€"--â€"--g-----------I ---â€"-â€"-dâ€"â€"---h------‘-----‘-. GEO. McMURRICH SONS LIMITED 24 Elizabeth St. N. Richmond Hill Richmond Hill I‘Umer 44312 SEPTIC, TANKS PUMPED and CLEANED Complete Septic Tank Repair Service Accurate Septic Tank Service head-tuming silhouette you’ve ever thrilled to. Why not look into Oldsmobile, very 3095:?: You’ll find' it’s a very satisfying ‘experience. Visit your Oldsmobile quality dealer right away and arrange the details. He’s waiting for your call. R. R. 1 Willowdale HU. 5-1313 MI FOR INFORMATION PHONE TEmple 3-5388 B. J. LANGDON FRANK PASSER TO THE ELECTORS OF KING TOWNHIP Vote For WIDE-"MIG! GRASS" Tho rolld basis for your driving :atisfadlon. Oldsmobile I: built to grip the ground firmly! arm-vs: STEERING WHEEL Another wonderful way that Oldsmobila cares for your safety. The wide wheel makes for better feel of the road, easy handling, too. WIRE-TUNED BODY MOUNTS Oldsmobile olocos the body mounts at points of minimum vibration for new smoothness, now silenco. With iust normal washing, your Oldsmobile will set other cars a shining ex'amplo won three years from now. "MIG-MIRROR FINISH HERBERT R. BUTT COUNCILLOR Dependable Associated With Service Telephone Richmond Hill -u---n--.---‘ 4 Wellington St. E. Toronto ME. 5-1000 ‘Toronto EMpire 2-3456

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