Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 Dec 1959, p. 18

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18 Leonard Deciantis - Rice GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building Repairs & Alterations Drain 0. Concrete Work By licensed and experienced plumber ILA. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT “53% YONGE STREET BA. 5-4701 Minor Plumbing Repairs H. D. Melsness, D.C. X-RAY cor Windham: Gate & Bayvlew (1 block south Bayvlew Plaza) Phone TU. 4-1075 By Appointment Building Trades CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT TU. 4-4961 Rosenberg 3. COM. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT TELEPHONE AURORA PArkvlew 1-4518 Wm. Clubine PLASTERING CONTRACTOR KING Birch Ambulance Samuel Fedder â€"â€" PHONE TE. 3-5295 -â€" TU. 4 - 3744 Pumped and cleaned. Complete repair Emergency service. Richmond Hill G. Golding 229 Palmer Ave. ’Arthur G. Broad, Suite 108. 7'! York St. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario; Thurfisday, December Chartered Accountant Telephone Downsview Collect MElrose 3-1524 and Alterations ALSO NEW WORK Accountants OXYGEN EQUIPPED 24 HOUR. SERVICE G. Chassie BUILDER CONTRACTOR Homes or General Repairs TU. 4-2933 Richmond Hill L. E. Clark SEPTIC TANKS 21 Bedford Park Ave. Richmond Hill TUrner 4-4251 By Appointment Philip Swan Ambulance Chiropractic AV. 5-1066 CALL ANYTIME 'AV. 5-3813 TERRY LAW TU. 4-1483 Service EM. 3-1329 Toronto PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINBS DIRECTORY yo'hn R. Kane, D. X-Ray 9 CLARKE AVE. THORNHILL BY APPOINTMENT AV. 5-3451 Dr. John Simpson DENTIST 661 YONGE STREET AV. 5-4442 ThomhilI, om. Dr. P. R. M acfarlane Dr. W. J. Mason DENTIST 55A YONGE S’T'. SOUTH TUruer 4-1511 Richmond Hill Office TU. 4-3571 For Prescription Pickup & Delivery Service Emergency either Physician or Patient Wiring - Maintenance Appliance 011 Burner & Furnace Sales & Service Briden & Thompson Electric TU. 4-3183 TU. 4-3417 NOW SERVING -â€" PHILCO, BENDIX, CROSLEY, MOFFAT, GENERAL ELECTRIC, WESTINGHOUSE Factory Trained Service Call RICHMOND HILL THORNHILL WILLOWDALE CLARKS Appliance Service C. Dr. W. R. Bedford Allencourt Pharmacy 417 Markham at Bayview R. PETER BOOMSMA B.S.P. Wm. C. LAZENBY, 350. Pm Dr. J. M. Dryer DENTIST Open Evening: Gas Extractlohs 18 YONGE ST. S. RICHMOND HILL TUmer 4-1462 Dr. J. Perdicaris MEDICAL-DENTAL Commercial - Domestic Industrial CENTRE BAYVIEW PLAZA BEVERLEY ACRES mom AV. 5-5226 Chiropractic Other Makes Serviced Engineering 8. Electrical DENTIST Gas Extraction- ” Yonga St. North TU. 4-1177 Richmond mu 15 Yonge St. North Richmond Hill TU. 4-4601 NOTICE Dental TU. 4-4461 DRUGS (Continued) TU. 4-4683 Dentist 'I'U. 4-1932 WHEN YOU NEED IT! WE WAIT ON YOU Washers - Dryers - Ranges Commercial 8: Domestic Refrig- eration Agents for Leading Manufactur- ers Phone AV. 5 - 4301 Central York Appliance Service 86 Spruce Avenue Rh Electric-TV. s’a‘les. repairs. installations if APPLIANCE REPAIRS g RADI_0, {N g; AERIALS v'viishers, dryers, stoves all makes n REPAIRS J3 YONGE ST. N. g3 AELECTR_I(_I_ W_IR_ING "if you want it wired up or connected â€"â€" call us 7:? Oil Burner Service parts on hand 5% 313941113 &_ SERVICE “I. 4 '- 3211 if REFRIGERATION Helen Simpson Flowers METRO WIDE DELIVERY Member - Florists’ Telegraph Delivery Association HELEN SIMPSON LYNE'l'l' Cleaning Mothproofing, Spotting and Repairing Your Carpets and Upholstery FAIRWAY CARPET & FURNITURE CLEANERS TU. #1701 Richmond nm main mu. ‘ {Wm 44124 Gardens, lawns, Seeds, Paving Kata/apowerg" at W, AV. - 538. Free Estimates 0n SAND and ERAVEl Crushed Stone Loam and Fill 0w? 1 Maurice Coggins SPECIAL MACHINE!!! GENERAL REPAIRS TORONTO 12, ONT. Ph. HU. 5-1145 Leno’s Machine Shop Engineering 8- Electrical UPHOLSTERING 13 CENTRE ST. EAST RICHMOND HILL AV. 5-1974 Furniture 8. Upholstery Sq/zr- Service -RezztaA‘ E. CHARITY 2518 YONGE ST. (at St. Clement) 10, 1959 SERVICE STEAMFI'I'HNG WELDING Flowers HU. 1-0931 (Continued) PHONE TU. 4-3203 Richvale Body a; Fender Repaln Complete Refinishing I! you haven't heard of our to- putation. enquire from your friends All work guaranteed. 144 Spruce Ave. Stop 22A Vonge St. Richvele For nppolntment. ph. AV. 5-8831 Richvale Auto Body Tune-ups - Brake Refine ~ Rep-In All Makes of Cars. - Lubrication - - Tires. Batteries 8; Am - TU. 4-4221 Domestic & Commercial Water Softener Co. Phone for free literature NOW! HARRY SHEPPARD TU. 4-1879 13 Benson St. Richmond Hill, Ont. Coach lines ltd. General Business Open Thursday and Friday Till 9 pm. formerly Bloc:- & Yonge 8!; Individual Attention Hair Styling Permanent anlnl Sellwood Salon TU. 4-2321 80 Yonge St. 8. Richmond um Shop SPECIALIZING IN ALL STYLES OF HAIR CUTS FOR YOUNG AND OLD Receiving Hours: 8 am. - 6 pm. or otherwise by appointment Humane Services Toronto Ernie qugk 8. Son Coaches for all Occasions FOR INFORMATION Septic Tanks WATER LINES CUSTOM TRENCHING & Hair Styling 8. Beauty Salons Allencourt Barber YOUR LOCAL VOLKSWAGEN DEALER W & P Service 178 YONG-E ST. N. RICHMOND HILL AND FILL UP WITH Phone AL. 7-1251 Langdon’s Why Use Hard Water ? C0]! Tel. TU. 4-0034 JOMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE Bus. ALpine 7-2621 Bea. ALpine 7-1224 GARAGES 25 Grandview Ava. Thomhill AVenue 5-1379 Complete Insurance Service 24 Adelaide St. W. - NO CHARGE â€" Roy V. Rick Insurance ’ , LTD. Kirby Brock Maple, Ont. Telephone TE. 3-5423 PM! 3 Digging ALSO avgâ€"Syn“ CATS EM. 3-0311 Corner Agency Limited Insurance - Mortgages - Fire Auto - Liability The Bank 0! Son Sooth Bldg. AURORA Telephone: PA. 7-5052 PA. 7-5046 EM. 4-3652 EM. 2-5295 Roy A. ,Phi'lins Bu. AV. 5-3630 Res. TU, 4-8935 11!. 4-121. Richmond mu Insurance , Services .. GENERAL INSURANCE lire. Automobile. Plate Glue. Automobile Financing. ete. Ofllee 15 Yonge St. N. Residence '13 Leisure Lane Blehmom’ Hill John S. Walkington GENERAL INSURANCE FIRE ~ AUTO c LIABILITY 113 King St. - King City Floyd E. Corner Burl-Mar. Solicitor one Notary Public Aaron. Ontario Telephone: Aurora Office PA. 7-5052 Residence. Aurora, PA. 7-5046 Toronto Office EM. 4-3652 Ph.: Peppiatt, Errington mamas. SOLICITORS, NOTABIIS I. I. I. Ether. Q13. Joseph Vale. 9.0. J. M. Pepphtc. 3‘. William lrrlngton. 3. Com. lam. Souoltor . flour] labile 15 YONG! 81'. NORTH Richmond Ill“. Ontario For All Your Insurance Need. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC 65 Yonge St. 8. Richmond Hill TU. 4-2084 nun-ml The-m Bloc! Bel. TU. I 2117 T. C. Newman Banister, Solicitor. Notary Public 1! loan St. 24. Richmond Hill Iver! “and” anon-noon 'l'Unet 4-1551 Richmond um Tomato onion -- 18 Toronto St. Phone BM. 3-5871 Residence Insurance Agency A. BURNETT General Insan l7 Youxe St. N. Richmond mu 'I'U. #1551 Plaxton & Deane Norman A. Todd, '. Rabinowitch, BA. “BRISTER, SOLICITOR & NOTARY PUBLIC INSURANCE SERVICES Box 324. 75 Harding Blvd. Richmond Hill AVenue 5-4201 Neill 8. Neill Bruce M. Ralph BARRISTER a; SOLICITOR Anstey Block Yonge Street, Thornhil], Ontario AV. 5-5453 AV. 5-5454 GENIBAI INSURANCB Frank L. Walsh one. 'l'Urner 4-1180 Residence TUnaer 4-1868 W. E. Neil Mann 195A MAIN 81‘. TW. 5-4571, Newmarket, Ont. Barrister & Solicitor Notary Public Innings by Ippointmem .. TU. 4-3445 fl Rumba): 3'. North Toronto: EMpiro 6-2507 350 Bay Street Barrister, Solicitor, etc. RICHMOND HILL Insurance Stiver, Vale, ’ THORNme Richmond Hill Office 15 Yonge Street N. AV. 5-5144 Thornhill Office AV. 5-1197 H errington By Appointment (Continued) ._ BA. 1-1806 WILLOWDALI Savage legal TE. 3-5283 TU. 4-4618 James H. Timmins Barrister, Solicitor. Notary Public “BRISTER. SOLICITOB. NOTARY PUBLIC RICHMOND HILL 1 Duflerin St. AVenuo 5-1477 T'Umer 4-1543 Phones: Office TU. 4-5921. Be- "“U. 4-7253 Ofllce & Residence TU. Hm (By Appointment) Medical Centre, Bayvlew Plaza Richmond Hill. Ont. Dr. Cameron Cowan Dr. Jas. R. Langstafi Dr. John B. Wynne Dr. Allen J. Smith 3? Ionge St. N.. Richmond mu Northern Building onlee: TUrner 4-3121 I! no answer can PB’ospm 3-5811 Dr. G. N. Norheim Richvale - Langstal! Stop ‘ZOA Yonge Street Phone AV. 5-2621 Dr. D. A. McBurney BY APPOINTMENT Dr. Victor Zuck Dr. D. F. McGregor Eyes Examined - Glasses Fltted Prescriptions Filled & Repairs 31 YONG-E ST. NORTH Phone TUrner 4-3962 Open Friday Nights Optical Repair: NOW AT 3242 YONGE STREET In North Toronto Opposite Park Theatre 9 un. to 6 pm. including 81!. EU. 8-8949 Bye: Examined W. C. Knox, R.0. OPTOMETRIST Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted 15 Yonge Street North. Richmond 111]] TU. 4-4641 Office Hours: 11 mm. to 5.30 mm. Fri. to 9 pan. Cloud Wednesday 423 MARKHAM ROAD (Allencourt Shopping Centre) Stuart P. Parker 3RD DIVISION COURT YORK COUNTY Dr. A. J. Bernarde Marguerite Boyle Dr. Leon Bloom By Appointment G Church St. S. at Contra Richmond Hill Ofllce - TU. 4-127! Residence â€" TU. 4-1308 By Appointment 363 Markham Rd. RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-1008 (1 Block red of BM MUNDINGER SCHOOL OF MUSIC BRANCH 192 Weldrick Road . W. Kirchen, R.0. Dr. J. P. Wilson llocutlon. Public Speaking Plaflorln Depot-talent Dramatic Art “HOMEWOOD EAL]? Thanh!!! ' Piano Accordion 4 Church St. 8. Richmond Hill By Appointment Office TU. 4-1422 Residence â€" TU. 4-1314 Eveninu by appointment '. L. Lowrie, R.0. A. Soderberg, Clerk 17 Yonke St. N. Richmond Hill TU. 4-1551 THORNHILL AVenue 5-3165 By nppolntmen. 50 Yonge St. N. RICHMOND HILL Optometry Medical By Appointr‘nnt By Appointment TU. 4-3219 (Continued) Wm" #1154 Musical legal Glasses Fitted Prize winners at the Monday night euchre sponsored by the Park Committee were: Miss Ma- bel Sanderson, Mrs. A. Frisby, Miss Olive Glover, Alan Chad- wick, Harry Forster and Jim Cur- tis. The lucky draw a bushel of apples, was won by Mrs. A. Fris- by. Another euchre will be held December 14. White Gift Service The church was beautifully dec- orated for the annual White Gift service on Sunday morning. with the Nativity scene at the front of the church with Margaret Smith as Mary. and David Masunaga as Joseph. Sunday school and con- gregation united for the service with the Sunday School superin- tendent, Mr. Percy Bennett con- ducting the service. The scripture lesson was read by Arthur Story. Carol Mortson read a poem. The primary and beginner classes preo sented their gifts and sang two verses af “Away In A Manger"; the juniors presented their gifts and sang, “This Is God’s House"; then the intermediate and senior classes presented their gifts. The choir sang “Infant Holy" with Mrs. Allan Orr taking the solo part. Mrs. Percy Bennett told the .story “Inasmuch”. Rev. A. F. Binnington gave a very impress- ive sermonette. The gifts will be taken to the Fred Victor Mission in Toronto, and the loose collection will be sent to Rev. J. C. Terrence of the Toronto Home Missions Council, to help those who are less for- tunate than we are. Church News This season of Advent Should be strong in church attendance. Plan to attend next Sunday and bring some of your friends and neighbours. A ivfidext Sunday, December 13, at 11.30 a.m., Mr. Tom Phillips will preagh at_Vicfipria Sqtuarg; ‘ Infant Baptism at Victoria Square at the Christmas Sunday service on December 20, at 11.30 am. Please contact the minister, Rev. A. F. Binnington if request- ed. Home and School The Christmas meeting of the Gormley Home and School As-‘ sociation will be held on Monday evening, December 14. at 8 p.111. The programme will consist of films, singing by the pupils of both rooms and the Nativity scene acted by the Girl Guides. The refreshments will be served by the Grade 4 mothers with Mrs. Lewis Heise as convenor. Candlelight Service A _ The annual candlelight service of the C.G.I.T. and Explorers will be held in the Victoria Square United Church on Sunday even- ing, December 20, at 37:30 pm. Everyone welcome. Repaln to: Richvale Electronics Richmond Hill TV & Camera 50 YONGE ST. S. AV. 5-3756 Your Local Franchise Dealer ' For , ELECTROHOME RCA VICTOR & DUMONT Refrigerators â€" Electric Ranges -â€" Laundry Equipment Ontario Land Surveyor: 130 Willowdale Ave._ Wfllowdfle. Ooh. BA. 5-3031 Res. George T. Yates, 0.L.8. 53 Bedford Park Avenue Richmond Hill, TU. 4-2941 Richmond Heights Camera Centre 48 LEVENDALE BI). TU. 4-7031 TU. 4-4326 FOR ALL YOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC' SUPPLIES Bolleflex Franchise Dealer Fast Service on Film: Processing 8: Printing i‘fie Christmas meeting of the CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W. SANDLE, Victoria Scum Telephone Gonnley 5421 VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS For the most complete Photographic Sales & Service 24 Hrs. Service on Films, Developing .1; Printing YOUR LOCAL BELL & HOWELL FRANCHISE DEALER STOP 22. YONGE STREET Telephone AVenne 5-266. PETER B. SMITH Antenna Installntlon Radio 8. TV Photographic Supplies Richmond Hill TV & Camera 50 YONGE ST. S. AV. 5-3756 Yates & Yates FULL SERVICE ON PREMISES RADIO -â€" III-Fl Surveyors Television W.A. will be held on Wednesday evening, December 16, at 8 {mm at the home of the president, Mrs. L. Mumberson. The mem- bers are asked to please bring In their Sunshine bags and discard- ed nylons. Neighbourhood Notes Birthday greetings to Bax-ban Empringham who on Deceniber 10 will be ten years old; to Lloyd Tennyson for December 16. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Collard who on Deâ€" cember 10 will be celebrating their thirty-second wedding an- niversary. . Friends were sorry to learn on Tuesday morning of last week that the house owned by Mr. Charles Stansbury had been gut- ted by fire. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson and family had moved out only about eight hours previously. We are very please to see that Mrs. Nelson Boynton is able to be out again following her recent illness; also that Paul Tyndall ll able to be out following his re- cent accident. A speedy recovery is wished for Ronald and Anita Orr who are in bed with the mumps; also to the Vanderkooy children who have the mumps. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Orr had Sun- day evening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Johnston and Sharon at Nashville. Mr. Percy Bennett attended the supper meeting of the official board of the King charge at the Laskay United Church on Wed- nesday evening of last week; while Mrs. Bennett spent the ev- ening with Mrs. D. Booth at Ket- .tleby. A speedy recovery is wished for Mr. L. Stoutenburgh who is ill in the Newmarket hospital. Lions The Lions are planning a box soqial and dance for January 9. Congratulations to Mr. Lawson Mumberson on being reelected as Councillor of Ward 2 by ac- clamation in Markham Township. December 13, White Gift Sun- day will be observed at Temper- anceville Church and Sunday School. Everyone wishing to par- ticipate in sharing with those leu fortunate please bring a gift of food, clothing or toys. These will be given to the Fred Victor Mll- sion. As Xmas is such a busy time we are making the request that each family kindly provide I hot dish such as pork and beans, scalloped potatoes, macaroni and cheese for the first course and a dessert such as pie, tarts, cake and jellies etc. In anticipation of the kind co-operation of the moâ€" thers we will he most guteful for your support in making the Pot Luck Supper a treat for your children. (Please bring sufficient for your own family) On December 18, Friday, a Pot Luck Supper will be held in the Sunday School Rooms at Temper- anceville. There will be the Xmll tree with the exchange of gifts, a Ch;istmas treat, and it In ex- pected a showing of pictures by Mr. DeWitt. VETERINARY SURGEON Telephone 147 Yonge St. I. TU. (-1432 mm m Dr. W. Allan Ripley 240 KING ST. KING CIT! DB. CARL HEDEB. New Phone No. TEmple 3-8“! 10 Lorne Ave. 70- 4'22” Correspondent: Mrs. Milton Wells, KB. 3. m Phone PR. 3-5233 TEMPERANCEVILLE Taxis Driving Tuition Dr. Cicely Wilson KINGSDALE ANIMAL HOSPITAL ERIC PALLISTEB. Prov- 40 LEVENDALE RD. (opp. LOBLAWS) RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-5621 Small Animal Fractious By Appointment Watch 8- Clock Repairs Oak Ridges Driving School DUAL CONTROLLED PR. 3-5312 FULLY INSURED (Your Family Jeweller) GALBRAITH J EWELLERS FAST as MCI!“ SERVICE EXPERT WATCH Veterinary ALL WORK FULL! GUARANTEED REPAIRS KING CIT!

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