Free draw with each purchase TU. 4-0009 I WISH TO THANK MY MANY FRIENDS FOR THEIR SUPPORT IN ELECTING ME AS A COUN- CILLOR FOR 1960. I PRAY I MAY MERIT THE TRUST YOU HAVE SHOWN IN ME. WISHING YOU ALL A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A PROS- PEROUS NEW YEAR. SIX -â€" 5 Ft. XMAS STOCKINGS E R E E XMAS DRAW Y O U N G ' S B A Service Station RICHMOND HILL at YONGE & CROSBY AVEQ 10:00 A NEW Brewers’ Retail MARGARET SOUIHWELL THANK YOU ! BREWERS' WAREHOUSING (Ce LTD. OPERATING BREWERS’- RETAIL STORES is now gpen YON GE & BENSON Richmond Hill Store Hours am. to 6:00 pm. TU. 4-7611 100’s of Handbags â€" featuring the new tailored and dressy styles . . . Gloves . . . fashiom able Costume Jewelry . . . all at reasonable prices. Every woman enjoys choosing her own hat, so here’s a gift that’s sure to please -â€" a Madeleine Hat Certiï¬cate. . Treat yourself to a new bright chapeau that will add a little sparkle to your winter wardrobe for the gay holiday season. XMAS Gift suggestions - for Madonna ct Mademoiselle Accessorlu are always welcome and we have the selection to gladden every feminine heart. Interschool hockey matches are scheduled to commence on Janu- ary 19th at the Unionville Arena. All games will be held on Tues- days. HendersOn Avenue is sched- uled for its ï¬rst game on Jan- uary 26th with Clark-Elgin and Powell Road is schedulel for its ï¬rst game on February 9 with Langstaff School. Cubs, Scouts. Guides. Brownies The Second Thornhill Cubs and Powell Road School is holding an open house evening on Thurs- day, December 10, from 7:80 to 9 pm. This is for the parents to discuss the progress of the pupils with their teacher and to view some of their work done in the past Atern‘l. The Henderson Avenue Home and School Association will be holding their monthly meeting on Monday evening, December 14. in the school auditorium at 8 p.m. sharp. Highlights of this meeting will be the presentation of a play entitled Columbus and His Dreads by the pupils of Grade 5. There will also be a display of square dancing and group singing. with pantomime and Christmas carols with audience participation. All parents are invited to attend and are urged to be seated before 8 pm. so that the program can com- mence on time and the children may get home at a reasonable hour. School News méiests will be presented to the winning volleyball teams in the class competition; 3'1. YONG. If. (I. l'ukhm III. “400 8 in un)- bohw db we. Im4.809.u. I‘I‘idwlluma Waclegzine ; MaJeleinc HIGHLAND PARK NEWS CORRESPONDENT: 94 Highland Park 9/ Sunday was White Gift Sunday in Headford with a joint service. The children placed the White Gifts at the front of the pulpit, and there were a good many. They will be distributed to needy folk in the Richmond Hill area by the Lions. York Presbytery being rather new, has not yet got around to designating a central spot for sending White Gifts. At the service on Sunday , a beautiful story was very well told by Margaret Brodie. We were happy to welcome the two young daughters of Mr. _Tom Phillips. It is nice to have Mrs. Wes Middleton home again. We have missed her. though she sent many of us beautiful cards while away. Red Cross activities took over at Headford School last Friday a!- ternoon with a well carried out program. First a trio by Mai-gar» et McDonald, Sharon Bell and Donna Morrison; followed by a poem read by Jacqueline McDon~ ald. A duet by Jean Clark and Janet Johnston and a reading by the latter were enjoyed. Richard Burton gave an informative talk on Cubs. Richard and Keith Bur- ton, David Terry and Michael Calder are members of the Rich- mond AHill Troop. Norine Simpson, Chris Terry, Diane Toyne and Sharon and Janâ€" et Johnston attended Achieve~= ment Day for 4-H Homemakers Clubs at Newmarket on Satur= day, each receiving the custom- ary silver spoon. Their special ac- tivity was an exhibit using the theme, Quality Countg. l-leadford has always more or less basked in the limelight of the achievements of its citizens, most~ 1y up to the present in the realms of horticulture and wood carving, and general agricultural skill as typiï¬ed by 4-H. But now comes something else. Headford has two boys, David and John Rumble who are members of the football team of Thornhill High School, which recently achieved fame by winning the championship of C.O.S.S.A. for rugby. As a Vic. tory celebration, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Rumble entertained on the evening of Grey Cup day a- bout 20 members of the team and their girl friends Entertainment included a hay ride. While hay rides using tractors are somewhat different from the old fashioned ones with horses, they can still be lots of fun; and the Thornhill young folk had plenty of that. Debbie and Diane Gough (who are living with the Johnstons) started to Headford School last week. Linda and Ray Ireland, Debbie and Roger Thornhill recently moved away from the Hea’dford school. Mrs. Mary Axelson. of 15 High- land Park Blvd., will remain as the candidate from the Highland Park area. Mrs. Axelson is the mother of three children attend- ing Henderson Avenue School and has had several children‘s books published by Danny Books of Canada. The new date for the elections for the school board will be announced later and residents of Highland Park are urged to get out and vote for their can- idate. MRS. D. K. DARLEY. Blvd. â€" AV. 5-271. Due to the sudden passing of Mr. Geo. S. Williams. candidate from the German Mills area, for a member of the new Markham School Area No. 1 Board, the el- ectlons for the new board have been postponed: Scouts are planning a combined Christmas party on Thursday. December 17 at 7.30 pm. in Hen- derson Avenue School Auditor- ium. ’ The Brownies are planning their Christmas party on Tuesday. December 15 after school and the Guides are holding their party at their meeting on Tuesday, Dec- ember 15, at 7.30 pm. Mothers are invited to attend these parties with the girls. Mr. Williams had been working very hard on his campaign and after canvassing many of the homes, he picked up his young- ster from Henderson Avenue School & was driving home when stricken with a heart attack. Our deepest sympathy goes out to his wife and children at this time and especially at this Christmas sea- son. Correspondent: Mrs. H. Acreman It R. 2 Gormley. Ont. Phone TUmer 4-2236 HEADFORD Birthday greetings to Carol Diceman, Angelika Summers and Jean Anderson, who have birth- days this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. Bell attended the christening of their third grandchild, Patricia Dianne Bell, on Sunday afternoon. The service was held at St. Augustine of Can- teglgury a1; payview and Eglinton. See Coming Events for details of the ’Jefferson School Com- munity Club party to be held at the school on Friday evening, De- cember 11. A family hirthday celebration was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. Gardner. Bayvlew Ava, on Sunday afternoon. Little Brenda Gardner was two years and was lucky enough to be born on her grandfather’s birthday, Mr. George Topper was the other celebrant. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Thieverge of St. Catherines, Brenda’s other grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. John O'- Halloran and children, Galt and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Abram, Mid- land. ‘ St. John’s Parish Hall was ï¬lled to capacity last Friday evening when the lst Jeï¬erson Guides. Brownies, Scouts and Cubs held a joint Christmas concert. The program opened with a prayer and the singing of 0 Can- ada. Mr. E. Ensor, the scout lead- er, then introduced tie numbers presented by each group. The Brownies presented a pantomime of “The Night Before Christmas." while the Guides enacted a play written especially for them. The Scouts gave a shortened version of Dicken’s Christmas Carol with the assistant Scoutmaster playing the part of Scrooge. while the Cubs presented a shadow play. Carols by the combined groups wetre much enjoyed by all pres- en . At the close of the program, home made candies and cookies as well as table decorations and Christmas corsages were sold by members of the Mothers’ Auxil- iary. All the corsages and Christ- mas sprays were made by the Guides and Brownies. Much praise is due to the Youth Leaders, Mr. and Mrs. E. Ensor, Mrs. D. Gray and Mrs. 'G. Rctzu for the time and effort they are spending on these worthwhile groups; also to the Mothers’ Aux- iliary and the parents who are so generous in supplying transpor- tatione Socials Christmas Concert The last item was a solo sung by a very small cub with jingle bell accompaniment supplied by the_ cub pack. Mr. Retzu led the audience in I: sing song of Christmas songs at intermission. ELGIN MILLS-JEFFERSON NEWS Mr. 'and Mrs. M. Klein 'are the NEW ENGINE REFINEMENTS . Chevrolet’s engines have a new talent for turning power into proï¬t. Sound reason why your next truck should be a '60 Chevrolet TORSION-SPRING SUSPENSION â€" Chevrolet'l independent front torsion springs are the smoothest thing ever to‘ come between your load and the road. Standard in every two-wheel drive model, except Forward ControL NEW swam g/ï¬ Correspondenti The Evening Branch 0! the Womm‘b Auxiliary 0! St. John’- Anglleua Church TU. (-2708 TD. 4-153‘ Yonge St. at Elgin Mills CHEVROLET FOR ’60 IRRELL £10?ka llMI‘i‘ED 5 ' EASIER ENGINE Accsssâ€"Style serves a prac- lm‘ tical purpose on the ’60 Chevrolet Trucks. The “n: whole fender crown lifts for faster servicing "-‘1 You save time and money when you operate Chevrolet Trucks. UNBEA whech new L( 1960 11 CANADA’S No.1 TRUCK! proud grandparents of a new ba- by girl. While their mother is in hospital, Charles and Timothy 0’- Conner are visiting their grand- parents. Winners of the Monday Night ers card party were Mrs. R. Ker- win, Mrs. D. Goulding and Mrs. D. Cracknell. The hostess was Mrs Stan Leno. Mrs. Wm. White of Elgin Mills attended the Warden's Banquet at the Royal Hotel in Guelph last Thursday given in honour of her son Eric, who was warden last year, by his fellow reeves in the County of Wellington who pres- ented him with a watch as a token of their esteem. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Kerwin attended the ban- quet with Mr. and Mrs. A1 White. Church News The congregation at St. John’s Church enjoyed an inspiring and informative talk on Sunday morn- ing when the guest speaker was Rev. J. Joycz of the Nathanael Institute, Toronto. In his sermon, Dr. Jocsz pointed out that our Christian religion is based on the History of Israel and the Jewish people and prayed for a better understanding between Jews and Gentiles. We sincerely hope it will be our privilege to hear Dr. Jocsz again at some future date. The Evening Branch of St. John’s W.A. will hold its month- ly meeting at the Parish Hall. Thursday. December 10 (tonight) while the afternoon branch will rlnseet on Wednesday, December THE LIBE TU. 4-1195 AV. 5-4991 ERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. Dacember 10, 1959 19 Master feeds Farm N0. 7 HIGHWAY Our turkeys are fed and processed to insure the very best in quality and flav- or. Available any time, any quantity at our Farm Entrance sales depot on N o. 7 Highway. Open 9 to 6 every week day. Farm Fresh Choice plump birds 12-16 lbs. for that special dinner, 24-30 lbs. for banquets, etc. TURKEYS For rho! Iilflo oxiro colour or Chri‘rmos rim or perhap- os o gm, como and Ioko your pick from our varied selection of potted mums - direct from tho grower lo you â€" uloclion Iimlhel moko youn soon. Phono Srouffvillo 275W-2 or vim us or Iho groonhouso Highway 48 and IM Avo Ea». HARGRAVE GREENHOUSES, MARKHAM, ONT- Chrysanthemums! DEALER For All Occasions UNBEATABLE lINEUP â€"- New models, mew wheelbases, new cabâ€"toâ€"axle dimension, new LCP models, new tandem, Chzvrolet's 1960 line has cvery need covered. NEW COMFORT-KING CABSâ€"Here’s the soft 3pc! on those rugged hauls. Extra roomi- ness. extra comfort. to combat driver fatigue. increase eï¬ciency. PHONE AV. 5-1730 Oven Ready LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING AV. 5-5101 TUrner 4-2613 E DAILY SERVICE 2 MILES EAST OF YONGE STORAGE AND AREA