My apologies again. this time to the Home and School Associa- tion. The next meeting is Decem- ber 14,! not December 21. So don't forget. _“I\Ei.vand Mrs. Roy Witty enter- tained Mr. and Mrs. Bert Witty Cubs and Scout: The Mother's Auxiliary held its annual Christmas party after the business meeting last Monday, November 30. Twenty-one moth~ er: turned out and had a very en- joyable evening. Special guest was Mrs. Ellis, district vice-chair- man. The subject of her address was “A Mother’s Place in Scout- ing." The welfare convenor re- ported fourteen cubs and scouts on the sick list with mumps. Final plans were made for the boys' Christmas Party which takes Iptlalcle December 10 at Edgeley a . During the social part of the meeting, the mothers played games and held a gift exchange. A very tasty lunch was served. Home and School 20 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. December 10, 1959 Maple, Concord & Edgeley istrgts Sales -- Heating -- Service AURORA - KING - RICHMOND HILL - PABKVIEW 7-5958 TORONTO - RU. 2-2654 HALL’S SERVICE STATION LTD. TU. 4 - 4361 AN!) YOU PAY AS LITTLE AS ‘" $365.00 no: INSTALLATION Christmas Special 16 Yonge Street North DOMESTIC FUEL OILS AND BURNER SERVICE YORK OFFICE EQUIPMENT W. SKERRATT 8: C0. fl big purchase permits us to make this special with two drawers and bookshelf, suitable for the top is 301/2 inches Wide - 17 inches deep. Order early - they’ll go fast at this price. Christmas oï¬er. Here’s a top-flight steel desk, student - the homemaker - the business man. The CONCORD SOCIALS 5 YEARS TO PAY! N0 HEAT INTERRUPTION Regular Price is $19.95 “The Lilienl" in nlways willing to publish lnterestlnigflltems regarding people and evenb contributed by its readers in Maple, Concord & Edgeley districts. 0m- representative In Maple is Mn. Len Shore. ALplne 7-1150; In Concord. Mrs. Ruth Keller. AV. 5-237! and in Edgeley and Sherwood. Mrs. Raymond Stuart, AV. 5-1934. Mrs. Alf Bagg, Mr and Mrs Douglas Keffer and girls had Sun- day dinner with Mr. and Mrs. J. Keffer and family, the occasion being Ron’s birthday. More than a birthday celebration, Ron was celebrating the fact that he will not be going back to Granby, Quebec where he has been work- ing since May, and also where there is already two feet of snow on the ground! Friends of Mrs. Issac Baker will be pleased to know that she is home again after a lengthy stay in the hospital. at Lichee Gardens on Saturday evening, December 5, the occas- ion being the Bert Wittys’ thirty- flfth wedding anniversary. After a lovely dinner, the Wittys went to another “exclusive restaurant." the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilf Bowes, for coffee and (jgssert. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kippax of Stevenson, Ontario will arrive "home" in Concord on Saturday and will stay with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Witty fqr pbout a month: 2. 35! a Our Christmas Special Price‘ Is Only; $14.25 Richmond Hill David Lockhart was awarded a trip to New York last week end and had a very enjoyable time visiting many educational and in- teresting spots, including the Un- ited Nations, Statue of Liberty, Staten Island and the Empire State Building. David formerly lived in and attended school in Maple, having moved to Toronto- last summer. And the Lucky Winners Were On Saturday evening, Decem- ber 5th at 6 pm. an interested group met at Adcock’s Variety Store for the drawing of the lucky tickets by Reeve John Per- ry. There were seven lovely and useful prizes waiting -â€" and the ï¬rst name \drawn for the Sun- beam hand mixer . ’ was Chris Moore, 12 years of age. The 22- piece set of dishes was won by Viola Wilcox . No one was surpris- ed when Mr. Perry called out Ella M. Harris (she is one of those ever lucky ones) and she had won the kitchen utensils with rack. Next for the electric tea kettle, was Joe Mendelson, a high school student from our vill- age. In fact each winner was some one living in Maple, which wa very nice. The ï¬fth prize, 3 ga on of paint went to Ina Yahe. This is the ï¬rst year our dis- trict has undertaken this project and the gifts we give (at Perry’s Drug Store) will be distributed to patients in Aurora Mental Hos- pital and the several boarding homes in our own county. After mentioning last week the plan of the Canadian Mental Health Association to distribute gifts at this season to the many patients in our mental hospitals -â€" we learned a little more that makes the giving a more personal thing. Maple Snack Bar may just be the setting for the sixth prize won by teen-ager Carol Brunston, whose family just recently tool: over from the Payne's (we hear they took off for Ireland). The prize was a delightful silver or- namental Christmas tree. Finally number seven â€"- a set of eight tumblers was won by Yvonne Rice. Congratulations to all and a large thank you from Eric and Winifred Adcock for making their first week such an outstanding success. . 'Week End Visitor A large group from St. Steph- en’s Sunday School travelled by chartered bus to the Holy Trin- ity Church. ‘h‘inity Square, in downtown Toronto last Sunday. There they saw the presentation of the Christmas Story perform- ed for the 22nd year. It was most beautifully done, from the colour- ful costumes to the lovely music of the organ and choir. 0! Local Interest Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fierheller of Aurora and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Worrall of Elgin Mills were Sun- day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Clegg. St. Stephen’s S. S. George Appel was recently transferred from the Bank of Commerce in Maple to Bradford. We hope he is enjoying his teller duties there. Last weekend he re- turned for a visit in/ Maple with John Spencer. Wow â€" 16 Years†On December 7, our number one boy Peter Shore celebrated his 16th birthday. His Uncle John and Auntie Velma Brubach- er with cousins Laura Mae and Judy came over from Stouï¬ville to help make it an occasion. At St. Andrew's Bradley David Lloyd. son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lloyd was baptised at last Sunday morning’s service, Rev. B. F. Andrew offic- iating. , White Gift Sunday Maple United Church Sunday School is holding its White Gift Service on Sunday, December 13, 1959. Community 8; School Club A very-enjoyable December meeting was held at the school in the form of a Christmas games Maple Notes Mrs. William Mullen (Maggie) Who came out from Garvin S ot- land recently to visit her moiier, Mrs. Robert McCormick of n- don, )ntario, visited at the home of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Wallon, Maple fer two deys en route. ‘ For some time there has been much talk and discussion regard- ing the amount of heavy traffic at the main intersections of Ma- ple. The’ question always brought up is, ‘-'Why not have at least a flashing light to slow traffic (if not ‘stop’ lights)?†After the ï¬rst traffic fatality in Maple in ten years must we wait around for a second or third before some- thing ‘is done? For "The Liberal†delivered, call AL. 7-1513 and Michael Weir will see you have it deliver- ed promptly each Thursday. Social Note There will be no meeting in January but plan to attend the ï¬rst Wednesday of the month, February 3, 1960, at 8.15 pm. It is your club if you have a child attending George Bailey Public School or have an interest in your community. Perhaps Now Is The Time party. Tables for bridge, euchre and scrabble were set up in the “lower hall" that has just had the floor beautifully tiled and the ceiling soundproofed. Shirley Cieworth, president of the club, and her hard working efficient executive are to be con: gratulated for making the even- ing such fun. A special thanks to members and friends who sup. ported the club by attending, thus assuring therflnancial success. Vice-president Jane Puffer, on behalf of the Community and School Club presented Mr. John Outram, principal with a 4-speed automatic record player for use in the school. On the evening of December I, 1959, the ladies of the U.L.C. W., Zion, Sherwood, held a social evening having as their guests, members of the U.L.C.W. from Bethesda, Unionville, St. Philips, Emmanuel, Good Shepherd and St. Ansgar parishes in Toronto. Mrs. Roy Kef’r‘er, president of the Sherwood U. L. C. welcomed about 60 ladies to the assembly which was held in the church._ Mrs. Ross Percival, chairman of the Education Committee presid- ed over a very interesting and en- joyable program presented by in- dividuals and groups from the various parishes. Taking part in the program was Mrs. Arnold ‘Peter, who sang a medley of Christmas songs. She was accom- panied at the piano by Mrs. Ar- thur Moore. Before Mrs. Peter san her numbers, she outlined the istory of some of the songs. Miss Aletha‘ Smith of St. Philips, accompanied by Miss Janice Iv- erson, was also a soloist. Mrs. »Nelson Smith of Unionville de- lighted her listeners by reading solufie poems she had written her- se . A choral speaking group of la- dies from the Emmanuel parish, presented in two acts, “The Christmas _Story†and several numbers were enjoyed as a sex- tet from the Church of the Good Shepherd gave their talents gen- erously. A short story wastread by Mrs. Alice Born of St. Ansgar and another Christmas story was read by Mrs. John Fisher of Un- ionvllle. Mrs. Roy Keffer, on behalf of the members of her organization presented Mrs. Harper of Union- ville with a picture for the Sun- day School room_in her church. The ladies of St. Philips super- vised a Bible quiz and the last number on the program, a game called “Hi Neighbors," enabled the ladies to become better ac- quainted. To Housewives - - GET YOUR SOFT- WATER SOFTENER I.D.RAMER and Son A SUPPLY ALWAYS . Phone TU. 4-1313 . RICHMOND BILL 189 Centre St. E. AQUA NUGGETS SALT FROM SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED and CLEANED Complete Septic Tank Repair Service Accurate Septic Tank Service ' R. R. 1 Willowdale HU. 5-1313 MI Sherwood Notes FRANK PASSER Born in Leeds, England. May 8, 1876, Miss Johnston came to Canada with her parents in 1909 and they settled in Maple. She was a seamstress, working with the T. Eaton Company for 27 years. and was a member of the Quarter Century Club. She re- tired in 1930 and although she lived alone she retained an active interest in the world and the people close around her, and her many nieces and nephews and the young folk of Maple found her an interesting personality â€" as did the older people of the vill- age. Miss M.‘ Johnston ls Traffic Victim One of Maple's oldest and most respected residents, Miss Mar- garet James Johnston, was killed instantly at 7 o’clock last Friday night, December 4, 1959, when she was hit by a car driven by Luciano Vertolli of King City as she crossed Keele St., walking from the library to the new var- iety store in the village. It was the ï¬rst such fatality in Maple in 10 years. A member of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church in Maple, she is survived by her brother, William of Maple, and great, great nieces and nephews, Funeral services were held at St. Andrew’s Church, with the Rev. B. F. Andrews oï¬iciating on Monday and interment was in Maple United Cemetery. The pa]! bearers were William John- ston, Alfred Hood, Macdonald Allen, Frank Hands, Alec Hands and William (Billy) Johnston. “The Liberal" joins the com- munity in extending to her fam- ily deepest sympathy in their be- reavement. From September to December. the members of the 4-H Club of Edgeley have been learning how they could prepare, cook, season and serve all types of vegetables. Last Saturday at Newmarket they showed OE their skills at “Ach- ievement Day†where Helen Spencer was their “commenta- torâ€. Recently Helen attended a luncheon at the Royal York Hotel when the 4H clubs of this district were guests of the Kiwanis Club. Helen Spencer 4-H Commentator GROWER â€" FLORIST Since 1880 The ï¬nest in floral designs and bedding plants. a] PHONE ALpine 7-1471 Keele Street Maple, Ont. See M USED CARS 1955 DODGE For Stair & Porch Rails, Grilles & Gratings, Fire Escapes Portable Welding 8: Repairs S'ee Richvale Ornamental Iron Works MANY BARGAINS AT Wm NEAI. Congratulations to Mr. James Robson of Purpleville who celebrated his 78th birthday recently with a fam- ily party held at the home of his son, Charles Robson. Mr. Robson is a former teevo of Vaughan TOWnship. Phone AV. 5-4421 'James Robson Celebrates 78th Birthday DODGE & DeSOTO 61 Yonge Street S. Richmond Hill ME. 5-1000 '11:. members of the Edgeley Women's Institute enjoyed a Christmas program at their reg- al 11' meeting on Thursday of last week at the home of Mrs. Ed. Phillips, Woodbridge. The excu- tive members arranged the pro- gram which included a medley of Christmas tunes played by Mrs. George Mains at the piano and a reading by Mrs. Fred Bodker en- titled “When Father Christmas was Young,†The highlight of the afternoon we the bestowing of life mem- bership on Mrs. Allan Aitcheson by Mrs. E Phillips and Mrs. Al! Bagg, themselves life members. The roll call was "My most memorable Christmas.†The members exchanged Christmas gifts and enjoyed a re- freshing cup of tea while they visited with Mrs. Bruce Keï¬er of Bond Head, a former member, who took the opportunity to visit her mother! on Institute day. Mrs. Fred Bodker will be the hostess at the next meeting which will be held at 2 pm. on January 7th. Mrs. George Mains. convenor of Historical Research and Cur- rent events will conduct the pro- gram. Mrs. Bodker, Mrs. Cook and Mrs. Darlington will be the social committee. Auto Service Complete Service To All Makes of Cars Good brakes are a ‘must†for safe stops. Have the peace of mind of being 100% brakewise. Come in for a brake check. If needed we’ll reline and adjust them. COOK'S BP Can You Count 011 Safe Stops? 9 ELGIN MILLS TU. 4-3151. W779!†HIMEO W UM RICHVALE PHARMACY 8PM? um COLOGNE sways a golden breath that at tracts...persuados...holds...and Ml...onything can happen! Edgeley Socials rum comm 7H! muonm g mm comm g m srumn golden brown than: gTho years most enchanting gFor the woman, born to 5 This set will deli! arsuados...holds...and g gift...a precious vial of genchant man . . . exciting :Thrilling Hypnotique anything can happen! : Hypnotique mm, :m power! 4 at. a 2 oz. 3 and delicate dusting See other exciting Hypnotique gifts at your fa'vorito cometz'o counter. BUY 13 CHRISTMAS SEALS HYPNOTIOUE " MAX FACTOR Free All Day Motorized Delivery ' Ample Free Parking Free Tubérculin Tests free Chest X-Rays . SAVE lIVES when you give TURKEY SHOOT SAT., DEC. 12th I959 AT 1 O’CLOCK Shotguns only, heated shelter, light lunches available. Come and bring your friends. Win yourself a Christmas turkey (dressed) 39g No more aching back: and freezing hands, shovel!- ing snow. wk Let our men and machines keep your driveway clean the whole winter through wt} We are accepting a limited number of contracts for driveway snow removal. ï¬r Make sure you are one of the lucky ones. ï¬r Driveways 100’ long and under, $35.00 per year. over 100 ft. slightly more. TU. 4-4096 $1.00 per round ii 9014 Yonge St. SPONSORED BY THE MAPLE LIONS CLUB HELD AT SHURâ€"GAIN FARMS ‘ MAPLE, ONTARIO SNOW FOR THE NEXT FIVE MONTHS Driveway Snow Removal magnetic new fragrance by MAX FACTOR HYPNOTIQUE COWELL PAVING C0. -3772 CALL US NOW! mm COLOGNE For the woman, born to enchant men . . . exciting mwpowor!4ol.&202. FOR YOUR RESERVATION "fllE SPELLBINDER This set will delight herl Thrilling Hypnotique cologne and delicate dusting powder. HOLLYWOOD