Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 Dec 1959, p. 6

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The regular monthly meeting of the 3rd Richmond Hill Scout Grou . Ladies Auxiliary was held Mon ay, December 7th at St. Gabriel Parish Hall. Mrs. Boom- hower, first president of the group officially installed the of- ficers for next year. President. Mrs. Doris Weston: Vice Presi- dent, Mrs. Mary Ruttan; Secre- tary. Mrs. Eunice Toogood; Trea- surer. Mrs. Grace Tapp; Member- ship. Mrs. K. Hedman; Sewing Convener, Mrs. Jean Ley: Social Convener Mrs. Ethel Madeley; Programme Mrs. Evelyn Dear- iing; Publicity Mrs. M-arian Dan- ter; Sunshine Convener, Mrs. Pat Hurren. A social half hour fol- lowed, gifts were exchanged and refreshments served. The W. A. of the Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church held their regular meeting on Monday night, and after the business meeting Mrs. H. H. McKay gave a lovely demonstration of how ho make Christmas decorations and centm pieces which was much appreciated, and the ex- Icutive for 1960 was nominated. Have you any musical accomp- lishments? Play the trumpet. drums or the clarinet? If so, the Police Boy's Band who meet ev- ery Thursday evening at Crosby Heights Public School would wel- come you! The Police Station, Richmond Hill will be pleased to give any further particulars. or contact Mr. William (Bill) Parker. The next meeting of the Bev- erley Acres Home and School Association will be held in the school auditorium on December 17th at 8.30 p.m. It will be in the form of a Christmas Music Festival, given by the Junior and senior sections of the School. Cof- Iee and refreshments will be serv- ed to everyone present. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Monks, 133 Wood Lane, are entertaining a cousin from Tofino, B. C., Har- old Frank Monks. This is the first meeting of the cousins, as Harold, Frank‘s father came to Canada before the first World War, while Harold was born in England and has lived in Toronto since 1956. Mrs Grace Ogilvie of 316 Browndale Cres., Beverley Acres, Was rushed to Newmarket Hos- pital on Sunday, December 6, and operated on for appendicitis. She is making a fine recovery. Dr. H. H. MacKay is attending the Midwest Wildlife Conference this week at Minneapolis, Mln- nesoba. Given in marriage by her fa- ther, the bride was beautiful in a white Peau-de-soie gown with lily-point sleeves, sweetheart neckline trimmed with french embroidered lace, and chapel train. Her triple illusion veil fell St. Mary's Anglican Church was the scene of a very colourful wedding when Heather Joan Mc- Gregor was married to Keith William Doherty. The bride. a graduate of Barrie District Col- legiate and Toronto General Hos- pital School of Nursing. is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rob Roy McGregor of Richmond Hill and the groom a graduate of Ry- mon Institute of Technology is the son of Mrs. Doherty and the Late William Doherty of New To- mnto. Ths. music for the ceremony was provided by Mr. W. S. Thomson of Oakville Ontario, uncle of the bride. The double ring ceremony was peyAfox-medr by thg Rev. J. O’Neil. C THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. December 10, 19597 from a pearls. bouquet mums e atte stun sole dress with r hat. Bridesmaids fioué/e leinq. dby he: . of white (:11 ntwined with ivy re ne ho was ma gal < carrie POW!) Mrs. 11 vn of a very Editor Margot Crack novel :anthe- he was iv Mc- King. lel' Wilberforce. Many friends in this district were ,saddened to learn of the passing of William Schofield Bat- tersby in Lindsay Hospital last Saturday from a heart ailment. Son of the late Rev. F. H. Bat~ tersby 'he lived here for several years and was married to Olive Paris. sister of Mr. Ralph Paris of Richmond Hill. For many years he had been principal of Lindsay Public Schools. He is survived by his Widow. three sons John. Geoffrey and David and one daughter Anne. also two sis- ters, Margaret of Peterboro and Sylvia (Mrs. K. G. Cameron) oi‘ Sheila Siegerman will be ap- pearing in the New Play Society’s production of Anouilh’s ‘Legend of Lover’s" to be presented on December 18th - 20th at their theatre at 88 BIoor 81., Toronto. The play is being directed by Leon Major, who is currently giv- ing a drama course to members of the Curtain Club. Mrs. W. E. Smith. Yonge St. is at present in St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto. where she is resting comfortably following surgery last week. The “Liberal” join with her many friends in wishing her a speedy recovery and hope to see her home again very soon. At Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church on Friday. December 11, at 8 pm. a Pre-Communion ser- vice will be held when new mem- bers will be received intb the church. A fellowship and social hour will follow in the church hall, with refreshments being served by the Women's Auxiliary. At the regular monthly meet- ing of the Richmond Hill V.O.N. Committee this week it was an- nounced that Miss Livingstone. retiring Director for Canada of Victorian Order of Nurses will be guest on the TV show "Open House" Monday afternoon, Dec- ember 14th at 2.30 pm. Mr. Peanut will be a visitor at all homes next Saturday. Decem- ber 12th. He merits a warm wel- come as he will offer a generous supply of choice nuts for the fes- tive season. Sponsored by the Lions Club all proceeds go for welfare work in the community. Bing Lew, the popular proprie- tor of the Town Inn, Yonge St., will be holding his annual din- ner and Christmas party for the children of the Loyal True Blue and Orange Home at his restaur- ant next Wednesday. (nee Barbara Preeter) and Judy McGregor were breath taking in Autumn Green Peau-de-soie with matching feather hats. The jun- ior bridesmaid Brenda Smith of Belleville was delightful in Bronze Italian Peau~de-soie with matching feather hat. A11 attend- ants carried crescent shaped bou- quets of bronze Chrysanthemums, yellow carnations and Talisman roses. Groomsman was Paul Mc- Garry of Toronto. Ushers were Claire Charlton of Cookesville and Rob Roy McGregor, brother of the bride. The reception followed at the Yantze Pagoda. The bride’s mo- ther received in a heather white satin brocade dress with sapphire blue French feather hat and ac- cessories and wearing white and blue carnations. Mrs. Doherty, the groom’s mother received in an sing hfi Hospital blu ’ received lle dress mg TH; with ellow 1e 'Dhe first' annual Candlelight Service presented by the C.G.I.T. Group of St. Matthew’s United Church will be held Sunday ev- ening at 7.00 pm. in the church, Crosby Avenue, Arranged for and conducted by Mrs. Bunny Stone- man, Mrs. Victor Scudds, and Mrs. R. Joyce. Ingrid Haessler. C. G. I. T. President, and Donna. Fleming, President of the Ex- plorer’s Group will assist the Rev: William Patterson in the pulpit St. Gabriel’s W. A. held their annual Christmas party. Decem- ber 8th at the Parish Hall. There were active group games played“ and white elephant gifts were ex- changed from the Christmas Tree. The outgoing President, Mrs. Jean Whitman was present- ed With a book "Lift up Your Hearts." The enjoyable evening came to a close with festive re- freshments. Mrs. A. S. Elson presided over the business session of the Har- riet Taylor Auxiliary of the W0- men’s Missionary Society of Richmond Hill United Church. Mrs. Gordon Robinson took the choir for the Christmas program. The worship period was in charge out Mrs. Albert Chapman, and Mrs. F. M. McCron. Christmas read- ings by Mrs. Patterson, Mrs. Pe- ter Addison, and Miss Mabel Wal- ker, interspersed with Christmas carols by Mr. John Spanner com- pleted an interesting program. A social hour followed. Congratulations to Mrs. H. F. Stillwell, Demaine Crescent. on winning $300 at the local Lion's Bingo last week. Mrs. Stillwall, [although a regular visitor at the bingo, has never won anything before, and was very thrilled with her winnings “just in time for Christmas." The bingo will be taking place as usual this Monday night at the Lion’s Hall, so why not go and try your luck? Judging by the many comments we receive this column is read with great interest by hundreds of Richmond, Hill readers, not to mention many in other parts of Canada and the World. If you have any personal items or neWS of social events please send them by mail or phone our office, TU. 4-1105, and we will be pleased lnclufie them in "Life in the Hi1 .’ Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bury re- turned home on Sunday after at- tending the American Public Wel- fare Association Biennial Round Table in Washington last week. Travelling by car via New York, where they enjoyed a brief shop- ping spree, Mr. and Mrs. Bury also paid a brief visit to Will- iamsburg. Virginia on their homeward trip, A party was held to celebrate Miss Beverly Wilson’s tenth birthday at her home on Norfolk Avenue. Guests included Judy Ritchie, Lynda Lovemck. Cather- ine Hammond, Sharon Bond. Rho- dell Byron. Rosemary Del Brocco, Gail Thomson, Joan Walker and Susan MacKenzie. A tape record- ing was made of the party fun to be later sent to her grand- parents in Hull, England. LA...“ The Women’s Missionary Soc- iety of Richmond Hill Presbyter- ian Church held their December meetlng in the church hall. Elec- tion of officers was held. The fol- lowing ladies were elected for the coming term: Hon. President, Mrs. T. Moore; president, Mrs. M. H. Burnie; lst vice president, Mrs. G. Kelly, Buttonville; 2nd vice president. Mrs. A. Cameron; secretary, Mrs. J. A. Latimer; treasurer, Mrs. J. Beresford; home helpers. Mrs. D. Lamb, Mrs. K. Blanchard; welcome and welfare, Mrs. J. Beresford; Glad Tidings. Mrs. J. Brownlee; sup- ply secretaries, Mrs. R. Boying- ton, Mrs. N. Melloy. The Couples Club of Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church held their November meeting in the Sunday School hall on Saturday night November 28th. After I short devotional period and bus- iness meeting the members enjoy- ed a number.of films provided by Lands and Forests which pro- ved to be both interesting and in- formative. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Steven, South Paliser Crescent were Mr. Stev- en’s brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Steven from The Pas, Manitoba. Mr. Steven. who is the manager of the Toronto Dominion Bank in The Pas, was attending the Toronto Dominion Bank Annual Meeting, which was held at the Park Plaza Hotel last week. Also visiting was Mrs. Steven’s mother. Mrs. Edith Doan from Beamsville, who although celebrating her eighty eighth birthday next January, is still very active, and enjoyed her stay visiting former friends in the dis- trict. At the December meeting of the Allencourt Ratepayers A5805 iction, a Social Evening of bingo was held in place of the general meeting. Owing to the very generous support of many of the local mer- chants, there were many lovely prizes. Those who were not lucky enough to win bingo prizes,~ had another chance, when Reeve Per- kins and Bruce Murray, drew the tickets for the door prizes. Re- freshments were served at the close of the bingo. Again thanks to the merchants who donated prizes. and to the social commit- whb were responsible for the suc- cess of the evening. Richmond Hill residents were fortunate to escape the full force of Monday’s inclement wintry weather that swept over most of Ontario. Wet snow and freezing rain coupled with gale-force winds cut power and communica- tion lines in the adjacent areas of Oak Ridges Markham and Concord for periods up to one hour. Due to the high winds in Richmond Hill there Were three power interruptions of only five, ten and fifteen minutes each ~ which were speedily rectified by Richmond Hill Hydro superinten- dent Vern Snider and his crews. ‘Mr. Money Man" -- a gentle- man of unique appearance and manner, will make his appearance for the first time in the Rich- mond Hill area on Friday and Saturday. As ambassador for a well known manufacturer of meat and other products, "Mr. Money Man” will interview shoppers at the "Red 8.: White" Supermarket, Bayview Shopping Plaza. present- ing them with various food pro- ducts manufactured by his com- pany. Children will also receive fancy colored balloons. Whether they failed, passed with honours or just scraped through, students attending "Teen Town’ ’on Saturday night. forgot their problems, and thor- oughly enjoyed an evening 0d? dancing and fun. During the course of the evening two long playing records were given away to the winners of a stick ance, the lucky recipients being) Judy Purvis and Bruce Wilson? Teen Town‘ executive are planning a big Christmas dance on Saturday, December 19th, so keep this date open and plan torattend. Mild December weather helped to bring out a good crowd to the bazaar held by St. Mary’s Angli- can Church last Saturday after- noon. While the children enter- tained downstairs by several of the Men's Club turned pirates for the day, the mothers were free to solve their Christmas shopping problems upstairs and bognjoy arcup of tea. The various church organiza- tions taking part would like to take this opportunity of thankâ€" ing all those who contributed to the great sucicqssA of the day. To-night, Thursday, the Rich- mond Hill Horticultural Society's meeting in the Lions community Hall promises to be a very inter- esting one. The Rev. William W. Patterson. as guest speaker, has chosen as his topic, “Flowers, their symbolism at Christmas." Musical entertainment will fea- ture “The Escorts" the prizewin- ning Barber Shop Quartette, Fred Shoubridge. Bruce Curtis, Jim Boyd and Ed Fertuck. This group won the championship honors at the Ontario Festival. Election of officers featured Tuesday night’s meeting of St. Matthew’s Women’s Federation. The newly elected officers are as follows: Hon. Pres. Mrs. Wm. Patterson, Pres. Mrs. R. Robbins; Mission- ary Programme, Mrs. E. Wright; Congregational Committee, Mrs. C. Loverock: Recording Sect., Mrs. L. Justice; Corresponding Sect, Mrs. H. Regier; Treasurer, Mrs. J. Walter; Missionary Tress, Mrs. E. Wright;.Christian Edu- cation, Mrs. B. Curtis; Press and Periodicals, Mrs. R. Judge; Sup- ply, Mrs. C. Plume; Christian Citizenship, Mrs. W. Needham; Devotions, Mrs. T. Beattie; Flow- ers, Mrs. S. Urquhart; Parsonage, Mrs. L. Justice; Visiting and Christian Fellowship, Mrs. S. Dennis; Social Convener, Mrs. L. McNaught; Auditors, Mrs. B. Cur tis and Mrs. B. Knight; Christian Stewardship, Mrs. R. Wallace. Nomination Committeez- Mrs J. Walter, Mrs; C. Plume, Mrs. C Loverock, Mrs. B. Curtis, Mrs. 5 Dennis. Richmond Hill Gospel Crusade The Moutoux Gospel team, consisting of Rev. and Mrs. Wil- frid Moutoux of Bridgeport, On- tario are conducting a special gospel crusade at the Richmond Hill ‘Free Methodist Church. The services commenced Monday ev- ening and will continue through Sunday, December 13. This husband and wife team have spent more than 12 years in the field of evangelism. They have conducted crusades in the U. 5., Haiti, Jamaica and in 8 of the ‘Canadian Provinces. During the past 3 months they have worked with the United Missionary church here in Ontar- io with the Wesleyan Methodist church in southern Indiana, with the Standard church at Brock- ville, Ont. and now here in Rich- mond Hill with the local Free Methodist congregation. C GI T Doings Biclimond Bill United "hm-ch The meeting was opened with the CGIT Purpose and the Lord's Prayer. The girls were given a group inspection, and then went into the groups. Group Activities: Mrs. Patton’s group rehearsed for the upcom- ing Vesper Service on December 13th; Mrs. Sanderson’s group is continuing Bible Study; Mrs. Whittingham's group had a dis~ cussion; Mrs. Williams’ group is still working on their pillows: Mrs. MacDonald's group has just begun their Bible Study based on the encounters of Jesus. The meeting was closed with tape Cub Par Excellence! Mr. and Mrs. Richard Edward Fugler of Thornhill announce with pleasure the engagement of their elder daughter, Marylou Ethel. to Robert Stuart Miner. B.P.H.E.. only son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stewart Miner of To- ronto. the wedding to take place In Thornhill Presbyterian Church on Saturday. December 26, at 3 pm. c1w24 PHILLIPS â€" In loving memory of Wm. Ernest Phillips, who departed this life, December 7th, 1952. There is a link death cannot sever, Love and remembrance last for Cub Allen Miller of the Share Khan pack, lst Beverley Acres Scout group, proudly wears all thirteen badges it is possible for a Cub to earn. Allen became a Scout last week in a Going-Up ceremony held at Beverley Acres school. BROWN -â€" In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather, David Brown, who passed away December 11th, 1958 â€"- How we miss the welcome foot- steps. 0f the one we love so dear. , 0ft we listen for his coming, Fully sure that he is near. Thou art gone but not forgotten, Fresh our love will ever be For as long as there is memory, We will always think of thee. Sad-1y missed by Adam, Alice, Alan and Kathy. DICKINSON -â€" In loving mem- ory of my dear husband, Wal- ter S. Dickinson Sr., who pass- ed away on December 14, 1955. So many things have happened Since you were called away â€" So many things to share with you, Had you been left to stay. Every day in some small way Memories of you come our way. Though absent, you are ever near, Still missed, still loved and ever dear.” -â€" Lovingly remembered by wife, Mabel. A c1w24 In memoriams ever. â€" Wife Cassi‘e and family. *1w24 WATSON â€" In loving memory of our dear husband and father, Barney Oakley, who passed a- way December 15th, 1955. Please God forgive a silent tear. A fervent wish our dad was here There are others, yes we know But he was our‘s We loved him so, Dear God take a message to our father in Heaven above Tell him how much we miSs him And give him all our love Wife Elizabeth. daughters, Helen and Pauline. *1w24 WATSON â€" In loving memory of clear Dad, Barney Oakley, who passed away December 15th, 1955. ‘ His smiling ways and pleasant lace Are a pleasure to recall, He had a kindly w’ord for each And died beloved by all Some day we hope to meet him Some day we know not where To clasp his hand in the better land Never to part again Lovingly remembered by daugh- ters Hilda, Jewel and Ernest and grandchildren. c1w24 barents and friends who support. ed the event, Brownies of the First Richmond Hill Pack made a gift of their Golden Jubilee Tulip bulbs to the Thornhaven School for Re- tarded Children newly-opened on Centre St. E. On Saturday, Dec- ember 5 they had a pleasant vis- it at the school with their new Brown Owl Mrs. G. R. Abbott and new 'Ilawny Owl, Mrs. Wm. Dick- ie. Golden Tulips have been planted by Guides and Brownies from coast to coast to mark the fiftieth year of Guiding in Can- ada. Watch for them next spring. A very successful bazaar was held by the 1st Guide Company of MacKillop School and the 2nd Guide Company of Wrixon Hall, on Wednesday, December 2nd. Commissioner, Mrs. Hugh Yerex, Captain Yeo of the lst company and Captain Taylor of the 2nd company officiated. The guides worked diligently for weeks on Christmas decorations. knitted goods and candies and enjoyed selling their wares. The profits will assist company funds for badges and equipment. The corn- Danies wish. to thank the many Engagements Guide Notes Richmond Hill is having some- thing new added to its Christmas festivities this year, which may well become a tradition localLv as it has done in England over the past centuries. The local Curtain Club is presenting, free of charge (but tickets are required for ad5 mission) 3 pantomime. Written and directed by Gerry Crack, in true ‘panto’ tradition the ex;ected liberties are taken with the story of Cinderella, in- cluding the Principal Boy (or Prince Charming) being played by a girl, Beth Jones: the ugly sisters are well clowned by Rex Sevenoa‘ks and David Coon, the songs are tuneful; the pace is merry. To'the many Richmond Killers who were; broughtjgp to expect a pantomine as a third course to their Christmas Dinner, it will be a bit of old times; to the many more Richmond Hillers who have never seen a pantomime it will be a romp and a tuneful burlesâ€" que of a romantic story. which they may quickly decide should be included as part of their Christmas fare. The Girl Guides of Richmond West were the first to see ‘it, when the Curtain Club troupe gave their opening performance of “Cinderella” in Wrixon Hall on Wednesday evening. It will be repeated on Friday night but tickets must be obtained in ad- vance. So far the third and last performance will be for the An- glican Sunday School pupils on December 18. One of the highlights of the eighty-seventh Anniversary Serv- ices at St. Mary’s Anglican Church last Sunday was the pre-’ sentation to the Bishop of the largest Confirmation Class in the History of the Parish. Sixty-one candidates received the ancient rite of the Laying on of Hands by the Right Reverend F. H. Wilk- inson, M.C., M.A., D.D, Bishop of Toronto At the very simple but impressive service last_ Sunday evening at seven o'clock. the Rec- tor, the Rev. J. F. O’Neil was as- sisted by the Rev. Edward Mor- ley and Layreaders, Fred Jackson Don Little, and Harry Hill. Mr. Paul Morley, Layreader, acted as the Bishop’s Chaplain. The fol- lowing candidates were presented to the Bishop: David William Agg, Bruce Dav- id Appleby, Richard Allen Hook. Garry Michael Lander, Brian Wil- fred Lennox, John Watt Lennox, Robert Charles Lewis, Robert Erhest Lovell, Larry Allan Lucas, John Douglas Waldow Ross, John Edwin Robert Smith, Dean Wain- wright, Michael Andrew Wilson, Robin Douglas Anderson, Shirley Ann Banks, Sandra Joan Bunker, Anne Christine Dewsbury. Dianne Donaldson, Mary Far- well. Joan Ann Featherstonhaugh, Ann Eileen Fletcher, Jolene Marylou Goodier, Marlies Martha Graeber, Norma Reid' Hamilton. Wendy Lynn Hopper, Carole Ann Jones, Helena Mary Catherine King, Janet Edna Leman, Lois Ann Loughridge, Leslie Barbara McRae, Patricia Morley, Marjorie Ann Ross, Beverley Ann Smith, Janet Elizabeth Thomson, Sandra Lynne Wall, Nancy Wharton, Penelope Kathleen Wilson, Diane Carol. Winstone. Cinderella Pantomime For Christmas Season 61 Confirmed As St. Mary's Anglican Celebrates It's 87th Annversary Or use FIGURAMAS unique TEMPULSE feature which com- bines controlled heat, and gentle, soothing pulsation for relaxation or to help relieve aches and pains from arthritis, rheumatism, bur- sitis, lumbago. Adults: William Bruce Black- burn, William John Case, Clar- ence Douglas Hlllaby, Leonard William Jones, William Kedwell, Simple to use . . . far the man in the family too. Own or rent . . pennies a day! Call now for free demonstration in your home. No obligation of course. CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY Richmond Hill a 013mm: mm For Information on]! Rinhmoml Hill TU. 6-122! TU 4-3463 AV. 5-4825 'l'hornhill AV. 5-1608 AV. 5-1743 ALpine 7-2650 AV. 5:24AM; Dnlonvtllo 889 Salon-type FIGURAMA Home Slenderizing Table with TEM- PULSE now available in Canada! Lose pounds . . lose inches . . safely. easily with FIGURAMA'S relaxing, firming dual action massage. D’A lton McLaughlin F.T.C.M. L. Mus. W.U. F.R.C.C.0. Piano & Singing Richmond HiLl Representative Bus. BU. 7â€"1441 The fact that "Cinderella" SLENDERIZING Available (or instruction i! Richmond Hill Phone TU. 4-3523 HUdson 5-2591 (momings) Tempulse of Canada MRS. NED HILL Res. TU. 44463 opens less than two weeks after Blithe Spirit does not mean that it will be "substandard." The club's large membership enabled a second 'cast to be inâ€"rehearsal for some time past. Although a financial loss was suffered on Blithe Spirit the club maintained its original de- cision to present this Christmas offering free of charge. The costs of Blithe Spirit climbed to $429.00, with rent and royalties at $127 and $75 respec- tively the major contributors. The things that the public would expect to add to the cost such as sets ($39), costumes (nil!) and lighting ($29) did comparatively little to raise the cost of putting on a play in Richmond Hill. al- hough make-up for the "ghosts" alone came to $16. The next full scale production, the festival entry will probably arouse considerable local interest as it will be remembered that the Curtain Club’s 1959 entry “Clerembard” won the top hon- ors a-t Hart House Theatre last spring. wThE year director Richard Bar- rett of C. B. C. TN: \in1 Bilpg “The Chalk Garden” by Enid Bagnold through a pre-festival showing at the Lions’ Hall Feb- ruary 11, 12, and 13. An entry into the One-Act Festival is also planned which will be shown loc- ally in the club rooms before the April competition. _..r-__ ~,, In the mEantime the pantomime presentation has provided a wel- come air of relaxation to the ded- icated thespians. John Bruce Langstafi', Norman Herbert Lewis, Stanley Arthur Eric Lewis, Roy Fraser Masters, James Bernard McRae, James Frederick Orser, Robert Hilton Painter, Ph.D., Lawrence Colonel Preece. Ernest Wall, Burton Fred- erick Winstone. Nessie Paterson Gunn, Elizabeth Mary Jones, Elizabeth Anne McCord. Kath- leen Abbey McRae, Lois Barbara Neilson, Dorothy Painter. June Preece, Nettie Wall. WWW/y”. ‘ Winter can’t worry you when the inside of your home is cozy. Our efi’icient service provides you with fuel oil to keep it that way. The Choir, under the direction of Miss Dorothy Armstrong, sang the Anthem Seek Ye the Lord, by Roberts, with Mr. Grant Mowat singing the solo parts. After the Service, an informal reception was held in the Parish Hall. Mrs. J. Y. Lepper,’ president of the Altar Guild, convened the re- freshments. FOR COMFORT TICKETS 50 cents RESERVED 75 cents (Tickets available from any member) . CHRISTMAS CONCERT DECEMBER 16th, 1959 â€" 8.15 P.M. RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH HALL (I) Handel’s Messiah Part 1 & Selections from Part 2 0813015 .9 secs one. 9-9. sets coo-o. YORK CHORALIERS ‘For Complete Drug Servico' Clarke's Pharmacy xx'xxxx xxxx xrxxVxxxx§7<§ Canada's work in cancer con- trol is a worthy contribution to NATO. It is hoped that before too long people from NATO countries will visit this country to study our work in this field. Everyone has his m up“ way of making Christmash’mo a very warm and meaningful aca- lon. Taking the family to church gthetree...uingmg carols fore the fireplace. We hope yours is a happy Christmas and a safe one, too. When you drive, be careful. Remember: everybody’s looking forward to a wonderful holiday. Merry Christmas! Phone TU. 4-1201 Richmond Hill The Prescription Profes- sion is ever watchful and atuned to the ad- vance: made by Medi- cni Science. It keeps a watchful vigil. ready for immediate service when- ever the Medical Profes- sion calls. It stands guagd FOR YOU. FACT FOR THE WEEK: Richmond Hill Unit CAN ADLAN CANCER SOCIETY NORM BRIAN’I‘ Suite 1. Grd. Floor 31 Yonge St. North Richmond Hill. 0M. TU. 4-2291 HEAD OFFICE TORONTO ONT. STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES

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