ï¬aple, ConcortLgEdgeley Disggg PINDER BROS. LTD. 2 Otonobee BA. l-3344 STEEL LINTELS I BEAMS Maple Public Library will be closed December 26. 26, and January 1. The 'Abrary will be open on Saturday, January 2. 1960 as usual. Circulation during the month at November wan 358. Kept in Steel: Portable Crane Service 71 Centre Street East LUMBER - LATHS - TRIM ‘ SHINGLES - GYPROC ROOFING MATERIALS STEEL FABRICATING To Customer Speciï¬cations Maple Public Library THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thgrsday, December 1'7. 1959 AURORA SAND 8. GRAVEl SPECIAL PRICES FOR HOME OWNERS. PIT-RUN GRAVEL. SAND FILL. BRICK AND CONCRETE SAND, ALSO STONE FOR DRIVEWAYS Sheppard and Gill Lumber (0., Ltd. PA. 7 - 9091 Builder! Supplins "The Liberal" is always willing contributed by m tender: in 1 In Maple II Mrs. Len Shore. A and in Edge-Icy Ind Sherwood. M7 ," ls always willing to publish interesting items regarding people and events by its readers in Maple, Concord a; Edgeley districts. Our representative Mrs. Len Shore. ALplno 7-1150; in Concord. Mrs. null: Keller. AV. 5-2375 [or and Sherwood. Mrs. Raymond Slim. AV. 5-1934. This year the Christmas party took a different form to other years when last Sunday night the members of the Sunday School and their teachers met in the church to enjoy a turkey dinner. This was -£oilowed by a lovely Candlelight and White Gift Ser- vice in the church proper. The members of the Sunday School participated in the service with their parents and friends in at- tendance. On Sunday eveningv December 27, the York Caroleers will pres- ent 3 Carol Service at St. An- drew's Church. Rev. B. F. An- drew is the minister. Maple United Church Christmas Church Services Sometimes the commercial side of this seaspn seems to take over with its hustle and bustle, but may we not forget the true meaning of Christmas. The churches in Maple are planning special services so take time out from your busy day to remember and give thanks for the "Christ" in Christmas. St. Andrew’s Preghyterian Last Friday evening. the Sen- ior and Intermediate Sunday School Dtvlslon met in the Edu- cational Centre for their annual Christmas Party. Beautiful ï¬lm- ed travelogues of Western Can- ada were shown followed by some lively cartoons. Gifts were ex- changed and an abundant repast was enjoyed by all. The younger members take ov- TU. 4-1361 Maple Notes er this Saturday. December 19, at 4 pm. for their Sunday School Christmas Party. Rev. Herold Davies of Maple United Church sent out printed "good wishes of the church at this season for a meaningful re- membrance of the Birth of the Master." Sunday, December 18, the theme ofjhe morning service was “Giving†and the White Gifts brought to the service were sent to the Fred Victor Mission and the gifts of money are to he used in the church’s program of over- seas relief through the M & M Fund's Christmas Appeal. In the evening the annual C. G.I.T. Candlelight Service was held. Canadian Girls in Training under the Canadian Council of Churches, is an interdenominat- ional movement and its aim is to present the Christian way of life to teen-age girls. The program consisted of the singing of Christ- mas carols by the girls, dressed in their uniforms of navy skirts with white middies, along with their families and friends in the audience. They led in prayers and appropriate readings for this sea. SOIL The service came to s wonder- fully simple and beautiful close with the lighting of candles to symbolize the meaning of the C. G.I.T. purpose as the girls form- ed a recessions! by candlelight. Sunday. Decembtel' 20, 11-30 a. m., the United Church will pre- sent a special Family Service with Christmas music and a children's story. Members and friends are invited to attend as a complete family. Christmas Eve, December 24, at 7.30 p.m., you with your fam- ily are again invited to. attend the service of the Nine Lessons with Christmas carols. St. Stephen’s Anglia-n For the past several years St. Stephen‘s has held a Christmas Eve midnight service with the hope that you will realize more fully the meaning of Christmas and set aside this hour to remem- ber the Birth of the Christ Child. So again this year, Christmas Eve Holy Communion Service will be held in St. Stephen's at 11.30 pm. Friends and members are invited to attend. If you have just recently moved to our com- munity, Dr. R. Armitage will make you most welcome at this service. When the Holy Trinity Church, Trinity Square, Toronto. recent- ly presented the Christmas Story. for the 22nd year, many big and little, young and older members of St. Stephen’s Sunday School travelled by chartered bus to sit entranced through the old but ever new story of Chrlstmas. The presentation was beauti- fully done â€" the costumes were colourful and the music by the choir and organ wonderfully and vividly combined to bring this old, old story of Christmas, so often told through the ages. to an ever new and wondrous fresh- ness for the audience. Christmas morning, Holy Com- munion Service will again be held at 11 mm. in this Angllcan Church. St. Stephen's Sundayr Bchqml This Sunday, December 20, will be the White Gift Sunday. with the children taking an active part in the service at St. Ste- phen’s Church. Sometimes good things come in bunches and then have a way of stopping rather abruptly. The children of St. Stephen’s Sunday School are spreading out their holiday fun and plan to attend their S. S. Christmas Party on Tuesday, December 29. The time wasn’t given but no doubt all members know and plan to turn out en force to enjoy their very own party. Pat Found Time Most folk at thls time are in a dither of last few days scramble to do their shopping and prepare for the few hours of excitement on Christmas morning. (Frankly, I can't stand those few who snap their ï¬ngers and say they are all shopped. wrapped and in control â€" only because it could never happen to me!) “A†cub pack, the other night got caught up in the Christmas decorating excitement when Pat Davis somehow found time to‘ attend their meeting and help to guide these eager beavers in mak- ing all manner of decorations. Pat found it most interesting to watch the enthusiasm and pre- cision shown. when first they started to string cranberries and popcorn. What started out to be so many red, then so many white, ended up in the red almost com- pletely. After all a cub gets hun- gry even when he is on an ar- tistic kickl! The boys' imagina- tion, by trial and error, produc- ed some interesteding asbestos candle holders, ash trays, sparkle covered candles with sequins yet and seasonal window decorations. On behalf of the parents of the Cubs, we'd like to take this spot to thank Pat for this interest as well as the many other times she has gone up to read to the boys about the jungle lore that is the basis for their cub movement. Thanks, too. to the leaders of both cub packs and scout troop for their interest in our boys and Scouting at large. Sometimes coping week after week with such active and exuberant boys it must truly seem a thankless task. It is also very often taken for granted by the parents that a leader just naturally goes with a pack or troop but we neglect to realize and appreciate the fact that these leaders freely give of their time and effort each week and in return receive only the satisfaction of a job well done and the respect and loyalty of the boys who through them. en- joy scouting .and retain a healthy respect for all that scouting stands for. Many, many thanks. Maple Women's Institute Members and friends of Maple W.I. had a very enjoyable even- ing at the home of Mrs. Gordon Watson. Wednesday evening, December 9. The Christmas spit. it prevailed throughout the mee- ting, adding to the enjoyment was John Jackson who played a sel- ection of Christmas carols on his piano accordlap. l._,..r~ _, , Many parcels for the shut-in box were brought as this was the roll call for the meeting. Mrs. W. T. Cook. ï¬rst secretary of the Maple W.I.. presented a leather brief case for the use of the sec- retary. Mrs. H. Jackson gave a report of the district directors' meeting. Carol singing was en- joyed by all with Mrs. H. Noble at the piano. Mrs. E. Harris gave the remainder of her report on the recent convention in Toronto. W.I. members when a euchre and games night will be held at Maple Community Hall. We'll keep you up to date on this get-together as we get more details. St. Andrew’l WA. 1; W.M.S. The next meeting. Januray 13, 1960, is to be an evening to look forward to and plan for â€"â€" a family and friends night with thg There were 25 ladies present when St. Andrew's W.A. and W. M.S. met at the home of Mrs. George Jarrett for their Christ. mas meeting. The president, Mrs. Kingsburgh opened the meeting with prayer. Mrs. J. C. Cooper sang a beautiful solo and Mrs. V. Orr gave a Christmas reading. The roll call was answered with a gift of jam to be sent to Evan- gei Hall. V The secretaries' reports for the end of theiyear were given and it was dlsclbsed the prbceeds of the bake sale and rummage sale were $160.75. Mrs. A. E. Snider, convenor of the nominating committee pres- ented the following slate of offl- cer§ for 1960, which was aAcAcepteg. Honorary president, Mrs. B. F. Andrew; president, Mrs. J. Kingsburg‘h; vice-president, Mrs. R. Robson; Secretary, Mrs. H. Constable; assistant secretary, Mrs. J. Scott; treasurer. Mrs. G. Ingram; assistant treasurer, Mrs. R. McNaughton; Glad Tidings, Mrs. E. Brice; press, Mrs. G. Ma- theson; Mission Band, Mrs. Scott. Mrs. Ingram. Mrs. E. Keffer; home helpers, Mrs. G. Jarrett. Mrs. R. Phillips; pianist, Mrs. T. Wade and Mrs. Constable; sup- ply. Mrs. G. Snider, Mrs. Phillips and Mrs. H. Smythe; welcome and welfare home service. Mrs. Kefler, Mrs. Ingram, Mrs. E. Ma- gee. Mrs. A. Lawrie, Mrs. A. Rumble, Mrs. Smythe, and Mrs. J. McDonald; social, Mrs. Ma- gee, Mrs. Ingram, Mrs. Constable and Mrs. C. Miller. Carols were sung and the mee- ting closed with prayer. after which refreshments were served by Mrs. Jarrett and members of the executive. Visitors Mrs. W. Dempster of Hillside Drive, Concord, visited Mrs. 1. Watson and Jackson Cook. re- cently. Power of the Pres! A few weeks ago in order to? buoy up a new member in our community by name of Barb Downey â€" and make her feel more one of us â€" we very mag- nanimously (ouch) allowed a brief 'yay’ to be raised in support of a hockey team, other than our own favourite choice. You see Bfrb's brother-in-law plays on that team -- well he's Dean Prentice and the team is the New York Rangers. Previous to our press release, the Rangers were sort of low man on the totem pole andâ€"wellâ€"since appearing in this column with only one mild ‘yay', that Dean boy has been knocking goals of! one by one and in groups of two. It only goes to show you. Speaking of “It Pays to Adver- tise" â€"- (were we?) Greg Shore received 22 calls after placing an ad in “The Liberal" for the sell- ing of his train. He didn’t sell it mind you, BUT it sure proved that people read the ads in “The Liberal"! Which all reminds me, it you haven’t called Michael Weir at AL. 7-1513 â€" you should. That’s the only way he has of knowing you’d like to have “The Liberal" delivered to your door each and every Thursday. Turkey! Did Anyone? If you‘can't read it here. it’s our turn to. ask â€" who won the birds at the Maple Lions Club Turkey Shoot last Saturday? So sorry the weather was unco-op- eratlve. To En- ls Human Apologies for the mistakes in the notice for the world prem- iere of Stanley Kramer‘s “On The Beach", based on the best selling novel by Nevil Shute to be held at the - Odeon Carlton Theatre tonight, December 17. not De- cember 13, as printed. The admission. in the !0m of a $5.00 donation, will swell the funds for World Refugee Year work through the UN. and aid in the relief of the thousands of refugees throughout the world. That's tonight, Thursday, if you act quickly you can still com- bine the pleasure of seeing a tru- ly great picture with the know. ledge that you have helped your fellow man. Call Elsie Thompson, AL. 7- 1250 for added information. In Passing Along the same trend of thought â€" if when you happen to read a line or two that seems glisjointed or slightly mixed up in your Maple Notes column â€"- don't knock it â€"â€" we work hard to retain that homey touch that distinguishes our weekly â€" the home paper of the district since 1878, from the cold clinical big city newspapers. Now. him? about that“ Cubs and;Scouts At least eighty adults and children attended the annual Cub Scout Christmas party held on December 10 at. Edgeley Hall. Each Cub and Scout received a T-shlrt bearing the Boy Scout or Wolf Cub emblem as a gift from the Mothers’ Auxiliary. The boys bought gifts for their leaders. Karen Whatley received a utility bag and each of the men Scout- ers received a heavy cotton sweat shirt. Over sixty bags were given out to the children and a de- licious lunch was servec too. Carols were sung and Mr. Gor- don Woods played the piano in accompqnlmrenrt to some of them. The day before the party. the executive of the Mothers’ Aux- iliary met at the home of Mrs. Fred Orr and it was due to the effort of these kind souls that the gifts Were so nicely wrap- pil. They deserve a very large thank you for seeing that the whole affair went so well. Home and School Monday evening the Home and School held its December meet- ing at the school. Mr. Amos Baker gave a short report on the new school board and said that the present board of School Section seven intends to meet with the new board. Mrs. Mc- Lean gave a report on the last meeting of the York Simcoe Council of Home and School Associations. Their discussion was based on the topic “Why Ontario has thir- teen grades as opposed to twelve in the other provinces; Although no real conclusion was reached, it seemed that; the gen- eral opinion was that the thir- tâ€"en grades are ngcepsary: ‘ To replace the “Battered Ban- ner" for attendance. Mr. McLean donated a painting of a local scene. The painting will help to beautify Mr. Henry's class- room {or the following month. The rest of the programme consisted of carol singing led by Mr. Wrigler who had the group singing “Silent Night" in four parts very effectively. A: one member said it made the other carols sound rather gmpty. _ Two films were shown, "The Littlest Angel,†in 'lovely little Christmas story, ’and a travel- ogue on Quetico Provincial Park on Lake Superior. The latter film was very scenic and at times breathtaking and made the viewers wonder now and then whether we really have taken over the country from the In- dians even yet. The next meeting will be “January†and the guest speaker will be Mrs. John Martin, Maple, who. is chairman of the York Comty. Mental Health Associa- tion. Her topic will of course be Mental Health. Social Members of the “Round Face Mumps Club" this week include Karen‘ Whaley, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kenter, Mr. W111 Bowes who has been quite 111 we hear, ,Wesley and Jeffrey Boron, Laur- ie Day, Lllybell Morrison, Lor- raine and John xSherman, and Ronny Nordin who had to miss the Cub Christmas party last week. On Wednesday. December 9 Ronnie Smith had a birthday party and many of his little cousins and friends attended it. Ronnie will not be four until Christmas Day, but can you im- agine having Christh dinner and a birthday party on the same day? Well, neither could Mrs. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Sil Steffan, Val and Laurie of Richmond Hill visited Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Keffer last Sunday for dinner and a very pleasant. if “gabby.†;evenin‘g. GROWER -â€" FLORIST Since 1880 The ï¬nest in floral designs and bedding plants. PHONE ALpine 7-1471 Keele Street Maple, Ont. 88 Baker Avenue Richmond Hill TU. 4-1745 Some models now on display at WIGHT’S PHARMACY 28 Yonge St. 8. Richmond Hill See them all before you buy. Give A Portable Typewriter We carry all popular makes L. H. SIMS Concord News A very pleasant afternoon was spent for Mrs. Wesley Peterman as she celebrated her 95th birth- day when open house was held at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Arthur Avery on December 9. Mrs. Peterman's youngest sis- ter, Mrs. H. Roberts of Toronto poured tea for the 122 guests whose names were registered in her guest book. Mrs. J. Darling~ ton; Mrs. H. Windas; Mrs. S. Cousins; Mrs. E. Cooper; Miss H. Diceman Mrs. C. Clublne, A niece: Mrs. Lightheart and Mrs. R .nding, granddaughters, Mrs. E. Gray and Mrs. Gordon Avery looked 'ter the refreshments. Mr. Peterman received 150 birthday cards and other gifts, including six beautiful bouquet: of flowers. She enjoyed so much the friendly congratuhatlons from so many friends. Mrs. Peterman'a son, Roy. and f .mily of Alliston were unable to be present in the afternoon but were down for the evening with the rest of the family. Many happy returns of the day ll wished David Boake whose birthday was December 11: Char- lle Agnew. December 21 and Raymond Stuart, Ken Tomkow and Sheila Hendry who are all celebrating their birthday on De- cember 23. Also Stephen Bagg ‘who will, be two years old on December 28. Her many frlends were very pleased to learn that Miss Ella Whitmore was well enough to return home last Saturday after a couple week: stay In hospital where the underwent surgery. Funeral service was held on Thursday. December 10 tor Gor- don Hoover of St. Gntherlnes, only son of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Hoover of R. R. 2 Weston Ontario. The luneral se Ice was conducted in a fun- eral chapel In St. Cntherlnes and Interment was in Riverside Cem- etery, Weqton. Mrs. All Bags has purchased a new home. at present occupied by the Phlllip's (amtly on H111- slde Drive. Concord, and is planning to move into it next February. The annual Carol Service will be held in Edgeley United Church on Sunday evening, Dec- ember 20. NEWMARKET : James Otton. lawyer, making his ï¬rst bid for municipal office defeated Mayor Alex Belugin in the recent elec- tion. Reeve Luck was defeated by Alex Hands. There was a 46 per cent turn-out of the voters. THEN zaza~ GET THE MOST OUT OF IT! We have a SHUR-GAIN CONCENTRATE and a proven SHUR-GAIN FORMULA to suit every need you have for feed. Drop into the mill and see. We’d be pleased to plan with you. your entire winter feeding program using your own graim. Look for this Sign FEEDING YOUR GRAIN? But grains LACK SUFFICIENT â€" PROTEINS! MINERALS} VITAMINSMeeded; produce fast, economical gains that you must have in your business. And you know that! Grains supply ENERGY. The major part of any livestock or poultry feed, spurt from roughage for cattle, is made up of grains. You know all that! To bridge the gap, to balance the grains you produced this past summer, to ensure fast gains or increased production, at minimum cost to you. you need only balance your Ural" with concentrates. and get the most out of the grains you are feeding this year. MAPLE FEED Mlll. " Ask The Man Who Feeds ShurGain" MAPLE ONT. AL Edgeley Socials SHUR - GAIN CONCENTRATES ~THE MOST GAIN! ~THE MOST PRODUCTION! K. 2 \\:.‘ CHRISTMAS DINN. FOR YOUR FAMILY CAN BE YOURS For a limited period only we are giving a FREE TURKEY DINNER, Including 12 1b. Turkey; Lyons Imported English Christmas Cake 13/: lbs.; Plum Pudding, 15 015.; 2 lbs. Assorted Christmas Candies; Christmas Crackers: Servlettes and Table- cloth â€"- with EVERY PURCHASE OF A HOME FREEZER. NOW TO CHRISTMAS. WE CAN STILL DELIVER BEFORE CHRISTMAS! And there in sun time for you to obtain a FREE TURKEY DINNER for the whole family. Do you know that now YOU can buy FOOD at quan- tity and seasonal discounts and save the difference? Buy bulk and uve. Did you realize that Town at Country Food Plan will place a beautiful new Food Freezer in your home plus I complete assortment of top quality foods of your choice (or as little as $11.00 per week for food and freezer? These are ï¬gures resulting from a survey of our more than 5,000 nt- iefied Ontario customers. Families of ï¬ve or more slightly higher. All foods are handled by us directly and processed in our own food packing plant under Government super- vision. This ie the Food Saving Plan that Guarantees Sew ings. CAN YOU AFFORD TO BE ANOTHER DAY WITH- OUT YOUR OWN HOME FREEZER? Make it e Christmu present for the whole family â€" a beautiful freezer for the home and better living at no extre cost from NOW on! Pick up the telephone NOW! _ YOU can obtain YOUR home (new! TODAY simply by telephoning TOWN a: COUNTRY MARKETEM. 2!. Markham Road, Richmond Hill. AV. 5-5401. AV. 5-540! and AV. 5-5403. or COME & SEE our wide dispiny. Opal daily until 10 pm. ‘ THE MOST PROFITU AL 7-1241