‘Septic Tanks Pumped c. STUNDEN IHMOND HILL TU 4-12“ ha are preventable. Use the elements on the stove for 15 containing hot or boil- ‘1iquiQS. Do not leave tht ,nitary Contractor EPARTMENT OF HEALTH 'WNSHIP OF NORTH ORK SOCIETY nmo'nd mu 5: District can I'm Information cull Mahmoud Hill TU. 6-1229 TU 4-3463 AV. 5-4825 Thomhill AV. 5-1608 AV 5-1743 ALplne 7-2650 NADIAN CANCER. ins Cleaned & Repaired 61' hot liquids unguarded. ‘ burn occurs:- very small burned area. ch as a finger tip, may re- only a vaseline bandage. larger area should not be sSed at home. my the burned area in a an white cloth (linen ser- tte or tablecloth) and take child to the hospital. 4th of a series of articles. MAN for general help in 9, two days before Christmas rate. TU. 4-3988. c1w25 tieth means excitement on (body‘s calendar. It's a. time give to those we love. Time to -e thanks for all the good age of this year. We wish you mppy Yuletide, and a safe iday. Careful drivers respect nrybody’a right to enjo thin ‘nderful season. erry ristmas! WI‘NC Carl E. Hill, M. D., M.O.H. ++++++++++i++ VATIONARY ENGINEER red for part time duties in and Hill High School. This 11 requires a man with 3rd class papers, who is will- do light work ï¬ve evenings ek. Applications to D. J. rth. Business Administra- ork Central District High 1 Board, Box 220 Thornhill. c1w25 I‘ll ERIENCED Stenographer red for full time employ- in office of Industrial in Richmond Hill. 5 day . Apply Box 27. “The Liber- c21w25 [s in our thoughts. adly missed and lovingly bered by his wife May, orge and family. c1W25 ELP WANTED 03â€"19 XXXXXKXX‘XXKKXXXXX TON -â€" In loving memory Eeorge (Joe) Clayton, who 4d away Decemlwr 16, Infant Emergencies NORM BRIANT Suite 1, Grd. Flool' 31 Yonge St. North Richmond Hill. Ont. TU. 4-2291 memoriams as dinner in a private FENCED woman to serve Phone TU. 4-1413. "‘lw25 lTIONIST - Secretary for d Hill Curling Club. Ap- .he Club, Elgin Mills Side- ast. Richmond Hill. c1w25 L. H. requires young man ’erating and recording 0 experience necessary. opportunity to learn the Ist business. Call Mr. Cox- V. 5-4915 HEAD OFFICE TORONTO ONT AV 5-2408 Dnlonvllle 239 AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY STATE FARM MUTUAL c2w25 The Camille public School children are busy practising for their Christmas Concert on the :‘ï¬ernoon‘ of December 22. when all parents and friends who can will be expected to attend. Not only to the concert but the noon meal is a highlight in the days events. We are sorry that Mary Niel- sen has the mumps and hope she won’t be too sick with them, and feeling better; by Christmas. Birthday greetings to Miss Dorothy Baker who has a birth- day on December 14. Hope you have a nice day Dorothy. PvSâ€"HS-"wgsnnagsirsrted with thie refreshments by Miss Dorothy Baker, Mrs. Gordon Rea-d; Mrs. Doug Bgne and Mrs.â€A.r'Ijodd. The January meeting is plan- ned for the church. Mrs. J. Bush- ell will give the paper. Mrs. R. Kirk the scripture and Mrs. J. Barton and Mrs. R. Middleton the refreshments. School News Mrs. A. Read is to purchase a hassock for the parsonage and asked Mrs. J. Baker to assist her. Mrs. R. Middleton is to look af- ter gï¬ts for senior ciï¬zens and flowers for church on Christmas Sunday. 7 N Mrs. McEwen was Santa Claus and distributed the ex- change of Christmas gifts 3- mong the members adding a pleggsant period .to ghe evening. LL- ' Mrs. Williams welcomed all the visiting ladies present. especially greeting our new ministers wife, Mrs. MacDonald. Others present were Mrs. Laura Stevenson. Mrs. Bob Middleton, Jr.; Miss Doro- thy Baker: Mrs. Gordon Read. Mrs. D. McLagen of Cobalt and Mrs. A. Ladd. The W. A. decided to sell some of the old white dishes at the church and with the money. pur- chase some of their petal dishes. The sale was made through Mrs. R. Kirk. Mrs. E. Bone and Mrs. J. Barton are to look after the gifts from the white gift ser- vice. The theme of the meeting was "Perfect Harmony†and that was just how the Christmas meeting turned out. The December meeting of the Women's Association. was held at the home of Mrs. J. McEwen, Bathurst St., on Wednesday ev- ening with 23 ladies present. On December 22. the Sunday School children and parents are invited to the church hall for' a Christmas get-together at 7.30 Service on Sunday, December 13, was withdrawn as the fur- nace wasn’t working and the weather too cold for service without heat. So Christmas Sun- day, December 20. The White Gifts are to be brought to the church and will be taken care of by Mrs. E. Bone and Mrs. J. Barton. 'Mrs. D.7 Mbla‘gen (if Cobalt Asst’d SIMPSON'Sv DRY GOODS SIMPSON’S Lined Rubber Overshoes, fur cuff,Child’s $3.49 - Misses $3.6930y8’ 1‘5 12 YONGE ST. SOUTH. RICHMOND HILL CORRESPONDENT: MES. BERT MIDDLETON Telephone AL. 7-8920 '5695 to $11.95 Men’s Lined Leather Gloves, gray, black, brown . . . . Ladies’ Ladies’ Wool Dress Coats, assorted styles CARRVILLE NEWS Telephone 60 Gauge Nylons, Christmas Boxed . . . . . . .59c $1.98 $2.98 14.95 to 24.95 Twill & Poplin Parkas 12.95 to 16.95 MEN’S WOOL Suburban Coats 36-46 LADIES’ & GIRLS Wool Hats LADIES’ Wool Gloves The Girls’ Choir from Leaside has ‘a fine more of performan- _ces at Kiwanis Music Festivals, and last year won the Grand Challenge Shield for OpenGirls’ Choir. ’ Wimpy Invades Old England Specialty of the house will be “Wimpy’s†and what is a “Wim- py.?†It is explained that. it is “a portion of prime beef, chop- ped and shaped into a round pa-tty and grilled with sliced on- ions on an electric hot plate, served between sliced bun. The slogan of the house is “a square meal in a round bun.†Sounds mighty like the American ham- burger. MEN’S The service is being sponsored by Crosby Heights Public School and is a project'w help raise funds for musical instruments. There will be no charge for ad- mission; an offering will be re- ceived during the programme. A copy of the Telegraph & Argus published in Bradford England reached our desk this week and contained an inter- esting account of the opening there of a new “Wimpy Ban}? ‘ _ -__c,- The chdir is conducted by Mr. Glen Wood who is the choir leader at Crosby Heights rSchqql. The interesting, hour-long Candle Light Service has become a tradition In the Leaside United Church and\ the performance here wiu be a duplicate of this: On Tuesday evening. Decem- ber 22nd at 8 pm. the Leaside United Church Glrls’ Choir will present a Candle Lighl. service of Christmas Carols in the Rich- mond. Hill United Church on Yonge SLV u.†Several of the ladies in the community called on Mrs. A. Hvayter on December 10, the oc- casion being her 85th birthday, Some of those who dropped'ln for a piece of Cake and a cup of tea _were.Mrs. V. Del Brocco, Mrs. J. Clement and Mrs. R. Gray. Mrs. Hayter received many lovely birthday cards from friends and neighbours and was very pleased to get them. 98c $1.19 $2.25 Please to hear of the safe at- rival of a baby daughter for Mr. and Mrs. Grant Drewery, a sister for Donnie. Donnie has been staying with his grandmother Mrs. A. Read. is spending the winter with Mr. and Mrs. Jack McEwen. Mrs. Mc- Lagen is the first friend with Whom Mrs. McEwen got acquain- ted when she came over frdm Perth, Scotland, to make her home in Canada. Candle Light Service BOYS’ LINED CORDUROY Jean Sets With Matching S] Up to ï¬x Boys Authentic Taftâ€, 52°98 Men 5 Fields 5198-5298-5398 $2.98to$5.95 Men’s Sport Shirts $2.98 Plaid Shirts Shirt Fe'turing the programme for the evening were the “Escorts†a barber Shop Quartette, mem- bers of the S.B.E.B.S.Q.S.A. and winners of the Ontario District Contest 1959-60. Their magnifi- cent harmony and versatility dea lighted the audience. In the lead was Fred Shoubridge - Toronto, Tenor, Bruce Curtis, Richmond Hill, Baritone, Jiim Boyd, Toron- to, and Bass, Ed Fertick, Toronto. Following their programme, Bruce Curtis led the audience in carol singing with past president J. Large .at the piano. 'Prizes for accumulated points won at the flower shows were presented by president G. Long- worth assisted by the secretary Gladys McLabchy, after which a turkey and prizes draw took place. Mrs. J. Large was the lucky winner of the turkey and Mrs. L. Glass, R. D. Little, A. Stong and I J. Large won other prizes. Mrs. G. Long-worth wife of the president was presented with a beautiful bouquet of yellow mums. A happy Christmas spirit pre- vailed throughout a splendid evening which concluded with coffee and Christmas cake and “get-acquainted†period. Winners of Season’s prizes: Specimen Class: 1. R. D. Little. 2. Mrs. Caldwell. 3. Susan Tilt. Arréngement Class: 1. Mrs. George Barker. 2. Mrs. R. Kerslake. 3. R. D. Little. Vegetable Class: ' 1. A. Stomg. 2. R. Tilt. The Christmas message “Say it with Flowers." delivered by the Rev. Wm. Patterson of St. Matthews United Church. brought to the audience, the story of the part flowers play at Christmas time. The legend of the Rose disclosed how often, in song and literature the Rose refers to the Babe of Bethlehem. Holly. with its blood red berries and glossy leaves symbolizes the Crown of Thorns. The evergreen tree, was originally taken as a pagan gift to the Church. Then from Rome, it was taken to Ger- many and decorated with candles for festivities. and now, it is well-established throughout the world for Christmas rejoicing. From Mexico and Central Amer- ica come the Poinsettia. and it has become an abiding joy of Christmas with its brilliance and gaiety. Against a background of Christmas decorations. beauti- fully arranged with candles, star ornaments and pine boughs, the Richmond Hill Horticultural Soc- iety held their Christmas meet- ing. Thursday evening. December 10th in the Lions Community Hall . Horticultural Society Has Christmas Meeting 3. C. Statum. Nylon and Crepe Slips $1.98 and $2.98 WITH FUR COLLAR AND ZIPPER LEGGINGS. DOUBLE BREASTED STYLE â€" UP TO ï¬x LADIES’ $29.95 and $39.95 Boys’ 2 Piece Coat Sets zwgu ......... $2†4 to 6x ........ $3.98 8t014 .......... $4.95 NEXT TO THE POST OFFICE $14.95 . LADIES’ Orlon Cardlgans pair for $4.95 GIRLS’ NYLON Party Dresses A playroom was provided for the small fry where they could relax, read comic books, draw pictures, eat cookies and drink freshie served by Mrs. Sparling and guides. A lucky dip, well supplied with novelties for child- ren of all ages was very decor- ative and exciting. Mrs. Pitt spent many hours providing such an attractive display. Mrs. Whit- taker who was assigned the job of handling the ticket sales was so well assisted at the door by guides, she was free to lend a hand at the bake table and in the tea court. Mrs. ,‘Jurrie, Divis- ion Commissioner, officially op- ened the tea courtand sale, and poured tea at a table beauti- fully decorated in silve and midnight blue. It was a p easure to have Mrs. William Patterson who has shown a great interest in guiding, pouring tea again at the annual Christms tea. Mrs. McGregor, District Commission- er, expresses her sincere? thanks to all brownies, guides, guiders, local association members and mothers who helped in so_many ways to make the evemng a sums. The East District local Assoc- iation held a tea and sale on December 5th at St. Gabriel’s Church which was well attended. The three Guide companies in the district had various tables at which were sold candy. plants and various articles they had made such as aprons, earrings. dolls clothes etc. The local as- sociation had a bake table which was well supplied with delicious home baking donated by mothers of guides and brownies and members of the local association. This table was under the super- vision of Mrs. Smith who was as- sisted by guides. The tea court was the big attraction, the tea tables were served by guides, convenor for the tea was Ma's. Firman assisted by Mrs. Pitt. Roses 2. Mrs. Wm. Strugnel-l. 3. Dr. H. H. McKay. New Members Class 1. Kinsmen Trophy, Mrs. Reg Williams, and Special Prize don- ated by Mrs. Wm. Strugnell. 2. Mrs. Weeks. Mrs. Challener; 3. Mrs. Ankeman. Guide Notes Rosebowl. Mrs. Jackson ... $2.98 $2.00 LADIES’ ORLON Pullovers $393 Anglican Richmond Hill East Crosby Avenue at Bayview Rev. J. W. Newton-Smith 40'! Lynett Crescent' TU. 4-4236 Organist: Mrs. E. V. Collier. A.T.C.O. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1959 Advent 4 8 3.211. a- Holy Communion 8.30 am. «â€" Scouts Own for 6th Richmond Hill 9.30 3.111. - Sunday School 11 am. -- Morning Prayer 11 a.m. -â€"- Nursery and Junior Congregation up to 5 years 11 am. ~â€" Junior Church 6 to 11 Years 7 pm. -- Evening Prayer cW‘ise 01 Prayer†IICHMOND HILL IAPTIST CHUBCE 50 Wright St. (Opposite the High School) ’llfl!!! Rev. Robert W. Ink. 3. Th. 3.3.3. Phone: TU. 4-2095 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1959 CHRISTMAS SERVICES 9.45 mm. -â€" Bible School for all! White Gift Service 11 am. â€" Morning Worship Christmas Message: THE QUEST! 7 pm. -â€" Candlelight Carol Ser- ' vice The Christmas Story in Song, Word and Picture Monday at 7 pm. Boys’ Club - 8 to 16 years old Wednesday at 8 11.111. Mid-week “Hour of Power†I Friendly Welcome 15 Extended To ALL At The young church with the 01! Message! KINGDOM HALL JEHOVAH’S IYVI'!‘1*II.'.‘SSI!IS ' O 166 Cedar Avenue Richmond Hill SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1959 8 pm. â€" Public Lecture “How to Guard Your Children From DELINQUENCY†by George Gibson, Richvale 1.10 12.111: â€" Watchtowey Study taken from November lst. Wutchtower Magazine - Subject: Keeping “Clean from the Blood of All Men" ST. MATTHEW’S UNITED CHURCH Crosby Ave., Richmond Hill Rev. William W, Patterson, B.A., B.D., Minister SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1959 9.30 am. â€" Sunday School 11 a.m. â€" White Gift Service RICHMOND HILL THE CHURCH OF ST GABRIEL The Sacrament of Baptism Nursery and Kindergarten meet 4: p.m. â€" Carols at Twilight pfm; â€" Ministry School p.m. â€" Service Meeting NO COLLECTION 7.45 8.45 TU. 4.2677 Corner of Elmwood and Buggies Rev. Earl S. Bull, Minister Church of the Light and Life Hour, CHML, 9 am. Sunday SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1959 9.45 am. -â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Worship service 7 pm. â€" The Family Gospel Hour Mr. Paul Johnston of Asbury Theological Seminary special speaker Wed., 8 pm. â€" Prayer and Bible Study We welcome you to the fellow- ship of this friendly family church that continues the teaching of Original Methodism. ST. JOHN’S ANGLICAN Oak Ridges - Yonge at Jefferson Rector: Rev. D. C. E. Michell CHRISTMAS WEEK SERVICES Sunday, December 20 â€" Morning Prayer ...... 11 am. CandleJight Service ...‘. 7 pm. Christmas Day â€" Holy Communion ...... 11 am. Richmond Hill Rector: Rev. J. F. O’Neil SUNDAY. DECEMBER 20, 1959 ' ADVENT IV 8 am. â€" Holy Communion 9.30 am. â€"- Sunday School 9.30 am. -â€" Holy Communion 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer Nursery and Jr. Congregation 4 pm. â€" Young People’s Twilight Carol Service Oak Ridges - Yonge at Elm Grove CHRISTMAS WEEK SERVICES Sunday, December 20 â€" Morning Prayer . . 9.30 am. Christmas Day â€" Holy Communion 9.30 am. Wednesdays 10 am. ~â€" Holy Communion COME TO CHURCH AS A FAMILY RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. N. Hepburn, Minister SUNDAY. DECEMBER 20. 1959 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School and Bible Class 11 3.111. â€" Morning Worship 11 am. â€" Nursery Department 7 pm. â€" Special Christmas Carol Service (Mr. Ray Bennett. Director of Young People’s work. will con- duct. the service, assisted by his Executive.) RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. G. Higginson, B.A., 3.1). SUNDAY, DECEMBER. 20. 1959 9.45 a.m. -â€"- Sunday School White Gift Service 9.45 am. and 11.15 a.m. Morning Services 7 pm. â€" The Christmas Story in Carol and Tableau After the service a Fellowship Hour in the Main Hall RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH ).m. â€" ANNUAL CANDLE- LIGHT CAROL SERVICE S’l‘. MARK’S ANGLICAN ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH EVERY THURSDAY EVERY SATURDAY at 2.30 pm. For Sabbath School & Service Everybody welcome SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS meet in the MASONIC HALL Crosby Avenue Richmond Hill THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thursday, December 17, 1959 21 ALL WELCOME Family Bible Hour 1 p.111. .â€" Evening Gospel Service 7 pm. Monday - Pioneer Girls 8 pm. Tu§s_day -â€" Prayer and Bible Ministry 7 pm. 'Thursday â€"â€" Women’s ' Group 8 pm. Thursday â€"- Young People’s Meeting GORMLEY UNITED MISSIONARY CHURCH Rev. C. E. Bankinl. Minister 8.45 mm. â€" Broadcast cm 1300 10 a.m. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Morning Worship 7.30 p.m. â€" Evening Service 7 pm. â€" Gospel Service Wed. 8 p.m. -â€" Prayer and Bible Study Thurs., 1 pm. â€"â€" Women’a Miss- ionary Fellowship Than. 8 pm. â€"â€"- Evening Min- slon Circle 2116' and 4th Thursday of each month Teen Fellowship Oak Ave SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1959 9.30 am. -â€" Breaking of Bread 11 sun. -â€" Sunday School and PARISH OF KING (Anglican) HOURS OF SERVICE All Saints’ Church - Kin: C“! 8 am. -- Holy Communion 10 am. -- Morning Prayer 11.10 am â€" Sunday School LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH Church St., Langstaf! Minister: Rev. B. 'l'. McSpadden 10 a.m. â€"- Bible School with Adult Bible Class 11 am. - Morning Worship 6.30 pan. -â€"_- Praye_r Myeflng SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIS'!‘ 555 W. Finch (Branson Hospital Campus) George M. McLean. Pastor 9.30 a.m. -â€" Sabbath School 11 mm. â€"- Worship Hour Every Saturday morning All welcome EMMANUEL ANGLICAN CHURCH Mackay Drive - Blchvalc Rev. Edward Morley, TU. 4-3286 Mrs. Jns. E. Howard, Organist SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20. 1959 11 am. â€"â€" Morning Prayer '1 pm. â€" Carol Service 9.30 am. â€" Young People’s Bible CHRISTMAS SERVICES Christmas EVe â€" Holy Communion 10 pm Christmas Day -â€" Holy Communion 10.30 am 11 am. â€".â€" Morning Prayer 7 p.131. -â€" Conï¬rmation Service The RightflRev: gishop Snell, CHURCH OF CHRIST Meeting in Concord School House Each Lord’s Day Evening at 7 p.111. Gospel Message Tune in CKEY (580) at 9:15 am. Sunday mornings And Jesus spake unto them, saying, all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. December 10.15 pm December 11.30 p.111. "CIVALI GOSPEL CIA!“ CHRISTMAS SUNDAY 11 am. â€" Sermon “No room in the Inn†7.30 pm. â€" Candlelight Carol Service Senior and Junior Choirs will sing Christmas music The ï¬lm “The Prince of Peace" will be shown 8 pm. Wednesday â€"- The Prayer Fellowship will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hook, 254 Preacher â€"- Tï¬e Reetor 5 pm. â€" Annual Choir Carol Service Wed" December 23 â€" 10.15 am. â€"- Holy Communion CHRISTMAS SERVICES December 24 â€" ‘ 11 30 pm. â€"- Midnight Service December 25 â€"- 8 am. â€"- Holy Communion 11 am. â€" Family Service fol- lowed by Holy Communion December 27 -- 8 am. -â€" Holy Communion 11 a.m. -â€" Morning Prayer 7 pm. â€"â€" Carol Service of Nine Class and Senior School 11 am. â€" School for all 9 years and under Maple The Anglican Church of Canada Rector: Rev. Ramsay Amitage, MA» DD. 8 3.1m -â€" Holy Communion 11 am. â€"- Morning Prayer Holy Communion on 2nd Sunday Rev. Calvin Chambers, B.A., B.D. SUNDAY. DECEMBER 20. 1959 Rumble Avenue SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19 â€"â€" Sunday School Christmas Tree Program 4th Sunday in Advent 8 am. -- Holy Communion 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer vice broadcast over CJRH. This is Mr. Buck’s last message before he leaves for Parry Sound. 7.30 pm. â€" Candlelight Service. A cordial invitation to all. HOLY TRINITY CHURCH THORNl-HLL SUNDAY. DECEMBER 20, 1959 Stop 17 Yonge Street lav. Percy G. Buck, B.A.. 3. Th. 5 Old Orchard Grove. Toronto, 12. Out. EU. 1-3142 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20. 1959 11 am. â€" Christmas Sunday Ser- of month at 11 11 3.111. â€" Sunday School Holy Baptism by appointment Rev. Hugh Robert MacDonald. B.A.. B.D. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20. 1959 11 am. â€" Sermon Topic “Receiving the Christmas Gift†4 pm. â€" Sunday School Pag- eant THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH [y Communion 10.30 a SUNDAY, DECEMBER 27 S'l'. STEPHEN’S CHURCH CHRISTMAS DAY Special Family Sex-vie: THORNHILL BAPTIST CHURCH Lessons 30 -- . â€" Holy Communion 31 â€" â€" Holy Communion . . Pastor. 1m. 1?. Vaughan, 3. n. SUNDAY smvvczs HEAR ova BROADCAST 3.45 - 9 a.m. camln 1310 on your 13 . 10 to 10 .â€" Bible School 11 â€"â€" MORNING WORSHIP (2 miles south of Maple) For information call AL. 7-116! north of Concord) 10 am. -â€" Sunday School 11.15 mm. - Worship Service Concord (Schoolhouse) 10 am. â€" Sunday School on Indra. Aubrey Ave. Roy Nigh. Pastor TeL: Gormley 55“ 10.30 am. - Sunday School 7.30 pm. â€" Evening Service Tues. 8 p.111. â€" Prue! Meeting Bible Class ‘ 7 pm. â€" Children’s Christian Service Rev. B. Jeffery Seminary Male Quartot 7 â€" Evening Service Rev. J. Bell will speak and show pictures on Tibet and Commun- Ismv SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20. I.†1 block east 0! Iongg, Ste! 13‘ ST. ANDREW'S. MAPLI Mr. Herb Constable, Chairman Board 0! Managers and ST. PAUL’S. 7th CON. VAUGHAN TWP. Mr. Louis Egan. Chairman Board or Manager! SUNDAY. DECEMBER 20, 1959 10 am. â€" St. Andrew’s Church 11.30 am. â€" St. Paul's Church To Think About â€" "A Recon- ciled World of Reconciled men enjoying God's gift." 7.30 pm. â€"- St. Paul’s Youn! Wm. VanderBent. Pasta! 191.: Richmond Hill. TU. 4-81†Hello Hill (Gormley) 10 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Worship Servico 7.30 pm. â€" Evening Service Wed., 7.45 pm. - Prayer Meeting szhan (3211 Com, 2 milel 11.30 am. -â€" The Service ' 10 am. â€" Sunday School and 93 Yonge St. S. Richmond um TU. 4-2791 CARRVILLE UNITED CHURCH Rev. Hugh Robert MacDonald. 2.30 pm. â€" Worship Service and Sunday School Keep Your Family HOPE 10.30 3.111. -â€" Church Service 11.15 a.m. -â€" Church School EDGELEY 1.30 pm. â€"â€" Church School‘ 2.30 pm. â€" Church Service DECEMBER 24 â€" 7.30 pm. â€" The service of the Nine Lessons with Carol! MAPLE PASTORAL CHARGE THE UNITED CHURCH 0’ CANADA R". flux-old W. Davies. 3... Minister SUNDAY. DECEMBER 20, 1959 MAPLE ‘ PORTRA LAGERQUIST STUDIO 10.15 am 11.30 am. - Nursery and Make an appointh for aomcone in your famfly W ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH And what a wonderful way to tell your family story to relatives far away! Season’s Greetings To All BR- ~I‘IREN IN CHRIST CHURCH People’s Service. Come To Church YOUNG n. -â€" Church School in all departments n. â€" Morning Worship and Junior Congregation provided Sf. Paul’s Young