Wammeme 14 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, December 24, 1959 Maple, Ontario Maple, Concord ‘& Edgeley Disyjctj KEELE ST., MAPLE Pete’s Garage (HARRY RUMBLE, PROPRIETOR) KEELE ST., MAPLE AL. MAPLE, ONTARIO Hark to the inspiring sound of Christmas . .‘. hearten- in: harmony of love and peace. good will and happi- nnu. May this be for you and your loved ones a truly merry Christmas . ; . you. May it be for you and your family a time rich with friendship and peace. love and good cheer. Once again we come to tho most joyous season of the yin/1f Chridlmaé (By Grace Randall Eby) Hovering over the little town The wondrous star reached gently down; Out of the dark of the silent night It softly spread its glorious light. On mountains far, trees caught the shine. The olive trees, the oak and pine, All bent their heads in reverence deep, Trees, Shepherds, angels, Wise Men, sheep; While down and down the warm light sped To dream-drenched town and a manger bed, Caressing the spot where Jesus lay, A little baby in the hay. Ernie Brock and Son Ltd. INSURANCE Humber Valet Cleaners gird! “The Liberal†is always willing to publish interesting items regarding people and events contributed by its readers in Maple, Concord 8. Edgeley districts. our representative in Maple is Mrs. Len Shore. ALpino 7-1150: in‘Concord. Mrs. Ruth Kefl‘er. AV. 5-2375 and in deeloy and Sherwood. Mrs. Raymond Stuart. AV. 5-1934. Mondship and loyalty, we wish you the my happiest of holidays! VARIETY STORE Merry Christmas SEASONS mutton Many 0mm: ALpine 7-2621 AV. 5-3594 AL. 7-2381 By Mrs. R. Stuart “The Farmers in the Market Place,†was the topic" discussed by Ontario Farm Forum recent- ly. The Edgeley Farm Forum was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Darlington and the two questions discussed were as follows: 1. Co-operatives have un- dertaken many jobs that need to be done. Among them are: Edu- cation (both producer and con- sumer), credit assistance Market Development, Merchan- dising, Distribution Sales. Which of these jobs needs to be done but are not being carried out in the commodities with Which you are familiar? (The consensus of opinion with- in the Farm Forums ' through- out Ontario was that many jobs undertaken by Co-operative Mar- keting Boards such as Education (producer and xconsumer) credit assistance, market development, 1.-erchandising and distribution sales are not being carried out Well enough on the various com- modities. The Milk Foundation handles education in schools and factories, the Edgeley Forum in- dicated. A _ 2. wa do you propose‘that these jobs be done}? ' Here is a proud mother, with her family â€" Roxdane’s Black Patti is a registered Great Dane and is owned by John Yorke and son Bryce of Maple. She has good reason to be proud of her family of nine puppies born a few months ago.. In this litter‘three pups were black like the mother and six pups were harlequins (white with black patches) taking after the father, Roxdane Bozo. Lois and John Yorke believe this to be a record as a black female seldom has more than two or three harlequins in a litter. Since harlequins are the rarest colour of Great Danes. young Bryce York was most anxious to show off the family of Patti and Bozo. Mark-et development in such commodities as eggs, pork. beef and some milk products was A Concert of Carats The‘ W.A. of St. St present a concert of parts from the Mess the York Choraliel January 3 at 7.30 ' Farmers Coâ€"Op Marketing System Discussed By Edgeley Farm Forum Rev. Davies installed the new oï¬icers for 1960 as follows: Past president Mrs. R. A. Bigford; president Mrs. T, F, Jackson; lst vice-president Mrs. R. E Hunter; 2nd vice-president Mrs. N. Rob- son; »recording secretary, Mrs. ‘7_ Woods; corresponding secret- ary, Mrs, D. Jarrett; Christian Stewardship secretary, Mrs.- L. Palmer; supply secretary, Mrs. H. Jennings; assistant supply sec- retary, Mrs. F. P. Rumble; com- munity friendship secretary, Mrs. »L. Wiltshire; treasurer, Mrs, E. Smart; pianist, Mrs. G. Watson; Missionary Monthly, Mrs. W. Keï¬er; elected for a two year term. Guess all that's left is to wish each and everyone a most won- derful holiday season and trust Santa does right by you_ Mrs. H. Davies was in charge of the worship, using “The Christmas Story" as her theme. Many of the Christmas carols were sung and refreshments were served at the close of the meet- ing. The Season’s Best In passing (in case my doctor looks in on the column) I did go to my husband Len’s oï¬ice party last Thursday night â€" sure I looked like an Ubangi with a wooden leg, but it was fun and full of Christmas spirit!! New Slate of Officers The December meeting of the Maple United Church W_M.S. was held Tuesday evening December 15 in the church parlor with Mrs, Bigford presiding. Rev. Davies installed the new So from your Liberal corres- pondent, yours truLy, Toby Shore, and your paper boy Michael Weir â€" we wish you all‘a very Merry Christmas. Maple Notes Proud Mother stated as an urgent problem by the Edgeley Forum while other Forums included poultry and poultry products. Education on marketing was stressed by many Forums as a very necessary job. 55% of the members felt the co-operatives must expand and develop their educational program . The job of merchandising done by the co-operatives could be much improved, stated many Farm Forum members. This is particularly so with eggs, the Edgeley Forum stated. They stressed that eggs need to get to the consumer quicker and be kept better refrigerated. Mer- chandising carried out by co~ operative sales agencies, was one idea put forth by some For- ums. Other members questioned the absence of co-operative gro- cery stores in large rural centres: The co-operatives can succeed in being a great help to farmers in the field of distribution sales. Some Fox'de feel that sales are not being pushed as well as they might be. If Co-operative Mar- keting Boards concentrated on distribution sales it would im- prove _sales volume. Credit assistance, although a- vailable in many areas. is dif- ficult to get. Some Forums sug- gested this credit might be ob- tained through. credit unions. (By Mrs. R. Stuart) The annual meeting of the Edgeley Women’s Association was held at the home of Mrs. Eldon Fierheller on Thursday December 10. The roll call was answered by each member quot- ing a Bible verse containing the word “Peace.†Mrs. R. J. Darlington read the Scripture Lesson and Mrs. Fred Hendry read the Lesson Thoughts and a Christmas poem. Mrs. Ray- mond Stuart read a Christmas story entitled “Once Upon a Christmas Time†and Mrs. Hendry told of the events which led to the writing of sev- eral Christmas hymns including, Annual Meeting Of Edgeley W. A. “It came Upon the Mid-Night Clear," by E. H. Sears 1810-1876 and “0 Little Town of Bethle- hem" by Phillip Brooks 1835- 1893. The latter was sung first by a group of children on Christ- mas Eve. ' Mrs. Harold Davies conducted the election and the i stallation of the officers for t e coming year. They are: Immediate Past President - Mrs. Eldon Fierheller. President- Mrs. C. H. Boake, Vice Presiâ€" dent - Mrs. R. J. Darlington, Sec- retary - Mrs. Fred Hendry, Trea- surer - Mrs. Charles Summer- feldt. Missionary Convenor - Mrs. R. Stuart, Parsonage Con~ venor - Mrs. Alla]: Poole, Sick Committee - Mrs. Frank Lodge and Mrs. A. Tomkow, Sewing Committee - Mrs. George Poole, Mrs. Homer Whitmore. Mrs. Al- lan Poole, Mrs. A. Tomkow, Pianists - Mrs. A. Peelar, Mrs. A. Bagg, Cancer Society Represâ€" entatives - Mrs. A. Peelar. Vic- tor Home Consultant Board Rep- resentative - Mrs. A. Bagg, Au- ditors - Mrs. A. Peel-ar and Mrs. Bagg. Mrs. Bert Peelar will be the hostess for the next meeting which will be held on January 21. Mrs. Fred Hendry will con- vene the meeting and Mrs. C. H. Boake and Mrs. Fierheller will be the social committee. PINDER BROS. l'I'D. STEEI. lINTELS I BEAMS Kept in Stock Portable Crane Service STEEL FABRICATING To Customer Speciï¬cations 2 Otonobee BA. [-3344 Mrs. ’Gilbert broughf aiiih'g' some lovely background for the ,party. On Tuesday, December 15 the Guides held a combination enrol- ment ceremony and Christmas party. The two new Guiders, Mrs. Al WhaIey and Mrs. Warren Bai- lie were enrolled as Guides. Both leaders have been so keen on getting their own tenderfoot work done as well as looking af- ter the company, and it was an exciting moment for them when enrolment time finally came. They looked so smart in their new uniforms that the Guides and thelixguests felt very proud of the new leaders. After enrolment the girls play- ed a few games while the girls who were trying for their hostess badges prepared the refresh- men-ts. The Guides held a gift ex- change and Mrs. Whaley pres- ented Mrs. Bisson and Mrs. Kef- fer the “retiring†leaders each with a gift. from_the Company. Teen Town plans to have its Christmas party on Wednesday evening, December 30 at the school. so try to remember the date. kids. Last month’s attend- ance was very poor, let's do bet- ter for December. Social " Réfreshments were served by the Guides. Teen Town Mr. and Mrs. Fred Orr at- tended the annual Christmas dance at the Cardinal Club last Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Haines at- tended the Christmas party at West York Motors last Tuesday evening and we hear that Bob’s brother, Harvey played a feature role for which he is well equip- ped. Wonder who that could be? Now that Mother looks a lit- tle heavier from sampling the Christmas baking, and Father's wallet is lighter from Christmas shopping. and the Christmas tree has been redecorated for the twenty-ninth time, we can just sit back and wait for Saint Nick to drop the mink and diamonds down the chimney, and Father can throw away the keys to the old car and prepare to drive his new sports model. (Well, if our four-year-old thinks she’s get- ting a two-wheel bicycle then I just know all the other things will be here too!) Merry Christ- mas everyone! VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES RICHMOND HILL BRANCH Miss E. Woodbyrne Richmond Hill Municipal Hall PHONE TIL. 4-4101 V. O. No Concord News Now, for the First time a truly CORRECT SHOE for growing CHILDREN SHIELDS Product of 32 years of scientiï¬c research, Hewetson Guide-Steps are the correct shoes for normal, healthy children. Endorsed by university medical authorities. nearly two million Guide-Steps ar_e_sold in the ï¬nited States * and Euro‘pe. Now, for tlie first time, they are available in Canada. Built into every pair of Guide-Step shoes are the precise curves needed to maintain correct foot balance and weight distributionâ€"standing, walking or running. This is especially important in the years when the young foot is developing, forming and growing. GUIDEâ€"STEP ï¬ll/[Tam MIMImn/[mm YothlodGuib-ï¬lphJ-rh with rugged long wearing leathet SuperSoles. Sizes 8% to 3. For School mm, these unm- Step Two-Straps with leather Super-Soles are tops in style and comiort. Sizes 8% to 3. Guide-Step Dress m m leather SuperSoles for excra wealâ€. Styled to ensure .15 ankle ï¬t. Skew 8% b 3. $7.95 $7.95 L'rq