Trustee agreed to ask Toronto and York ,Roads Commission Engineer Jack Rettle about er. acting “population 1,500" signs at village boundaries, since that is they expected population by ‘. ecember 31. land Location rRoads Commissioner Mrs. Mary Scott reported Township Roads Chairman Douglas Hut- Mr. Achilles had an interest- ing and varied career before he came to settle as a barber in Oak Ridges. Born and raised and e ‘Jcated at Hearst some six hun- dred miles in the north of On- tsrio, his life as a grown up can be said to have commenced with his service in the RCAF where he was trained and engaged as a Rear Gunner in a bomber ah- craft. Following this service with the air force he then became a Forest Fire Ranger in which oc- cupation with the Dept. of Lands and Forests he continued for seven years. Chief Fire Ranger ..'l‘hen he moved on to become Chief Fire Ranger and Check Seller to the Newaygo Timber Compalu. This lasted for the next six years. All. of this ser- vice ss 11 fire ranger was in the far north and as Gordon had by Appointment of a Justice of Peace is a possibility. Mr. Hugh H. Donald, Inspector of Legal Offices, wrote Trustees, "With reference to your letter of October 9 regarding the appoint- ment of a Justice of the Peace for your village, I wish to ad- vise you that this is being con- aidered." Trustees explained they had requested a resident J. P. be appointed to save time and mile- age of the constable, who now has to go to Maple or Richmond Hill for signature of warrants and summons. Mr. George C. Achilles is the owner of Gord's Barbers, of Yonge btreet South, Oak Ridges. Mr. Achilles established the new barber shop only last Septem- ber and thus became the third barber in the distrch From Far North ‘ ' In an effort to keep the 185 colored lights functioning, Mr. Thompson and Constable William Jensen kept a close check and narrowed the time of destruc- tion to around seven am. The tree is usually lit until midnight. King City is having a hard time keeping its big community tree alight. At Village Trustees’ final meeting for the year in the Fire Hall, Village Secre- tary G. T. Thompson reported 20 bulbs stolen the first day the tree was erected and numerous balms continually being smash- e . Former Air Gunner Is Now Oak Ridges Barber King City 'I'rusIees Meet King Community Christmas Tree 1 HI-Treated By Vandals, Thieves I FROM: THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Yonge St. N. (R. R. 1) derful patrons. May you all enjoy this last. but best. pan of the year in health and happiness. MR. & MRS. LARRY FOLLIOT’I‘ & STAFF King City, Oak Ridges "The Liberal†is always pleased to publish items est retarding people and events in the 0:]: Bid! - Wilcox and King City districts. Our new: con-ea in King City is Mrs. William J. Houston. tc TEmple 3-5457: and in Oak Ridges-Lake Wile: Elisabeth Orton. Aubrey Ave.. phone PB. 3-5610 SU MMIT VIEW RESTAURANT once again have the pleasure of extending the greetings of the TU. 4-1370 In reply to queries by Mr. Fred Patterson and Mr. Harry Lacey of Valentine Acres about the Babcock report and Town- ship’s plans for development outside the village, Mr. Findlay pointed out, “We are involved geographically and topographi- cally, with sewage and storm 7 éince Constable ' Jenéen thought more time should be spent at the main intersection, Trustees decided to try policing the five pm. rus_h_ hoqr. Trustees considered whether Park Road should revert to being called Doctors’ Lane and decided it should continue as Park Road. Water Commissioner Bolton reported the telemeterlng is being installed as part of the waterworks system. He said. wa- ter level is at 22 feet in the well and gradually rising "We are using 80,000 gallons daily. which is within the pump's potential,†he noted. this time married and had one child he began to come up a- gainst the problems of school and medical needs for his daugh- ter, even though his wife is a registered nurse. Career Training These problems could not be ’solved and a move south and new employment became essential. Proving his adaptability, Gordon brought his family south and set- tled in Oak Ridges. He decided to train as a barber and under- took a course of training with the Bondy, Barber Schools from which he finally graduated and was able to establish his own business this year. Already Well Established Mr. Achilles gives a splendid service with capable and expert haircutting services so that he has already established a very wide following in the district. His daughter is now attending ,grade seven in the local public school. Mr. Achilles is a member of the local Masonic Lodge and has applied for membership in the Oak Ridges Chamber of Trade. _ Trustees. Donald Findlay and Ronald Bolton denied any rental was being paid for use of the Fire Hall Room as municipal of- fice and meeting place. They ex- plained maintenance, such as heat, light and ‘phone had al- ways come [ram Village b_udget. chins was interested in a loca- tion between Highway 400 and Oak Ridges for stocking Town- ship sand. Trustees said the lot beside the Fire Hall was av- ailable for placing sand. They decided to confer with Fire Chief David Glass about overnight shelter in the Fire Hall of a Township front end loader. almost full circle. we season to our many good friends and'won- ith the year comm; Ontario, Thursday, December 24, 1959 Richmond Hill “The Liberal†is always pleued to publish items of inter- est regarding people and events in the Oak Ridges-Lake Wilcox and King City dLstricts. Our new: oorrespondenl in King City is Mrs. William J. Houston. telephone TEmple 3-5457; and In Oak Ridges-Lake Wilcox. Mn. Ellsabeth Orton. Aubrey Ave.. phone PB. 3-5610. Mr. Thompson was asked to send out bulletins clarifying pro. per containers for garbage col- lection. Although no complaints had been made by the collector, Mr. Findlay felt householders should be notified of the con- dltions under which the contract had been tendered. Seek Hard-topping Chairman of Valentine Acres’ Ratepayers’ Association, Mr. Pat- terson made several inquiries re topping his subdivisions’ roads. He reported 46 ratepayers meet- ing a few days earlier had been unanimously interested. _ Trustees turned down the sug- gestion of having a byâ€"law for keeping village culverts cleared. Drawing attention to unscrupu- lous door sales, Mr. Findlay said he knew of “at least two law- suits arising because of uncon- scionable deals in the first in- stance" in which householders were duped by salesman. He pointed out the licensing of ap- pliances and household equip- ment sales was not a village mat- ter in itself and Trustees decided to take no action. Mr. Patterson was told “sub- sidy is possible but improbable.†There was no allowance in~this year’s budget, but he was ad- vised to bring the project be- fore 1960 Trustees. Mr. Bolton gave his opinion, “Hard top is a waste of time if it has to come up for sewers.†Mr. Patterson estimated 1% miles of roads in the 109-house subdivision and was informed possible cost could be around $13,000. The Ratepayers’ Chair- man said his association was looking into planting 300 trees. "Einstees approved asking Mr. Elmer Cairns to continue looking after the pumphbuse for next year. _7 Dealing with grade separation, Mr. Findlay said he foresaw ev- entual grade separation and that the local municipality would be involved. Trustees decided to ask Township’s advice in solving the problem of the double level crossing. A frequent delegate to vil- lage meetings, Mr. Warren Mc- Kendry studied the lengthy a- genda with Trustees and will be taking office ix} Janqary. The last few days before Christmas mean a hectic whirl of parties around the village for both youngsters and parents. Just before school closing. all the classrooms had their parties and presehts. -- rrieLe__ Friday evening older members of the Sunday School gathered at King City United Church for their annual treat, which took the form of Christmas slides and carols. topped off with a personal visit from a well-laden Santa. The youngsters were served doughnuts and chocolqte. milk. When asked if he knew why, Mr. Findlay declared, “Yes - politics.†Mr. Lacey decided to cogsult Township Council him- se . Mothers took their pre- schoolers to the junior Sunday School party at the United Church Saturday afternoon, when Santa again called with gAfts for the tots. They all join- ed in singing the carols they knew. Carol Program Old-time carols were featured in the Christmas program ar- ranged by Mrs. Glenn Sawyer for King City United Church W. M. S. at the Keele St. home of Mrs. Martin Jenkinson. v Mrs. Sawyer outlined the his- tory of lovely old carols, which were sung in solos, duets and *rios by Mrs. Gordon Orr, Mrs. Harold Gilbert and Miss Helen Hunter. drainage, but we are being by- passgd by :I‘oyvrgghip.â€. Mrs. Pearl Wilson read the Christmas story from the Bible to the 20 members and nine guests. Mrs. Harold Ratcllff entertained with appropriate Yule readings. Miss Glenna Sawyer and Miss Hunter assisted Mrs. Sawyer in serving refreshments. Firemen’s W. A. About 15 members of King City Firemen‘s Women’s Assoc- iation had their Christmas soc~ ial evening at the home of Mrs. Vic Doner, Third Concession Line. Members played .ards and ex- changed gifts, after which they had refreshments. 12:12th W. A. Gift-wrapping occupied most of the December meeting of the Evening Branch W. A. of All Saints Church at. the Keele St. Rectory. Ten members wrapped presents in preparation for the Sunday School party. Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Find- lay. Fisher St. gtertained :- Rev. E. H. Costigan was pres- ent as the group shared party re- freshments of angel cake, ice cream topped with frozen straw- berries and coffee. Sunday School Party For the annual Christmas pro- gram in All Saints’ Parish Room Friday evening, Santa greeted the youngsters and his helpers distributed gifts of pie- tures and books. Mr. George De- Witt showed films, including. "The Littlest Angel.†One House Rev. Gordon Agar led services of Christmas Worship Sunday morning at St. Andrew’s Presby- terian Church in King City and at Nobleton. St. Andrew's Sunday School and congregation brought ,white- wrapped gifts of food and cloth- ing. The contributions will be distributed in Toronto from Ev- angel Hall, which is operated by th Presbyterian Church in Can- ada. Special L-usic was provided by the choir, led by Miss Jessie Gellatly. The congregation attended St. Andrew's Sunday School Christ- mas concert Friday evening in the Church Room, when the Christmas story was pr‘esented in pageant form. Sana arrived to give 50 bags of treats to the youngsters. Sun- day School Superintendent Mr. Ted Siverns was in charge of the program, with the aid of tea- chers Mrs. Robert Fan-en, Mrs. William Willoughby, Miss Betty Arbuckle and Miss Annabelle Kerr, and secretary Mrs. Fred Curtis. Brownies’ Party Christmas services were observ- ed Sunday morning at King City and Laskay United Church, in charge of Rev. Martin Jenkinson. Bring White Gifts On December 2'] Mr. Agar will lead the End of the Year Service, and on January 3. the New Year's service. Presbyterlan Party Brownies of the First and Se- cond King Packs took gifts and placed them beneath a tree at King City United Church during their Christmas party Thursday evening, the presents to be fbr- warded to children in the Loyal True Blue and Orange Home at Richmond Hill. The evening group of Brownies won the competition when both teams tried to break balloons by sitting on them on two chairs. Guide Commissionel Mrs. Alex Knight played the piano for an- other game. All the girls re- ceived a useful brown notebook and a candy cane. bout 100 friends at their annual “at home†Saturday. Catering was arranged by King City Uni- ted Church W. A. Church Services Rev. E. H. Costigan will con- duct Holy Communion Christmas Eve, starting at 11:30 pm. at All Saints‘ Anglican Church. On Christmas Day, Communion ser- vices will be held at 8:30 and 10:30 am. Among the mothers serving doughnuts and chocolate milk were Mrs. Kemï¬eth Lawson, Mrs. J. H. Evans, Mrs. Jack Cargill, Mrs. R. Roberts, Mrs. Donald Dixon, Mrs. L. Brown and Mrs. Robert Walker. Baptists' Party' Mr. Reg Twissleton of the 400 Lions' Club showed films on the Holy Land at the Christmas dinner meeting of King City Lion‘s' Club in the United Church. Local members of the clergy invited as guests were: Rev. Mar- tin Jenkinson of King City Unit- ed Church; Rev. Ivan E. Kennedy of Temperanceville United Chur- ch; Rev E. H. Costigan, All Saints’ Anglican; Rev. Gordon K. Agar, St. Andrew’s Presbyterian; Mr. George Cusdin, Bethel Bap- tist Church, and Father Bren- nan of Sacred Heart Church. Library King Memorial Library will be closed Christmas Day and New Year’s Day, but no other changes are being made. It will be open as usual Monday evenings and Wednesday afternoons and ev- 1 jugs during the holiday season. Scout Group Bethel Baptist Church Sunday School met in the King St. par- sonage Saturday aflternoon for their Christmas treat, in charge of Superintendent Mr. Art Peck and the teachers. Lions’ Dinner Mr. Henry Funke presided at the First King Scout Troop Group Committee at All Saints’ Church, when activities of Scouts and Cubs were reviewed by the parents. Putting into practice the Group’s policy of having the La- dies’ Auxiliary represented at monthly meetings, Mrs. Donald Laing attended. Appreciation was expressed to Mr. Bob McLeod for having the Scouts’ and Cubs' sale of trees on his property. Akela Mrs. Rene Bimiord re- ported on the regional confer- ence in Oshawa. New Scouts in- vested were Pat McGrath, Harold Routledge. John Lomax. Chris Malcolm, Nick Henshaw and Bill Thompson. KING CITY SCHOOL BOARD ANNUAL MEETING WILL BE HELD AT 3 PM. Monday, December 28th at Doris M. Patton School KEELE STREET NORTH All ratepayers should attend. (Signed) RAYMOND BURT, Secretary-Treasurer S. S. 2 The insured house at the ex- treme west end of Dew St. was completely gutted, leaving the Douglas family homeless nine days before Christmas. Fire Cap- tain Donald McSallum said it was the worst local fire attended by King City Brigade this ye_ar._ Mrs. Douglas hurriedly dial- ed her mother-ln-law, Mrs. Frank Douglas of R. R. 1, Schomberg, calling into the ’phone “get- Ross" and, without further ex- planation, she dashed with her daughter next door to Ron Rob- son’s house. The monthly meeting of the‘ Oak Ridges Home and School Association was held on Tuesday, December 15th. The program be- gan with several delightful vocal selections by the Fuller family. Pat, John. Paul and David, Pat accompanying on the guitar also. Boys and girls from Grades 5 and 6, â€" the Jr. Choir. under the able direction of Mrs. Joy Harnden delighted the audience with their rendition of “Winter,†“From whence came a shepherd maiden†and the “Owl and the Pussy Cat,†Parents once again. as in previous years enjoyed Xmas carols. led at the Piano by Mrs. R. Bull, who also accompan- ied Jr. Choir. Four new can- adians gave interesting accounts of customs from their native lands at Xmas. Mr. J. Petersons spoke of previous Xmases in Latvia and showed recent “greet- ing†cards which no longer hear anything of Xmas, Latvia now being no longer an Indepen- dent State. On Wednesday evening, Dec- ember 16th Miss Marion Dion en- tertained her Sunday School Class from Brethren In Christ Church, at her home, gifts were King City â€" Mrs. Ross Doug- las rushed her two-year-old daughter Valerie. safely out of their burning frame bungalow on Dew St. into a neighbour's house, when faulty wiring in a bedroom itlarted an estimated $6.000 aze. When fire broke out before eight p.m., Mr. Douglas. a truck driver was six miles west at Nobleton hockey rink with his three-year-olq song, Al_la_rg. From the open 'phone Mrs. Frank Douglas could hear the crackling of flames. thgn the fire siren, before she drove to the village for further news of her family. Mrs. Gerard: Holland told of customs in the country of the same name and also described some of the Dutch folklore con- cerning Xmas. The next guest, Mrs. R. Popp spoke of her na- tive land of Scotland and showed the assembly some of the typical Scottish decorations, Mrs. Popp's husband, who came originally from Germany gave an interest- ing discourse on customs in that land at the Yule tide season. Mrs. Milne’s classroom won the Banner and prize for most par- ents attending, the evening came to a close with a tasty lunch being served by ladies of the social committee. Mr. Robson was one of the uniformed brigade fighting to save the house, which was the end one of three white frame cottages. They prevented the fire from spreading to adjoin- ing property, but could do little more than save the shell of the house. After two hours at the scene, making use of the hy- drant on the Douglas’ front lawn, firemen pumped out the flooded cellar. Family Homeless Faulty Wire Fire After losing her son, Kenneth, and a grandson in car accidents this year, Mrs. Douglas Sr. was relieved no one was hurt. “A house can be replaced," she told the Liberal. uvï¬rfï¬EEï¬ï¬. Douglas stayed temporarily at the Robson home, their two small children cared for by the grandparents. opout.oHto qtoo qzce Qvemer Cleaners & Dyers OAK RIDGES (Yonge St.) Proprietors: Art & Dot Jennings Free Pick-Up & Delivery Full Laundry Service Phone: PR. 3-5392 Auto Service Complete Service To All Makes of Cars ELGIN MILLS TU. 4-3151 Oak Ridges. Lake Wilcox Sociah Good brakes are a ‘must†for safe stops. Have the peace of mind of being 100% brakewise. Come in for a brake check. If needed we’ll reline and adjust them. COOK'S BP Can You Count On Safe Stops? exchanged. games were played, and of course. lunch was eaten, and enjoyed by the boys and girls. Thursday, December 17th the Brownies held their Xmas Party, the Ridges Pack joining with the Pack from Lake Wilcox at the Lake School, Mrs. Milde Per- schell and Mrs. S. Chanuk. Brown Owl and Tawny Owl res- pectievly as hostesses, heading up the newly formed Lake group which meets at the school every Thursday at 3.45 p.m to 5 pm. Games, carol singing and Xmas storytelling was enjoyed by the girls and gifts were ex- changed. At St. Mark’s Anglican chapel, Oak Ridges, Christmas week ser- vices will include a service of morning prayer on Sundav, Dec- ember 20th at 9.30 am. at which time Rev. E. L. Simmonds. Prin- cipal of the Toronto Bible Col- lege will be guest minister, and on Christmas Day a servxce of Holy Communion will be held at 9 80 am. ' Children at Oak Ridges Public School are learning the meaning of Xmas in a new way this year. they are bringing “white gifts to the school instead of exchanging gifts as in other years. These “gifts†will be handed over to one of the service organizations in the Community for distribution to those less fortunate. St. Paul’s United Church treated its Thursday afternoon shut-ins club to a Christmas par- ty recently at the church. Mrs. A. Gallagher prepared and serv- ed a delicious roast chicken din‘ ner for the 25 members present and Mrs. J. Blyth looked after other arrangements. Highlight of the party was the presentation of a cake to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Platt who recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. KING CITY BRANCH E Yonge St., Oak Ridges. Yonge St., Oak Ridges Prop. Art & Dot Jennings Yonge St. PR. 3-5392 RON MACKINTOSH B.A. STATION Yonge Street RIDGE INN Oak Ridges Yonge St., Oak Ridge OAK RIDGES TIRE OAK RIDGES CLEANERS & VARIETY SHOP holiday to one and all! We take pleasure in sending Santa your way with thanks for your palm and out )varmest Chris-[mas wishes. FROM THE UNDERMENTIONEI) BUSINESSMEN 0F OAK RIDGES CRESCENT HEATING LTD. GORD’S BARBER SHOP Yonge Street, Oak Ridges PR. 3-5582 *.ho.hoandaveryhappy Prop. Edith & Jack Lax-kin PR. 3-5541 PR. 3-5491 & PR. 3-5322 GEO PR. 3-5063 PR. 3-5277 ï¬tmï¬