Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Jan 1960, p. 8

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The Group Committee met last Thursday at Mr. Fred Orr's. Much old business was settled and plans for this year’s father & son banquet were discussed. Guides and Brownies Just a reminder to mothers of all Guides and Brownies. Thurs- day. January 21, is the date for the winter meeting of the Math- .era' Group Committee. The meet- ing will be at Mrs. Fred Orr’s home, 30 Rockview Gdns. and starting time is 8 pm. Batepnyers Elmwood Acres Ratepayers’ Association held its first meeting of the year at the school on Jan- uary 13. Elections were held and the new executive is as follows: President. H. Nordin; vice-presi- dent, Tom Allin; secretary. Harry Medensky; treasurer, Mrs. John Guest executive member, John Pepper. Social The Guides held a bottle drive last Saturday and made a good “haul” of pop bottles, the pro- ceeds from which will go toward the Concord Guldes' share of the building fund for Guide Head- quarters. Possibly by next week Mrs. Whaley will be able to get out from under the vinegar jugs, "coke" cartons, etc., and we'll have an accurate account of the profits. Mrs. Gordon Wood sup- plied the collectors with a wel- come cup of hot chocolate and cookies. Cubs and Scouts Word has reached us that Frank Yates. Rockvlew Gardens. was in- volved in a car accident recently and has been home for the past three weeks with a badly bruised knee. Hope to see Frank navi- gating under full steam in the not-too-distant future. There are 16 homes in York County which care for people who have been released from institu- tions and are going through an “adjustment period” before re- turning to their own homes and Community activities. Guides After all the ice we have seen lately, it’s hard to believe but the favourite Concord pastime seems to be home-made skating rinks. It's getting so that. if your kids don't have their own rink. they just aren’t part of the crowd anymore! Home & School The few who turned out to the January Home and School meet- ing were well rewarded with the fine address by Mrs. John Martin on the subject of Mental Health. Mrs. Martin gave a very inform- ative talk, telling of the county's problems in mental health and what is being done at present about them. She also said that many volunteer workers can be used in this field, particularly as visitors to patients recently re- leased from mental homes who must overcome the stigma which society still attaches to this un- fortunate diseasei Of course that perennial ‘sport’ Mr. Oman Bowes, has a rink in his yard. For the kids. that is! Bereavement 8 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, January 21, 1960 Neighbours of Mrs. Irene Liz- otte were saddened by the news of her death last week. A victim of leukemia, Mrs. Lizotte had been 111 off and on for some time. She is survived by her husband John. and a daughter, 2. Maple, ConcorL&_ Edgeley Districts “The Ontario Hospital Insurance Plan offers protection against the cost of essential HOSPITAL care. IT DOES NOT cover medical or surgical fees.” The Transportation Insurance Company now ofiers to the residents of Ontario a Physician and Surgeon coverage that pays doctors’ bills; AT HOME â€" IN HOSPITAL â€" IN DOCTOR’S OFFICE HIGHLIGHTS For further information, please fill out coupon and mail to your area representative. Mr. T. Day, Name Address Occupation . . . Doctors Plan Phone Lost Wages Plan DOCTORS' - - SPECIALISTS' SURGEONS' - OSTEOPATHS' ANAESTHETISTS' FEES PAID Mr. Day will accept enrolment in this area until January 30th lâ€"Individual coverage. 2â€"Famlly coverage. 3â€"Payments made direct to you. 4â€"No Medical examinations required. Havel-age extends coast-to-coast including United States. Up to $300. a month, even for life, if you are unable to work due to an accident or illness. Concord News Also- New Lost Wages Plan BOX 31, RICHMOND HILL LIBERAL ___________________ii “The Liberal" is always willing to publish interesting items regarding people And events contributed by its readers In Maple, Concord a; Edzeley districts. Our representative In Maple ls Mrs. Len Shore. ALpine 7-1150; in Concord. Mrs. Ruth Kefler. AV. 5-237! and in Edgeley and Sherwood, Mrs. Raymond Stuart. AV. 5-1934. ........ MARRIED . So many people mention that they have never been ‘in the Vaughan Township Municipal of- fices. Here is a building in our own home town we can be justly proud of, so enquire about a con- venient time and take the oppor- tunity to see it for yourself. It’s well worth it. Echoes From The Storm As of January 11 the top teams were The Dead-beats, captained by Jean Pogue; The Pats, with Pat Davis; The Fireflies with Flo Rouse and The Jays, with Jean Calder. Let me know if that or- der changeth! It's Worth A Look Just to show that I’m a fair sport regardless. I like to check up on the girls and â€" how about this for a triple score, 291, 227 and 249 for a 767 total for Ber- tha Ingramll Betty Grahlman has top single with 341. (You see it's much better I don’t get involved in such things). Because of the weather and road conditions the inaugural meeting of the Maple-Wood Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society in Woodbridge was cancelled. As soon as the new date is set, it will be announced here. Maple W.I. cancelled its Fam- ily Games Night also. Watch for the date and get your family and friends set for a night of euchre and other games at the commun: ity hall. Long time residents and new alike. join with “The Liberal" in offering birthday congratulations and wishing Mr. Cooper many more years of continued health and happiness. This Type is Way Out ‘ lulu -g..- -_ ..__ If there's anything I can't stand it’s a show-OE. No, that’s not why I gave up bowling exactly. it was just that I was too consistently being too modest and succeeded so nobly in being inconspicuous that after rarely thumping over 100, my team-mates just sort of forgot to remind me what night was bowling night. That is_how WTfiaé-e- dislocated TV serials are a sorry sight. Birthday Parties Fraser Crlngan took his birth- day party guests on a bowling spree last Saturday, January 16, when he celebrated his 10th birthday, and then back home again for eats and more games. ,, “1,..1- i'“gvra~(ffiéii}ofbfiur1d myself doing this column come bowlyng nigyt_s. January 13 was Bill Hamilton's 12th birthday and he celebrated it on Monday, Janaury 18. Eric Weir and Greg Shore added to the poundage of Bill's piggy bank and they all enjoyed (with Mary Ellen and Mom Hamilton) "No Time For Sergeants," at the Richmond Hill Theatre. Annual Vestry Meeting On January 20. 1960, Mr. Charles Cooper celebrated his 7lst birthday. Born in Teston, Mr. Cooper moved to Maple in 1918 and is still active in his chosen trade, that Aof a carp_enter. The annual vestry meeting of St. Stephen’s Anglican Church. Maple, will be preceded by a sup- per at the community hall at 6.30 Celebrates 7lst Blrthday_ pm. ‘05, Monday, â€"January 25. 1960, to which all members of the Anglican community are in- vited. 7 A m'Iv‘h'ere will be no charge for the supper and during the meet- ing which will follow the supper ...Town... SINGLE . . . WIDOWED .. Age . Maple News. The community of Maple was saddened by the sudden passing of Bill Doordwin on January 9, 1960. He and his family had set: fled in Maple a few years ago from Holland. For almost six years Bill had worked‘with Miller Florists here in town and was an energetic, willing worker who im- mensely enjoyed his work among plants and flowers. After a short business meeting lunch was served by the hostess. Mrs. Armitage. The next W.A. meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. R. G. Cringan on February 10. Obituary Miss Pat Maclachlan presided and conducted the devotional per- iod. followed by nominations for the 1960 executive offices. Dr. Armitage took the chair and presented the following slate: Past President, Miss Pat Mac- lachlan; president, Mrs. George Robeson; honorary vice-president, Mrs. Ramsey Armitage: Secret- ary, Mlss Phillipa Longdon; Trea- surer. Mrs. C. R. Reeds; flower committee, Mrs. Jim James; Dor- cas secretary. Mrs. J. H. Hayes; Little Helpers, Mrs. John Martin. Mr. Doordwln also was the caretaker 'at our community hall, and his ever ready smile and readiness to assist in anyway with any project made him a friend and helper who will be greatly missed by all. _ Our sympathies go out to Mrs. Doordwin and her son and dau- ghter and hope that in this new land and among the people of this community they will find comfort in their‘time of sorrow. The funeral service was held at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Maple, January 12. 1960. where the officiating minister, Rev. Henry A. Vinema of 2nd Christian Reform Church in Rex- dale was assisted by Rev. B. F. Andrew pastor of St. Andrew’s Church. School Area Trustees Inaugural The annual meeting of St. Ste- phen's W.A. was held at the Rec- tory, home of Dr and Mrs. R. Amitage, on January 13, with 14 members present: the children will be entertained by a movie, shown under the direction of a well known mem- ber of the community. If any An- glicans have not received an in- vitation they are requested to phone Mrs. Len Maddin at AL. 7- 1424. St. Stephen's W.A. This proved to be a very in- teresting evening on January 13 when we crossed over to the Vau- ghan Township Offices for the inaugural meeting of the newly elected Vaughan Township School Area Board. Mrs. R. G. Hogg, Mrs. M. Rob- ertson. Mr. S. Kaiser. Mr. H. Constable and Mr. M. Savage looked very impressive and most business-like as they sat in the baunciilr Chamber, cBmplete with name plates before them on the table. Rev. Harold Davies from Maple United Church conducted devot- ionals and threw a challenge to the board members to uphold the religious teachings of the foun- der of our educational system â€" Rev. Egerton Ryerson. Mr. Constable was elected chairman, Mrs. Robertson vice- chairman. and elsewhere in “The Liberal" you will find an account of the business meeting. Here I go onlmy little soap box again â€" but it just seemed there should have been a larger representation there to give sup- port to the members they them- selves had elected to this time- consuming and sometimes thank- less job. The meetings will be held the second Thursday of each month at 8 p.111. at the township offices and will be open to the public. Drop by one of these evenings and show them you have an in- terest in your child’s future re education and methods to be used. This board is working in your interest and would apprec- iate your support and suggestions. Communityend School Club Don't forget February 3, when Mrs. John Martin will be speak- ing on Mental Health and show- ing a film which will better ac- quaint you with the prnblem in our district and what is being done. and what you can do, to assist in this work. Accident Miss Doris Wilson of Jackson Ave, Maple, narrowly escaped injury last Friday evening when her car Skidded out of control on some glare ice on Maple Side- road and turned over in the ditch. A passer-by helped her to crawl out through the smashed wind- shield and drove her to the Vau- ghan Township police station. Miss Wilson sufiered only a few minor bruises. A. Lavoie DECORATING FREE ESTIMATES CALL ANYTIME. PAINTING TU. 4-3181 The late Mr. Espey tested at the W. R. Scott Funeral Home until Saturday, January 9 when the Rev. J. A. H. Hodgson con- ducted the funeral service in Woodbridge United Church at 2 o’clock. Interment was in River- side Cemetery. Weston, with ac- tive pall bearers being James Spencer. Fred Usher, Robert Mit- chell, Ear; Appleton. Alex Bish- op. Kenneth Hewitt. Ihe Honor- '1‘“ Kellam yr. __-,,, ary palbehi'ers were Boyce Hay- hoe, Ross Cameron and Oscar The other beautiful bouquet was given to the church by Dr. and Mrs. D. K. McLaren follow- ing the marriage of their daugh- ter, Gail, on Saturday, as their thank you to the Carrville people. A member of a well known family of the district, Mr. Les- ter Espey of Woodbridge passed away suddenly on Thursday, J an- uary 7. .1960. He was born in Vaughan Township on May 17, 1883. For many years previous to coming to Woodbridge, he resided on a farm on the Sixth Concession of Vaughan Town- ship. Mr. Espey was a faithful member of the United Church, Woodbrldge and was also a mem- ber of the Odd Fellows Lodge of Weston. Left to mourn his loss are his daughter. Evelyn (Mrs. Charles Summerfeldt); a son, James and grandsqn, B913. The chancel of the church look- ed very lovely on Sunday with two beautiful baskets of flowers. The one placed there by Ernie Bone for his aunt, Mrs Jennie Bone, was in memory, of her sister, Miss Annie Bqne. _ Church News Rev. H. R. MacDonald, in charge of the service on Sunday at Carrville United Church. an- nounced the annual congrega- tional meeting for Monday, Jan- uary 25. Supper will be held first and then the meeting, so if you are interested in the work at Carrville in the various organi- zations, plan to come for supper and stay for the meeting. The supper is pot luck. Several im- portant matters are expected to be discussed at the meeing. Birthdays 7 VA vefy happy birthday to Bev’ erley Anne Wood who celebrates her second birthday on January 31. School News Many thanks go to Kenneth Baker who came to the school one day recently and flooded the rink, making the youngsters very happy. ‘The children have worked very hard to make this rink for better skating. Now they are hop- ing the weather will co-operate. Congratulations Congratulations to Mrs. Jack Barton who won second 'prize at the ,Willowdale Ladies' Orange Lodge last Thursday, at a euchre at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Curtis, Doncaster. It‘s A Boy Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Wm.-Johnston of Richmond Hill on the birth of their son, Gordon Christie at Newmarket on Wednesday, January 13. Mrs. Johnston is the former Madeline Clark of Carrville. The proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. C ristie Clarke. S cials Mr. and Mrs. Bert Middleton attended the inaugural meeting of the new trustee board at the municipal hall, Maple, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Baker also attended in the company of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Savage Jr. It was a very interesting event. Telephone Maple 130R3 CARRVILLE Correspondent: s. Bert Middleton Edgeley Socials The executive members of the Buttonville School Parents' Club met at the home of Mrs. Jim Hood on Wednesday evening of last' week to consider plans for the winter {no spring meetings. Neighbourhood Notes At present the group plans to hold graduation exercises and presentation of pins for ’59 and ’60 graduates at the close of the school term in June. A new baby was born to Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Jones of Mark- ham, recently. We offer congrat- ulations to the parents and to grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wallen. January 27 is the date for the next meeting and on January 29. members will hold a bake sale at the school. The Brown’s Corners W.M.S. members haven’t had much suc- cess seeking a meeting date this month. On the regular day too many members were ill to meet, and last week the ice storm made driving too hazardous. so post- ponement was made till February. In the meantime reports from various secretaries were sent in to Mr. Harold Steffler to be in- cluded in the church annual re- port, for January 19. If anyone doubts that crows, spent the winter here they should take a look at the flats back of McQuay’s service station. Each morning at daybreak the crows come from the northwest in great flocks, and spend the day caying and feeding. Pardon us, we Bave been in- formed the price of the brass horse was under, not over $10.00. Richvale Chapel Young People and Doncaster Bible Chapel Young People enjoyed a tobog- gan party on the hills at Thom- hill on Saturday evening. There were about forty present. Re- freshments were served at Rich- vale Chapel. 7 Mrs. Lionel Hunt was guest speaker at the Richvale Chapel Women’s Group meeting which was held at the home of Mrs. C. Fevez, Edgar Avenue last Thursday evening. Mrs. Hunt spoke on Faith, taking famous examples from Scriptures and showing how we could apply the lessons in our own lives. Richvale Home and School held their regular meeting on Monday evening. Two members of the new Vaughan Township School Area board of trustees, Mrs. S. Hogg and 'Mr. Sam Kais- er were guest speakers and gave the parents a picture of the new set-up. V ' On February 4th the York Sim- coe Home and School Council meeting will hear Mr. Arthur Piggott, Vice-President of Social Planning Council for Metropoli- tan Toronto speak on problems New Canadians meet in adjust- ing themselves to a new school system. His talk will be illus- trated by a new film called “The Threshold," especially prepared by the National Film Board for use by Home and School Assoc- iations. The meeting will be held in the Unionville Publicischool. "ligfipx; birthday to Carl Bigley who was 11 years old on Sun- day. January 17th., Her many friends will be glad to know that Mrs. Cecil Smith (Bettv). is making a good recov- ery following her recent opera- tion in Central Hospital, Toronto. A speedy recovery is wished for Mrs. Freda McKillop who underwent surgery in Branson Hospital last week. "'fipvri'és nice to see Mrs. W. Denniston able to be out again, this week. MRS. M. E. TAYLOR 94 Spruce Ave. AV. 5-4293 Correspondents: MRS. E. E. SPEARS 25 Roosevelt Dr. AV. 5-3116 BUTTONVILLE Richvale News Correspondent: Mrs. F. H. Leaf R. R. 2 Gormley Phone AXminster 3-6188 Appoint Two Members For Planning Bd. Richmond Hill Town Council Monday night appointed J. M. Brown and Cecil Williams as members of the Planning Board. Mr. Brown has been a member of the Board since its inception and has acted as secretary. May- or Tomlin and members of coun- cil commented on his outstand- ing service; Cecil Williams will be a new member and his ~ election was proposed by Councillor John Bradstock. Mr. Williams is a member of the Public School Board. Reeve W. J. Haggart nominat- ed Thomas Buchan for reappoint- ment. The local Planning Board con- sists of five members, all ap- pointed by the Town Council, two appointed each year for a two year term'and a council member appointed annually. Oth- er members are. Norman A. Todd. Ross Scrlmger. and Coun- cillor Howard Whillans. Local Storm Damage 51500 To The Hydro At the inaugural meeting of the Richmond Hill Hydro-Elec- tric Commission held Thursday evening of last week Superin- tendent Verne Snider reported the town suffered $1,500 damage ,during the recent severe storm. The freezing rain which struck Southern Ontario on December 28th resulted in a serious power failure in the central part of town. For the most part the new subdivisions escaped serious damage as they haven’t the same number of trees. The following streets suffered the worst dam- age, Centre St. West, Elizabeth Street, Rumble Avenue, Church Street. Roseview Avenue. and Lennox Avenue. Mr. Snider re- ported a total of 61 services were repaired and 42 were renewed. Mr. Sam Cook was re-elected chairman for the coming year. The other members of the comâ€" mission are Commissioner Wil- liam Wagner and Mayor Ken Tomlin. , The hydro, fire department and town works department will shortly consider the possibility of jointly sharing the cost of a radio communication system. The Hydro already has such a sys- tem. See for yourself what this wonderful car will do under the worst road and weather conditions. Test drive La Renault Dauphine ‘ in today’s winter weather. Simply phone your nearest Renault dealer~he’ll be glad to arrange your intro- duction to “La Dauphine”. Come when it snows! INDUSTRIAL ROAD, RICHMOND HILL HILL CITY ° 'Weafher's Bad-Driving’s Tough ' ' NOW is the time 1 - A . to Test Drive Mr. Fred Waters was one of the guests invited by American Airlines to go “Flightseeing” Sat- urday morning, January 16th. This was a one hour flight to acquaint their guests with the new Jet-powered Electra Flag- ship Which was to have its inaug- ural flight the next day. Buffalo, Niagara Falls, London, were in- cluded in the itinerary. Ceffee and doughnuts were served be- fore the flight and refreshments afterwards. The next day on its inaugural flight the Flagship On- tario set a new record for com- mercial airliners making the trip to New York in 59 minutes and 9 seconds, slashing 25 min- utes off the originally scheduled flying time. The plane reached a top speed of 484 mph. The pre- vious day, with Mr. Waters 3- board. it had reached a top speed of 510 mph with a strong tail wind aiding it. Birthday greetings to Debbie Corkin who celebrates her birth- day on January 22nd and to Carol Smith on January 25th and Bob Reid on January 26th. ELGIN MILLS-JEFFERSON NEWS Motors We offer FOR A SOUND INVESTMENT Maturing December 1. 1966 to 1969 PRICE: 99.00 and accrued interest The proceeds from the sale of these Debentures are to be used for County Highway construction. Contact â€" Your Local Agent 0R BELL, GOUINLOCK COMPANY lTD. $50,000 COUNTY OF YORK 6% DEBEN'I'IIRES DENOMINATIONS: $1,000 Correspondent: The Evening Branch of the Woman Auxiliary of St. John’s Anglican Church TU. 4-2708 TU. #1534 Maturing December 1, 1963 to 1965 PRICE: â€" 100.00 and accrued interest LA RENAULT 25 King Street West, TORONTO EMpire 4-2236 Last Friday. Sharon Durant entertained 14 of her grade 7 classmates at her grandmothers home in Elgin Mills. The happy occasion was Sharon's 12th birth- day and she and her guests en- joyed a wonderful party._ We are sorry to learn that Mr. Matthew Patton is in the New- market hospital, where he is un~ dergoing surgery. Everyone wifsfiljles him a speedy recoveljy. m The Evening Branch of St. John's W. A.. held their January meeting in the Parish Hall on Thursday. Most of the evening was given over to discussion of the congregational dinner to be held on January 37th. The Jefferson Cubs will be re. suming their meetings next Thursday, at the usual time and place. r We are very pleased to learn that the rebuilding of Mr. and Mrs. Mick Ensor‘s home It Lake Wilcox is progressing favourably. Theological Sunday 7 Studénts will breach at St. John's Anglican Church. Sunday morning at the 11 am. service.

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