Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Jan 1960, p. 9

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Alf/é LILLIAN McCONAGHY SCHOOL AUDITORIUM J me aLJLaI’nOI/lad ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE I THE OPENING OF A JEWELLERY & GIFT STORE Opening Special \Thursday, Friday, Saturday ONLY FREE -â€" Long playing Columbia record featuring Jo Stafford with any purchase over One Dollar WINNER OF LAST YEAR’S CALVERT TROPHY FOR THE BEST PLAY IN THE CENTRAL ONTARIO DRAMA FESTIVAL directed by Richard Barrett featuring Elisabeth Jackson - Robert Urquhart - Mary Monks Lee Stewart - Tom Paton - Peggy Harris Beth Jones - Margaret Bergin . Margot Crack “. . . elegantly savage comedy" â€" TIME. H o s p I T A L Open Meeting “3A9 garden ” Nominations for Board of Directors Yonge St. 8., Richmond Hill Thursday, Feb. llth, 8 pm. Richmond Hill lions Hall FEBRUARY ll, 12 and I3 8.20 pm. Tickets available at Drug Stores and from our “sandwich men” By Special Arrangement with Samuel French (Canada) Ltd. Organization of Local Hospital All interested parties welcome A new Jewellery Store serving Richmond Hill 'roct‘ord Jine alxamon‘ Allencourt Shopping Centre. Richmond Hill CHARGE ACCOUNTS INVITED yencourf Slapping a1 THURSDAY, JAN. 28th This advertisement published in the interest of a worthy community cause by Presents this year’s festival entry Enid Bagnold’s THE CURTAIN CLUB [I'OCtOI’ J in the and for opping Centre Mr. Norman Reid's “Session Report" listed a membership of 154 active and 42 non-active members making a total of 196 on the roll. During the year sev- en members were removed by transfer and six by death. ‘Eleven members were received by pro- fession of faith and ten by cer~ tlficate; there were sixteen bap- tisms and two weddings. --_..°v __ _ ___ Rev. A. F. Binning‘ton chaired the meeting and the church sec- retary, Mr. John Brown. present- ed the minutes of the 1958 an- nual meeting: A good activities and financial report was presented to the members of Brown's Corners Un- ited Church when they met on Tuesday evening of last week to hold their annual meeting. Mr. Reid paid tribute to two students, Mr. Allan McIntosh and Mr. Tom Phillips who have as- sisted Rev. A. F. Blnnington through the year._ According to Mr. Reid total receipts for the year were ap- proximately $9,540. with $2,225.- 37 for missions. _ The total report. which was compiled by Mr. and Mrs. Harold Steffler, included activities of such groups as the Sunday School; Cemetery Board; Young Peoples Union; Choir; Davidson Mission Band; Harmony Group; Junior Harmony Group: CGIT (Victoria Sq. Charge); Explorers Group (V. Sq. Ch.) Brown’s Cor- ners W. M .S., the church Stew- ards, the Treasurer’s report, and a message from_ the minister: With regard to members of the session. it was agreed that after a five year cycle an elder should retire for a year, after which time he may be re-elected to office. At Mr. Blnnington’s re- quest two additional elders will be appointed immediately bring- ing the total number to eleven. ,____.1_ __- Replacing retiring steward-s are Mrs. W. Craig, Messrs. W. Brum- well, Rae Donaldson and Garnet Stewart. Mr. H. Coleman, chairman of the building committee. reported that the church property had been measured by the commit- tee, and other church building projects had been visited. Mr. Alex is securing a list of church architects prior to the launching of the Brown’s Corners building programme. Owing to the success of‘ the Sector Plan, financial sup- port of this project is assured. The standing officers were as follows: Session: J. S. Donaldson, J. E. Brown, D. E. Hood, A Stephen- son, W. Rodick, Cline Burr, H. Steffler, H. Baldwin, N. R. Reid (clerk). Stewards: (retiring) Robert Hood, W. Turner. J. Miller, B. Burr. (Expires 1961) - H. Wright, M. Sherman, J. Brumwell. W. Craig. (Exp. 1962) - H. Coleman, R. McTavish. E. Fuller, W. Palmer. Plus newlv appointed members. Ushers: W. Brumnwell, E. Fuller, R. Hord, J. Rodick, John Rodick, Fraser Craig, Harvey Brown, Bruce Putnam, Wm. Rodick, chairman. Recording Seretary: J. E. Brown. Treasurer: Walter Craig. Education in the Soviet Union is based on the principal of a close link between theory and practice. Igor K. La-ptev, Attache of the Embassy of the Union of Socialist Republics at Ottawa, told more than 150 parents and teachers here last week. Attache Soviet Embassy Speaker McConaghy Home And School bvu~.-v‘ .. ..-_ _ Mr. Laptev was guest speaker at a regular meeting of the Mc~ Conaghy Home and School As- sociation. He was invited to con- tribute to -this year’s program which is intended to provide members of the Association, and others. with information on var- ious aspects of__education. A__‘L __ Luua anytywa ............. Before describing current pol- icy Mr. Laptev related the sit. nation in education which exist- ed in his country. before 1917. J cu I“ An: “Jun”, _ . _ V 7 , “Although possessing bound- less natural resources, pre-revolâ€" utionary Russia was a backward country as far as her economy was concerned. Poverty and pol- itical lawlessness reigned throughout. Cultural backward- ness was, therefore. a natural consequence,” said Mr. Laptev. “In the field of education the policy of the Czarist government resulted in the fact that 75 per cent of the population of Russia were illiterate and about 80 per cent of the children could not go to school. “Especially terrible was the situation in the former colonies LU Duh-luvs. “Especially terrible was the situation in the former colonies of Russia in which people had no right to education in their national language. In the Tajik Republic, for example, only 0.5 per cent of the population could read and write,” Mr. Laptev said. He said the national minorities in northern areas “were almost all illiterate and had no written language." Mr. Laptev said that today Soviet education is faced “with lauguasc. Mr. Laptev said that today Soviet education is faced “with the task of preparing youth for life, for useful labor. and incul- eating in them a deep respect for labor and the principles of soc- ialistc society. “Instruction must psychologi- cally prepare the children from their very first years so that they will in the future take part in socially useful activities work." Mr. Laptev said. “Due to the great care and at- tention devoted to public educa- tion by the Soviet government. the Soviet Union has become a country of universal literacy. Compulsory and universal edu- cation with an eight year, (ele- mentary) course of study has been introduced," he said. Mr. Laptev said his country. per capita, now has the highest lstudent attendance in the world. “More than 50,000,000 people are now studying in the USSR. that is more than the population of France, almost equal the pop- ulation of Great Britain, and almost three times more than the CORRESPONDENT: Mrs. I. G. LEAF I. B. 8 Gormley - Phone “minute! 8-6188 BUTTONVILLE NEWS M & M Committee: R. Hord, Mrs E. Walton, Mrs. A. Martin, Mrs. N. Reid Christian Edustion Committee: Miss Adele Carruthers, Mrs. D. Reesor, Mrs. F. Leaf. Mrs. W. Turner (plus additions listed a- bove.) Auditors: Mrs. J. Brumwell, Miss Bertie Carruthers. Caretaker: Mr. George Clarge. Church Trustees: J. Donaldson, D. E. Hood and J. E. Brown. Euchre Series The second game of the cur- rent euchre series sponsored by the Buttonville W I. was played at Buttonvllle W. 1. Hall on Fri- day evening of last week. There were 18 tables of players pres- ent. and the winners were, Lad- ies: Mrs. C. Couperthwaite, Mrs. R. Calvert, Mrs. A. Robinson; Gentlemen: Messrs. M. Styrmo, F. Hartwick and A. R9bin_so_n. The lucky draw, a bushel of apples, was born by Mr. Hart- wick, and freezeout winners were Mrs. Couperthwalte and Bill Al- len. with Messrs. M. Styrmo and Bill Wray second. Hostesses for the evening were Mrs. Adam Brown. Mrs. J. W11- kins and Mrs. R. Boyington. The next game will be'played Febru- ary 5. Sewing Class Held A sewing class on “Finishing Fashions" was conducted in But- tonvme Hall on Thursday and Friday of last week. Home ec- onomists with the Women’s In- stitute were the instructresses, and representatives of groups in lower York County were the stu- dents. The latter will relay in- formation to their home groups and sewing classes will be or- ganized in the individual insti- tutes. Results are to be reviewed later in the year at Newmarket. Approximately 12 institutes were represented. Neighbourhood Notes - or. A__‘. Mrs. Belle Glendenning is ill at present and staying with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Craigie. We wish for her a rabid recovery. AVvlhll-vvâ€"n “v...â€" _ V V _c_ Brian Joseph Jacksie, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Jack- sie, was baptised at a ceremony in Brown’s Corners United Chur- ch last Sunday morning. The godparents were Mr. and Mrs. Moorby. u.“ u... .. -..â€"-_ _ It is good to see Mrs. John Brown about again after a long convalescence following surgery last November. Mrs. S. J. Eng- lish was out again last week, too, following a session with a heavy cold. Mrs. H. R. Paterson, who has been ill with pneumonia for some time is also making good prams}. now- 7 1 L,. L--- u~.-.~ y. Mr. Ken Stots, who has been suffering from a back injurv since 'before Christmas. is still not able to return to work. _ W. Imembers have been bus,v auiltinz again. Mrs. Stots and Mrs. Hill put one in a frame early last week, and members have been droppian in to put in a few stitches as they can. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hooper and Mr. and Mrs. James McQuay returned early last week from their California trip. _ _ whole population of Canada. In other words, every fourth person in the USSR is studying in the educational establishments in the country,” he said. “The other great advantage of education in the Soviet Union is that it is carried on in a national language. The Soviet schools are conducted in 59 different langu- ages. ... .. _ .LAL “It is worthwhile noting that for the first time in their history 48 nationalities. including peo- ples of the northern regions. have acquired, under the Soviet regime. their own alphabet," Mr. Lantev said. “I: w v u-.-- The Soviet embassy attache acknowledged weaknesses in his country's system of education. “One of the main drawbacks up to date last year was insuf- ficient contact between school and real life. __‘.. unu L can AAAAA "In order to improve our edu- cational system, an educational reform was introduced in Decem- ber 1957. The aim of the reform Was to brim! all tynes of schools closer to life so that a school would become a real school of life which would prepare stu- dents for the challenge of be- coming active builders of a new society in the USSR," said Mr. Lantev. “The education and upbringing of the younger generation on the basis of linking up instruction with life and work that is with- in their powers. is organized in such a way that the age of the school children is taken into ac- count." he said. We 5-“..â€" cuuuv. A n y u u . w . “All young people are drawn into socially useful work from the age of 15 or 16, therefore secondary education is divided into two stages,” said Mr. Lap. ev. He said the first stage is in- cluded in the first eight vears of compulsory education. “The eight year school is an incomolete se- condary labor polytechnical :lchool providing a general educa- on. u "On leaving the eight :7an school all young neople must iom in socially useful work. This creates more equal conditions for all citizens as regards work and education." said Mr. Laptev.‘ He said a comulete secondary education is received in the §e- cond stage by combining studles with Vprqductivq wor_k. p-.. u u... I.” Vuuvvav ' .. v “The first and main way, is for young people. who, upon finish- ing the eight year schooL g0 t0 work first of all to receive in- itial vocational training and then, while working in production. to study at schools for young work- ers and peasants. “These schools give their P“- pils a complete secondary edu- cation and help to increase their vocational school.” he said. “The second way is for young people to be taught at a secon- dary labor polytechnical school providing a general education to- gether with productive training which combines instruction with productive work and gives pupils a complete secondary education and vocational training for work in a branch of their choice of the economy or culture. “The third way is to teach a section of the young people in specialized secondary schools which function with the eight year school as a basis and at which the pupils will obtain a complete secondary education, a speciality and the status of spec- ialists with medium qualifica- ons. “This system of education en- ables every boy and girl to better prepare for life, to have a defin- ite trade and to choose the way of obtaining a complete second- ary education that suits them‘ best," Mr. Laptev said. He said more than 4,000,000 students are now studying at higher educational establish- ments and specialized secondary schools compared to 182,000 in 1913. Mr. Laptev said universities and colleges of the USSR have nearly five times as many stud- ents as such countries as Britain, France, West Germany and Italy combined, the population of which “is nearly 200,000,000. al- most as large as the USSR," he said. "About 7,500,000 people with higher or specialized secondary education are now working in our country's national economy while in 1913 there were less than 200.000." said Mr. Laptev. According to Mr. Laptev the current seven-year-plan includes a considerable development of secondary school education in town‘and country: to extend ev- ening and correspondence and specialized secondary education: and to increase the network oi evening schools for working syomh in town and country. ' ~ - .I- ._.-_:1.. in Han Uuux 1n LUVVAI on... .H..,, "The number of pupiié'in the orimarv and secondary schorgh A - L- o Drum“ v auu __________ in 1956 win be increased to 38 or 40,000.000 as against 30,000,- 000 in 1958.” he said. "The number of engineers trained for industry, constuction. transnort and rommunications will increase by 90 ner cent. and that of agricultural specialists bv 50 per cent as compared with the nrecedinz seven year period. “The greatest increase in the number of engineeré gradnated will take place in the fields of ,__L-_...unn “More than 4.0001100 uenme wil he admitted to the secondary snenializnd schools in 1959-65. in- cluding those who study while working. "During the current seven vear period the necessary conditions will he created for an even more rapid develonment of all branch- es of scienne, for the making of lmnortant theoretical stules and new important scientific discov- eries," said Mr. Laptev. w1u Lat“: vluuv -.. chemical technologvféutomntion, commuting enginaerinz. radio e1- ectronic: and other branches of new technlnue. “More than 4.000000 venole wiI he admitfed to the mnnndary snenializnd schook in 1959-65. in- Mudinz those who study while AV. 5-4991 YONGE STREET NORTH, RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-1194 BIRRELL MOTORS LIMITED THIS YEAR, as always, 22 $33 “3’” CHEVROLET is everybody: kind of car AND HERE'S WHY. . . @UDPEWWE ’60 CH EVROLETW Chances are you'll never tie up alongside C.S.L.’a flagship T. R. McLagan at your Imperial Essa service nation. But she’s an Imperial customer all the same and an important one as far as you are concerned. The fuel used by the T. R. McLagan is a thick, heavy, black oilâ€"quite different from the light volatile gasoline your car needs. If gasoline were the only product made from crude, it would cost much more to produce. Instead, gesearch and refining specialists in companies like Imperial have developed ways to utilize all parts of the crude, from light gases for making plastics, for example, to heavy asphalt for pavement. In between are hundreds of other products, like the oils, grease: and fuel used by the T. R. McLagan and the lubricants for your car. Imperial’s efficiency in getting everything out of the crude oil means the prices of all products are low. That’s one reason government figures show that in the last five years the average price of things people buy has gone up nearly 16 per cent, while gasoline has actually gone down about half of one per cent.‘ ‘DBS wholesale prion index. How shlps like thls glant grain carrier help Imperial keep the cost of gasoline down THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, January 28, 1960 'Ssso‘ IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED for 79 years a leader In Canada's growth Chevy is Canada’s best seller for all the best reasons. Style, room, power -â€" un- matched value â€"â€" Chevy has ’em all. Here’s the car that unquestionably sets the pace for ’60. Your Chevrolet dealer can give you early delivery.

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