Phone TU. 4-1311 For WOMEN Only! 5‘ ~ THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF ' KNITTING WOOL ' TAKE NOTICE that the annual meeting of producer members of YORK COUNTY HOG PRODUCERS’ ASSOCIATION will be convened at the hour of 1.45 11.111. E.S.T. on WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3 at the Anglican Parish Hall in the TOWN OF,NEWMARKET [or the purpose of the conduct of the proper busmess of the annual meeting, the election of officers and the election of Voting delegategAand alternate delegates. A ____-_- run-v _v-- yr-..“ Doors open 10 mm. to receive nominations Panel Discussion D. M. McMillen, President John Sytema, Secretary Free lunch served 12.15 pm. Newmarket R. R. 3 * The famous NEVEDA wool imported from Holland * 50 exciting colours to choose from * Over 8 diï¬erelit ply’s 5250 Yonge Street, WillowdaleLacz-oss from the Willow Show. Visit our showroom and shop in comfort, parking in rear Phone: BA. 1-6051 JANKOK â€" JANKOK â€" JANKOK 33/4 oz. skein only: Special rates for societies JANKOK FOR A SAFE INVESTMENT TO YIELD 6.85% WE OFFER: TOWN OF RICHMOND HII.I. ’Gixéé'i'épéi'IESrTELAYTON my JANKOK IN NORTH AMERICA J. L. GRAHAM 8: COMPANY “Mm THE INVESTMENT m MAM 1967 $2,000 99.40 1968 2,000 99.34 1969 2,000 99.27 1970 2,000 99.24 1971 4,000 99.20 1972 3,000 99.16 1973 3,000 99.12 1975 4,000 99.05 1976 5,000 99.02 197 7 2,000 98.99 Prices are “and accrued interest†Denominations : $1,000 ENQUIRIES MAY BE MADE OR ORDERS PLACED BY TELEPHONE AT OUR EXPENSE. Year Established 1878 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill 0R Mr. Craig â€" TU. 4-1296 after 7 pm. 6 3/¢|%, Local Improvement Debentures Maturing December 15 ear Amount P JANKOK of the ppgper busipgss $1.25 BTABLISHED I". J ANKOK umm Commence Feb. 11 Welding Night Classes At Richmond Hill High An evening form arc welding school for adults will begin on Thursday, February 11, 1960, at Richmond Hill High School. The school willr be conducted one night a week fol- flve consecutive weeks each Thursday until March 10, 1960. It is for farmers and farm implement dealers only. Mr. Tony Centa, Richmond Hill High School Industrial Arts Teacher, .will instruct. The course will cover welding in various positions on different kinds of metals. welding cast iron, hardsurfacing and soldering, cutting and brazo ing with an arc welder. Everyone who attends all ï¬ve sessions will receive a certiï¬ed diploma. A nominal fee of $5.00 will be char- Tenders for the proposed Plea- santville Public School r-turned out to be higher than anticipated by Richmond Hill Public School Board. The 18 bidsA rangegiffon} .u‘. .. _...._ a low of $238,250.00 to a high of $289,775.00 for an eight room classroom plus kindergarten school. The architects Allward and Gouinlock Were authorized to try and reduce some of the speciï¬- cations before a ï¬nal decision by the board is made The board chose the local ten- der of I D Ramer and Son to supply fuel oil at 14.10c per gallon. H. Jones Building Sup- plies Ltd., also of Richmoud Hill was selected on their lowest ten- der of $16.35 per ton of Eureka coal and $15.40 per ion for Sou- thern Colonel coal. May Revise Plans Pleasantville Tenders Higher Than Expected The Girl Guide Association cei- ebrated their 50th year of Guidi- ing in Canada marked by a Birth- day Party on January 20 at the Eaton Auditorium which was ï¬ll- ed to overflowing with Guiders and Past Guiders. Mrs. P. Rumney, Mrs. N. John- ston and Mrs. G. Hardie were present to Witness this event. In the history of' Girl Guidingp Girl Guides v... vâ€" .. Sixty-four Brownies. Guides, Leaders and local association members were present at Melville United Church Thursday_evening, Vllnwuâ€" v“..- _ to celebrate the 50th birthday. Brownies and Guides held their opening ceremonies before their mothers joined them. Slides one Guide camping were shown by Mrs. P. Rumney. A huge birthday cake was the centrepiece for a candlelight ceremony. Each mem- ber held a candle which was lit by ï¬ve Brownies and ï¬ve Guides who represented the 10 provin- ces. Girls taking part were: Brownies â€"â€" Dawn Tatton. Ra- chel Farquharson, Irene Crane, Kathy Roxborough and Noreen Powell. Guides: Judy Hart, Judy Varden. Dinah Wilcox, Susan Nigh and Marilyn Stacey. Guides and Brownies were each given a place mat beautifully decorated for the Golden Jubilee Year. ,2 LL- LUL Lug “van.-- v..,,- Mrs. N. Johnston, one of the Guide Leaders was presented with her Lieutenant's warrant by Cap- tain Mrs. P. Rumney. Brownies ,r._‘ n... u" .uv... .On Saturday morning VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W. SANDLE, Victoria Sum Telephone, Got-Inlay 5421 Price EMPIRE 34‘" the ged for the ï¬fteen hour course. The course is based on instruc- tions developed by the Lincoln Electric Company who make arc welding equipment and has been conducting welding schools since 1917. The Industrial Welding Sup- ply Limited will sponsor and sup- ervise the course. Advance registration should be made at the office of Richmond Hill High School. 51 Wright St., Richmond H111. Ontario, Thurs- day. Febru 4, and Tuesday, February 9. om 7.30 to 8 pm. The ï¬rst class will commence on Thursday. February 11, at 7.30 p.111. Enrolment will be limited to 20 students. Members of the Recreation Committee were present for a brief discussion to ask for more space available in the schools for recreational activities Chairman L. D. Clement suggested the committee on its next presenta- tion have the approval of council to spend a certain amount of mon- ey to include in the plans for new schools for recreational use Due to a probable cost of ap- proximately $2,000.00 for rent and moving, the board decided not to rent two portables from Mark- ham Township School Area No. I board from January 31 through June' 30. _- ...n A, v “ulv » Kln‘é‘é'rgartens at MacKillop Public School and Walter Scott Public School will conjinug A791} ;uv6;e-ï¬::-t-l;1:éeoag§s attendance basis for this school year. Brownies and their leaders env joyed a tobogganlng party at the home‘of Tawny Owl, Mrs. Var- den, of Cashel. Following tobog- ganing they enjoyed hot choco- late and cookies served by Mrs. Varden assisted by Mrs. J Leitch. Correspondent: Mrs. Bert Middleton Telephone Meple 13033 Rev. Hugh R. MacDonald was in charge of the service on Sun- day. ...._, . The Sunday School had several vacant chairs and the attendance chart shows a lot of red stars. Some of the children will soon be receiving their gold pin. We would like to see all the children receive a gold pin for perfect attendance for one year. We know the parents can help a lot in this and hope they will. The Cari-ville Woman’s Assoc- iation will .hold their annual pot luck luncheon at the home of Mrs. A. Read on Wednesday, Feb- ruary 3. at 12.30 noon. Members are asked to bring a friend. For the meeting Mrs. J. Bushell will take the scripture and Mrs. J. Melnic will give a paper. Mrs A. Read and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Read attended the fun- eral of Mr. Roy Moon at Raglan on Saturday. Mr. Moon and his family were residents at Carrvllle a number of years ago for several years. Surviving are Mrs. Moon, Dorothy and Billy and their iam- ules. ' A very large crowd attended his funeral on Saturday In wit- ness of the high esteem Mr. Moon and his family are held. 7 iMrs. Salmon and Miss Scott of Teachers’ College. Toronto, are at Can-ville School this week. Can-ville School expects to cel- ebrate its 100th birthday in June. Phone with any suggestions. Entertained Mrs. Peter Briggs formerly Gail McLaren whose marriage took place at St. Stephen’s An- glican Church, Maple. on Satur- day. January 16. wns entertained at many functions arranged in her honour. Her grandmother, Mrs. Kenneth McLaren of Toronto. arranged a luncheon at the Badminton and Racquet Club. Toronto. Showers were held by Mrs. Irene Plunkett, Toronto; Mrs. Donald Lowe, Osh- awa: Miss Beverley Morris and Mrs. Wm. Houston, Carrville; Mrs. Douglas Gallagher, Toron- to; and Mrs. Ian McLaren, Don Mills. Dr. and Mrs. D. K. McLaren entertained the bridal party a!- ter the rehearsal. Social Dr. and Mrs. D. K. McLaren entertained a number of ladies in the community on Wednes- day, January 20. The evening was spent in viewing pictures of their lovely island and summer home in Georgian Bay, pictures of the Lewis Morris’ island and cottage and the wedding gifts of Gail and her husband. A delicious lunch was enjoyed. The host and hostess were assisted by Mrs. L. Morris and Mrs. Wm. Houston. The other ladies who enjoyed the evening were Mrs A. Read. Mrs. Gordon Read, Mrs. J. McEwen, Mrs. J. Bushell, Beverley Bushell, Mrs. J. Baker, Dorothy Baker. Mrs. J. Barton, Mrs. J. Clement, Mrs. V. Del Brocco, Mrs. E. Souche, Mrs. Bob Middleton, Mrs. R. Middleton and Gretta _Middleton. CARRVILLE They all report having a wonder- ful time. The ï¬rst meeting of the Newi Year was held Wednesday after- noon at the home of Mrs. Carl Walker with 27 present. Mrs. Walker took charge of the meet- ing. The scripture and prayer were given by Mrs. C. Story. Mrs. Earl Empringham gave the lesson thoughts. Mr. Carl Walker show- ed pictures on the Holy Land and the Victorian Era. Mrs. A. F. Binnington conducted the install~ ation of oï¬icers. The new presi- dent, Mrs. Marcus Jarvis. took charge of the business period. Congregational Meeting The annual congregational mee- ting was held Friday evening. preâ€" ceded by a pot luck supper served by the WA. The meeting was chaired by Rgv:_A. F. Binnington. Highlights of the reports presented were: The W.A. renovated the bathroom at the meme; the men repaired the church tower; new iand pur- chased by the cemetery board was fencad and trees planted: at- rangements were made to let the park use the new land to the north: the Couples Club made a substantial donation to the Com~ munity Park. Church officers for 1960 are: Sesflon -â€" 5 years. Frank Brum- well, Harold Hill; 4 yrs. Fraser Gee. Clarence Steckley 3 years, Percy Bennett, Gordon McWhir- ter: 2 years, Stanley Boynton, Heber McCague: 1 year, Wm. Orr, Herman Mortson. Board of Stewards -- 3 years. John McCaeue. Earl Emoring- ham, Alan Chadwick Reid Brum- well; 2 years. Allan Orr. Roy Glover. Cecil Nichols, Lawrence Boynton: 1 year. Mrs. F. McRob- erts, Harold Hill, Arnold Mort- son. Donald Boynton, Kenneth Petty. Treasurer. Fraser Gee; Assistant. John Gee: Secretary to annual meeting. Earl Empringham; Lay Percy Bennett; Trustee board, Harvey Collard, Stanley Boynton, Rolph Baynton. Louis Nichols. Herman Mortson. Heber Mc- Cague, Fraser Gee. Wm. Orr, Frank Brumwell, Cecil Nichols. Reid Brumwell, Carl Walker. Lawson Mumberson; M 8: M committee Mrs. Carl Walker, Mrs. G. McWhirter. Mrs. Arnold Mort- son; organist and choir leader, Mrs. Jim Barker; assistants: Mrs. R. Perkins, Mrs. S. DeFoe. Cemetery Board, Fraser Gee, Frank ‘Brumwell, Rolph Boynton, Herman Mortson, Louis Nichols. Harvey Collard. Heber McCague, Richard Frlsby, Wilbur Brum- well; Auditors. Miss Joy Mortson, Mrs. John McCague; Church caretaker, Mrs. F. McRoherts; Ob- server representative, Mr. and Mrs. Heber McCague, Percy Benâ€" nett, Gordon McWhlrter, Presl- dent of Couples Club, Y.P.U. rep- resentative, Lawson Mumberson, Mrs.’ John McCague, Mrs. John Story; nominaling committee, Gordon McWhirter, Haber Mc- Cague, Mrs. Willows, Frank Brumwell, Mrs. Mumberson; com- pilation committee, Mrs. DeFoe (convenor), Mrs. John McCague. Mrs. Lloyd Tennyson. Church News Rev. A. F. Binnington will be in charge of the service on Sun~ day, January 31, at 11.30 am. The two new elders will be ad- mitted to their office and the four new stewards will be in- stalled. ‘ Sunday School A number from here attended the Slat annual convention of the Markham Township Sunday School Association in Markham United and Presbyterian chur- ches on Thursday. Please remember that Sunday, January 8! is Birthday Sunday in the Sunday School. Neighbourhood Notes Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. John Empring- ham who on January 20 celebrat- ed their 45th wedding anniver- sax-y. M'rs. R. Perkins. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barker and Ross had Sun- WW “Look Mom - “.0 hands! 0 LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY Clever trick, Buster! But when it comes to clever tricks with hot water . . . move over and make room for electricityâ€"and the master of hot water magicâ€" : modem electric water heater. â€" Wigflvlrow cost electricity every member of the family can enjoy the comfort of hot water at the turn of a tap. You also have the extra reassuring comfort day evening dinner with Mr. and 114111;. Everett Brown at Richmond A speedy recovery is wished for Mrs. Wm. Rennie (nee Marjorie Hart) who underwent an opera. tion in the Toronto East General Hospital on Friday of last week. Friends are pleased to hear that Mrs. Nelson Boynton is able to be home from the hospital fol. lowing her recent. operation. We hope that she will continue to improve in health. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Januag 28, 1960 11 all $100,000 of it. Mind you it took Mr. Green 18 year. <- and that's what he M. not what he kept. lee the Greene. most of us in our lifetime will earn more than this imposing pile of bank notes. Question is: how much will we keep? Syd- tematlc saving at the B of M helps you keep more of what you make. Just one of those 100,000 dollars will open a savings account for you. Keep it strictly for saving. and there's one thing you can say for the money you 'put into that account . . . you have really g_o_t It made. THE GREENS MADE IT ALL RIGHTI... 3 For all your Hill. 0“. __.*..__ El. 0. RAMER & sou TU. 4-1313 Fuel Oil - Stove Oil - Burner Service of safety combined with absolute clganliness. With'a two element electric water heater of the right size and capacity for your needs, you will always have plenty of hot water. - . :_- .K'VuJua-nu-vv r-vâ€"v.’ v- __,, To get more out of lifeâ€"get the most out cl electricity. BANK or MONTREAL M 7m: 3m“ H D Y R0 W? ;:‘ is?" i; iyburs".‘OM