Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Jan 1960, p. 14

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2 WEEK FREE TRIAL 14 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, January 28, 1960 Saturday, Jan. 24 REGAL AUTO BODY Wash Day Monday Can be 0 Shining SUN-DAY . .. - NO OBLIGATION TO YOU 45 Scarlett Road ROGER 7-4096 - FOR RICHMOND HILL, KING CITY & MAPL TU. 4-2424 Just fill in this coupon and mail with your deposit now: NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY. 5385 Yongc SL, Willowdale Enclosed is a deposit of 8_____. Please 0 n 3 Savings Account, and send me a pass-book and cheque-boo ’ with holder. D Mr. Name Q MLâ€"___â€"¥fi CicyorTown There’é ‘3 money 2’ in your future . . . ON YOUR SAVINGS ACCOUNT 20 KING ST. EAST «the Subway RICHMOND H1 1L AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY At 2:00 pm. President, Norman Tyndall Secretary Wm. Neal Jr. Fortune telling is funâ€"but it’s a lot mom fun to see your Savings Account grow at 3%%' with National Trust. ANNUAL MEETING MUNICIPAL HALL When your laundry for the week comes out so spanking clean and fresh . . . so quickly . . . With lots and lots of SOFT waler of course . . . made possible with your AquaSoft Service. Dollar savings on much less soap and cleansers needed will surprise you. 1 Take: harsh lime (calcium and mag- nesium) out of water, along with other impurities lhat cause soap scums. Call us to- day for a free -\1 home demonstra- lion. '00 the minimum half-yearly balamx. SAVE BY MAIL! 1% in the Complete Collision Service Bus.: AV. 5- 4702 Res.: TU. 4-3485 319 Enford Road (ofl‘ . Industrial Road) RICHMOND HILL Nonhtown Shopping Centre 5385 YONGE ST. 75-30! We were sorry to learn that Mrs. Ruth Goulding has not been well lately and all her friends hope she will have, a speedy re- covery. The Monday Nighters held the usual euchre at the home of Mrs. Hazel Hall. Winners for the ev- ening were Mrs. Nellie Bell, Mrs. Erma Leno, Mrs. Dorothy Crack- nell and Mrs. Dorothy, Saul. Miss Leary entertained about 50 teachers at a teachers' meet- ing in the school last Tuesday af- ternoon. _ Mr. and Mrs. Archie McFee and family have returned to their home on Bathurst St. after a five week trip to California and Flori- da. They spent a most wonderful day in Disneyland, visited San Francisco, San Diego, Las Vegas: the Grand Canyon, just to men- tion a very few of_ the fascinating places. Christmas Day was spent on the Big Sur River and New Year’s on the Pacific Coast. Re- turning home by way of the Gulf of Mexico they visited New 0r- leans then on to Florida for five more very warm, wonderful days before heading north and home. Miss Carol Anne Waters enter- tained ten of her friends Satur- day afternoon at a birthday par- ty. Miss Beverley McLaughlin of Etobicoke, who was a guest spent the week-end with CaroL NEWMARKET : "It's not ‘that taxpayers are any more satisfied but . . . they get tired of beat- ing their heads against the asses- sor's wall", Reeve Alex Hands said following Town Assessor Noble's report that assessment appeals are decreasing. Mr. Ryder also points out fur- ther that Council is interested in receiving petitions from ratepay- er groups where they intend to pave their roads on a local im- provement basis. In this respect, he points out that Council clean up the drainage and prepare the base of the road at the expense of the Township at l‘arge, and the people pay only for a portion of the paving and engineering which might be debeptured over (a period of ten lyears. In this way, he explains, “We are asking Will all Scouts please note that scout meetings will be held ev- ery Monday‘ night at St. John’s Anglican Church starting this Monday. Socials Invites Petitions Miss Dierdre Troyer spent the weekend as the guest of Miss Margaret Passmore. Mr. and Mr. D. F. Snell return- ed home‘Friday after a delight- ful holiday in Florida. Mr. Ray Carter, a student from Wycliffe, preached the 11 am. service as it was Theological Sun- day. Scout News A delightful fireside service was held at St. John's last Sun- day 7 evening. The Vesiry meeting will be held on Tuesday evening, Feb- ruary 2. REFERRING TO THE APPEAL BY REEVE JOHN PERRY OF VAUGHAN TOWNSHIP, who two weeks ago asked that ratepayers who had requests for road improve- ments to make to Council, get them in by June so that they could be considered in good time for the annual estimates, Deputy-reeve Vic Ryder has now advised that it would be more helpful if these were received by Council in the latter part of March or the first of April. Suggests Early Filing Road Work Requests In Township Of Vaughan Deputy Amplifies Statements ELGIN MILLS and JEFFERSON NEWS A. Lavoie Correspondent: The Evening Branch of the Woman’s Auxiliary of St. John’s Anglican Church TU. 4-2798 TU. 4-1534 DECORATING DEPUTY-REEVE RYDER PAINTING Explaining his own statement that “Council Should Do More" as reported in “The Liberal” dat- e ' January 14th, Mr. Ryder amp- lifies what he meant. While he stated at a Council m'eting that the Highway Dept. was doing less and less, he wishes it to be known that actually the Depart- ment of Highways is very good to the township and don’t turn down 1. any projects which Council re- quests approval on. For clarifica- tion Mr. Ryder describes what happens at the first parL of every year. The Department of High- ways submits to council, the to- tal figure which Council may use for maintenance in any one year, and the total it may use for con- struction in the course of any one year. An example of this is given by the Deputy Reeve. The Department might set a total budget of $165,000.00 for one year. Then it would allot perhaps $135,000.00 of this for mainten- ance and $30,000.00 for construc- tion. Then Council submits a sup- plementary form for additional projects which cannot be covered by the amounts given. “Each vear” says Deputy Reeve Ryder. “the Department strives to hold Council to the maintenance fi- gure in order that it will try to construct more permanent type 'of roads to avoid the continuance of high maintenance costs. “And this I do not blame them for doing." he adds. ‘ Hrli‘ Million In Ten Years Where he was reported as say- ing that half a million dollars would be spent in EIVE years on dust laying, money which was being thrown out of the window without anything to, show for it. Mr. Ryder asks that this be corâ€" rected to TEN years, which rep- resents as stated in the report a -ost of 50.000 dollars a year. Reason For Violent Onposition Referring to Council discussion on the motels when it was sug- gested the motels should pave their driveways, Mr. Ryder writes, “The reason I violently ooposed this move was not slm~ oly because it was a new by-law that was being submitted, but was an old by-law which came in after several of the motels were already built I simply felt you should not try to impose condi- tions outlined in a by-law sub- seauent to the time the people built. their motels as a condition of the renewal of their licence." people to help us to get rid f the gravel roads and thus cut down on the high maintenance costs and helping to illiminate the $50,000.00 a year which we have to pay out for dust layer." Highway Dept's Position Birthday Wishes Brownies Skating Party Last Saturday. twenty Brownâ€" ies, Tawny Owl Pat Draper, Frown Owl Flo Baird and a few fathers Keith Hall. Alex Baird and Mr. Cazaly went to Union- ville for their Annual Skating party. Lots of fun and spills were bad by all. The children were given money to buy refresh- ments while they were there. NEWMARKET -â€" T. R. Hilliard. Newmarket, has.been appointed assistant deputy minister ‘of ag- riculture for Ontario, in charge of production. Mrs Hilliard is former director of extension ser- vices of the department. Everett M. Biggs, former dairy commis- sioner, has been appointed assis- tant deputy minister in charge of marketing. Last Wednesday at the home of Mrs. G. Paterson, Westwood Lane, a meeting of the lst Lang- staff Cub and Scout Mothers Auxiliary took place. The presiâ€" dent, Mrs. R. Clark, called the meeting to order, During the business portion. a report was given of the November bazaar. Approximately $450.00 \ as rais- ed and a convenor for next year was appointed. Th; next general meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. D. Janssen. Maryvale Cres. on Wed- nesday February 17. Caroline Miller, Westwood Lane celebrated her important sixteenth birthday in a lovely way. She and her 16 guests went on a sleighing party on Friday, January 22. and then returned to her home for dancing and re- freshmeuts. Cindy Price, Westwood Lane was 6 years old on Saturday, Jan- uary 23. Her parents invited Sus- an Smith, Chris Paterson, Joan Baker, Stephen Twidale, Helen Martin, Patsy Mabley, Sandra Rootham, Jill Thompson, Mon’ee Warner, Doug Hall and Wendy Paul, to a party to help her cele- brate. Speedy Recovery Mr. , Hugh Martin, Westwood Lane received a set-back and has not returned from St. Michaels Hospital. His friends were sorry to hear that he will be in a while yet. Before he leaves, St. Michaels will probably have a wonderful choral group, as it is not likely that Mr. Martin could The Group Committee had asked that we obtain prices and a date for the Father and Son Banquet and the Social Convener has accepted the task of going so. A game was played of scram- bled words, all pertaining to Scouting, Mrs. J. Howard, with a perfect score wgn first prize. Best wishes go to Mr. W. B. Svenningson, Westwood Lane fur a quick recoverys after breaking his leg recently. Mrs. E. Newman accepted the convenorship and hopes that she wil receive the co-operation the other chairmen have received in the rpasg. Vfl’il‘h‘e budget for the coming year was read. and after a few discussed alterations it was ap- proved. Scout Mothers Meet 25 Roosevelt Drive 94 Spruce Ave. CORRESPONDENTS: MRS. E. E, SPEARS RlCHVALE NEWS MRS. M. E. TAYLOR spend much time anywhere with- out everyone starting to sing. Winter Picnic Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Spears and family, Roosevelt Dr. Mr. and Mrs. A. Pick and family, West- wood Lane and Mrs. D. Wood and Carol, Roosevelt Dr. spent an enjoyable Sunday, picnlcing at the parental cottage of Mrs. Spears at Big Bay Pt. not as much snow had fallen as last year and roofs were in no danger of _oeing over-loaded. February lst. Most of the Moth- ers will be out in the afternoon so be prepared as they only call once. If its evening please leave the porch light on. Give gen- erously for this worthy cause. Congratulations, Best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. P. J. D. Petterson. Westwood Lane on the arrival of their first child, a boy, Mark, born last Monday, January 18. Many of the Thornhill High School students of the area at- tended the Basketball games at the School on Fridiy when the juniors lost to North Toronto. The Senior game was tied and with one second to play Thorn~ hill scored the winning basket over North Toronto. Its a game to go down in the annals of the schools history. Dancing folidwed the games. March of Dimes Don’t forget that the Mothers will be Marching qn _Monday, 1-3-1.A“, ,, The 'chlldreh'thied fishing through the ice, while the par- ents walked and walked in the splendour of a winter wonder- land. Exciting Game will be provided by physicians of YORK COUNTY'MEDICAL SOCIETY I In co-operation with York County Health Unit TIME: 7:30 pm. to 9:00 pm. DISTRICT LOCATION ‘ DATE Richmond Hill 15 Yonge St., North Monday, 1 February, Schomberg Community Hall » Monday, 1 February, N ewmarket 64 Bayview Avenue Tuesday, 2 February, Mount Albert Community Hall Tuesday, 2 February, Markham Veteran’s Hall Wednesday, 3 February, King City Masonic Hall Wednesday, 3 February, Unionville veteran’s Hall Thursday, 4 February, Nobleton W. I. Hall Thursday, 4 February, Keswick United Church Monday, 8 February, Thornhill‘ United Church Monday, 8 February, Aurora 96 Yonge Street South Tuesday, 9 February, Sutton Health Unit Tuesday, 9 February, Stouffville/Ballantrae Health Unit, Stouffville Wed., 10 February, Oak Ridges/L. Wilcox Brethren Church, Pefi‘erlaw FREE POLIO VACINE CLINICS FOR ADULTS Woodbridge Phone AV. 5-4293 Phone AV. 5-3116 “LADIES CHOICE” cm mo Each mid-week morning at 10.05 All The Girls Love Aubrey Ave., Oak Ridges Wed., 10 February, Health Unit, Pine St. Thursday, 11 February, Community Hail] Thursday, 11 February. DO n NOW!» ALKYD LATEX FLAT $1.80 qt. $5.25 gal. ' PRIDHAM’S PAINT GK WALLPAPER HALL’S SERVICE STATION LTD. n14 - 436i WITH BOB BURNS 21 Yonge St. N. DOMESTIC FUEL OILS AND BURNER SERVICE * PRIZES * CONTROVERSY * FUN RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-2819 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960 1960

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