2 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, January 28, 1960 which all citizens are invited will be held in the McConaghy School. Yonge Street, Thursday eVening, February 11, at 8 pm. It is hoped that at this meet- ing a provisional organization will be set up to secure the necessary detailed information and present a practical pro- posal to municipal councils and people of the district. We concur whole-heartedly with the We endorse the suggestion of a hospital for this district and trust that citizens will show their interest by at- tending the public meeting‘ called for February 11. The proposal is a chal- lenge and an opportunity for all to share in laying the foundation for a local institution which for years to come will contribute to the health and wel- fare of our people. Congraluluï¬ons Warden Clark This week the local Medical As- sociation has given unanimous approval to the suggestion of a hospital here, and in the hope of getting a start on the project a public meeting has been called for early next month. The meeting to which all citizens are invited will be held in the McConaghy School, Yonge Street, Thursday evening, February 11, at 8 pm. It is hoped that at this meet- ing a provisional organization will be set up to secure the necessary detailed information and present a practical pro- posal to municipal councils and people of the district. Congratulations to Warden W. L. Clark, Reeve of Markham Township; not only because Warden Clark is the 100th Warden to serve the County of York, but also because his long years of faithful service as municipal Coun- cillor, Deputy-reeve and Reeve for his The new Official Plan of the Met- ropolitan Toronto Area released this Week is a. document of historical and far- reaching importance to the people of this district. It includes future plans for not only the municipalities of Metro but also for the fringe areas which int clude Richmond Hill, Markham, Vaugh- an, and a large part of York County. A Blueprint for the Future it is an im- portant document which merits the most serious consideration by munici- pal leaders and all citizens with a stake in the Metro area. The growth and development of Richmond Hill and surrounding district in recent years has made necessary a continuous extension and expansion of local services. As population increased the municipal authorities took care of the greater demands for services by ex- tensions to water and electric facilities, additions to the police force, works staff and administrative offices. For a long time there has been a realization that one of our urgent needs is for a hospital to serve Richmond Hill and surrounding area. Last year Mayor Tomlin drew attention to the fact that a hospital for the area is needed and stated that exploratory studies were being made in the hope of getting some co-operative action by all interested par- ties. is a 272-page document which we have not yet seen. All we have so far are press reports so of course we. cannot pass judgment on its contents.‘ Metro’s twenty-twa member Plan- ning Board does not include direct rep- resentation of the fringe municipalities, so how much concern has been given towns like Richmond Hill and town- ships like Vaughan and Markham re- mains to be seen in a detailed study of the report. Five years in preparation it The report envisions a Metropoli- tan City of some three million people by 1980 with 37 miles of subway and 200 miles of Expressway. Looking twenty years into the future Vaughan and Markham are expected to grow to'be- tween 50,000 and 60.000. Richmond Hill which for the period 1951 to 1958 showed the largest percantage of growth of any suburban municipality is expected to increase from its present DOMESTIC - COMMERCIAL FLOORS - WALLS - WINDOWS MAINTAINED IN FIRST CLASS CONDITION BY WEEK. MONTH OR CONTRACT ESTIMATES FREE - N0 JOBS T00 SMALL Phone Our Motto Satisfaction Prop. Richmond Hill Commercial Cleaners Subscription Rate $3.50 per year; to United States $4.50; 10c single copy Member Audit Bureau of Circulations Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association J. E. SMITH, Editor and Publisher MONA ROBERTSON. Associate Editor “Authorized as second class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa†looking To The Future A New Hospital An Independent Weekly: Established 1878 (Eb: lihzral . IuAAnnnal‘vd» Illnnlrl‘y- L‘a+-'I-\lu'alnnpl 19’79 \ menu? - Jim Hope own township (thirty-one years in all). have been duly crowned with this sym- bol of respect by his colleagues on County Council. Thirty-one years is a long time in any man’s life, but it is an even longer span of time when one considers it from the municipal-service level. And ï¬fteen years is a. tidy sum of years too, when one considers that Warden Clark is the only surviving member of the 1945 County Council still holding a. seat in the council chambers at Newmarket. “The Liberal†wishes at this time to add its congratulations to the many Warden Clark is receiving and to pay tribute to his ï¬ne example of public ser- vice; his quiet, unassuming bearing and his careful, deliberate manner in per- forming his duties towards the people whom he serves. From a purely economic standpoint the simple facts are that in this district we spend many thousands of dollars annually for hospital services. We might just as well spend them at home, and have the advantages of close-at-hand accommodation. York County can look forward to a great year in 1960 â€" “under the SAFE and SURE direction of its 100th Ware den, William L. Clark. There need be no fear for the future of municipal gov= emment as long as men of his calibre offer themselves in public service. A modern 100~bed hospital should be a practical project, not beyond the means of local municipalities. and we trust the proposal will have the serious and careful consideration of municipal councils and all citizens interested in seeing that this growing area does not lag in providing our people with necess- ary services. 16,000 to a maximum 18,000 within its present boundaries. The planners say municipalities outside the Metro Plane ning area will experience remarkable growjh in the negt twenty years. Mayor and Medical Association that a hospital is needed in Richmond Hill, to serve the ever-increasing needs of the expanding population of the town and district. The nearest hospitals now are located in North York Township and Newmarket, a distance of about ï¬fteen miles. and many of our people use the facilities of Toronto institutions. This means inconvenience and long trips for patients, friends and doctors. Long term planning is most desire able and we today are paying dearly for neglect in this regard in the past. For that reason the report with its vision and plan of the area for the next twenty years is welcomed and we hope it may have careful consideration and study. While the study by the Metro Plans ning Board is welcomed as a guide for future development we think it should be made abundantly clear at the outset that fringe municipalities have no de- sire or intention of being swallowed up by Metro. Any deï¬nite action on any of the recommendations must not be taken until there has been the fullest possible opportunity of study by local municipal councils and taxpayers. Commendable though some of the plans may be they should be undertaken on the authority of the people of the municipaiity concerned and not by any big stick methods by either Metropol. itan Toronto or the Ontario Government. We welcome the report as a guide to local municipal councils in all future development plans. Any blueprint for the future should be on the authority of local elected representatives, not on the recommendations of a Metro Planning Board on which Richmond Hill and many other fringe municipalities have no dir- ect representation. WHHVV'WWWW'W As a result of this gcnerosity we were able to take plants, fruit and small gifts to the patients. and toys to the youngest child- ren. In,the case of one family we were able to arrange for some much needed food, clothing and small gifts. Our mos? sincere thanks to all and best wishes for this New Year. I wish to form a CHESS CLUB at Richmond Hill. and wonder if you would publish the following announcement. V l The Inner Wheel of the R0- tary Club of Richmond Hill. St. Mary’s Anglican Evening W. A. The Richmond Hill United Chur- ch Evening W. A. The 7th Brown- i: Pack, Mainprize Drug Store. Mrs. M. Ward and a group of her friends from Thornhill and several other anonymous donors all helped to make our Christmas programme gossible.‘ Dear Mr. Editor:- Anyone wishing to assist in forming a chess club in Rich- mond Hill. please contact Jack Newbold. TU. 4-2369. Evenings or weekends. Trusting that you can do this for me. The Richmond Hill Jaycees. The Richmond Hill Rotagy Club, The Richmond Hill Lions Club The popes of Rome have a title which was taken from the Roman Emperors. It is “Pontifax Max- imums.†which literally means, The Great Bridge Builder. The great Roman Ceasars were known for the splendid roads and bridges they built, linking their empire to its center at Rome. The Church fell heir to the peoples of that Empire, and held 'them together by spiritnal__t_ies. Expresses Thanks Dear Mr. Editor:- On behalf of the Canadian Cancer Society Richmond Hill Unit. I would like to thank a number of the citizens of this community who either through 1,:oups or individual donations helped to bring pleasure to eight cancer patients and their famil- ies at Christmas time. ‘ The words of our Lord, “Bles- sed are the peace makers for they shall be called the children of God.†refers to this task of bridge building. This is what a peace maker actually is. By his peace loving spirit. he seeks to overcome the barriers and dis- tinctions which separate people one from the other, am How does a peace maker bring about peaceful relationships? He does this by seeking to promote harmonious attitudes and the spirit of understanding among men. He recognizes realistically that there are many natural di- visions which tend to separate us. such as language. sex, up- bringing. But there are so many things others can teach us. that we must be willing to seek for meeting grounds where we can discuss and learn. This meant that on the interâ€" national level. a Christian will be concerned with world peace, and support it with his prayers and interest. In the life of our own nation, we will minimize unessential differences, and seek to set forth the spirit of Christ in era-operative ventures for com- mon good. In nur homes we will consciously work for peace by controlling tempers. abstaining from harmful criticism. by dev. cloning the green of patience and understanding. Peace is not something which is easily attained. The cross of Our Lord Jesus speaks of the fierce struggle of phvsieal and Spiritual pain paid for Peace. But, if our hearts are open to the power of His love, and if we will humble ourselves to re- ceive that love. we will find the miracle of inner transformation taking nlace. The Spirit of the Living Christ in us. will make for peace. as we co-operate with Him in the yielding of our lives to Him. SOMETHING WANTED? LIBF‘RAL ("LASSWIFDS GET RESULTS PHONE 111nm («1195 By Calvin H. Chambers 0n Building Bridges Mary Williams Gift Cupboard Convener Chess Club Rinï¬mnnd “Dear Mr. Editor†Sincerely J. Newbold Hill Unit Facts and Faith a Dear Mister Editor:- Recently the Curtain Club put on several performances of their most amusing Pantomime, “Cin- derella†for the entertainment of audiences composed of Brownies. Cubs and Scouts and latterly the Sunday School of St. Mary’s An- glican Church. We will be most anxious to support their next venture and we hope the parents of the child- ren whose Christmas holiday was glnddened by their first experi- ence )f pantomime will also wel- come the opportunity to attend the performance of the Curtain Clubs 1960 Dram-a Festival entry. “The Chalk Garden" by Enid Bagnold. Dear Mr. Editor:- In the January 21st isue of The Liberal. your letters to the Edi- tor section carried a squib signed “Civis.†Aside from the fact that I have never thought, anonymous views worthy of serious consider- ation. I wish to point out that‘ “Civis†makes a number of in- vidious assumptions and draws a consequent number of devious ’ unsubstantiated conclusions. Let's take a look at a few of the facts of this situation. First. the operation of York Central District High School Board has become a rather big business - almost a million dol- lars worth a year! Apart from a token stipend for attending re- gular monthly board meetings, members of the board receive no remuneration for the many hours of work they devote to board business. In short. these men are not involved with this work be- cause of any financial emolu- ments connected with it. Second. because most of the board members are active busin- essmen. they are fully aware that no one business has a strangle- hold on the ideas best suited to run an individual enterprise most efficiently. Successful business operations spend both time and money to have their decision- These performances ere pro- vided absolutely free by the Cur- tain Club. a public spirited ges- ture. for which those of us con- nected with any of the above or- ganizations were most grateful. They deserve all the support v-hich the public can give them in their forthcoming endeavour. Sincerely K. C. Huffman And recalling the Victorian Period and its courtesy the {ra- veller for 43 years on the hue said he feels “glad that he can: say that in all this time I dld not receive one unkind word from any of the above named." Our Roads Lets hope we can plan our future as well as some of the older generations did. The con. cessions Augustus Jones laid for Yonge, Bayview. Dufferin, Keele, Jane etc. are still our main ar- teries to Ontario's mecca, Tor- ronto. A quarter of a mile from The release by Metropolitan Planning Board of the long a- wait ' master pla:. for developâ€" ment of the Metro area over the next twenty years will keep alive and probably increase our ex- pectancy of “big things ahead†for our municipalities. Around a hundred years ago, 1850 to be more exact, the peo- ple living in Vaughan township first heard there was a possibility a rail line was to conte‘through In June 1851 when some farma ers were doing their roadwork between lots 10 and 11 in the Third Concession (taxes were of. ten collected by having people keep up the road that ran by their property) an engineer and his company of men arrived in the district to construct the line. By October cars loaded with rails were crossing Sherwood sideline. In 1853 the line was through to Collingwood. It ran under the name Ontario Simcoe and Huron Railway. Standing Room Only _ "ave you wond :d What it was like around here a hundred years ago? Did the people'of that time have the same feelings of growth and prosperity ahead that we have? The Railroad Last spring remember the ex- citement and mixed emotions, with which we greeted the news of the Canadian National Rail- way by pass and marshalling yard? 34mg up to Collingwood. Think of the excitement and gossip that announcement must have stirred up. I'ot to have to walk, or to drive a wagon over “corduroy†roads, to get ‘0 any village, including Toronto, 3- long the rail line. An old time resident of Lang- staff, Mr. Henry Horne, says in some memories of the time that the first he heard of the railway wa when he and some neigh- bors got together to draw sawâ€" longs at the farm of Daniel Rae man, Sr. A ride on the train to Toronto was very different from that to- day. No special seats were pro- vided, it was standing room only. 01‘ perhaps if there was space a stool could be carried aboard by the passenger. When water was needed the train stopped and a pail was dipped into the ditch alongside the rail line. -,-_.T V, , V History records the name of the ï¬rst conductor as John Har- vie. John Meek was probably the first brakeman. His brother, Wil- liam. kept a tavern at Victoria Square. Mr. Honnie in that slow er m0ving. more neighbourly time. remembered over the years the trainmen who manned the wonderful new machine that made life pleasanter and easier: Conductor Pim, Patrick Hend- rick. Benjamin Waterhouse, Edâ€" ward Hargrave, W. Williams, R. Scott and James Dunmn. HIGH SCHOOL BOARD AND CONVENTIONS Curtain Club )laea/zing [Jen/mudâ€: THEY PLANNED WELL FOR US (By Jane Fort Manning) makers meet their counterparts from other organizations to share and mutually profit from each other’s experience and practice. Additionally, business considers it worthwhile to underwrite af- ter-hours study courses, and will even send management and po- tential management personnel for special training to organiza- tions such as the American Man- agement Association at a com- pany cost of $600 to $900 per course No company does this sort of thing from a desire to amuse its personnel but rather to help such personnel to contribute more effectively to the company‘s activities. Third, let it be recognized that very few. if any. of the board members can take off at a mom- ent’s “caprice†for any conven- tion of their choosing. The diffi- ulty is to find members who can get away to meetings that are important because of the guid- ance that can be gained in the handling of the increasingly com- plex activities that constitute board business today. Fourth. board members work hard enough to make the tax- payer‘s dollar buy as much edua cations! value as possible that thev are hardly liker to wish to comnlicate their nmlflems by “nlaviner fast and free with the neonle's moneV" on the kind of Roman holid'w luvnrv junth :1 la U"‘lvwnod imnlind hv “("ivis." Finallv. let “Civis.†be this man, woman, child or what-have- vou. come to the board meetings and vet to know some of the ded- icated neonle who give generous- lv. unstintinrzlv and uncomnlain- inglv of their time to provide as good an educational svstem as possible for olhm-\neople's child-‘ ven as well as their own. I ven- lure to sav that “Civis†would Find little to he apprehensive a- bout in the matter of usefully and fruitfullv spendiné public mom's-s. Nor do I thin}: that he would Find anv one of us whom he mivht confidently cast in the role of the prav conventionecr. recklesslv spending public money on “wine. women and song!" On second thought, is it just possible that as board members we ought to have a little more flair and imagination in various areas of nublic service? Perhaps “Civis†would be good enough to attend our next meeting and catechize 11s 'more specifically on our dut- les. It must have been a. stirring time, a hundred years ago. And in this neck of the woods many descendants of those who partic- ipated in last century’s develop- ment are now eager to see, and be a part of, what’s ahead for the next two decades. Around the time the rail went through larger school houses Were constructed at Concord and at Carrville to replace smaller log structures. There were mills, postoft'ices, harness and blacksmith shops. and stores in the villages. Nails and iron shovels had :ome into use, and matches. two inches long and tied in a packet of a hundred each, were in user our place too the old logs ‘f the corduroy _road of pioneer times are exposed when a heavy spell of rain hits us and the “modern†top is washed away. AV. 5-4356 BA. 1-1186 Commercial LAND WAM'I'ED Chase-Taylor Realtors MR. ASHWORTH Industrial Free appraisal Yours very truly. John C. Wilson fly ï¬r. Richmond Phone TUrner 4-1212 ‘ VJ " ’ ' FREE PARKING REAR OF THEATRE Comments following last Thursday's Premier Perform- ancezz “It’s Great â€" Really Wonderful". said a Toronto Daily newspaper representative. “Best Documentary of the Soviets I’ve ever seen â€" and I've seen a lot. Said another. “Wish I could give tickets to everyone I meet. it’s a ï¬lm everyone should see. It’s a real eye-opener.†Please note Mon, Tues.. Wed., last complete show 9.30 pm. English Narration GREATEST PICTURE OI“ SOVIETS TO REACH THE ’ WEST RUYAUJANU mm-munm-mm-‘muw-m may!!! 41131-1: -&z~umy.Awmâ€"m.w- r-w "7 Cities of Antarctica" Saturday Matinee, Jan. 30, 2 pm. ONLY Adults $1.00 TWO WONDERFUL FASCINATING HOURS COME & SEE THE FILM EVERYBODY IS TALKING ABOUT LAST THREE DAYS Continuous Daily from 7 pm. (6 pm. on Saturdays) Saturday, Children’s Matinee 2 pan. Mon., Tues., Wed. - February 1, 2, 3 smut-raw m m “g vmcm PRICE - AGNES MOOREHEAD Free List Suspended for this Engagement Plus Supporting Programme WALT DISNEY‘S Prices this engagement only .m. Gavin Gordon -John Sutton-Elaine Edwards-Dam Hood-[mu UM AUDIE MURPHY in "RIDE A CROOKED TRAIL" LAST THREE DAYS f’CARAVAN To. Russm" -- 0-- From Moscow to Vladivostok! ALL NEW! All. PEVEAL/NG.’ All EXC/IZVG' in Cinemascope and Color in magniï¬cent S O V C O L O R (tax included) and Cartoon in color ‘ELMER DOCUMENTARY Children 50c in} same 5