Thornhill Pharmacy C. E. STONEBURG Chemist & Druggist 'AV. 5-2503 Yonge St. At the January meeting of the Thornhill Horticultural Society. held on Tuesday, January 19th, the interesting and timely speak- er was Mr. K. Strasser. an of- ficial of the Metropolitan Torch- tc Conservation Authority. In his informative talk, Mr. Stras- ser emphasized that conserva- tionists encourage reforestration to prevent - mods and these re- forestration plots attract birds and wild life. The conservation Authorities also acquire land which is usually eroded to some ex'ent and carry out their own Starting Mon. Feb. 1., ll a.m. to 12 noon NHL 1L- c.‘_1 , 6 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, January 28, 1960 Thomhlll Horticultural Society We Deliver Toronto and Surrounding Districts J. N. M ulholland, Thornhill and District News 80 Richmond St. West, Toronto Consultation by Appointment Phones: Thornhill AV. 5-3315 Toronto EM 4-2780 TV Radios Max Factor Cosmetics 8120 Yonge St., Thornhill JOHN'S T.V. PHONE TU. 44812 AT ALL HOURS Prescription Service View-Master SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK RICE’S FLOWERS RICHMOND HILL Expert Drug Service ELLY'S UPLAND “Flowers For All Occasions" The award-winning TV Kindergarten Show, endorsed by educators, health officials and municipal agencies. AV. 5-4138 Vitamins Thomhlll IGA CKVR - TV CHANNEL 3 Legal A $10 Permanent for $8 'A $12.50 Permanent for $10 A $15 Permanent for $12 0.0. with the ï¬rst half-hour presented by “Miss Lois†HAIR COSMETIC - STYLIST Car Radios TELEPHONE AV 5-2331 Reels Hl-Fl AT buyuuuvuu ---.. v" -_, u .‘y 28th at 8 pm. It was also announced that the Thornhill District Church Parade will,be held at Thornhiu Presbyterian Church on Sunday, February 28th at 3 p.13). _ _ _ uu: pun.» av- ...- V--,, The most important event of the evening took place w en Warrants were oresented to he following Gulders: Mrs. D. Moore, Captain, 2nd Thornhlll Guides; Mrs. E. Tanauiy. Lieu- tenant. 2nd Thornhill Guides; Mrs. H. Mowder, Brown Owl. lst Thomhill Brownies; Mrs. R. Bar- rett, Brown Owl, 4th Thornhill ~uu. . v- ..,- v- The meeting discussed the in- vitations which each Brown Owl had received to the Girl Guides Golden Jubilee party at Eaton Auditorium on January 20th. Subsequently, Mrs. Jewitt, Mrs. Dockman, Mrs. Morrison and Mrs. McTazgart-Cowan attended. This was the beginning of the Golden Jubilee celebrations. the first one in Canada being held in Toronto. It was attended by the Provincial Commissioners from each Province and over 1,200 G_ulde_rs were-pnesent. .,,n,‘ I.-- vv \- u".-. As the Thornhill Jistrict has many new Guiders. they were pleased to hear that the first in a series of Training Classes will be held in the United Church, Richmond Hillr on Thursday, Jen- uvu. uv v The D’ision Badge Day for Guides is planned for Saturday. March 12th in Richmond Hill. Guides who are ready to pass tests for lst Class badges will attend. Each tester will test a Inge group of girls who will try for their badges for such things as Emergency Helper, History of Guiding, Maps and Compasses, etc. It is expected that between 60 and 70 Guides will be ready E5: “iiesé' tgsis and further an- nouncements will be made about the place f9r_the tfasts. “J ---__L -l ' " aley and Mrs. Elizabeth Bai- ley both of Concord. These two hard-working ladies have taken charge of the Concord Guides. The Thornhill District Guiders met on Monday evening, January 18th at the home of the District Commissioner, Mrs. McTaggart- Cowan. As'it was a really dread- fu. night, they were pleased to find that 16 faithful Gulders braved the storm t attendu "Ehâ€"e“ Efoï¬b was pleased to meet two new Guiders, Mtg. Elma 'VEQEï¬Ã©ï¬Ã© thoroughly enjoyed th meeting and Mr. Strasser was warmly thanked for his kindness in taking part. Thornhill Girl Guides ‘Mr. Strasser illustrated his télk with beautiful slides of wild flowers, many of them photo- graphed in the Conservadon Au- thorities parks. Vinny of the most e"otic blooms were photographed i swamps where few people care to venture. A 5' uate miles of land and fine ex- amples of their efforts are to be found in Boyd Park at Wood- bridge. School children are taken for “nature hikes" through these parklands where trees are mark~ ed with their names. However. special or rare plants are not pointed out to the public as this would probably mean their dis- app:arance! _.. .l.. programme of reforestration and encourage farmers to build ponds and grass waterways to halt the run Off of top soil. rhe Metro- politan _Auth91:ity' ow‘ms 950 ‘6 WATCH 00m Din/02!†Thornhill Notes AV. 5-2311 “the Liberal†Is always pleased to publish Items of Interest contributed by Its readers In the Thornhifl are: . . . . . Our representative In Thornhill In Mrs. Margaret McLean. who may be reached by phoning AV. 5-2331. The Parish Guild of Holy Trinity Anglican Church held their first meeting of the year on January 19. The meeting was onened with the Guild’s prayer. The President, Mrs. R. Shaw in- troduced the new executive and wished Mrs. R. McCaw, our. for- mer treasurer, bon Joyage. The McCaws are moving to Bloom- field, N. J. Mrs. L. W. Davis, program convenor, outlined the program for the year. One in- teresting event. avDaffodii Bridge and Games nght will be held in the hall on Marchl. It was an- nounced that the annual Oppor- tunity Sale will be held on Feb- ruary 20, in the Church Hall. Business concluded. Mrs. M. Murphy cleverly demonstrated the art of applying cosmetics, with Mrs. Betty Crawford as her model, Refreshments were serv- ed, hostesses being Mrs. D. Ball and Mrs. G. Ackehurst. Thornhill Presbyterian Church The Junior and Senior Hi-Fel- lowship Groups of ' Thornhlll Baptist Church each held a very enjoyable bowling party on Sat- urday evening, January 23rd. The Juniors bowled at the ABC Bowling Alley in Richmond Hill and were entertained afterwards at the home of Miss Mary Jar- dlne, Vaughan Rd.. Richmond Hill. The Seniors bowled at the Playtime Alleys on Wilson Aven- ue and were entertained after- wards at the home of Miss Jane Mï¬Gowan, Cavalier Cres., Thorn- hi . The President. Mrs. W. Mc- Gowan_nresided over a shnrt bu:â€" ines: sessinn which inï¬luded the reading of the 1‘ nnual Reports hv the Past Pretident. Mrs. H. E]- hm and by Mrs. Walter Smook, Treasurer. A renort on the bra- crress being made on the Mink- ter's studv was read by Mrs. C. Wilson who is in charge of this prniect. T. C. Lawson who snoke on how the Imperial Oil Comoanv dis- covers new oll fields. He showed two moving films. "The Discov- ery of Oil†and “A Mile Below the Wheat,†which were most in~ terestlng. Mrs. Smith thanked Mr. Lawson and the hostess. Mrs. Jardine, closed the meeting with prayer. A social hour followed with refreshments being served by (he North Groug. The Commicsinner renorter‘ that Viekv Wa-tt of Concord Guide Comnanv has t'inished ev- ervthind exceot her "Re Premar- e'i†chullemna for her Goid Card. Plane were disnueqfli for the his- Hct Plenir- and the meeting then "head with the. Guide Praver. While the reerhwents were being served the Guiders held an men in"! lively dieeussion about the different problem: which their work nresents to them. The refreshments were served by Marv Gaze who is working verv hard to comnlete her Gnid Cord remliremants and did this job as mart of her nrenaratinn. Mnry air) stayed behind after the meetine and "washed up." This was quite "beyond the can of dutv†and was much anoreclated bv Mrs. Mc’l‘aqgart-Cowan. Thornh‘" Babflst Church The Wnrnen’s Assoriatlon of "hornhlll Bantist Church held its regular meean at the home of “rs. R. Jnrfl‘ne, Vaughan Rd.. Richmond Hi“ on Tuesday even- lnE. Januatv 19th at 8 pm. with 24 ‘adiea weeent. The meetlnz was then turned over to fhe North Group, under the leadnrshin of Mrs. James Smith. The Devotional Period was taken by Mrs. H. Howlett and Mrs. L. Fear. Mrs. Smith fhen Introduced the speaker, AMr. On Saturday, January 23rd, the Young Life Club of Thornhill enjoyed an old fashioned sleigh ride at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Witty, Duffel-in St., Concord. Following the sleigh ride. the 40-odd teen agers en- ioyed refreshments at the Witty's ome. ’ The Young Adults held their regular evening service at the Church on Sunday, January 24th. The service was led by Vice- President. Mr. Nick Vandermey, assisted by Miss Jean szsell and Miss Myrna Hunt. Rev. Chambers gave the second in his series of lectures on Church His- tory, covering the period of the Reformation to the 20th Century. Approximately 30 young people were present The Gnir‘nrs were all sorry to hear that NM. Oliver is I“ and Has been ad'vked bv her Fovtnr to th a whi'n. It i< lmmd that tier illness will be of short dura- o". Others who earned their War- rants but were unable to be pres- ent to receive them were: Mrs. W. Oliver, Brown Owi, 3rd Thornhill Brownies; Mrs. R 5‘"ubiev, Tawny Owl. 8rd Thorn- Hll Brnwnies; Mrs. J. Fraser, Brown Owl. lst Concord Brown- ies: Mrs. E. Simmons. Tawny Owl. 1st Concord Brownies: and Mrs. D. E1'ison, Lieutenant. lst Langstaff Guides. The Warrants are awarde tn 3 Guider afier ehe has snent three mouihs with her Cnmnanv. She I: then em- mwered to mu Guide Tests and a'fl'n“ new (imam and is nresen- ind wiih a Perimuie and a pin to weav- on her Guide tie. The C. G. I. T. group held their regular meeting at Thorn- hill United Church on Tuesday, January 19th and discussed plans for their Tea and Bake Sale to be held at the Church on Satur- day, February 13th. The Junior group are starting some craft work in the form of wicker bun baskets. under the direction of Mrs. Warnica. The seniors. direc- ted hy Mrs. Alan Beckwith, are starting on the preparation of an infant's Iaye to which will probably be p sented to the Brownies; Mrs. Godson, Tawny Owl, 4th Thornhill Brownies: Mrs. Dockman, Tawny Owl, 3rd Thornhill. This project is the first of its kind in Canada and is being wat- ched with interest throughout the country. The boys, who are from 16 to 19 years old, are all carefully screened before admit- tance by a Board consisting of a Magistrate, a pschyciatrist, a pro- bation officer and two Salvation Army officers. No bov is admit- tel who has record of crimes of violence or any sex crimes. Many of the boys have never been in- volved in any lgw breeking but are just boys who need a home for one reason or another. They come from all classes of society - some are wards of the Children’s Aid, some are sent by their fam- i‘ies. Recentlvrsome boys from I'IC . lthvvo-v- - ...... § 7 ., Richvale and Richmond Hill were admitted. The boys come volun- tarily and agree to come for a period of at least a year. How- ever, each case is reviewed mon- thly and if the board feels that a boy is ready to be placed in the community again, then the term of one year is lessened. The House has recently start- ed a new project in the field of occupational therapy and has set up three hen houses. housing 400 hens where unemployable boys work and are trained in good work habits. The eggs are sold to other Salvation Army instiâ€" tutions and it is expected‘that in the spring, the project will be enlarged and several hundred Following up this theme. on Tuesday evening at 8 pm. Feb- ruary 2nd, there wil be a general congregational meeting, open to the general public as well as members of the congregation to discuss this same problem. The guest speaker will be Rev. Dr. James Findlay of Carleton St. United Church in Toronto. He will discuss a "Christian’s re- sponsibility in the nuclear age." This subject is being discussed in the Churches throughout Canada and each congregation is to for. ward a resolution on the matter to the General Headquarters of the United Church. From these resolutions. they will then put a recommendation before the Dom- inion Government. Thi- is cer- tainly a subject which can’t help but concern everyone. and in view of it's importance, the Men’s Club of the Church are foregoing their regular meeting. to hold this one. It should be well at- tended and the developments from it will be awaited with in- terest. Capt. A. MacCorquodale, Salva- tion Anny House of Concord Ad- dressed Lions Club . . . . . . . . At their meeting on Mondav, January 18th. the Thornhill Lions Club had as their guest speaker. Capt. A. MacCorquo- dale. of the Salvation Army’s House of Concord. a supervised residence 101' young men. The House, which was formerly the Concord annex of the Jail Farm on Dufferin Street, was purchas- ed by the Salvation Army just a year ago and since that ,time, they have spent $70,000 in reno- vations. The property comprises 35 acres of land and there is ac- commodation for 50 young men, although there are only 36 boys in residence now. v.0... a- â€"â€" 7 more hens, raised. lllulc ucua own... A varied sports programme is also carried on as well as hobby craft work. Pschyciatric care and Counselling is given by Dr. G. Buckner of Acton Ontario who carries out group thereapy as well as private counselling. As this is the close of their first year of operations, the House is at present preparing its Annual Report and they find it a good one. Although the project is tremendously expensive (the first years operating costs were $47,000.00) it is proving tremen- dously successful. The boys know they will he excelled for any misbehaviour and the majoritv are anxious to stay. Several of the boys attend the local High School, and the staff on the high school have nothing but prflse for them, - n___-_j __v Next Sunday evening a colour film will be shown dealing with the hvdrogen bomb. Produced by the Moody Institute of Science. the film explains atomic energy in lavmen’s terms and includes remarkable shots of the tests at Bikini. Fol‘owing the film. there will be a discussion of what the Christian's attitude to war should be in this age of nuclear wea- pons. Although usually these dis- cussion groups have been held for young peovle only. it is plan- ned to have an adult discussion group! also. in the auditorium. Mr. Bernie Smith, Field Secretary of the In- ter School Christian Fellowship in Northern Ontario gave a ser- ious of amusing but thought-pro- voking recitations. The young people then enjoyed a pleasant period of recreation and refresh- ments. y. -_-,,, The House of Concord wel- comes visitors at any time and would be pleased to show any community groups or associations just what they are doing for these boys. A call to Capt. Mac- Corquodale is all that is needed to arrange a visit. '“here was a good attendance at. the Sunday evening service when the film of Billy Graham's New York crusade was shown. Following the ï¬lm. 58 young peoole hadma 1_ive1y _progx:§mrne An important meeting of Lhe Thornhlll United Church Official Board was held at the Church on Wednesday evening. January 20th. The Church budget for the coming year was reviewed It was decided to print a congrega- tional news magazine and a' com- mittee was set up to procure an assistant minister. On Wednesday evening, Januo my 20th, 16 of the C. G. I. T. girls enjoyed a skating party at the Jolly Miller and then return- ed to the Church for refresh- meats. Children’s Aid Society. Our sympathy also goes out to Mr. H. W. Montgomery, 101 Woodward Ave., in the loss of his wife Gertrude Anne who died suddenly at home on Monday. January 18. Mrs. Montgomery was the mother of Marilyn (Mrs. D. James) of Toronto and Charles of Perth. She was buried on Thursday in the Highland Mem- ory Gardens. A Hockey House League has been started at Henderson Ave. school. It is primarily for the benefit of the boys who are not playing on the senior school team. Games will be played at 1.00 pm. There are six teams, captained by Larry Sturgess. Jos. Heine, John Kenmell, Bob Good- year, George Lefler and Ronald Simpson, Belated birthday greetings to Pat Redford who recently cele- brated her birthday with a party of a few of her young friends. We extend 6ur silmpathy to Mrs. G. Sutton of Steelcs Avenue in the recent loss of her mother. The sympathy of the commun- ity is extended to Mrs. Martin, 0: Sprucewood D11, on the pas- sing of her father in Wiarton, Out, where he resided. The Doncaster Community La- dies Club are holding their next regular meeting, on Monday Feb- ruary lst at the home of Mrs. C. Russell, Proctor Ave. Miss M. Foster of the YWCA will be our guest speaker and we will con- sider the possibility of having a "Y" worker help plan our meet- ings in the future. Visitors are always welcome. Mrs. Dockman is supervising the Brownie Pack in place of Mrs. Oliver who has been in hospital for an operation and is still con- valescing. We wish Mrs. Oliver a very speedy recovery. ‘ On Tuesday evening. February 2, the Guides are holding a com~ bined skating and company re- union at their regular meeting at Henderson Avenue School. Com- panies from surrounding areas have been invited, including some from Aurora. The lst Thornhill Girl Guide company announces that the sale of Christmas cards, etc., has méde it possible for the company to purchase four more tents for their summer camping. They need only three more tents to ï¬ll their requirements. Neighborhood Notes The Annual March of Dimes for polio victims will be held on Monday evening, February 1, from 7 to 8 pm. The Marching Mothers who will be calling at your door on Monday night will appreciate your kindness in hav- ing your porch? light burning. On Wednesday, January 20th. a meeting of Brownie and Guide Mothers was held at the home of Mrs. Barnes, Westwood Ave. New Officers elected were Mrs. R. Lewry, Woodward Ave., Presi~ dent: Mrs. B. Dempster. Wood- ward Ave. Secretary-Treasurer; Mrs. A. Parker. Johnston Ave., social convenor. Plans were made to work with the Doncaster Com- munity Ladies Club on the Mar- athon Euchre, now starting. This Euchre is in aid of Brownies (1 Guides. , On Wednesday evening. Jan- uary 20, the Girl Guides 50th year of Guiding in Canada was laun- ched by Mrs. Rankin Nesbitt. A beautiful pageant was held in the auditorium at Eaton’s College Street Store. The audience con- sisted of Guide Leaders and Com- missioners and the program was presented by Guides, Brownies and Cadets. Mrs. McTaggart- Cowan, Commissioner, and Mrs. Jewitt, Mrs. Dockman and Mrs. Morrison. Guide and Brownie Leaders from Highland Pz-rk were all present at the pageant. Norma Davis, also from Highland Park, who is aformer guide from this company and who now attends cadets in the city, took part in the choir which sang at the pa- geant. A beautiful illuminated, flve tier birthday cake was presented to the guides and everyone pres- ent received a piece. The Girl Guides have been busy with their various tests and sev- eral of the girls have earned an- other badge. Bonnie Barnes, Christine Knight, Pam Morrison, and Dyanne Snary earned their Hostess Badge at the Christmas Party when they acted as hostessâ€" es for the entire evening. Cathy Lennie and Lucy Trudel have earned their Woodsman’s Badge and Rosemary Clow was enrolled in the Guide Company as a new member. The York County Health Unit will be holding a clinic for adults on Monday evening, February 8, from 7.30 to 9 pm. in the Thorn- hill United Church on Dudley Avenue. This clinic is being held for the express purpose of admin- istering the third dose of polio vaccine to all of those residents who received their ï¬rst and sec- ond shots last spring. Polio shots are also available to adults, free of charge. at the monthly baby clinic which is held by the York County Health Unit every fourth Wednesday afternoon from 1:30 to 3.00 pm. in the Thornhiil Un- ited Church. School News York-Simcoe Council is hold- ing a citizenship meeting in the Unionville Public School next Thursday, February 4, at 8 pm. The guest speaker, Mr. A. Pigott. will show a ï¬lm called The Threshold and will give an ad- dress on the Problems of New Canadians. This announcement was made through the Henderson Avenue Home and School Assoc- iation and everyone is Invited to attend. Guides Health Centre Tï¬e school was very pleased DONCASTER Correspondent: David Barbour Henderson Ave. Phone AV. 5-5205 HIGHLAND PARK NEWS CORRESPONDENT: 84 Highland Park The amount of $2.00 is to be collected from each Guide and Brownie Mother to cover the cost of renting the school Audi- torium for Guide and Brownie Meetings. Some of the mothers have agreed to go in a Marathon Euchre with the Doncaster Ladies Club to raise funds to assist in the purchase of camping equip- ment for the girls. The next meeting is planned for March at the home of Mrs. Lennie. Re- freshments were served by Mrs. Lewry and Mrs. Barnes. SCARBORO - Scarboro will hire- an assistant industrial com- missioner to promote industrial sales in the township. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH TOWNSHIP OF NORTH YORK A meeting of the lst Thornhlll Brownie and Guide Mother Group Comimttee was [held at the home of Mrs. Mary Barnes. 54 Woodward Avenue on Wed- nesday evening, January 20th. There were thirteen mothers present and the election of of- ficers for the 1960 term took place. Those elected to office were as follows: Mrs. R. Lewry. President; Mrs. A. Lennie. Vlce President: Mrs. Dempster, Sec. Treasurer; Mrs. Parker, Social Convener; Mrs. Trudel, Transpor- tation Convener; Mrs. Connor, Telephone Convener. with the immediate responses to a request for bean bags for the junior classes. A special thanks to Mrs. E. Higgs and Mrs. L. Barton who made up the bags and there are now 40 bags ready to be filled with the beans and sewn up. Blvd. â€" AV. 5-2719 ‘ It is expected the kindergar- ten class, now in the auditorium wil be in their new school. Clark- Elgin. within two weeks and then Henderson’s Physical Training program will get into high gear. Periodically we hear of boys grabbing bumpers of cars trav- elling to and from school, thus risking serious acident to themv selves and almost giving the mo- torists symptoms of heart failure. Although prevailing ice condi- tions would make one think we live in the Ice Age, such ioni- hardy practice as referred to above should not be indulged in. Let us hope that with parental warning and cautions from the school, there will be no more re- ports of such thoughtless actions. Excitement ran high in :be neighbourhood on Monday after- noon, January 25th about 3:00 pm. when fire engines screeched to a sudden stop at the cor- ner of Woodward Avenue and Yonge Street. The Warehouse Storage Sheds, Sawmill and new lumber of the John C. Love Lumber Co. were completely raz- ed by fire. Fire engines from Richmond Hill and North York were called to fight the stubborn blaze which was well fed by dry lumber and a strong south West wind. The fire was said to have been started when a space heater in the lunch room ex loded. Firemen remained at the blaze until 1:30 am. fighting small fires that kept starting up in the piles of lumber. Damage was es- timated at about $150,000.00. Mr. Love had just returne'l from a vacation to Florida. MRS. D. R. DARLEY. (4) Immunization protection. Carl E. Hill, M.D., M.O.H Boys at 9, Girls at 8, have gained an inch, while adding 13 lbs. in weight, in the last 20 years. ,The reasons for the increased height and weight are: (2) Increase in living stand- ards. (3) Decrease in debilitating diseases. Children are Taller, Par- ents no Smaller (1) Better nutrition. I now have the most beautiful selection of one owner used cars in the area. ‘ If you are in the market for a later model used car, don’t fail to see our stock, while prices are low. Pontiac - Buick - Vauxhall - GMC Trucks Richmond Hill Ri| ONE OWNER These cars are all trades on the 1960 Buicks, Pontiacs and Vauxhalls. All cars are of course guaranteed and highly recommended. ewd TU. 4-2864 by Elizabeth Kelson As chief Marching Mother for Thomhill and Dis- trict,†stated Mrs. Walter J. Ellis, “I would like to place before the general public this vital information Policem- ing our annual March of Dimes that will take place on February 1, between_7 and 8 pm. Forva number of yearsâ€"nova. the Ontario March of Dimes has been bringing an active life back to 1000 to 1200 persons annually and this process takes many forms. It could be assistance in meeting hospital bills or it may take the form of expensive equipment such as artiï¬cial limbs, wheel chairs, braces. crutches and chest respirators. Whatever direction. the goal is inde- pendence and self-sufficiency for the disabled. v “Awwwlb The work and aimflofflthve 1-5616 ~Foundatioh are high indeed: I - Prevention - Foundation facilities are made available through the Provincial Minister of Health to every Medical Officer of Health in Ontario to assist with free inoculation clinics. 2 - Treatment - The family physician can initiate a total programme of rehabilitation, sponsored by the Foundation for clinical assessment. 3 - Training - Aftentizea’ï¬cï¬rneni, patients unable to resume occupations, receive re-training for proï¬table employment suitable to their physical and vocational abilities. 4 - Placement - The programme is not complete until the patient is satisfactorily placed in a productive iob. All Foundation case workers as well as Foundation placement agencies, help the patient in this phase of rehabilitation. Through the alertness of our Honorary Medical Board and the generosity of the people of Ontario in the past, disabled people of Ontario are being given the chance of enjoying a life of personal and economic in- dependence. Obviously, little can be done Without suf- ï¬cient funds and the main purpose of the March of Dimes is to raise funds. I urge you all to put your porch lights on between the hour of 7 and 8 pm. the evening of February 1. Remember to make it easy for your Marching Mother. She is giving her time as well as her money. Without the army of Marching Mothers, the cause of polio could not have adequate support. Help them to help the disabled, whether by accident. congen- ital deformities or as the result of amputations. \Offer your services and your money for the great work of rehabilitating the disabled.†If you would like to join in assisting the March of Dimes, call Mrs. Ellis at AV. 5-1312. With every-me pull-' mg together. treatment. aid and rehabilitation can be made available to all who need it. THURSDAY, FEB. 4H1 Free Parking AUC'I'ON MOTORS lIMl TED ec. gum/z, Thanks a lot, PREVIEW FROM 5 TO 8 RM. GORDON SELLERS. AUCTIONEER FARMERS MARKET Yonge St, Thornhill OF COUNTRY Sale Starts 8 pm. Sharp AV. 5-4351 mg “roun‘ Richvale Coffee Bar