VEAL - PORK - CHICKEN - BOLOGNA, Muc&CHEESE â€" HEAD CHEESE DU'I'CH LOAF â€" PICKLE 6'1 PIMEH'I'O 6 oz. VACUUM SEALED Pkgs. “MIX or MATCH EM" at RED‘TS‘ngllTE FOQDMASTER DD DDT UV A nun nmnnn n‘vr The award-winning TV Kindergarten Show, endorsed by educators, health officials and municipal agencies. Daily Monday Through Friday 11 am to 12 noon with the ï¬rst half- hour presented by IGA CKVR - TV' CHANNEL 3 SPECIALIZED GROWERS' ASSOCIATION $1000.00 PER ACRE PROGRESSIVE FARMERS AND SMALL LAND OWNERS BEVERLEX; ACRES STORE ONLY: “Miss Lois†CLEAR PROFIT by growing our Specialized Items and have a market supplied Now is the time to get your soil tested and if suitable we will show you how to make For Details Write to BROOKLIN, ONT. up to MEET (6 WATCH 00m Din/08" 7) AT YOUR , BEVERLEY After dainty refreshments, served by the Brodie family, and an invitation to return next year (D. V.) the meeting adjourned. Miss Cora Brodie and Mrs. Acreman attended the Training School for leaders of 4-H Home- making Clubs. on Tuesday and Wednesday of last week. The Spring project is “Cottons may be smart." Mrs. Hugh Deverell and Mrs. Acreman attended the Third An- nual Meeting of York Presbyter- ial on Thursday, January 28, in Stouffville United Church. A bus had been chartered by those attending from Richmond Hill, Headford congregation held its annual meeting on Monday, Jan- uary 25 at the home of Mrs. N. Brodie, with 12 members present. The treasurer’s report showed a balance on hand, the missionary givings also were up a little, and two new stewards were appoint- ed. Committees were appointed to do work on the basement ceil- ing, and on motion of Cora Bro- die. a definite start was made toward procuring furnace facili- ties for heating the church. It was also decided to have some- thing done about raising the val- ue of the insurance on the church. , REGULAR I AFTERCI‘E BAYVIEW SHOPPING PLAZA __ ENJOY EXTRA M A m CORRESPONDENT: R. R. 3 Gormley â€" HEADFORD NEWS MRS. n. ACREMAN Phone 'l'Urncr 4-2236 Mrs. T. McDougal, and her friend Mrs. Tansley, (Aunt Lillie to the Cummer Lees), was visit- ing for, a few pays last week with Jean and the family. Victoria Square W. M. S. will hold its February meeting on February 10 at the home of Mrs. Storey. The committee is Mrs. S. Boynton and Mrs. Bennett. Sunday, being the fifth Sun- day in January, was Missionary day in Headford Sunday School. Mrs. Lee conducted missionary choruses, and taught a new one; Mrs. Welman read the scripture from John 14. I am the Way; and a flannelgraph “The Way beyond the Moon†was shown. There was a special collection, and Mrs. Ac- reman had a contribution to the Birthday Box. Headford W. A. will meet next Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Wellman; and the word for my call isfl“Understanding." Following the lunch hour. a wonderful film. New Faces of Africa, gave us new insight into our study on Africa. Roll call dis- closed a larger attendance than any previous year. Mrs. Robert McLaren from Simcoe Presby- tery, conducted the election and later the Installation of Officers. A list of these will appear else- where, but in the main, most for- mer officers were re-elected. Our sincere thanks to all the people of Stouffville United, who made such a wonderful rally possible. A delightful skating party on Rumble's pond for those of Headford Sunday School was held last Friday evening. There appeared to have been lots of fun on the ice, with prizes won, etc.. when the hungry crowd re- turned to the Sunday School room for hot chocolate and lun- ch. The committee is especially gratified at the number of par- ents who were able to attend. making it the largest crowd to skate in our neighbourhood in several years. Ireneï¬ Watters, a former pupil in the school here, was one of the student teachers last week. and there was room on it for those attending from Victoria Square. The morning worship was conducted by Rev. Douglas Davis. using a text from the Book of Joshua, “Give me this mountain.†Mrs. J. L. Halpenny, formerly of the Dominion Board. brought us a wonderful message which she titled “New Friends Overseas," dealing with her re- cent trip through Continental Europe and the British Isles. Our allocation for 1959 had been ex- ceeded by over one thousand dol- lars, and the projects of G. B. A. to which this surplus may go was voted on by those present. Mrs. Dike, Secretary for Stew- ardship then presented the 1960 Allocation, which is $17,500. and this was unanimously accepted. GET ONE FOR ONLY ENJOY EXTRA W||_L BE AT ‘ Eï¬s‘fl'ï¬‚ï¬ voua LOCAL RED&WHITE THIS WEEKEND MEATS TABLE READY Then when all these reports were accepted Rev. MacDonald asked for the appointment for various vacancies in the offices of the church. Bert Middleton was again appointed Superinten- dent of the Sunday school for 1960. Jim Bushell was appointed organist of the church and Mrs. John A. Baker as assistant. Then the session was appointed. Due to a letter from Mr. Jack Mc- Ewen, requesting to be released of his office, Mr. Jack Bushell was appointed to fill this vacan- cy also two more were added to the session being Mr. Edgar Anning and Mrs. R. A. Kirk. Messrs. Bert Middleton, Jack 01- iver. Ernest Bone and Wm. George are also on this board. Rev. Mr. MacDonald called the meeting to order around the taâ€" bles following the dinner. Meet- ing was opened with prayer and Mrs. J. Bushell acted as secre- tary. The minister reported for himself and Session of the chur- ch stating there are 64 members on the roll of which 2 are non- resident. There were .two bap- tisms 1 marriage and three fun- erals in the past year. Rev. Mr. MacDonald reported on the relationship between Carrville and Thornhill and while Carrville is under the Thornhill charge it will be sep- arate as far as maintenance of each congregation. Rev. Mac- Donald will be the minister to both congregations Carrville is to have a representative to Pres- bytery when such time presents itself Mr. Robert A. Kirk was appointed to hold this position. About 30 sat down to a de- licious meal about 7 pm. All were more than pleased to have the two little daughters of the minister and his wife, Rev. Hugh R. and Mrs. MacDonald present at the dinner. It was the first op- portunity for many to meet the family. Mr. Robert Kirk, chairman of the cemetery board reported on the work of the board and re- ported a balance of $177.96. Mrs. John A. Baker. treasurer of the Women’s Association read the report and stated a balance of $371.10 on hand. Mrs. R. Middleton reported on the Sunday School work and stated a balance of $37.12 was on hand. Mrs. Gordon Read reported for the Young People and stated a balance of $125.52 911 hand. Mr. Jack Bushell gave the trcasurer's report of which he holds the office and reported a balance of $526.65. The welfare fund was reported on by Mrs. J. Williams, President of the W. A. and reported a ba- lance of $25.26. At Carrville United Church. Monday evening January 25, the annual congregational and pot- luck supper was held. Annual Meeting Held At Carrville United Church COME 8. VISIT .WITH HER FR|., FEB. 5th AFTERNOON 1:30 to 4:30pm. â€" EVENING 6.30 to 9pm. Dr. Brock Walker and Miss E. Wickson were appointed Audi- tors for the coming year. Mr. Kirk expressed appreciation to Rev. MacDonald for his Interest in Can-ville and hoped this would continue for sometime. Rev. MacDonald thanked Mr. Kirk and said he was most anx- ious to help in anyway he could, As the young people haven’t been having meetings he is most anxious to meet with them and see what would be best for The Stewards were increased to nine, requesting that some of the younger members of the con- gregation be put on so Mr. M. Wilson, Kenneth Baker and George Wood were added along with the present members. Jack Barton; Jas Williams: Jack Bush- ell; Dr. Brock Walker; Robt A. Kirk; Mrs. E. Bone and Mrs. J. Williams representing the W0- man's Association. It was moved that a $100. hon- orarium be given between the or- ganist and assistant. 'Aunt Mary’s R & W 2 loaves 29c All Popular Brands - reg. $3.29 CIGARETTES ctn. $2.79 Sunspun BUTTER lb. 55: 5th Afternoon 8. Evening RICHMOND HTS. DRUG STORE THE DALLEY’S VARIETY STORE RICHMOND THEATRE GRILL 69 Yonge Street South MEL’S SMOKE SHOP , 44 Yonge Street South TOWN INN RESTAURANT MARY’S NOVELTY SHOP CLARKE’S PHARMACY 194 Yonge Street North 49 Yonge Street South POP’S RESTAURANT 90 Yonge Street North 30 Yonge Street South 78 Yonge Street South THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. February 14, 1960 4 Levendale Road reg. 69c MILDER ._ SMOOTHER â€" HAVANA FLAVOUR 100% Imported Tobacco “Supreme. Quality Cigars†MANUFACTURED IN RICHMOND HILL The Supreme Cigar Company W/fzam fli/m BAYVIEW AVE. AT ELGIN MILLS Available At The Following Dealers: Is Proud To Announce A Congregational Fellowship evening was planned for Friday, February 12. at 8 pm. Rev. Mac- Donald will secure some film, and Mrs. Gordon Read; Mrs. J. Williams and Mrs. J. Barton were appointed as a committee to complete plans for this event. Rev. MacDonald spoke on the forth coming plebiscite vote in Vaughan and was anxious to know the feeling on this matter; and asked for a couple of rep- resentatives from Carrville. As yet nothing has been decided. Rev. Mr. MacDonald also spoke on the mission work of the chur- ch. how very important it is to use the red s_ide of_ the_ envelope. We were sorry Dr. Brock Wal- k r and Miss Wickson were un- able to attend the meeting. We hope Dr. Walker is making good progress toward recovery, so they will be out again in our midst soon. There were several others un- able to attend due to shift work. It is hard to be able to have meetings and get-togethers, we hope some of these will be able to attend the Congregational Fel- lowship meeting on February 12, at the church hall. them. Rev. MacDonald closed the meeting with prayer. 4 Loaves Per Customer 1..., 1.. 2 lbs- Per Customer BEVERLEY ACRES PHARMACY IN RICHVALE â€" RICHVALE PHARMACY DENNIS SNACK BAR ALLENCOURT PHARMACY BAYVIEW PLAZA RESTAURANT BAYVIEW VARIETY STORE INGRAM’S VARIETY SHOP, 192 Yonge Street North BOB’S SMOKE SHOP 55 Yonge Street North 1 Carton Per Customer Bayview Plaza Bayview Plaza lic school children are hoping to have a skating party in the af- ternoon on the school rink. We hope the weather co-operates. Each family bring a tin of veg- etable soup, which will be serv- ed following the skating. Dr. and Mrs. Wilbert J. Wal- ker and Lois and Jimmy Walker of Ingersoll visited on Sunday with the Bert Middleton Iamily and attended Cari-ville United Church. Mrs. Clarence C. Price visited on Saturday at the Bert Middleton home on Saturday and also with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mld- dleton and family of Doncaster. Saturday, February 6 the Garb yille Sunday School and the pub- At the Annual meeting last week, a congregational Fellow- ship evening was planned for Friday. February 12. at 8 pm. in the church hall. Mrs. G. Read: Mrs. J. Barton and Mrs. J. Will- lams are a committee to plan the evening Correspondent: Mrs. Bert Middleton Telephone Maple 13033 CARRVILLE CIGAR