1'". 4-32“ 53 N.‘Yonge St. NORTH YORK â€" The new New- tonbrook United Church was dedicated by Rev. J. A. C. Kell, presideï¬t of the Toronto Confer- ence of the United Church in Canada. last week. SOCIETY Richmond Hill & Dlstrict Unit For Information call L Mahmoud Hill TU. #1229 TU. 4-4821 AV. 5-4825 Thornhifl AV. 5-1603 AV 5-1743 ALDine 7-2650 DO IT NOW! '9} ALKYD LATEX FLAT qt. gal. ‘ PRIDHAM'S PAINT 6': WALLPAPER Herridge Electric Typewriters - Adding Machines SALES - SERVICE - RENTALS lyour oflice machine specialist’ 88 Baker Awe" Richmond Hill CANADIAN CANCER Specfalizing in Purebred Cattle, Farm Stock, Furniture and Implements Phone Gormley 5311 Gormley, Ont. E We personally handle all sale bills and advertising. 21 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill Day or Evenings TU. 4-1745 See portable models at 'nght’l Pharmaoy’ L; H. SIMS 7577mm; sflp/IINT ’5 AV 5-2406 Unionv ulo E39 Appliance Repair for YORK AND ONTARIO COUNTIES 36 YEARS EXPERIENCE Licensed Auctioneer RICHMOND HILL Jim Butler’s Fabulous Flyers, of the T & D H 9 house league require but one victory intheir remaining games to snag ï¬rst place for keeps. Ted Lougheed. of Glen Cameron Avc., can capture the ï¬rst spot by winning the two remaining games, one of which is against the Flyers. Depending on the outcome of these games, Richard Barbour’s Dinosaurs will end up in second or third place. David Barbour’s Calypso Kings fell into a sad state when they were defeated by Norm David- son’s Mustangs._ Last year’s cham- pion Calypsos can escape the bottom only if the Mustangs go On Monday, March 7, at the Thornhill Public School. the reg- ular gala card party will be held at 8 pm. sharp, featuring the eu- chre marathon ï¬nals. As usual there will also be.plenty of tabâ€" les for progressive euchre Some- thing new this time is a bridge competition. Proceeds of the ev- ening will go to the lst Thornhill Guide and Brownie groups. On hand will be many good prizes and refreshments, Jim But1< of the T & require but remaining 1 place for ke Miss Mary Perrault, Clarke Ave,, returned home on Sunday, by train, from a very enjoyable trip to Timmins where she visited with relatives for two weeks. pion Calypsos can escape the bottom only if the Mustangs go down to the Wings in the last game and than to the Kings in a fourth place tie-breaking extra game, Birthday greetings go out to Johnny Edgar. Sprucewood Ave., who celebrated his ï¬fth birthday on Thursday, February 25. DONCASTER All popular makes on hand Special Students’ Rates Correspondent: David Barbour Henderson Ave. Phone AV. 5-5205 TU. 4-2819 Those who arrived at school were kept there and those who stayed home had an unofficial holiday. Not much regular work was done though “and the child- ren present enjoyed a few mov- ies. All of the teachers arrived but only about 40% of the pupils turned up. Henderson Avenue School Hoc- key Team played a hard game a- gainst Langstaff School at the Unionville Arena on Tuesday. February123rd after school. Ter- ry Aimone scored the lone goal for Henderson and Langstaff fin- ished up with a close win, scor- ing two goals. Five girls from the lst Thorn- hill Girl Guide Company have earned their Skaters Badge - Caâ€" therine Lennie, Dyanne Snary, Jacquie Ferguson, Sharon Stur- gess and Julian Dempster. Two other girls have earned their Astronomers Badge - Sharon Sturgess and Lucy T-rudel. Some of these girls have earned most of their badges and will soon be trying out for their Gold Cord. On Tuesday night. February 23rd, the Guides held their Thinking Day program and invit- ed the 3rd Thornhill Company from Powell Road School and al- so Mrs. McTaggart-Cowan, Dis- trict Commissioner and Cadet Norma Davis. a former Guide of this Company. At this meeting, two new girls were enrolled, Su- zanne Morse into the lst Thorn- hill Company and Melody Brad- beer into the 3rd Thornhill On February 27. the conclus- ion of a very busy week, the guides sang at the Kiwanis Fes- tival and received a ï¬rst award certiï¬cate. The very able con- ductor was Lena Martin. They were accompanied by Mrs. D. Wood at the piano. Posture Titles The Posture Queen and King were announced during assembly on Friday at the Charles Howitt School. Cheryl Groh was chosen Queen and John Peck was chosen King. In the primarv grades, Princess Wendy Ross and Prince Jimmy Rootham were chosen. Travelling Bake Sale Due to the storm on Thursday. mothers of Guides and Brown- ies for 2nd Richvale were unable to get their baking to the depots_ So on Friday morning the phones were busy and the baking was sold to immediate neighbours, realizing $60.00. Congratulations There were mixed feelings a- mong the Henderson Avenue school pupils on Friday due to the big snow storm. I _ Powell Road School team play- ed a close game of hockey with Thornhill Public School Team on Tuesday, February 23rd, after school at the Unionville Arena. Thornhill being the winners, this time with a score of 1-0. Guides and Brownies February 23 was Thinking Day and during the program each pa- trol put on a skit pertaining to guiding in other countries. They each sampled the birthday cake in honor of Lord and Lady Baden- Powell's birthdays. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jellicoe, of Pearson Ave., are the proud par- ents of a boy. born on February 21 at the Toronto General Hos- pital‘. This makes the fourth boy for the J‘ellicoes. ' On February 22. the Guides held a candy sale at Charles How- itt School. They‘ raised $10.00 which will go towards the build- ing fund for the new guide head- quarters. School News 2nd Richvale Guides Mr, and Mrs. S. Kelly. MacKay Drive, became the proud parents Company. ‘ Correspondent: Mrs. B. Aoreman R. R. 2 Gonnley. Ont. Phone TUrner 4-2236 Experience is always a good teacher, and it seemed to have taught a few of us some truths. At least as far as storms go we seemed to be better prepared dur- ing this last week-end blow-up. We didn’t hear of folk being stranded away from home during this storm; and the youngsters were delighted that the storm gave them at least one day out of school. However_ the epidemic of mumps has flared up again, but by now should be on the wane. We sincerely hope so, anyway. Headford W.A. will meet on Tuesday evening. March 9. at the home of Mrs_ Melvin Wellman. The word for roll call is ‘5Gospelâ€. Mrs. R. Perkins will be hostess to the Victoria Square W.M.S. on the afternoon of Wednesday. March 9, at the regular hour of 2.15. It was very gratifying to their teacher to see all the boys of the junior class out for Sunday school. The Burton boys had as their guest for week-end, Brian Pol- lon. whom they brought along to Sunday School. A sort of ex- change Was efl’ected, when Kathy Burton spent the week-end in the Pollon home in Richmond Hill. We hope everyone planning to attend the World Day of Prayer service on Friday at Brown's Cor- ners Church will note the time is 2 o'clock. Birthday greetings for Margar- et McDonald. who will be twelve years old on March 25. Murray Acreman celebrates on that day; also March 9 is the birthday of Margaret Simpson. Many happy returnl to All. .. 25 Roosevelt Drive 108 Yongehurst HEADFORD HIGHLAND PARK NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. D. R. DARLEY. 84 Highland Park Blvd. â€" AV. 5-2719 RICHVALE NEWS MRS. A. BLACKBURN CORRESPONDENTS: MRS. E. E. SPEARS Good effort ribbons were given to Steven Jansson for puppets, Bradley Esau for feeding station, Roy Edwards for his shell collec- tion. Refreshments were looked after by the ladies executive of the York Summit District with the various auxiliaries sending ladies to serve. Breaking of Sod First prize winners were John Peck for his bird house Jim Cox- worthy for his family of puppets made from potatoes; Stephen Spears for his pencil drawing; and Tom Wilkinson for his potato puppet. Second prizes Went to Ron Clark for his toy drum. Third prize went to Barry May- bury and Barry MacKillop for their potato puppets and to Bob- by Morris for his stamps, Robert White for his wooden book-ends. On Sunday, February 28th, Five Guide Companies and Six Brownie Packs held their Think- ing Day Church Parade at the new Presbyterian Church on No. 7 Highway Thornhill. Mrs. H. D. Currie. Division Commissioner and Mrs. MdTaggartâ€"Cowan, trict Commissioner were prgsent _at _t}1is cegenflony. . of their fourth girl, on February 7, at Women’s College Hospital, Toronto. They also have a son. The baby weighed 7 lbs. 13 ozs. Hobby Show WVThE Bioyr Scouts Association of York Summit District put on 8 Scout and Cub Handicraft and Hobby Show on Saturday, Feb- ruary 27_ from 2 to 9 pm. at the Richmond Hill Lions Commun- ity Hall. “Tiâ€"13;; were many hundreds of entries and the show was very worth while seeing_ Our 1st Langstaff Cubs won third place in the points standing and Akela Norma Webster is pleased and proud of her Cubs who ent‘ered. Thinking Day is held in mem- ory of the birthday of Lord and Lady Baden-Powell both of which were on February 22nd. All Guide and Brownie Companies and Scout and Cub Packs hold a special program at their meet- ing' which falls closest to Feb- ruary 22nd. Thinking Day is a special day to remember the great international friendship of all Guides and Scouts through- out the world. On Saturday, February 27th, the lst and 3rd Thornhill Guide Companies spent a very happy day together. About 40 girls at- tended a combined Bowling, Dinâ€" ner and Theatre party at the Richmond Bowl, Restaurant and Theatre, Richmond Hill. The Guide and Brownie Mo- thers of Highland Park and Don- caster have been holding a Eu- chre Marathon in the past few weeks and on Monday night, March 7th, they will hold their final Euchre. This will be held at the Thornhill Public School at 8:00 pm. and Door Prizes will be given. The March meeting of the Mark-Vaun .W.I, will be held on Thursday. March 3. at the home of Mrs. N. Hicks, Essex Avenue. The Program will be Citizenship and Education. Members are re- minded to bring a donation for the Cancer Cupboard and roll call will be a beautiful thought expressed in poem or prose. Langstaï¬ Home and School Many members of the commun- ity were at the Holy Trinity Church in Thornhill’ on Sunday when Bishop Wilkinson turned the sod for the building of the new parish hall. The monthly meeting of Lang- stafl Home and School will be held as an Open House from 7.45 to 9.45 pm. Parents will be able to interview teachers in their own rooms to enable them to discuss their children’s work. Education week commences on March 7. Langstaï¬ School News Mark-Vaun Women’s Institute The school hockey team seems headed for the playoffs in March after their recent win over Hen- derson Ave. There is only one more scheduled game against Clarke-Elgin on March 1. and we would enjoy the support of any parents who can attend. We would like to thank the pupils and parents who helped make the Junior Red Cross can- dy and white elephant sale such a success. During open house week par- ents are invited to visit class- rooms of their children on Mon- day, March 7 between 130 and 2.30 pm. and Tuesday, March 8, between 9.30 and 10.30 am. and on the same evening from 7.45 t0 9,30 pm. We hope you will have an enjoyable and enlightening visit. Young Women’s Institute The next meeting of the Lang- statf Young Women’s Institute will be held on March 3. at the home of Mrs. Betty Patterson. Nominations of oï¬icers Will be conducted by Fern Russell. Re- freshments will be served by Col- leen Jones and Verna Ablet . Mrs. Gladys Smith and the eu- chre committee thank the many people, including Mrs. O'Brien, Willowdale, who helped make the euchre of February 25 such a success. Prize winners were: Mr, and Mrs. Hart. Mrs. Binn. Mr. Hicks, Mrs. O'Brien, Mr. Ted Mano]. LANGSTAFF Correspondent: Mrs. M. J. Roy AVenue 5-2806 Phone TU. 4-2617 Phone AV. 5-3116 Dis- also TU. 4-3714 TUrner 4-2864 STOP 24 YONGE STREET AVenue 5-4351 DOMESTIC - COMMERCIAL FLOORS' - WALLS - WINDOWS MAINTAINED IN FIRST CLASS CONDITION BY WEEK, MONTH OR CONTRACT ESTIMATES FREE - N0 JOBS T00 SMALL Phone Our Motto Satisfaction Prop, \d‘\‘i“‘ Richmond Hill Commercial Cleaners 4‘ o2-Spud Non-Slalling Eledric Wipon O Eï¬ofllas Ruinulding Ball-Run Sharing Oldminuhd Glass Wraparound Windshield 0 Fresh Air. Heater and Dallas!" I Integral My Construdion 0 Five Puungu Conifer! 0 Economy CmbuMor o Rustproofing Body Dip O Oil-Ba!!! A'rr (Ileana: 0 level Ride Suspension 0 Four Door Convanienu 0 Hydraulic-Aisde Clutch Hi umsn CAI BUILT AND HACKED BY GENERAL MOI’ORS...SERVICE EVERYWHERE IN MOM" AMERICA. RICH-HILL MOTORS LTD. TRY THE ROYAL BANK Richmond Hill Branch . . . . . . ACCOUNT PLAN THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA; Jim Hope THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, March' 3, 1960 “ mgs‘ . . . . . . . . . . W. V. Sleeman, Manager HALL’S SERVICE STATION LTD. ' TU. 4 . 4361 DOMESTIC FUEL OILS AND BURNER SERVICE