Thanks to the many parents who visited Langstaff classrooms during school hours and in the evening of Education week for making our open house such a success. Kindergarten survey forms have been sent out with all Markham Twp. pupils, to aid in {all planning. If you have not received one and you have a child to enroll and you live in the Markham section of the Langstat‘f school Area please ggone Mr. Urquhart at AV. 5- 44. The teachers enjoyed your vis- its and hope you were satisfied with your school and the job it is doing to educate your child- ten. Delegation Meets School Board A delegation of about ten Par- ents from the Boyle Drlve sub- division and Garden Ave., met with the Vaughan School Board on Thursday March 10th. to dis- cuss the problems of their child- ren, now attending Langstaff School, agalnst the proposition of sending these children to Charles Howltt School. Mr. Don Stewart, Langstaff Side Road acted as spokesman for the delegation, and the parents were assured the children will definitely attend Langstaff School for another year. _ _... . Mrs. J. Rollinson and her two sons Larry and Neil, Garden Ave., left on Friday to fly to England on a six wegkg visit. Fifteen members of the Young Women's Institute celebrated their 11th anniversary at their March meeting held at the home of Mrs. Joyce Curtis on March 9th. The birthday cake was made by M115. colleen Jones. _ A donation was made to the York County W. I. to help send a crippled child to camp. Mrs. Nora arranged for a euchre to be held March 19th at the home of Mrs. Betty Patterson. Prizes are being donated by Marjory Willett. Verna Ablett, Ruby Man- 01. Pearl Wilson, Joyce Curtis, Carol Suter. Fern Russell attended the Dis- ltriet W. 1. Board meeting and reported on Nominations. She announced the District Annual Meeting to be held on May 17th, after which she conducted nom- ination of officers of our branch. Mrs. Kay Morris reported on the meeting of the newly formed Langstaff Community Associa- tion attended by members of this Institute. The aim of this Assoc- intion is to build a Hall and pro- mote recreation. Miss Morris noted another general meeting will be held which everyone should attend. Mark-Venn Women’s Institute The March meeting of Mark- Vaun W. I. was held at the home of Mrs. N. Hicks. Essex Ave. This meeting, which was postpon- ed a week owing to.the recent bad weather, was attended by 10 members and one guest. The roll call was “A Beautiful thought in poet!) or prose." Donations for the Cancer Cupboard" were also collected. Mrs. Roy, Mrs. Hamblyn. and Mrs. Hicks reported on attend- ing the District Board meeting. A Pottery demonstration is to be held at the home of Mrs. Ham- biyn on March 2151: at 8.30 pm. and later in March a euchre at Mrs. Morrison's. Plans were also laid for a tea to be held some- time in June. Programme for the evening was in charge of Citizenship and Education Convener. Mrs. B. Lepkey. who introduced our guest. Mrs. Maier, who is one of our local New Canadians. a very interesting and informative dis- cussion followed in which Mrs. Maier spoke of different Europ- ean customs and ways of living. During the refreshments period, an educational quiz was conduct- ed by the Convenor and the prize winner was Mrs. Barbara Shear- History was made in Richmond Hill on March 8th, when a new Masonic L' ‘ze was instituted. Shown above are C 'ter Members of the Lodge of Fell- 0\\ ship which will meet regularly in the Masonic Temple, Crosby Avenue, stand- ing left to right: Harold Sanderson, tyler; Floyd Walker, Junior Warden; John S. Edwards, assistant secretary; Ross Wingrove, Inner Guard; William Wright, Director of Ceremonies' Alex- ander Dash; Fred A. Avant, Chaplain; lANGSTAFF Correspondent: Mrs. B. Lepkey Phone AV. 5-3489 New Masonic lodge lnstituted TO ENTER:â€" VISIT ANY STORE BELOW 8. RECEIVE FREE COUPON. SIGN YOUR NAME 8. DEPOSIT SLIP. â€" NO OBLIGATION. TU. 4-1812 RICHVALE, ONT. STOP 22A AV. 5-3821 Gliddens Paint Elia 4 VLUULU paints Phone ALpine 7-1121 Maple HARDWARE - PAINTS IMPERIAL GASOLINE & OIL GIFT SHOP - Second Floor Models on Display at 9020 Yonge St., Richvale AVenue 5-1109 LO U G H L l N LUMBER a. SUPPLY FLOWER SHOP Protect your car with a G A R A G E GARDEN SUPPLIES AND Delivery Toronto & District T H 0 R N HILL PAINT SUPPLIES PAINTERS SUPPLIES VARNISHES WALLPAPERS Giftware Boots & Shoes HARDWARE THORNHILL, ONT. AV. 5-1833 C O L L l N S HARDWARE 12x20 $335.00 $17.00 MONTH for all occasions LAWRIE Richmond Hill AV. 5-4211 ROSE from . , , Jack Miller, J umor Steward; David Hig- gins, Secretary; W. Bro. Alan 0. White, Senior Warden; Don Ross, Treasurer; Seated, left to right: Ralph Scarlett, Junior Deacon; Lawrence J. Oliver, Sen- iorDeacon; W. Bro. Peter G. Savage, Worshipful Master; R. W. Bro. Archie Cameron, Immediate Past Master; Har- dy Nelson, Senior Steward. The new .Lodge was duly instituted by R. W. Bro. Harry Blumson, D.D.G.M. of Tor- onto District C. ALL HOURS 'owerd Richmond Hill, Ont. 7571 Yonge St., Thornhill Lawn mowers - tractors - power saws and small engines. K ETO LA POWER EQUIPMEN1 Shell Service Station KEN RUSTON RICHVALE HARDWARE STOP 22 YONGE ST. PHONE AV. 5-3611 SALES & SERVICE AV. 5-1538 DU BARRY COSMETICS LARGE SIZE SALE THEATRE BLOCK PHONE TU. 4-1282 W I G H T' S PHARMACY M63359; 28 YONGE ST. s. RICHMOND HILL 2 Miles North of Richmond Hill HIGHWAY 11 Save 25% TU. 4-1521 TU. 4-7821 CLEANERS TU. 4-1911 Benjamin JEWELLERS sumu paints "I have been directed to ad- vise that the Township of Vau- ghan is withdrawing, effective immediately from the Co-Ordina- ting Committee of Richmond Hill, Markham and Vaughan. This ac- tion in no way means that Vau- ghan will cease to co-operate with its neighbours. “The Council and Staff of the Municipality of the Township of Vaughan will continue to co- operate to the utmost with the Councils and Staffs of the other municipaiities on matters of mut- ual benefit or concern." Signed by F. G. Jackman, De- puty-Clerk, Vraugihan Township. This was the letter that causâ€" ed an explosion of comments from Markham Township Council members at their meeting held on Monday night. Councillor Lawson Mumberson declared, “When I read of the dissolution in “The Liberal" I felt it was sabotage." Reeve Clark Has Hopes Good Work To Still Continue Deputy-reeve Wilfred Dean spoke first after the letter had been read by Clerk Harry Crisp, saying, “I was very sorry to see that.†And Reeve William Clark Markham Twp. Deplores Vaughan Withdrawal Co-Ordinating Comm. Yes, you too might win a Polaroid Land Camera. Simply visit any one of the stores listed here for your free coupons. There‘s nothing to buy, no jingles to write . . simply sign your name and deposit the slip. A local draw will be held monthly so you stand a good chance of winning. 189E Centre TU. 4-1313 Licenced Mechanics Yonge at Bunker, Thornhill The Only BP SERVICE in Thornhill McATEER'S so YONG! 51‘. 5. AV. 5-3756 are thienhcmjholder of this home, call at “The Liberal? office and you will receive FREE a $5.00 purchase order good at one of the places of business shown here. THORNHILL I.G.A. FOODLINER DO YOU LIVE LOWEST PRICES FREE PREMIUMS Blue Coal & Fuel Oil mailman» mu. V & CAMERA RAMER BONUS MONTHLY PRIZE Win a Polaroid Land Camera Your Polaroid Headquarters SALES & SERVICE Cameras - TV - and Hi-Fi Free Lub With Minor Tune-up AV. 5-5321 8: SON SERVICE echoed his regrets by stating. “I thought that was one of the most forward steps in co-operation we had made in a long time; but unfortunately two members of Vaughan (Councillors Anstey and Ralph) didn’t see fit to continue IN THIS HOUSE? After denouncing the decision, which Vaughan Township Coun- ci' had made before first consult- ing either of the other two Coun- cils concerned. Councillor Mum- berson said, “Vaughan’s mem- bers (of Council) didn‘t attend very regularly.†Deputy-reeve Dean commented that he could not understand it. since “both men (who opposed the co-ordinating committee) are in the front of Vaughan Town- ship and they should realize the necessity of co-operation. Will we see two 12†mains on Yonge Street,†he queried. “Next thing they will be putting two water mains up Yonge Street, on both sides of the highway}: Reeve Clark said the purpose of the Co-Ordinating Committee had been to discuss such import- ant items as water, sewers, and A l & T O M' S BA SERVICE STATION THE ONLY K. K. HOME BAKERY Yongé & Clarke Sts., Stop 14A % Thornhill, Ontario H Phone AV. 5-2961 Tune-ups For All Makes of Cars LADIES’, MEN’S AND CHILDREN’S READY TO WEAR Yard Goods, Boots, Shoes, Rubbers SIMPSON'S DRY GOODS 1N RICHMOND HILL FRESH HOT BREAD EVERY MORNING 55 Yonge St. S. FOR DELIVERY TU. 4-5581 12 YONGE ST. SOUTH RICHMOND HILL REAL HOME BAKERY Reeve Clark: “Anstey said. ‘It's a waste of money and I say there was more of the taxpayer's mon- ey wasted because each munic- ipality was going off on its own â€"â€" instead of co-operating on these types of projects." Referr- ing to Mr. Anstey's remarks that he (Anstey) favored Metro. Reeve Clark said Metro had never been a source of contention with :he committee. drainage so that taxes could be kept down by co-operatlve ef- forts. Deputy-reeve Dean: "I thought we got a better type of munici- pal co-operation with this set- up.†The reeve said that be- cause of the work already done by the Co-Ordinatlng committee “Future drainage problems will be saved money. We are just getting in shape to accomplish a good deal more. I think this type of co-operation is most val- uable. They say in their letter they are still willing to co-op- erate, but it is not the same as with a Co-Ordlnating Commit- tee." “If we get together, when the ground work is done by the com- mittee." the Reeve pointed out, “We get ahead'further than if two or three Councils are called together for a night’s meering. They are not in the same posi- tion as they would be with _thls Committee presenting its ï¬nd- ings." The Reeve concluded the de- bate on the letter by stating “I hope Richmond Hill and Markham Township will carry on â€" and I feel we can still de- rive good from a meeting once a month to discuss mutual prob- lems." No. 7 Hwy. W. 8; Yonxe Thomhill . Call AV. 5-3251 AV. 5-1535 Dress Fabrics 80A YONGE ST. S. RICHMOND HILL The “OLE HOUND DAWG MURRAY MOTORS TOOTH†is well checked in IMPORTED WOOLLENS and COTTONS at FABRIC FAIR where you SEW much for SO little. THIS WEEK’S \ Garden Centre EVERYTHING FOR THE GARDEN TU. 4-2819 21 Yonge N. Phone TUrner 4- 1213 Paints - Enamels - Varnish“ Stains P R | D H A M' S PAINT a. WALLPAPER WALTER R.D. NEW VOLKSWAGEN S ONLY $1595 1956 Dodge 2-Door $599. FABRIC FAIR Fine Diamonds ltd. $100 down - $35 monthly 30 more to choose from PROCTOR'S Yonge St. - Thomhill ALLENCOURT SHOPPING PLAZA Members of the Canadian Jewelers Association RICHMOND HILL Try One Today LITTLE &SON|.TD. AV. 5-3902 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, March 17, 1960 Al SPECIAL paints ‘ Rev. H. R. MacDonald gave a talk on the third Sin, “Sloth†of the series on the Seven Sins. The choir sang as their anthem “Spread a Little Sunshine.†Once again the children and Mr. Green said good-bye to an- other little girl who has made her home in Carrville and at- tended school for a short time. in the person of Patricia Walker. we seem to live in a somewhat changing community. Congregation Fellowship March 25, is the next Congre- gation Fellowship get together. the Conveners are Mlss Bever- ly Bushell, Mr. Bert Middleton, and Mr .James Willlams, every- one welcome. Voting Day Saturday, March 19 ls voting day and for the benefit of any Can-ville voters. polling booth- 21. Carrville is to be at John Barton's House, Bathurst Street South of Carrville Road. Congratulations Verna Hill was pleased to re- port on Sunday that she had a new baby brother, proud parents Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hill, and also blg smiles on Butch and David’s faces too â€" so congratulations all round. Hope mother and son are doing fine. Birthdays Birthday greetings to Bob Mc- Ewen who has a birthday, March Sterling Reid TU. 4-5011 SHELTON MANSELL MOTORS 75 YONGE ST. s. TU. 4-7331 TU. 4-5631 Hillman - Sunbeam - Humb\er AUTO BODY SHOP Complete Collision & Reï¬nisth Service Bicycles: C.C.M. & Raleigh Repairs to All Makes Complete Line of Sporting Goods ' Phone TUrner 4-1213 25 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill, Ont. Visit any one of these stores listed here for free coupons. Sign your name and drop in Box pro- vided. PO LA ROI D LAND CAMERA Doors - Moulding - Plywood Paint - Wallboards THE HOME OF ‘ MODERN BUSINESS MACHINES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE FURNITURE STATIONERY IN RICHMOND HILL YORK ISOFFICE EQUIPMENT 16 YONGE STREET TELEPHONE TU. 4-4 Butler 8: Baird lumber ltd. Corner of Yonge St. and Elgin Mills Rd. “Everything For the Home Builder†NO JINGLES NOTHING TO BUY SIMPLY SIGN DRAW SLIP M; eye/e Correspondent: Mrs. Bert Middleton Telephone Maple 130113 191 Yonge St. North CARRVILLE REID'S All Work Guaranteed THIS Richmond Hill TU. 4-1125 AV. 5-3506 Telephone QM 520,0 4-4231 23, Happy birthday Bob. Margaret Williams celebrated her 13th birthday Saturday. Map- ch 12 and had as her guests -â€" Penny Houston, Beverley Bush- ell, Gail Melnic, Cathy and Bar- bara Hunt, Lynda Gray and Pat- sy King. Nancy Middleton, Robbie and Donna Ash of Moprefield, at- tended a birthday party for Gary Jordan of Doncaster, who was 4 years old March 13. Gretta Mid- dleton assisted Mrs. Jordan with this party. others present were Glen Middleton. Neville LePage. Teresa Tricia and Douglas Bat- t3. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Baker and Mrs. Milton Savage, Jr. en- joyed a lovely trip this past week to Indianapolis and attended the famous horse sales, held there eaph year, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barton and John Barton had supper Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Dean Wilson and daughters in? Toronto. Mrs. George Read of Parent. Quebec, spent several days last week with his mother, Mrs. A. Read and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Read. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Middleton and family have moved Into an apartment on Carrville Road, West, number 741. in Mr. F. W. Eitérnes home. welcome home 5. Andrew Wood celebrated his 13th birthday on March 13. but on Saturday Mrs. Gordon Wood entertained a few friends for An- drew. they were Alex and Lynda Bain. Patty and Jimmie Norris, Mathew Wood and Mrs. Ken Wood and of course Lee and Debbie Wood. they enjoyed ice- cream and birthday cake. Mrs. Ken Wood entertalned in honour of Mathew Wood's first birthday. and had Mrs. Faukner and Jackie, and Mrs. Gordon Wood and Lee and Debbie Wood as his guests. We were sorry to hear Dr. D. K. McLaren‘s mother passed away recently, we would like to express sincere sympathy to him and his family in their bereave- ment. Look Better! IN CLOTHES CLEANED WIMBRIDGE CLEANERS Hill City Motors THIS WEEK’S SPECIAL 1960 RENAULT DEMONSTRATOR Completely equipped TU. 4-3331 1'". 4-32“ 53 N. Yonge St. Herridge Electric Free All Day Motorized Delivery RICHVALE REXALL PHARMACY TU. 4-296] RICHMOND HILL EASTER SPECIAL S: Suits $29.95 and up p o "’22 Coat $29.95 LADIES’ READY-TO-WEAR Richmond Hill Industrial Road Richmond Hill 9014 Yonge St. â€" LIMITED .â€" TU. 4-2162 AV. 5-3772 'alli - ell; Appliance Repair Feel Better! Call now AV. 5-3338 and up