Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Mar 1960, p. 10

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Quality Products -â€"- Spred-Satin‘. Spred Lustre Now available at NOW IS THE TIME FOR HAPPY DECORATING Adcock’s Variety STORE. MAPLE. ONT. AL. 7-2305 Need For Strong Active Members 10 Maple, Concord & Edgeley Districts It is the group committee who ov- ersee scout property,. summer camps, An inactive interest by the fathers is the one straw that does more to break the back of scouting than any other single factor. Where we have such good leaders, let’s not frustrate them by continued inactivity in scouting issues. No father can afford to be a contributor Ito frustration â€" his own son is the oser. The third part is Our major weakâ€" nessuThis is the apparent lack of inter- est of the fathers of cubs and scouts in the group committee activities. The present group committee have decided to embark on an all-out effort to gain the support and assistance of each cub and scout father. Our strength locally is an excellent Ladies‘ Auxiliary and a group of de- voted and excellent leaders. These two vital parts of the three components of local scouting is of the highest stand- ard. LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS The time has come to assess the strengths and weaknesses of our local scout activities, GET RESULTS PHONE TUrner 4-1105 This wili result if If you have answered YES to these questions, you oh- viously are interested in the economic future of Vaughan Township. To make these favourable developments possible, it is necessary for 3/5 of the electors to vote in favour of all three ballots at the polls on March 19. This is not a pipe dream. TheSe developments are already in an advanced stage of planning. Do you favour the township collecting substantial ad- ditional revenue from golf clubs and other organ- izations in Vaughan? To accomplish this, it is necessary to provide for legal licences and super- vised banquet permits. Every time a resident of Vaughan buys a drink or a glass of beer in the Metro area, we make a contribution to the treasury of that municipality. Would you like to see substantial motel and tourist developments on principal highways passing through the township? It is a fact that under .the present local option law. no brewery or other beverage manufacturer could locate in the township Do you believe that citizens of Vaughan Township should have the same privileges as those of Metro- politan Toronto? 'Are you in favour of new business and industrial sessment in Vaughan Township? Do you want to see the sale of liquor and beer placed under proper supervision and control? GLIDDEN VOTE f THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, March 17, 1960 “The Liberal” is always willing to Vpublish interesting items regarding people and events contributed by its readers in Maple, Concord 3; Edzeley d‘atric‘s. Our representative in Maple is Mrs. Len Shore. ALpine 7â€"1150: in Concord. Mrs. Ruth Kefler, AV. 54375 and in 'Edzeley and Sherwood. Mrs. Raymond Stuart. AV. 5-1934. clubs in the township are legally licensed COMMITTEE FOR PROGRESS IN VAUGHAN BRIAN BAILEY, CHAIRMAN Yes I] The Hi C president Ralph Coo- per welcomed several ynung peo- ple attending for the first time and invited them to 'become The Hi C Fellowship group mef at the church Tuesday, Mar- ch 8. The program convened by Bob Baker was entitled “Whats Wrong with Prejudice?" Jams Robson read the scripture follow- ed by prayer led by Mrs. Chas. Robson. A discussion on pneju- dice was led by Bob Baker and Wayne Robson. YesC] Yes I] Yes 1:] Church News Yes D CORRESPONDENT: MISS JOAN PELLETIEE TESTON NEWS JOIN THE MOVE TO IMPROVE OUR ORGANIZATION. Remember; Dad, your son will do his best when he knows he is part of the best -â€"- becauSe his dad is the best part of the best. * Pick up this challenge yourself, don't leave it to the guy next door. At- tend the next group committee meeting in the Lions’ room at the Maple Com- munity hall on March 2, at 8.30 pm. Mr. Frank Robson has offered his farm as a site for a permanent camp- site for the local scouts. The fathers have got to provide the drive to con- struct the facilities. Presently there are seven members on this committee, four members have no sons in cubs or scouts. The commit- tee should have five times that num- ber 'working as interested parents. transportatlon, badge tests, fund rais- ing, father and son banquets and the lot. If you fathers aren’t interested in working on the necessary projects to provide these â€"â€" scouting fails. Your boys lose those big moments in a cub's or scout’s life. NoE] Phone Maple 4R12 A, hay ride was scheduled for last night, and the group are planning to serve breakfast to the Sunday School pupils and their parents on Easter Sunday morning. This project was orig- inated last year and was a great success. members. This growing fellow- ship group is anxious to gain new members and welcome friends of all ages. Meetings are planned around timely topics 01' interest to all. You have no doubt been readâ€" ing about this show â€"â€" did you know the ladies auxiliaries made 80% of the costumes. the “gang” made and painted all the scenery and props and what seemed 31- most unbelievable was the fact that these seemingly well season- ed troupers â€" just a matter of a few months ago -â€" were regular guys attending their weekly scout night. concerned only with tying knots. signalling messages. doing first aid. playing zaines or Dl"‘i- nin On Monday. March 14. Marge Brock, Bev. House. Berret Plunk- ett, Muriel Weir. Doris Matysak, Marg Crook, Amy Lord and To- by Shore. representing 1st Maple Boy Scout Ladies‘ Auxiliary _. joined members of the Beverley Acres Auxiliary of Richmond Hill in attending the Gang Show ’60, Our objective was similar to the aims of the Gang Show commit- tee. We hoped to work up some new enthusiasm in our auxiliary by watching a large spirited group of scouts in action and by meeting with a neighbour gmup of ladies. we might exchange ideas and acquire a little kindred spirit that would stand us in good stead as we plan the program for the year. “Show Businegs" for their Gang Show ’60 production at the Royal Alexandra Theatre. We'll warrant those old rafters have seldom ech~ oed to such enthusiasm as shown by the packed house audience, from the overture.'right down, nearly three hours later to the finale. The W. A. members have ex- tended an invitation to the St. Stephen’s GA. and J.A. to at- tend a mother & daughter supper to be held at the parish hall on May 6. Mrs. John Martin, leader of the GA- and Mrs. Geo. Baker. lead- er of the J.A. gave the history and outline of the auxiliaries, their ‘aims and achievements. This proved indeed interesting. Mrs. Bryan gave a vote of thanks to these leaders. After close of the meeting a dainty lunch was served. Gang Show - Big Hit Scouts and Revvers broke away from the traditional Scouting t_h_ese last few months and entered The regular meeting of St. Stephen’s WA. was held. at the home of Mrs. John Glen, Maple Wood Farms, on Thursday, March 1Q. with Mrs. Geo. Robson preâ€" siding. Following the devotional period a short business meeting was held. In return, the 151. Concord Browhies and Guides asked us to relay their thanks to you here in Maple, who gave them orders for cookies and received the girls so graciously. They will be around again in April to deliver them. St. Stephen’s W.A. You who had your interest in this association kindledat a re- cent Community and School Club meeting will especially enjoy this evening so round up some friends and join the cofiee party. Brownies and Guides say Thank You Last Saturday Maple was in- vaded from a neighboring town. Since Maple at this time has no guide organization. and since this was the week chasen to draw at- tention to this group through a Cross Canada Campaign, we were pleased to give our support to the guides andqbrownies from Concord who canvassed our town to take orders for cookies. As an added enjoyment; the Yorkorders a fine blending of male voices, will sing several se- lections. The second annual meeting will follow with Dr. W. H. Henderson, Ontario Director of Community Mental Health Service as guest speaker. See Coming Events for March -30 when the York Countv Branch of the Canadian Mental Health Association is hosting a coffee party at Wrixon Hall, St. Mary’s Anglican Church in Richmond Hill, at 8.30 when you will have the opportunity to meet board members and join in the special greetings and heartfelt “thank you” offered to the White Cross Volunteer Workers. These are the men and women who Visit, in- struct and entertain the many victims of this illness and help rehabilitate~ those unfortunate ones who have won back their place in our work-a-day world. On Sunday, March 20. the J.A‘. and G.A. of St. Stephen’s are having their annual church ser- vice at 4 p.111. (Please note this time as this is the first time this service has been'held in the af- ternoon.) The rector. Rev. Ram- sey Armitage will be the speak- er and the girls will have charge and lead in the service of worship and song. A warm invitation is extended to‘ the community of Maple to attend. CMI-IA Coffee Party Tuesday, March 8, St. Stephen‘s G.A. met at the home of their president. Joan Hodgson. The girls are working on their home nursing badge and so the proper way to make a bed was the order of the meeting. The “proper Way” having been deftly demonstrated. the girls set to practising same until mastered. Life‘s Darkest Moments No doubt when the moon is covered with a total eclipse, our world is darkened to a degree. but there is no comparison. when after managing to stay awake â€" to a certain extent â€"â€" in .order to be able to rouse your son at the crucial moment â€" after days of polishing up the lens on his telescope to better view said ec- lipse â€"- only to have him not, res- pond!! Ah such gloom is all enâ€" veloping. '» St. Stephen's" GA. a camping trip. Now on Maple Notes of St. at the Maple March Pucer gave "é dififiéiranI-‘ty for Two of the Palmer clan added a year â€"- Clarence added up to 15 on March 5 and Evelyn is in- to her teens today, March 17. Dinner Party by Tyler" and then shared some grub while watching the hockey game (Note to Mrs. Bigford ~â€" the score was 4-1 in case you missed it!” Greg‘s suggested GREEN cake_tumed out to be almost the last straw after a long.exciting day. Saturday Evening to mark her 13th birthday, March 13. Pat Also on March 12. Greg Shore flipped over another cycle and entered his teens. His old side kicks, Eric Weir and Bill Hamil- ton joined him to go to see “To- Although Bill Robson was 14 in February nature ganged up and cancelled out his plans, on several occasions. to have some of his friends join him for an evening of fun. Plans were made only to have the road closed in with snow and then called off. Finally on Friday. March 11, ev- erything was swell, so toboggan- ing was in order. then everyone back to the house for refresh- ments. Mary Lou Darker is on her mark. getting set ready to go back to school any day now. Hey, Mary Lou, is this what you had, spelled right? She had an “ap- pendectomy”! W Birthdays Galore This seems to be the month for them â€" After the Gang Show we of the Maple Auxiliary met with the gals from Beverley Acres Auxil- iary at a coffee spot around the corner and hashed over ideas and problems to hope to continue our association through our mutual interest in Scouting â€"- you are a good group! Thanks. About Set To Go To the Scouts and Rovers â€" what else’can we say â€" we dig you the mostl.’ Over Coffee the enormous stage these same lads, 150 in number. appeared in the biggest. liveliest youth show in Canada. and through the 21 numbers. never once lost pace. ‘hut each successive act was an added seasoned delight. Our only compunction concern- ing the entire evening was that we hadn’t contacted morc people to urge them to attend, it this is but. a small sample of our youth today. surely we can take heart and gain faith for the future. Our grateful thanks to the many men and women who gave of time and effort to give us a wonderful evening. l The TOWNSHIP Of VAUGHAN Llouon LICENCE vo'l'E . SATURDAY, MARCH {19th, I960 , from 8 a.m.. to 7 p.m. in the following polls "6. [0. l1. [2. 13. 14. 15. 16. 16A. 17. 18. 18A. 19. 19A. 20. Thornhill - North of No. 7 Patterson Edgeley Maple - West of Keele . Maple - West of Keele Pine Grove - East of Humber Purpleville Elder Mills . Kleinburg Nashville Teston Jefferson Richvale Vellore Crestwood and Steeles Arnold Avenue Thorndale and Uplands . Thorndale and Uplands Concord - East of Dufferin Langstafl' i Langstafl' Scott and Edgar Scott and Edgar Yongehurst Carrville Pine Grove - West of Humber Concord - West of Duffel-in Elgin Mills Roosevelt and Northolt Maple ' East Thornhill - South of No. 7 All voter‘s are requested to govern themselves accordingly. y. ,mgbgm/oz, Every now and then we give a nod toward the young man res- ponsible for your “Liberal” be- ing delivered to your door each Thursday. This is a most conven- ient way to keep up with “what’s going on in our town” (provid- ing you call AL, 7â€"1150 to let us (I can’t help but state I feel somewhat cheated â€" after tutor- ing my grade fiver, after hours, so he would be prepared next September â€"come grade 6 â€"~ to say properly. without stumbling, “Good morning Miss Schekenbur- ger." I now realize it is not to be â€" and he was looking for- ward to it so along with his classmates.) A Much Appreciated Addition Sunday morning, as the choir at Maple United Church filed into its stalls a slight murmur rippled through the congregation. The reason for such? Five fresh young faces had been added to the choir and a most welcome and pleasing addition indeed â€" namely Don- na Reid, Lynda Rose, Mary Ellen Hamilton Sharon Clegg and Ev- elyn Palmer. Now how about some boys from Grade 8 with school choir experience, following suit? Your “Liberal” Delivered In 1958 Shirley was taken on the staff at GE. and once we had mastered the spelling of her name. we. who had children in grade 6. realized what a gem of a teacher she really was. Her methods of teaching were very direct with a manner her pupils respected. Having just recently graduated she was full of a fresh approach to her lessons and any- one visiting Grade 6 on an Open House evening could see and ap- preciate the interesting and nov- el display of the handiwork of her class. a The groom is a student minis- ter of the Church of Christ. Hav- ing obtained his B. Th. degree. Ray is now attending Butler Uni- versity in Indianapolis where he is studying for his D.D. degree. ml A A A , _ L . _-°---. Though we know that befor too long Mrs._Whitten will be joining her husband - and it will be our loss -â€" we only wish them the very best and the great- est happiness in their new life together as Mr. and Mrs Saturday. Mafc'n 5. Shirley Schnekenburger was married to the Rev. _Annisly Raymond T. Whitten at Ridgetown, Ontario, followed by a‘ reception given by her parents at her home. in Rod- ney. some of her girl friends. includ- ing Carol Saigeon, Bev Taylor. Debbie McConkey Mary Ellen Hamilton, Evelyn Palmer, Judy Wilham and Charlotte Hawks. Congratulations Well! Guess about all in Maple were caught napping when our George Bailey Public School grade 6 teacher changed her name and took in a Niagara Falls honeymoon. On this Farm, which will soon become part of the C. N R. Marshalling yard, many indus- tries were developed in the dis- tant past. A plant for manufac- turing clay brick was first built Mr. and Mrs. W. Hawkeswortn and family last week became the second family to occupy the for- mer Alf Bagg home in forty-nine years. This interesting house is situated near Edgeley and is the one in which the late A” Bagg and his wife had lived sim‘e 19,11. In this house Daniel Smith, son of the first owner and his family was born. They lived there 80 years. The ‘irst gener- ation was born in 1804. the next generation in 1840 and the pre- sent heir. William Smith is living in Stouffville. Havingclocked approx. 4500 miles. George and Hilda are down to earth again and Hilda is right back where she,was about a month ago â€" trimming the daf- fodils and getting set to brew the tea for that big day. For the most part the weather was fine and they enjoyed their time at Daytona Beach which is billed “The World’s Most Famous Beach" and is 500 feet wide and 23 miles long and packed with white sand. Now stand ready for ltis name and where you call to request his efficient service. Michael Weir, AL. 7-1513. O.K. Now get with it! Some weeks ago, Hilda and George Miller were having a count down on the days before leaving for a motor trip to Flor- ida. Sandwiched in between ar- rangements. Hilda’s biggest con- cern was gathering up all the corners pertaining to the Daffo- dil Tea at March 26. The actual date seemed long enough away at that point, but as President of the Maple Branch of the Can- cer Society she was most an- xious to depart leaving every- thing lined up and under controL Following the Motor League’s winter route map, they took the thruway from Buffalo to Wash- ington and saw not one cross road in all that distance. (Even the roads are even tempered.) After a sight-seéing 'drive, the Millers pulled up on the beach know). Also we have said your paper boy makes that vecessary stufi‘ called spending money (dear to the heartrof all age groups.) The day of departure arrived and the Millers were away. As this was their first trip south every mile made for new enjoy- ment. On to Daytona, Miami, West Palm Beach and the beautiful Cypress Gardens that gppeared in all their beauty at the peak of azalea time. RETURNING OFFICER Thornhill Masonic Hall Don Heads Farm Office Edgeley Hall Maple Masonic Hal] Maple Masonic Hall Pine Grove Community Hall Dr. J. Gaby’s House Hoover’s Motel Kleinburg Library Omar Devin’s House Roy Cooper’s House Hall’s Service Station Richvale School Township Hall Powell Road School Thornhill Public School Langstaff School Langstaif School Concord School Richard Ablett’s House Richard Ablett’s House Chas. Howitt School Chas. Howitt School Mrs. Wm. Adam’s House John Barton’s House Pine Grove Community Hall Concord School John Bayley’s House Charles Howitt School Maple Masonic Hall Thornhill Masonic Hall 21% & 0/11“; The past half century which has seen prize winning horses and the internationally famous Edgelea Jerseys developed on this land. is about to give way to those bigger steel creature! - the diesels. by Daniel Smith who was a ma- jor shareholder and the turnout of brick was considerable for that time. He also owned and oper- ated the first and only press for making cider. It was hand op- erated, using a very large hand hewn square oak log, perpendic- ular, raised by means of a large long tree-like leg as a lever. He also bought the first reaper and later the first self binder in this district. to do his own and to help his neighbours with their work. Interest is mounting daily as our own local gals get in shape to act as models for the teen-age and ladies’ lingerie and sports- wear fashion show in conjunction with the Daffodil Tea to be held Saturday, March 26, at 2 pin in Maple Community Hall. Your Maple Branch of the Canadian Cancer Society is sponsoring this spring around the corner. fash- ions tie in with our general trend of thought these days. The Wom- en's Services, with Rae Spencer as chairman. will have on dis- play the varied dressings and type of work her group carryout as their part in this society. There are no tickets necessary to at- tend, but there will be a silver collection. This tea is held at this time of year to trigger on“ the start of the Cancer Campaign which starts April 1. The canvassers are pois- ed and ready for the starting gun and you are asked to be prepared to give to aid the Cancer Society when they call on you next month. at Daytona to ticed another side of them At the same instant. both couples recognized each other â€" sure enough, not know- ing either one was in the vicinity. George and Hilda Miller of Maple. Ontario. met up with Jim and Rae Spencer of Maple, Ont. An Aside to Pat Pnfler ' Just wanted to clear this through with you â€" Mrs. Jane Puffer is the 1960-61 president of the former Maple Community and School Club to be known as Maple Home and School Associa- tion. Here is an assignment for you Pat â€"how about some in- terestng news from you and your pals â€"â€"- now you're a teenager. lots of exciting things will be happening in your gang so let's hear about them. J'Also if you bump into Mrs. Ida Thompson. let us know!) Daffodil Tea rest a spell and no- car pull up along- At the same instant. recogmzed each enough, not know- was in the vicinity. [filmy

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