The TV program for schools is continuing each Wednesday at 3 pm. until the end of March. All the pupils from Grades 2 to 8 have had an opportunity to view sev- eral of the programs. This is a medium of education which has much potential value and we p1 dict there will be many mo programs telecast for schools. Principal A. Martindale would like to hear parental comments on the program. Miss J. McLaren, Thornhlll Ll- brarlan. is giving a serles of talks on books. to Henderson puplls. So far she has spoken to all pupils in Grades 5 to 8. We expect to see much greater library partici- pation after her talks, whether the pupils begin to take out books from Thornth or Willow- dale library. This winter proved very favor- able for skating on the school rink. Many periods in school time were ,given to skating as physical training. and not a few boys and girls became quite pro- ï¬cient. This is the ï¬rst winter we have had a person paid to flood the rink at the necessary times and it seems to have paid off. The deep snow brought a premature end to the intramural hockey schedule. Fortunately all had played the same number of games so team standing on the basis of two points for a win and one for a tie was determined. Outdoor hockey is now being replaced by floor hockey in the school auditorium. An intramural schedule has been set up and the ï¬rst game took place on March 14 at noon hour. This game is packed with action and you will hear more about it in future col- umns. Education Week in the schools will be in November, 1960. to coincide with the American Edu- cation Week. The Henderson Avenue Home and School Association held their monthly meeting on Monday ev- ening. March 14. in the school au- ditorium. The meeting opened with the reading of the Home and School Creed. After the read- lng of the minutes of the last meeting and the treasurer-’3 re- port, Mrs. Gage, president, made the following announcements. Nomination forms for the new executive of the Home and School Association have been mailed to the members and they are asked to take an interest and an active part in nominating new officers. These forms are to be returned to Mrs. D. Hughes, 54 Grandview Avenue. On March 8, Henderson Avenue hockey team galned a shut-out when they defeated Powell Road School by 2-0. The two boys who scored were Art Chomiak and Terry Adkins. This was an inter- esting game as some of the play- ers on the Powell Road team are former pupils of Henderson Ave. school. However the winning streak came too late for Hender- son. Langstaff and Rlchvnle schools battle for the league championship. on Thursday. March 31. at 8 33.31., the new Ciark-Elgin school will be oï¬icially opened by Mr. Frost. member of the school board and Dr. Rivers. Minister of Education. The April meeting of the Home and School Association will be of teat interest to pup- pils of Gra e 8 and their parents. Mr. O'Beirn. vice-principal of the Thornhiil High School will give an address on Vocational Guid- ance. As these pupils will be en- tering high school next fall, they are asked to attend. the meeting along yith their parent: Thanks to the voluntary dona- tions of the pupils towards the Junior Red Cross Day blitz, a sum of $30.14 was realized. Mr. Martlndale has sent out forms for parents of 5 year old children to ï¬ll out. If you have a child whose fifth birthday is in 1960 and you did not receive a form, please hone AV. 5-3132 at once. Mr. E. Welt introduced the pan- el participants for the evening. Mr. Stewart Calvert, teacher of science was chairman and the panel consisted of Mr. Evans of Thornlea Public School-.' Mrs. Bishop, Trustee of North York School Board; Mrs. Noble, repre- senting Home and School Fed- eration, and Mr. O'Beirn, vice- principal of the Thornhill High School. The subject under dis- cussion was school education. This was divided into three parts -â€" Should Children Conform was the ï¬rst question. It was felt that a degree of conformity is essen- tial but that children are not en- couraged enough to be original and individual in the school and. in the home. The second phase‘ concerned The Bullies and Little Respect Property. One trend of thought on this subject was that not enough discipline was taught in the home. On the other hand. parents very often do not see or know this side of the child's char- acter and when it is discovered at school, it should be brought to the parents’ attention and worked out co-operatively between he school and the parent. The third question was â€" Is the School Responsible for the Total Edu- cation of the Child. There were a few mixed feelings on this sub- jtct but it was generally believed that the school is responsible mainly for the three R’s but the parents should not wash their hands of the child’s education once he steps into kindergarten. Mrs. Bishop felt that too much is expected from the children themselves and too much stress is placed on going to University On March 8 and March 16, Misses Jeanette Wilkins, Sandra Stewart, Geraldine Kayes, and Anna Rasmussen. students of the Thornhill High School. observed and taught in the classrooms of Misses E. Clark and M. O’Neill, Mrs. O'Beirn and Mr. Westlake. This arrangement has been car- ried out for several years and it is hoped that the students will gain some insight into public school teaching which they are contemplating as their future car- car. School News HIGHLAND PARK NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. D. R. OAKLEY. 84 Highland Park Blvd. - AV. 5-2719 THE LIBERAL “LARUIII ‘HflME [IF THE WEEK’ TO ENTER:â€" VISIT ANY STORE BELOW & RECEIVE FREE COUPON. SIGN YOUR NAME 8. DEPOSIT SLIP. â€" No OBLIGATION. TU. (-1812 At their regular guide meet- ing, Cheryl Leonard. Jackie Fer- guson. Bonnie Barnes, Dyanne Snary, Cnristlne Knight and Pam- ela Morrison earned their cooks badges. Sharon Sturgess has re- ceived the high honour of being chosen from Guide Companies in this-area to attend the Jubilee Trail Camp at Doe Lake. Lucy Trudel also had the qualifications which will enable her to attend an area camp near London Ont: A very successful evening of euchre was held by the Guide Mothers Association of Highland Park and Doncaster on Monday, March 7. A total of $187 was real- ized and this will be divided am- ong the 'Guldes, Brownies and Mothers Group. RICHVALE, ONT. STOP 22A AV. 5-3821 Gliddens Paint Giftware Boots & Shoes 3/c Over the week-end of March 11-13. the Guides had a wonder- ful time indoor camping at Camp Samac, Oshawa. A few guiding tests were held and not a few s..owballs were thrown. Twenty- onc Guides and three leaders were in attendance. The Girl Guides were busy on Friday afternoon taking orders for cookies to raise funds for supplies. Girl Guldes -and obtaining a degree. As there wlll be many who will never reach University or perhaps even ï¬nish secondary school, the children should be taught to do his best in whatever job sults him. He should be taught to be happy and contented and not allowed to feel Inferior because his capacity is that of a mechanic, saleslady or janitor. A _ A few questions from the aud- ience were answered and the pan- el was thanked for their ex- tremely interesting and informa- tive remarks. by Mrs. D. Barton. Mrs. O‘Beirn‘s class won the room count. 189E Centre TU. 4-1313 .LVLUULU paints Phone ALpine 7-1121 Maple HARDWARE - PAINTS IMPERIAL GASOLINE & OIL GIFT SHOP - Second Floor 7571 Yonge St., Thornhill Lawn mowers - tractors - power saws and small engines. K E T OLA POWER EQUIPMEN1 Dellvery Toronto 8: District [Jalli - o LADIES’ READY-TO-WEAR TU. 4-296] RICHMOND HILL Campus Casuals Corduroy & Reversibles HARDWARE ‘ [Benjamin A C O L L IN S HARDWARE lllllll Moore SALES & SERVICE AV. 5-1538 $19.95 and up for all occasions Blue Coal & Fuel Oil LAWRIE Richmond Hill RAMER 8. SON ALL HOURS Owen/i Have you ever heard of a perm party? Perm is short for perm n- ent, you know ladies and ou also know how a perm gives you a lift when your hair is at that hard to handle stage. Well a few wor- thwhile perms were given en masse at the home of Mrs. Vi Johnson, 43 Woodward Ave.. on Tuesday, March 8. 11 ladies from hostess homes in Newmarket and a nursing home in Gormley were driven down to Mrs. Johnson's home where they were each given a permanent and they also en- joyd the day‘s outing. Coffee was served in the morning and a lovely lunch was given them at noon. The lunch was kindly pro- vided by members of the Women's Missionary Society, Evening Group. of the Thornhill United Church. Small gifts of perfumes and deodorants were donated by some of Mrs. Johnson’s 'customers and each of these ladies had her choice from them to take home. Many of the neighbors assisted in this worthwhile effort by ser- ving coffee and lunch, also with the hairdos and transportation services. These ladies are recup- erating from nervous breakdowns and‘mental illnesses and they were extremely pleased and grateful for the kindness shown to them. I Year Free Driving WHEN YOU BUY A BRITISH BUILT FORD AT R.D.. .__. _ Congratulations are in order for the Redman family of 78 Highland Park. who. are extreme- ly happy with the birth of a bouncing baby boy. The baby was born at the Women's College hos- pital on Monday. March 1, and weighed 9 pounds. 11 ounces. Mother and son are well and fa- ther and sisters Carol and Nancy are very happy. FLOWER SHOP Shell Service Station We are pleased to see Mrs. Marilyn Harris of Woodward Avenue home again after being in hospital with a bout of bron- chial pneumonia. WOODBRIDGE -â€" Coucil mem~ bers have made a statement from the Councillors and Deputy- reeve that “Woodbridge Council is solidly united in its view- point about clunlng up its sew- age problem ..... the most logical way of doing so at present is by dealing With Metro." KEN RUSTON RICHVALE HARDWARE GARDEN SUPPLIES STOP 22 YONGE ST. PHONE AV. 5-3611 DU BARRY COSMETICS LARGE SIZE SALE RICHMOND HILL W | G H T' S PHARMACY M6335e$ 28 YONGE ST. S. RICHMOND HILL 2 Miles North of Richmond Hill LITTLE &SONLTD. AV. 5-4211 HIGHWAY 11 Save 25% TU. 4-1521 TU. 4-7821 CLEANERS ROSE TU. 4-1911 Benjamin Tnlovï¬ If!!!" Sponsors were a problem and Mrs. Lusignan arranged for those as well. In One case a sponsor left town before the sweater bill was paid and this good lady picked up the tab out of her own pocketbook. This good lady is endowed with infinite patience and understanding, in the course of a few minutes she will stop whatever she is doing at the moment and make change for Yes, you too might win a Polaroid Land Camera. Simply visit any one of the stores listed here for your free coupons. There’s nothing to buy, no jingles to write . . simply sign your name and deposit the slip. A local draw will be held monthly so you stand a good chance of winning. Every Saturday morning from 8.30 am. to 12.30 pm. some on young bowlers have at it at the Richmond Bowl. The children range from 6 to 16 years of age and are divided into two groups, Junior and Senior. The juniors have teams but are not sponsored and the names reflect th times in which we live, Jup- lters, Sputniks, Rockets, Mar- tians, Fireballs and, Satellites How space minded can one get? The Senior division is sponsor- ed by various Richmond Hill businessmen and organizationsâ€"â€" Cousins Dairy, Petes Snack Bar. Sheilds Footwear, Richmond Bowl, Fraser's Flowers, Harry’s Children’s Wear. Halls Fuel Oil and Dan's Esso Service. Each sponsor contributes $35.00 which is used to buy sweaters for the team involved. The Fairy Godmother behind this whole operati m is a human dynamo who really loves child- ren and just about knocks her- self out to see that tne ..ids lea- gue operates properly. Mrs. Grace Lusignan not only runs the whole shebang but she acts as secretary, statistician, conven- or, instructor, mother confessor and you name it to all the kids ungier her charge. Richmond Bowl Saturday Morning League Attracts Many Young Enthusiasts Licenced Mechanics Yonge at Bunker, Thomhill The Only BP SERVICE in Thornhill T H 0 R N HILL PAINT SUPPLIES PAINTERS SUPPLIES VARNISHES WALLPAPERS RICHMOND HII.I. T V & CAMERA If you are the householder of this home, call at "The Liberal" office and you will receive FREE a $5.00 purchase order good at one of the places of business shown here. SIMPSON'S DRY GOODS McATEER'S THORNHILL, ONT. AV. 5-1833 50 YONG! ST. 5. AV. 5-3756 DO YOU lIVE IN THIS HOUSE? LADIES’, MEN’S AND CHILDREN’S READY TO WEAR Yard Goods, Boots. Shoes, Rubbers 12 YONGE ST. SOUTH RICHMOND HILL BONUS MONTHLY PRIZE Win a Polaroid Land Camera Your Polaroid Headquarters SALES & SERVICE Cameras - TV - and Hi-Fi Free Lub With Minor Tune-up AV. 5-5321 SERVICE These kids would be an as- set to any bowling league - Tony Thomson who is 11 yrs. young bowls 222 flat. Rosemary Stuart bowls 204 fluat while Nancy Mir- rlees bowls a 333 double. Got you beat eh Mom? Some more f1- gures to dazzle you â€" Janet Ran- som, 222 flat, Terry Rogerson, 270 flat, Sharon Harrington, 339 double flat. If this keeps on Richmond H11“ wling aver- ages are goinr ‘ way. way up. One team I Sputniks. come to think These childn a great deal to Mrs. Lus ho works alone to keep this oerprise go- ing. This lady deserves a li‘ltg round of applause for her effo s and if ever a citizen of the year is, chosen just try and guess who the younger set will vote for. K. K. HOME BAKERY THE ONLY REAL HOME Doesn’t sound like much but she does it 14 times in a row without turning a hair. Try that sometime! A L 8. T O M' S BA SERVICE STATION C. STUNDEN mam/[bun m1. “LC-12“ the Coke machine Sanitary Contractor Drains Cleaned & Repaired Yonge & Clarke Sts., Stop 14A % Thornhill, Ontario Phone AV. 5-2961 Tune-ups For All Makes of Cars IN RICHMOND HILL FRESH 'HOT BREAD EVERY MORNING 55 Yonge St. S. FOR DELIVERY TU. 4-5581 Septic Tanks Pumped BAKERY NEW VOLKSWAGENS ONLY $1595 Try One Today No. 7 Hwy. W. 8; Yonze Thornhfll Call AV. 5-3251 Av. 5-1535 TOOTH†is well checked in Dress Fabrics 80A YONGE ST. S. RICHMOND HILL The “OLE HOUND DAWG IMPORTED WOOLLENS and COTTONS at FABRIC FAIR where you SEW much for SO little. TU. 4-2819 21 Yonge N. Phone TUrner 4- 1213 Paint: - Enamels - Varnishen Stains MURRAY MOTORS P R l D H A M’ S PAINT 8. WALLPAPER Richmond Hill, Ont. Garden Centre EVERYTHING FOR THE GARDEN WALTER FABRIC FAIR Yonge St. . Thornhill THORNHILL I.G.A. FOODLINER THEATRE BLOCK PHONE -TU. 4-1282 LOWEST PRICES FREE PREMIUMS nun-Jun“.- Moore Benjamin Laura Secord candies have been famous for nearly half of a century. Famous for freshness. Famous for quality. Famous for their irresistible flavours. Now you can choose from the wonderful selection at your neighbourhood Laura Secord candy shop in the Richmond Hill shopping centre.- The decor and design of the shop is new, but the traditional quality of Laura Secord candies remains unchanged. We look forward to serving our many friends in the Richmond Hill area. new candies FAMOUS FOR FRESHNESS - FAMOUS FOR QUALITY JEWELIIIS THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, March 24, 1960 17w sweetest news this side qf heaven: paints candy shop now open in Richmond Complete Collision 8; Reï¬nishing Service Bicycles: C.C.M. & Raleigh Repairs to All Makes Complete Line of Sporting Goods Sterling Reid TU. 4-5011 R E I D' S AUTO BODY SHOP SHELTON MANSELL MOTORS 75 YONGE ST. s. TU. 4-7331 TU. 4-5631 Hillman - Sunbeam - Humber J4/2 Cyc/e <9 .Soorl 540,9 EQUIPMENT 16 YONGE STREET TELEPHONE TU. 4-4 THE HOME OF MODERN BUSINESS MACHINES OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE FURNITURE STATIONERY IN RICHMOND HILL YORK ISOFFICE Fine Diamonds Ltd. Doors - Moulding - Plywood Paint - Wallboarda Butler 8. Baird Corner of Yonge St. and Elgin Mills Rd. Richmond Hill PROCTOR'S “Everything For the Home Builder" 191 Yonge St. North Phone TUrner 4-1213 25 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill, Ont. ALLENCOURT SHOPPING PLAZA All Members of the Canadian Jewelers Association Lumber Ltd. AV. 5-3902 Work Guaranteed TU. 4-1125 AV. 5-3506 Telephone 4-4231 TU. 4-3331 1'". 4-32“ 53 N. Yonge St. SPECIAL THIS WEEK â€" 1956 Studebaker Champion $899.00 was $1050. Hill City Motors Look Better! IN CLOTHES CLEANED WIMBRIDGE CLEANERS Herridge Electric 12x20 $335.00 $17.00 MONTH Models on Display at 9020 Yonge St.,. Richvale ' AVenue 5-1109 LO U G H L I N LUMBER a. SUPPLY Protect your car with a Free All Day Motoflzed Delivery RICHVALE R E X A LL PHARMACY Richmond Hill & Appliance Repair Industrial Road Richmond Hill 9014 Yonge St. GARAGE AV. 5-3772 .. LIMITED â€" TU. 4-2162 Feel Better! from AV. 5-3338