Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 31 Mar 1960, p. 5

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Bob Parker, an energetic young bank accountant who makes his home at Langstaf-f, has become new assistant cub master for “C” Pack. It is hoped Bob’s my will be long and successful. | Congratulations are due for many “B” Pack Cubs. The fol- lowing boys were recently invest- ed: Roderick Waters, Tom Ste- vens, David Smith, Mike Calder, Wayne Roblin, Brian Neil, and Roger Waters. Barry Pollard was awarded his second star. Stevie Graham and Billy Gowan passed their swimming proficiency bad- ges at Northvlew Heights High School pool in Willowdale. The young swimmers were accompan- ied by training secretary, Ross Smith and their “Akela,” Danny Crampton. 10¢ RICHMOND HILL WEL- COMES NEW ASSISTANT Wrixon Hall at St. Mary’s An- glican Church will be the scene of the Father and Son Banquet this Saturday, April 2 at 6.30 pm. A wonderful dinner is being prepared by the Mothers' Aux- iliary and some interesting en- tertainmeht is planned for the boys and their dads. 63 Yonge St. North Richmond Hill, Ont. BOOKINGS FOR SEA-AIR TOURS AND CRUISES There will be Open House at Richmond Hill Public Library next Thursday, April 7th to mark Canadian Library Week. There will be colored movies at» 3.30 in the afternoon and at four o’clock tea will be served. [n the evening the movie program will commencevat 7.30 p.m. and there will be an address at 8.30 pm. by Miss Bertha Bassam, Director Library School. University of To- ronto. After the talk there will be refreshments. Everyone is cor- dially invited to attend. OFFICIAL AGENTS FOR ALL STEAMSHIPS &. AIRLINES The Ayrshire Cattlemen‘s As- sociation will hold their annual banquet at the Lion's Hall on April lst. The Womens Institute of Richmond Bill will sponsor the project. At their monthly meeting on March 10th, it was agreed unanimously to earmark the money raised on this occasion for a special fund to start the proposed new hospital. GLOBE TRAVELSERVICE The Richmond Hill Library Board has issued a special invi- tation to all people of the dis- trict, young and old. to visit the Library during Library Week. There will be prizes 01 books by Canadian authors for winners of a free lucky draw. Mr. B. White, Mill St., left on Friday for Tampa, Florida, where he attended the Sebring Sports Car Waco. last Saturday. Follow. ing the race he will be going to Miami where he will enjoy a weeks vacation in the sun. GET RID OF FEAR, SUPER- STITION AND IGNORANCE. “One of the great business- es oi the volunteer is to get rid of the words fear, super- stition and ignorance . . We must still be extremely careful that education of caan is consistently presented so that It doesn't my. neuro- Phone TU. 4-7851 FREE DELIVERY DAILY 11 AM. - 4 PM. 24 YONGE STREET SOUTH TU. 4-2101 goons ass-sum on mm mm WHEN IT COMES TO HARDWARE! Come To RICHMOND Hlll. HARDWARE PACT FOR THE WEEK: CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY Richmond Hill Unit Vewlw.ll.d.mwn Editor Margot (rad: Mrs. Ingamundsen opened Sun- day’s meeting thanking the wo- men for expressing their inter- est in the work of the Cancer Society by attending, and intro- duced Dr. Lillian Langstaff who proceeded to talk on cancer facts pertaining to women. Dr. Lang- staff's enlightening address prompted some very pertinent questions from the audience, all of which were answered before the film was shown. At the close of the meeting Mrs. Ingamundsen presented Dr. Langstaff with a lovely bouquet of Bedford Park Floral roses, do- nated by Mr. John Gordon. The 1st Beverley Acres Cub 8: Scout Ladies Auxiliary are holding their next meeting on Monday April 4th at Beverley Acres School. Many mothers will be interested in seeing demon- onstrations by two scouts â€" Rob- in Derrick and David Sale â€" ty- ing knots, and it will prove of considerable interest to parents to learn just what cubs and scouts must learn and practice to pass their tests. Susan Thompson of Kerry- brook Drive celebrated her 8th .birthday with a gay party on Friday, March 18th. Susan's guests were Mary White, Brenda Clarke, Cathy Maxwell, Shelly Scott, Susan Kirkpatrick, Patti Boone, Lynda 8: Kim Perdicaris, Susan Coxford, Colleen Fraser, Mary Coughlin, Vicki Scott, and Kathy Savage, 3 friend from Is- lington over the weekend. The visit of a good neighbour, Mrs. Trevor Pierce who shared a “mu- tual birthday,” was just in time to be greeted by the lusty sing- ing of “Happy Birthday.” The favours, games and the fine birth- day cake all contributed to this very enjoyable party. The showing of the film was 1:12: culmination of the highly successful education campaign ,whioh has been conducted during the past three months by Edu- cation Chairman Mrs. F. Inga- mundsen and Co-Chairman Mrs. J. D. McArthur - as well as cre- ating interest for the Canadian Cancer Society annual canvass for funds for research and educa- tion which begins tomorrow, Ap- ril lst, across canada. The joys of a slim lovely figure can be yours with the Figurama Plan. Lose inches . . . lose pounds . . . find beauty! Loin: tellon about it!--- Last Sunday afternoon the Ed- ucation Committee of the Rich- mond Hill and district Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society sponsored a film for women at the Richmond Hill Theatre, through the courtesy of the thea~ tre manager, Mr. Ned Hill. Over 400 women attended, enjoying the benefit of the film and the talk delivered by Dr. Lillian Langstaff. Mr. F. G. Scotchmer returned to his home on Roseview Aven- ue last week after having spent the last two months visiting with his sons and their families, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Scotchmer and Reverend and Mrs. George Scot- chmer at Galveston, Texas. 500 Women See Cancer Soc. Film An interesting evening Is in store for the members of the Ev- ening Guild of St. Mary’s Angli- can church and their friends on Tuesday, April 5 when Rev. D. L. Varey of Thornhill Holy Trinity church will show films of his re- cent visit to Palestine. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Taylor, North Yonge St. have returned after a pleasant five week trip south. They visited Vancouver, Seattle. Los Angeles, San Fran- cisco, Tucson and Mexico. Look forward to SPRING” Mahmoud Theatre Building Studio TU. 4-7131 Stun/so [igurama VI '19“ I'd ma Residence - TU. 4-146! 9 - 9 Daily 9 - 6 Saturday Studio Hours 5tqu hm, April 1 the Kins- men and Kine“: Club of Rich- ‘mond Hill are presenting a “Spring Revue" in the form of a variety show. Richmond Hill citizens will have an opportunity to see talent from our own and surrounding areas along with TV personality Mary Morrison. The participants, too numerous; to mention here, include every-1 thing from the Curtain Club to the Kinsmen doing a Minstrel Show. A magician will also be on hand for the children. Stan Lark will be the Master of Cere- monies and door prizes will be drawn by him during intermis- sion. Tickets. available at the door, or by calling TU. 4-3405 are Mr. and Mrs. Donald Plaxton, Sugar Maple Lane, recently re- turned from a very pleasant vacation in Jamaica. Staying with Mrs. Plaxton’s cousin and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Bullls, Assistant Trade Commis- sioner to Jamaica. Mr and Mrs. Plaxton were guests at a party given by the Trade Commis- sioner, Mr. H. Campbell and his wife, where they had the honour of being presented to Gover- nor Sir Kenneth and Lady Blackburn. Former residents of Richmond Hill, and now owners of Sandy Haven Camp, Sandy Island, Sturgeon Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gardner are thoroughly enjoying the winter weeks on the island. For the past three weeks the weather has been wonderful, cold still nights about 20 below, and then crisp days flooded with sunshine. They are busy days though, with all the boats to be refinished, but the heaviest job of all is now com- pleted, filling the icehouse. They are already receiving lots of enquiries and reservations for the summer months, so it prom- ises to be a busy season ahead for Sandy Island_0amp. The glorious climate, colourful beaches, deep sea fishing facili- ties (which Mr. Plaxton enjoyed, catching a 14-lb. grouper) com- bined with Jamaican hospitality, made this a very relaxing and memorable holiday for them both. Preparing for next week’s cel- ebration of Canadian Library Week. a committee headed by Dr. Lillian C. Langstaff, has spent a great amount of time in planniyg for this annuai event. Mrs. K. Lennon, convenor, wishes to thank all those who helped to make this a successful event. - Dr. Langstaff as Chairman, has been' assisted by Mr. R. D. Little as vice-chairman; and members Miss Edna Izzard, Mrs. H. En- dean, Mr; D. H. Storms, Mr. J. E. Smith, and Mr. J. Graham. Mr. Gordon Maclaren, Chairman of the Public Library Board and the Librarian, are attending these meetings as well. St. Mary's Catholic Women’s League held a Bridge and Euchre at Our Lady Help of Christians School on Bavview, Beverley Acres on Thursday, March 17. Winners for bridge were: Mrs. Patton, Mrs. J. A. Cough- hn, Mrs. R. Johnston, Mrs. Pat Price. Winners for Euchre were: Mrs. Tucker, Mrs. Roy Luna‘, Mr. H. Helson. Mrs. Hodgins. Winners of door prizes. Mrs. Webb, Mrs. Tucker, Mr. Brazier, Miss G. O'Brien. Mr. Helson, Mr. Dalev, Mrs. Belling- er. Mrs. Laver, Mrs. E. Wilson. Mrs. K. Lennon, convenor, wishes to thank all those who The Ontario Camping Assoc- iation, held at the King Edward Hotel, Toronto, last Saturday, was attended by Miss Nancy Stocks, Arts and Crafts Director, Mr. Ron Gibson, Director, and Mrs. Jean Babcock, Secretary- Treasurer, all of Richmond Hill Day Camp; and by Mr. W. J. Babcock, Director o£_ Richmond Hill Teen Camp. The excellent, informative sessions were very much enjoyed. Also in atten- dance was Mr. Peter Addison re- presenting Camrp Wapameo. His onrship Mayor K. W.‘ Tomlin‘is Honorary Chairman of the Committee. The Jaycettes held a very suc- cessful bake and white elephant sale at the Allencourt Plaza. The draws for the two 13th of mums were won by Mrs. D. Wooton and Mrs. J. Feathe‘rstone. 'The club members would like to thank the Jaycee wives for, the help they gave in making the sale a suc- cess. Mrs. Endean has accepted the post of convenor of the recep- tion committee for the day of opep house at the Library. Miss Izzard and the Librarian are selecting the book prizes for the book draw. Guests of honour at the chris- tening on Sunday, March 27th, of Suzanne Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Switzer. Starlight Crescent were her great grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Lawson. Following the ceremony at St. Michael and ‘All Angels Anglican Church, To- ronto, a buffet dinner was held at the home of Mrs Switzer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Law- son, Toronto. Miss Mary Jane Light. a grad- uate of Toronto General Hospital and currently taking a Public Health course at Western Uni- versity, has for the past month, as part of her curriculum, been attached to the Richmond Hill Branch of the V.O.N. cents for adults and 36: for **** .ur at the chris- ly, March 27th, le, daughter of James Switzer. Come one, come all, to Wrixon Hall for the most fabulous hat sale of them all! On Saturday, April 9th, the results of many weeks of hard work on the part of the St. Mary’s Anglican Church Afternoon W.A. will be on sale in Wrixon Hall giving the residents of the Hill and vicinity a chance to buy at a very moderate price, one or maybe more, of the many lovely hatS. accessories and costume jewelry on display, just in time for the Easter parade. An added attrac- tion will be the delicious tea which can be enjoyed while you Toronto Conference Annual 'Meeting and Leadership chool will be held at the Rio and Hill United Church on April 5th, 6th and 7th. This will be a spec: ial opportunity to learn the broader aspects of church work, Meetings begin at 9.30 am. in the Christian Education Building. Tuesday at 2.30 Dr. E. E. Long, Secretary of General Council, will Speak on “Integration of the work of Women with the Church” followed by Bible Study with Rev. C. G. Higginson. Wed- nesday, April 6th, at 9.45 am. Bible Study, 10.45, “Primary Problems and Previews.” At 1.30 Bible Study, 2.45 “Partnership with Christ” in Stewardship. 3.30 "What’s News” with Miss Jane Baker of the Globe and Mail. At {1.45 C.G.I.T. Choir, “Ambassa- dors for Christ” - Mrs. S. J. Pat- terson. “The Pulse 0: One Frat- ernity” - Dr. H. L. Pottle, Secre- tary of the Board of Information and Stewardship. The final ses- sion on Thursday morning brings Rev. R. Catherine McKeen, speaking on “Responsibility for Training,” and Mrs. G. E. K. Howe on “What of the Future.” All of these sessions are open to the public and a general in- vitation is extended to anyone wishing to attend. The next méeting'is Apnl 11th based on an Easter th'eme -â€" A Hat Parade, the resulting efforts of the millinery class, and the display of the finished products of the copper tooling class. Mrs. Dorothy Martin will be on hand to instruct the group on the art of coloring eggs and making Eas- ter Bunnies â€"- Should be fun! The Beverley Acres Y.W.C.A. “Take a Break,” group were hon- oured with the presence of Ann Featherstonhaugh this past Mon- day, who gave a delightful talk on Color in the Home. She is well known in Richmond Hill for her Work on the scenery for the “Curtain Club” productions. Mrs. Lois Miller set the pace for Mrs. Featherstonhaugh by her unique introduction of the group to the guest of honour. Before long the speaker was deluged with quer- ies‘ concerning individual decor- ating problems. Certainly every- one benefited by this question and answer period. A representa- tive group from the Elmwood area, who are in the process of forming their own “Take a Break,” were also in attendance. It is hoped that they benefited by their visit with Beverley Acres and every good wish goes out to them in the success of their new venture. Attending the exhibition of the Ontario Society of Artists at the Art Gallery, Toronto, last Friday were: Mr. and Mrs. W. Angus, Mr. and Mrs. J. Beresford Anderson, Mr and Mrs. D. Feath- erstonhaugh. Mr. and Mrs. P. Morley and Mr. and Mrs. E. Redelmeier. The Inner Wheel of the Rotary 1 Club of Richmond Hill held their March meeting at the Summit View Restaurant. A distinguish- ed guest. Mrs. Basil Tippett, spoke on her recent trip to Indo- nesia, illustrating her talk with colourful films. Visitors were present from the Leaside, Ar- mour Heights and Willowdale Inner Wheel Clubs. Visiting at the home of Mr. Stan Orlowski, Rockport Cres- cent. was his cousin Mr Cezary Buyalski of Rome, whom he has not. seen for 25 years. Mr. BuJalski is the manager in Europe of the Nuclear Chicago Corporation. or t 1!! =0- On Saturday last, staff mem- ber: nf FYI)“ “yarn nnfnrfainnfl St. Mary’s Anglican Church After- noon W.A. members preparing for their April Hat Sale. From left to right back row, Mrs. D. Ross, Miss Janet Thomson, 7/1/0171. en ./4t shopâ€"a delightful innovation! The convenor of the project, Mrs. John’ Angus, with the able assistance of Mrs. G. H. Bye, Mrs. Costello, Mrs. S. Hannant, Mrs. F. W. Hall, Mrs. Don Ross, and Mrs E. A. Savage, have been meeting regularly for the past three weeks in the recreation room of Mrs. Douglas Storms. Highland Lane, which now looks like a busy millinery factory. Benches have been set up for (gutting and trimming, reblock- mg, steaming, Iaquering and a1} the many processes that go to memnufactureafflnvery Development of his-neck and shoulder muscles resulting from strict and constant physical train- ing in the Richmond Hill High School gymnasium was the rea- son for young John Sims rapid recovery from a cracked vert'er- brae received while practising on the gymnasium high bars. Welcome home to Master Ken- ny Martin who arrived. from Grace Hospital last week.‘ Kenny and his sister Kathy were the premature twinsof Mr. and Mrs. R Martin, Rosexiiew Avenue,-but owing to his size, Kenny has been in Grace Hospital since his birth on February 27th. With the able assistance of Miss E. Wood- byrne, local V.O.N., and Miss M. Light, the Martin family includ- ing three year old daughter Kim, are thoroughly enjoying the new additions to the family. A memorable concert will be held in Eaton Auditorium on April 29th at 8.20 pm. It is be- ing given by the men and boys of the choir of Grace Church-on- the-Hill, assisted by the Chapel Choir of Bishop Strachan School, to finance the tour of the Grace Church group to Britain this coming August to sing the ser- vices for two weeks at Westmin- ster Abbey. This is the first Canadian choir ever to be invit- ted to sing the services in the Abbey. Ex-members of Grace Church now living in the Hill 'and"ol_d girls of Bishop Strachan School and anyone interested in Church Music well sung, will want to hear these groups. The tickets are $2.00 and can be ob tamed from Mrs. J. A. Shaw, AV. 5-3035. Come, come, come to the Fair! All are cordially invited to at- tend the Richmond Hill Horti- cultural Society’s Annual Garden Fair being held on Saturday, April 9th at the Lion’s Com- munity Hall. It's going to be a family affair with a booth of inâ€" terest for all, even a fishpond for the children. After seeing professional flower arrange- ments, landscaping, p o t t e (1 plants. there is a tea garden where you can enjoy a good cup of tea and a chat, and maybe, who knows, win one of the lucky draw prizes while enjoying “a Breath of Spring!” The next meeting of the Allen- court Ratepayers vAssociation, will be held at the Walter Scott School, Wednesday, April 6th at 8.30 pm. The Richmond Hill Majorettes will give a display of precision drill and dancing. On Saturday last, staff mem- bers of CJRH were entertained by Miss Joni Brent of 293 Mc- Convey Drive, Richmond Hill. A delicious Italian supper was serv- ed and later everyone retreated to the Recreation Room for danc- ing. A hearty vote of thanks. is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Brent and Joni for a very delightful evening. ‘ndcri/ation Who enters here will find adventure â€" History, fiction, travel, and plays; The works of Shakespeare, Thoreau and Conrad Are here for the lonely to brighten their days. This is a doorway to boon companions; Fireside friends are waiting within; The wonder of words will bring you enchantment; Open the door, my friend, and come in! â€" Robert D. Little iption 301' .4 ol'iérarq $0: Mrs. G_ Bye. row, Mrs. W. From left to right front Poclmell, President; Mrs. M. McTaggart and Mrs. S. Hannant. â€" photo by John Thomson ul innovation! E the project, . with the able 5. G. H. Bye, 's. S. Hannant, Mrs. Don Ross, rage, have been P for the past the recreation ouglas Storms. hich now looks linery factory. en set up for ming, reblock- uering and a1} es that go to latest style hat. Just in time for the spring and summer brides are the exquisite tiaras and veils, which along with 40 beautiful model hats have been donated by a famous fashion house. If the sale is as enthusiastically at- tended as the enthusiasm which is shown by all the W. A. mem- bers participating in this ven- ture. it should not only be an outstanding success, but a yearly event, looked forward to with much interest by all the fashion conscious matrons and young people of the community. The sale of chocolates to raise funds for Camp Ahshunyoong was very successful. Sincere thanks to all girls and leaders who helped and to the many people who supported this pro- ject. Camp information and reg- istration forms are now avail- able from Mrs. L. Sanderson, TU. 4-2773. Remember, the first 70 registration from York County will be accepted. Richmond Hill United Church A service of re-aifiliation with the Woman’s Missionary Society concluded this year’s study of the Church’s mission in Africa. Mrs. Ramer and Miss Wilke, representing the W. M. S. pres- ented certificates and seals of affiliation to the 5 groups. All chpleted’ projects on this Afri- can study will be on display during the W. M. S. Conference on April 1, 6 and 7 in the Rich- mond Hill United Church. C GI T Doings Mrs. Bernice Gibson of 371 Fes- serton Rd., Richmond Hill, very popular owner of the Gibson Gift Shops, together with her children, mourn the loss of their “Lassie” type Collie Dog. One of the family for a long time and much loved, “Pilot” as he is cal- led, left home 4 days ago. Inten- sive enquiries have failed to lo- cate “Pilot” to date. The family will be more than delighted to hear of him. White, Black 8.: Tan, “Pilot” weighs 75 lbs and is very fond of children. Although few members attend- ed the meeting, We hope to have a larger turn out at our April meeting. A11 members will be notified. New members are we'come â€" any ladies wishing to join, please get in touch with the secretary. Gayle Arneselg. AV. 5-1553. The sympathy of the com- munity is extended to Mrs. K. Campbell, on the death of her sister-in-law. Mrs. Nancy Camp- bell, following a car accident several weeks ago. Mrs. K. Campbell, who is a teacher at the Richmond Hill High School was also involved, and is at pres- ent in Branson Hospital. where her condition is stated as satis- factory. The highlight of the evening was touch and take, "and an en- enjoyable lunch was served.. The Woman’s Association St. Matthew’s United Church are holding a “Five Oaks Night” on April 5, at 8.15 pm. Miss Irene White will be guest speaker and will show film strips. ‘Flve Oaks’ is a training school for lay work- ers in the United Church. Miss White has travelled widely throughout Ontario telling of the work at “Five Oaks”. Everyone Richmond Hill Ladies Auxil- iary, Branch 375 held their gen- eral meeting, Monday evening February 28th in the legion hall, Carrville Rd., with fifteen mem- bers present. President Comrade Appleby initiated two new members, and there were several applications for new membership. is most Welcome. Refreshments served. 'oorway LIBERAL, Richmond Hifi, Ontario, Thursday, March 31, 71363 ELEVENALE MEATS I and wrapped . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39c lb. ONLY TOP QUALITY GOVERNMENT INSPECTED MEATS SUPPLIED Blade & Short Rib Roasts . . . . . . 49c lb. Sirloin, T-Bone, Round Steak . . 69c lb. Chicken Legs and Breasts . . . . . . 59c lb. Front Quarter of Beef, cut LEVENDALE MEATS “MAKE YOUR DAYS SUNNY B.Y SAVING MONEY" Toto Sales & Service For all your RELIABLE MOWER SERVICE Under the auspices of St. Mary’s Anglican W. A. (afternoon) rug. 9n. g . o. RAMER & sou; YOU CAN RELY ON OUR SERVICE FOR PRECISION SHARPENING TUNE-UPS 0R COMPLETE OVERHAUL Afternoon Tea will be served SATURDAY, APRIL 9TH, 2 P.M. at WRIXON HALL RICHMOND HEIGHTS PLAZA TELEPHONE TU. 4-5801 Pick Up and Delivery 201 Rumble Ave. (Listed7 in Yellow Pages) TU. 4-2818 Lawson and Power Briggs and Stratton

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