With such a gay collection to choose from no woman can have too many hats in her wardrobe. So feminine, so new, accented in flowers and bows are the soft, towering silhouettes, cloches. pic- ture brlms and ‘halo’ bretons. Ilew Q/am'ng .1461 [A EASTER FASHIONS Came in to see a preview of the chic chapeaux Parade now at Madeleine’s. Imnnory 0 Accessories 3319 YONG)! ST. (at full-lawn) BU. 8-5408 5 has "on below city limits O mum-8.30 13.11:. Fri. to 9 [mm Lambert Wilson, George E. Richardson, Chairman Reeve Whitchurch Planning Bd. Township of Whitchurch PLANNING FOR WHITCHURCH TWP. STATE FARMP-E A Meeting In The ‘ Community Hall, Vandorf, Ont. FIND OUT IF YOU QUALIFY! Here's the best insurance buy ever offered you by State Farmâ€"the world's largest auto insurer. famous for low rates and dependable protection. Now. State Farm oï¬ers _flv_e Egg features: NEW LOW RATES 0N LIABILITY. based on Lo_u[ personal driving situaiion . . . NEW STEP-DOWN PLAN ON COLLI< SION AND COMPREHENSIVE for 1958 cars or older...NEW 10% DISCOUNT FOR MOST COMPACT CARS, a "ï¬rst" in Canada... NEW EXTENDED MEDICAL PAYMENTS COVERAGE that offers broader protection to you and your family... NEW SECOND CAR DISCOUNT. on collision as well as liability coverage. Drop In or phone today. PUBLIC MEETING ww MONDAY, APRIL Ilth, I960 at 8:00 PM. The Careful Drlver’s (and careful buyer's) Car Insurance State Farm Mulual Automobile Insurance Company Canadian Head Ofï¬ce: Toronto, Ontario Over 1000 has been arranged by the Whitchurch Town-l ship Council and Planning Board, to hear SPEAKERS from The Community Planning Branch, Department of Municipal Affairs re- garding the future development of this Mun- icipality. Mad/afï¬ne Mania/{tine :5 New Savings on Car Insurance with State Farm NORMAN BRIANT On Saturday afternoon the W. M. S. held its Easter Thank- Offering meeting in the Sunday School room with the Mission Band members and their mothers ‘Zli‘herreflwill be no Girl Guide meeting on Thursday, April 7. due to a church supper being held at Melville church. W. M. S. 8: Mission Band The Girl Guides and Brownies doubled their orders for Cookie Day this year and wish to thank all who helped by buying a box. The cookies will be delivered on April 30. _ __ _ ~ ‘ The Muirs' “Children's Audio- Visual†field-work is visiting or- phanages, mentally retarded children's schools hospitals, re- formatories and streets around the churches. giving perhaps the only Christian witness the child- ren get. Girl Guides And Brownies Since the family went back they are living in a house dub- bed, “the eagle's nest†on the side of a mountain. Their sons attend the Canadian Academy nearby. They were quite close to a typhoon. They were able to assist with clothes from Canada in the area where tragedy occur- ed. i The W. M. S. of the Unionville United Church has invited the Victoria Square W. M. S. to at- tend their Easter Thank-Offer- ing meeting on Thursday, April 14th. at 2:30 pm. in the Central United Church, Unionviile. The guest speaker will be Miss Vio- let Stewart. All the ladies are invited to attend. A long and interesting letter has been received from Rev. and Mrs. Francis Muir in Kobe, Japan. Many of us met these missionaries when on furlough las’ year. Rev. Muir speaking at the W. M. S. Sunday service. Richmond Hill. Ont. TU. 4-2291 CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W. SANDLE, Vlctorin Square Telephone Gormley 5421 VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS 255 Ashlar Rd. INSUIANKI P60121 With chemical weed control in- creasing rapidly, the York Coun- ty Crop Improvement Association each year conducts a one day school or course for custom spray operators and farm sprayer own- ers. under the direction of Frank Marritt, county weed inspector. This will be held in the Agricul- tural Board Room at Newmarket on Wednesday, April 13th, before farmers get on the land. Agricultural Representative W. M. Cockburn says the pro- gramme will include Dr. C. M. Switzer of the O. A. C. Botany Department, on weed killers, in. cluding new pre emergence chemicals; John R. Ogilvie, Spec- ialist in Agricultural Engineerâ€" ing at Newmarket, on Sprayers and adjustments; weed identifica- tion and general recommenda- tions by Frank Marritt. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boynton, Mr. Herb Boynton, Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Lemon, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Boynton and girls, Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Canning, and Laurie, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sandle and girls, Miss Grace Bo nton, Miss Nor- rine Graham, essrs David and Donald Boynton. had Sunday ev- ening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Boynton and Patsy and Bobby Ratke. the occasion being in honour of Mr. and Mrs._Stan- ley Boyn‘ton’s thirty-ninth wed- ding anniversary. It was a sur- prise party for them. The Agricultural Committee of York County Council has again authorized a similar meeting la- ter on for municipal road authorâ€" ities, to deal with their specific problems. These schools have done much to keep down :he weed menace in York County. NEWMARKET : Curling opera- tions at the rink of the York Curling Club have been suspend- ed until further notice. following discovery the structure has be- come unsafe. Frost has apparent- ly attacked the foundations of the supporting pillars which in turn caused cracks in the roof’s cross members. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hill and family of Islington had Sunday evening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hart and family. Mrs. Ewart Avison, Kenneth and Lorie of Markham spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Boynton and girls. They were al- so visitors at the Sunday School. Misses Barbara and Margaret Empringham spent the week-end with their grandmother and aunt, Mrs. L. Knapp and Irene. Teach How To Weed Spray At Farmers’ Sehool Miss Grace Boynton, Mrs. W. Sandle and Betty called on Mrs. Harry Bennett and Mrs. Margar- et 'Haig at Stouffville on Wed- nesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Z. Berta, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hart returned home last week after spending the past two Weeks holidaying in Florida. Belated wedding anniversary greetings to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Tatton who on March 27 cele- brated their third wedding anni- versary. Miss Wendy Hart spent two weeks with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. N.-Hamill at Ced- ar Grove. Birthday Greetings to: John McCague for April 7; to Mrs. P. Bennett for April 8; to Betty Sandle who will be four years on April 8; to David Barber for April 10; to Bryan Buchanan who will be four years on April 10; to Frankie Koning who will be four years on April 10; to Neil Mortson for April 11. The April meeting of the Park committee would like the residents of the community to send in the names and addresses of relatives and friends who used to reside in Victoria Square. In order that they make pljepara- tions for the old home week in July. Neighbourhood Notes The April meeting of the Sr. Women’s Institute will be held on Tuesday evening, April 12 at 8 pm. at the home of Mrs. D. Houck, with Mrs. Carl Walker as convenor. The motto will be taken by Mrs. H. McCague. The Roll Call-Name a Farm Boy or Girl who became famous. Elec- tion of officers for 1960-1961 will also be held. Hostesses: Miss M. Sanderson. Mrs. A. Orr, Mrs. F. Donnelly, All ladies welcome. Home and School On Sunday, April 10th, at 11:30 am. the service of Holy Com- munion and Reception of New members will be held. Sr. Women’s Institute The guest speaker at the church service on Sunday morn- ing was. Mr. Ed. Higgins M. A. a representative from the On- tario Temperance Federation. Mr. Higgins is an elder in Win- dermere United Church. Toronto, and Past-President of the Fifth National Conference of United Church men. While the Iunch'was being prepared the Mission Band play- ed games. Dainty refreshments were served ')y the W. M. S members. Church News present. The Mission Band took charge of the Worship service vith the leader, Mrs. A. Orr in charge. They sang several chor- uses to their accompaniment of their African drums which they had made, and it was very much enjoyed by all. Anita Orr read the Scripture lesson. A film was shown by Mrs. P. Bennett, on the life of an African boy, Kofi, with Mrs. A. Orr being the nar- rator. The mission Band mem- bers had some of their work on display. They are studying Africa this year. It was a real treat to see the younger children taking part. Jean Rumney took up the offering for the Mission Band while Mrs. McRoberts took it up for the W. M. S. FOOD ORDER $9.75 WEEK â€" FOOD & FREEZER $14.15 WEEK â€"FOOD ORDER $9.75 WEEK â€" FOOD 8: FREEZER $14.15 WEEK â€": The speaker substituting for th: ailing Mr. F. S. Rivers, B.A., P. Ed., L.L.D., was Mr. G. L. Duffin, B.A. M. Ed. Assistant of Elementary Education in Ontario and he was introduced by Mr. Maynard Hallman, B.A., B. Paed. The ceremony opened with the singing of the Queen led by Mr. A. G. Parker, Chairman of the board; followed by greetings by Warden of York county and Reeve of Markham Township Mr. W. L. Clark. A solo or two or three was performed by Mr. H. A. Martin, Music Supervisor and Mrs. D. L. Wood, accompanist. Presentation of the key was from Mr. W. J. Lee, contractor to Messrs. Dunlop, Wardell, Matsui a“ Aitken, architects to Mr. J. J. MacKay, Vice-Chairman of the board to Mr. G. Learn, Principal of the School. Presentation of the Bible was by Mrs. Margaret Per- ney, Q. C. With thanks by Mr. J. D. Ho'nsberger. It was dedi- cated by Rev. W. E. Askew, L th. B.A., B.D., Rector of Holy Trinity Church and chairman of the Thornhill Ministerial Assoc. On Thursday, March 31, at 8 pm. the official opening of the Woodland Public School (Clarke Elgin) was held in a ceremony at the new school. Sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs. Cole Sr., of Sprucewood ave., on the passing of hex: sister. Sympathy of the community goes out to Mrs. Gamez. 0f Clarke ave., on the passing of her sister. The Henderson Ave., Public Home and School Association’s April meeting is slated for Mon- day, April 11, at the school. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Morrison, 29 Sprucewood ave., enjoyed the past week-end, in Owen Sound, visiting relatives. DONCASTER ‘l’qé‘onL'ZGQT‘If31'q‘; AV. 5-5401 â€" WA. 1-1445 Town & Country Food Plan - 210 Markham Rd., Richmond Hill - Est. 1950 Correspondent: David Barbour Henderson Ave. Phone AV. 5-5205 $30!). PER YEAR AND MORE _-‘- COMPARE OUR “BUDGET MASTER†FOOD ORDER (2 months supply), ORDER SHOWN BELOW IS FOR AN AVERAGE CANADIAN FAMILY FOR ONLY $9.75 WEEKLY. A ‘ 'ALL “BUDGET MASTER†FOOD ORDERS ARE PREPARED BY LEADING DIETITIANS TO GIVE YOU THE UTMOST IN SAVINGS & NUTRITION. MAY BE ALTERED TO SUIT YOUR FAMILY REQUIREMENTS AT LITTLE OR NO EXTRA COST. 7 From Our Family FOOD" BUDGET 'AND USE IT FOR SO MANY THINGS WE HAVE ALWAYS WANTED WITH JUICES Snow Crop or York PROVISIONS QUANTITY WEIC 4 pkgs. - 1-lb. pkgs. Maple Leaf wieners 12 BEEF Red or Blue Brands Swifts or Canada Packers QUANTITY WEIGHT 5 roasts - 4 lbs. eacn. round, rump, sirloin, etc. 6 pkgs. - l-lb. pkgs. minced beef 10 lbs. - - 1-1b. pkgs. 2 pkgs. - 1-lb. pkgs‘ TOWN & COUNTRY FOOD MARKETERS LTD. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Name ................ Street City . . . . . . . . . YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF TO MAIL COUPON FOR APPOINTMENT TODAY pkgs. - 1-lb. pkgs. Presswoods ure pkg. pork sausage p tins grapefruit juice tins lemon limes tins grape juice tins citrus punch There are ... . . . . . members of my family We spend approximately $20. $25, $30. $35, $40, $45, $50 or more per week for food TOWN & COUNTRY "FOOD 8. FREEZER PLAN porterhouse and assorted steaks stew beef OR PHONE GROWER -â€" FLORIST Since use The ï¬nest in floral designs and bedding plants. PHONE ALpine 7-1471 Keele Street Maple, Ont. The group, wondering how to raise funds for kitchen utensils for the troop camping equipment. decided upon a cute and novel idea of throwing a kitchen show- er, The details have yet to be made known. W The excutives of the Mothers Auxiliary of the lat. Thornhill Guide and Brownies meet at the home of Mrs. Lennie, of High- land Park, on Wednesday, March 30. His mother, Mrs. Curry, unfor- tunately came down with the measles on the week-end but happily she‘ is now on the mend. Birthday greetings are in order for David Curry, of Clarke ave., who celebrated his 9th birthday 0'_:I‘hursday, March 31. On Monday, April 4, the Don- caster Community Ladies Club met at the Henderson Ave, School. After a short business meeting, the ladies started a course in copper tooling, which proyed to be veg-y fascinating. The second Cléss will be “held at the school on Monday, April 18,_ >at78 p.m. The attendance as at least 150 guests. After the ceremonies there was a reception and tour of the SchooL WEIGHT Mr. L. E. Cla;k sang a solo with Mrs. Wood again accompan- ist. Remarks were by Mr. Alex Brown, President of the Wood- land Home and School Assoc. and the programme was concluded with “O Canada." an51_ thanked by Mr. L. S. Frost Telephone coffee 1,200 sheets Face-Elle 5 lbs. Shirrlff's bulk cake mix 2 lbs. Stafford’s jelly powder 4 lbs. jams 3 lbs. Town & Country Special coffee, regular grind 2 lbs. Shirriff's instant pudding 1 doz. freezer containers 1 24-02. Davis of London liquid wax 4 lbs. Peek-Frean biscuits 1 lb. cube steaks 2-lb. pkg. fish and chips 4 ass't Maple Leaf meat pies 200 tea bags Town 3: Country instant pkga. 6-02. ï¬kgs. back bacon SPECIALTY ITEMS pkg. - I-lb. pkg. pkg. pork liver pkgs. - ltlb: pkg. babir b'eef liver See “YES!†- - We have just what you want - - - a $300 car for $150 - - - Wm. NEAL & Sons R. R. 3 Bolton Phone Bolton 150 3 miles south of Bolton on Hwy. 50 For complete service and parts -â€"new machinery and industrial equipment. Goodyear Tire Service. Give us a call for demonstra» tion and full particulars. We Deliver Toronto and Surrounding Districts WILLIAMS Service & Supply MASSEY-FERGUSON SALES & SERVICE 61 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill “Flowers For AI Occasion.†PHONE TU. #1811 AT ALL HOURS RICHMOND HILL RICE’S FLOWERS _â€".FOOD ORDER $9.75 WEEK â€" FOOD & FREEZER $14.15 WEEK PER WEEK START TODAY - SAVE NOW WITH ONTARIO’S LARGEST FOOD PLAN. ALL FOOD UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEED. TOTAL â€" FOOD & FREEZER 14.15 ABOVE ORDER . . . . 9.75 wk. FAMILY FREEZER . . . 4.40 wk. LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. April 7, 1960 FRUITS 2 2-lb‘ 1 I-Ib. 1 1-lb4 1 l-lb PORK PRESSWOODS QUANTITY WEIG 4 pkgs. 1-lb. pkgs. pork chops I - - - - 4-lb. Maple Leaf Cottage roll 3 lbs. - - 1-1b. pkgs. spareribs 1 4-lb. pork roast VEGETABLES 2 x 2% Fresh Frozen Peas 2 21,541). pkgs. carrots 2 295-11). pkgs. golden kernel corn 2 2%-lb. pkgs. mixed vegetables 2 lbs. Shirriff’s bulk hot chocolate 6 Kraft Dinner Fresh Frozen Fancy pkgs. spy apples tin strawberries tin p;aches pkg. boysenberries Industrial Rd., Richmond Hill TU. 4-3331 AV. l We’ll wash your car FREE while you test drive a brand new Renault or Lark. It’s a fair exchange, while we’re here polishing up your car, you’ll be out with a 1960 automobile - - and taking a shine to it! HILL CITY MOTORS NO COST, NO OBLIGATION. COME IN SOON. WEIGHT 2 (Bring this Ad with you) POULTRY 2 frying chickens - o - 8 lbs FISH York Brand QUANTITY WEIGHT 1 pkg. Cod - -,- 1-lb. pkg. 1 pkg. ocean perch l-lb pkg. 1 pkg. cooked fish sticks 1-lb. pkg. DAIRY PRODUCTS HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS 2 pkgs. 2% lb. Tide 1 tin 4-11). York peanut butter 8 cakes Ivory face soap 6 rolls toilet tissue CAR WASH (free voop and cones) 1 jar sundae sauce 1yé-lb. pkgs. cheese 8-02. Borden's Ezee Cheese 3-lb. tin powdered milk 8 lbs. first grade butter 2 lbs. margarine 2 lbs. shortening 1 gallon ice cream AV. 5-3338